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🔍Syria | Middle East | Sahel | Balkans | conflicts | hybrid warfarе | mercenaries. A columnist in ; Co-founder .

Balkans / Sweden/ Middle East
Joined November 2008


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    The war in Syria is not over. It just disappeared from our TV screens.

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    : Protesters at polling stations taking ballot papers and ripping them apart as a protest against the ”sham” presidential elections.

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    This headline is absolutely correct. If it had not been tensions with Turkey, the US would not have recognized the Armenian genocide. This is a political act, not an act of solidarity.

  4. A caricature of Ali Kemal Bey from 1921, the great-grandfather of Boris Johnson.

  5. Retweeted

    Hi , - Caesar risked his life to show the world the torture in Assad’s prisons that my own father was subjected to. The Caesar bill allows sanctioning of a genocidal regime for crimes against humanity in Syria. What reason do you have for voting against it?

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  6. The good news for is that has a place for another pro-authoritarian podcast.

  7. In the meantime, people who want to make media or platforms different than populism, hardly find financing.

  8. I watch people in Europe develop theories that there is no point in voting. They thinking exactly what the political class wants. My cousins ​​died in Syria just to have a right to speak freely.

  9. Everyone who follows the Libyan events must read this thread. We need to understand how serious is the propaganda coming from Haftar and his allies.

  10. This will be no scandal in the Balkans.

  11. "No vote with the mafia" Algerians rejected the presidential elections. And they are right - no Democratic process started, so the elite want to preserve the status quo. Voter turnout stood at 20% at 3pm local time.

  12. The United States is about to sanction Assad, Russia and Iran for Syrian war crimes

  13. More than six months before the Dec. 6 shooting at a naval base in , where a Saudi citizen used a weapon obtained using a hunting license exemption, the FBI issued a report warning about precisely this loophole.

  14. An old unresolved dispute between and is reigniting. Slovenia-Croatia border dispute is an issue dating back to Yugoslavia’s break-up. Now, Slovenia vows to block Croatia’s Schengen accession path.

  15. Retweeted

    В свой текст, споменават журнала ни в контекста на новините за споразумението между Либия и Турция, което предизвика напрежение в Средиземно море. В Де Ре Милитари следим ситуацията постоянно.

  16. Retweeted

    Ситуацията в към 12 декември 2019.

  17. 's strongman extends crackdown to new foe: soap operas

  18. Как се промени Близкия изток през последните 10 години

  19. Retweeted

    I was interviewed by for this material on the recent events in Albania related to Iran/Hezbollah in the Balkans, MEK and police operations in Albania: in my opinion, a clash between several intelligence agencies.

  20. Има сигнали, че корабът "Шахр е Корд" отново плава. Той получи забрана, след като достави оръжие в Либия, натоварено в Бургас. Предвид новите събития в Средиземно море, интересно ми е дали ще има нови товари в посока Либия и България колко време ще е под радара.

  21. Turkish-Libyan alliance in eastern Mediterranean: A game changer? A good comment by with important details as a context.

  22. The battle for control of threatened to escalate further this week as said it might intervene to stop the -backed forces now closing in on Tripoli.

  23. As EU mulls response, Ankara doubles down on Libya accords

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    In , health workers are routinely arrested, detained, and tortured by the Syrian government. Their crime? Providing medical care to those in need. Physicians should not be punished for supporting . More in our latest report

  25. Retweeted

    Let me translate this: "Muslims are an alien population with political and religious affiliations outside West's borders whose members refuse to assimilate into Christian society and whose presence constitutes a threat to its integrity and security."

  26. Retweeted

    US Congress just passed the Caesar Civilian Protection Act in the NDAA. Notable amongst those that voted NO: - - - - -

  27. Sistani losing trust of young protesters in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square

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    India is 1 of the most racist countries in the world, it just passed a law allowing Illegal Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and Sikhs who fled from Afghanistan, Pakistan or Bangladesh to India before 2015 now can become Indian citizens, Muslims cannot.

  29. The US is taking action against 3 Iranian entities (IRISL, its China-based subsidiary, and Mahan Air) linked to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and sanctioning 8 other entities that helped smuggle weapons from Iran to Yemen.

  30. An accord between Libya and Turkey mapping out maritime boundaries is "a violation of international law", European Union leaders will say on Thursday in support of Greece, which objects to the deal.

  31. Wondering why Ankara-Tripoli agreement analyses don't mention often EastMed pipeline between Greece, Cyprus, and Israel, which is considered as hostile by Turkey and partly provoked Ankara to sign the agreement with Tripoli.

  32. "Russia, Turkey and Iran are concerned about the increased presence of terrorist groups in Syria’s Idlib province, the trio said in a joint statement after talks in Kazakhstan, pledging to coordinate actions aimed at eliminating the militants." 🧐🤨

  33. Retweeted

    : Suspect Linked to Black Hebrew Israelite Group. The Black Hebrew Israelites have been labeled a hate group and the suspect wrote anti-semitic and anti-police posts.

  34. LNA Spokesman Al-Mesmari: ”We will confront the Turkish ambitions in Libya” 🤔

  35. The UN report names five Sudanese and four Chadian armed groups it says contributed combatants to 's civil war.