[–]▶ c86229 (14) No.9961458>>9961468 >>9961551 >>9961554 >>9961605 >>9961611 >>9961759 >>9961889 >>9962288 >>9962552 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Explosion at Ariana Grande Concert
>at least 20 reported dead
>at least 20 more injured
>cell phone videos surfacing
>still no video of the explosion itself
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9961496
made this for that last thread, but it's full so fuck it
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9961499>>9961515 >>9961558 >>9962058 >>9962628
Moar happenings to happen
▶ df2dd2 (2) No.9961511>>9961601 >>9961629 >>9961925 >>9962058 >>9962497
We're going to have another world war soon. Civilization vs. Islam
▶ 0355e9 (5) No.9961515
>when reality starts making the predictions for you
▶ 81fe89 (1) No.9961531>>9961548 >>9961568
if i know my president he will rub it in and get some salt flowing
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961548
>Trump simply posts an "IT KEEPS HAPPENING" meme image
▶ 5a2176 (1) No.9961551
>>9961458 (OP)
Will they strike back as harshly as they did to their family, back in the days?
I am not so sure, are you?
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9961554>>9962644
>>9961458 (OP)
Hello everyone, this is, running on Allah's grace, halal review.
▶ f51646 (9) No.9961555>>9962058
Well it quite clearly doesn’t stand united if one group is murdering the children of another group.
Let’s see if the Saracen community make an effort to denounce these attacks and then we can see if that’s true. They won’t however, they will just screech about how they are the real victims.
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9961557>>9962208 >>9962313
>another one
>in gunless shire-ville
fuck, can we arm the bongs already?
▶ 3fc0e9 (2) No.9961558
>>9961499 (checked)
and it is only going to get worse
▶ fcdc27 (3) No.9961563>>9961577
Apparently everyone is dogpiling the cbs dude who tweeted out the Ariana joke and scrubbing his articles
Because that's the important thing to focus on, not the muslim that did this
▶ ad794e (3) No.9961566>>9962058 >>9962651
▶ f51646 (9) No.9961568
He's a bit busy dancing on chairs or touching old walls or whatever those people do at the moment.
▶ 3fc0e9 (2) No.9961577>>9962058
and of course not facing the problem is so much easier
▶ d3dba2 (1) No.9961581>>9961594 >>9961609 >>9961630
I'm now onboard with this being a false flag, also nice dubs.
t. Britag
▶ ae9c44 (9) No.9961594
Go save your country from itself you britcuck
▶ fb34df (13) No.9961601>>9961697 >>9962840
Can we please remember that Jews were the ones who pushed multiculturalism?
▶ 72dcf6 (1) No.9961603>>9961630
Inside flag or FALSE JOB!!
Not buying it, MSM!
Confirmed for crISIS actors when??
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961605>>9961620
>>9961458 (OP)
right before kimdotcom reveal of dnc murder?
I smell cia niggers.
▶ dd9d38 (2) No.9961609
I expect 19 mudslime scalps by morning faggot. Get to work.
▶ a77fa5 (1) No.9961610>>9961895
In some ways, the world will be better if/when Muslims get control of Europe's nukes.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961611>>9961639 >>9962058
>>9961458 (OP)
nothing is wrong anons, we have broken through a major fractal time-loop barrier we have been trapped in, kek, trump, meme-magic, its actually working to change reality off the rails we have fallen down for how ever many eternities.
Shadilay anons, we are moving forward to new temporal waters down fractal time branches we have not followed in many eons. May kek's light shine brightly from with in us all to show the way.
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9961612>>9961618 >>9961675
>All attacks last year gave me this sense of deja vu.
Same here anon.
▶ 32aa75 (2) No.9961613>>9961635 >>9961659 >>9961668 >>9962679
How long has it been since this happened?
It's been at least two hours and all we have are these 5 shitty clips and one picture of the entrance from the outside.
