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  1. Muslims are disappointing.

  2. The situation is as follows: We have cancer but they have diagnosed us with migraine. Yes, we do have migraines too but that isn’t the primary problem. We then fight each other on best way to kill the headache. The cancer grows but lives are lost trying to cure the headache.

  3. I am new to UK but I have been m warning against this exact picture since months. What hurts is how so many wellversed experienced people didn’t see this and ran an entirely unrelated campaign?

  4. Yes, we Muslims like to complain about injustice but what are we doing to end it? We can’t just rely on elections especially in an eviornment where hate against Muslims wins you votes. Let’s come together. Let’s think, reflect and see the big picture.

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  5. I do blame the media and the entire political machine for dismissing Muslim concerns but I blame Muslims even more. A 3m+ community that have zero influence on the politics and direction of this country needs a period of reflection in coming weeks and months.

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  6. Whatever one thinks about antisemitism in Labour, the party has lost. Some say the Jewish community sighs relief. That is good. Does that mean the media will now have time to pay attention to British Muslims who aren’t sighing in relief? Seriously, when will they be heard?

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  7. A man of self confidence and leadership would have said ‘After our victory, we promise to root out all kinds of bigotry especially Islamophobia from our party’ But a man of low self esteem with no leadership qualities tweets this.

  8. Father of the victorious PM comes out on election night, repeats the slurs against Muslim women and says his son is European because of his DNA But the media is telling us Corbyn lost because of racism. Certainly, it is up to you to be stupid.

  9. Retweeted

    THE FIGHT CONTINUES! Despite some saying they don't want immediate 'hot takes', many of us have been raising concerns about Labour's prospects for months. This isn't knee-jerk. And you had better believe that the Labour Right are already planning—we, too, must plan.

  10. Retweeted

    This & the palpable fear from Muslim communities should not be airbrushed from the reporting of today. Although given what we know, I imagine it will be.

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  11. Retweeted

    Amongst those celebrating and/or feeling emboldened today, are Katie Hopkins, Tommy Robinson, Britain First and the AfD. This is whilst the fastest-growing UK terrorist threat is from far right, acc. to the police

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  12. Retweeted

    It’s our party now Warsi. Time you stepped down, love. Way down.

  13. Retweeted

    Your party? Hold on a minute sister. I think you will find it’s OUR party now. Britain has Boris and a blue collar army. Nationalism is back. British people first.

  14. So you think this is all normal? The fact the a far right backed alliance is normalised and the most progressive European movement is demonised is normal? If you can’t see the game played here, nobody can help you.

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  15. You remember how media called Trump racist because some KKK founders endorsed him? We didn’t hear such condemnation when Tommy Robinson and his thugs endorsed Johnson. Actually media was busy calling Corbyn an antisemite

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  16. Isn’t it interesting that when Trump won, the media didn’t go after Hillary. They went after Trump. They talked about foreign influence and post-truth politics, populism and racism. In UK, where all those elements and more existed, the media goes after the defeated. Why?

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  17. What Britain needs is someone with Corbyn’s principles but without his ‘nice guy’ leadership style. Someone who will go after the smears and will call them out for what they are, who doesn’t think a nicely written manifesto is enough to win an election. Someone bold & agressive.

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  18. The smear machine now wants to portray Corbyn as this leftist lunatic. He wasn’t. His weakness was actually being too politically correct. He wasn’t agressive enough. I talk to average people. They liked his policies but not his leadership style. He wasn’t aggressive enough.

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  19. But he was apologetic. He was weak. He had the opportunity to crush them. With the right PR strategy, he could have defeated them into oblivion. But he chose to be the nice guy. I am full of respect for his principled career but nice guys finish last.

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  20. Little cute analysts can continue looking into the classic causes for Why Labour got crushed But they know and we all know the truth. It is not a conspiracy. It isn’t the rules of the game. There are red lines and you better not cross them or you will be crushed.

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  21. Let me be absolutely clear: if Bernie Sanders was to be the Democratic nominee, the Machine will choose Trump. Not because they love Trump -as they didn’t love Johnson- but because they prefer anyone even a Nazi to a progressive socialist who is against apartheid.

