Pro product page edits
Top Panel
- Change Title
"A new revenue model for creators" (creators should be highlighted)
Change Subtext (bullets)
Get paid for your traffic and referrals
Launch your own website
Receive multi-currency tips and subscription payments from fans
Supports video, images, blogs and more
Change Image: Pick one of the below
Get Paid panel
- Add link to best practices blog (will provide link when published)
Build Your Own Website panel
- Change subtext
"Morph your channel into a full blown website with your own subdomain or custom domain, newsfeed, logo, theme, categories and footer."
- Keep all sub-bullets the same
Regain Your Freedom panel
- Change title
"Regain control of your business online"
- Change subtext
"Tired of demonetization, censorship and unfair treatment from traditional social networks? Minds offers a fully transparent, privacy-focused platform with no bias, hidden algorithms or censorship. Leverage the blockchain and crypto payments to eliminate the middleman and maintain autonomy over your revenue streams."
A Sustainable revenue model for everyone panel
- Remove entire panel
Professional Media sub panel
- Change subtext
"Upload videos or images up to 60 minutes in length, 5 GB in size and 1080p in resolution. Publish your own blogs with our easy-to-use editor."
changed milestone to %Pro Beta #release
added scoped labels
changed title from Pro product page edits to Pro product page edits
changed the description
changed title from Pro product page edits to Pro product page edits
- Reporter
@markeharding this should be good to go now. if you have any questions tag me here thanks
changed the description
added scoped label
marked the task Change Title as completed
marked the task Change Subtext (bullets) as completed
marked the task Add link to best practices blog (will provide link when published) as completed
marked the task Add link to best practices blog (will provide link when published) as incomplete
marked the task Change subtext as completed
marked the task Change title as completed
marked the task Change subtext as completed
marked the task Remove entire panel as completed
marked the task Change subtext as completed
added scoped label and automatically removed label
removed label