This was a concert full of girls who live on their cell phones. They all were able to take pictures with the swipe of a finger. It would have taken 3 seconds for them to turn on some sort of recording app. But nothing.
I sense kike bullshit
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961618>>9961636
we are on a new path now trump is leading the way to a new horizon
we all gonna make it
▶ df2dd2 (2) No.9961620>>9961672
▶ ae9c44 (9) No.9961621>>9961643
I get why he's saying this, but it's still funny
▶ c86229 (14) No.9961624
Star Trek TNG reboot when?
▶ 95ec5e (1) No.9961629>>9961657
The funniest part is that it'll be caused by an attempt to never have another world war.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961630>>9961640
>le false flag
media kikes may be using this to cover up seth rich wikileaks, that doesn't make it a false flag.
brown people keep blowing up white people.
▶ 2d69f9 (3) No.9961635
Anon, if you're at ground zero of a terrorist attack, your fight or flight response is going to kick in and you're going to haul your ass out of there; especially if you're a teenage girl.
▶ 8ccaf5 (2) No.9961636
Trump is our von Hindenburg.
▶ 666670 (1) No.9961638>>9961784 >>9961801
We have failed as a society
▶ fb34df (13) No.9961639
Your shit religion is approaching time cube levels of mental illness, kekistani.
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961640>>9961658 >>9961839
It's both. Cia indirectly control isis leadership.
They launch attacks at key moments to distract the npcs.
▶ 4585e1 (4) No.9961643>>9961660
The speaker is following protocol. If the people exiting start to panic and stampede, more people will die.
Yes, he is lieing. But it is to save lives.
▶ f51646 (9) No.9961645>>9961653
That video sums up the modern West perfectly.
▶ 0355e9 (5) No.9961653>>9961662
Depressing innit?
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961657
this wont be a world war this will be something from a much older bloodier time in humanities past.
we are headed towards an industrialized extinction event, homo sapiens sapiens europus will be the only dominant species in the galaxy before we anons die
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961658>>9961681 >>9961887
This also means they were backed into a corner.
They now have to defend Trump against islamic terror and admit it's real or report on seth rich wikileaks. This isn't necessarily a loss, and it's the last thing they needed in their path to making people more susceptible to the browning of the UK.
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9961659
Because teenage girls can only think about 15 seconds in advance even in the best of environments. An Ackbar detonating near them shut their pea brains completely down.
▶ ae9c44 (9) No.9961660
I know and he did it well, it just reminded me too much of this
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961662
Blackpillers are shills.
Focus on getting as much power in society as you possibly can.
▶ b106f4 (4) No.9961663>>9961674
Oh wonderful, the "nothing ever happens" fags are officially here.
We wouldn't want to fall for the preposterous notion that Muzzies gonna Muzz, now would we?
▶ fb34df (13) No.9961668>>9961677 >>9961687 >>9961716
Why would anyone record themselves leaving a noisy theater? Why would anyone try to record themselves getting blown up?
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9961672
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9961673>>9961726
>all those laughing emojis
We need a lot of people to die.
▶ 2a5c5f (5) No.9961674>>9961723
Not on the day before Kim releases evidence of Seth Rich being the leaker.
▶ 46c731 (1) No.9961675>>9961701
Cocktease, I was expecting eurobeat.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961677>>9962058
kill yourself you retarded kike cuck niggerfaggot
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961681>>9961769
They're checkmated into only a few options.
This was the one their increasingly desperate looking leadership has been choosing.
The more they do this the more power we gain over exposing the JQ and why subhumans are bad for our societies.
Either way the jew and its pets is going to perish within the century's end.
▶ bdb09a (5) No.9961684>>9961747
>Most people in britain don't even know this has happened yet
▶ 4585e1 (4) No.9961687>>9961704 >>9961707
Have you not seen what has been posted on youtube? For every cat video, or idiot trying to make a start in reviewing tech, there is bound to be some selfie selfish bitch that will take a vid of a massacre.
