[–]▶ 0cf892 (2) No.9976427>>9976453 >>9976517 >>9976524 >>9976609 >>9976712 >>9976748 >>9976883 >>9976898 >>9976927 >>9976977 >>9977091 >>9977326 >>9977410 >>9978131 >>9978267 >>9978592 >>9978632 >>9978828 >>9978838 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Neoliberals are trying to do the impossible: Make their memes cool
>The alt-right and the radical left may be losing elections, but there's one kewl territory where they're still gaining turf: the meme wars. Take a look at 2016. Weaponized white nationalist frog militias dominated elections in the United States, as memes of Bernie cuddling tiny kittens climbed their way to the Tumblr top. Largely absent were memes coming from free market centrists known, always disparagingly, as "neoliberals."
>The moderates have a meme problem. Neoliberalism, a socially liberal, pro-immigration, pro-market ideology popularized by Bill Clinton in the 1990s, does have its fans and its memes. There's r/neoliberal, which currently boasts over 11,531 "free traders" and some unapologetically wonky commentary. The page Gnarly Neoliberal Memes offers the equivalent on Facebook. By and large, though, this technocratic, proudly unsexy political movement feels antithetical to populist meme culture — posing a real obstacle for moderates trying to capture the heart of the internet and even a few of their votes.
>If you're reading this article, chances are you're part of the smaller-than-you think segment of the population who gets their information from traditional-ish news sources. During the course of the 2016 election, sites that traffic heavily in memes flourished: Occupy Democrats reached over 4 million followers on Facebook, with Right Wing News falling just behind at 3.37 million followers. Compare that to Politico, who hit just slightly over 1.1 million, and CNN Politics, who, at its peak, hit over 1.8.
>Populist, radical-ish candidates like Sanders and Trump dominated the meme race. Bernie Sanders' Dank Meme Stash has over 440,000 members on Facebook. It was the meme-makers at 4/chan, not the RNC, who were driving force behind the Trump campaign. In November, America finally elected its first "meme president." Outside of her famous shimmy, Clinton struggled to make a mark on the meme map. Her gender likely played a role, too. A 2015 study found that the meme-sphere is dominated by images of white men, with men appearing twice as often as women.
>But critics contend that that Clinton's absence from web culture — and by extension, meme culture — was a product of her personality as well as her technocratic third way liberalism, "neoliberalism." Left-wing memes "can joke about gulags and right-wing meme pages can make Warhammer 40K references, [so] what can political moderates joke about?" the founder of Gnarly Neoliberal Memes, asked Mashable.
▶ b512de (1) No.9976453>>9976495 >>9976751 >>9976963
>>9976427 (OP)
that is one shit meme lad they have no chance
▶ 658fd5 (11) No.9976469>>9977734 >>9978089 >>9978578
lmao nice start faggots
>heather dockray
There's nothing that makes me quite as smug as Jezebel bloggers and VICE lackeys who think they're these hip tech-savvy social-hackers and autistically dissect the latest ebin ebaums maymay in an attempt to discover some rosetta stone of memesmithing.
▶ abbfaf (2) No.9976495>>9976591
It's obviously satire
▶ 4c099a (1) No.9976502>>9976610
>as memes of Bernie cuddling tiny kittens climbed their way to the Tumblr top
Yeah, kitten memes.
▶ c14c42 (1) No.9976508>>9976531 >>9976591
If you need an example of why all leftists need to be gassed just look at that absolutely godawful meme and realize that this is literally the absolute best they can do.
▶ b4ce95 (2) No.9976517>>9976519 >>9976527 >>9976915 >>9976931 >>9977244
>>9976427 (OP)
I don't get it, what's the problem with populism again?
▶ 36f4e7 (1) No.9976524>>9976591 >>9976610 >>9978154
>>9976427 (OP)
Shit meme. Even liberals dont like multiculturalism.
▶ ee6a9d (1) No.9976525
it was over before it even began
▶ abbfaf (2) No.9976527
Really funny that they are trying to meme "politicians serving the people who elect them rather than global moneyed interests" as a bad thing.
▶ 83d9bb (1) No.9976528
>the founder of Gnarly Neoliberal Memes
I think I'm gonna puke.
▶ 8137b7 (2) No.9976531
Most basic bitch co-opting i've ever seen.
>Soros $$$
Is this for real?
▶ 4d5c57 (1) No.9976536
>weaponized whit nationalist frog militias
Apparentry MS Paint and GIMP means we're dangerous people.
Lying fag is literally trying to make drawing harmless comics and expressing free speech as some sort of violent activity.
▶ 658fd5 (11) No.9976550>>9976568 >>9976920 >>9977094 >>9977879
Can't tell if this is metamockery of libtards or if this is what they actually believe.
▶ ed96f9 (1) No.9976568>>9976590
> mountain dew
Am l missing something here? Why did those make the shit list?
▶ a2ff8d (7) No.9976589
I know from anecdotal experience that lefties just aren't funny. I can get a room of high school girls to laugh at one of my jokes about jews, but I'd like to see some "free-trader" do the same (and a special ed classroom doesn't count).
▶ 658fd5 (11) No.9976590
/v/ and gamergate would often laud the values of mountain dew and cheesy snacks to make fun of the heavy-handed advertising campaigns in games. Liberals, in a long tradition of taking jokes at face value, thought they were serious.
