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"Tito, like a fearless giant, came out of the fairy tale, completed the immortal deed of liberation, and returned to the fairy tales." - Branko Ćopić, one of the most famous Yugoslav
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Thousands of WWII monuments were destroyed in the years after the dismantling of Yugoslavia. Particularly hard hit were the works in Croatia by sculptor Vojin Bakić. Here we can see four of his early works which were all destroyed. For more info on Bakić:
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Cool that the local Croatian club has this photo on their Facebook page and everyone is just fine with
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Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Engels on the deal the rich make with the poor: “If I spend this much upon benevolent institutions, I thereby purchase the right not to be troubled any further, and you are bound thereby to stay in your dusky holes and not to irritate my tender nerves by exposing your misery.”…
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Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
On the eve of BiH Statehood Day, fascists again desecrated the Partisan Cemetery & Memorial in Mostar, Bosnia. This isn’t the first attack on partisan & anti-fascist memorials in the area.…
President Tito arriving to Cambodia,
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Hugo Boss designed nazi uniforms Nestlé used slave labor from concentration camps Bayer helped manufacture Zyklon B Chase Bank froze Jewish accounts during the war IBM built the computers that helped organize the train timetables Corporations always cooperate with fascists
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Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
"The five-year plan is the river of steel!" Soviet poster,
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Fašistički ološ ne da mira ni mrtvim partizanima. Kukavički i bijedno poput svih varvara koji su ovu zemlju rušili i palili! Uoči Dana državnosti BiH huligani ponovo skrnavili Partizansko groblje u Mostaru…
"Tito, a profile" - photo by Stevan Kragujević,
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Voliti Bosnu a ne voliti zavnobih moze samo neznalica i politicki laik. Takvi su na istom istorijskom putu sa onima koji Bosni zele zlo
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
“The sharecropping region...where the toiling masses are subjected to the greatest degradation & oppression...Segregated, hidebound, a stifling atmosphere, a sort of prison for the ‘emancipated’ Negroes—this is what the American South is like.” - V.I. Lenin (1913)
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Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
#novisad#protest i naravno poruka Malom -
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
The art of Soviet space propaganda,
President Tito in his office in Bijela Vila, on the Brioni Islands,
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Here's a short history of imperialism and foreign intervention in
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
“They are killing us like dogs. What is the media telling about this? Nothing." A testimony of a massacre by the coup regime in
President Tito dropping his glasses in front of the Federal People's Assembly,
President Tito taking a relaxing walk around his "Brdo pri Kranju" residence in the SR of Slovenia,
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
This is incredible. Thousands of anti-fascists in Modena, Italy singing the partisan anthem ‘Bella Ciao’
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Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Pred ovom kućom je drug Tito prvi put 1942. okupljenom narodu otkrio svoj identitet - "ja sam Josip Broz metalski radnik iz Zagorja!"
President Tito, in his Belgrade residence, playing pool,
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
"Nаs će streljаti, аli sunce slobode će, ipаk, jednog dаnа, kаo i rаnije što je bivаlo, zаsijаti nаšom domovinom" Radosav Topalović: Priča o jednom soluncu koji se sa istim žarom borio za svoju zemlju 1914. i 1941. …
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Olimpijske igre u Minhenu 1972: Kako su jugoslovenski sportisti u jednom danu osvojili 5 medalja... …
Marshal Tito remembers his mother, Marija Javoršek Broz. He had a very close relationship with her. In 1977, when asked what was the hardest blow to him in his entire life, he said: "When I returned from captivity in 1920, I couldn't find my mother."
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Otac™, opisan riječima “fin, uglađen, pristojan i socijalno neprilagođen”, danas puni 68. Htjela sam pisati o njemu sada, ali ne vidim smisao. Niti ga ja mogu dočarati ovdje, niti vas to zanima. Ono što mogu reći je da imam onakvog tatu kakav bi svaki tata trebao biti.
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Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
'I think the West recognized the danger of all of this...Libya was destroyed for its African liberation dream, make no mistake about that' -Muammar Gaddafi's spokesperson
@moussa__Ibrahim on Gaddafi's African projects Watch (and subscribe!): -
President Tito in the Croatian region of Zagorje, on a hill overlooking the small village of Kumrovec he was born in.
President Tito with President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, reviewing the Guard of Honor at Belgrade Airport. President Nkrumah was one of the 25 heads of state attending the Belgrade Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Nations.
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Reading Che Guevara's war diaries and one of the soldiers was an undercover assassin hired to kill Fidel. One night they were camped in the mountains, the guy didn't have a blanket so Fidel shared his with him and the guy became too guilt ridden to go through with it.
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Istorija svakog dosadašnjeg društva jeste istorija klasnih borbi. Naša epoha buržoazije, odlikuje se time što je uprostila klasne suprotnosti. Društvo sve više cepa na dva velika neprijateljska tabora, dve velike klase koje stoje jedna naspram druge - buržoaziju i proletarijat. …
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Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Marshal Tito in his residence in Belgrade, on the 2nd Anniversary of the Capitulation of Nazi Germany. On his chest is the Order of Victory. (1947.)
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
"I have not seen a single beggar on the streets of Soviet Russia. I had never felt so safe: no risk of being robbed. I was told that there is no freedom of religion in the Soviet Union, but Muslims, Christians and Jews worship freely here."…
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
"Без јединства и братства не може бити снажне и сретне Југославије. Без санжне и сретне Југославије не може бити и снаже и сретне Хрватске, Србије, Словеније, Македоније, Црне Горе, Босне и Херцеговине" Ето нисте га слушали и најебали сте
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
Bolivia's democratically elected President Evo Morales explains how the US government was behind the far-right military coup that overthrew him. "The US embassy was conspiring against me," he said, adding that the US directly supported the right-wing opposition to undermine
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Marshal Tito climbing the steps to Lenin's Mausoleum in Moscow,
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
These clips from when Evo Morales did an interview with Jon Stewart are giving me all the feels. this thread -
Josip Broz Tito Retweeted
The heartbreaking moment when a Bolivian mother discovers her son amongst the killed protesters. Security forces of the right-wing coup regime massacred at least 8 anti-coup protesters in Cochabamba and reportedly more than 23 in total across Bolivia.