Analytics v2 fine-tuning
- metric tooltip mobile bug
- metric width
implement mobile scroller button and offsetX listener
- chart click event (actually not difficult to implement)
- chart hoverinfo positioning fine-tuning
- disable chart hover events when dropup filter is expanded
chart resizing
- table column widths and wordwrap on headers
- enable ellipsis overflow on usernames
- dynamic flex item vals based on column count
- filter focus/blur behavior
- filter tooltip width
- ellipsis overflow long option labels
- make sure container fits filters component on mobile
All analytics v2 components
trade isMobile() for media queries
- menu
- filter
- metrics
- dashboard
- layout-chart
- table
- put filters back into the chart view
- assume timespan 'selected' works so I can dynamically control datePipe and tickFormat in graph
- fix custom datePipe YYYY in graph
- move filter label outside of dropdown and add tooltip that compiles descriptions of each option
- divide dollars by 100
- add loading spinner to chart too
add nticks to the timespan format obj - find out where y-axis labels disappeared to
- change class names to BEM format
- mobile styles
metric tooltip z-index
added scoped label
changed milestone to %Analytics #mvp
added scoped label
added scoped label
added scoped label
added scoped label
added scoped label
added scoped label
changed the description
marked this issue as related to minds#868 (closed)
changed milestone to %Pro Beta #release
changed the description 2 times within 2 minutes
marked the task as completed
changed the description
marked the task disable chart hover events when dropup filter is expanded as completed
marked the task make sure container fits filters component on mobile as completed
changed the description 2 times within 5 minutes
changed the description
marked the task menu as completed
marked the task metrics as completed
marked the task dashboard as completed
marked the task layout-chart as completed
changed the description
marked the task table as completed
marked the task trade isMobile() for media queries as completed
marked the task filter focus/blur behavior as completed
changed the description 2 times within 3 minutes
changed the description 2 times within 1 minute
mentioned in merge request !614 (merged)
added scoped label and automatically removed label
marked the task metric width as completed
marked the task chart hoverinfo positioning fine-tuning as completed
added scoped label and automatically removed label
closed via commit f03e30f6
closed via merge request !614 (merged)