▶ 0cf892 (2) No.9976591>>9977116 >>9978102
It's not, the guy who posted that genuinely identifies as a neoliberal.
Guys, please learn about what neoliberalism is. Both Reagan and Thatcher were neoliberals and they were conservatives.
▶ a0b3f9 (1) No.9976596
Jesus fucking christ. Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake I guess.
>creating new memes
>implying these people are capable of creation
>these people don't just co-opt, subvert, and destroy anything good
These "memes" are fucking terrible. They only go to prove their absolute insanity and delusion. They are so fucking crazy they think Merkel is a hero while she lets the population get savagely murdered, kidnapped, and gangraped - and not only that - you're the crazy one for not celebrating it.
I used to believe in peace and I still do, but the methods of attaining that peace have changed.
▶ 3281f5 (2) No.9976609>>9976611
>>9976427 (OP)
tbh its probably a bunch of ironic 4pol users the Reddit is titled "The Ideological Trashcan".
So fuck you OP you made me go on Reddit for your stupid ironic board.
▶ 658fd5 (11) No.9976611>>9977890
Looking through it, I'm pretty sure you're right.
>six million
▶ cbea11 (1) No.9976616
oh kike!
▶ a5c23a (2) No.9976619>>9976682 >>9976701
They already tried this forced meme bullshit with that retarded bolshevik Schulz in the German elections by literally copying Trump memes image by image and word for word, with the result of him losing all state elections, including a former stronghold of his party, and being projected as losing the federal elections by a wide margin.
I really wouldn't worry about it
▶ a2ff8d (7) No.9976682>>9976697 >>9976703
Wait, really? They told the whole world that this guy was some grassroots populist all of four weeks ago, heh.
Just found pic related off google, it seems to be from r/communism. Checking out the thread, it would seem that the place is as degenerate as you'd expect. Do these morons care to discuss anything other than meta topics? A faggot will post some gay shit, and then the first comment will be a pun or something and then everyone else tries to elaborate on that pun… and wow, I thought people here had autism. Reddit is just down's syndrome.
I'm not worried, there was some panel in Germany that talked about 8chan and the danger memes from here present… and then the speaker showed her own meme that she told everyone to make to fight back, and it was just fucking lolcat image macro in broken english.
▶ ee33b0 (10) No.9976701
Wait a minute, are you saying those schultz memes were unironic? I'm pretty sure those were meant to be ironic. There were even hilarious /schultz general/ threads on cuckchan and such.
Poe's Law in action
▶ e2ba19 (1) No.9976703
>using the world degenerate
▶ 83e1ba (1) No.9976712>>9976723 >>9976748
>>9976427 (OP)
They know nothing of memes
▶ ee33b0 (10) No.9976723>>9976748
Got anymore dank Hugh memes?
▶ d1fcdb (3) No.9976740
They did this right before the election too. It stopped abruptly after Hilary's loss.
▶ 85d7eb (7) No.9976748>>9976777 >>9977777
>>9976427 (OP)
Libtards will never understand that memes are created to be funny and fun, not to be hateful against some sort of enemy. Otherwise it's just shitty propaganda. Memes like >>9976712
and >>9976723 are funny because of just how over the top they are, or they reference a shared knowledge that we already have (like Jimmy's father's ridiculous voice and ramblings). But more important is how over the top and "offensive" they are. That's what helps make them hilarious.
A pepe/wojak meme of Hillary winning or whatever on its own isn't funny. A pepe/wojak meme of Hillary shitting herself while Donald is outside in the distance riding a tiny unicycle is hilarious
▶ 31a283 (1) No.9976751
>radical centrism
That is National Socialism…
▶ ff5004 (2) No.9976756>>9976766
I'd rather engage in the identity politics that allow me to be proud of my European blood rather than the identity politics that demand I turn the other cheek because someone is a minority.
▶ d1fcdb (3) No.9976766>>9976819 >>9976845
But anon, can't you see? You are just as bad as the SJWs if you engage in white identity politics. You have to learn to come together with based POCs, homosexuals and trannies.
▶ ee33b0 (10) No.9976777>>9976803 >>9976874
That and libcucks need to tell you what to think instead of allowing you to analyze and make a conclusion for yourself. That's why their memes are always just WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS pasted over an irrelevant image, because "uh, like, memes are impact text + image, bro"
Meanwhile, our memes can stand on their own. There's a ton going on in pic-related, and yet I don't need tons of words to explain to you how to interpret it.
▶ a46c36 (1) No.9976799
Reddit stealing memes. Nothing new here.
Does anyone have the circulation of OC on Internet? Basically internet users shitting into eachothers mouths besides *chans who made the OC likes of Funnyjunk, 9fag, etc steal
polite sage
▶ 85d7eb (7) No.9976803>>9976822 >>9976827
Also it's the little things that make these funny. Wojak crying with a smug pepe isn't funny. The "cuckbucks" logo, the diploma for "art," and the employee of the month photo with the crying wojak once happy is what makes this funnier. In addition, him crying over a "Trump" cup while espousing the "coexist" mantra on the cash register adds to the comedic irony
If this meme was made by the Left, it would have words explaining "HE'S CRYING BECAUSE HE'S FORCED TO WRITE SOMETHING HAHA STUPID IDIOT RIGHT?" in impact letters somewhere. The subtleties are what allow images like these to stick in the minds of the viewer. Heavy handedness is what dropped failed memes to the bottom of the collective psyche.
