Pokemon Co. going after Pokemon Sword and Shield leakers with new lawsuit

Pokemon Co. is out for blood

Pokemon Sword and Shield suffered major leaks leading into their launch, and Pokemon Co. is absolutely furious over the situation. This is why they've filed a new lawsuit against four unnamed individuals who they claim to be involved with the leaks. These four Discord users either supplied the images to the other defendants, or posted/helped post the photos online.

Pokemon Co. is yet to find out the people behind these Discord names, which is why they're looking to serve subpoenas on Discord and 4chan to get that info. That's going to be a decision made by the courts, so Pokemon Co. is patiently waiting to see if they get the subpoena go-ahead.


I hope it's successful, then it might prevent future leaks.

Mon Nov 25 19 03:33pm
(Updated 3 times)

The only thing it'll stop is pre-release coverage from anyone. Hell Smash Ultimate was forced to be developed in total secrecy and had limited pre-release coverage and now Pokemon might have to do the same thanks to the leaks and death threats.

Kiss good-bye to stuff like so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CF_m4cPs2g

GameFREAK won't be able to do any early announcements outside a month or two ahead of launch anymore. Hell due to Black & White PokeDex leaking early back in the DS era, popular Pokemon fansites don't even do pre-release coverage much (Serebii only does coverage after the games officially release or TPC post official news on their social media channels).

This crackdown will only make word-of-mouth the only hype TPC can generate.

Mon Nov 25 19 03:57pm
(Updated 1 time)

To play devils advocate, the fault could lie with The Pokemon Company and the chain of custody of their pre-release products and vetting various suppliers more.
When they’re working with various external vendors for things like guidebooks (where many leaks came from) they either need to enforce stricter NDAs or defer book publication to a later date until after the game has released.

For example, Disney avoided leaks with


Leaks are inevitable if your product is involved various supply-chain avenues.

they're looking to serve subpoenas on Discord and 4chan to get that info.

Yeah neither of those sites/platforms are going to comply with that. Nor should they.

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