But while Evans is best-known for directing action, and the awesome 2015 film The Guest has proven that Stevens can definitely pull off a dude on a mission to break as many limbs as possible, Apostle is a slow-paced period piece. Stevens plays a drug addict who's been sent to an island to rescue his sister from a cult. And while it definitely has its gory parts (you'll never look at a drill bit the same way), mostly it's just an unsettling visit to a community that's caught under charismatic (and supernatural) powers.
It just goes to show that if a dude can direct a near-flawless action sequence, he probably has the chops to tackle the timing and visceral nature required for horror too. Also, at one point Dan Stevens loses some fingers in a meat grinder and I yelled "NO, FUCK YOU, MOVIE" at the screen.
Related: 21 Horror Movies That Were Even Scarier Behind The Scenes
Murder Party And Hold The Dark Are The First And Most Recent Films Of A Modern Horror Master (Netflix)
Watching more and more of my friends jump aboard the Jeremy Saulnier train over the last decade has been a treat. The first film I saw of his was Blue Ruin, a thriller about a man who gets revenge on the asshole who killed his parents and finds himself embroiled in a mad dash for survival, and I was delighted when people discovered Green Room, his ode to punk music, box cutters, and hating Nazis. So if you're like me and are an evangelistic fan of those films, get pumped, because his debut feature Murder Party and his latest film Hold The Dark are both available on the 'flix, as the teens these days call it.
October 27th, 2019 • 27/10/19 • 7:04 am
The new Suspiria is such a different beast from the old Suspiria that it barely feels like a remake.
The old Suspiria, IMO, is way, way superior, with its crazy color palette and iconic soundtrack. The new one feels like a particularly dry documentary with occasional bursts of horror.
The one thing they both share between them is that Helena Marcos is f'n ridiculous both times.
October 27th, 2019 • 27/10/19 • 7:45 am
I saw the old Suspiria in college and couldn't go near a window at night for several months (always had to plan ahead and close the curtains before it got dark). No way in hell am I seeing the new one! (Judging from the trailer, I'd have to cover all the mirrors in my house.)
October 27th, 2019 • 27/10/19 • 8:58 am
The only time I watched the original Suspiria was on acid, which was...yeah. Pretty interesting.
October 27th, 2019 • 27/10/19 • 6:14 am
The trailer does not do justice to ravenous. It's fun movie to watch.
October 27th, 2019 • 27/10/19 • 8:15 am
I cannot say enough good things about Ravenous. It's a near-perfect film. And Jeffrey Jones is, as always, is a blast to watch.
October 27th, 2019 • 27/10/19 • 5:53 am
I absolutely loved the movie Ravenous back then. The soundtrack alone was worth watching. Never could I imagine it being so remembered today in 2019, let alone making #1 on a list article. Thank you.
October 27th, 2019 • 27/10/19 • 10:42 am
The soundtrack was absolutely bonkers. In fact, it was done by Michael Nyman, the same guy who did the equally bonkers soundtrack to The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover.