The Reign of Evil
"Medications are palliatives. They are not designed to cure the degenerative
diseases of the body."----F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
"To teach the Rockefeller drug ideology, it is necessary to
teach that Nature didn't know what she was doing when she made the human body."~
Inc. State
Medicine (see: State
Murder, Genocide,
& Abuse), Medical Industrial Complex
Military Industrial Complex),
The Medical Monopoly. Hiding
behind these names: Orthodox,
Modern, Scientific, Contemporary, Traditional,
Evidence/Science based, or School medicine. Aka
Big Pharma, The Drug Trust,
Modern science, The Medical
Profession, The Medical
Industry, the Cancer &
AIDS Industry,
Corporate Medicine.
Pure, well documented
1 2
4 5, Evil, hence the term
Medical Mafia (see:
Allopathy Inc personality profile) i.e.
Satanic. Allopathy Inc is a
covert Church. Allopathic Medicine is mostly based around
patentable drugs (pharmaceutical medicine), with radiation and surgery.
Administered by the 'Medical Profession' who are all medical doctors.
These medical doctors that will only use the drug company products are
called Allopaths, as opposed to the ones who use alternative medicine
(non-Allopathic), such as nutrients. It is run by the Medical
Mafia. One of the best kept secrets is the
Allopathic medical monopoly. The merger of State with Corporate
power is called Fascism, so this is medical Fascism.
If you look into the use of nutrients, herbs and naturopathy
for cancer,
Natural Healing
Nutritional Medicine)
you will see that they are far more effective (cure all diseases in fact) than Allopathy
(which can cure only bacterial infections), yet we can
only get Allopathy on the NHS, a very simple expose of the real
situation---monopoly medicine. Also see:
The Vitamin C Conspiracy and The Cancer
Conspiracy (hence Fascism) just for starters. The whole enterprise is resting on the
Vivisection hoax,
with the yearly slaughter of 300 million
(1993) animals (ref)
(not to mention the massacre of the Sacred
Yew trees through Taxol), and the
Vaccination Hoax. Allopathy is the
leading cause of child death and disability in the first world (while third
world children are given the mercury containing and other withdrawn vaccines), eg autism, and
the leading cause of death ("It is likely that
over 50 million Americans have died prematurely due to
Allopathy") made worse by its 100 year +
of alternatives, true
Disease Theory,
and the cause of most diseases, while it covertly promotes or turns a blind eye
Junk food, such as
Bottle-feeding, &
Aspartame & MSG,
and other poisons such as
Mercury amalgam.
Imagine that instead of saying you were going to the
doctor, you said you were going to see the Allopath, like you do with
Homeopathic or Naturopathic doctors. Think about that, and you will see
why Allopathy is a non-word. Also see Nazi
connections to Allopathy.
Allopathy is essentially an extortion scheme using a
Protection Racket called
The Fear of Disease. It has taken over from
religion as a false God (see), and derives
its power from Big Brother, it being his main source of income (covert taxpayer
robbery) and means of control, as the Church used to be in the old days. Big Pharma also meshes
Sex Inc.]
"The beginning of wisdom is to call things by the right names." Chinese Proverb
Mafias: Green Food Global Warming Drugs Oil War Sex Education Terror Political Financial
"They have bought every type of person including Ministers of health in some countries. There is a huge amount of corruption. In my country for example, Denmark, we are regarded as having very little corruption but yet we have thousands of doctors on industry payroll, although we are just 20,000 doctors, so this is effective kind of corruption. The drug industry buys the Professors first, then chiefs of departments, then chief physicians, and so on. They don't buy junior doctors, so when several thousand are on industry payroll, it's really really bad." [vid] Dr Peter Gøtzsche exposes big pharma as organized crime [Gotzsche]
[2015 Nov] Doctors Earn
$3.5 Billion in Kickbacks from Pharmaceutical Companies
[2013 Feb] 50 Signs That The U.S.
Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam
Psychopaths (Mafia)
Mafia Rackets Vaccination
Otitis Media (Vaccines)
Tenpenny, Sherri
Asthma (Vaccines)
Antibiotics & Asthma
Unvaxed healthier
[2013 Feb] 50 Signs That The U.S.
Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam
[vid] The Doctor Who
Gave Up Drugs | Season 1 Episode 1 | 16 September 2016
Skull & Bones
Stephan Lanka [27.10.2005]
Interview with Stefan Lanka on "bird flu" and some related subjects
[2015] Vaccine billboards go viral as vaccination truth becomes wildly popular
"And I know that no one can prove that any vaccine ever saved one life or
prevented one disease. That point needs to be emphasized. I understand what most
people think when I say that, but it doesn't matter, because the vaccine emperor
wears no clothes. It is a colossal fraud. And somebody needs to do this. So I
decided that I am somebody."
How Robbie's tragic death could stop
doctors telling lies to cover up
their mistakes
Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D.
Dr. Michael D. Farley
Dean MD, ND
They Live!
[2013 Feb] 50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam
A Bibliographic History of the Health Freedom Movement by Martin J Walker
[Chris Gupta Oct 2006] Lipitor Neurological Side Effect: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer's
[Media 2003] Most drugs never tested for safety in children The pharmaceutical industry portrays itself as an industry fighting to prevent and eliminate diseases but, behind the pretext of this noble cause, it is extorting billions of dollars in subsidies from dozens of governments and is demanding blind obedience from hundreds of millions of patients. As such, the Pharma Facts website describes how the pharmaceutical drug industry is not a health industry at all, but an investment business. While pretending to deliver health to the world, its entire existence is based on promoting diseases as multi-billion dollar markets for patented drugs.
International Coalition for Drug Awareness
100 Years of Medical Robbery by Dale Steinreich
[Chris Gupta Oct 2006] Lipitor Neurological Side Effect: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer's
Pre-Term Labor Drug (terbutaline) Sensitizes Brain to Pesticide Injury
[Media 2003] Most drugs never tested for safety in children