@NianticHelp Hi Niantic, what Will happen if we evolve an Eevee without Last Resort no CD? He Will learn that move after evolve?
But why? Srsly, is there any reason except showing middle finger to the new pvp players?
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@NianticHelp PLEASE reconsider this decision!! Besides that Eevee is NOT one of the more frequently spawned Pokemon for either day..... Eevees at Lvl20 from eggs or raids will be TOO HIGH of level for Great League PvP for ALL Eevelutions with the exception of Umbreon.#PokemonGO
Could you reconsider this specification? Please consider the restricted evolutions such as Umbreon. This is an obstacle to PvP activation.
Ok so why did you tell me different then nianticpic.twitter.com/S2blUVzbtv
When was the date of this conversation?
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My 0/15/15 eevee did not like that. Please make the future Umbreon happy.
Just from the blatantly wrong information support has said in that past I wouldn’t be surprised if Niantic corrects them about this, since this wasn’t the case to get Last Resort before.
It actually was the case for Last Resort before, for what it's worth...
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This is unbelievably stupid
@NianticHelp@NianticLabs ... no other Pokémon has this restriction! Seriously not cool!!! - 3 more replies
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