China Extends Lead in Number of TOP500 Supercomputers, US Holds on to Performance Advantage

BERKELEY, Calif.; FRANKFURT, Germany; and KNOXVILLE, Tenn.— The 54th edition of the TOP500 saw China and the US maintaining their dominance of the list, albeit in different categories. Meanwhile, the aggregate performance of the 500 systems, based on the High Performance Linpack (HPL) benchmark, continues to rise and now sits at 1.65 exaflops. The entry level to the list has risen to 1.14 petaflops, up from 1.02 petaflops in the previous list in June 2019.

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News Feed

Julia Computing and NVIDIA Bring Julia GPU Acceleration to Arm

Julia Computing and NVIDIA have brought Julia to NVIDIA’s new line of GPU-accelerated Arm servers. The Julia programming language is now available as a pre-packaged container on the NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC) container registry, making it easy to rapidly deploy Julia-based GPU-accelerated applications. NGC offers a comprehensive catalog of GPU-accelerated software for deep learning, machine learning, and HPC. By taking care of the plumbing, NGC enables users to focus on building lean models, producing optimal solutions and gathering faster insights.

The post Julia Computing and NVIDIA Bring Julia GPU Acceleration to Arm appeared first on insideHPC.

HPC In The Cloud Rolls Through An Inflection Point

Hyperion Research has declared 2019 as the year that high performance computing in the cloud hit a “tipping point.” Cloud spending for HPC work is projected to jump from just under $2.5 billion in 2018 to approximately $4 billion by the end of 2019.

HPC In The Cloud Rolls Through An Inflection Point was written by Michael Feldman at The Next Platform.

CERN Announces Schedule for the LHC and its Successor

Dec. 13, 2019 — The CERN Management has presented a new calendar for future accelerator runs to the Council, which met on December 12. Under the new schedule, the LHC will restart in May 2021, two months after the initially planned date, and Run 3 will be extended by one year, until the end of 2024. […]

The post CERN Announces Schedule for the LHC and its Successor appeared first on HPCwire.

TACC Announces Changes to Leadership Team

Dec. 13, 2019 — On Nov. 11, 2019, the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at the University of Texas at Austin announced changes to its leadership team. John Cazes has been elevated to Director of the High Performance Computing (HPC) where he will oversee a team of 20 with responsibilities for improving application performance, providing […]

The post TACC Announces Changes to Leadership Team appeared first on HPCwire.

SC19 Invited Talk: Next Generation Disaster Intelligence Using the Continuum of Computing and Data Technologies

Dr. Ilkay Altintas from SDSC gave this Invited Talk at SC19. "This talk will review some of our recent work on building this dynamic data driven cyberinfrastructure and impactful application solution architectures that showcase integration of a variety of existing technologies and collaborative expertise. The lessons learned on use of edge and cloud computing on top of high-speed networks, open data integrity, reproducibility through containerization, and the role of automated workflows and provenance will also be summarized."

The post SC19 Invited Talk: Next Generation Disaster Intelligence Using the Continuum of Computing and Data Technologies appeared first on insideHPC.

Broadcom Launches Another Tomahawk Into The Datacenter

If hyperscalers, cloud builders, HPC centers, enterprises, and both OEMs and ODMs like one thing, it is a steady drumbeat of technology enhancements to drive their datacenters forward.

Broadcom Launches Another Tomahawk Into The Datacenter was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

RIKEN's Satoshi Matsuoka provides appetizing teasers on upcoming Fugaku at HPC User Forum

At the 75th HPC User Forum in Edinburgh, Scotland, Satoshi Matsuoka, director of RIKEN talked about Fugaku, the next generation supercomputer in Japan. RIKEN is a big national laboratory, such as Max Planck in Germany. It is one of the 15 centres in Japan. There are other centres such as the AI centre, as well as centres for material sciences, biology, brain studies and regenerative medicine but RIKEN is the HPC Center and national flagship Research Center..

D-Wave expands Leap API into Amazon Braket

D-Wave Systems Inc., an expert in quantum computing systems, software, and services, has expanded the Leap API into Amazon Braket, a new, fully managed Amazon Web Services (AWS) solution that allows scientists, researchers, and developers to begin experimenting with computers from quantum hardware providers in a single place. The service, announced at AWS re:Invent 2019, gives AWS users live Cloud access to D-Wave's 2000Q quantum processor via the Leap quantum Cloud service API. Customers and developers will be able to leverage D-Wave's processing power in real time to run quantum applications directly from Amazon Braket. This access will extend to forthcoming D-Wave systems, such as the next-generation Advantage, coming in mid-2020..

The List

11/2019 Highlights

Since June 2019 only Petaflop systems have been able to make the list. The total aggregate performance of all 500 system has now risen to 1.65 Exaflops.

Two IBM build systems called Summit and Sierra and installed at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California kept the first two positions in the TOP500 in the USA.  

The share of installations in China continues to rise strongly. 45.6 % of all system are now listed as being installed in China. The share of system listed in the USA remains near it's all time low at 23.4 %. However, systems in the USA are on average larger, which allowed the USA (37.1%) to stay close to China (32.3%) in terms of installed performance.

There were no changes to the top of the list at all. The first new system shows up only at position 24! It is an IBM Power based system utilizing NVidia Volta GV100 which allowed it to capture the No 3 spot on the Green500 list.


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