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Dear Fat Kimmy, there's a French Banker married to a grandma who's plotting to replace you with Yeong Ten

File (hide): 602190d721feea9⋯.jpeg (148.41 KB, 1200x798, 200:133, moargoodgoon.jpeg)

File (hide): bed6f44826962ca⋯.jpeg (277.04 KB, 750x445, 150:89, agoodgoon.jpeg)


a9067c (15) No.9960284>>9960404 >>9960415 >>9960438 >>9960478 >>9960497 >>9960581 >>9960597 >>9960693 >>9960904 >>9961367 >>9961539 >>9961778 >>9963405 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]




MUH WALL THREAD #1 >>9955011


Post last edited at

a9067c (15) No.9960295>>9960840

I guess you guys DID spam the same thread FOURTEEN times, so here. Use this one.

551ede (17) No.9960300

My sides!

0fe109 (1) No.9960302>>9960435

did the mods get compromised

3908d9 (2) No.9960320>>9960330

For real? If your not up to the task of fucking modding an image board pass it on or suck it the fuck up. Stickying shit threads does nothing but encourage shitposts.

b48b78 (1) No.9960321

File (hide): 7e09c3b349d1ed1⋯.jpg (94.65 KB, 328x317, 328:317, goldface2.jpg)

I love civic nationalism!

Jews rock!

a9067c (15) No.9960330>>9960344 >>9960356 >>9960840


If you're not up to the task of shilling properly, maybe you should just fucking kill yourself, how about that you rat kike bastard?

894ac1 (59) No.9960344


agreed, they got their stickied thread now they will continue to complain and claim that because you didn't use the right image or something wasn't included in your OP that it doesn't' count and you are compromised

a9067c (15) No.9960351>>9961392


>spam thread fourteen times

>switch IPs hundreds of times to shill

>be so anally pained they're now openly trying to dox the mods

>but MODS are the ones who are spergs

Sure, moishe, sure.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960353


then leave

9da768 (1) No.9960354

>immediately stickied spergpost

Really agitates my cortex

3908d9 (2) No.9960356


No, youre the kike shill you hook nosed fucking yid.

shitposting sure is hard

a9067c (15) No.9960372>>9960423 >>9960840


I'm going to need a video made by that underage jewish whore evalion to be properly convinced. You got a spare one laying around?

7074ad (3) No.9960373>>9960378

This is our last chance to stop drumpf and fully demoralize whites. Let's make it count and shatter their will to resist. Also, read your private messages Dan.

894ac1 (59) No.9960378


where you pm me, on discord or on twitter?

f1679c (1) No.9960389>>9960397 >>9960399 >>9960403 >>9960453 >>9960485

I've been gone all day. What's been going on? And why are people trying to dox mods?

a9067c (15) No.9960393>>9960840



a9067c (15) No.9960397>>9960840

821885 (4) No.9960399>>9960405 >>9960416 >>9961380

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mods keep deleting every thread about trump cucking out and wearing a like hat while touching the wailing wall.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960403>>9961401


>trump touches Israeli wall

>shills in discord see opportunity to try to flood /pol/

>get BTFO continuously by mods

>cry loudly

>mods sticky one thread so they can shitpost in it

And now we're here

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960404

File (hide): 691178296d03a52⋯.jpg (45.41 KB, 645x512, 645:512, Ancient_a172d8_5630291.jpg)

File (hide): 55dfdde3f499c35⋯.gif (4.79 MB, 474x257, 474:257, lXiRwW4swIEopPlIc.gif)

>>9960284 (OP)

>keep voting, we'll get there!

a9067c (15) No.9960405>>9960489 >>9960840






4919c3 (5) No.9960415

>>9960284 (OP)


821885 (4) No.9960416

1e1f9b (3) No.9960423>>9960443 >>9960444



please give it a rest kike-lover. If Trump was giving a rimjob to a kike while another was balls deep in his ass you'd still defend him. You honestly should just fucking kill yourself because you're clearly unfit to mod /pol/. Jew-apologists are not welcome here.

Your autistic fits of aspergers-induced rage are funny to watch, but they expose what a totally unhinged idiot you really are.

bd6d72 (14) No.9960435


>lol i have been in a coma for a year and a half

c1da42 (11) No.9960438>>9960449

>>9960284 (OP)

>This morning.

>This if the definitive proof that drumpf is a kike shill. pol is dead forever!

>This evening.

>Rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why won't anyone believe me! RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *autistic screeching intensifies*

Tippity top kek.

894ac1 (59) No.9960443


funny thing is, nobody is even defending him, you guys are just sperging so hard its hard to make a point of it because we are too busy dealing with you retards who can't help but drop your spaghetti because of this.

a9067c (15) No.9960444>>9960463 >>9960840


Quick, change IPs a couple hundred more times to convince us how not mad you are.

f1c8fd (1) No.9960445

File (hide): 3ad54fb5b596012⋯.png (31.44 KB, 547x603, 547:603, 3ad54fb5b5960127cf9df0b03f….png)

>lets sticky this thread for no reason lol

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960449

551ede (17) No.9960453>>9960496


Trump touchs a wall.

Shill explosion.

1e1f9b (3) No.9960463>>9960473

File (hide): 5a694df22c721a0⋯.png (267.36 KB, 414x578, 207:289, Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at ….png)


>Haha silly goys, why are you mad Trump cucked for the us Jews? Don't you know that we're your greatest allies?

Who do you think you're fooling, merchant?

b883b9 (1) No.9960470

abrahamic monotheism should be classified as a mental disorder

894ac1 (59) No.9960473>>9960490 >>9960496



its just too funny at this point to keep arguing with you kikes. You got a stickied thread about it, now is your chance to post all the shit you want about the wall, and what do you do, like pottery, you complain.

cec01a (1) No.9960477>>9960492



cb9949 (99) No.9960478>>9961321

File (hide): 4e326ef3aa97d63⋯.jpg (164.88 KB, 1190x1222, 595:611, Jewish Boy Smug.jpg)

>>9960284 (OP)

The mods have lost control of the narrative. Its afraid. Be sure to keep an eye on the board log.


Now watch me get called a shill.

c1da42 (11) No.9960485>>9960493 >>9960723


Shills have been trying all day with their usual "DRUMPF IS DEAD MAGA IS A LIE YOU SHOULD'VE WAITED FOR HITLER" script because Trump touched a wall. Mods have been ass ramming shills all day.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960486>>9960493 >>9960507












821885 (4) No.9960489>>9960557


Trump is a like but there wasn't a better choice, shill.

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960490








Just so we're clear, that it's a bad thing. Don't be a jew, like the president.

a9067c (15) No.9960492>>9960840



cb9949 (99) No.9960493>>9960506



>everyone who doesnt agree with me is a shill

1e1f9b (3) No.9960496>>9960526


Leading up to Trump's visit to Israel and during the first months of his presidency

>If he touches the kike wall, it's the final straw. That will prove he's controlled by them. I've been apprehensive up until this point to call him out on it, but if he does that, then he's done

After Trump touches the kike wall

>lol it's just a wall. What r u all getting so worked up about haha???



Whose the kike? Me, or the ones defending Trump cucking for literal kikes at their holy kike wall? Huh. You're really convincing everyone whose side you're on, big guy. Using our language to try and fit in can only get you so far.

45f861 (1) No.9960497>>9960505 >>9960511 >>9960522 >>9960527

File (hide): a8634ed6d1c8baa⋯.jpg (64.6 KB, 566x419, 566:419, shrug.jpg)

>>9960284 (OP)

>Go to the wall and get called a kike puppet, but ultimately destroy the kike narrative that you are an anti-semite.

>Don't go to the wall and get the entirety of world jewry and their resources pitted against you even more so than it already is.

Damned if you do; Damned if you don't I suppose.

cb9949 (99) No.9960505>>9960513


>>Don't go to the wall and get the entirety of world jewry and their resources pitted against you even more so than it already is.

>even more

Is that even possible at this point?

3a2a56 (63) No.9960506>>9960517


>everyone who doesnt agree with me is a shill

be2b04 (1) No.9960507

File (hide): b1f925e1a35181e⋯.jpg (30.99 KB, 630x405, 14:9, designated.jpg)

bef5e5 (3) No.9960508>>9960520

>shit gets stickied

>shills flock to thread

>other threads slow down/lighten up

I think I understand their plan here.

d9b303 (1) No.9960511


>it's just googolplex D chess

c1da42 (11) No.9960513>>9960524


Yes. Remember World War II?

cb9949 (99) No.9960517>>9960521


I didnt call you a shill though.

c1da42 (11) No.9960520


Yep. You nailed it. The shills are like cattle.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960521>>9960530


>I didnt call you a shill though.

965a2b (7) No.9960522


>If we let niggers fuck our wives in front of us, at least people won't call us racists anymore.

>haha, leftists BTFO!

ea039b (4) No.9960523>>9960535 >>9960540

File (hide): c636686291e2d2c⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 468x371, 468:371, article-0-01C58A9F0000044D….jpg)




cb9949 (99) No.9960524


It seems like thats where we were 6 months ago.

894ac1 (59) No.9960526>>9960552


no, the fact you get a thread and you bitch instead of posting what you wanted to in the other 6 million threads that were spammed. No complain instead.

>I make fun of you therefore I am for jews

this is a great narrative you guys have spun, keep that up, its really gonna work out for you.

821885 (4) No.9960527>>9960553 >>9960557 >>9962134 >>9962834


Haha they've really got you fooled huh? You really think the media and kikes are against Trump. Which is why they allowed him to win and have done nothing to stop him right?

The media has gotten so outlandishly anti Trump since the election you would almost have to be retarded to not realize that they're manipulating you. The more they bash Trump the more they know you'll love and defend him because "the like media is against him, so he must be legit!!!"

They played us like a fiddle, not that we had any better options.

cb9949 (99) No.9960530>>9960538


Oh, you're retarded. Im sorry Anon, I didnt know.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960535>>9960541


he may be a shitskin, but so are you

malaysian dog

3a2a56 (63) No.9960538>>9960542


>Oh, you're retarded. Im sorry Anon, I didnt know.

551ede (17) No.9960540>>9960551 >>9960558




ea039b (4) No.9960541>>9960554


t. selth-loathing, kike-loving imkampfy

cb9949 (99) No.9960542>>9962309


I know you are but what am I.

bd6d72 (14) No.9960551


>it’s wrong because it’s red text

Thanks for admitting you are wrong, I guess?

965a2b (7) No.9960552>>9960578


>I'm a jew for being mad at jews controlling the U.S. president

Weird how that works, isn't it?

>the fact you get a thread

It's the fact that this thread once again exposes ImKikeky as A. the unhinged spergy retard that everyone knows he is and B. a cuck for jews and Donald Trump no matter how deep the jewish cock goes down his throat.

a9067c (15) No.9960553


>the media is just pretending to be retarded

3a2a56 (63) No.9960554>>9960562 >>9960564


If only I was a mod, I would have banned you on sight without a word, island-nigger.

894ac1 (59) No.9960557>>9960572





are you having trouble typing out kike?

cb9949 (99) No.9960558


You, no. Him, yes.

965a2b (7) No.9960562>>9960574


Why do you love sucking off ImKampfy's knobbly shitskin cock so much?

cb9949 (99) No.9960564>>9960585


This is a new one. Adding 'island-nigger' to the list of faux-opposition.

ea039b (4) No.9960565


no, he's in denial

a9067c (15) No.9960571>>9960580 >>9960840


>if I repeat it often enough, it'll come true

Easy there Winston.

965a2b (7) No.9960572



Cool it, bucko. You're not fooling anyone.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960574>>9960604


I actually strongly dislike him for his maddow shitposting. Pretty much the same reason I dislike you discord fags

894ac1 (59) No.9960578>>9960604


>keeps complaining about the mods instead of using the thread he was given to state his fucking point about Trump

this is why I want to admitly appose anything you niggers say. The criticism will never happen as long you keep poisoning the well, get that into your head and maybe stop posting for a while.

65d112 (8) No.9960579>>9960601 >>9961593 >>9962254

File (hide): ae3a8d1b0dfcf0d⋯.jpg (64.64 KB, 656x450, 328:225, nf_2052_43454.jpg)

Reminder that wailing wall didn't stopped based putin from saving the white race. :^)

cb9949 (99) No.9960580>>9960590


That meme is getting old fast.

8ce9db (3) No.9960581

>>9960284 (OP)

Can I just point out to Anons that this thread reads like the "Dead Dogs" and other shit posting threads over the last few months. If they was any doubts the mods were not intentionally shit posting the board, you should take note of how the likes of Imkampfy like to post.

5bc565 (22) No.9960582>>9960593 >>9960595 >>9960606 >>9960998

File (hide): 0e45d1ff859a999⋯.gif (493.62 KB, 247x192, 247:192, 55c66639d456101838c4ad72e7….gif)

> this thread

Wait until you see how many imkampfies are in today.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960585>>9960607



Are you trying to say you approve of island-niggers?

a9067c (15) No.9960590>>9960607 >>9960840


You're telling me, the shills have been pushing their bullshit narratives here for three years like a bunch of broken records.

551ede (17) No.9960593>>9960603


Im probably one.

a9067c (15) No.9960595>>9960603 >>9960840


Why hello there imkampfy

e43f49 (1) No.9960597>>9960605 >>9960636

>>9960284 (OP)

Why is there a basketball over her vagina?

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960601>>9960608 >>9960649 >>9961593 >>9961781


kek, look how fucking broken he seems

5bc565 (22) No.9960603


Fuck you imposter!


Yeah listen to this kid.

965a2b (7) No.9960604>>9960627


>I dislike you discord fags

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm just here because i fucking hate Imkampfy. I don't even use discord.


>keeps complaining about the mods

Why shouldn't I? it's not like the shitty fucking mods give us any opportunities to criticise them anyway. Kampfshit will just ban you for 6 weeks directing you to "/polmeta/" even though it's a dead board that serves no purpose except shutting up discussion. Kampfshit is nothing but an egotistical, spergy manchild.

b3db22 (1) No.9960605

c1da42 (11) No.9960606>>9960619


Fuck off, imkampfy. I am the real imkampfy.

cb9949 (99) No.9960607>>9960622


Its okay retard, just go back to playing with your blocks.


Actually, I was talking about that shitty meme where you pretend its a question of people 'believing' someone when they repeat the truth.

bef5e5 (3) No.9960608>>9960613 >>9960628



look how fucking bored he is.

Just like Trump.

a9067c (15) No.9960609

File (hide): 2994d839bb45f40⋯.jpeg (46.29 KB, 500x437, 500:437, index.jpeg)

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960613




cb9949 (99) No.9960619>>9960643 >>9960661


The best part about this meme is that it only further demonstrates that we have some serious sycophants in the community.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960622>>9960632


>mean racist said a bad word!!!!

You guys out yourselves really easily.

313f9b (26) No.9960625>>9960641 >>9960642 >>9960659 >>9960724

File (hide): 4fe29f5fb22af05⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1000x562, 500:281, 562211b60d2dc8625fc492fb37….png)

I don't get the point of this autistic IP-burning crusade.

We used to criticize faggots who stayed on 4cuck post-Exodus as being too stupid to be worth recruiting. But it stayed at criticism; none of us here (I hope) were compelled to go BACK to 4cuck and screech about how compromised they were.

If you want to move on to other "non-compromised" boards, then do that. But you're not going to convince anyone here, any more than you could successfully redpill a libshit. Anyone who's a "kiked" enough to stay will stay, because they like it and are willing to continue posting. Honestly, anyone who's, in your opinion, "retarded/cucked" enough to stay here in it's current state–do you really want them on your boards once they're convinced that the "mods are bought"?

894ac1 (59) No.9960627


because this thread is about the fucking wall like you wanted you fucking double jew. Waste it and keep shitposting about the mods, please, it actually saves me the trouble of having to point out how retarded you guys are.

cb9949 (99) No.9960628>>9960634


You're really stretching the bounds now kiddo.

cb9949 (99) No.9960632>>9960640 >>9960643


Thats nice sport. Put your helmet back on.

bef5e5 (3) No.9960634>>9960637 >>9960657



suck my ass

5e699c (1) No.9960636


That's not mud.

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960637



3a2a56 (63) No.9960640>>9960657


Fuck off kike. You'll never win.

ea039b (4) No.9960641>>9960660 >>9960697

You think Imkampfy has a whole maddow Folder for Fap Material?


At this point I just want the coveted Permaban, I think Imkampfy's been decensitized though, calling him a turkroach doesn't set him off as much now

cb9949 (99) No.9960642>>9960659 >>9960669


Dude, this is a huge pile of bullshit and you've got to know as much.

894ac1 (59) No.9960643>>9960657



shut the fuck up imkampfy

>muh jewish mental illnesses

23a1d6 (1) No.9960648

as a kid growing up during the summer my parents used to send me to a summer camp in Fallsburg, NY. One year I watched a group of kids ambush and throw stones at a group of Hassidic Jews walking down a country road. Then I didn't know why they did it. As a kid I questioned that, what I witnessed. Now as an adult, seeing how Jews try to take every side of an "argument" I understand. I once felt ashamed at seeing what those kids did, now I see how much smarter they were than I. Jews truly do need to be eliminated. They work so tirelessly at Armageddon do they not?

65d112 (8) No.9960649

File (hide): 4521d718327efe1⋯.jpg (114.97 KB, 600x577, 600:577, 36-Lucifer.jpg)


At this point i am sure that wailing wall is a standard procedure of leaders of the western world bowing to the devil.

cb9949 (99) No.9960657>>9960667




I've already won, and I'm not the one defending kosher cuckoldry here Moishe.


Someone got triggered.

551ede (17) No.9960659>>9960665 >>9960722


This, so much this.


Off you go.

8ce9db (3) No.9960660>>9960676


Apparantly talking about Trump Touching the Wall does, however, if he made this thread.

Also, take note anons; notice his posting style in the OP?… Doesn't it remind you of all those "Dead Dog" threads we have witnessed over the course of these months?

5bc565 (22) No.9960661>>9960677 >>9960694


> it only further demonstrates that we have some serious sycophants in the community.

Why? Are you an imkampfy too?

cb9949 (99) No.9960665


Off I go, exposing lies, newfaggotry and/or damage control? Yeah, I tend to do that.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960667>>9960683


>I've already won

>discord shills LITERALLY think this is the END FOR CRUMPF


313f9b (26) No.9960669>>9960699


>this is a huge pile of bullshit

Discuss. I didn't post smugs or gore, I gave a legitimate explanation of the flaws in this approach. You could at least give the courtesy of an explanation if you're not a massive faggot.

df2002 (1) No.9960674>>9960694

The fuck is going on with the mods and BO? Get your shit together.

