@ChrisDoogood Georgia, United States
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The Problem can and Will only be Resolved through.. me, you and Every individual.. to Educate ourselves and Those Around Each other! with the Knowledge Of our CONNECTEDNESS!! from one SIMPLE change in perspective! Our ENTIRE WORLD WILL CHANGE!😉 SPREAD THE KNOWLEDGE OF OUR CONNECTEDNESS!🤗
We each have our individual consciousness that is tapped into and projects into the collective consciousness... this is how we experience our reality!
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We don't have to worry about "money" when we have Value! Change our Minds! Our VALUE will be seen. "money" will flow to us! Our VALUE as MINDful Human beings! Makes us more money than we have ever or could ever, have Imagined! Our Abundance will manifest.. From our open MINDfulness.. Instantly! We have the Power to manifest All our Dreams.. NOW! All the Positive communication we've been needing are being Manifested.. NOW! All the pieces of the Puzzle are being put into place as I write this! I call Forth.. ALL: Abundance, Gratitude, Mindfulness, Beauty, Grace, Love, Peace, Enlightenment, New Relationships, Cooperation, Compassion, Community!!! ... Life Force... Work within All to reach Their Full Potential!!! To be a Force for Change.. for a new understanding of GOD and LIFE!!! that will propel our new Paradigm of ABUNDANCE, PEACE, ENLIGHTENMENT, LOVE!!!
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Disclaimer: lots of videos I post.. are Mirrored and in some cases shortened to fit minds 15 minute limit.. of other content creators work!
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