(chore): Catch RedisException when using pubsub publis - RedisException: Redis server went away
Sentry Issue: ENGINE-F
RedisException: Redis server went away
File "/Core/Data/PubSub/Redis/Client.php", line 41, in Redis::publish
return $this->redis->publish($channel, $data);
File "/Core/Data/PubSub/Redis/Client.php", line 41, in Minds\Core\Data\PubSub\Redis\Client::publish
return $this->redis->publish($channel, $data);
File "/Core/Sockets/Events.php", line 86, in Minds\Core\Sockets\Events::emit
$this->redis->publish($this->prefix . $packet['nsp'] . '#', $packed);
File "/Core/Notification/UpdateMarkers/Manager.php", line 46, in Minds\Core\Notification\UpdateMarkers\Manager::pushToSocketRoom
->emit("marker:{$marker->getEntityGuid()}", json_encode($marker->export()));
File "/Controllers/api/v2/notifications/markers.php", line 94, in Minds\Controllers\api\v2\notifications\markers::put
(4 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
changed weight to 1
assigned to @gthouret
added scoped labels
- Developer
Hoping it's not related to Redis limitations in: https://tech.trivago.com/2017/01/25/learn-redis-the-hard-way-in-production
- Developer
I modified the Redis PubSub interface so that connection issues should be handled and false returned instead of throwing a RedisException.
Edited by Guy Thouret added scoped label
mentioned in merge request !314 (merged)
added scoped label and automatically removed label
mentioned in commit fcb4f65b
- Owner
This is still happening
Sentry issue: ENGINE-9G
changed milestone to %Misc. Q3 2019
added scoped label
removed label
- Owner
Looks like the issue was the
in docker being set to public DNS too. Removed and looks to be stable again. closed
added scoped label and automatically removed label
- Owner
changed time estimate to 2h
- Developer
Appears to be an issue with resolving the hostname
I could do with being able to diagnose this within production environment and checking production config for this.