894ac1 (59) No.9960676>>9960692 >>9960707


dead dog threads were maltard, a mylasian libshit who writes christchan comics, we know for a fact its him, same poster as the hasbarafag shill. Come the fuck on now, this isn't going to work.

cb9949 (99) No.9960677


Why not? All the coll Jews are doing it. If Trump is going with the "cant beat em, join em" strategy, why shouldnt I? Hail the G-d Emperor!

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960683>>9960714


>the end

no the kikes will probably keep him in another term, so the opposite; you retard.

551ede (17) No.9960692


He needs to be fucking gassed.

07ff4c (1) No.9960693>>9960793 >>9960807

>>9960284 (OP)

I've never cared for imkampfy but you're a seriously autistic faggot. What do you want us all to support? The fucking impeach Trump movement? Right is always better than left. Everybody has always known he is probably a Jew shill. I'd vote for him again fucking today to avoid a Hillary or Bernie.

You realize a lot of us are actually doing real shit to attain the ethnostate, right? Fucking autist. You probably can not even understand.

c1da42 (11) No.9960694>>9960789


Everybody wants to be imkampfy.


>Dis nigga doesn't know how the mods like to fuck with shills.

313f9b (26) No.9960697>>9960951


>At this point I just want the coveted Permaban

Why? What do you hope to accomplish by sudoku? Anyone who agrees with you not many has already left. In your view, anyone who is still here is a heeb shill or too dumb to understand the "overreach" of the mods.

What's the next step in your masterplan if you get baned?

cb9949 (99) No.9960699>>9960716 >>9960722


The issue is that you're outright lying or an idiot. How do you think people realized what was happening on cuckchan? They came back and bitched. And bitched. And bitched. And eventually, there was much bitching that the mods got REALLY heavy handed and just outright spit in the face of like half the community.

So that half left.

… The world works in cycles, I supposed. Round and round we go.

1d1b94 (1) No.9960703>>9960718 >>9960729

Since this is the official

>muh wall

thread, would anyone care to explain why the wall is important beyond being 'totally part of Solomon's temple you guys' and it being a visual way to see if someone kisses the ring?

I vaguely remember an anon claiming it had occult significance of some sort like the Black Cube in Mecca, but I don't know the specifics.

8ce9db (3) No.9960707


Oh, It was the christchan idiot?

never mind then, If it wasn't him, then disregard my post

739888 (2) No.9960712>>9960723 >>9960725


whats the story behind the OP?

3a2a56 (63) No.9960714


You can shift the narrative if you want but everyone knows what I meant. The end for Trump means his base would no longer be supporting him, and the fact of the matter is, he will lose NO support because he touched Israel's wall. /pol/ barely fucking gives a shit, and you faggots have been going at this all day. Outside of /pol/, this isn't even news.

Still not tired of winning. Still not tired of seeing you lose your shit. I'll never be tired of that :^)

cb9949 (99) No.9960715


>Keeping this going just makes you look completely retarded and downright subversive.

>makes you look


894ac1 (59) No.9960716>>9960760


except that people didn't go back after they left, which is what he said you stupid nigger. learn to read

9dcb1e (66) No.9960718


symbolizes jew dominance over palestinians and ultimately the greater yinon plan therefore israeli global domination. Bowing before the wall is bowing before the jew, more or less. That's why the kikes make everyone do it.

313f9b (26) No.9960722>>9960760 >>9960762


> How do you think people realized what was happening on cuckchan?

The overt and incessant derailing of threads with literally cuckoldry. It had nothing to do with enlightened people from fullpol going back and trying to be a hero by calling out the mods.

So I'm afraid it's either you who is "lying or an idiot".


>This, so much this.

Really nigger? If you're going to agree with me, please avoid sounding like a goddman plebbitor.

c1da42 (11) No.9960723>>9960741


Read the thread, silly.


65d112 (8) No.9960724>>9960734 >>9960750

File (hide): 25401b4b1c275c5⋯.jpg (981.58 KB, 1500x1228, 375:307, old-man-smoking-1500k.jpg)


>for years information about mods being compromised was available

>for years random bans were experienced on touchy subjects to the narrative

>for months Trump was slowly backing down and become more hypocritical

Yeah, nothing to see if you don't wish to learn how to see. This is not the first and not the last happening in this style.

Brace for impact, cause the best is yet to come.

cb9949 (99) No.9960725>>9960741


Looks like a spic tranny, so my guess is cartels.

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960729>>9960759

File (hide): 4783091dc11fd35⋯.webm (2.07 MB, 789x391, 789:391, 4783091dc11fd35af8f87afdf….webm) [play once] [loop]


it wouldn't matter if it were hindi, or Scandinavian, it's what they do that matters

551ede (17) No.9960731


Shits been going on for almost months. We need a purge, good thing you outed yourself.

9dcb1e (66) No.9960734


Love it or leave it. If you don't like it, get out.

739888 (2) No.9960741>>9960759


Is that a picture of a tranny that was killed?


ah no, I meant the actual picture.


That would make more sense. I see I see…

I was hoping it was stuff like Dead Tube…

313f9b (26) No.9960750>>9960763


>Brace for impact, cause the best is yet to come.

So you admit you're just a goon accelerationist, hoping to provoke the mods enough that they get angry and do silly shit to cope with the rampant faggotry. And you're supposed to be "the good guys"?

3a2a56 (63) No.9960751>>9960766

To all of you complaining about the mods, a simple question: Why are you still here?

If this place is so shit, why not leave??

e2fcfa (1) No.9960756>>9960780

File (hide): f222377991f7fd4⋯.png (65.86 KB, 902x335, 902:335, f222377991f7fd4545c2698861….png)

>50 minutes

>150 replies

If you want me to be angry you failed. I'm too busy laughing at you.

c1da42 (11) No.9960759>>9960768


>U.N. talking about freedom.



Oh. I have no idea.

cb9949 (99) No.9960760>>9960773 >>9960814


That's because we haven't had an exodus yet, you fucking nonce. People stopped going back when half the community left to someplace else. We haven't gotten to that point yet, and you're apparently too stupid to realize as much - but don't worry, we're not far off by the looks of it.


>The overt and incessant derailing of threads with literally cuckoldry.

Where and why did that start?

>It had nothing to do with enlightened people from fullpol going back and trying to be a hero by calling out the mods.

Ah, but there's the rub: That's how the cuckoldry shit started. Because we kept bitching about the mods. And kept bitching. And kept bitching. And as we bitched more and more, more people bitched. And as more people bitched, even more people bitched. And we just did. not. stop. bitching. about the mods.

So then the mods spit in our faces… And, well, hahaha, look around.

>So I'm afraid it's either you who is "lying or an idiot".

Nah, you're just full of shit.

Checked for you being full of shit.

551ede (17) No.9960762


Sorry anon, I'm just angry.I've had enough of this shit.

65d112 (8) No.9960763


I am not the "good" guy. "Good" guys do not wish do harm to jewish synagogue of satan, they will pray on it.

cb9949 (99) No.9960766>>9960774


Because nobody wants to walk alone.

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960768>>9960816


>ad hominem obsfucation

yeah funny, that

894ac1 (59) No.9960773>>9960796


so half the community has to leave first for the people who left to stop coming back? I don't' remember it working like that after I first got banned on /b/ back when they started banning stupid shit.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960774>>9960788 >>9960796


Oh, but I thought there were alternatives to /pol/? Wait, there are. So why are you here again?

cb9949 (99) No.9960780


There's no way for us to tell who the fuck you are, so you could well be a fucking mod or a legitimate admin shill trying to spin a narrative. There's no way for us to know. So your commentary has no teeth, because it could just be demoralization or damage control.

Thanks for posting.

65d112 (8) No.9960788>>9960821


Lets begin exodus then. Hack the board and put on "10 steps of cuckolding" track.

5bc565 (22) No.9960789


> Everybody wants to be imkampfy.

He's hip, he's cool, he doesn't read books.

f27cc5 (1) No.9960793


>Right is always better than left.

No, it's all the fucking the same.

cb9949 (99) No.9960796>>9960821 >>9960829


>so half the community has to leave first for the people who left to stop coming back?

Nobody left yet buddy, just a few people ahead of the curve, just like what happened with the exodus here.

>I don't' remember it working like that after I first got banned on /b/ back when they started banning stupid shit.

Then how the fuck did you end up here?



At present, there really aren't, thats kind of the problem - we're waiting for an 8chan equivalent to present itself, and thus far, it hasnt… Or, when it has, the people who chose to stay here did everything in their power to avoid others leaving, namely, by attacking and defaming anything that popped up - and rightly so, in at least a few cases.

We're just waiting for the next 8chan, at this point, it would seem.

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960804>>9960858


yeah ok

cb9949 (99) No.9960807






That's how the goyim march to Zion…

313f9b (26) No.9960814>>9960824 >>9960828 >>9960860 >>9960940


I think you're reactroactively seeing a pattern where there wasn't one. halfpol was chaotic, but there was no concerted effort (like there is here) to call out mods. The board was too fast and too crazy for that to happen. What really happened was Moot was getting called out for being a faggot (in general, unrelated to pol modding) and others were whining about pol creeping into other boards. So he had a nervous breakdown, eliminated the rules/captchas/post limits, and let unbridled faggotry descend from all the rest of halfchan. AFTER that, it was never the same and anyone of quality came here.

>No you

If you're going to be a historical revisionist, at least be good at it. You still haven't adequately explained the purpose of these missions other than a general angst at "compromised mods" and a counterintuitive desire to bring more of "cucked" regular pol into your ranks.

c1da42 (11) No.9960816>>9960827 >>9960845

File (hide): 16c9714e0f0e3bd⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 892x960, 223:240, 45048a033ce492306a8c76e872….jpg)


I wasn't commenting on your text, you fucking retard. I didn't even suspect you were a shill until your Jew speak convinced me to check your posting history.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960821>>9960873



I'm fine here. The question was directed at those who complain about the mods. It seems you guys are having a hard time coming up with a legitimate answer.


Oh, so what you're saying is, there are alternatives, you just don't like them because they aren't popular enough. You'd rather stay here and whine.

313f9b (26) No.9960824


>inb4 /pol/

fuck off, I'm trying to type quickly and eat at the same time

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960827>>9960839


funny, seemed you had a problem with the persons words who were talking, and not my text. keep at it though.

9dcb1e (66) No.9960828


There was also the banning of all discussion of gamergate

894ac1 (59) No.9960829>>9960891


>nobody left yet

no, a lot of people have claimed to of left already and they keep coming back, just like the other anon posted. You keep switching your narrative.

>how did we end up here

after this place presented itself after I left /b/ for some time I came here, I"m sure a lot of people did the same thing

>there are no alternatives

but thats not what you claimed earlier

c1da42 (11) No.9960839>>9960859


>keep at it though

Keep believing in the President and not falling for your hilarious failures at subversion? I will! Thanks, Jew boy.

ab5422 (4) No.9960840>>9960850 >>9960876 >>9960928 >>9961130 >>9961383 >>9962306 >>9962592 >>9962738 >>9962952 >>9963437

File (hide): b84c3377a4bcce8⋯.jpg (78.84 KB, 700x405, 140:81, Stephane-Charbonnier.jpg)












Jesus fucking Christ, kampfy, why don't you just do your fucking job for once instead of using this board as though it's your own fucking empire of dirt. For a year+ you've singlehandedly ruined this board and turned into nothing but a shitty fucking trump cock-sucking echochamber where kosher nigger and jew-lovers run rampant. At first during the election cycle you said "wait until after he's elected to criticize trump", then after he was elected you said "wait until he does something to criticize trump", then after he did something (bomb syria, appoint kikes to government, etc.), you still fucking delete threads and ban posters.

I can't believe someone as totally cancerous as you can keep your mod position. Worst of all, you have the fucking AUDACITY to accuse ANYONE criticising you of being a goon/meducafag/endchan/TRS/whateverthefuck shill. As if only outsiders would be opposed to you forcing your own shitty, nigger-tier opinions on the majority and shutting down discussion. I've honestly had enough of you acting like you are entitled to /pol/ and own the place. As a mod you're supposed to MODERATE discussion, not control and enforce it according to your feelings and opinions. This is the exact kind of shit we left 4chan for, and I would know, because I came over here in the first exodus.

The worst part about you isn't the fact that you're a shitty mod who forces your opinions on the majority, it's that you're a total arrogant, egotistical piece of shit about it. You never listen to any criticism, and you've convinced yourself that all criticism you hear must be the result of some elaborate shill/raid operation conducted by the bogeyman site/organization of the month to steal your baby away from you. Get off your fucking high horse and realise that you're nothing but another anon like the rest of us. You have a RESPONSIBILITY to be a good mod, not a fucking entitlement to the position. If you can no longer do that job, then have the self-respect and humbleness to give it up instead of driving /pol/ further into the dirt while you stamp around in an autistic fit of range and stick your fingers in your ears screaming "SHILL!! GOON!!! MEDUCA!!!".

It's a fact the majority of /pol/ fucking hates you and wishes you were gone. You do not respect the posters here and you actively force discussion to fit into your narrow and incredibly kosher parameters. What used to be a staple of /pol/ - redpill and book threads for learning, are now arbitrarily banned, and you can even get banned for criticizing kikes in the government, decisions to bomb Syria, or placing niggers in charge of government positions. I would know because it's happened to me in every case.

I suppose you'll just respond to this post with yet another one of your petty little one-liners where you try to brush off this entirely accurate description of the reasons everyone hates you, simply because you're too much of a fucking egotistical and self-important brat to own up to your own shortcomings. That's okay. At least I got this off my chest and spoke for the people who, for far too long, have had to silently deal with your cancerous bullshit. I fucking hate you, Imkampfy. I hate you for killing /pol/ and then shitting on the corpse while forcing me to watch.

I hope you fucking die.

5bc565 (22) No.9960843

File (hide): 37fa1d1efbdecaa⋯.jpg (70.86 KB, 506x504, 253:252, 37fa1d1efbdecaa2bf87e1d2a9….jpg)


Like? Common, I hear your sells-pitch, but what are you selling me?

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960845>>9960862



>anime posting in this thread

wew, oh I mean jew

bd6d72 (14) No.9960850>>9960872


He IS doing his job by making threads like this.

ed1b88 (1) No.9960854

File (hide): 75e2417d97351a3⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 400x300, 4:3, Great_thread__OP.mp4) [play once] [loop]

Great board, imkampfy.

65d112 (8) No.9960858

File (hide): 9ee565cc565749b⋯.jpg (72.19 KB, 629x599, 629:599, Bane.(Batman).full.1210484.jpg)


>inb4 one day get banned for anti-semitism on fucking /pol/

All those NSA and CIA tools and we can't even hack a board or imkikey computer.

You know if the ship doesn't fly, we can crash it with no survivors.

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960859


>Keep believing in the President and not falling for your hilarious failures at subversion? I will! Thanks, Jew boy.


cb9949 (99) No.9960860>>9960951 >>9961029 >>9961048


>I think you're reactroactively seeing a pattern where there wasn't one.

Let's hear your explanation…

>halfpol was chaotic, but there was no concerted effort (like there is here) to call out mods.

Yes, we learned from last time… Some of us, anyway.

>The board was too fast and too crazy for that to happen.

I don't think so lad - I was there, and saw it, and it was rife with commentary in that vein.

>What really happened was Moot was getting called out for being a faggot


>(in general, unrelated to pol modding)

False, he was also getting called out for his shit moderation.

>and others were whining about pol creeping into other boards.

Also true.

>So he had a nervous breakdown,


>eliminated the rules/captchas/post limits, and let unbridled faggotry descend from all the rest of halfchan.

Ah, but you're ignoring the gaymergayte shit, which was a big part of it all. Lets call that Stage 1.

It was when the mods started banning conversation in that arena that the attack on moot started getting nastier and heavier. Stage 2.

More bans. More evasions. More bitching. Stage 3.

Round and round we go. And where do we stop? At /pol/ Harbor, with moot spitting right in /pol/'s face. Stage 4.

Stage 5 was exodus.

>AFTER that, it was never the same and anyone of quality came here.

Bingo. We're at Stage 3, maybe even 4. You know what comes next… We're just waiting on the right ship to sail on, so to speak.

>If you're going to be a historical revisionist,

I'm not, you are, very obviously at that.

>at least be good at it.

I am.

>You still haven't adequately explained the purpose of these missions other than a general angst at "compromised mods" and a counterintuitive desire to bring more of "cucked" regular pol into your ranks.

This is the bitching, I already explained as much, and what I presented above should clear up any uncertainties on your behalf.

894ac1 (59) No.9960862>>9960871 >>9960879 >>9960926


>muh anime posting is jewish

wewlad, we found the shill bois

5aee98 (1) No.9960865


did /b/ and /pol/ change places?

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960871>>9960887



Kinda speaks for itself.

ab5422 (4) No.9960872


>stickying shit threads in an autistic fit of range is doing his job

kill yourself, and fuck you for ignoring the rest of his shitty actions over the past year+

cb9949 (99) No.9960873>>9960917 >>9960948 >>9961029


>Oh, so what you're saying is, there are alternatives,

In theory, reddit is an alternative. Why didn't we go there after cuckchan? You know why, and its the same reason many keep coming back here.

>you just don't like them because they aren't popular enough.

No, because they're shit - but the popularity doesn't hurt either. Because what is 'popularity'? Its voices, and ears, and eyes. And yeah, an image board with few of those three isn't very fun, nor productive.

>You'd rather stay here and whine.

I prefer 'bitch'. And yes, I will stay here and bitch until my ship appears, as will most of us who don't like the sycophantic bullshit drivel you're spewing, you faggot.

b79c83 (1) No.9960876>>9963412


>ruined this board and turned into nothing but a shitty fucking trump cock-sucking echochamber


You dont know how many times i've been banned by this kike for pointing out trump cucking out, like having to remind anons after comey got fired that nothing will happen to clinton because trump said he didnt want to hurt her any more.

c1da42 (11) No.9960879


It's like clockwork.

894ac1 (59) No.9960887>>9960890


nice ad hominem attack :^)

2ba6a4 (28) No.9960890



cb9949 (99) No.9960891>>9960957 >>9961029


>no, a lot of people have claimed

That's a big claim on your behalf.

>to of left already and they keep coming back,

Prove it.

>just like the other anon posted.

See above.

>You keep switching your narrative.

No, my narrative is pretty sound and stable.

>after this place presented itself after I left /b/ for some time I came here, I"m sure a lot of people did the same thing

So, in other words, you were never much of a /pol/ack to begin with… So who cares what you have to say or think? You were always trash.

>but thats not what you claimed earlier

Reddit was an alternative to cuckchan, but nobody flooded out to reddit. They flooded to cuckchan, for very legitimate reasons, and you know that. You're being purposefully obtuse at this point.