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9961701
I was thinking about adding the eurobeat at the end with some spooky visual effects but I got lazy tbh.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9961702
This fat ugly pig needs to be forced to dine on its own flesh.
▶ bdb09a (5) No.9961704>>9961708 >>9961733 >>9961758
I hope I'm never in a terrorist attack because I'll probably die trying to get decent pics for /pol/
▶ fb34df (13) No.9961707>>9961733
Where are the videos from the nightclub massacres? Florida or France, your pick.
▶ f4edaf (1) No.9961708
▶ 329773 (1) No.9961714>>9961750
my friend is giving 1000:1 odds that this is the work of the religion of peace.
should i take it?
▶ 138a14 (4) No.9961716>>9961824
these are narcissistic teens we are talking about here. guaranteed at least a few of them were recording themselves walking out of the theatre to share on faceberg for the world to see
▶ 870da1 (9) No.9961723>>9961996
The kikes wouldn't use their pet mudslimes for a falseflag when they're trying to import more of them.
▶ 2dd046 (3) No.9961724>>9961734 >>9961804 >>9962686 >>9963021
There are instances where Muslims and Christians can get on well together. We just need to show a little tolerance. Not all Muslims want to detonate bombs and kill innocents. Just the same as all Catholics don't want to join the IRA.
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9961726>>9961738
tbh I am laughing at it
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961730>>9961749 >>9961767
Notice all the incoherent algo cia posters on here?
The real thing they want buried is that this was a distraction from Seth Rich. Get back on the Seth Rich case.
▶ 4585e1 (4) No.9961733>>9961770 >>9962058
No one here believes you'll ever leave your mom's basement, faggot.
We'll use your materail for memes, anon. God speed.
Nightclubs are not for video recording. They are for getting drunk and dancing. And sex, if you are a chad. You clearly aren't.
▶ 2a5c5f (5) No.9961734
Great b8 m8.
Nice touch with the filename.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9961738>>9962898
Same, but in a different kind of laugh. I'm laughing because the rivers of Europe will run red with the blood of muslim invaders. The men, women and children will taste lead and steel.
▶ a6478f (1) No.9961742>>9961755
It's time to call these twitter and talking head apologists what they really are.
say it everytime they say not to blame islam.
say it every time they try to distract from the issue.
shout it loudly and everywhere, at everyone one of these miserable shitbags trying to deflect the blame
▶ de4bf0 (3) No.9961743>>9961779 >>9962203
What a (((coincidence))) that the terrorist attack occurs at the height of the Seth Rich rising to a boil.
▶ f85c46 (6) No.9961744>>9962058
▶ f51646 (9) No.9961747
▶ 73b9ac (7) No.9961749>>9961760 >>9961761 >>9961774
Not everything revolves around america, fatty
▶ 4585e1 (4) No.9961750
It's the religion of workplace violence.
▶ 1f0c4c (7) No.9961751
One of the best things to come out of the Great Meme War of 2016
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961755>>9961777
What about the ones automatically calling it a false flag or carried out by hands that are not brown?
▶ 25e1a8 (1) No.9961758>>9961772
>I hope I'm never in a terrorist attack because I'll probably die trying to get decent pics for /pol/
If you survive the initial blast there is 99%+ chance you will be safe.
▶ bc6964 (1) No.9961759>>9961763 >>9961908
>>9961458 (OP)
Is there a pic of the guy that did it yet?
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961760
>UK surpassed America in fat people years ago
suck my ass
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961761
▶ b106f4 (4) No.9961762
God I hate this dog faced street shitter cunt so much.
>"I was shot in the head and didn't die"
>"Listen while I lecture you on your cultural values"
>"Also I now live safely in secular white Western society and am never setting foot in Pakistan again but I totally stood up to the Taliban and showed them who's boss lol"
▶ f7e537 (26) No.9961763>>9961908
▶ 870da1 (9) No.9961767>>9961785
>Y-you can't talk about sandniggers sandnigging and Seth Rich at the same time, g-goyim
▶ 7744e9 (1) No.9961769>>9961788
>few options
I don't think you understand how chess works
▶ fb34df (13) No.9961770
So you expect teen girls to act like amateur war reporters while accepting that adults in similar situations don't? Your insinuation that I didn't get enough pussy in my youth because I'm smarter than you are… wew.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961772
>there is 99%+ chance you will be safe.
