Olivia's New Wallet Design Question for Michael
UPDATE: spoke to Bill and Jack. See edits below.
K here are the questions for Michael. All but the first two exist as comments on the wallet mockups (mockups begin here: https://projects.invisionapp.com/d/main/#/console/18532170/386167821/comments)
- Need mockups for 'Settings' for USD, Ether, Bitcoin
- Since we aren't going to be able to populate the top bar subtotals for Bitcoin and Ether, should we remove them all so it's not confusing? Or keep them in there for Tokens and USD?
- What links are going in the Sidebar menu?
- Can you add the 'Buy token' button (as referenced as a sidenote in 'Wallet: Tokens: General' mockup
- How to display the Token balance equation in mobile?
- Number of decimals after cryptocurrency amounts: 2 or 3?
- Can we have a consistent capitalization rule for 'Tokens'?
- How to handle the horizontal topbar tabs on mobile? (e.g. Overview | Transactions | Settings)
- Does the action button have a grey or blue border? I see both.
- Token transactions 'Pending' row - how to communicate to the user what we mean by pending?
- I don't think military time format is used in America nearly as much as it is in Europe. Are we ok with using it in the wallet?
- What's going on with the 'Introduce earnings breakdown' (referenced as a sidenote in the Wallet:USD mockup
- What are the rules for when this is displayed as 'Minds Reward' vs. '_____ Reward'? (Is this just a special case only to be used for Referrals?)
Re: List of transaction types (pictured):
Is this list complete and finalized?(EDIT: list should be Wires, Rewards, Boosts, On-chain Transfers. Once Pay is ready, we will change "Wires" to "Pay") What is the definition of a P2P Wire?I'm seeing both "wire" and "transfer" used. Are we going to pick one? Or are we purposely calling off-chain transactions "wires" and on-chain transactions "transfers"?- It looks like this mockup example list contains only two types of transactions: Minds Rewards and Off-chain Wire
(which isn't in this list). How are the other transaction types to be presented? (EDIT: e.g. what do the rows for Boost and On-Chain Transfer look like?)
EDIT Potentially the biggest quandary of the wallet redesign: Jack and I also spoke at length about the different ways in which "Pending" could be presented in Tokens vs. USD transactions tables. Right now they seem to be treated the same for both currencies but it seems like this could lead to confusion for users.
With Tokens, it's fairly straightforward because payouts happen on a daily basis. So the "Minds Rewards" rows can be slotted in for all the previous days. But with USD, where payouts occur monthly (if at all) it feels like it is inaccurate to include "Minds Rewards" rows in the daily summaries (the running total calculations would be incorrect, for example). We want USD pending rewards to be presented in a way that makes the process as transparent as possible. It should also provide a connection to the information that lives in /analytics/dashboard/earnings (whether by link, or a line-item summary, whatever you think is best).
changed due date to November 26, 2019
changed milestone to %Wallet Upgrade
added scoped label
changed the description
assigned to @omadrid
changed the description
changed the description
added scoped label
added scoped label and automatically removed label