34fb3a (1) No.9960904>>9961835

>>9960284 (OP)

OP's pic related is what is left of the girl they got to implicate Roger Ailes. She knew about the murder plot.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960917>>9960928 >>9960948 >>9960965



Dont lump me in with you. I am fine here, as I said. You could very easily go to reddit, if the mods here are so bad, why wouldn't you? The mods shut down your discussions here right?>>9960873

>they're shit

Useless words. What makes them shit, nigger?

>well t-the mods

Ok so why don't you make your own image–

>I will stay here and bitch until my ship appears

Oh, I see. You're a whiny nu-male who wants everything handed to him.

cb9949 (99) No.9960926>>9961740 >>9961752


I used to like the anime posting, but eventually, it destroyed conversation. Faggots would just post smug anime girls with insults instead of any discourse. It started during the election, as a response to all the legitimate shilling going on, and it stuck around well after, and not to the benefit of the board.

Now watch these fags call me a goon or some shit because they don't like that someone acknolwedges their usage of a tactic to silence opposition and drive all conversation into nonsense shitposting that goes nowhere except to an eventual ban for the party the mods agree with more.

ab5422 (4) No.9960928>>9960932


>What makes them shit, nigger?



3a2a56 (63) No.9960932>>9960942


>useless nigger jumps into a conversation and offers nothing


60babb (31) No.9960940>>9960967

File (hide): 3c6f8e51775200e⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1832x905, 1832:905, samsungoption.png)


You're seeing two sides of it. So far, that anon has a mostly spot on recollection of how I participated. Do you not remember the Samson Option?

Anyway, what's it to you if people fully believe this site is cucked? The evidence sure as fuck doesn't disagree and that's how we all got here to begin with.

ab5422 (4) No.9960942


I've been here this whole time. I just have a VPN that cycles so I don't get banned by Kampfy for criticising him or tackling the enforced narrative. It's happened far too often to me.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960948>>9960985 >>9961046 >>9961196 >>9961226



btw you're filtered

313f9b (26) No.9960951>>9960980

File (hide): ed03350d89efa56⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 600x338, 300:169, CZq7O2lWEAA1xEN.jpg)


>No you

>But me too

So am I the historical revisionist, or you? You can't even keep your story straight, let alone your motivations. I might respect your ideals, but your mission planning and execution is fucking downs-tier.


>What's the next step in your masterplan if you get baned?


894ac1 (59) No.9960957>>9961028


>That's a big claim on your behalf.

no, thats the claim of many posters that keep saying they come back to talk about how compromised this place is, jesus fucking christ keep up here ok.

>Prove it.

how about you lurk more, or here, since you are going to play this game >>9960825 fresh thread about moving to another chan

>No, my narrative is pretty sound and stable.

>everyone is leaving because this board is compromised

>we aren't leaving yet because nobody is leaving

nope, not at all

>So, in other words, you were never much of a /pol/ack to begin with

actually a lot of people came here to /pol/ from /b/, I am an /i/ oldfag went to /b/ kinda lurked /pol/ back in the day, came here to /b/, went to /baphomet/, kept lurking /pol/, then ended up just staying on /pol/. But nice attempt.

>Reddit was an alternative to cuckchan

you are free to kill yourself at anytime

cb9949 (99) No.9960965>>9960985 >>9961029


>Dont lump me in with you.

I am going to, because you are with me, faggot.

>I am fine here, as I said.

Just like many were fine on cuckchan, I suppose. Enjoy being a cuckold, and learn to use the filter.

>You could very easily go to reddit,


>if the mods here are so bad, why wouldn't you?

Because reddit is even more shit, you dense, dense, dense faggot.

>The mods shut down your discussions here right?

Just like there! Hell, this is becoming more the a subreddit by the day - as long as you tow the narrative line, you're allowed to stay unmarred. But dissent? Ban hammer.

>Useless words. What makes them shit, nigger?

Even worse moderation than here, worse community than here, ugly format, etc etc etc. You know what makes it shit, why are you asking? Because you're going to try to present some bullshit rationale for why its okay for the board to go to shit as long as some people are okay with it - and that's exactly what has happened: Because of people like you, this place has gone drastically downhill in just the last 6 months. The election was poison.

>Ok so why don't you make your own image–

Because I don't have the requisite skillset.

>Oh, I see. You're a whiny nu-male who wants everything handed to him.

If that's how you want to interpret it, cool. Learn to use the filter and go find another thread - after all, you're fine here, right?

65d112 (8) No.9960966


I don't wish to lie to you anon, you are wrong. /pol/ is not dead. Trump fanatics are actually minority, and if you read "landing in israel" thread you realize they are just the most loud ones and with mods on their side.

Its just you have stuck in same position you were few years ago on cuckchan. History repeats itself even on imageboards.

313f9b (26) No.9960967>>9961037


>Anyway, what's it to you if people fully don't believe this site is cucked? The evidence sure as fuck doesn't show they care and that's how we all autistically got here to begin with.

And how's that working out for you?

cb9949 (99) No.9960980>>9960991 >>9961029 >>9961048


>So am I the historical revisionist, or you?

That'd be you. Work on that reading comp.

>You can't even keep your story straight, let alone your motivations.

Now you're just making stuff up.

>I might respect your ideals, but your mission planning and execution is fucking downs-tier.

Seems legit. The rhetoric I'd expect from a sycophant who offers nothing but memeposts.

3a2a56 (63) No.9960985>>9961032 >>9961065

894ac1 (59) No.9960991>>9961065



>muh Jewish mental illnesses

he keeps going

116609 (2) No.9960998



551ede (17) No.9961018


Ooo, try endchan.

cb9949 (99) No.9961028>>9961090


>no, thats the claim of many posters that keep saying they come back to talk about how compromised this place is, jesus fucking christ keep up here ok.

I must have missed that, sorry lad. I've not really heard much about people who've left and come back - what I hear is people who've yet to leave and are waiting for something new. Until they see it, they're stuck here, and so they bitch - just like they did on cuckchan.

>how about you lurk more,

I don't think that's physically possible.

>or here, since you are going to play this game >>9960825 fresh thread about moving to another chan

I'll definitely check that out. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten deleted or shilled into the dirt yet… Assuming it hasn't that is.

>everyone is leaving because this board is compromised

I didn't say that, you did.

>we aren't leaving yet because nobody is leaving

That's what I said.

>nope, not at all

I'm glad we agree.

>actually a lot of people came here to /pol/ from /b/,

But again, /b/ was always cancer, so that doesn't help your cause here.

>I am an /i/ oldfag went to /b/ kinda lurked /pol/ back in the day,

So you weren't an oldfag /pol/ack, you were a /b/tard, and again, /b/ was always cancer.

>came here to /b/,

So you continued to be cancer.

>went to /baphomet/,

No surprise there.

>kept lurking /pol/, then ended up just staying on /pol/.

So, in other words, you gradually infected /pol/ with your cancer. Thanks?

>But nice attempt.

I thought so.

>Reddit was an alternative to cuckchan

>>you are free to kill yourself at anytime

I said in theory, fuckwit, and it was - and your response tells exactly why it wasn't employed actually despite being an option in theory: because its shit, even more shit than the place we were at present.

Basically, we're standing in Liberia, and a shitty raft with a hole in the bottom has pulled up, and you're whining about why we won't just get on the raft if we don't like Liberia so much. Its stupid, like you.

313f9b (26) No.9961029>>9961084






Responding to every point just weakens your case, but it legitimizes what they're saying. Someone who argues from a superior vantage point doesn't have to parry every insignificant angle someone makes. While I don't personally use smugs, that's the principle. Getting mad and defensive means you've lost.

cb9949 (99) No.9961032>>9961046 >>9961065

60babb (31) No.9961037


Nice edit. Conveniently ignores your false claims or just thick headed ignorance.

It is working out, so far, about the same as last time. :^)

2d85b7 (1) No.9961042

File (hide): b00c5a33c1921a6⋯.jpg (20.72 KB, 490x490, 1:1, 1491261809869.jpg)

I'm from Texas and I say kill em all.

I would bet that Tejanos even agree with me.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961046>>9961087

313f9b (26) No.9961048>>9961108


>>So am I the historical revisionist, or you?

>That'd be you. Work on that reading comp.


>>If you're going to be a historical revisionist,

>I'm not, you are, very obviously at that.

>>at least be good at it.

>I am.

You can't even keep your own shit straight. Send someone else from your shitty board. You've obviously lost your composure.

cb9949 (99) No.9961065>>9961087 >>9961206



Woops, my bad. What I meant to say was, thanks for letting me win. Very noble of you.


Since when is being a sycophant a Jewish mental illness?


>You two. Instead of arguing like this, how about we use this thread the mods have graciously stickied for us to come to a consensus where we will go.

A good point.

>All alternatives are bad, but none are worse than here, with real zionist shills in charge. An unknown ill is better than a known.

That's very likely going to be the outcome. Personally, I'm not much interested in exploring, so I'll wait and see where others congregate, and likely end up heading there, assuming its not total dogshit.

As for alternative suggestions... Anything on this chan will just be a competition and result in infighting and other nonsense, so that's out. Other chans have been suggested, but, they're often decried - whether legitimately or not, that's the question.

Any suggestions?

875ce1 (1) No.9961074>>9961075 >>9961078 >>9961124 >>9961139

I leave this board for a few months and I find this, what the fuck is going here?

2ba6a4 (28) No.9961075


Some jew shit.

313f9b (26) No.9961076>>9961092


Is this the equivalent of:

>dude just wait for Hitlerchan

3a2a56 (63) No.9961077


except the issue is that endchan could not handle the amount of users we have here

551ede (17) No.9961078>>9961124


Shills anon, shills.

cb9949 (99) No.9961084>>9961121


>Responding to every point just weakens your case, but it legitimizes what they're saying. Someone who argues from a superior vantage point doesn't have to parry every insignificant angle someone makes.

Thanks for the advice, but I don't know you, nor trust you, so I'll go ahead and ignore it.

>While I don't personally use smugs, that's the principle.

Yeah, I know, it gets old fast.

>Getting mad and defensive means you've lost.

Yeah, which is shit for legitimate conversation. That's why anime smugs are so shit - they were funny at first, but the joke has just been beaten into the ground so many times, its not funny anymore. Its just faggotry that leads to nothing. Pure shitpost, /b/-tier garbage.

cb9949 (99) No.9961087>>9961196

894ac1 (59) No.9961090>>9961161


>zionist shills

I'm not leaving kike, learn to call them kikes instead of zionist shills and maybe I'll think about it in the future. How about you just leave and never come back instead.


lurk more faggot

>doesn't understand sarcasm


>/b/ was always cancer.

not true at all, it was the haven for /i/ after it got nuked

>So you continued to be cancer.

/b/ here was good at first, thats why I moved to /baph/

>you gradually infected /pol/ with your cancer.

classic projection. There is no cancer from me, I have always been on /pol/'s side, regardless if I was always lurking or posting, and /baphomet/ has always been on /pol/'s side, you would know this if you weren't a literal fucking kike that feels like you haven't been on an image board for more than a month.

>I said in theory, fuckwit

reddit isn't even an option or a theory, its why it was never even considered back int he first exodus. Now kill yourself and leave.

116609 (2) No.9961092

File (hide): a3db9c2f99246cc⋯.png (437.2 KB, 665x640, 133:128, 1471994191925.png)



61d54d (1) No.9961093>>9961106 >>9961109 >>9961140

For those who want /pol/ without insane shitskin moderation, we are regrouping on /polk/.

Bye the way kampfy is the dead dogs spammer

894ac1 (59) No.9961106>>9961140


this is the new narrative huh? It was literally the mylasian cunt, but you are going to claim it was him anyways, fucking priceless.

cb9949 (99) No.9961108>>9961124 >>9961160 >>9961438

File (hide): d06d01ff3da1d86⋯.jpg (237.26 KB, 1148x1333, 1148:1333, Kushner.jpg)

File (hide): 5f0eaf800475c23⋯.jpg (631 B, 7x7, 1:1, 11111111.jpg)


Well I am good, that's the point lad. I'm sorry you didn't get that point, but, now you do.

And your toothless accusations are why this is happening. When everyone is a shill, nobody is.

Take some advice from ol' J Kush.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961109>>9961130 >>9961519 >>9961592

File (hide): fcf2c8802e34a62⋯.png (150.61 KB, 1172x685, 1172:685, sureyouare.png)


Ok! bye! Have fun!

551ede (17) No.9961119


Nobody cares fuck off.

313f9b (26) No.9961121>>9961182


Advice? No nigger, you're too stupid for advice. It's a principle shared to the entire thread, so it's doctrinally clear why you've lost.

cb9949 (99) No.9961124


The election saw the board get flooded with shilling from both sides of the aisle, from all sides really. The community developed some defense mechanisms, but they've now backfired drastically, and its leading to conflict.

Case in point:



965a2b (7) No.9961130


Respond to my post here, >>9960840 you fucking piece of nigger shit . I know you read it.

894ac1 (59) No.9961137


>zionist still not kikes



yep, no you are an oldfag for sure, sorry anon, should of known.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961139>>9961176 >>9961180 >>9961182 >>9961519 >>9961567 >>9961592

File (hide): 1b19d29b8ef4060⋯.png (398.5 KB, 1199x685, 1199:685, butthurtshillsloollol.png)

File (hide): 1cbd5b7ba5af955⋯.jpg (62.51 KB, 964x714, 482:357, 1cbd5b7ba5af95523e1981f292….jpg)


Shills spammed the thread about Trump touching the wall fourteen times today, including five at the same time. Pic related.

60babb (31) No.9961140>>9961165

File (hide): 6b9d428afa49b24⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 434x254, 217:127, 1336781869858.gif)


been browsing /polk/ off and on. haven't fully nailed down /polk/'s BO but he seems reasonable so far, and the post quality is better. At least he doesn't go out of his to ban anyone bringing up the JQ


See this shit? Stop wondering why people stay here and bitch. idk about this one, but half the claims I've looked into are bullshit. imkikey is a histrionic little fuck.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961154


>Have some faith anon.

I do, just not in endchan. People came here because of hotwheels, let's be honest. Everyone heard how we had a based cripple as an admin and saw both trolling potential and an admin who was passionate. Endchan lacks that drive to be better, and lacks the admin to get it there.

313f9b (26) No.9961160>>9961182

File (hide): c46b13ebfd266cb⋯.jpg (13.16 KB, 231x218, 231:218, I know the feeling _7ccd64….jpg)


>When everyone is a shill, nobody is

Nigger, only you're the shill. You admitted you were a [good] historical revisionist, and then are pretending otherwise when it's RIGHT HERE in the thread.

See, at first I thought you were a run-of-the-mill /pol/reject. But this "forgetting" of what you said earlier is TEXTBOOK KIKE. tippity top kek, did you forget where you were? thought we wouldn't notice that?

cb9949 (99) No.9961161>>9961177 >>9961217 >>9961228


>lurk more faggot

I physically can't.

>doesn't understand sarcasm

Well, I've been told I am autistic, and text-based sarcasm is often an issue.

>not true at all, it was the haven for /i/ after it got nuked

Says a self-admitted /b/tard tumor. I'm sure you loved it.

>/b/ here was good at first, thats why I moved to /baph/

… /b/ was never good, lad.

>classic projection.

Nah, you're a self-admitted /b/ user, and /b/ is shit and always has been. Its trash, its a trash heap, in fact. And you loved it, you already said as much.

>There is no cancer from me,

You ARE cancer, lad.

>I have always been on /pol/'s side,

Except when you were on /b/ shitposting with the trashfolk.

>regardless if I was always lurking or posting,

Seems legit.

>and /baphomet/ has always been on /pol/'s side,

Now that I'll agree with, to a degree, but /baph/ was also somewhat cancerous in its own right - did good work though, I'll give you that.

>you would know this if you weren't a literal fucking kike that feels like you haven't been on an image board for more than a month.

Now you're just making baseless accusations because you know you've been exposed as a cancerous fuckwit whose contributed nothing but shitposts and cancer. Because you are cancer, that's all you can contribute. Just like on /b/.

>reddit isn't even an option or a theory,

But it is.

>its why it was never even considered back int he first exodus.

No, there are many reasons it was not considered, and you know them, admittedly so no less.

>Now kill yourself and leave.

No, /b/tard trash person. I bet you aren't even White.

551ede (17) No.9961164


Fuck off and join your (((friends)).

894ac1 (59) No.9961165>>9961216


he is not learningcode, and he is not the dog poster. They claim he is a different shitskin at least 3 different times with 3 different shitskin pictures. They don't have anything to go off, he has never been doxed we have no idea what he actually looks like, they have been trying to dox imkampfy for a while now, and the anti-mod bullshit was literally hard pushed by TRSemites because they were fucked after being found out.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961172


>some spiteful guys spam

they're called shills

965a2b (7) No.9961176


>Imkikey completely ignoring my post against him explaining why people hate his fucking guts

I can't say I'm really surprised. I already knew you were an egotistical, arrogant piece of trash before.

313f9b (26) No.9961177>>9961188

File (hide): 61462a38bcfd647⋯.jpg (126.06 KB, 1360x1000, 34:25, 160804-dylann-roof-jsw-123….jpg)


>I've been told I am autistic


60babb (31) No.9961180

File (hide): 3cb85dffdf4c348⋯.jpg (822.68 KB, 960x686, 480:343, 1371094303747.jpg)


Pop Quiz faggot

a) shills spammed the thread with Trump already being elected because… impeachment is real or something

b) faggot ass mods false flagged to continue cucking for Trump and his (((ties)))

c) morons can't into catalog and post the biggest WTF moment in Trump's presidency

cb9949 (99) No.9961182>>9961224


Yeesss, I've lost… That's what's happening here… Keep telling yourself that, maybe it will come true!


>muh shills


>muh shills

You're a shill. And a Jew. And probably from cuckchan or megookah or leftypol or reddit. Or maybe shareblue. Or could it be neither of us are shills, and you've come to rely on those worthless accusations that are losing bite by the day?

Guess we'll have to wait and see.

cb9949 (99) No.9961188>>9961201 >>9961224


Well yeah, I'm a /pol/ack. Has anyone here NOT been told they're autistic?

If so, please point yourself out so I can call you an autist.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961196>>9961206 >>9961234




for anyone reading this shit, notice how (((cb9949))) can't stop replying. He's making money from his shitposts.