▶ ff5004 (2) No.9976819>>9976832
> I-I have plenty of black friends, they're just on vacation right now! A-anyway, I'm trying to make some transgender friends, but it's hard because you really can't tell! As for the gays, I mean, homosexual-Americans, I'm trying my best to adapt to gay culture, but it's just a bit difficult considering that every time I meet one, they suggest that I'm secretly wanting a piece of their boipuss3. B-but I'm really starting to like living life on the right side of history! Who knew that acceptance could lead to such joy!
▶ ee33b0 (10) No.9976822>>9976875
Exactly. But they require heavy handedness to prevent "misinterpretation" of their memes. Mostly because their world view is false, and it requires all this explanation that's antithetical to common sense to "make it work"
▶ d1fcdb (3) No.9976827>>9976875
Words words words is weaker, but harder to edit. They are playing it too safe. I guess because they know we can easily turn a meme on its head and fire it back much faster and more cleverly than they can.
▶ 8ad0ab (1) No.9976832
His head looks kinda like the head of a penis
Fitting, it matches the rest of your post
▶ ee33b0 (10) No.9976845
That shit from the "classical liberal" types rustles my jimmies. The faggots who think they're clever by saying "/pol/ are the real SJWs! muh horseshoe theory!"
They're literally no different than the full-blown marxists, except not as vocal. Destroying our culture and replacing our ethnicity with foreign hordes is okay, apparently so long as you don't outright say "I hate whitey" while doing it.
▶ 658fd5 (11) No.9976874>>9976907 >>9978069 >>9978091 >>9978147 >>9978187 >>9978205
>>9976777 (noice)
If liberal memers were rightwing.
▶ 85d7eb (7) No.9976875>>9976907
>Exactly. But they require heavy handedness to prevent "misinterpretation" of their memes.
> they know we can easily turn a meme on its head and fire it back much faster and more cleverly
Yes, similar to how Colbert had to explain why it was a bad thing that Comey was fired to a cheering audience. And similar to how an anti-Trump commercial for Hillary ended up being a pro-Trump commercial if we just cut the "evil" sounding music out and replaced it with some badass sounding American rock. Yes, it is very possible they make these memes purposely bad so that they can just preach to the choir and dissuade us from changing them. Look at what happened to Trump-Pepe when his creator put that one out.
Another thing I'd like to point out is that Leftist memes tend to be strictly for a purpose. Our memes are not. When our memes are for a purpose, they look like propaganda and they are specifically used for propaganda. These memes tend to not be reposted, and they often aren't even considered memes, just propaganda. Pepe and Wojak were not made in order to push Trump into office. That only happened after the Left considered Pepe to be hate speech. The phrase that we memed a president into office is very telling, because we did not make these Pepes with Trump for propaganda, but for fun. It just happened that the Left's reaction to them launched these memes into the public eye and garnered more support for Trump than he ever would have gotten, not because these memes were at all convincing but because few wanted to identify with a lady screaming about cartoon frogs.
▶ e28340 (2) No.9976883
>>9976427 (OP)
It's white left nigger.
▶ d601dc (6) No.9976898
>>9976427 (OP)
They've been trying for years. Their "memes" are copies of /pol/ memes, except they don't have any ground in reality.
A meme needs to actually reflect reality to be a real meme.
▶ ee33b0 (10) No.9976907>>9976943 >>9977449
topkek, nicely done.
>Another thing I'd like to point out is that Leftist memes tend to be strictly for a purpose. Our memes are not.
Really good point. I've been using many of the same "memes" for the better part of a decade now. It's so easy for us to modify and adapt to whatever specifics we need at the time. They're more like blank canvases to add meaning to.
Sort of like stock characters from commedia dell'arte. Instead of Harlequin and Scaramouche, we have Pepe and Wojak.
▶ c73b09 (1) No.9976915
I have no idea. It can describe any government with elections. My guess is the difference in a populist government is "Guy I don't like was elected."
▶ 882d6d (1) No.9976919>>9978229
An EU approved Anschluss, Montenegro partof f Serbia, Kosovo part of Albania, Turkistan part of Europe,Azerbaijanistan part of Europe
>>What is this.
▶ 8a944d (1) No.9976920
They're really projecting hard there aren't they.
▶ 6b2d25 (1) No.9976927>>9976950 >>9977333 >>9978180 >>9978567 >>9978571
>>9976427 (OP)
Another lefty meme thread!
▶ e487b2 (4) No.9976929
>nigger in a library
Oh shit, that one's actually pretty funn- wait there's 3 more panels…
▶ ee33b0 (10) No.9976931
They'll never outright say this directly, but the basic jist is that populism is bad because you can't actually just "give people what they want" because people are dumb and we know better than them.
Which is, of course, an implicit admission that universal suffrage is a fucking joke, and not everyone should have a say in how our country is governed. And yet, the people who decry populsim are also the ones who go on and on about "muh poor blacks who can't vote because muh voter ID"
▶ 85d7eb (7) No.9976943
>Sort of like stock characters from commedia dell'arte. Instead of Harlequin and Scaramouche, we have Pepe and Wojak.
