Udpate app to react native 0.61.4 and jitsi 2.4.0
- Manually compare and change config project files
- Check support of all packages with native code
- Update packages and remove linking for packages that support auto-linking (unfinished check comments)
- Update old packages without native code.
- Clean up / update dependencies
- Update react-navigation to v4
- Make crypto work without nodeify using node-libs-react-native
- Replace the cookies manager package
- Fix android compilation
- Include/update jitsi SDK and react-native-jitsi-meet (Check if will be necessary to fork the SDK and the react-native package)
- Fix error in the production build with the gesture handler
- Remove react-native-keep-awake it is not longer needed with new versions of react-native-video
- Remove rn-placeholder and react-native-simple-radio-button
- Restructure app navigation
- Update react-native-jitsi-meet and add the additional features we need
- Implement new gathering screen
- Replace the deprecated cameraRoll with the react-native-community version
- Fix ios compilation
- Fix jitsi crash in the production build
- Fix react-native-progress issues
- Show video icon in capture gallery for videos
- Fix ios production build error when try to run it on device
- Use new versions of the jitsi and notification forks
- Fix issues with video detection on ios in the capture screen and react native video (ph:// paths)
- Fix issues with video upload on ios (ph:// paths)
- Fix iOS push router for initial notification
- Update our push notification package fork to work with RN 0.61
- Replace photo-view with a custom implementation using reanimated
- Need a replacement for react-native-media-meta
- Replace react-native-share-menu by the new react-native-file-share-intent
- Fix the share to minds functionality
- Improve image picker service to support remote files
- Add react-native-exit again
- Fix spec tests
- Update RN to 0.61.4
- Receive share support more video formats
- Fix CI test job
- Fix CI android release build job
This task includes:
The update of the react-native-jitsi-meet fork:
The update of the react-native-minds-encryption:
Add mime types to react-native-file-share-intent:
closes #1489 closes #1488 closes #1487 closes #1486 closes #1485 closes #1466 closes #1483 closes #1482 closes #1481 closes #1473 closes #1479 closes #1478 closes #1474 closes #1476 closes #1477 closes #1470 closes #1373 closes #1366 closes #1367 closes #1452 closes #1455 closes #1464 closes #1463 closes #1462 closes #1461
added scoped labels
- Maintainer
I was unable to compile the app for android because the jetifier process runs forever using 100% of the CPU and it never finishes. Maybe because we have too many dependencies.
Also, it seems like the SQLite package has issues compiling for RN >= 0.61.1 (https://github.com/andpor/react-native-sqlite-storage/issues/387)
I have updated many packages but we have some very old and unmaintained packages
- react-native-media-meta: We use this package to get the video length before sending it to the server. There are some more updated forks or we can look for another alternative to do the same.
- react-native-photo-view: Used for the full-screen photo view this package is very old and seems like it is not maintained anymore. We can use a fork or maybe replace it with a custom implementation using reanimated.
- react-native-keep-awake: this packages is deprecated in favor of expo-keep-awake which we can use with react-native-unimodules. We should research more regarding react-native-unimodules because it allows us to use expo SDK modules inside a normal RN app. Expo has very good and well-maintained packages that we can use or at least try (like the video player).
- react-native-share-menu: this package is used to receive "shared" content from other apps, it is old and it doesn't have an ios maintainer. I found react-native-file-share-intent as an alternative
Edited by Martin Santangelo changed the description
added 8 commits
- f88d1c59 - (chore) remove unsued creditCardType
- b8ca9a9d - (fix) androidx runtime error with FileProvider
- f95936d8 - (chore) remove file
- e7bb1504 - (chore) remove file
- 82417ac2 - (feat) fix android build with RN 0.61.2, replace cookies manager, fix crypto...
- 901cc910 - (feat) update react navigator v4
- e4b30765 - (feat) update entities package
- 6f39beb4 - (fix) do not paginate on boosted content service
Toggle commit listchanged the description
changed the description 2 times within 1 minute
changed title from WIP: Udpate app to react native 0.61.1 to WIP: Udpate app to react native 0.61.1
changed the description
changed the description
changed the description
added 1 commit
- 4c616763 - (feat) replace cameraroll and shared intent receiver package
added 1 commit
- 86b26ef4 - (feat) use the new react-native-jitsi-meet method
marked the task Update react-native-jitsi-meet and add the additional features we need as completed
marked the task Fix ios compilation as completed
marked the task Fix jitsi crash in the production build as completed
changed milestone to %Mobile 3.12
added 2 commits
added 1 commit
- 33c27910 - (feat) show video icon for videos in capture gallery
changed the description
changed the description 2 times within 5 minutes
marked the task Replace react-native-share-menu by the new react-native-file-share-intent as completed
added 1 commit
- 22311a3e - (fix) ios video preview and upload with ph:// paths
marked the task Fix issues with video detection on ios in the capture screen and react native video (ph:// paths) as completed
changed the description
changed the description
marked the task Update our push notification package fork to work with RN 0.61 as completed
marked the task Need a replacement for react-native-media-meta as completed
changed the description
changed target branch from
added 23 commits
49099607...57a9745d - 20 commits from branch
- 4848f279 - (feat) messenger and notifications screen remove deprecated will mount
- 2c10cca4 - (fix) flow config error
- 9c4d5be7 - Merge branch 'release/3.11.0' into feat/udpate-rn-0_61
Toggle commit list-
49099607...57a9745d - 20 commits from branch
marked the task Fix the share to minds functionality as completed
changed the description
added 2 commits
unmarked as a Work In Progress
changed title from and jitsi 2.4.0 to and jitsi 2.4.0
changed the description
added 1 commit
- c9933504 - (feat) receive supporting more video formats
changed the description
changed the description
changed the description
approved this merge request
approved this merge request
mentioned in commit 64f72980