64abea (2) No.9961197>>9961283

File (hide): 45a92733201f43f⋯.jpg (65.78 KB, 600x703, 600:703, 02880eab9fd4b279567aca4697….jpg)


What would you do as an alternative? The Overton window is changing in our favor. Trump has started on the wall. SJWs/Antifa/Deep State are perpetually rump roasted. It's only a matter of time before pizzagate comes crashing down on the deep state. You're delusional if you think Jeff Sessions is going to go easy on them when the time comes to prosecute. Immigration is as low as it has been in a WHILE and emigration is on the rise. Trump touching some kike wall isn't going to change the positive direction we're clearly going in.

cb9949 (99) No.9961201>>9961224


Thanks Kek.

cb9949 (99) No.9961206>>9961226

60babb (31) No.9961216


Didn't fully buy into those (yet, still looking), but I'm talking about all the other claims that happen every time another board or ib is mentioned. The fact this happens so often should be a red flag based entirely on the merits of discontent.

f46280 (2) No.9961217>>9961235


>Well, I've been told I am autistic,

Jesus christ, dude. One of the most basic rules of arguing on the internet is don't to being autistic.

313f9b (26) No.9961224>>9961254

File (hide): f3981bd0575208f⋯.jpg (80.84 KB, 447x660, 149:220, 8cd59882766ebe13933c250c4b….jpg)




>shotgun accusations

>textbook projection

>self dubs checking

He's desperate, lads.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961226>>9961254

894ac1 (59) No.9961228>>9961236 >>9961254


>I physically can't.

>Well, I've been told I am autistic

I think I'm done with you. This post gave me actual cancer.

60babb (31) No.9961234>>9961260

File (hide): d94f73737784bfe⋯.jpg (188.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1364101106414.jpg)


you're not stopping either faggot. only of you made the attention kvetch post saying you were ignoring and it wasn't him.

go fuck yourself.

cb9949 (99) No.9961235>>9961258 >>9961261


>don't to

Holy shit, what are you, autistic? The word you were looking for is 'admit', you autist.

313f9b (26) No.9961236>>9961253


Maybe that was his goal all along.

894ac1 (59) No.9961253


well he succeeded because its terminal

cb9949 (99) No.9961254


Oh, we're playing this game? Nah, I'm good. And yeah, I know, you're going to reply with the same thing again, that's cool, just letting ya know.


>form concensus

He's on the ropes, lads.


I don't think tumors can get cancer, but, you let me know, okay?

f46280 (2) No.9961258>>9961264


I don't know how I forgot to type that.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961260>>9961277 >>9961296


I didnt say I was ignoring him, I said I filtered him. Which is true. I have been copying the tiny replies next to my post to get his post numbers, but I havent read anything he's said for at least 5 posts

313f9b (26) No.9961261>>9961266

File (hide): 25a2faf90fc49e7⋯.jpg (31.87 KB, 735x541, 735:541, argument-typo.jpg)


>commence libshit tactics

Thank you based mods for not banning him before he could share such hilarity.

cb9949 (99) No.9961264


You're an autist, we all know the truth. Its over, you autist.


cb9949 (99) No.9961266>>9961274 >>9961277 >>9961287


Well, I saw others trying desperately to form a concensus, so I thought thats what we were doing now.

894ac1 (59) No.9961274>>9961281


I see now, you are stillnotmad(tm) right?

60babb (31) No.9961277>>9961281 >>9961284


Congrats, you lose.


audience always wins m8. don't get so triggered.

cb9949 (99) No.9961281>>9961292


I see now, you're running out of ideas, right?


The audience does always win lad - but you aren't.


2ba6a4 (28) No.9961283


This is the most deluded fucking thing I've read in the longest time, well done.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961284>>9961313


>you lose because I say so


313f9b (26) No.9961287>>9961296


>everyone's ignoring and mocking me for being a faggot

>it's just consensus-building!!!

pls don't stop.

894ac1 (59) No.9961292>>9961303 >>9961305


at least I know its you now. Still not mad tho?

cb9949 (99) No.9961296


Funny that you didn't do your little 'ill just keep repeating the same response bit' after I called you out on doing it.



Now whose projecting, eh?

cb7c30 (2) No.9961298>>9961312 >>9961348 >>9961584

File (hide): d97f979ccf9c040⋯.jpg (158.43 KB, 661x432, 661:432, TIME TO FINISH THE JOB.jpg)


The greasy jews are on full D&C overdrive with ==SETH RICH THE KIKE KRYPTONITE== coming out.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961303>>9961519 >>9961592


The easiest way to tell if someone's not mad is whether they're willing to ban evade a few hundred times.

If they ban evade a few hundred times, then they're CONFIRMED Totally Not Mad

cb9949 (99) No.9961305>>9961312 >>9961333


Of course its 'me'. And I'm glad you admit you've run out of ideas.

Protip: You didn't accuse me of D&C yet. Missed a prime move there kiddo.

a29257 (2) No.9961306>>9961315

So, when are we going to be flooded with ">muh 4d chess" and "drumpf" posts?

292af8 (2) No.9961311>>9961329

File (hide): fb6eacc03c43041⋯.jpg (421.79 KB, 800x1144, 100:143, serveimage-1.jpg)

File (hide): 552605a89a3cea7⋯.png (93.86 KB, 1498x947, 1498:947, 552605a89a3cea7cf08b18ff40….png)





Seriously though it almost seems like (((someone))) is pulling the strings, and I don't know where

cb9949 (99) No.9961312


Hahahahahahahahaha, oh god I love this shit.


60babb (31) No.9961313>>9961327

File (hide): 62199cc4180f26e⋯.gif (2 MB, 314x178, 157:89, 1375407067499.gif)

lainchain thread is down. Care to keep telling people disillusioned to form a new site?

A continued thread would only serve the mods and apparently the vast majority of the users, right?


you filtered and then continued to reply.

551ede (17) No.9961314


Fuck off.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961315>>9961352


Right now?

763c79 (2) No.9961321>>9961329

3a2a56 (63) No.9961327


So? There was no game to be won or lost. I was fucking with Anon, not even reading what he said.


cb9949 (99) No.9961329>>9961552


If one were to hazard a guess? Israel.



894ac1 (59) No.9961333>>9961339


of course its you, literally not mad


>says hes leaving

>gets banned

>comes back

no of course, no agenda, completely natural

06b4c9 (1) No.9961334>>9961338 >>9961347

Why sticky a trash thread, just delete theirs every time they post

9dcb1e (66) No.9961338>>9961347 >>9961519 >>9961592


Because this is funnier.

cb9949 (99) No.9961339


Checked for sticking with this one, putting all your shekels into Pepes. Bold move.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961344>>9961356


Well you did lie. Kampfy is not the dogs spammer, the malaysian shitskin who draws shitty comics is.

cb9949 (99) No.9961347



Also much more informative.

d3a5ea (5) No.9961348>>9961475

File (hide): f00909155a9ead5⋯.mp4 (2.77 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Trump prays at the wailing….mp4) [play once] [loop]




a29257 (2) No.9961352>>9961362 >>9961368


probably should have read the thread

I think it's best to not use /pol/ until these fucking shills finally leave, but then again, will they ever?

cb9949 (99) No.9961356>>9961365


Checked for new challenger. Who/what is this malaysian person? I've been hearing a lot about that shit as of late, but I apparently missed that meme.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961362


>will they ever?

Never ever. Just like how the kikes get kicked out of country after country and keep coming back.

894ac1 (59) No.9961365>>9961374


its because you need to stop spamming how you are not mad, and start lurking more you fucking kike

2af973 (14) No.9961367>>9961377 >>9961387

>>9960284 (OP)

Kampfy stop banning so many IPs dude. You fucking know how much hell I have to play trying 1488 vpns to find one that works? Jesus Christ my guy. We used to kick it and shitpost the night away with you but lately the ban spree is too much. Fuck the dumb shit go smoke some weed you degenerate shitskin and clear the ban list already fugggg

cb9949 (99) No.9961368>>9961391


>muh shills

What if you're a shill? What if this whole thing is shills shilling while calling others shills so the non-shills leave and the shills remain in control? Just a thought to ponder in between posts whining about the shills the voices in your head told you to watch out for.

Stay vigilant!

cb9949 (99) No.9961374>>9961391


Hmmm, looks like the markets tanking.

d3a5ea (5) No.9961376>>9961567

File (hide): d337dc5017db09e⋯.jpg (136.37 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 906418a061854232e594c20218….jpg)

File (hide): d590f76137c955c⋯.jpg (132.2 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 3433dba5eb22f44a19cc7a3408….jpg)

File (hide): 3c9a7607379c78c⋯.jpg (122.51 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, bfd798857abc4b8a9b2d26b6c4….jpg)

File (hide): 2d4344b7ffb41eb⋯.jpg (327.52 KB, 1238x1500, 619:750, 2d4344b7ffb41ebeebabd9ac6a….jpg)

292af8 (2) No.9961377>>9961387

File (hide): 021695d18789166⋯.gif (1005.35 KB, 500x354, 250:177, 021695d18789166855d6004c3b….gif)

d67ed0 (1) No.9961380>>9961386


How he always conveniently forgets Putin doing the same shit…

2af973 (14) No.9961383>>9961388


>I hope you fucking die.


cb9949 (99) No.9961386



FTFY m80

3a2a56 (63) No.9961387>>9961396 >>9961410 >>9961426


>clear the ban list

>in the middle of a raid



Dont you do it faggot

cb9949 (99) No.9961388


But will any of us really live? That's the question…

894ac1 (59) No.9961391>>9961399



>muh boogeymen

you try so hard

2af973 (14) No.9961392>>9961405 >>9961406


Dude you really shouldn't delete posts you disagree with. This isn't reddit. You want us to be real with you? Then listen

cb9949 (99) No.9961396>>9961421



Oh shit, we're being raided!? Holy fuck batton down the hatches and prepare for an influx of shills! They're all shills! Everyone is a shill!

If I was a libshit on twatter I'd probably make a comparison between you and the Mad King from Goy of Thrones, but I'm not, so I'm just gonna call you a silly faggot instead, you silly faggot.

cb9949 (99) No.9961399


you need to try harder tho

2af973 (14) No.9961401>>9961408 >>9961415


>shills in discord

Nigger 99% of us who see that Trump fucked up bigly w/ this trip wouldn't touch Discord with a ten foot pole

9dcb1e (66) No.9961405>>9961519 >>9961592


>implying implicated implications

cb9949 (99) No.9961406>>9961429


>you want us to be real with you

Hahaha, what the fuck gave you that idea?

9dcb1e (66) No.9961408>>9961424 >>9961426


we'll take your (((word))) for it.

2af973 (14) No.9961410>>9961422


>clear the ban list in the middle of a raid

Dude the raids in your goddamn head. People are legitimately pissed about the wall.

cb9949 (99) No.9961415>>9961426


Does anyone besides the aut-right use fucking discord? I mean, yeah, this place has shit moderation, but the anons do good work, and its been pretty obviously shown that discord is a fucking monitoring service.

60babb (31) No.9961421>>9961427


I always knew you had it in you Tim

cb9949 (99) No.9961422>>9961434


Hah, which wall are you talking about - the one we didn't get funded, or the one Trump touched in Jewland?

I'm a bit heated about both to be honest with you lad.

2af973 (14) No.9961424


that's not how you use (((them))) newfaggot and I'm not spoonfeeding you either

a125aa (1) No.9961425>>9961442




ef9bf4 (1) No.9961426>>9961430

File (hide): a7d54d49a94a1a5⋯.jpg (84.47 KB, 488x516, 122:129, 3e3.jpg)


Don't do what? Have fun?


I thought >>9961415 was the general consensus anywhere

cb9949 (99) No.9961427>>9961437



Is this another addition to the opposition list?

2af973 (14) No.9961429>>9961454


I lulzd for the bantz there faggot but seriously chill the fuck out

9dcb1e (66) No.9961430>>9961519 >>9961592


>implying he's not lying about not using discord

Anon pls.

d3a5ea (5) No.9961431>>9961447 >>9961454

I know it hurts

Let the pain remind you






2af973 (14) No.9961434

File (hide): d21be01759f847e⋯.jpg (210.54 KB, 877x730, 877:730, 16379404038722112292126229….jpg)

>>9961422 (checked)

Dubs confirm both are bullshit

60babb (31) No.9961437>>9961454


I'm making an autism joke. Couldn't be more with you if was inside you. Slow the paranoia.

5bc565 (22) No.9961438>>9961462 >>9961463 >>9961466 >>9961469

File (hide): f906319a83d7d61⋯.jpg (26.15 KB, 408x402, 68:67, 1445914183720.jpg)


> And your toothless accusations

> toothless

> toothless

Waaaaait a minute, where did I heard this word used before?

Were you that exact same faggot in that thread a week ago? The one where you spun these weird theories that Trump is a puppet to guaranteed Hillary the win at 2020, then had a breakdown. I remember because everyone was laughing at you're idiocy and attempts to call off everyone else a shill, made over (50), and claimed others accusations for being "toothless".

Has this been one person all along?

2af973 (14) No.9961442


Fuck off moonfag

cb7c30 (2) No.9961445>>9961459

File (hide): e07702e94b19773⋯.jpg (2.33 MB, 7680x4320, 16:9, 8k ultra hd hahahaha.jpg)

File (hide): 3471ff7925b0ffc⋯.png (5.07 KB, 728x187, 728:187, Read Mein Kampf ban.png)

>When someone gets banned for not reading MK. Kek

894ac1 (59) No.9961447>>9961474 >>9961475


heres the mylasian cunt right on queue

cb9949 (99) No.9961454>>9961475 >>9961482 >>9962036


Lad, I want you to understand something: This is me chill. I could be sperging out like this faggot here


but that shit gets old fast, and I've got enough IPs on the banlist as is.

You think these mods give a fuck about you being 'real' with them? They don't. This is a business, for them at least, and its entirely probable they are being paid. That's why things are the way they are, shekels, just like it is everywhere. Same reason Trump touched the wall, no doubt.

Fucking shekels.


Oh, sorry, I guess I am autistic after all.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961459>>9961494 >>9961519 >>9961592


The /polk/ikes are still assblasted over that one.

60babb (31) No.9961462


holy fuck anon, you're on to something. i saw a toothless dog today. maybe the timelines converged and that cat in the matrix really was that dog and it killed my grandfather creating a paradox where you're a giant waterhead faggot?!?

you can't hide the truth

3a2a56 (63) No.9961463


Congrats Anon, you've discovered a real, live shill.

692f61 (1) No.9961464>>9961471

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

Its just 48 dimensional hopscotch goy!

2ba6a4 (28) No.9961466


kek, I remember that guy

cb9949 (99) No.9961469>>9961556


I dunno, were you the mod who kept deleting the threads about Trump touching the wall over and over and over and then whined because people thought it was shady as fuck, then went ahead and just banned them all and deleted their comments?

I guess we'll never know…

9dcb1e (66) No.9961471>>9961493 >>9961509 >>9961519 >>9961592 >>9961665 >>9962614

File (hide): ca6894e1d72ac63⋯.png (117.39 KB, 1164x1106, 582:553, somadtheyrespamming.png)

cb9949 (99) No.9961474


Oh, so that faggots the malaysia guy? Whats his deal?

d3a5ea (5) No.9961475>>9961485

File (hide): 0ceeb47aee942da⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 600.jpg)


You keep calling "mylasian". Same tactics. That makes you the shill


Mmm, baby. Touch that wall.

Watch him molest it


Shekels for the mods, Jim/pol/ ordered PSYOP narrative, indeed

2af973 (14) No.9961482>>9961488 >>9961506 >>9961570


>This is me chill.

Nigger I've seen you sperg in more than one place but I'm damn sure tired of having to search fifty fucking IPs because you go on FOREVER bans. Ban them for 24 fucking hours and let that shit clear. They're gonna IP hop or use tor any fucking way you're making it harder for the decent anons who actually fucking OP threads here daily like myself

894ac1 (59) No.9961485>>9961541


>calling you out makes me the shills

seems legit

9dcb1e (66) No.9961488>>9961503 >>9961527


That's a shill you responded to. He doesn't care about how many IPs he gets banned.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961493>>9961508 >>9961534


Bans obviously don't work. You have to go deeper.

2af973 (14) No.9961494>>9961504


NOBODY fucking uses /polk/ you fags need to quit that shit

894ac1 (59) No.9961503>>9961520


how are we coming on that unhashed IP list btw?

9dcb1e (66) No.9961504


but they astroturfed their Active User count so hard ;_; I mean still not as much as /leftypol/, but they tried!

cb9949 (99) No.9961506>>9961570


>Nigger I've seen you sperg in more than one place

This is my favorite meme. It really is. This is the meme where we just accuse each other of nonsense and try to defend ourselves to no end because we have no idea who one another actually is. I'm going to go ahead and short circuit that route though, by just laughing at you and calling you a faggot instead.

Hahahaha, faggot.

>but I'm damn sure tired of having to search fifty fucking IPs because you go on FOREVER bans.

Hahahahahahahahahaha, wait, hahahahah, wait wait wait wait, do you think I'm a mod?

Really? Holy shit faggot this is a great day. Well, aside from Trump touching the Jew wall and everything.

551ede (17) No.9961508>>9961525 >>9961533


Rangebans arent working yet.

60babb (31) No.9961509>>9961665


what's the intent behind the ip there hotpocket?

64fd00 (3) No.9961519>>9961572









I'll repost it again and again until you come up with a fucking response, you good-for-nothing self-important nigger. Quit ignoring this dose of truth.


Jesus fucking Christ, kampfy, why don't you just do your fucking job for once instead of using this board as though it's your own fucking empire of dirt. For a year+ you've singlehandedly ruined this board and turned into nothing but a shitty fucking trump cock-sucking echochamber where kosher nigger and jew-lovers run rampant. At first during the election cycle you said "wait until after he's elected to criticize trump", then after he was elected you said "wait until he does something to criticize trump", then after he did something (bomb syria, appoint kikes to government, etc.), you still fucking delete threads and ban posters.

I can't believe someone as totally cancerous as you can keep your mod position. Worst of all, you have the fucking AUDACITY to accuse ANYONE criticising you of being a goon/meducafag/endchan/TRS/whateverthefuck shill. As if only outsiders would be opposed to you forcing your own shitty, nigger-tier opinions on the majority and shutting down discussion. I've honestly had enough of you acting like you are entitled to /pol/ and own the place. As a mod you're supposed to MODERATE discussion, not control and enforce it according to your feelings and opinions. This is the exact kind of shit we left 4chan for, and I would know, because I came over here in the first exodus.

The worst part about you isn't the fact that you're a shitty mod who forces your opinions on the majority, it's that you're a total arrogant, egotistical piece of shit about it. You never listen to any criticism, and you've convinced yourself that all criticism you hear must be the result of some elaborate shill/raid operation conducted by the bogeyman site/organization of the month to steal your baby away from you. Get off your fucking high horse and realise that you're nothing but another anon like the rest of us. You have a RESPONSIBILITY to be a good mod, not a fucking entitlement to the position. If you can no longer do that job, then have the self-respect and humbleness to give it up instead of driving /pol/ further into the dirt while you stamp around in an autistic fit of range and stick your fingers in your ears screaming "SHILL!! GOON!!! MEDUCA!!!".

It's a fact the majority of /pol/ fucking hates you and wishes you were gone. You do not respect the posters here and you actively force discussion to fit into your narrow and incredibly kosher parameters. What used to be a staple of /pol/ - redpill and book threads for learning, are now arbitrarily banned, and you can even get banned for criticizing kikes in the government, decisions to bomb Syria, or placing niggers in charge of government positions. I would know because it's happened to me in every case.

I suppose you'll just respond to this post with yet another one of your petty little one-liners where you try to brush off this entirely accurate description of the reasons everyone hates you, simply because you're too much of a fucking egotistical and self-important brat to own up to your own shortcomings. That's okay. At least I got this off my chest and spoke for the people who, for far too long, have had to silently deal with your cancerous bullshit. I fucking hate you, Imkampfy. I hate you for killing /pol/ and then shitting on the corpse while forcing me to watch.

I hope you fucking die.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961520>>9961561 >>9961592


Only way you'd get unhashed IPs of these kikes is if codemonkey fucks up again spectacularly. They're all on VPNs/TOR/VPS anyway. You're better off throwing a rock through Shareblue's office doors imo.

cb9949 (99) No.9961525



What could go wrong…

2af973 (14) No.9961527>>9961547

>>9961488 (heiled)

I'm not even paying attention it's late here and I'm tired but I wanted to bitch St kampfy about the 2 and 4 week and permanent Bans stop that shit dude clear the fucking bans damn. When I have to switch through 18 services and 99 servers to find one that works yeah that shit sucks and guess what I go post elsewhere

053cbb (1) No.9961529>>9961703

Does anyone really think that Trump is doing anything but phoning it in, with regards to anything religious? I mean, look at his performance in the election. I'm still amazed that evangelists and other Christians weren't insulted, but then I guess you have to take what gets thrown your way after Nigger Communist King. Based on the track record I've seen, Trump thinks to himself "sure, I get to put on a hat and touch a wall. Who cares? Nobody at home but other Jews are even going to care." because that's just how our mainstream culture works, pragmatically speaking. Still no settlements, still no Jewrusalem embassy, still advocating "peace" with a bunch of angry, miserable Arabs living next door.

>b-but you guys said before he was elected about the wall…

/pol/ is not one person. Seriously. Even the purist natsocs on this board have disagreements. It could have just as easily been some newfag trying too hard to fit in.

61e345 (1) No.9961530>>9961567

wtf is this thread

3a2a56 (63) No.9961533


Bans are powerless here. We need something greater.

ed20d4 (2) No.9961534

File (hide): 983ab9d70de6644⋯.jpg (23.71 KB, 395x290, 79:58, serveimage-2.jpg)


>you have to go deeper

You can't have shills, if you shut it all down :^)

e8bde8 (1) No.9961539

>>9960284 (OP)

Trump turned into Drumpf. Sad, i know, but it's true.

d3a5ea (5) No.9961541


It is legit, because I don't even know what a fucking Malaysian is









9dcb1e (66) No.9961547>>9961569 >>9961592 >>9961667


Pay for a VPN service instead of using a free one. The shitskins and goons abuse the fuck out of all free services (for obvious reasons like being poor and worthless)

763c79 (2) No.9961552>>9961576


Also shill

5bc565 (22) No.9961556>>9961576


> (69)

So you were him. Also, are you asking if I'm imkampfy?

Because we all are. /pol/ has been an elaborate hoax all along, made by one mod with far too much time on his hands.

I'm sorry you had to find out this way. You should probably grab your paycheck before your manager finds out.

894ac1 (59) No.9961561>>9961574 >>9961588


no, really, I have ways around it. It would be spectacular if I could get those unhashed IPs, just of this one cunt. Make an appeal to jim or something, idk, just attempt to get them.

ed20d4 (2) No.9961567


Trump went to Israel and touched the Kike Wall that's important in there faith

and you have two sides,





It started out with reasonable threads and leftypol threads being duplicated, and whoever it was created this shit thread

3a2a56 (63) No.9961569




cb9949 (99) No.9961570>>9961634



I shouldn't do this, because it'll probably just end up in more shitposting, but I want to address something here… Nigger, you don't know me, okay? But you almost-certainly have my OC saved. Most of the people in this thread probably do.

Know how I know? Because every fucking day I see you reposting my shit. I see you taking the shit I put time into making, having saved it, sometimes even posting it back at me with ire, and it just cracks me the fuck up how fucking delusional so many people here are.

I'm not a mod. I'm a nobody. I'm just another Anon - but I do good work! I try to, because I give a shit. Just remember that next time you're about to accuse someone of being x, y or z - they might do good work too, and 99% of the time, you'd think they were an A+ anon… But one thread, one issue, one idea, thats all it'll take to turn them from doing God's work in one thread, to being someone you call a shill in another. Remember that.

7074ad (3) No.9961572>>9961585 >>9961627 >>9961725


It's really sad you wrote all that and no one's even going to read it, myself included. I really feel bad for you because you remind me of myself when I was about 13. Shake my head.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961574>>9961587 >>9961592


Did you not see the IP leaks? There were a a shitload of unhashed IPs in the logs, but they're old

cb9949 (99) No.9961576


Like this fag, he probably has my OC saved.


I'm bored and I've been drinking, give me a break. Its been a long day.

24986a (1) No.9961584

File (hide): ba6fd0b3bbc515c⋯.jpg (28.63 KB, 480x480, 1:1, patrick heil hortlur.jpg)

64fd00 (3) No.9961585


Do you enjoy sucking off Kampfy's misshapen smelly cock, anon?

894ac1 (59) No.9961587>>9961606


yes, I saw them. I wanted something fresher honestly. Most proxies and tor nodes have a log limit if they have logs enabled, and they sometimes get overwritten or deleted. It helps to have the freshest IP that he last used.

60babb (31) No.9961588>>9961598

File (hide): 597c73cad0a4f47⋯.jpg (181.32 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, a_4x-horizontal.jpg)


let me get this straight. you're threatening to dox a VPN or Tor user, beyond the IP, for calling Trump out on his kike ties?

this is the most entertaining post i've seen in a long time

64fd00 (3) No.9961592>>9961721












I'll repost it again and again until you come up with a fucking response, you good-for-nothing self-important nigger. This is yet another reason why people hate your fucking guts.


Jesus fucking Christ, kampfy, why don't you just do your fucking job for once instead of using this board as though it's your own fucking empire of dirt. For a year+ you've singlehandedly ruined this board and turned into nothing but a shitty fucking trump cock-sucking echochamber where kosher nigger and jew-lovers run rampant. At first during the election cycle you said "wait until after he's elected to criticize trump", then after he was elected you said "wait until he does something to criticize trump", then after he did something (bomb syria, appoint kikes to government, etc.), you still fucking delete threads and ban posters.

I can't believe someone as totally cancerous as you can keep your mod position. Worst of all, you have the fucking AUDACITY to accuse ANYONE criticising you of being a goon/meducafag/endchan/TRS/whateverthefuck shill. As if only outsiders would be opposed to you forcing your own shitty, nigger-tier opinions on the majority and shutting down discussion. I've honestly had enough of you acting like you are entitled to /pol/ and own the place. As a mod you're supposed to MODERATE discussion, not control and enforce it according to your feelings and opinions. This is the exact kind of shit we left 4chan for, and I would know, because I came over here in the first exodus.

The worst part about you isn't the fact that you're a shitty mod who forces your opinions on the majority, it's that you're a total arrogant, egotistical piece of shit about it. You never listen to any criticism, and you've convinced yourself that all criticism you hear must be the result of some elaborate shill/raid operation conducted by the bogeyman site/organization of the month to steal your baby away from you. Get off your fucking high horse and realise that you're nothing but another anon like the rest of us. You have a RESPONSIBILITY to be a good mod, not a fucking entitlement to the position. If you can no longer do that job, then have the self-respect and humbleness to give it up instead of driving /pol/ further into the dirt while you stamp around in an autistic fit of range and stick your fingers in your ears screaming "SHILL!! GOON!!! MEDUCA!!!".

It's a fact the majority of /pol/ fucking hates you and wishes you were gone. You do not respect the posters here and you actively force discussion to fit into your narrow and incredibly kosher parameters. What used to be a staple of /pol/ - redpill and book threads for learning, are now arbitrarily banned, and you can even get banned for criticizing kikes in the government, decisions to bomb Syria, or placing niggers in charge of government positions. I would know because it's happened to me in every case.

I suppose you'll just respond to this post with yet another one of your petty little one-liners where you try to brush off this entirely accurate description of the reasons everyone hates you, simply because you're too much of a fucking egotistical and self-important brat to own up to your own shortcomings. That's okay. At least I got this off my chest and spoke for the people who, for far too long, have had to silently deal with your cancerous bullshit. I fucking hate you, Imkampfy. I hate you for killing /pol/ and then shitting on the corpse while forcing me to watch.

I hope you fucking die.

4bdf1c (3) No.9961593>>9961599 >>9961602


>I'm tired

>My feet hurt

>I wish that rabbi would stop kvetching about the wall

>He needs a breath mint

>I want some vodka

>It's too hot here



He looks bored.

894ac1 (59) No.9961598>>9961607 >>9961631


>if I am attack someone for being an obvious shill it means its because of muh trump kike ties

no, just stop seriously, this narrative is literally shit.

cb9949 (99) No.9961599


>this wall was never good

2ba6a4 (28) No.9961602>>9961622 >>9961686




>Kill yourself

9dcb1e (66) No.9961606>>9961614 >>9961616


I don't even think Ron has access to raw IPs with the new code. It'll be like this until he re-enables range bans.

cb9949 (99) No.9961607>>9961623 >>9961631 >>9961633


>muh shills muh shills muh shills


cb9949 (99) No.9961614



What could go wrong…

894ac1 (59) No.9961616


Well, I can wait I guess.

cb9949 (99) No.9961622>>9961626


>Fucking up this badly

Take your own advice lad.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961623>>9961642


>shills stopped existing after Nov 9th, 2016

RIP Shills.

2ba6a4 (28) No.9961626

375be5 (13) No.9961627


I read it.

60babb (31) No.9961631>>9961665

File (hide): 45a98d3c057b8bc⋯.gif (985.96 KB, 300x196, 75:49, 1360524140038.gif)


"obvious shill" is literally anyone that posts anything that's disagreed with anymore. what purpose does this serve in the grand scheme right now, big guy?


gotta create the villain to be the hero

5bc565 (22) No.9961633>>9961649

File (hide): 111fbc85f268853⋯.jpg (108.92 KB, 998x1000, 499:500, 3b40312214cec17f0710d24f18….jpg)


> thinks shills only go around election time

> what is shareblue

Boy you are drunk. Post responsibly.

64abea (2) No.9961634>>9961671 >>9961691


That's not me bro. I just like to shitpost and call people CIANiggers See how the delusion game works? Also, I'm genuinely curious about what you think we should do? Impeach Trump? Who should we elect in his place? Should we even vote at all? What would you have done differently? Don't even answer those questions because an actual CIANigger might be browsing this thread. My point is we have to play with the cards we're dealt.

cb9949 (99) No.9961642>>9961649 >>9961705


Yeah, honestly? Most of them probably did… Well, no, probably like mid-February, when they realized their attempts were hopeless, that Trump had won and we were laughing.

… Not laughing so much anymore, but, hey, it was a fucking fun ride while it lasted. In any case, yeah, dude, most of the people you're talking to here? They aren't shills, a shill in this case being someone who is paid to be here to push a narrative. They're just anons who don't agree with you, and you've become dependent upon the accusation to win arguments. Your bantz have weakened lad, you need to stop relying upon that crutch.

cb9949 (99) No.9961649


Checked for taking another drink and directing you to


375be5 (13) No.9961652>>9961670

File (hide): 373790810836625⋯.png (85.83 KB, 980x900, 49:45, kikery.png)

Well, I'm out. I guess I'll try endchan. The kikes run the show here, that's pretty clear by now. Good luck everyone.

894ac1 (59) No.9961665>>9961699


says the guy that doesn't even know what a fucking IP hash is >>9961471


who is this fucking new. You don't fit in, its not natural, any of this, you included. You know when you can tell actual criticism from shills, when its constructive and offers insight.

2af973 (14) No.9961667


I have several paid VPNs. You of all people know the enjoyment of samefagging on a late night shitpost. It's part of image board culture. You're killing it with all the VPN bans though

551ede (17) No.9961670>>9961679


Have fun with /intl/.

60babb (31) No.9961671>>9961689

File (hide): 128c5283349b320⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1336188099123.gif)


I'm going to field this because it pisses me off. Hold the fucker to the fire. Remember how he stopped supporting TPP only after getting shit up and down?

There's no difference here, and just sitting back and taking it is cuckoldry of the highest order. It's unbelievable that stating these facts is now shilling for Hillary.

375be5 (13) No.9961679


Thanks, have fun with the Jews.

4bdf1c (3) No.9961686>>9961781


You demoralizing shills aren't even good at your job. Whoever hired you should be let go along with your entire crew.

53d6e1 (2) No.9961688

File (hide): 827f6684d119320⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 252x255, 84:85, top kekeke.jpg)

2af973 (14) No.9961689


>that gif

313f9b (26) No.9961690>>9961706


>implying you leftykikes aren't part of the shilling

cb9949 (99) No.9961691>>9962667


Wew, what we should do? Christ man, why don't you ask me how to go about creating the Empire of Man and installing myself as Emperor… Which, I mean, we could do that, if you're game (I doubt you are, understandably so no less).

What should we do? Stop sucking Trump's dick, for one - at this point, its like sucking Mitt Romney's dick, and nobody wants to do that. Like you say, this isn't the place for planning, but I can give you a mote of my insight…

… What should we do?


That's what. And if you want to call me a LARPer, if you want to call me crazy, if you want to call me a CIAshit or something, I understand… But that's my advice. War. Because we aren't voting our way out of this one, and our numbers diminish by the day. I don't want to be 65 when this shit kicks off, do you? I doubt it. How to get it started though… That's a Rubicon I'm still not sure how to go about crossing successfully, and that, I will admit.

But this? This shit of following neocons who lie to us, and then being bummed out when it bounces back to another libshit cretin? This isn't working.

4bdf1c (3) No.9961696



>repeat for almost two years

Oh, do continue. Surely, he'll implode any day now.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961698


>falling apart

Nigger this is another day at the office. This was a 3/10 raid TOPS.

Try harder next time. Maybe try and crash the site at least once.

60babb (31) No.9961699>>9961712


i know what a fucking hash is you paranoid mong. the hack was april 1st, HW's handle was copypaste, whore.txt, my samson option pic from earlier… I could back to /n/ if you like and tell you about conscious dreamers and trolling the invisible sky namefags if you like. Shut the fuck up and listen if you're not just shitposting.

c95ff3 (6) No.9961703


>>b-but you guys said before he was elected about the wall…

>/pol/ is not one person. Seriously. Even the purist natsocs on this board have disagreements.

You're not getting it. Because they're kikes, they think that we're bound by contract to hate Trump now, since we were holding the fact that he alone had no picture at that wall as proof of his basedness. The reality is it was a convenient stick to bash the shills with at the time, but Trump himself has given no indication he attaches any religious significance to any of this crap so there's no way he'd calculate it was worth causing a scene by refusing to go.

5bc565 (22) No.9961705>>9961740

File (hide): 2ad89ad90d96758⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 366x290, 183:145, 5a2cad7f0f325b45c36a4eba50….jpg)


> "everyone knows shills stop once demoralized"

> "why aren't you feeling demoralized now you stupid trumpkin!!!"

I get it, it's a shitty job trying to make others feel what you felt that day when Hillary lost.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961706>>9962682 >>9962712


kikes always claim victory over and over again to try to demoralize the opponent so they don't actually have to do anything.

Once they realize they can't force consensus here, they'll scream at ron or jim a bit more on /sudo/. You should see all the red text there, it's pretty funny.

894ac1 (59) No.9961712>>9961741


>whats the intent behind the IP there hotpocket

>I know what a hash is

oy vey

7074ad (3) No.9961720

I see these people "leaving" /pol/ every other day with the same messages and same filenames. It's weird and gee whiz I just can't explain it.

313f9b (26) No.9961721

File (hide): d17bfdfea881548⋯.jpg (42.71 KB, 514x536, 257:268, 5797484 _cd38311e19389126c….jpg)


>the majority of /pol/ fucking hates you and wishes you were gone

>you're too much of a fucking egotistical and self-important brat to own up to your own shortcomings.

>At least I got this off my chest

>I fucking hate you, Imkampfy. I hate you for killing /pol/ and then shitting on the corpse while forcing me to watch.

>I hope you fucking die.

This must be satire.

4a43cd (4) No.9961725


I read it, fuck you.

65d112 (8) No.9961727>>9961739 >>9961753 >>9961768

File (hide): 3d1a435dd708632⋯.jpg (428.89 KB, 1708x1362, 854:681, 3 x 2 trump smug smile.jpg)

Lets play reverse psychology and give advices to jews how to fuck up this board even more.

>make more funny positive memes about the subject, create content that makes Trump seems positive in front of that wall

>point out that its just a PR for Trump to look good and to not be accused as anti-semitic

>make sure to praise Trump for everything he does, and make more news about Trump that are not related to jews

>create a narrative that Trump secretly hates israel, and shill it hard, make vague proofs out of his speeches

>always point out that Trump is nationalist, and that the america comes first, and draw quotes from his own words to prove it

>always derail any negative thread on Trump, and use it as a ground to talk about what good things Trump did for americans instead

>eventually make sure that everyone on /pol/ believes that friendly alliance with israel is inevitable and so is the wars in middle east, to "kill more muslims", never mention great israel project and derail threads about it

>make sure hatred of muslims is always high, so people stop defending iran and syria, for that matter show more news about immigrants from iran and syria raping and pillaging people in europe

>make accent that wars in middle east will make sure more dead muslims and freedom, use whole growing conflict between islamic and european people as a basis for war propaganda

>at some point make pushes for making muslims seem worse than the jews, slowing down anti-semitism on /pol/

>always shill against Putin to preserve potential conflict against russia and continue to preserve "white nigger" narrative about slavic people, don't forget to provide proves for that by showing their actual lives in their poor slow developing countries, hire ukranians and self hating russian liberals to do the job, they will be glad to do it, make sure that at the same time any conflict with russia will be cheered with "now nobody will accuse Trump with russian connections" narrative, and that you will gladly go kill ruskies for being commie sympathizers over victory against germany in ww2

>make more posts with smug anime pictures so you will look less like an insider, most old users use them, even if met with aggression, anime pictures are sign that you are a valid imageboard user

Okay, anyone wants to add something to this?