EXACTLY. This is exactly it. If the stock characters from that era were for a specific reason beyond just being stock characters, they would have never propagated through the years and through fiction. Pepe and Wojak are akin to the Pierrot character, a clown or a jester who is there for some laughs but has a deeper meaning beyond that. However, this meaning can easily change from one story to the next, is never heavy handed, and the character itself (alongside the others) can change as well to create lasting memories in the viewers. These character archetypes propagated through the centuries and are present in other mediums, including (albeit crudely and perhaps unintentionally) through memes.
▶ ab00eb (1) No.9976945>>9976976
>uphold the third world
Something tells me these fucks have never actually seen any pictures of what the third world looks like.
▶ 85d7eb (7) No.9976950>>9976966
The funny part is these are funny only because of the irony. The left would see these, think they are great recruitment tools, and put them on facebook.
▶ 221d84 (1) No.9976963
Thought that was originally a Trump meme. They just switched the faces and the terms.
▶ ee33b0 (10) No.9976966>>9976994
I don't think I've ever seen a leftist meme that properly utilized irony. They still seem to think that just calling us 400 lb virgins or "neo-nazis" is some sort of "gotcha" that is going to make us recoil in shame. Even though we ourselves constantly use self-deprecating humor. Beta uprising, tendies, goodboy points, NEET memes, >tfwnogf, etc etc etc.
▶ d601dc (6) No.9976976
The third world for the lefty's is clean cities with no whites in site. They are pretty delusional.
▶ 8f76ae (3) No.9976977
>>9976427 (OP)
>Radical centrism
▶ 80b270 (1) No.9976984>>9977007 >>9977009
Neoliberals have their own memes factories:
MSM and Late Night Shows
▶ 85d7eb (7) No.9976994
The Left doesn't realize it's own faults. We realize there are differences in our own beliefs, and that even the shit we believe in can be challenged, usually by our own side. We are fine with those differences and even make fun of them sometimes. The Left seems to believe that they are on some just mission to push their infallible bullshit by any means necessary, exposing their hypocracy. I find it funny when I'm called fat (which is "fatshaming"), and when I'm called a virgin (which is propagating "rape culture") because these insults show the Left cannot even follow their own ridiculous id politics. I love watching them dump their own virtues in feeble attempts to insult me.
▶ d20c35 (2) No.9976995>>9977053
Can some wiser anon explain to me why Clinton is considered a technocrat? She's easily the least-qualified person to ever hold the offices she did, and has never exhibited any desire to change the current system of governance by legal kikes. This is not the technocracy I was promised.
▶ 658fd5 (11) No.9977007
>MSM and Late Night Shows
And they're equally as incompetent.
▶ ee33b0 (10) No.9977009
Those aren't true organic memes though. They're forced memes that only work because of the monopolistic captive audience that the MSM format has.
Same with everything ZOG has ever pushed out, going back to the holohoax and beyond. Holohoax is the very definition of an inorganic forced meme. And like all ZOG forced memes, it totally falls apart when its outside its controlled setting.
▶ c6fb48 (1) No.9977045
The trouble with neoliberals is that they have no sense of humor. They're too busy looking for devils in the dishwater. If something doesn't offend them, then they look for something to be offended by.
Good memes require humor.
▶ a2ff8d (7) No.9977053
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>9976995
Probably because she would have had a cabinet made up of her patsies from each department who have been hyper-focused on doing the same garbage for decades now. She also ran her campaign using an algorithm called Ada that overrode the opinions of her advisors who were on the ground when it came to which states to visit, where and when to play ads, etc.
▶ e47372 (2) No.9977091
>>9976427 (OP)
Weak assed faggot fuckers
▶ d9401b (1) No.9977094>>9977101
This is Micah Johnson. This is satire.
▶ 85d7eb (7) No.9977101
So they are just advocating violence then? Not even a meme.
▶ b861ee (1) No.9977116
The only thing neoliberals conserve is Shlomo's bank balance. Fuck off leftist and sit with your retarded half-brother
▶ 3408e6 (6) No.9977145
>Neoliberals are trying to Make memes
I believe the word that fits there is "Edit".
As these cucks can't create shit, they only co-opt what already exists through minimal effort, as they have no real idea what actual makes a "meme" they simply think it's a set of meta rules that have been set to follow.
They have no clue what makes a meme a meme, this will most likly end up in disaster for them in the end, just like every other attempt they've had.
▶ e28340 (2) No.9977192
Lol so all they do is copy pasta because they are shit and not funny
▶ 57c615 (1) No.9977199>>9977217 >>9977219
hey,what happened to the mememagic
You fuckers went weak after Trump won
Get your shit back together
▶ 3408e6 (6) No.9977217>>9978615
>went weak
kek cometh and kek goeth as he pleases.
this is also something important to know about memes.
You can't force them.
▶ 91be62 (2) No.9977219>>9978615
Kek went into hibernation somewhere along the first and second week of this month. He should be back by August.
▶ 72790f (1) No.9977243>>9977304
This has to be a mockery of liberals. There is no way they are this deluded.
▶ aee8af (5) No.9977244>>9977270
It's this kike commie idea that muh ebil fascists are manipulating the poor, misguided masses by appealing to what would actually benefit them in ways they understand, instead of calling for global uprising of the proletariat. This is a trickery most insidious, as it generally kicks the support out under the feet of any burgeoning revolutionary movement.
▶ 658fd5 (11) No.9977270>>9977828
Those stupid proles don't know what's good for them. Once we take charge and tell them what they can and can't do, they'll thank us for freeing them from tyranny.