Unless they happen to be in a "grab the survivors, castrate them, shove balls in mouth" mood.
like in Bataclan
▶ 2a4873 (4) No.9961773>>9961783 >>9961820 >>9962714
▶ 168e2c (13) No.9961774
>Not everything revolves around america
Yet you're obsessed with it.
▶ ae9c44 (9) No.9961777>>9961798 >>9962058 >>9962908
I'll give you a tip. Most of them are from /leftypol/ because they believe this is a false flag done by the tories to prevent their precious commie, corbyn, from winning the election.
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9961779>>9961792 >>9961800
▶ fcdc27 (3) No.9961784
Well they certainly were aerated
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961785
you can feel the cianiggers in this thread
▶ ff5f68 (1) No.9961787
Sauce on that first mp4????
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961788>>9962058
Checked then I suppose. The analogy is irrelevant, they're backed into a corner, making them more dangerous. This is why they're lashing out like niggers. Last gasps of this layer of the deep state.
▶ 8ccaf5 (2) No.9961789
War soon.
Same as it ever was.
▶ 79609a (1) No.9961792>>9961833
What was it that Red Team anon said? That even a world war was preferable to the elite losing their grip or something? If this is a false flag, I would not be surprised. It's better for the goyim to think that it's the muslims blowing them up than have their evil deeds exposed as in the seth rich case atm
▶ 4273cc (2) No.9961797>>9961832 >>9961844
This concert was mostly filled with young teen girls. No fucking way did an entire concert full of the most solipsistic people on earth not catch footage of the bomb.
But they're definitely not on reddit or the usual discussion sites. If they upload it, it will be in their own social media bubble.
Where would such a place be found? What's the trendy social media for that demo right now?
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961798
checked 4 truth
dumb cianiggers and /leftypol/ commie faggots confirmed for shilling muh false flag
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961800>>9961821 >>9961833 >>9962058 >>9962244
Was he really wearing that when he got shot in the back?
▶ 73140c (1) No.9961801
What a worthless way to die… at an Arianna concert.
>f-fucking armed… fucking armed police man.
Why are men so soft these days?
▶ da7d56 (2) No.9961804
Yes, when we are separated. GTFO out of my Europe MIDF and take your $10 with you
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9961805
▶ 870da1 (9) No.9961807
Well that makes up for all the murder
▶ 2dd046 (3) No.9961808>>9961854 >>9962191
Fucking brain washed.
Dubs I die. Please, please fucking roll dubs. I want to die.
▶ 51f96e (1) No.9961811>>9961826 >>9963051
>all those whites
Was everyone white person in the UK in that theater?
▶ d97258 (2) No.9961815
>muslims bombed the place, but its okay because some are giving free rides
what the fuck is even this logic?
▶ f7e537 (26) No.9961817>>9961827 >>9962701 >>9962706
>Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds
>Survey for Channel 4 documentary finds 23% want sharia law but most feel strong connection with Britain
▶ ad794e (3) No.9961818>>9961852
ah yes, out of the kindness of their hearts, not because their bosses told them
▶ 326ed7 (5) No.9961820>>9962695
>dont be short sighted
That guy cant see past his own nose
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961821>>9961830
idk cianigger you tell me you were there
▶ fb34df (13) No.9961824
I have never seen anyone recording themselves while exiting a stadium, it typically involves stairs and crowds.
▶ 73b9ac (7) No.9961826
There's white enclaves in england
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961827>>9961840 >>9961849
Homosexuality SHOULD be illegal.
Homosexuals are degenerate pieces of filth.
