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Qassim Soleimani knows when to intervene & how. He is the master of timing. He killed Iraqi Kurdish dream of independence using that skill Today he is back to manage the turmoil in Iraq & he’ll get what he wants. Others are on Twitter, he is on ground.…
‘Why don’t Muslims do something or Muslim leaders speak up’ question is meaningless for there is no formal & poweful entity which represents Muslim interest. While our reality is Sykes-Picot, our questions are as if a worldwide Muslim alliance existed. It doesn’t.
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Nation states were designed to shrink the identity from a civilisation/ummah to artificial borders! There weren’t anything called Turkey, Saudi or Pakistan a century ago. Today, the borders of these countries & sense of belonging to them have replaced articles of faith.
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Imagine being an Uyghur Muslim, forced into a concentration camp, forced pork and wine, prohibited from praying the way you have all your life, separated from your children and family and having no one, not a single Muslim leader around the world speaking up for you!
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Dana Nawzar Retweeted
Sehr guter Thread, das erklärt warum
#Türkei /#Erdogan nicht annähernd so gefestigt und starkt ist wie#Iran. Ich weiß, dass viele Türken sich der Vision hingeben, dass Erdogan der "neue Sultan" sei oder der "Führer der Muslime".… -
Dana Nawzar Retweeted
A thread worth a read!…
I am against conspiratorial thinking simply because it has become a burden on our collective agency but there are certain events which aren’t normal Epstein’s pedophile ring, involvement 2 US Presidents, attempts to cover & Epstein’s death are NOT normal…
This is one of the threads that I wish all people with Islamic affinities be it Turks, Arabs or others would read. This is what good people like
@IlhanMN might also need to see.… -
Baghdadi died by detonating himself while running from a dog. Assad is now being accepted again by all major local, regional and international players as the president of the ‘Syrian Arab Republic’. What does this convey?
It is been over a thousand years and we still don’t have an English expression which captures the meaning of كلمة حق يراد بها الباطل best. That unmatched wisdom from Imam Ali is so much needed nowadays.
Dana Nawzar Retweeted
Baghdadi killed 300 people in US and Europe while Assad massacred his people only. Assad says ‘long live Syria’ while Baghdadi shouted Allahu Akbar It has never been about how many you kill, it is always about who you kill, where and what you shout…
That is not true. Erdogan doesn’t try to create a caliphate. He tries to maintain the territorial integrity of his own nation state by embracing nationalism and fighting the independence/autonomy dreams of Kurds. So he isn’t like Baghdadi but more like you pal Modi.…
0:57 -
This is the Syria the entire world is helping to recreate: A more brutal Assad, a disintegrated society and thugs turned into animals who now see every civilian especially women a prey. But sure, Baghdadi is dead.…
Not only Erdogan has embraced the Kemalist TC mindset, he is also using all his credit once gained because of his neo-Ottoman ideas to use Ottoman heritage for Turkish nationalism. Soon he could very well lead MHP and IYI Party as well.
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Today Erdoğan made a speech in which he basically equated Ottomans to Turks and followed that Türk is not a nation it is a cause. He is wrong. Turkey isn’t Ottoman. Turkey is a modern nation state built on racism, massacre and assimilation.
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Nobody asks how come millions of Armenians, ethnically and religiously differnt, lived at the heart of Ottoman Empire for centuries but they were only massacred & didpalced at dawn of 20th century? Turkish nationalism is the anti-thesis of Ottoman values.…
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Imagine, everyone was able to win in peace but all chose to lose in war. I don’t care if there are foreign conspiracies, the stupidity is native.
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Today, Turkish leadership is making all kinds of concessions to all kinds of forces just for the sake of ending the pro-PKK Kurdish entity in Syria While Kurdish entities in Syria & Iraq face political irrelevance as a post-ISIS anti-Kurd regional pact comes closer.