▶ aee8af (5) No.9977304
They are. I'm from a yuropoor country so the scales are much smaller, and I personally know a bunch of shabbos goyim and actual kikes who are nowadays involved in all those Soros shell NGOs EU gibs offered all kinds of nice exchange programs and youth forums for politically minded young people in order to brainwash them into nice conforming goyim under the leadership of a kike clique. If I had to describe what the average leftist political activist/operator is like in one word, it would be "snob". The kikes set the tone, and the rest of them follow. Their humour is generally a weird mix of dark self-deprecation and elitism at the same time. They're the sort of person who likes to bask in their superior smartitude. But they are obsessed with virtue signalling, because that determines their place in the pecking order, so whenever they say something too far out it must immediately be followed by a bunch of platitudes and explanations of how that thing is actually really bad according to the latest research in intersectional transfeminist gender theory.
They enjoy saying smart words and discussing definitions of things, not sctually learning and understanding stuff. Just look at OP's pic, all the fancy terminology as opposed to straight up simple shit in all the real variations of that meme. They get their giggles out of shit that references their knowledge of marxian theology, because they use it to signal how good they are to each other.
So no, this isn't satire. The liberal intellectuals actually think this is fucking hilarious and also making a difference at the same time.
▶ a3ed4d (1) No.9977326
>>9976427 (OP)
>How do I economics
Have these niggers never heard the term "Supply Side Policy"?
I know it's satire, but that is an argument those fags try to use, but as we know- Commies can't into economics.
▶ deaeae (3) No.9977333>>9977342 >>9977395 >>9977417 >>9978660
That Pepe/post never stops being funny.
>Has he really peed his pants? Is he retarded? Has he done it on purpose?
▶ d601dc (6) No.9977342
▶ 8f76ae (3) No.9977395
>Is he retarded?
What if he was only pretending?
▶ d02b14 (1) No.9977410
>>9976427 (OP)
The point o memes is to appeal to the masses. It ain't gonna work when you try to meme globalism and Soros as something positive.
▶ deaeae (3) No.9977417
>my digits and ID
Is this Kek's blessing?
Have another.
▶ 708652 (1) No.9977421>>9977677
What the fuck, even /leftypol/ is better at this.
Hell, even shitty normalfag memes like this one here is better than this garbage, holy fuck.
▶ d20c35 (2) No.9977449
La peepee
La poopoo
▶ e303af (1) No.9977472
I've been watching the neoliberal meme machine for a while. It's hilariously bad. They are radically pro the status quo.
▶ aee8af (5) No.9977478>>9977507
>no source
>no contextual relation to the thread
You gotta try harder than that. I miss the days when the kikes would shill us themselves. Now it's just pajeets like you putting in 0 effort.
▶ deaeae (3) No.9977479
▶ 658fd5 (11) No.9977507>>9977635
Dat outsourcing. Even the nerd virgins who never get laid are losing their jobs to pooinloos.
▶ aee8af (5) No.9977635
>tfw CTR join forces with /pol/ to stop the offshoring of employment opportunities
▶ ee33b0 (10) No.9977677>>9978887
/leftypol/ doesn't have any memes either. All they do is take our memes and replace natsoc imagery with gommunist imagery
>Hitler did nothing wrong becomes Stalin did nothing wrong
>merchants become porkies
>race war becomes class war
>gas chambers become gulags
the ONLY THING making them even moderately better than these neolib normalfag memes is that they base their memes on our memes, and at least are willing to be edgy with their stuff.
▶ 53964a (5) No.9977734
i could write an story algorithm with more ingenuity then her writing.
▶ c6b61d (1) No.9977769
"You're populist not ''popular!!"
▶ 53964a (5) No.9977777>>9977799 >>9977809 >>9977888 >>9977902 >>9978145
i thought it was hilarious when trump forced cruz to have a press meeting where he stated that his father was not the zodiac killer. that is epic trolling
▶ 63193e (1) No.9977797
i've seen enough shit over these past years to know that leftists are incapable of making a real meme and are REALLY incapable of being humorous.
▶ aee8af (5) No.9977799>>9977809 >>9977888 >>9978145
I have to say, those numerals give your post a credibility all of its own
▶ 7d1450 (1) No.9977802
▶ 86312b (1) No.9977809>>9977888
▶ dfb5a5 (6) No.9977811>>9978145
>Libs thinking they have "dank memes" when handling stolen goods.
Battle hardened tier 1 meme vets meat* faggot feeling snowflakes 'memes'
*Intentional typo.
▶ 53964a (5) No.9977828
best thing trump can do is elimiate funding for the humanities and abolish them from colleges on the grounds that they are racist/sexist hate resentment factories.
that would eliminate the recruiting/brainwashing grounds for the left.
▶ 858dac (1) No.9977868
Our stuff is simplistic and on the mark. We can convey ideas that many will agree with and laugh along with us or even laugh but not agree. We have sharpened our memetic blades through years of shitposting, calling each other faggots, braving the most depraved corners of the imageboards. We stared into the abyss and found it smiling smugly right back, the leftists could never throw themselves into the same situation. They need their safe spaces and trigger happy moderation.