Only thing the muzzies do right is treatment of faggot filth.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961830
▶ d97258 (2) No.9961832
it could be those who did see it haven't been able to release their videos or were blasted.
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9961833>>9961841 >>9962058
It really REALLY makes you think man.
>>9961800 I don't know , fucking D.C. Crooked cops didn't preserve fuck shit for evidence
▶ dc2159 (6) No.9961839
Most likely scenario.
▶ 870da1 (9) No.9961840>>9961860
>Only thing the muzzies do right is treatment of faggot filth.
But Anon, sandniggers are all boyfucking fruits.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961841
50% crooked
50% nigger
100% fag
▶ 0355e9 (5) No.9961844>>9961845 >>9961850 >>9961857 >>9962058
There will be a single video found in the next few days of three blonde haired blue eyed girls taking a selfy video as the bomb goes off a short ways away behind them.
▶ 73b9ac (7) No.9961845>>9961861
▶ f7e537 (26) No.9961849>>9961864
Fucking idiot.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961850>>9961879
lets hope she has a good camera on her phone
▶ f51646 (9) No.9961852
▶ 2dd046 (3) No.9961853>>9961861 >>9961865 >>9961867 >>9961868 >>9961894 >>9961899
Hey guys, come to the_donald, we're having an avatar competition. ( we stand with Manchester) If you win, 100's of pedes will use it on facebook.
(>calling yourselves "pedes")▶ a1cd4a (1) No.9961854>>9961866
It appears Kek still has plans for this one.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961857
>wanting to see eyeballs and teeth and other assorted bodyparts flying into the camera at breakdick speed
▶ 18d9c9 (2) No.9961858
>free muslim taxi ride
yea, I'd pass on that
▶ f7e537 (26) No.9961860>>9961872
That doesn't count :^)
▶ 0355e9 (5) No.9961861
I should meme more responsibly.
Fuck off.
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961864
We are National Socialists, see that Hitler in the bottom right?
We do NOT support homosexual disgusting cancer.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961865
the_donald is literally run by kike niggerfaggots and muh based nigtard der normies
▶ ae9c44 (9) No.9961866>>9961874 >>9962058
if dubs you're going to die in a terrorist attack because you were trying to get a good video for /pol/
▶ c86229 (14) No.9961867
>come to the_donald
▶ da7d56 (2) No.9961868
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9961872
Ignore our politicians fucking and abusing kids. Ignore these foreigners raping our kids. Ignore this, ignore that. We're not going to ignore it anymore. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961874
microsatan thats not very nice
▶ d5ef5a (2) No.9961876>>9961885
I'm so inspired by these poor honest brave taxi drivers that I'm going to offer anyone who tweets #notallMuslims a free ride up on my private helicopter.
▶ 3e0d38 (2) No.9961879>>9961885 >>9961888
Don't worry, it'll be vertical and front camera mode for selfies, with dog faces everywhere.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9961882>>9961893 >>9962802
Let's make a bet– how many hours before the Jews start screeching a connection to Iran and Hezbollah/Syria? The Jews need their war with Iran in Trump's term, it's just a matter of time.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961885
ive got some fuel to donate
will the dog faces explode too??
▶ dc2159 (6) No.9961887>>9962428
It's like sacrificing a piece as part of their greater strategy. We have to keep pushing the Seth Rich case. Don't let normalfaggots forget it as they are prone to do. As soon as this blows over, we need a normie-media campaign to remind them of the DNC leaks.
>inb4 another attack next week.
▶ 0355e9 (5) No.9961888>>9962058
That's almost worse than the bombing.
▶ c12893 (1) No.9961889>>9961910
>>9961458 (OP)
This is so pathetic.
>No blood or bodies
>No explosion
>Done at a literal theater
>A show for girls
I feel sick just watching people
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961893
you cant bet on something thats already happened anon
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9961894>>9961896
what did he mean by this
▶ 40bd70 (8) No.9961895
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961896
▶ 91938c (1) No.9961899>>9962058
You aren't wanted here, nigger. Attached file is for you.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9961901>>9961902 >>9961906 >>9961923 >>9961940
Careful. I might just start killing some muslims AND their kike masters. You don't want me to do that, do you?
