Luke CoffeyVerified account


Opinions are mine & mine alone | Foreign Policy | Security | Geo-Politics | Usual RT caveats apply

DC via Africa, Asia & Europe
Joined October 2011


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    The next Secretary General of should be . You heard it here first.

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    The notion that France can triangulate between US and Russia and lead Europe was fanciful in the DeGaulle era. The idea makes less sense now. This may play well domestically in France but on the global stage Macron looks out of touch.

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    Let me make it simple for you: Ukraine did not interfere in the 2016 election. I cannot believe I even have to point this out. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

  4. The YPG is a terrorist organization. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

  5. Retweeted

    Macron on an anti-Turkey rampage in press conference. Argues YPG is not a terrorist organization (even though of course PKK is and there is no difference whatsoever between the two), accuses Turkey of being “ambiguous on Isis” (Turkey one of its greatest victims)

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  6. Unless China attacks a NATO member “in the North Atlantic region, north of the Tropic of Cancer”, then NATO has very little to do with China. The quickest way to get disappointed with NATO is by expecting it to do things it was never created or designed to do.

  7. Retweeted

    I bet hated recording this focus group. 🤣 Traditional Labour voters queuing up to say they will vote for .

  8. Retweeted

    This decision comes after some vociferous lobbying from certain members of Congress, whose desire to excuse the IRA's campaign of violence seemingly lives on.

  9. Afghanistan is a very complicated place...

  10. A good piece on the state of UK politics ahead of the upcoming election 👇🏻

  11. Retweeted

    Which Tusk would you turn to in a crisis ?

  12. Retweeted

    No one is against good relations with Russia. The difference is between those who think Russia is responsible for current problems and those who think Europe is. (And thus also who is responsible for solving them.) Unfortunately Macron and Corbyn seem to belong to latter group

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    "I ain't no terrorist" Narrator: but he was...

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    Churchill, Jan. 20, 1940: “Only Finland—superb, nay, sublime in the jaws of peril—Finland shows what free men can do....Everyone can see how Communism rots the soul of a nation; how it makes it abject and hungry in peace, and proves it base and abominable in war.”

  15. Retweeted

    When I visited Danish Arctic Command in Greenland in April I wondered why they had a Narwhal tusk on the wall. Now I know! 🇩🇰🇬🇱

  16. Retweeted

    Here is the criminal justice system going into overdrive to avoid anyone taking responsibility for the release of terrorists to commit terror again. The British state is fundamentally dysfunctional

  17. Retweeted

    TANAP is now ready to deliver gas to Europe finally.

  18. Retweeted

    For all commentators, journalists, etc Next week NATO is holding a *Leaders Meeting* in London. This *IS NOT* a Summit. There is a big difference. If you want to learn more check out what and I wrote:

  19. Retweeted

    1. Witnesses say he was getting to his feet 2. He was wearing a suicide vest that no one knew was fake 3. The officers from ran towards danger, vaulting over a barrier with no fear for their own safety 4. They undoubtedly saved lives 5. It’s ‘separate’ you numpty

  20. Retweeted

    Because legislation brought in by your government in 2008 meant that dangerous terrorists had to automatically be released after half of their jail term. Conservatives changed the law in 2012 to end your automatic release policy but Khan was convicted before this.

  21. Retweeted

    Given the narwhal tusk-wielder is Polish, it's more at "wonderfully Polish" as in the Polish RAF squadron in WWII.

  22. Sounds like a job for an EU Battlegroup 😂😂

  23. A very informative thread ahead of the NATO Leaders Meeting next week 👇🏻

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    Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway & Sweden have timed their assistance to the Iranian regime impeccably. This week, Iranian-backed thugs are shooting protestors in Iraq. Last week, the regime was shooting down protestors in Iran itself. What is Europe thinking?

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    The attacker, wearing a hoax suicide belt, had been a guest at a Cambridge University conference on prisoner rehabilitation being held in the City of London.

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    Yes. That is a chap with a 5ft narwhal tusk, taken from Fishmongers Hall, tackling a terrorist on London Bridge

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    This should be a career ender in a normal world.

  31. Retweeted

    Scotland: On a second referendum on Scottish independence being held within the next year: Support: 42% Oppose: 50% via , 19 - 25 Nov