Timothy LafaeleVerified account


ラファエレ ティモシー Brave Blossoms Japan | Kobe Steelers | Sunwolves | 🇯🇵🏉

Joined December 2017


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    My dog is ready to support the boys 🐕 🇯🇵

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    Fucken Loyal, hard to come by these days. You the man Browny

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  5. Thank you to the people of Japan for getting behind our team and the RWC. Best rugby supporters in the World 🙌🏾 Congratulations to South Africa on winning last night👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I’m looking forward to what’s next for the Brave Blossoms ✊🏾 🇯🇵

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    Team Adidas 👌💪🏼 thank you 🙏🏼🙇‍♂️❤️

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    Blessed to be part of this team 🇯🇵

  8. It was an honor to go back to my old High School and say a few words at the school assembly with . Hopefully we inspired someone to not be afraid to set their goals and go 💯 for it.

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    Honour to come back to where it all began to speak to the boys and present awards at this years last school assembly with

  10. One week off from training. Been sleeping and eating and I’ve lost 2kgs 🤦🏽‍♂️

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    自動販売機から出て来たのは… Yea boii👋

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    ラグビー日本代表のみなさん🇯🇵🌸 感動をありがとうございました。みんなとってもかっこよかった!

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    このメンバーで最高のキャプテンをサポートできました。 大変な事も多かったけど、このメンバーと一緒にリーダーをやれてよかった!みんなありがとう🤙🤙

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    What a journey it has been! Loved every minute being apart of this incredible team! みんなの応援が本当に力になりました!このチーム本当に最高!oneteam the people’s team❤️❤️🇯🇵

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    This is not my brand or t shirt! Someone just using my name !

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    They've entertained, inspired and captured the imagination of fans old and new. Arigatou Japan.

  17. 感謝します。 ファンの皆さま、チームを応援してくださり、これが日本のサポーターだ!というものを世界に披露してくださりありがとうございました!言葉では言い表せないほど感謝しています。 皆さま、ありがとうございました。

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  18. 監督、コーチ、マネージャー、トレーナー、フィジオ、その他日本代表に関わった全ての皆さま本当にありがとうございました。 かけがえのないチームの仲間へ、決して忘れることのない経験をありがとう。一生の宝物です。 いつもサポートしてくれ、ベストを尽くすように励ましてくれた私の家族や友達にも

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  19. and for motivating me to always try my best. A special thank you to all our supporters. Thank you for getting behind our team and showing the world what loyal support looks like! We can’t thank you enough. Thank you everyone.

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  20. A big thank you to the coaching staff, management, trainers, physios, EVERYONE involved with the team and most importantly to my teams mates. Thank you for this unforgettable experience that I will treasure forever. Thank you to my family and friends for your continued support

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  21. Thanks Uso 🙌🏾 all the best to the other Uso’s playing this weekend.

  22. Looking like a Bad Guy 😈😂 @mackkun_ ありがとう!

  23. YGU RFT 応援ありがとうございます 🙏🏾 Thank you to my University Rugby Team for the support 🙌🏾

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    ラファエレ の絶妙なキックに合わせた福岡 のフィニッシュ💥👍

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    Tim’s parents! 😊 The most humble, down to earth, hardworking pair I know. They might not be his biological parents, but in every other sense... they are MUM & DAD. ❤️

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    Samoan blood runs through his veins, but he represents the country that’s given him soooooo much. So proud of our boy! ❤️ 🇼🇸🇯🇵 (Yes, I wore an ie lavalava and jandals to the game 😂✊🏽) JPNvSAM

  29. It was an awesome experience to share the pitch with my De La Salle Brothers last night. From playing lunch time rugby to playing at the Rugby World Cup 😂 Thank you to everyone that have supported and helped us from our school days 🙏🏾🙌🏾 #81

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    Free Cookies for kiwis at cookie time shop in Harajuku 😆 but they don’t know we are Japanese 😅

  31. Has anyone tried this before to get a night out with the boys? 😂😂😂

  32. Fiji vs Uruguay game 🔥