Commit ef51c010 authored by Juan Manuel Solaro's avatar Juan Manuel Solaro

(feat) post flow

1 merge request!426WIP: New e2e tests for mobile
......@@ -36,4 +36,60 @@ describe('Post Flow', () => {
await deletePost();
it('should be able to create a nsfw post with text', async () => {
const text = 'e2eTest';
// create post
await waitForAndType(, 'PostInput', text);
await tapElement(, 'NsfwToggle');
await tapElement(, 'NsfwToggle');
await waitForAndTap(, 'NsfwReasonNudity');
await tapElement(, 'NsfwToggle');
await tapElement(, 'CapturePostButton');
// wait for newsfeed
await waitForElement(, 'NewsfeedScreen');
await deletePost();
it('should be able to create a text and image post', async () => {
const text = 'e2eTest';
// create post
await waitForAndType(, 'PostInput', text);
await tapElement(, 'GalleryImage0');
await tapElement(, 'GalleryImage0');
await waitFor(element('CapturePostButton'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(120000);
await tapElement(, 'CapturePostButton');
// wait for newsfeed
await waitForElement(, 'NewsfeedScreen');
await deletePost();
it('should be able to cancel image upload and then post', async () => {
const text = 'e2eTest';
// create post
await waitForAndType(, 'PostInput', text);
await tapElement(, 'GalleryImage0');
await tapElement(, 'GalleryImage0');
await waitForAndTap(, 'AttachmentDeleteButton');
await tapElement(, 'CapturePostButton');
// wait for newsfeed
await waitForElement(, 'NewsfeedScreen');
await deletePost();
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ export default class CaptureGallery extends PureComponent {
{...testID(`Gallery ${node.type}`)}
source={{ uri : node.image.uri }}
......@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ export default class CapturePoster extends Component {
<Icon raised name="md-close" type="ionicon" color='#fff' size={22} containerStyle={styles.deleteAttachment} onPress={() => this.deleteAttachment()} {...testID('Attachment Delete Button')} />
<Icon raised name="md-close" type="ionicon" color='#fff' size={22} containerStyle={styles.deleteAttachment} onPress={() => this.deleteAttachment()} testID="AttachmentDeleteButton" />
<CaptureTabs onSelectedMedia={this.onAttachedMedia} />
......@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ export default class CapturePosterFlags extends Component {
renderNsfw() {
if (GOOGLE_PLAY_STORE || Platform.OS === 'ios') return null;
//if (GOOGLE_PLAY_STORE || Platform.OS === 'ios') return null;
return (
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export default class NsfwToggle extends Component {
render() {
const isActive = Boolean(this.props.value && this.props.value.length);
const button = (
<Touchable style={this.props.containerStyle} onPress={this.showDropdown} {...testID('NSFW button')}>
<Touchable style={this.props.containerStyle} onPress={this.showDropdown} testID="NsfwToggle">
color={isActive ? Colors.explicit : Colors.darkGreyed}
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ export default class NsfwToggle extends Component {
onPress={() => this.toggleDropdownOption(reason)}
textStyle={[styles.menuItemText, this.isReasonActive(reason) && styles.menuItemTextActive]}
{...testID(`NSFW ${reason.label}`)}
>{this.isReasonActive(reason) && <MdIcon name="check" />} {reason.label}</MenuItem>
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