The Cobble And The Frame Blog


The zombie post

So, that was one long break, wasn’t it. Last time I posted on this blog I had just defended my PhD, moved back to Lyon, and was in a University’s cafeteria waiting for a...


Spatialising how?

Maybe the spatial turn doesn’t even have to be a “turn” at all. As the readers will now know, the aim of this blog is equally to present readings and conferences about the crisscrossing...


Ending a thesis

Be careful, there are substantial spoilers ahead from one of my favourite novels, Alain Damasio’s La Horde du Contrevent (Horde of the Counterwind / The Windwalkers in English, unfortunately untranslated yet as far as...


Real space, wobbly space

One of the interests and difficulties of working with a concept like “space” is the extent to which its counter-intuitive dimension when compared to the common or everyday perception of it. Engaging in a...

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