1c6bb2 (1) No.9961729

9dcb1e (66) No.9961739


>alliance with israel

Remember the USS Liberty.

cb9949 (99) No.9961740


>everyone is shills and if you suggest otherwise you're also a shill and you can tell by how I drastically over-exaggerate everything I project onto my opposition in this conversation

Seems legit. Nice anime girl, she really made me reconsider my preconceptions and her smug totally demoralized me. I feel demoralized.


60babb (31) No.9961741>>9961757 >>9961766


Allow me to clarify if you're not just trolling. Why include it in the pic at all? Espec if there was an IP leak? Why not just post with vol on?

Feel better, sunshine? Or is SRS going to come out from under your bed?

c95ff3 (6) No.9961752>>9961756


Nice pasta.

cb9949 (99) No.9961753


I think you forgot

>save some of your energy for when Trump returns and places Joe Lieberman as the head of the FBI

but otherwise good stuff.

cb9949 (99) No.9961756>>9961816


That's pasta?

3a2a56 (63) No.9961757



You fucked up boyo. Beg your manager not to dock your pay.

e8e047 (1) No.9961764>>9961771 >>9961791

butthurt fags are upset trump is 110% race war gas the kikes day 1? man… keep your friends close, and your enemies closer

894ac1 (59) No.9961766>>9961823 >>9961828


I get it, still doesn't change the fact, I'm not trying to dox this faggot because he criticized trump, its because this fag has been behind plenty of shit recently that was more then just Trump threads pushing shit and he is the main reason all of any good vpns or proxies and some tor nodes are banned on this board, thats why. If you went back and read my first few posts in the thread you would know I am just as pissed about the wall, thats not what my beef is right now.

375be5 (13) No.9961768>>9963453


>Okay, anyone wants to add something to this?


>delete all threads about Trump's latest kikery

>make an official MUH WALL thread

>so that anons can vent their frustrations about Trumpkike

>ban everyone who posts muh wall posts in the muh wall thread



9dcb1e (66) No.9961771>>9961809


They're worse than fags, Anon. They're shills.

53d6e1 (2) No.9961778>>9961795

File (hide): 3dd2f82e9c2519b⋯.jpg (27.8 KB, 447x312, 149:104, omg best gif.jpg)

2ba6a4 (28) No.9961781

cb9949 (99) No.9961791>>9961799 >>9961831


This is… I can't even properly put into human words how pathetic this is. This is the Platonic idea of being pathetic given physical literary form. I'm honestly in awe, so, ya know, kudos.

cb9949 (99) No.9961795


>best gif

You got me.

551ede (17) No.9961799>>9961825

cb9949 (99) No.9961809>>9961856


>everyone is shills

c95ff3 (6) No.9961816>>9961838 >>9961842


I distinctly recall seeing that post multiple times before. You being an (84) adds to my confidence, though that also means it's possible you retyped it from memory accidentally since you're clearly being paid if you're shilling that hard.

60babb (31) No.9961823>>9961837 >>9961838


He's not the one doing the banning, and jumping at shadows isn't helping your case. The fact the IP was intentionally placed in the picture should be a big fucking clue.

cb9949 (99) No.9961825


Checked for 4 away. Well, 3 now. Wait, no, 2. No, wait, 1… Jesus Christ.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961828>>9962002


If you want, go check their honeypot thread on /polk/, they're busy trying to suck a few gullible anons into self-doxing in there. The one guy is a legit psycho.

Check it out >>>/polmeta/22017

>if I wanted or cared to seize leadership, I already would have

Absolutely batshit insane, and I almost never call anyone that.

313f9b (26) No.9961831>>9961851

File (hide): f54252ddadde23e⋯.jpg (51.37 KB, 500x347, 500:347, IRONY.jpg)


>This is the Platonic idea of being pathetic given physical literary form

803a46 (1) No.9961835

60babb (31) No.9961837


IP HASH. fuck me. it says IP, I type IP

894ac1 (59) No.9961838>>9961855


worst part is, he is getting paid, admitted it in the /polk/ thread mods linked to in the other thread he kept getting banned in.


>umping at shadows isn't helping your case


discarded, right into the trash.

cb9949 (99) No.9961842>>9961871 >>9961873 >>9961880


Thats incredible anon, please post proof if you have it. Because I just wrote that here, tonight, so if the hivemind is gaining strength I would love proof of it.

Otherwise, I'm gonna call you a faggot spewing the same garbage accusations as the rest of these fags who've convinced themselves that everyone who disagrees with them is a shill being paid by some nefarious organization, as opposed to another Anon like them who just thinks their views are stupid and they're kind of a faggot.

cb9949 (99) No.9961851


That's a nice Pepe. Did you rename it just for me?

60babb (31) No.9961855>>9961870


nigger you just came at me for repeating what was in a picture. continue fighting the good fight, though. i'm sure the mods will stop banning non-kosher content if you dox this guy.

5bc565 (22) No.9961856>>9961883

File (hide): 7154d5d7dbeb81d⋯.png (331.09 KB, 643x531, 643:531, 36a0faae0428ed237877f3ae24….png)


Alright, I forgot. All the shills died off after election day.

No need to be concern anymore goyim, there's no more shills.

894ac1 (59) No.9961870>>9961881 >>9961884 >>9961986


they don't ban non-kosher content you disingenuous kike. Just because you couldn't shill for your penny doesn't mean that its a banned subject. Mods post my history, how many times did I criticize trump, I give you permission, if you have it post my syria posts when it first happened.

313f9b (26) No.9961871>>9961909


>as opposed to another Anon like them who just thinks their views are stupid

nigger, at 88 posts ;^) you can't pretend that it's a minor disagreement. Go back to the top and see where I tried to reason with you, and offered ample opportunity to explain yourself. Instead you've shitposted like it's your profession and self-admittedly bumbled like an autist. So no, it's not a disagreement. You've embarked on a doomed campaign of faggotry, and no you shall know no peace.

3a2a56 (63) No.9961873>>9961909


>take filter off of this tard

>scroll bar takes off like a fucking rocket halfway up the page

Jesus Christ. And you have the balls to say you're not a shill? No sane person would shitpost this much of their own volition unless they were being paid to do so.

>nefarious shilling orgs dont exist!

Right. JIDF, COINTELPRO, Shareblue, CTR…All of those are just made up :^)

c95ff3 (6) No.9961880>>9961926


>Because I just wrote that here, tonight

I didn't say otherwise, retard. The same brain generated the same post once again without realizing it, we're creatures of habit.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961881>>9961886


Go look at that /polmeta/ thread, Anon. Complete psychos.

cb9949 (99) No.9961883>>9961903 >>9961904 >>9961938


That's a nice strawman you've made for yourself there, but, yes, most of the shills are in fact gone. The election is over, they're not getting paid to sit here and try to change your mind so you'll vote for Shillary, in some hopeless gambit to try and win the culture war for the side of leftwing Jewry.

That's a very nice anime girl you've got there. I'm demoralized by her cuteness and her smug. Truly, I am.

375be5 (13) No.9961884>>9961891


>they don't ban non-kosher content you disingenuous kike

No one is buying this anymore. Chutzpa is well and good but know when to rebrand your product, Schlomo.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961886


and I mean "goon trannies chopping off their dicks dancing in their mom's skin" psychos

894ac1 (59) No.9961891>>9961897


>ignores my entire post

got your penny though, so its all good

375be5 (13) No.9961897>>9961945


Your post was "nothing is wrong here trust me goys I post subversive stuff all the time trust me goys."

It's a bullshit post on a bullshit board approved by bullshit mods. You're a kike and they are kikes.

64815e (4) No.9961903>>9961926


Kill yourself faggot

5bc565 (22) No.9961904>>9961926


> but, yes, most of the shills are in fact gone. The election is over, they're not getting paid to sit here and try to change your mind

> he thinks he don't know about shareblue or dischord

cb9949 (99) No.9961909>>9961922 >>9961939 >>9961969


>nigger, at 88 posts ;^) you can't pretend that it's a minor disagreement.

I can and I am.

>Go back to the top and see where I tried to reason with you,

I doubt that.

>and offered ample opportunity to explain yourself.

And I probably did.

>Instead you've shitposted like it's your profession

I wish…

>and self-admittedly bumbled like an autist.

If you say it enough, maybe it will come true!

>So no, it's not a disagreement.

Clearly, it is.

>You've embarked on a doomed campaign of faggotry, and no you shall know no peace.

I'm feelin pretty peaceful right now to be honest with you lad. 88 posts is nothing - I once posted every single The Rock wrestling video on Jewtube in a rach thread. Every single one. I was surprised there weren't more, to tell ya the truth, but, not even 600 IIRC. This isn't work for me, this is how I relax - but you seem really worked up.


Yeah, I've been shitposting up a storm in this shitposting thread - isn't that what its here for?

And yes, I have the balls to say I'm not a shill, and more than that - i have huge balls - because I'm not. And your continued accusations only make my point slam home harder, because you have no idea who I am, and so your accusations are totally hollow, and everyone knows it. But you just keep doing it. Because you have nothing else.

>Right. JIDF, COINTELPRO, Shareblue, CTR…All of those are just made up :^)

Oh, they exist… But not every Anon who disagrees with you is a shill, Anon. You realize that, right?

Now go ahead and over-exagerate the shit I said here. Maybe throw in an anime girl. She better be smug though nigger or I'm gonna be pissed.

313f9b (26) No.9961922>>9961949

File (hide): 7f7cf703f0e4a54⋯.jpg (32.75 KB, 600x549, 200:183, 7f7cf703f0e4a544f16e242ebb….jpg)


It's funny because your attempts in this thread to convince everyone of the "compromised mods" and urge us to Exodus have been so laughable abysmal, that it borders on absurdity. If I were a "kiked mod", I would do almost exactly what you've done here, with minor changes. Anyone who was even slightly inclined to agree with or join you has almost certainly thought otherwise, for fear of joining the ranks of such assravaged and irrational faggots as yourself. So congrats on achieving your opposite desired-outcome.

cb9949 (99) No.9961926


So… Pasta isn't necessarily pasta'd? Interesting approach, novel in fact. I've never heard that one before.


Nah. Thanks for caring though.



God how did you fuck that up? Are you an autist or something?

Seriously though, you're making a strawman to burn, and no surprise, its flammable.

That's not my man though, my man is made of stone, and he says 'not everyone who disagrees with you is a jewish shill anon', and you just keep trying to burn him if you like, but I don't like your chances.

cd0dc9 (3) No.9961928

He's no more than a hindrance now. If the media wasn't so kiked and over the top he would have been dropped like a stone by White nationalists everywhere.

It's fucking retarded that it takes him visually bowing down to them to make people angry though. His whole adminitstration is Orthodox Jews, read any article about this and they are fucking gloating. They just bested liberal Jews, that is the great victory Trumps win has given us.

And don't start with the wait for Hitler shit. It has no bearing on how he should be criticised and for what. He's been a complete fucking turncoat after the first month. We have no say in the pressure on him because we didn't do anything else but suck his cock.

c95ff3 (6) No.9961938>>9961953

File (hide): 3a5d2673f207dc0⋯.jpg (30.8 KB, 853x480, 853:480, 1458281227489.jpg)


>but, yes, most of the shills are in fact gone


>ever in a state of not having shills


3a2a56 (63) No.9961939>>9961964 >>9961972


>your accusations are totally hollow, everyone knows it

Weird, it seems like most people ITT seem to think you're the shilliest shill here on shill day.


>But not every Anon who disagrees with you is a shill, Anon. You realize that, right?

And not every president who touches a kike wall is a shill for the kikes. Checkmate nigger

894ac1 (59) No.9961945>>9961959 >>9961974


yes, its all bullshit, and you have proof right, oh no wait, its conjecture and more narrative building on behalf of you hoping people are stupid enough to fall for it. Mods post my history all ready from the syria threads remove the IP hash if you don't mind

cb9949 (99) No.9961949>>9961972


>It's funny because your attempts in this thread to convince everyone of the "compromised mods" and urge us to Exodus have been so laughable abysmal, that it borders on absurdity.

That's nice. But then, just as its entirely possible I am a shill, its entirely possible you are a mod, and this is just you engaging in damage control - and a really lackluster attempt at that.

So if I'm a shill, you're a mod, and we're both huge faggots. Feel free to die in a fire!

>If I were a "kiked mod", I would do almost exactly what you've done here, with minor changes.

Sure you would.

>Anyone who was even slightly inclined to agree with or join you has almost certainly thought otherwise, for fear of joining the ranks of such assravaged and irrational faggots as yourself.

You seem really upset.

>So congrats on achieving your opposite desired-outcome.

Like really upset. Nice meme btw. Checked.

cb9949 (99) No.9961953>>9961967


>if I just keep mkaing this strawman, maybe that stone man will catch on fire

Keep at it sport.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961959>>9962055


Go read that thread about how the /polk/ trannies threatened to take over /pol/ first. It's pretty funny.

cb9949 (99) No.9961964>>9961980


>Weird, it seems like most people ITT seem to think you're the shilliest shill here on shill day.

Appeal to consensus coupled with projection. Never change.

>And not every president who touches a kike wall is a shill for the kikes.


>Checkmate nigger


551ede (17) No.9961967>>9961992


Keep it up you nigger, you dont look like a shill at all.

5bc565 (22) No.9961969>>9961992

File (hide): 1f546b86b8b711b⋯.jpg (126.76 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Bird Problems.jpg)


> if I continue to let everyone beat me down in this thread, while passive-aggressively addressing them, maybe I'll convince someone

Such a good day.

313f9b (26) No.9961972>>9961978 >>9961992



Everything about cb9949 is so mindbogglingly inept and bizzare, I have to wonder if it's a mod having a giggle (and if so, bravo. it has been a treat). That's one explanation why he hasn't been banned and he's so consistently bad. A random shill should, statistically, say at least one thing right/intelligent.

375be5 (13) No.9961974


Post a screencap with a (you) then or shut the fuck up you kike shill. The proof is in the board log. This thread itself is a honeypot to ban everyone without the proper kosher attitude. I've already been banned once in this thread for mildly rebuking the moderation going on here.

As I said, no one is buying your vapor anymore you kike.

9dcb1e (66) No.9961978>>9962019 >>9962034


You guys can now see firsthand the shit mods have to put up with.

Like >>>/polmeta/22017

3a2a56 (63) No.9961980>>9961992


He's run out of steam, gents. This is the end of the road for this shekel-grabber.

Pack it up here, we're done.

c4e5f5 (3) No.9961983>>9962013 >>9962105

Whats with the autistic fixation on the wailing wall photo op anyways? It is a dumb pr thing that might as well be mandatory for damn near every politician, funny how you faggots ignore literally all of Trumps other actions but suddenly he is kiked because muh wall hand. Dumbasses. Spend less time caring about superficialities and more time actually examining Trumps actions, which were great for like 3 months and now they are kind of shit tbh fam.

60babb (31) No.9961986>>9962055

File (hide): 5c37f96cb9308ee⋯.png (207.13 KB, 905x981, 905:981, kushmo.png)


Of course not. You're a slave to reactions (lack of melanin?), so start with the red text. I've seen this banned a few times today, but I'm sure it's a coincidence. Mods can't be at fault for bans, right? If you just remove this ONE user, it'll all be better.

cb9949 (99) No.9961992>>9962022 >>9962033


Keep trying kiddo.


It IS a good day! I'm glad you agree. Aside from the Trump shit, this day has been quite nice - long, but nice.

>if I continue to appeal to consensus and project myself onto the community, perhaps I will convince others that everyone who disagrees with me is, in fact, a shill

>I need to make sure I post lots of pepes though


You seem flustered.


Yeah, I am getting tired, rhetorically beating the shit out of you wears a fella out - that and the Scotch.

4a43cd (4) No.9962002>>9962048


>>if I wanted or cared to seize leadership, I already would have


>Absolutely batshit insane, and I almost never call anyone that.

This is an imageboard you underage dipshit, apparently you can't even tell when someone is shitting on you.

2ba6a4 (28) No.9962003>>9962011

Piling on doesn't work either, and will never assuage the simple image of your golden kike.

cb9949 (99) No.9962011


They'll keep trying though.

Holy shit, now I'm appealing to consensus! AHHHHHHHH! IM INFECTED!

c95ff3 (6) No.9962013>>9962075


>Trumps actions, which were great for like 3 months and now they are kind of shit tbh fam

I can't really blame him too much, the kikes will not shut up about Russia and until he can shake them on that he's stuck, he'll be impeached if he pushes things now. /pol/ certainly hasn't been able to shift the needle on the muh Russia crap.

313f9b (26) No.9962019>>9962026


Maybe. I just have a hard time conceptualizing how nature could spontaneously form something so goddamn retarded. It has to be impossible to randomly be this bad; this level of moronic performance requires intent. Like, there's someone out there laughing his ass off for "trolling" as a /polk/ster goon. Because otherwise, I pity the creature who could unironically spawn this braindamaged nonsense.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962022>>9962067


The kike claims victory like a pigeon who plays chess. Shits all over the board then struts around like he's done something of value.

When you wake up tomorrow and realize you didn't do anything but get drunk and make 10 dollars for 8 hours of shilling, please do me a favor and post your livestreamed suicide here so I can have a laugh with my breakfast.

41193e (1) No.9962023

fucking dale alex beran is autistic kike

cb9949 (99) No.9962026


I love how much effort you guys put into this consensus-forming shit. It let's me know you really care.

5bc565 (22) No.9962033>>9962051

File (hide): 7adf500f7ce8d9f⋯.png (483.21 KB, 845x857, 845:857, 7adf500f7ce8d9f20038e62baf….png)


>if I continue to appeal to consensus and project myself onto the community, perhaps I will convince others that everyone who disagrees with me is, in fact, a shill

Would you say I'm shilling a narrative? Just when you were telling everyone here that shilling no longer exists after the election?

60babb (31) No.9962034

File (hide): 01bb3b4990386d3⋯.jpg (100.78 KB, 800x481, 800:481, 1369915245934.jpg)


>poor mods ablooabloo

If you don't like it find another site to moderate, right? You faggots stickied 5 threads at once in an autism fit, leave the one you didn't delete unstickied, then create this whine thread to sticky.

Over Trump being the first sitting Prez to wall hump.

On /pol/

Any legit concerns you had were fucked into the dirt due to your actions.

076692 (1) No.9962036>>9962073









>muh too much ban list :(





KIKES GONNA 3465475475747547D CHESS





64815e (4) No.9962046


>I can't believe someone as totally cancerous as you can keep your mod position.

