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    BREAKING is under heavy indiscriminate Turkish bombardment at the moment. Large civilian displacement movement from the city towards southern outskirts.. People need help/most of them would be in the open air/No aid

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    1. Erdogan again threatened to repopulate the border region in NE Syria with over one million Syrians not native to the area (a process that has reportedly already begun).

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    This is what happens when the United States abandons principled diplomacy. Trump’s relationship with Erdogan has undercut any serious effort to nudge Turkey in a more constructive direction. As in most other areas of foreign policy at the moment, it’s only getting worse.

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    4. Erdogan provided an immediate briefing on NATO meetings to Vladimir Putin. (Kremlin readout: “The Turkish president briefed Vladimir Putin on his meetings at the recent NATO summit in London.”)

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    New: Turkey has begun shuttling Syrian refugees into NE Syria despite dangerous security conditions in the border towns—the first sign Erdogan is moving forward with his plan to resettle some 3M Syrians into formerly Kurdish territory.

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  6. Deliberate demographic change, theft, and seizure of Afrini properties by Turkey and its affiliated armed groups in the Syrian-Kurdish region.

  7. Turkey's announced and clear policy of ongoing ethnic cleansing & demographic change inside Syria's Kurdish territories. Turkish regime's working on resettling one million people inside Syria!

  8. On 2 Dec, 10 Afrini IDPs, incl 8 children were killed by a brutal Turkish shelling targeted children's playground in Tal-Rifaat, N Aleppo. Their classmates expressing love & compassion for their martyred friends by holding their photos &placing roses on their desks

  9. This 3 years old child (Abdul-Fatah Aliko) was killed today by the Turkish deliberate bombardment on the town of Tal-Rifaat. The child originally from Mabata in Afrin. He was displaced with his family during the Turkish military invasion of Afrin, last year.

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  10. The Turkish regime wasn't satisfied of killing & displacing Kurds of Afrin; Continued killing Afrin's children in their displacement refuges, in Tal-Rifaat today! Those children were killed today by the Turkish deliberate shelling while they were out of school!

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  11. Locals of Ras al-Ain are afraid to return to their hometown after Turkish military & its armed groups have taken control over the area Which is experiencing infrastructure damage due to Turkish military invasion & looting civilian properties.

  12. Turkey's deliberately & intentionally targeting & terrorizing Syrian-Kurdish civilians in their previously safe towns & villages! Turkish regime's been doing this long in Afrin, now in Kobani & northern Syria. When it regards Turkey, the World prefers silence button!

  13. . writes: "The collapse of the SDF and the autonomous administration would be the gravest defeat for the Syrian opposition movement to date in Syria's devastating conflict." Last Best Hope for Syria's Revolution Is in Danger

  14. A bloody & terrible day for NE Syrian people There's a direct & systematic targeting of NE Syria local & indigenous people. Northern Syria was one of relatively safest areas in Syria Now, it's the scene of Turkish hostilities & abuses. Terrorist explosions & assassinations!

  15. Top US diplomat William Roebuck has criticized Trump administration for not trying harder to prevent Turkey’s military offensive last month, said: Turkish-backed militia fighters committed "war crimes and ethnic cleansing.”

  16. . reporter captures the moment the Turkish war-planes targeted "Free Burma Rangers" humanitarian volunteers and journalists reporting on the ground. A Burmese aid worker was killed Other member injured by Turkish air strikes

  17. 🔹Americans got no problem with another Turkish Genocide against 🔹Russians would be delighted to exploit more Turkish gains 🔹Syrian regime weaker to come up with a word 🔹Iranians already preparing pouncing on an imminent U.S. retreat from Oil springs "Creative Chaos"

  18. Chaos in NE The village of "Gheibesh", west Tal-Tamr, 2km: SDF forces Russian military Syrian regime forces U.S. military convoy just arrived in The village is now being under Turkish/affiliated armed militias' attack..

