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  1. Time to pop, pop, POP those collars, Trainers! New Team Polo shirts are now available in the Style Shop!

  2. 📝 Community Note 📝 Pokémon can now be found in more places around the world. Learn more:

  3. Ding ding ding! Most of you are correct. The answer is Pokémon GO! You all win---bragging rights! We'll even make it double the amount. 😉

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  4. Talk about a throwback! Trainers, do you know the answer to this question asked in ? 🤔 And no, you can't ask your Alakazam for help.

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  5. If you think Trapinch is tiny, think again! 🤔 The average height of a Trapinch is a little above 2 feet! 👀

  6. Exciting news! League and more attacks are coming to Pokémon GO! 🥊 Time to read up. This battle-themed Community Note is packed with updates!

  7. Did you know? 🌱☀️💀 The leaf on Turtwig’s head wilts if it is thirsty! 💧🌱☀️😊 On a very healthy Turtwig, the shell should feel moist.

  8. 🌲 December is here, and there are now even more reasons to be merry, Trainers! 🌲 Here’s a look at some in-game events happening soon! Learn more:

  9. Get ready to feel all the feels as we prepare to welcome back Ralts, the Feeling Pokémon, for ! Four days left. Let’s GO!

  10. Retweeted

    Trainers, we have corrected a mistake in our December Community Day blog. Originally it stated that Pikachu would be available to hatch from Eggs. This is incorrect; Pichu will be hatching from Eggs instead. We have updated the blog and we apologize for the miscommunication.

  11. Love Mudkip as much as we do? Good news! Mudkip will be coming back with a splash for the December !

  12. Six more days until the Slacker Pokémon comes back in greater numbers for . 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤

  13. Don’t forget to hug a Torchic during , Trainer! A fire burns inside it, so it feels very warm to hug.💗🔥 It also launches fireballs of 1,800 degrees be careful. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  14. Eight more days until means eight more days until Bagon, the Rock Head Pokémon from April’s Community Day, returns in greater numbers!

  15. It’s time to celebrate growth and Evolution in the Pokémon world. The Evolution Event has started! Enjoy... ⭐ One-hour Lure Modules (including Glacial, Magnetic, and Mossy Lure Modules) ⭐ 2× XP when evolving Pokémon ⭐ Evolution items from raids

  16. Remember, Trainers! December will be your last chance in 2019 to get Community Day exclusive moves like Frenzy Plant. 🌱 Save the date!

  17. Trainers, our first ever evolution-themed event is coming soon to Pokémon GO! Learn more:

  18. Did you know? Swinub, the Pig Pokémon, rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. 🐽 It sometimes discovers hot springs. It was also our featured Pokémon in February!

  19. ⭐⭐⭐ Today marks the start of the 11-day countdown to our huge December celebration—starting with January’s featured Pokémon, Totodile!!! ⭐⭐⭐

  20. 🕳️ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Diglett dig. | | Diglett dig.

  21. Friend Fest is almost over, but the fun never ends! How many Diglett can you spot, Trainers?

  22. Happy Friend Fest, Trainers! Remember to enjoy these bonuses! 🤝 1/2 Stardust trade cost 🤝 Two Special Trades per day 🤝 An attack boost when you raid with friends

  23. Friendship is a gift. Celebrate your friendship by giving a friend a Gift today! Happy Friend Fest!

  24. You can’t always choose who’s in your family, but you CAN choose who to talk to. 🤭 Happy Friend Fest!

  25. Retweeted

    Time to rep your team, US Trainers – Valor, Mystic or Instinct? No matter where your allegiance lies, you can show your team spirit with the Teams collection from the Pokémon Center! These shirts (and hoodies!) aren’t going to wear themselves:

  26. Time to celebrate the spirit of friendship with the first-ever Friend Fest! Enjoy these bonuses with your ! ⭐ 1/2 Stardust trade cost ⭐ Two special trades per day ⭐Attack boost when raiding with friends 🧑🏻🤝👧🏽🤝🧑🏼🤝👩🏿🤝👩

  27. Terrakion, the Cavern Pokémon, has arrived in five-star raids! This Rock- and Fighting-type Legendary Pokémon is said to be strong enough to destroy an entire castle, so be careful!

  28. Wondering when to use a Dragonite in battle? 🤔 Dragonite’s Dragon-type attacks are super effective when battling Dragon-type Pokémon.

  29. Don’t forget to battle Shinx, the Flash Pokémon, before our Supereffective Week event ends, Trainers!

  30. Phew! Looks like activity has started to die down worldwide. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, Giovanni?

  31. Have Team GO Rocket Grunts taken over PokéStops near you? Please report any sightings with !

  32. Attention! has started their take-over! Be prepared, as they will be at EVERY PokéStop in your region on November 24 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. local time!

  33. It’s almost time to defend EVERY PokéStop in your region from Grunts, Trainer. Talk about putting the “grunt” in “grunt work.” Am I right? 😉

  34. Are you ready to take on Tyranitar, the Armor Pokémon? Pierce through Tyranitar’s defenses by attacking it with Fighting-, Water-, Grass-, Ground-, Bug-, Steel-, or Fairy-type moves!

  35. One part of mastering the art of Trainer Battles is understanding how the types of your Pokémon’s moves affect the Pokémon you’re battling. Here’s a chart that shows which types are super effective vs. which Pokémon. Good luck and ! 🥊

  36. Take advantage of these in-game bonuses before Supereffective Week ends, Trainers! 🥊 Double Trainer Battle Stardust 🥊 More Potions and Revives from PokéStops 🥊 Guaranteed Charged TMs from three-star raids 🥊

  37. 🚀 Battle Grunts 🚀 Battle their leaders 🚀 Battle Giovanni 🚀 Save Shadow Articuno An increase in activity will be starting in a couple of days. Are you ready?

  38. Attention, Trainers! The limit on Pokémon storage has now been expanded to 3000. Need more room? Item capacity upgrades now allow you to store up to 2,500 items!

  39. Team GO Rocket is plotting to take over more PokéStops and capture more Pokémon! Prepare yourselves, Trainers. 👀!

  40. The gang’s all here for a very special two-day in December! ✅Totodile ✅Swinub ✅Treecko ✅Torchic ✅Mudkip ✅Ralts ✅Slakoth ✅Trapinch ✅Bagon ✅Turtwig ✅Chimchar All we need for Community Day is... ✅You!