I was just wondering if there was any console command you could use to revive dead characters, and if not how you would go about editing save games and the game files to do this. Thanks!
Don't worry, just wait for the next DLC, 2Monks2Mystics, with more necromancy powers, the option to convert to the Old Mythos, and a submersed R'lyeh to interact with a window, with boons or banes according to the alignment of the stars. Be careful though, or your coast might get an invasion of multiple stacks of 200k Deep Ones!
They must add(if not existent) necromancy in the monks and mystics dlc imo.
The only way to do it is to record the dead characters charID, find it in your save file, and remove the date of death.
Lords and Ladies
Map Staring Experts
Jan 28, 2012
Cake Day