Use media modal in channel media feeds
closes #2226
threads resolved
added scoped labels
- Developer
$CONFIG->max_video_length = 12600; $CONFIG->max_video_file_size = 4294967296; $CONFIG->max_daily_boost_views = 10000;
This pod has the default values coming from helm. There's something up with the attachment service. How are you testing these videos on review sites
10 10 [ngClass]="{ 11 11 'm-newsfeed-tiles__Tile--is-mature': attachment.shouldBeBlurred(entity) 12 12 }" 13 [routerLink]="['/newsfeed', entity.guid]" 14 13 > 15 <img [src]="getThumbnailSrc(entity$ | async)" /> 14 <img 15 [src]="getThumbnailSrc(entity$ | async)" 16 (click)="clickedImage(entity, this)" - Owner
Why is
added scoped label and automatically removed label