Gee I wonder why…

Do you remember when Imkikefy or one of his goons was shutting down any and all complaints over the deletion of the book threads by spamming /polmeta/ with furry porn? He would spam "muuuhhh books" and furshit at an attempt to mock us while calling us shills.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962048


>'twas merely an act!

375be5 (13) No.9962051>>9962064


He obviously meant that the hillary-trump divide and conquer shills have dried out after the election. You zionist shills have been here all along, you decrepit turkroach.

894ac1 (59) No.9962055>>9962097


oh yes, the jared kushner shill. Nice fallback, and I'm only one user so its an exception, what if I told you a lot of people that day kept criticism for a while with no ban. See it doesn't matter to you, this is an agenda, you have to push it, you don't care and when you lose you'll be back again tomorrow to spin the same thing as if nobody remembered the previous day.


ok, but post my history tho

5bc565 (22) No.9962064>>9962071


Read his previous posts then, moishe.

cb9949 (99) No.9962067>>9962095 >>9962101

File (hide): 6c2056cea1bb804⋯.png (250.44 KB, 388x384, 97:96, feels bretty gud.PNG)


Nah, the kike projects himself onto everyone around him while appealing to consensus to push his desired narrative. Thats ACTUALLY what kikes do.

And what I've done? I dunno about value, I don't think this wall was ever especially good, but hey, its better than just calling everyone who disagrees with me a shill over and over.

When you wake up tomorrow and realize all you did was spit vitriol and empty accusations, which slipped by me like the water off a ducks back (or another slug of Scotch down my lovely White throat), please do me a favor and use your tears as lube for your morning tub-job. That way I know your salt at least did something worthwhile.

Checking your dubs with my dubs, as I walk away in a drunken haze, laughing my ass off. This is the beginning of the end. Its afraid - and it should be.

375be5 (13) No.9962071>>9962078


Go to bed kikefy, you're drunk.

894ac1 (59) No.9962073


hasbarafag is back again

cd0dc9 (3) No.9962075



He made the fucking muh Russia shit a noose for his own neck. He is the one who appointed all the people who are daily trying to get him impeached. To think /pol/ was memeing about that piece of shit Mattis only months ago makes my skin crawl. He fucked up appointing peope who didn't want to impeach him. Then he goes and bends to them only to get fucked up the ass by them as usual.

5bc565 (22) No.9962078>>9962089 >>9962090


I could, but then that would leave you one less imkampfy.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962089>>9962110


Somekampfy will come along and pick up the slack though.

375be5 (13) No.9962090>>9962098 >>9962116


>everyone is kikefy.

No, look at my posts. I haven't accused anyone of being kikefy except you. The one true kikefy. You see, you've got certain grammatical errors and syntactic peculiarities that lets me pick you out instantly.

You little turkkike you. :^)

5bc565 (22) No.9962095>>9962102


> Checking your dubs with my dubs, as I walk away in a drunken haze, laughing my ass off.

This job doesn't make you happy, does it?

60babb (31) No.9962097>>9962153


>it's all an agenda, it doesn't matter to you

Nigger, stop projecting. I said the same shit until I got zealously banned. It'll happen to you, and you'll remember this post. Hopefully with a cunty camaraderie.

>when you lose

Lose what?

>back again tomorrow

maybe. we'll see if an alternative catches my eye. but if you're going to fault me for caring in the meantime, take a look at yourself before jamming it up your own ass mien volk.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962098>>9962120


>he's finally found the one true imkampfy for him


and here I thought you wouldn't be satisfied until at least 7 or 8 imkampfys (You)d all over your face.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962101


>the kike projects himself onto everyone around him while appealing to consensus to push his desired narrative

Ah, A kike expert. Oh wait, you know that because it's what you're doing.

>which slipped by me like the water off a ducks back

Sure, that's why you're still talking about it :^)

>use your tears as lube for your morning tub-job

Moishe, Moishe, Moishe…What did I tell you about projecting? Most of /pol/ finds fapping degenerate, especially to porn. So, no, I don't share your literal tear jerking fetish.

>This is the beginning of the end

I eagerly await your livestreamed suicide

2ba6a4 (28) No.9962102



Yet I bet so, you fucking degenerate

4a43cd (4) No.9962105>>9962198


>Whats with the autistic fixation on the wailing wall photo op anyways?

We already fucking agreed it was fucking OVER once he touched the wall years ago. The guy even quoted Chess, not Checkers with "Checkers, not Chess" in on of his speeches, a kike book. All I see are autistic brats and shills playing both sides in a frenzy when /pol/ was SUPPOSED to be a watchdog, I can blame fred for that too for allowing /int/ to be killed by kikes back in April 2015 because he thought it'd be funny.

8576ec (3) No.9962106>>9962124 >>9962142

If /pol/ were actually compromised, it would be the Seth Rich threads that are disappearing. Yeah, I'm as sad to see Trump touched that wall as anyone. It sucks to see the president do something so humiliating. But if this site were compromised, Seth Rich would be disappearing like this was 4/v/ in late 2014.

6e64eb (3) No.9962110>>9962124 >>9962127


Just in time for it is I, the real Imkampfy!

5bc565 (22) No.9962116>>9962128 >>9962135


Well…. you finally caught me then.

Alright what are your demands then.

375be5 (13) No.9962120


Whatever you say kikefy.

9061cb (5) No.9962122>>9962129

This is how the white race dies.

Shitposting on the Internet in boards filled with goy telling them to stop being anti-Semitic shills.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962124>>9962141 >>9962182 >>9962195 >>9962201


The shills have been sperging about imkampfy for at least two years straight now, and specifically imkampfy. Cohencidence? I THINK NOT.


Thank fuck, somekampfy sent out the imkampfy signal.

5bc565 (22) No.9962127


Could the real imkampfy please stand up.

Please stand up.

375be5 (13) No.9962128


Fun allowed. :^)

9dcb1e (66) No.9962129


Palestinians are dogshit, but I really hate kikes more.

b46d98 (1) No.9962134


>played like a fiddle

what a kikey phrase to use faget

2ba6a4 (28) No.9962135>>9962156


No jews, space niggers take israel

64815e (4) No.9962141>>9962152


Are you seriously implying that some sort of conspiracy exists against Imkampfy?

60babb (31) No.9962142


Seth Rich feeds into Trump being the God Emperor, dumbass. I personally don't think it's fully jew subversion, just kikey wanting a playground board in his own image.

52129c (2) No.9962145

HotpocketX is a sad motherfucker

9dcb1e (66) No.9962152


Somekampfy is out to get imkampfy. It's like highlander, but kampfier.

894ac1 (59) No.9962153>>9962228


>Nigger, stop projecting.

thats some double projection right there, you literally have an agenda, because you care right

>you'll get banned eventually, I swear, then you'll see, my narrative will finally work then!

haven't once my entire time I've been here, thats been a long time, not a single time. don't hold your breath

>Lose what?

your narrative idiot

>we'll see if an alternative catches

but there are plenty of alternatives, you aren't going to leave ever until this site fractures, thats the goal, thats what you kikes want.

>its just me caring guys


>take a look at yourself

nothing more needs to be said

5bc565 (22) No.9962156>>9962173


Well I could do that, but who will be left to revise my taxes then.

500f9d (3) No.9962168>>9962184


9dcb1e (66) No.9962173>>9962180 >>9962193


>He hasn't watched The Accountant

2ba6a4 (28) No.9962180>>9962247


>The Accountant

>The storyline follows a small-town Illinois certified public accountant with high-functioning autism

Kek I gotta watch this

6e64eb (3) No.9962182

File (hide): 9af76b381df02d6⋯.png (420.47 KB, 640x480, 4:3, signal.png)

64815e (4) No.9962184


I ain't clicking that shit

500f9d (3) No.9962187>>9962250

File (hide): b61661bdb14a459⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 600x399, 200:133, 201411290709031417255743.jpg)

File (hide): 5d9e47abc9ef968⋯.jpg (34.73 KB, 600x399, 200:133, 201411290709061417255746.jpg)


894ac1 (59) No.9962193


I mean we could also just get the irish to do our taxes, we will pay them in potatoes

8576ec (3) No.9962195>>9962246


They do seem a little obsessed. I already got a post with "kikey" in it.

c4e5f5 (3) No.9962198


>We already fucking agreed it was fucking OVER once he touched the wall years ago.

That's stupid, the wailing wall does not have magical kike powers which infest your brain upon touching it. And PR photo ops do not matter compared to the big picture and actual actions, which were dubious before he touched the wall. The autistic fixation on superficial gestures is dumb. But good for you in realizing that no one is going to help you, no one in washington is going to be /ourguy/ any time soon, and we need tot take action ourselves. It isn't over, it is just starting as far as action is concerned.

bd6d72 (14) No.9962201


>you’re a shill if you out the shills

Zero effort.

c4e5f5 (3) No.9962206>>9962212

>The shills have been sperging about imkampfy for at least two years straight now, and specifically imkampfy. Cohencidence? I THINK NOT.

Hi ImKikey.

894ac1 (59) No.9962212


no, I'm imkikey

23f188 (2) No.9962215>>9962222 >>9962224 >>9962225 >>9962231 >>9962240 >>9962243 >>9962266 >>9962774

Didn't want to make a new thread just for this, but I glance over Jewgle News every single day and noticed the top stories being by MSNBC, CNN, and Washington Post, and I'd give a fair estimate that ~60-70 percent of stories from them were anti-Trump in some way UNTIL Trump visited the Kike wall in Israel, now out of nowhere WashPo releases an article that is actually fair on Trumps budget proposal instead of bitching about the unnecessary thing it removes fundung from. Stating it could slash spending by 2 trillion dollars over the decade. Its crazy how conniving the Kikes are until you give in to their demands

4a43cd (4) No.9962222>>9962231 >>9962246 >>9962253 >>9962316


>Its crazy how conniving the Kikes are until you give in to their demands

It's really disgusting.

23f188 (2) No.9962224


Oh yeah, and now the mainstream medoa is memory holing all of last weeks news where dems were trying to get together to get Trump impeached while also praising his arms deal with the Saudis

2ba6a4 (28) No.9962225


Funny you should say that

"Fox News Staffers 'Embarrassed' by Hannity's Conspiracy Theory Crusade" - DailyBeast

Stay safe anons

60babb (31) No.9962228

File (hide): db93a7203f7a820⋯.png (30.3 KB, 1366x745, 1366:745, 1359913583218.png)


>because you care right

fair. not the agenda you're assigning. but that doesn't matter to you

>haven't once my entire time I've been here, thats been a long time, not a single time. don't hold your breath

thought the same shit. pissed in every fucking mods cheerios since /n/ too. samson option during /pol/ harbor was my first perma. 8/pol/ was the second a couple days ago.

>you aren't going to leave ever until this site fractures

i'm trying out other boards now. still not happy due the nature of fight years of /pol/ has instilled in me, but such as


>nothing more needs to be said

there's no point in further discussing anything, you know more than any anon on the subject. enjoy your eventual ban, it's liberating experiencing this place went to shit instead of gymnastics about how everyone who says so is a shill.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962231>>9962264 >>9962316 >>9962323


wow its almost like trump is trying to work with the powers behind the us government instead of having them crash the economy and drive us into a civil war wow



285e2e (1) No.9962235>>9962719

File (hide): e9b0104c835d259⋯.jpg (38.65 KB, 413x269, 413:269, doom paul this shouldn't b….jpg)

This board has reached Chaos Level: Alpha

9061cb (5) No.9962240


Did you see how comfortable they all looked? Even Kushner was smug.

These kikes have a society they feel safe in and no other country, save Japan, has.

cd0dc9 (3) No.9962243


You think giving the Saudis all the weapons in the world to give to their buddies in Syria and start shit with Iran isn't enough for them to be happy?

Trump has caved on everything and they will still show him the most brutal of endings.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962246>>9962308


imkampfy outed multiple shills in the mod team, and now it's only whites who mod /pol/. The shills are mad he's so super cool! A-fu-fu-fu~


My guess is the Seth Rich stuff is getting big enough that they're getting legit scared. They blew up a stadium of kids to distract from the Seth Rich investigation, Anon.

5bc565 (22) No.9962247

File (hide): 8f0610936afb30d⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 350x155, 70:31, 8chan pol.gif)


Okay so it's settle then.

Kikes get shoah'ed, officially this time.

Hand some autistic kid my taxes then.

Space niggers get to be israelites and shiet before we glass them.

I say we made some real progress today /pol/.

500f9d (3) No.9962250

File (hide): 884753fa885661d⋯.jpg (41.83 KB, 600x399, 200:133, 0217b47eeceaada8d98821eb2d….jpg)


What actually happened there (translation from Spanish):

>The Military Police recorded in the early hours of the morning of Saturday, November 29, 2014, another violent death in Mossoró in Rio Grande do Norte.

>The event happened in the vicinity of the Cosern Club, the banks of BR 304 via the contour, in the Abolition Set III, where the travesters stay the night in search of programs.

>A transvestite identified as Antônio Silvestre de Feitas Silva, 36 , known as Patrícia , a native of Caxias, in the state of Maranhão, who lived in the Bom Pastor neighborhood of Mossoró, was killed with four cutiladas of a fish knife when trying to defend a colleague Identified as Francisco Neuto de Souza Demétrio, 35 years old from Maranguape-CE, who was being assaulted by a client.

>Natalia, was wounded with about two stab wounds, ran and took shelter inside a building under construction, while Patricia died at the scene. Natália was rescued by the Samu in serious condition for the Hospital Tarcísio Maia.

>Another transvestite identified as Cibele told the police that it all started when he picked up a client who was on a motorcycle and went to a motel in the vicinity. When entering the enclosure, there was a disagreement between them and the transvestite decided to leave without doing the combined program.

>The Client, who was willing to conclude his attempt, asked Cibele to call another transvestite, when Natalia's person entered. The two went to the Motel and in the exit another disagreement, this time between the client and Natalia.

>The man began to attack his partner, because, according to Cibele, he did not want to pay the program. The moods became fierce and the aggressor pulled a knife and proceeded to stab the transvestite Natália. Patricia, who was nearby, tried to defend her colleague, but was eventually stabbed and killed. The suspect fled after the criminal action. The delegate of Plantão Dr. Antônio teixeira Júnior, who was on the scene gathering information, asked the Motel to which both were before the crime, the recordings of the security cameras, to identify the motorcycle in which Was the suspect.

>The Transvestite Corps was removed to the ITEP headquarters for autopsy procedures and will be released for burial after attending relatives at that expert's office.

375be5 (13) No.9962253

File (hide): a2d700a5f34989b⋯.jpg (51.02 KB, 962x642, 481:321, my_precious.jpg)



f8d01c (1) No.9962254


what's up with that hair/weird shadow extending way into his forehead/brow?

Did somebody shop the hat onto him?

b7bed9 (8) No.9962260>>9962366

File (hide): aa18ba10de5bf97⋯.png (768.41 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Kill Me.png)

>Site is dead pls use this one instead.

>Go to other ibs people won't shut the fuck up about.

>Dead as fuck on every board outside of users on whichever /pol/ posting constant 8ch meta.

As someone who doesn't use only /pol/ this is amusing seeing their dead ass answers to our hobby boards.

9061cb (5) No.9962264>>9962267 >>9962297


It's almost like you're a lemming, wow.

8df120 (1) No.9962266>>9962295


I noticed they called off the dogs a few days ago after the Seth Rich investigator said he didn't actually see any emails.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962267>>9962298



9dcb1e (66) No.9962292>>9962350

>all the shills leave at once


894ac1 (59) No.9962295


reminder that fuck kim still has something apparently, he better fucking deliver and hannity better roll on it. I swear to god, we know the investigator probably got threatened into not finding emails

3a2a56 (63) No.9962297


you forgot a "wow"

9061cb (5) No.9962298



>oy vey, if it'd not capitulation, it's nihilistic destruction of kids


52129c (2) No.9962306


I hate the fact that I agree with you, but I do fundamentally agree with you.

bd6d72 (14) No.9962308>>9962314


>this is how autistic you actually are

69776f (9) No.9962309


a-a retard?

9dcb1e (66) No.9962314>>9962318


>this is how eager you are to bite down on bait

8576ec (3) No.9962316>>9962323

File (hide): 1660b64e70417d1⋯.png (208.98 KB, 517x455, 517:455, nitro dubs.png)


Nice digits.


It probably is all a show and means he's about to do something they'll really hate. If this follows the pattern of following the Syria shit with the Comey firing, then what's coming next should be pretty interesting.

Still, seeing him at that wall did make me freak out for a while. How awful.

bd6d72 (14) No.9962318>>9962320


>I was just pretending to be retarded

Reddit seems more your speed.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962320>>9962327 >>9962365


>Only imkampfy is allowed to use those memes g_d dammit!!!!

muh boooooooooooooooooooooooks

bd6d72 (14) No.9962323>>9962365


>It probably is all a show and means he’s about to do something they’ll really hate

Zero evidence of anything like this.


>implying civil war wouldn’t end with the genocide of all american kikes and the salvation of our country

bd6d72 (14) No.9962327>>9962334 >>9962340


>autistic shitposting of completely irrelevant nonsense

Never mind. You weren’t pretending.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962334>>9962344


What are some more memes that "only imkampfy" uses? I'd like to trigger you with them.


>saging a sticky

9061cb (5) No.9962340


>inb4 yeah well, you're just a shill

bd6d72 (14) No.9962344>>9962355


You sure you’re literate?

5bc565 (22) No.9962350>>9962357

File (hide): 12ae8186de1efc4⋯.gif (950.34 KB, 330x300, 11:10, 1437923838901-1.gif)


> cb9949 leaves at (99)

We were so fucking close.

69776f (9) No.9962352>>9962362 >>9962366 >>9962368

File (hide): b1ed01303979e31⋯.gif (156.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1423396333530.gif)

>join thread late

>almost at the bump-limit

>want to fling shit at somebody

goddammit somebody give me attention. fuck you.

60babb (31) No.9962355

File (hide): 2c4fa110b7785dd⋯.gif (437.44 KB, 349x199, 349:199, 1360616468980.gif)


mods are just literate enough to read their paychecks

bd6d72 (14) No.9962357>>9962364


616 is the record, anyway.

6e64eb (3) No.9962362>>9962383


Suck my ass, faggot.

5bc565 (22) No.9962364>>9962372


Holy shit really? What was that about?

3a2a56 (63) No.9962365>>9962371 >>9962380


You've done good this thread but I ask you, PLEASE, cut that muh books shit out. I know you'll instantly think I'm bannable for even saying this but it needs to be said. Literature is knowledge (most of the time), and the people posting book recommendations on /pol/ are certainly going to find informative books for likeminded Anons. Banning people with the message "muh books" makes you look anti-intellectual and anti-freedom of information. Honestly, I don't know why you do it in the first place, but please stop.


