Al asked in Business & FinanceCorporations · 9 years ago

What big companies are owned by mormons?

Besides chik-fil-a which is owned by strict christians, me and my mom are trying to figure it outt. Help?

11 Answers

  • Right
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Best Answer

    Pennstat... has an excellent answer.

    Source(s): is an excellent source.
  • 3 years ago

    Mormon Owned Companies

  • 9 years ago

    The Mariott hotel is owned by a Mormon, though not by the Mormon faith as a whole, obviously.

    The CEO of SkyWest Airlines is Mormon. Don't know how much of the airline he actually owns now, though I think he owns most of it.

    Tropical Sportswear, American Express (just the CFO), Avista Corp, Huntsman Chemical, Priceline, Albertson's (though I think he sold it), Nationwide Insurance, JetBlue, Dell Computer (used to be)...all have MOrmon CEO's and are either founded by Mormons or mostly owned by Mormons.

    The church as a whole also owns a bunch of cattle farms, graineries, processing plants, ect. Most of those exist in case there's ever an emergency, and people are short on food. Until then, though, the profits are used to pay the salaries of the few employees of the church (auditors, church education teachers, ect.). I think the church also has a mall in Salt Lake for much the same reason.

    Coke is NOT owned by Mormons, just so you know. Everyone thinks it is, but it's not.

    ...Show more
    • Tomyluc2 years agoReport

      Your correct, not coke but Ive'be been told by several prominent LDS that Pepsi Co is partially owned... and it is mow Ok to drink pepsi products.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There are a lot of companies that are owned by individual Mormons.

    There are even more companies that were started by Mormons, that are now owned by others.


    Huntsman Chemical Corporation.

    These are are a couple of companies that that are still owned by the original Mormons that started them.

    Mormons are known for being pioneers, so it should not be too surprising to find that many companies that you are familiar with, originally were started (at least in part) by Mormons.

    ...Show more
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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    What big companies are owned by mormons?

    Besides chik-fil-a which is owned by strict christians, me and my mom are trying to figure it outt. Help?

    Source(s): big companies owned mormons:
  • slcbtf
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Are you asking about common stock companies or privately held companies?

    By "big" I was assuming you meant large stock companies...if that is the case..I don't know that number would work for you. It could mean majority stock, minority, or even a possible share held by an investor in his retirement fund.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago --- its not only businesses they own. It's their own banking system, owned and operated by LDS, open to the public. -- incomplete list of known businesses owned by LDS --- flashy new $4 billion mall in SLC, UT. Owned by LDS.

    It's not just big companies that are owned by the LDS --- no one knows just how much they DO own and operate---tax free. They don't share that knowledge with their own membership, let alone with the government or the world.

    Chick-fil-a is not tax exempt. It is a legtimate business.

    There is a difference between answering "individual mormons" and "the LDS church:" Try not to sidestep the issue next time with deflection, will you, Psst... it's patently obvious.

    ...Show more
  • 4 years ago

    The co o Coke a cola is a Mormon

  • 6 years ago

    I'm Mormon and I own Snatch 'n Dash is a daily boutique deals website. While I'm LDS, my products are not limited to only people of the same faith.

    • John G
      Lv 4
      5 years agoReport

      Thanks for telling us about your snatch, Christine.

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