Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵


Professor of Religion and Global Security, RCAST Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. Islam & the Middle East studies.

Joined May 2015


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    Description of my 2015 book on ISIS, which made an accidental and unfortunate blockbuster in Japan, caught in the middle of the political controversy surrounding the hostage crisis in Syria.

  2. Is a national election possible in Palestine in light of Fatah and Hamas rivalry?

  3. Live update: For 1st time ever, president hands the Knesset the mandate to form coalition

  4. 中東の人に「人間の安全保障」の意味や意義を説明するのは非常に難しい。「人間開発」ならある程度わかるのだろうけれども。

  5. 中国は新たに発見されたイランの油田の開発に名乗りを上げているとのこと。欧米各国が手を出せない今、めっちゃ美味しいチャンスと思っているんだろうなぁ…。

  6. Saudi task force destroys more than 6,300 mines in west Yemen

  7. Angola Lifting All Boats アンゴラ:石油産業の再編

  8. Like most Iranians, we have a family WhatsApp group. My grandmother, when she gets up for her morning prayers at around 5 am, always starts the day by wishing us a good morning "under the care of God." The group has now been silent for 3 days and it eats me from the inside.

  9. 某A大臣のTweetをオープンソースでインテリしてる部分に注目

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  10. 飛ばして有料回の最後を見たら姫は短期留学で戻ってくるらしい。オタクの落胆を見れず

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  11. 有料でこその内容になってしまった。外国の人はニコ動契約してここにたどり着くのほぼ不可能だろうから大丈夫。 宮本悟×池内恵「北朝鮮&シリア大研究」 60後編

  12. 濃い。 宮本悟×池内恵「北朝鮮&シリア大研究」 60前編

  13. The Air Force may retire as many as 21 of its 35 RQ-4 Global Hawk high-altitude drones, which currently collect intelligence across the Middle East and elsewhere, as part of a series of steep cuts to legacy programs, FP's reports.

  14. ジブチ報告。「ほぼ隔月刊 最新兵器入門 10月号」 59後編

  15. 久しぶりに兵器回を視聴したら完全に限界オタクサークルの下宿の飲み会になってた。「海外留学」を口実に姫も去っていくらしい。「ほぼ隔月刊 最新兵器入門 10月号」 59前編

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  16. サウジの関係者はアラムコのIPOに関連して欧州やアジア、アメリカで商談をする予定だったが、結局サウジや湾岸諸国に限って投資家を集めることにしたとFT。湾岸諸国の中にカタールは当然入っていない…。 さんから

  17. If Pompeo does bail out before November 2020 he will be remembered as one of the shortest tenured if not worst Secretary of State in modern period

  18. State-owned oil giant Saudi Aramco will use advanced war drones made in the kingdom to protect its facilities.

  19. Israel used to trade away land; now Bibi is talking about grabbing more. My latest argues Israel now sees fit to be expansionist.

  20. サウジアラビアのサルマーン国王は、イエメン問題では政治的解決を求めていると述べた。シューラ―議会での演説で述べたもの。 Saudi king says kingdom seeks political settlement in Yemen

  21. A two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no longer feasible, argues, and the Trump administration should be given credit for recognizing this reality.

  22. Quds Force headquarters seems like something that should have been destroyed a long while ago. The ability to hide/protect such things is because has essentially carried out state capture in and won't destroy the state ().

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  23. adopted a policy of attacking the bases set up and avoiding killing people, as the officers recruited to their cause and wove the Islamic revolution into the fabric of society. An even worse mistake was putting off-limits.

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  24. I was honored to meet H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah. We are grateful to have a supportive leadership.

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  25. I was delighted to meet H.H. Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Fujairah, as I briefed him on the details of my mission to the ISS and discussed the next steps. Thank you HH for your continues support.

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  26. سعدت بلقاء صاحب السمو الشيخ حمد بن محمد الشرقي عضو المجلس الأعلى حاكم الفجيرة، حيث شاركته تفاصيل المهمة في محطة الفضاء الدولية والخطوات القادمة. شكراً لدعمكم المتواصل وتشجيعكم لنا.

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  27. A wrong turn could escalate tensions with Iran and its envoys – possibly to the brink of direct war

  28. BREAKING: King Salman: "We hope that the Riyadh agreement will open the door to wider peace talks in ." is now making it public that they are seeking to end their intervention in Yemen. They are undoubtedly seeking concessions w/ .

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  29. Iran summons Swiss ambassador over U.S. comments about petrol price hike unrest- state media

  30. Iran says any figures on protest casualties "speculative" - official's tweet

  31. توازنات اليابان الاستراتيجية الصعبة

  32. صور---مصري--يترأس-ندوة-إستراتيجية-عن--تنافس-القوى-العالمية--بجامعة-طوكيو職場で開催した秘密研究集会が公然と報じられていた

  33. イエメンのイスラム教シーア派系反政府武装勢力「フーシ派」が先週末に拿捕した船3隻のうち、2隻が韓国船籍だったことが分かった。韓国政府が19日、明らかにした。また拘束されている16人のうち2人が韓国人だという。