>war is good

Kike spotted

b7bed9 (8) No.9962366>>9962383

File (hide): 96538c64293adb0⋯.gif (27.01 KB, 598x258, 299:129, 1432822699581.gif)


Gib attention too since you got my attention. Would you agree with my assessment?


9dcb1e (66) No.9962368>>9962383


You're late to the party as usual, imkampfy.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962371>>9962385


>muh dump x template threads

bd6d72 (14) No.9962372>>9962387


When the current mods first took over, /pol/acks took notice immediately. It was anti-shilling measures against them posting their dyke queen in threads at all.

bd6d72 (14) No.9962380>>9962398


>attempting to reason with a mentally defective nonwhite piece of shit

Anon, please.

>war is good

Thanks for the strawman, fuckface. Prove me wrong.

baecf3 (6) No.9962381

moar dead traps pls

69776f (9) No.9962383>>9962395

File (hide): 935bfad8158969a⋯.jpg (230.29 KB, 750x500, 3:2, mccain_pareene.jpg)


kinda hard to do while jamal's cock is buried to the root.


tldr. nobody cares fag.


sorry your mother kept me up late last night.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962385


I don't get that one either, sadly. I never make threads.

Take it seriously or don't, but banning people for book recommendations only makes you look bad.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962387>>9962394 >>9962434


>4chon faggots are this butthurt over that turk

>they still think that turk is a mod

This is butthurt of proportions that shall be sung throughout the ages.

bd6d72 (14) No.9962394>>9962404 >>9962406


>admitting he’s nonwhite

Didn’t think you guys were allowed to do that.

b7bed9 (8) No.9962395>>9962402 >>9962405 >>9962425

File (hide): 83d24010f475458⋯.png (77.42 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1447001184738-4.png)


thx for the (you) though, I needed one after so long.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962398>>9962409



What? You said that a civil war would out the kikes in the US gov. Which might be true, but kikes are everywhere and there is only one America. In the end a civil war would only diminish white numbers and give ultimate power to Israel.

baecf3 (6) No.9962402>>9962420


will giving you (you)s further my goal of moar dead trannys ITT?

60babb (31) No.9962404

File (hide): 2c613ea440fb871⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 344x512, 43:64, hedoes.jpg)


get what you pay for

69776f (9) No.9962405

File (hide): f08be924ca4656e⋯.jpg (33.3 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1435884619151.jpg)

9dcb1e (66) No.9962406>>9962409 >>9962434


>implying that turk is a mod

bd6d72 (14) No.9962409>>9962434 >>9962437


>kikes are everywhere and there is only one America

6,000,000 kikes in America, anon. Nowhere else on Earth but Israel has that many. Killing a significant portion of them and reclaiming our country means everything to the rest of the world.


>implying he’s not

Zero effort.

b7bed9 (8) No.9962420

File (hide): e8c8abd38b54cf3⋯.jpg (74.77 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 1456603052146.jpg)


I don't have dead trannies for you sadly.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962425>>9962448 >>9962450

baecf3 (6) No.9962434>>9962443




Berkay is the turk and he's not a mod. People were saying LC is a mod and that the pics of Berkay were LC.

If anyone related to 'chon 'tism a mod here it's the guy who impersonated Blart and used Berkay's image in tinychat once. He made the Rach persona.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962437


Are you dumb or just willfully ignorant? If the civil war is whites vs kikes, Israel is not going to stand idly by. They are going to send the IDF/Mossad and slaughter us with tanks and helis. It would be extremely one sided with the kikes taking victory easily.

Even if you take the optimistic route and assume the army helps us, the amount of casualties would still be enormous on the side of the whites army, leaving a power vacuum that would once again, be filled by kikes.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962440

>shills spam fourteen threads ostensibly to talk about muh wall

>complain about mods for 500 posts instead

As expected.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962443>>9962462 >>9962506


Nice try, imkampfy!

b7bed9 (8) No.9962448>>9962453

File (hide): c7f21b7dc3c1318⋯.png (934.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1446638064125.png)


Much love

60babb (31) No.9962450

File (hide): 0a240b29e9131bc⋯.jpg (337.69 KB, 1577x969, 83:51, 1360633882148.jpg)


everything you do is on the house! haahha oh fuck. please never stop posting, you're the best /pol/ has been in months.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962453>>9962458 >>9962495


>tfw no "what's your favourite 2hu and why do you hate the kikes" thread

3a2a56 (63) No.9962458>>9962463 >>9962469


You're still gonna ban people for books arent you?

baecf3 (6) No.9962462>>9962478

File (hide): 11bed66a2d840ed⋯.png (352.13 KB, 479x372, 479:372, HEALTHY.png)


I was on 4chon you tard. The only one who even could be kampfy is the kid who impersonated Blart.

He used Berkay(a kc shitposter)'s image in tinychat through some cam swap program, this is the origin of the turk shit.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962463>>9962476


>muh what does /pol/ think of x threads

894ac1 (59) No.9962469>>9962476


there is a book thread up as we speak you dumb nigger, its stickied, no go ahead and ignore it though, cherry pick to your hearts desire till it suits you

3a2a56 (63) No.9962476>>9962482 >>9962483


Yeah, your ideal thread is much better.


>useless shit colored individual attempts to butt into a conversation he has no place in

9dcb1e (66) No.9962478>>9962514


>implying the turk isn't learningcode aka rachposter aka the greatest threat to internet imageboard users in the known universe

894ac1 (59) No.9962482>>9962491


great argument, sure showed me

9dcb1e (66) No.9962483>>9962491 >>9962528



>but he hates the thread

3a2a56 (63) No.9962491>>9962499


Not arguing with you because I wasn't speaking to you.


I meant this you dumbshit

>"what's your favourite 2hu and why do you hate the kikes" thread

9dcb1e (66) No.9962493>>9962500 >>9962527

File (hide): 7a69c2836a876f1⋯.png (309.52 KB, 1174x656, 587:328, realtalk.png)

b7bed9 (8) No.9962495

File (hide): 51ec118a44a58ab⋯.png (113.83 KB, 320x400, 4:5, 1379736993900.png)


I imagine at this point you could turn whats left of this thread into one.

894ac1 (59) No.9962499>>9962503


its a public image board faggot, I can butt in and call you out all I want, oh no but thats not good for your narrative because I blew it out with 1 post, shit sorry, I'll be more considerate to your shilling in the future

69776f (9) No.9962500>>9962509


>le based negro

fucking off yourself you reddit civic nationalist son of a whore cuckold.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962503>>9962512

35a1b8 (8) No.9962506

File (hide): 80f694a655949b3⋯.jpg (93.47 KB, 799x599, 799:599, average turk.jpg)




Here's proof I am not turk and am 100% European

I took this photo just now

9dcb1e (66) No.9962509>>9962548


Careful or you might get cyberbullied more by the 400lb hackers in their mom's basements.

894ac1 (59) No.9962512>>9962519


thats what I thought faggot

baecf3 (6) No.9962514>>9962535


Exactly what I'm implying. Same kid both impersonated LC and inspired LC's rachposting.

LC isn't even a turk he's a white kid named Nathaniel from Canada. LC and this kid both rachposted, LC infiltrated wizchan and maybe got a mod position on the chon after a /new/ mod an hero'd

3a2a56 (63) No.9962519

60babb (31) No.9962527>>9962551

File (hide): dcae53e4d9562cd⋯.gif (981.68 KB, 350x261, 350:261, bundythumb.gif)


t. mod that's required to sit here and read everything

motherfuck, I haven't laughed this hard in ages. the best part is I can see you trying to play this off as laughing with us.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962528>>9962542 >>9962550


So why do you ban book threads anyway?

9dcb1e (66) No.9962535>>9962546


well excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess. I'm not an authoritative expert on autists, I leave that up to /cow/.

894ac1 (59) No.9962542>>9962555


keeps going about muh book threads when the narrative was killed >>9952324

what a champ

4685d4 (1) No.9962543>>9962579

File (hide): b98cf27e6814833⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 450x337, 450:337, ernest_scared.gif)

What the hell is happening in this thread?

baecf3 (6) No.9962546

File (hide): c6f046c784a82d9⋯.jpg (22.16 KB, 599x449, 599:449, bwaaap.jpg)


>b-but autism is my life

69776f (9) No.9962548

File (hide): 4bf9fc19f19a439⋯.jpg (91.19 KB, 489x502, 489:502, 2012-04-15-skull-skanks-me.jpg)

File (hide): a9f93b0bd44276a⋯.png (188.32 KB, 338x489, 338:489, 1438121557832.png)

File (hide): 40c638642fdec11⋯.jpg (78.67 KB, 453x561, 151:187, 1438123545463-0.jpg)


say that to my face and not online faggot.

b76150 (1) No.9962550>>9962564


because any anon that is not a newfag knows about >>>/pdfs/

9dcb1e (66) No.9962551>>9962566 >>9962577


>(29) in a thread OP'd with a dead tranny

>not getting the joke, at all, ever

We're not laughing with you, honey.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962555>>9962562


Holy shit you are lonely. I'll indulge you then. I'm not talking about that thread obviously. I am talking about the numerous bans that have been given out to perfectly reasonable threads about books with no reason attached other than "muh books".

894ac1 (59) No.9962562>>9962568


here I'll indulge you, lurk more. Those threads were actually stopped for a reason, its been mentioned about a billion times why, if you were here long enough you would know >>>/pdfs/ is the official book archive and book discussion board. You can even direct people over to it.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962564>>9962571


Some books may not be converted into pdfs.

Honestly, it's not a big deal, but thats precisely why it gets to me. There are much better threads to delete than ones looking to share a good read.

60babb (31) No.9962566

File (hide): 9c63574b6d50b6f⋯.gif (370.34 KB, 480x360, 4:3, buseykane.gif)

>if i make everyone as sad as me, it's okay


the hits keep coming. mod of the day fam. you're the best.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962568>>9962574


Wow you sure are smart go you im gonna give you a fresh cookie

9dcb1e (66) No.9962571>>9962588

894ac1 (59) No.9962574>>9962588


wow, do you make comebacks like that with your friends in middle school, what are you fucking 12?

9dcb1e (66) No.9962576

>he keeps giving the (You)s like he's paid to

35a1b8 (8) No.9962577>>9962584

File (hide): 29798b660fa3f37⋯.jpg (83.35 KB, 540x405, 4:3, vegetarian.jpg)




Further proof that I am white and not at all a turk or other kind of mudshit

This photo that I took while making dinner is IRREFUTABLE proof

b7bed9 (8) No.9962579>>9962591 >>9962614

File (hide): 3bc1e3d2e96ae60⋯.png (72.56 KB, 323x237, 323:237, 1446249814637.png)


People releasing shitposting steam while watching others clamor over each other trying to call anyone who disagrees with them a mod and how we should leave the site while ignoring no critical mass has used their proposed alts.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962584>>9962612


Silly honey, /pol/ is one person and that person is imkampfy. Did the good jewish merchants teach you nothing?

3a2a56 (63) No.9962588>>9962593 >>9962597 >>9962615


I think you just hate paper. Were you raped by paper as a child?


> do you make comebacks like that with your friends in middle school

Nope, just you pumpkin

9dcb1e (66) No.9962591


but they're going to astroturf fresh Active Users really hard like /leftypol/. They might even shitpost as fast as possible to increase per-user pph like the hwdindus to fluff up their board and make it look real nice!

f69c28 (1) No.9962592>>9962741


This place is a joke. I only check for happenings anymore.

894ac1 (59) No.9962593>>9962596


you are literally gay, not a faggot, just straight up suck dicks for fun.

3a2a56 (63) No.9962596>>9962607


Takes one to know one

9dcb1e (66) No.9962597>>9962605


I got a paper cut once. I was in 'nam with that paper. That paper raped a bear, and that bear was my father!


3a2a56 (63) No.9962605


And thats the end of the road right there. When the resident mod says a piece of paper raped his bear father, it's time to go to bed.

894ac1 (59) No.9962607


you are just filled with come backs, "I know you are but what am I", grow up and let your balls drop, learn some better comebacks maybe have you cunt surgically sewn shut.

35a1b8 (8) No.9962612

File (hide): 44a27a23fa2cf06⋯.jpg (8.18 KB, 190x262, 95:131, roachman.jpg)





60babb (31) No.9962614

File (hide): 7781c37a4447feb⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 384x216, 16:9, yay.gif)

mod, please pick up more hours. i know they don't pay but i hope shitposting makes you feel better, or at least some power?

kisses, you weren't the best, but the best lately is worth a lot around here.



69776f (9) No.9962615

File (hide): 0ac7b2a03c58a64⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 450x368, 225:184, best folds for best girl.jpg)


>I think you just hate paper.

so does everyone else on this site apparently considering /po/ is dead as fuck.

2ba6a4 (28) No.9962617

Mere chess my goy


we've nations wealth to subvert and destroy

I go to bed pondering how to become as based as our warmongering saudi and israeli allies, someday.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962623>>9962630 >>9962641

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thread theme

894ac1 (59) No.9962630>>9962641

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


no imkampfy, this is the real thread theme

69776f (9) No.9962641>>9962643 >>9962762

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>shit taste faggots not getting her adrenaline pumping for high altitude shitposting

894ac1 (59) No.9962643


there are enough jews in here to call this a barmitzvah, I figured it suits the thread.

b7bed9 (8) No.9962650>>9962665 >>9962676 >>9962678

File (hide): cb3568193a2ac7d⋯.png (209.66 KB, 836x736, 209:184, 1445562406468.png)

Perhaps we are all kampfy, life isn't real and we all make up the subconscious of kampfy.

69776f (9) No.9962665>>9962676 >>9962681

File (hide): 895343f8ccac935⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 200x200, 1:1, 1373602132933.gif)


>Perhaps we are all kampfy

then nukes are worthless?

499a1e (5) No.9962667>>9962670


start in france ofc

but honestly we could make kike controlled isis look like babies if we put our minds to it

499a1e (5) No.9962670


oooohhh one off

35a1b8 (8) No.9962676>>9962680 >>9962685








2ba6a4 (28) No.9962678

File (hide): 353420c75bbdc5b⋯.jpg (12.62 KB, 236x343, 236:343, 6867274dda0769febb423edb8f….jpg)


Some people have come to us and said, "hey I'm kampfy, you're kampfy, we're all kampfy. Don't be afraid of the shills ever, because this is just satire"

35a1b8 (8) No.9962680

File (hide): 41ed0f187e46d9a⋯.jpg (41.9 KB, 600x420, 10:7, roach.jpg)



9dcb1e (66) No.9962681


imkampfy has transcended modhood.

He has become an immortal, unassailable idea. Imkampfy has finished his apotheosis, and is now a God.

499a1e (5) No.9962682



and we're learning too

i do wonder what anons really are capable off

so far there has been no challenge

9dcb1e (66) No.9962685>>9962710


The true image of imkampfy is in your mind, in the place that truth and justice and making fun of idiots lives.

35a1b8 (8) No.9962710>>9962732

File (hide): 8979206d71d16fc⋯.jpg (475.46 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, o-COCKROACH-Australia.jpg)



The true image of me is HERE


f7b53a (1) No.9962712>>9962733



499a1e (5) No.9962719


embrace the chaos

9dcb1e (66) No.9962732>>9962746


turkroaches are not for lewds, you dirty racemixer.

9dcb1e (66) No.9962733>>9962740


>he says in red text

4919c3 (5) No.9962738

File (hide): 1d019abdf5a17c6⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 277x296, 277:296, physical version of autism.jpg)



499a1e (5) No.9962740


checked for truth

4919c3 (5) No.9962741


Don't let the door cause you further butthurt.


35a1b8 (8) No.9962746

File (hide): 1ad5cd76f46cdf0⋯.jpg (965.24 KB, 2048x1735, 2048:1735, 7bb75d2285845266576e166f71….jpg)








4919c3 (5) No.9962762

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>picking a mediocre progressive metal track from a disc with the greatest baroque hits in vidya history

4919c3 (5) No.9962774

9dcb1e (66) No.9962783

File (hide): 1bcdb4edf94c7b3⋯.jpg (79.81 KB, 664x561, 664:561, 74e5ad1e4f0638c28b60b2a712….jpg)

a10a5e (1) No.9962834>>9962877


sup shill. Golly thanks for opening my eyes and making me realize the system is completely controlled and we're all powerless. Guess I'll go vote for Hillary now and wtf I hate guns and white people

35a1b8 (8) No.9962877

File (hide): 88d60dc2e9a7838⋯.jpg (454.44 KB, 1024x642, 512:321, 47342fd35cd8fa8aa8c669f160….jpg)







46b80c (1) No.9962952


After the syria bombing he began banning the userbase until someone told him to stop. Now we have freshmeat from leddit and halfchan that don't know any better and they have to make it seem as though everything here is great so jim can datamine them. I'm surprised you havn't been banned for this.

2d7b53 (2) No.9963272


2d7b53 (2) No.9963282

File (hide): 1a81eb68694cd05⋯.webm (9.39 MB, 960x540, 16:9, i726252629202c7v7vuvi113.webm) [play once] [loop]

File (hide): 92fc9a8af36d373⋯.jpg (98.5 KB, 666x636, 111:106, feelsHellraiser.jpg)




d6f977 (1) No.9963405

File (hide): 410bd660eaf249f⋯.png (541.65 KB, 607x373, 607:373, dead tranny 13.png)

File (hide): f24e34b4e5b846e⋯.jpg (213.8 KB, 721x1280, 721:1280, dead tranny gore.jpg)

File (hide): 503d928e0133f51⋯.jpg (91.24 KB, 540x960, 9:16, dead tranny 2.jpg)

File (hide): 2234b881a065f85⋯.jpg (307.37 KB, 1952x1499, 1952:1499, dead tranny 14.jpg)

File (hide): bb4e10c36ce8ea3⋯.jpg (94.78 KB, 600x354, 100:59, dead tranny 3.jpg)

>>9960284 (OP)

Hey kampfy here are some more dead tranny pics to use against the endchan goons good job btw

572033 (3) No.9963412

572033 (3) No.9963437


>lol icuckfy u suck at your job, let me tell you why u fail at turning this shitty board into /leftycuck/ 2.0 and that this is now a place where those drumpfcucks run around like single childless men who masturbate to anime

>using jedi mind tricks to fool people into siding with leftycuck shills

kill yourself fam

572033 (3) No.9963453


>goon shill giving politically-charged personal shit opinion

c8522c (1) No.9963646

File (hide): 821e4f3dacb8830⋯.png (16.39 KB, 210x214, 105:107, 1467870003080.png)

>this thread

shills shilling trolls trolling shitposters shitposting shills…….

Every once in a while the old /pol/ shines through the shit that is the nu/pol/.

I love you guys

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