▶ dfb5a5 (6) No.9977879
>mfw I wasn't even trying
▶ 53964a (5) No.9977888>>9977983 >>9978145
i guess kek found it funny too lol
▶ 3ba4f8 (1) No.9977890
Okay, so it's the Father's day shit all over again. Well as long as it brings salt, I guess
▶ 76209c (4) No.9977894>>9977901 >>9977917 >>9977931 >>9977989 >>9978389 >>9978664
Even their "Memes" are merely a reaction to ours. A bad fake designed to provoke not to entertain. Always dependent upon our ideas and our culture because they lack their own.
They haven't understood memes and they will lose this cultural war because without us they would not exist either.
▶ 91be62 (2) No.9977901>>9977936
Is that an unironic leftist meme or are you taking the piss out of me?
▶ 3408e6 (6) No.9977917>>9977928 >>9977936
>shilling for Soros
Are they actually admiting to being a Soros shill?
this image has to be fake right? they do realise that shill is an insult r-right?
▶ dfb5a5 (6) No.9977918
Hey guise!
This shill actually implied a "Shoot the border crossers" gofundme!!
Pajeet your owners won't be happy with you!
▶ 658fd5 (11) No.9977928>>9977939 >>9977947
It's tongue in cheek.
>lol those stupid nazis think soros is paying me. i do what corporations and globalists want for free heh checkmate heh
▶ dfb5a5 (6) No.9977931
At least they used the correct image of a cuck to represent themselves -Justin "If you kill your enemies, they win" Trudeau.
▶ 76209c (4) No.9977936
Its on the first page on their cancer swamp of a subreddit
▶ 3408e6 (6) No.9977939
>He does it for free
▶ dfb5a5 (6) No.9977947
>shills call their memes 'dank'
>outing themselves as shills in their own memes
>mfw they're imitating us, but redpilling themselves instead.
▶ 76209c (4) No.9977954>>9978019 >>9978024
Im starting to think these are payed shills.
I doubt that real humans can be this retarded.
▶ f125bb (2) No.9977963>>9977973 >>9977976 >>9977994 >>9978043 >>9978045
>Trying this desperately hard to fight memes with memes
>libs absolutely fucking suck and can't meme to save their life
>inb4 a special task force was commissioned through libs, (((deepstate))), and shareblue specifically designated with meme warfare.
▶ 3408e6 (6) No.9977973
Wouldn't be the first time we've had them commission meme warfair.
If i remember correctly, the cia did the same thing awhile back.
▶ fdae17 (6) No.9977976
Memes are fueled by chaos when we are incarnate leftist can't into chaos because if they just like the memes flow naturally they wouldn't give the message they wanted.
I was talking to a leftist friend and he calls us contrarians so in a way they are slowly starting to realize they aren't the plucky rebels fighting the man but the opposite.
▶ 283960 (2) No.9977983
kek is most definitely happy with it.
▶ 283960 (2) No.9977989>>9978010
>actual this
>actual that
do they ever stop and ponder how much of their argumentation is just an outright appeal to authority/status quo?
▶ dd6019 (1) No.9977994>>9978005 >>9978043
▶ fdae17 (6) No.9978005
▶ fdae17 (6) No.9978010
They try hard to deny that they are the establishment because they have such a hard on for muh hippies muh punk rock.
▶ dfb5a5 (6) No.9978019
Having come across them anon, I can assure you they are like that even if not paid.
▶ 658fd5 (11) No.9978024>>9978054 >>9978820
Taking your opponents points, then aping them like an idiot and calling it 'irony' is a very goony type of snark which the majority of internet-savvy leftists have adopted. They're desperate to be both in the popular majority and in the inner cool kids club. "Everyone agrees with me you dummy, also I'm underground fighting the system, also I don't even care lol".
It's why dismissive smug pictures fucking enrage them so much. It makes them look like the unfunny affected try-hards they are.
▶ d601dc (6) No.9978043
>The Mummy?
>>>/just/ fuck my fame up.
▶ 76209c (4) No.9978045
Yeah, just compare this shit to /r/communism wich is braindead but seems natural and "real".
The amount of posts and likes indicates some kind of fuckery. They just dont feel like proper human beings given that there is not a single rational reason to follow neo-liberalism out of all things. Its designed as a provocation aimed at the Alt-right but also directly at us.
All of these accounts have been created somewhat recently and the only thing they do is shilling against the right.
Something is extremely fishy about this shit.
▶ d680ba (2) No.9978050>>9978126
Telecomix failed. CTR failed. This will fail too.
They keep trying and they keep losing. They refute the truth that our magicks require. Their attempts are little more than cargo-cultism. They ape without understanding. This is all they can do, because if they understood, they would turn.
▶ 53964a (5) No.9978054
>They're desperate to be both in the popular majority and in the inner cool kids club. "Everyone agrees with me you dummy, also I'm underground fighting the system, also I don't even care lol".
they want all the privilege of being the privileged and all the privilege of being the oppressed.
-jordan peterson quote about (upper middle class) SJW's.
▶ 3408e6 (6) No.9978091
It's funny because it's true.
▶ 91406e (1) No.9978102
>any of those being good
Do you even know where the fuck you are?
▶ efaf77 (1) No.9978126>>9978159
They will never catch up to our memes. We have meme wizards who have shitposted on the chans almost every single day for over a decade, and have seen countless memes be born and die. They will never have the meme expertise we have. Even the "cool" jewtube lefties like Sargon can't be original to save his life, and apes our maymays constantly.