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30 November 2014, in a meeting with HDP leadership, Abdullah Ocalan predicted that if Turkey-PKK peace process succeeded in 4-5 months, the future of Middle East will change. If failed, coup plans in Turkey & chaos in region will come sooner. The accuracy!…
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I don’t expect Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran to reward Kurds. These states are based on assimilating Kurds. But the West who is loud about Kurds when it comes to using them against leaders they don’t like, what are they doing now? Words don’t prevent genocide.
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Turkey’s war in Syria was to end the Kurdish entity. Yes a pro-PKK entity but a Kurdish entity nonetheless! In Iraq, Kurds were punished for demanding independence & now there are calls to end their autonomy! So again, what did the Kurds get out of all of this?
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So US Congress is going to recognised the Armenian genocide, a long held demand of Armenians This bold move is amidst the popular anti-Turkey environment created by Turkey’s reckless war against Kurds But what did the Kurds get out of all of this? -except tweets & phone calls-
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Dana Nawzar Retweeted
No Deal is now off the table so tonight Labour will back a General Election. We're launching the most ambitious and radical campaign for real change our country has ever seen. This is a once in a generation chance to build a country for the many, not the few. It's time.
Iraq was structurally designed to fail. When the decision maker is an Iraqi he has to impose his rule by force and when the Iraqi decision maker is weak, it is outsiders who make decisions and they want no good for Iraqis. Iraq is a failure but God save the Iraqis.
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Every chaos will be followed by an order. In the Iraqi context, no chaos has ever been followed by a good order. Dictatorship Saddami style is unlikely but don’t underestimate the power of corrupt elites & their regional conspirators.
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I see no good in chaos in Iraq. The chaos in its current form started in 1958 when a few generals supported by delusional masses influenced by Soviet propaganda conducted a bloody coup. But I am in owe for the bravery of the Iraqi people & sad their deaths are in vain, again.
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Dana Nawzar Retweeted
If Iraqis ever confuse you, yeah that's our thing.…
0:24 -
The only graphic that matters…
Erdogan’s latest war is not for himself, his vision or his base but the Old Turkey. And when Old Turkey comes back, it won’t be only Kurdish cultural gains that will be reversed but also the freedoms gained for the conservatives. A progressive return to principles is needed.
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Ahmet Kaya has dedicated most of his songs to the oppressed groups in Turkey He was amongst the few voices who stood up for Erdogan when he was persecuted by 1990s Turkey Today, Turkey is racing back to the 1990s.
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Today is the birthday of Ahmet Kaya. He was one of the most famous singers in Turkey in 1980s/90s. He was popular until the moment he announced he will sing in Kurdish, a taboo in 1990s Turkey. He was degraded, defamed, declared a traitor and had to leave and die in exile.…
0:59Show this thread -
Let’s admit it: There is no Turkey, Iraq or Syria! A country is a feeling before being borders & many inside these countries do not have that feeling of belonging. Middle East can’t be divided because we are too similar. The only way forward is a union which maintains diversity.
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The system of Muslim wilayat which was basically an administrative decentralisation worked for over a 1000 years and kept peace in Middle East! We need a return to that spirit if we want not to suffer one by one in isolation.
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It’s actually a good thing that there is no ‘Iraqi identity’ but then alternative which is division across ethnic and sectarian lines is no better. We need a different model which bypasses the artificial border model to a confederation of regions!
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The most important thing for Kurds in Iraq right now is the Syria situation while the most important thing in Iraq is the protests. And while the Shia parts are in absolute revolutionary mode and the Sunni parts are silent. That is what happens when a dumb Brit draws maps.
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Dana Nawzar Retweeted
This puppy remains alone after his mother died during a nightly U.S-led raid to kill the leader of ISIS in
#Barisha village in media may contain sensitive material. Learn moreShow this thread -
The symbolism here is huge. Our dogs, our humans, and our nature suffer.…
We as Muslims take pride in the fact that we ran world’s largest & most ethically sound caliphate for over 1,400 years protecting minorities & freedoms while harbouring scientific progress. So when any lunatic with a Twitter following calls himself a caliph, we don’t even laugh.
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