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Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Turkey announced that it would repatriate an American suspected of being a member of the Islamic State after a commitment from the United States that his entry would not be blocked, the Turkish official news agency said
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
"Turkey remained the world leader in jailing journalists. An estimated 175 journalists and media workers are in pretrial detention or serving sentences for terrorism offenses at time of writing. Hundreds more are on trial but at liberty." -
@hrw 2019 World Report…0:16 -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Türkei schiebt Salafisten ab - Wen schickt Erdogan heute zurück nach Deutschland?…
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
President Trump: "We’re also talking about a trade deal. We do proportionately very little trade with Turkey. They make great product."
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Turkey says American Islamic State suspect stuck at border with Greece will be transferred to the United States.
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Our update on Turkish Monthly GDP after the IP data by
#GarantiBBVA Both 3Q ( 1.6% yoy ) and 4Q (so far 3.6% yoy but accelerating to 5%-6%) in “+”. Recession short lived and V shaped recovery. The 1% GDP in 2019 closer. No complacency! -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Vorwurf der IS-Mitgliedschaft: Türkei schiebt Deutsche ab …
#Investigativ#IS#ISAnhänger -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Standing next to Trump in the White House after a coveted Oval Office meeting, Erdogan got a rare opportunity to address the American public and millions of international viewers. It wasn’t clear Trump got anything out of it at all.
@ForeignPolicy… -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Çağlayan Bozacı, the son of Turan Bozacı, who lost his life in October 10 Ankara massacre, has been sentenced to prison on charge of "insulting the president” due to his remarks about Erdoğan at court
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
History “will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don’t happen,” Trump wrote:
#Erdogan says he used his White House meeting to give#Trump back the letter warning him not to be a 'fool' …@bpolitics#Turkey#Kurds@realDonaldTrump@RTErdogan -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Turkey to deport IS suspect stuck at Greek border to US
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
All smiles at the Erdoğan-Trump press conference last night, but no sign that progress was made on key issues — including Turkey’s purchase of a Russian S-400 air defence system. Full story, with
@Aime_Williams:… -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Low base, stable TRY, lower rates helped by easy Fed/ECB policy + aggressive state bank credit extension all helping. Add in the shear flexibility/durability of the Turkish econ. An economy that wants to grow - question always on sustainability.…
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Turkey’s Balancing Act: What history tells us about Ankara’s relations with Washington and Moscow …
#Turkey -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Nach der Frage einer umstrittenen türkischen regierungsnahen Reporterin nach der Verbindung von Washington zur syrischen YPG-Miliz fragt
@realDonaldTrump: „Sind Sie sicher, dass sie Reporterin sind? Sie arbeiten nicht für die Türkei?“…1:16 -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Der Versuch des amerikanischen Präsidenten, die Probleme mit der Türkei wegzulächeln, misslingt.
#Erdogan zeigt in Washington kein Entgegenkommen – und führt#Trump zuweilen vor: -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Die Scham vor dem Amt treibt die Alten in die Armut
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Since 2013 the number of Africans without electricity has only fallen from 610m to 595m. Progress has been painfully slow
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Turkey says American IS suspect stuck at the buffer zone between Greece and Turkey will be deported to the US -AP
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Die EU muss ihre Klimaziele für 2030 nächstes Jahr nachschärfen und ehrgeiziger formulieren. Der European Green Deal darf keine leere Floskel bleiben. Die Zeit drängt. Dafür habe ich beim Briefing des Deutschen Klimakonsortiums
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Die Deutschen haben eine neue Disziplin, in der sie wohl Weltmeister sind: Sie retournieren online bestellte Artikel, als gäbe es kein Morgen. Doch warum tun wir uns und unserer
#Umwelt das an? -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Wir dürfen uns nicht allein auf
#COP-Prozess verlassen, sondern müssen neue Partner ins Boot holen und mit einer neuen Klima-Außenpolitik andere Länder unterstützen. Überzeugungskraft haben wir nur, wenn wir als reiche Volkswirtschaft unsere Hausaufgaben this thread -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
#Klimaschutz brauchen wir ein deutliches Signal für mehr Ambitionen, sagt AM@HeikoMaas beim Vortreffen zur#COP25 in Berlin. Die EU muss ihre Klimaziele für 2030 nächstes Jahr nachschärfen und ehrgeiziger formulieren. Auf Worte müssen Taten this thread -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
#Polen planten zwei Männer wohl Anschläge auf Muslim*innen nach dem Vorbild von Anders Breivik und#Christchurch. Bei ihnen wurden Chemikalien zur Herstellung von Sprengstoff, Schusswaffen und hochgiftige Substanzen gefunden.#RechterTerror… -
Trump se declara “un gran fan” del turco Erdogan … via
@elpais_inter -
Türkei: Erdoğan will eine Million Flüchtlinge nach Syrien umsiedeln | ZEIT ONLINE…
USA - Erdoğans kleine Rache an Donald Trump - Politik - http://xn--sddeutsche-9db.desü…
Treffen in Washington: Trumps Lob und Erdogans Tadel … # via
@faznet -
Donald Trump trifft Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Wer ist hier der Boss? via
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
'The United States unequivocally opposes any effort to engage in BDS, or to otherwise economically pressure, isolate, or otherwise delegitimise Israel' - Morgan Ortagus, US State Department
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
13. November 2019, Pressemitteilung in Bezug auf die Angriffe Israels auf Gaza …
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Eine stolze Mutter, angereist aus
#Monschau erzählte mir, Tränen gerührt von ihrem in der Formation angetretenen Sohn. Da wurden auch meine Augen feucht.#Bundeswehr#Geloebnis#ZeigHaltung… -
President Erdoğan: “We have agreed on deepening our cooperation and furthering the Turkish-American relations on a strong basis” …
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Where does Iraq's oil money go? In a country rich in oil, protesters who have taken to the streets say they don’t see the fruits of this wealth and that they are sick of blatant corruption and lack of jobs or improvements to their lives. By
@samya_kullab -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Germany avoids recession with surprise return to growth – business live…
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
During yesterday’s press conference in Washington,
@POTUS said: Turkey is a NATO ally and strategic partner, and diplomacy between our nations is essential to securing a peaceful, prosperous future for our this thread -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Thank you to
@EmeraldRobinson for asking President Erdogan of Turkey about the fate of Christians in N. Syria. "Erdoğan: Turkey is exerting special effort for Chaldean Catholics, Syriacs, Arameans & Yazidis. Turkey has helped them pray in peace [by restoring damaged churches...." -
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Here are the top 10 most competitive economies in the world
Paola v. Eulenburg Retweeted
Our annual
@TUSIAD@EPTurkeyForum flagship roundtable on EU-Turkey relations, where TEFF fellows had the chance to interact w/MEPs, EU diplomats & officials and think tankers, finished off an intense and productive visit. They left convinced that a relationship reboot is this thread