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"Miss me with that gay shit"

by via Android8 hr
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cavymeister via Android2,179 pts8 hr
He was struggling at the end there
19 replies
5thThe gays got him on his knees in the end.
11 replies
DrRad via iPhone640 pts6 hr
But giant steps sound like fun. I mean I usually take steps 2 at a time anyway.
16 replies
Tellyb0228 via Android171 pts6 hr
Reminded of the stair scene in How's Moving Castle
4 replies
Mrstealyomeme via Android1,111 pts7 hr
How fucking weak are your legs if a few oversized stairs are too much for you?!?!?!?!
24 replies
SofaKingSpecial via iPhone60 pts5 hr
He loves equality too much to trample upon it. A person of true conviction... and sore legs.
1 reply
This might be the most Redpill thing I've ever seen.
1 reply
monkkonen29 via Android8 pts5 hr
Leg Day, missed!
i cant WAIT for the comment section on this one
1 reply
beerz4yearz11 pts3 hr
going into cardiac arrest to own the libs
Jisharagu via Android8 pts3 hr
As a tall guy, I appreciate that there's stairs in my size.
GenericName42 via Android30 pts6 hr
Wait, why comments are assuming that the person is not using the others stairs because he is homophobic????
10 replies
pandamandana via Android5 pts4 hr
Maybe he just wants to train his legs
qxqeq2 via iPhone6 pts6 hr
We must get the ring to the mountain...
ajhorselady844 pts2 hr
One of those "cut off your nose to spite your face" kinda moments
jonzmovies4 pts2 hr
Me avoiding my responsibilities
MericanFunkYeah via Android10 pts7 hr
1 reply
Nicholas010 via Android5 pts7 hr
Is this...UNSW?
Sometimes the correct path is the hardest path.
JapeWrecker via Android3 pts2 hr
Did he just get done doing 7467 squats??
JARNSB3 pts3 hr
Doing that would kill my knees.
AermasUnbanned via iPhone3 pts3 hr
I would dress like Thor & pretend to summon the Bifrost.
punchlineguy via Android3 pts3 hr
Gotta keep the momentum
BanGurHeaD via Android3 pts4 hr
Skinny Jeans
Aathole via Android4 pts5 hr
That would be awesome! Beast mode those stairs for the work out.
Big dude in skinny jeans... Okay buddy
lvl6scoot via Android4 pts3 hr
Metaphor for how people are willing to struggle rather than deal with their ignorance/hatred/bigotry.
1 reply
CripPick via Android2 pts5 hr
It's symbolism, it's showing how much of a struggle it is to be straight compared to how easy and struggle free it is to be gay! (SARCASM!!)
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Vanatis via Android2 pts2 hr
They have those giant stairs at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland now. They are extremely useful.
1 reply
Cheomesh2 pts2 hr
Is this Parkour?
Quenchen via Android2 pts3 hr
The Good Place
I'd take those just for the exercise
Kevin, on his way to watch the sunset.
Aseremo via Android2 pts3 hr
Straight people be like "gays are making my life hard"
1 reply
Devil's advocate: what if the gay stairs were Make America Great Again and Trump 2020? It proves a point, yes but seems forceful
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Fleamonster via iPhone2 pts3 hr
Im gay, i admire his commitment
I3eQuAlS52 via iPhone1 pt3 hr
I sure hope taxpayer dollars weren’t used for this.
1 reply
TheRimOfTheSky via Android2 pts1 hr
To everyone freaking out in the comments, the fucking video is staged, so you can stop assuming this guy is a homophobe.
This is a great example that most people will respect/not care by walking on the pride colors but you will always have those that avoid it
Stupidity at its finest
He climbed straight to the top
Nephus1 pt3 hr
I like what all those stairs have to say, but I hate childish artwork that plays at making a difference. I would take the stairs of spite.
2 replies
charcoal12000 via iPhone1 pt3 hr
That tolerance thing is just too hard.
Never thought id see dipshit ignorance so all consuming that hed risk his life to avoid painted stairs. Glorious
His trousers are too tight.
parismaker1 pt2 hr
Those gays are responsible for so many exploded knee-caps!
witalaska4 via iPhone1 pt2 hr
rqk1996 via Android1 pt4 hr
What do the stairs say?
2 replies
gingen1 pt1 hr
I feel like this is a metaphor for what it's like when you oppose basic human rights. (not assuming this guy does)
Damn, that person is really out of shape..
LengSpider via Android1 pt5 min
They identify as giant-kin.
IsadorCz via Android1 pt6 min
chipsconqueso via Android1 pt9 min
Is he carrying bricks in his backpack? Damn son that ain't big a step
TiroDvD1 pt33 min
Nice giant fire hazard there.
What shape are you? "Out of"
Xmen69 via Android1 pt54 min
Good for him! I would have done the same!! NOTHING against being GAY! But you Mother Fucker really pressing your luck with the Regular Joe!!
kittyanya1 pt1 hr
They interviewed him and he did it to challenge himself he said. He's getting into shape.
elrick431 pt1 hr
Weird thing is, I would go the same route he did, just because I'm tall and like the challenge
TigerThong1 pt1 hr
lol that person needs to exercise more
To be fair, temptation is a heavy burden.
Valgyan via Android1 pt1 hr
I see someone skipped leg day
Aerspasius via iPhone1 pt1 hr
Looks like a good workour
1 reply
jnnfrhll1 pt1 hr
Make your own life harder to push out your hatred and bitterness? Sounds like a regular Sunday night at my house.
clonetek1 pt2 hr
Did their pants tear?
RetailCat via Android0 pts2 hr
It must be hard being *that gay*, where rainbows just remind you of a ptsd you never wanted.
Sidewinder1018 via Android0 pts4 hr
Pretty sure his pants are ripping more with every step.
He's gotta get fitter if he wants to run away from gay thoughts.
[deleted] via iPhone0 pts2 hr
[deleted] via iPhone0 pts3 hr