Custom thumbnails not saving
- Upload video on web in any browser
- Go to media page and edit video
- Upload custom thumb
- Save
- Navigate back to channel to see if thumbnail updated
- On local machines, nothing changes. From another browser, the selector works but the thumbnail upload does not at all.
@eiennohi do i remember you originally building this?
changed milestone to %Pro Beta #release
added scoped labels
- Owner
Confirmed that this does actually save, but the caches aren't being busted, likely introduced via the propagation changes.
added scoped label and automatically removed label
- Owner
- Owner
If there's any way, with this fix, to move the video thumbnail selector to the actual uploader that would be huge. If not no worries.
added scoped label
- Developer
Pushing into this sprint due to urgent flag - feel free to downgrade to high and remove.
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