  19. This is happening at the time the US Congress recognizing Armenian Genocide, issuing sanctions on Turkish regime Still nothing seems would stop this regime's ongoing atrocities & human violations Most Kurds houses/properties in Ras al-Ain & Tal-Abyad are now seized

  20. My heart goes tonight for the Great Armenian People ❤️

  21. Costs of terrorist operations as a percentage of GDP in the 10 most-affected countries by terrorism First piece of a series of articles illustrate the economic situation of terrorist groups, ISIS sources of finance via By Dr. Ahmed Yousef

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    The U.S. President Donald Trump thanks the Syrian-Kurdish Forces, the for their contributions in the security operation of ISIS Chief, Al-Baghdadi

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    Americans called Russians on “de-confliction” line to warn of pending U.S. military assault on Baghdadi compound in NW Syria. No de-confliction with Turkey who “did not help in any way,” U.S. defense official says

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    ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is believed to have been killed in NW Syria near Turkish border by a JSOC raid, US official confirms. SDF contributed information to the effort I’m told - Turkey did not. “That shows you how little they do on countering ISIS,” the official said

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    A US official tells CNN that Turkey played no role in assisting the operation though the operation was deconflicted with the Turkish military due to its proximity to Turkey’s border. The official also said the Kurdish-led SDF did provide some intelligence support to the operation

  26. 🔹, 2 wives were trying to smuggle to 🔹Turkey as a direction for Chief? 🔹U.S. didn't notify Turkey about major security Op, why? 🔹Up until now, Turkish regime keeping silent? Unusually 🔹Baghdadi was in Turkey-influenced area 🔹SDF contributed intl info

  27. "Turkish President Erdogan's Past Close Relations With Afghan Warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar – In Light Of Hekmatyar's Afghan Presidential Candidacy" Hekmatyar worked with the Talibans & Usama bin Laden, designated as terrorist by the U.S. Via

  28. Well detailed & informative piece by regarding the latest U.S. decision of staying in N/E Syria. "The U.S. return to the Syrian equation between oil and field balances" by Dr Ahmad Yousef

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    This is the other side of Turkey campaign to ethnically cleanse Kurds from their homes. They're carrying out the forced, violent deportation of Syrian refugees who, at great cost, have carved out lives for themselves in Turkey.

  30. Important piece from reveals the hidden details from Ras Al-Ain meeting, Officials, and the given promises of protection for the local military & civil councils of Ras al-Ain & Tal-Abyad, the failed "security mechanism"

  31. Ethnic cleansing/Demographic change that's been anticipated prior to Turkish aggression is being conducted now While the whole world is just watching Sources in Tal-Abyad say: Turkey already displaced Kurdish component from the entire town Kurds used to make more 40% of town

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  32. Turkish bombing killed a friend's parents (father & mother) west Tal-Abyad, week ago Now He's receiving pictures from TFSA militants who occupied his parents house, taking photos inside his house and sending them to him. What's more hideous!?

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  33. Our people of N Syria message: "We don't blame American troops We know it's beyond their will & ability. But, we & our children will be massacred by turks & jihadis. You're leaving us to be slaughtered!" U.S. soldier wearing badge today in , while leaving

  34. Watch this important footage from mid-June by Shows the truth about faked and untruthful report of a pro-Erdogan TV.

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    4. I keep on going over the autopsy of the Kurdish woman. Having traveled to these areas myself, I’ve sometimes nurtured the erroneous thought that my gender would offer me some protection. Who’d kill an unarmed woman? She was dragged by her hair until part of her scalp fell out.

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  36. لقد وقع أردوغان لنفسه عقد انتصار جديد في ايه انتخابات تركية قادمة. أردوغان يغذي التطرف القومي والديني في آن واحد

  37. Turkish military and armed groups displayed shameful disregard for civilian life, carrying out serious violations & war crimes, including summary killings, unlawful attacks that have killed and injured civilians, during the offensive into northeast Syria

  38. I remember it well, I reported this as well