Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵


Professor of Religion and Global Security, RCAST Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. Islam & the Middle East studies.

Joined May 2015


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    Description of my 2015 book on ISIS, which made an accidental and unfortunate blockbuster in Japan, caught in the middle of the political controversy surrounding the hostage crisis in Syria.

  2. عاجل.. لأول مرة إيران تعرب عن قلقها من البرنامج النووي الإماراتي والسعودي

  3. Who’s Who: Samar Yazbek, Syrian winner of the Penn Pinter prize - A fine, short biography of a fearless Alawite revolutionary who has fought to change family life, women's relations with men, and dictatorship in Syria. via -

  4. In Photos: Cat statues, mummies among large collection unearthed in Saqqara's animals necropolis

  5. Quite the question from to Turkey’s Deputy Foreign Minister: “isn’t it a fact that Turkey needs Nato more than Nato needs Turkey?”

  6. “Over 100 nations have condemned the attack on the Abqaiq oil facility ... we hold responsible, it did it because it thought it could get away with it” | ,

  7. “We are confronting what has been an expansionist policy by for the past 30 years - that doesn’t mean we want an actual confrontation, there’s a lot of diplomatic space between the and conflict” |

  8. “We believe regional states must do their fair share in ensuring the stability of the region. But we also need to promote positive reform agendas, to ensure that governments provide adequately for their populations” |

  9. Next on at 11.30 AST: Maritime security in the Middle East – US General Kenneth McKenzie Jr speaks alongside Japan’s Defence Minister KONO Taro and Abdulkadir Abdi at

  10. has consistently made diplomatic efforts to support the stability of the ” | KONO Taro

  11. バーレーン。車窓から。

  12. マナマ対話。

  13. Attending the IISS Manama Dialogue? Do come and get a demonstration of the Plus database with our esteemed colleague - here's Japan’s Defense Minister KONO Taro doing just that!

  14. Catch up on three leading policymakers explore maritime security issues at . Watch General Kenneth McKenzie Jr , Abdulkadir Abdi and Japan’s Defense Minister KONO Taro at

  15. is committed to its responsibilities within , but we also expect other Allies to honour their responsibilities to Turkey too. We are trying to disrupt a terrorist agenda” | Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sedat Önal |

  16. “China does not aspire to regional hegemony, so we refute any suggestion that we are acting in an untoward way in the South China Sea,” LI Chengwen, Ambassador for China-Arab States Cooperation Forum Affairs, |

  17. Former EU ambassador to : “The whole leadership of the political parties have to understand that they need to stop fighting with each other”

  18. In full disclosure, the never returned access to my Twitter account. Thank you to for standing by their community standards and rightfully returning control of my account.

  19. 1/ Lebanon’s turmoil is spilling over into Syria is ways that are acutely felt but only partly understood. Syria’s economy relies massively on the Lebanese market: As the latter breaks down, Syria faces an escalating crisis for which no one seems prepared.

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  20. Re: speaking up -- since resigning as National Security Advisor, the refused to return access to my personal Twitter account. Out of fear of what I may say? To those who speculated I went into hiding, I’m sorry to disappoint!

  21. イランは海軍の全ての駆逐艦にミサイル発射装置(VLS)を搭載する、と海軍司令官。 

  22. トランプ大統領、久しぶりのイランツイート。インターネットがブラックアウトしたので悪の体制がどんなひどいことをしているかわからない、という文句だけしか言ってないな…。もっと反体制デモを応援するかと思ったのだが。

  23. サウジアラビアが率いる連合軍によるイエメン空爆はここ2週間で80%ほど回数が減少した、と国連のイエメン特使。 Saudi-led coalition air strikes in Yemen down 80% - U.N. envoy

  24. Saudi FM receives G20 baton from Japan as Kingdom prepares to host 2020 summit より

  25. IRAN Arms Embargo Expires in 2020: Tehran likely to buy fighter jets, tanks, etc. from Russia and China.Context: "Iran and the Russia-China Pivot in Eurasia" My latest article in Quarterly (PDF of print magazine. Article begins p. 28)

  26. 近年のロシアとイスラエルの関係は良好で、シリア攻撃ではイスラエル軍とロシア軍との間で回線が設けられ、軍事衝突を避ける為に連絡調整が続けられている。わかっていることですが、ロシアメディアの報道で納得。 Russia-Israel Relations: Expectations and Reality

  27. 東京原油、一時4万円接近の高値 OPEC減産継続と予想 (共同通信)

  28. 中東非核化、初会議が閉幕 「全会一致で条約」宣言 (共同通信)

  29. السعودية تتسلم رئاسة اجتماعات «قمة العشرين» اليوم

  30. 「このままでは京都が奈良になってしまいます!」と知事選か市長選で演説して叱られた人いたな

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  31. このままでは東大が筑波になってしまう(多方面から怒られが発生

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  32. ”東大最年少特任教授”の人が差別発言を繰り返している件、雇用している組織も、出身であるという高専教育をも貶めるものなので、雇用者側は早急に対応すべきと思う。情けない

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  33. : العلاقات مع في أسوأ حالاتها الآن جاء ذلك في كلمة خلال جلسة حوارية عقب تسلمه جائزة "رجل الدولة – الباحث" لعام 2019، نظمها معهد واشنطن لسياسة الشرق الأدنى وفق بيان للديوان الملكي تلقت الأناضول نسخة منه الجمعة

  34. Will the masses follow Netanyahu's lead, and blame Israel's legal system for launching a coup against him? | Analysis

  35. Comment - “'s radical ruling has set the stage for backing 's unilateral annexation of much of the West Bank“ writes

  36. Israel has been in a state of political paralysis ever since the inconclusive election held in April

  37. ウイグル弾圧と中国「収奪省」の役割 (The Wall Street Journal)

  38. 米が求める対中軍事連携、アジアで冷ややかな反応 (The Wall Street Journal)

  39. 中国の新興ネット通販、ウィーワークに学べ (The Wall Street Journal)