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How to Meet FFIEC Regulations and Protect Your Bank from Cyber Attacks


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Cyber-attacks on financial institutions of all sizes are on the rise, and

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How to Meet FFIEC Regulations and Protect Your Bank from Cyber Attacks

  1. 1. How To Meet FFIEC Regulations And Protect Your Bank from Cyber Attacks December 14, 2016
  2. 2. Speakers Paul Abramson SVP & Director of Technology Montecito Bank & Trust Rita Kozlov Solutions Engineer Cloudflare Dragos Bogdan Product Marketing Cloudflare
  3. 3. Montecito Bank & Trust ● Opened March 17, 1975 ● Over 200 Bank Associates with 10 branch locations ● Serving local communities within Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties
  4. 4. Website: Can’t be broken. Needs to be fast.
  5. 5. A Growing Global Network Built for Scale Protecting and accelerating 10% of all Internet requests
  6. 6. Cloudflare: Reverse Proxy A reverse proxy retrieves resources on behalf of a client from one or more servers.
  7. 7. Anycast Network: Fast, Resilient and Tough 75% of requests are typically served from our edge without having to hit the origin, we're able to save significant network latency.
  8. 8. Anycast Network: Fast, Resilient and Tough Traffic will find the best available path, automatically flowing to the next closest data center.
  9. 9. Anycast Network: Fast, Resilient and Tough A distributed attack will have a portion of its denial of service traffic absorbed by each of our data centers.
  10. 10. Business Continuity: DDoS Attack
  11. 11. FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool
  12. 12. Collective Intelligence Informs Our Web Application Firewall Cloudflare sees roughly 2.9 million requests every second, and our WAF is continually identifying and blocking new potential threats
  13. 13. Cloudflare provides: SSL Encrypting as much web traffic as possible to prevent data theft and other tampering is a critical for building a safer, better Internet. DNS Cloudflare runs one of the largest and fastest authoritative DNS networks in the world. Dynamic Content Acceleration Railgun WAN optimization and Load Balancing WEB OPTIMIZATION Users can choose any combination of these web content optimization features that take performance to the next level. MOBILE OPTIMIZATION By optimizing the image size and resolution, Mirage and Polish deliver faster page load times on mobile devices. ANALYTICS Provides insight to your website traffic that you can’t get from other analytics programs.
  14. 14. Moving to .bank with DNSSEC Cloudflare sees roughly 2.9 million requests every second, and our WAF is continually identifying and blocking new potential threats
  15. 15. Q&A

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