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  22. Do you see the game? Their smears defeated Corbyn and enabled a far right backed government. And now instead of going after the govnement and making sure they curtail the far right tendencies, they are going after Corbyn. It is a machine. Well paid, well planned, well organised.

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  23. Retweeted

    I retain my independence, & I retain my right to criticise people & policies on left including Corbyn. But I am going to criticise people & politicians based on actuality, not a hysterical rightwing media & a mealy-mouthed centrist one. We need to do better than swallowing crap

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  24. Thank you Mr Corbyn for all what you did but it is time to change hands. Don’t let the little Macrons and refurbished Blairs take over. Labour needs a new leader not a new vision. Someone less apologetic and more agressive against the machine of deception and division.

  25. Jo Swinson will be rewarded for her services. She played her part quite loyally. She sacrificed her seat for the greater cause which was preventing a Corbyn-led government. A disgraceful donkey.

  26. Tonight isn’t the end. It is the beginning.

  27. Retweeted

    Muslims especially Muslim women are already the number one target of hate crimes in the country. But we don’t need to wait and add several more hundreds of hate attacks. Nobody will care as nobody does now. Protect yourselves and your women until the drunk thugs go home.

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  28. Retweeted

    I write these words with zero joy but we have to prepare for December 13th. Muslims especially Muslim women will be target of the far right harrasment. I know it is not Muslims on ballot but believe it or not, they think they are voting against Muslims. Be ready & be prepared.

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  29. Retweeted

    Just as happened after Brexit, the far right thugs will feel emboldened by any electoral victory. They will also become violent. Muslim women are the primary target and the most vulnerable group. Their protection should be the primary concern of the community.

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  30. Retweeted

    Lib Dems won’t get their unrealistic scrapping of Brexit with few more seats. But they will prevent Labour victory granting another win to the Tories. But I don’t blame them for their cheap politics. Labour should be blamed for its weak rhetoric & ineffective electoral strategy.

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  31. Retweeted

    Lib Dems is to Labour what Brexit Party is to Tories but with a huge difference. Farage is honest about his No Deal Brexit. He is ready for a non agression pact to let Johnson have majority if he went for No Deal. Lib Dems only see the extra 20 seats they gain by being assholes.

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  32. The Machine of Division and Deception which defeated Corbyn is now moving to its next goal: Ridding Labour of the Corbyn camp once and forever. The search is for another Blair/Macron: Bit socialist domestically, more hawkish than the Right in foreign policy.

  33. In Kurdish, we call someone who accepts to get hurt as long as his rival loses "kari dez" or "disgraceful donkey". That is the only way to describe Lib Dems who proudly carried out the mission they were tasked with. They gained nothing but prevented Corbyn from winning.

  34. Dear ! You lost this election but you didn't lose your principles. Actually, you lost this election because you didn't lose your principles. You weren't perfect. You were weak. But you were a man of honour who faced masters of division & deception. Be proud tonight!

  35. We all know why Corbyn lost. Let us not pretend we do not know. NO, it was not his weak leadership or glasses. It was not Brexit either. And no it was not Cumming's amateur deception tactics. One day we will be able to say why he lost. That day is not today. I hope it is soon.

  36. كُلَّمَا أَوْقَدُوا نَارًا لِلْحَرْبِ أَطْفَأَهَا اللَّهُ ۚ وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَسَادًا ۚ وَاللَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُفْسِدِينَ Every time they kindle the fire of war, God extinguishes it. They spread mischief in the land. God doesn't love those who do mischief. (5:64)

  37. One can benefit from many people. One definitely has use his own critical mental faculties to navigate the world. A mentor does not think or decide instead of you. He will just help you see what is ahead. You know your mentor when you see him/her but if you look, you will find.

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  38. It is especially important for the under 25 person find a mentor because this is the period in life where one has great confidence but little experience. Mentorship can help with directing the rebellious energy which can be destructive to a more constructive one.

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  39. One of the greatest things a person under 25 can do is finding a mentor, especially a spiritual mentor whose knowledge, experience and ethics can be trusted. Its benefits will only be felt after 30.

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  40. Retweeted

    I wonder what German Jews felt like when they learned they weren’t actually considered Germans by their own government. Wait.