▶ f7c7df (1) No.9978131
>>9976427 (OP)
>soros $$$ on merkel's side
Waaaiiit a minute
▶ 85aebb (1) No.9978145
▶ a2ff8d (7) No.9978147>>9978155 >>9978389
that made me laugh way too long
▶ 0f6e34 (1) No.9978154
fucking spoiler that shit faggot
▶ fdae17 (6) No.9978155
We demonstrate what they try to imitate.
▶ f125bb (2) No.9978159>>9978553
We at least have the high concentrations of autism dedicated to spending hours upon hours of investigation, looking into shit, meme warfare, spreading the memes, giving libs a dose of their own shame medicine, fracturing their little groups by using their weaknesses against them. All of it, in the goal of finding truth and securing the existence of our race/people and a future for white children.
I'm also reminded of how those microsoft pajeet scammers that would call stopped calling me after I kept asking them if they were holding the phone with the same hand they used to wipe their asses after shitting in the streets
▶ 075806 (2) No.9978180
>colored ID
Get fucked, nigger.
Have an uncucked version.
▶ ef3ffa (2) No.9978184
As usual they lack everything required to create even the most simple & effective meme. Pathetic.
▶ 3281f5 (2) No.9978187
Good effort, it really shows.
▶ ef3ffa (2) No.9978205
Thanks for the laugh lad.
▶ 075806 (2) No.9978243
It doesn't take up the whole continent?
▶ 00a461 (1) No.9978259>>9978327
Top jej, Austria part of DEUTSCHLAND.
They suck at memes, even on a subconscious level.
▶ 448c34 (3) No.9978267>>9978343
>>9976427 (OP)
As a meme veteran for many, many years. I have to give me honest rating 2.5/10. I have yet to see a lefty meme surpass 5/10.
▶ a2ff8d (7) No.9978343>>9978355
this one is sort of funny, but it was probably wasn't even made by a lefty
▶ 448c34 (3) No.9978355
That isn't a lefty meme at all I used too feel like that even when I was racist.
▶ d21310 (1) No.9978366
▶ f163f6 (1) No.9978371
>third pic
>kicking Hungarians out of Hungary
Just how fucking retarded and delusional these idiots are? It's just so tiring that we can't simply slaughter them.
▶ e6db94 (4) No.9978389>>9978450
I swear that the left has autism, between the "jokes' that people like 2-Scoops, Current_Year, and Family Guy tell, I think they legit have some sort of autism.
There is no soul in any of this, it's pointing to something that is and telling you to laugh but what is being added here? Is there even a new twist or clever perspective change here at all?
How is merely re-framing something in a such a disingenuous and basic way supposed to be funny in of it self?
▶ d680ba (2) No.9978450>>9978500
We joke that we have autism, but they likely legitimately have it and host of other defects. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of their actions are a result of trying to compensate for their defects.
Let's look at what they do. They ape memes, obsess over children's media to an unhealthy degree (le geek culture), the males are manchildren and the "women" are shrill harpies incapable of relating to people.
Everything they do is souless, derivative, and simplistic. I do not believe these are self-actualized human beings. They lack the self-awareness and individuality necessary.
Us? We're some sort of aberration in the noosphere. What we are defies the current scientific understandings of psychology and cultural anthropology. 300 years ago we would have been the first Freemasons.
▶ ae209c (4) No.9978460>>9978470 >>9978509 >>9978525 >>9978818
Exerpt, Eustace Mullins - Curse of Canaan
>The westernmost outpost of the Phoenicians was Cadiz, a Phoenician colony which derived its
name from the Semitic gadir, or fortress. Their most important colony, which soon became a
rival to Rome itself, was Carthage, which they established about 900 B.C. The name derived
from Hebrew, Kart-hadshat, or new city. The Phoenicians often named their cities with the
prefix of "new." During the fifth century, the Carthaginians had fought the Greeks and survived,
but in 264 B.C. Rome attacked in full force. A series of wars ensued, called the Punic Wars,
because the Carthaginians called themselves the Punics. St. Augustine noted that the Punics
among themselves referred to their people as the "Chanani," or Canaanites, but this name was
like a secret code; they never used it in dealing with other people.
>The Phoenicians often named their cities with the prefix of "new."
>this name was like a secret code
Phoenicians = kikes
neo (Prefix) = New (popularized 'nu')
(New world order, New European Order, New School of Research, New York, New England, New Age, Neo Con, Neo Nazi, News, the New Philosophy, New Testament, Israeli new shekel, etc)
tl;dr jews disguise their devices, often as gentile creations, in western society by using the 'new(prefix)' meme
▶ a5c23a (2) No.9978470>>9978518
▶ e6db94 (4) No.9978500
I remember seeing a while back some image of an old psychology book that said Children develope the ability to understand that wearing clothes of the opposite sex does not change the actual sex of the person. Wish someone had it and could post it or a source to the book.
But yes, I think you're absolutely correct about this. They're like big children, not actual adults.
▶ 5a8ce5 (1) No.9978501
>Free movement of labor
aka mass spic importation to cripple wages. You die alongside the commies.
▶ e6db94 (4) No.9978509>>9978539
If the modern Jew are actually the Canaanites somehow, that would actually make a lot of sense actually.
▶ ae209c (4) No.9978518
▶ a2ff8d (7) No.9978525>>9978561
Wow, neat line of thinking, I might think back on this from time to time. Jews being Phoenicians has always made sense to me though.
▶ 2aed2e (1) No.9978537
This reminds me of a lot of commie memes.
