Here's the Socialist Worker (just kidding, it's the Financial Times reporting Citigroup) on the respective economic merits of No Deal and Corbyn. …
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“No money for public services”
So, Ms Pearson perhaps you can explain the sources for this figure seeing as the ONS estimate the total UK net worth in 2017 at £10.8 trillion? …
We are waiting Allison
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Do you have a source for this? Hitchens: 'A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.'
Brexit - & fascist forces it has unleashed - is the most serious threat to UK since 1939. It rips away rights, freedoms, benefits, protections, opportunity, deprives us all of investment & billions for public services. Worst, it enables racism/xenophobia, offers no +ves.
Oh it's that "Project fear" thing Leavers have been going on about.