2018 Japan floods (2018/07/07 UTC)

Map shows the flooded area simulated by the TE-Global in terms of deviation from the mean.
Successive heavy downpours in southewestern Japan resulted in widespread, devastating floods and mudflows.
About this image

"Today's Earth (TE)" is JAXA's land surface & river simulation system developed under the joint research with University of Tokyo. The system distributes & visualizes various hydrological products and their magnitudes for disaster monitoring and hydrological research.

What's new

We have released netCDF data of TE-japan (MATSIRO and CaMa).
The article about Typhoon Hagibis (Oct, 2019) was posted on the gallery page.
>>About Details
The article about Floods in Northern Kyushu was posted on the gallery page.
>>About Details
Due to the system failure occured. JAXA, we temporarily stop update of our dataset from Aug. 15, 2019 to Aug. 19, 2019.
TE-Japan system and output images have been updated since Aug 1, 2019.
We are currently processing past period data in the new system and planning to release data in the near future.
Today's Earth - Japan was opend. (Browse image only.)
System recovered from Jun, 08. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
Due to the system failure occured. JAXA, we temporarily stop update of our dataset, "Today's Earth", at present.
Today's Earth - Global was opend.