▶ ae209c (4) No.9978539
Jerusalem is the capital home of the jew, the fued with arabs is over the symbol third temple (al-aqsa) which you should look into. Also check out the Hyksos jews of Egypt. Hitler literally predicted the State of Israel 30 odd years before ww2.
▶ e47372 (2) No.9978553
▶ ae209c (4) No.9978561>>9978574
"Thus we see the Canaanites, newly named the Phoenicians, dispersing along all of the trade
routes and avenues of commerce throughout the earth. As God prophesied, they spread
corruption, terror, and devastation wherever He scattered them. Later known as the Venetians,
they dominated the avenues of commerce; when they settled inland, they specialized as
merchants, and later, as bankers, at last comprising a group now loosely known as "the black
nobility," which holds seemingly irresistible power today."
Black nobility = heads of world jewry & masonry
gas 'em all
▶ 12205e (1) No.9978567
Are these actual lefty memes? They are horrible.
>high barrier of entry: you have to already be a part of the culture to get any of it
>still using "le"
>muh words muh sentences
I know some good ones have already been posted but here is one of my favorites for further comparison.
The first pic says it all tbh.
▶ b3cffe (1) No.9978571>>9978580 >>9978705
What is this 1996? Holy God these are awful
▶ 8f76ae (3) No.9978574
▶ 1ba04f (1) No.9978578
Is that even a woman?!
▶ e56079 (1) No.9978580
>he isn't extreme about memes
▶ 72d140 (1) No.9978592
>>9976427 (OP)
"Oh look! The right wing websites have ebin maymays! We better copy those on our Sassy Socialist Memes facebook page xD"
I don't have a problem with leftists trying to meme for themselves. Because meme magick only works when there is a grain of truth to it. You can't meme ludicrous shit out of thin air, it has to have some sort of basis.
And trying to make subvertive memes about the guys in power is literally retarded.
Do they seriously think people will start considering globalists as some kind of subversive and new idea? Shit, it has been preached in public schools since the nineties. NOBODY is stupid enough to fall for that shit.
Rated 1/10, literally no effort.
▶ bc202b (1) No.9978615>>9978653
>still trying to force this meme
If you make everyone believe it, then they'll think it. Memes only go as far as society takes them. By saying he "needs rest", you're effectively trying to kill it by force, but I don't see anyone stopping themselves from praising Kek.
▶ e08042 (1) No.9978627
>evidence-based policy (except for what we cover up and ignore)
>Taco trucks at every corner (you're not fat enough and no one can make a taco if they're not Mexican)
>inclusive institutions (unless you're a straight white male and/or someone who disagrees)
>caring about the global poor (implying you don't already give handouts like crazy, implying you should be meddling in external affairs if they don't threaten you - even if that appears harsh, implying your constituents are going to be happy about this when they have to pay for it)
>Trudeau and Macron (as a Canadian, that's hilarious since more and more people here hate him)
>Soros $$$ (>willingly enslaving yourself >"b-but rich p-people are evil… n-not Soros though")
>vaccines (implying you don't already have access to them and the choice to take them)
>radical centrism (translation: progressive Reddit PR for morons)
>it actually works in real life (tell that to Sweden [do it fast before they lose internet access in 2030])
>globalism… followed by sanity (Sweden, please stop)
>The Four Asian Tigers (successfully made by evil colonists :^), shit freedom of the press [Singapore's is worse than Russia], ethnically homogeneous [oy vey] with the low point being Singapore with a still strong majority of 74% Chinese)
>raising living standards (translation: lets make everyone equally shit)
▶ ccc5a8 (3) No.9978632
>>9976427 (OP)
>Bernie memes
▶ 448c34 (3) No.9978653
You will make a fine meme magician one day. You are not there and still have a long way to go though.
▶ 84dc80 (1) No.9978660
>prayer of the rollerboys
kek confirmed kinosseur
▶ ccc5a8 (3) No.9978664
>healthy relationships with actual people
LOL, such projection.
▶ e54a4f (1) No.9978678>>9978692
I gotta admit this one was good.
Can anyone shoop it so she's holding a bomb or something?
▶ fdae17 (6) No.9978692
Nah this is newspaper tier. The art style makes it look dated already.
▶ e487b2 (4) No.9978815>>9978818 >>9978823
>nigger in a library
Oh shit, that one's actually pretty funn- wait there's 3 more panels…>>9978460
>jews disguise their devices, often as gentile creations, in western society by using the 'new(prefix)' meme
>New Testament
Christkikes btfo once again.
▶ e487b2 (4) No.9978818
▶ 2fe40e (2) No.9978820
Yeah. Your post sums up why there has not been decent liberal humor since the 90s.
▶ e487b2 (4) No.9978823
oh i see what happened.
▶ fdae17 (6) No.9978828
>>9976427 (OP)
Please accept my offering of OC.
▶ 8137b7 (2) No.9978838
>>9976427 (OP)
Let's see if they can top this.
▶ 2fe40e (2) No.9978846
That is exactly what the left is doing, anon. Shit why cant they see it? Have you ever seen those type laugh at their own jokes? They laugh really hard and it is obviously all pretend. It is fucking gross and uncomfortable to watch. Try watching SJW standups laugh at one anothers jokes sometime.
▶ 3f09ca (1) No.9978887
>merchants become porkies
what is their defense against the fact that international capitalism is jewish