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961902
look, if you're gonna do it, just don't get identified.
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9961906
Do what you have to do anon
Make up your own mind then act
Don't be a bitch
▶ d15df9 (1) No.9961907>>9961917 >>9961958
I'm stealing this idea. Thanks anon.
▶ 89613a (3) No.9961908>>9961913
I'm willing to bet it was a female bomber.
▶ f7e537 (26) No.9961910>>9961914 >>9961920 >>9961934
There was an explosion and there's at least one photo of the victims.
People fleeing the venue were likely kept away from that particular exist which would explain why there aren't more photos of the victims.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961913>>9961993
Well shit, a brown female is super high up there on their progressive stack.
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9961914
>inb4 an iranian
▶ 73b9ac (7) No.9961916
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961917>>9961941
can we also make
like they make for rollercoasters and stuff could work well for a more subtle shirt too
▶ db0916 (10) No.9961918>>9962961 >>9962968 >>9962973
This treason is fucking unbelievable.
No words anymore.
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961919>>9961931 >>9961942 >>9963008
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961920
also any phone close enough to capture the explosion itself probably got rekt in the boom.
All you're gonna see are people who turned too late or only caught the aftermath.
▶ c96b7c (8) No.9961924>>9962374
>we'll give you free taxi services if you let us blow up your family
▶ 9e12f5 (1) No.9961925
>Civilization vs. Islam
EU will side with islamists.
▶ fcdc27 (3) No.9961927
Any tweets blaming this on Trump or Brexit yet?
▶ 9ab345 (3) No.9961929>>9961943
▶ da1bb0 (3) No.9961930>>9962000
White women are increasingly deserving of every bullet. Fuck this gay Earth. Islam can have the whores.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961931>>9961985
Daily reminder that caps and images don't make you right.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9961932>>9961954 >>9961960
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. If I didn't have a responsibility to pass on my blue eye genes, I think I'd consider a Lebanese Christian woman. The Leb Christian are the descendants of the Crusaders and a decent number fight with Hezbollah. They were a successful society in the late 1960s/70s so of course the likes had to instigate civil war:
▶ d2bb8e (1) No.9961933>>9961955 >>9962058
>get religionofpiss'd
>survive somehow
>get the hell out of there
>call taxi
>taxi driver gives you a free ride
>taxi driver is a muslim
>he then proceeds to drive over some people
▶ 2a4873 (4) No.9961934
They would have their cellphones confiscated to for (((evidence)))
and get them back blanked
▶ 4273cc (2) No.9961936>>9962010
Any bets on how high the death toll rises over the next few days?
▶ 72dca1 (2) No.9961937
>mud face
Were they anti terror exercises nearby (by pure coincidence ofc)?
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961940
Kikes first. Always kill the ringleaders first.
The richer and more powerful the better.
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9961941
I survived 2017 … so far
▶ db0916 (10) No.9961942>>9961952
But you know what?
I don't care anymore if all of those pawns are exterminated too.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961943
hahahahhahah cianigger using muh pokemondrwhoharrypotter shillposter tool detected
▶ b19631 (3) No.9961946>>9961965
>wife should obey husband
>death for adultery
I'm okay with these.
▶ 58b974 (1) No.9961947>>9961966 >>9961970
Funny how we always have a "terror attack" when there is big news breaking in the areas of #PizzaGate and now #SethRich….
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9961952>>9961968
Don't fall into the jewish trap. They are making the mudslimes the pressure release valve for justified jew hatred.
You fight the muzzies and other subhumans but ignore the kikes. Always kill the kikes first. The rest we can sweep up with ease, the jew is the more dangerous enemy.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961954>>9961971
>holding your dick back
That's not the way you reconquer the world, anon
>inb4 muh diking
Dire times call for desperate measures.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961955>>9962058
double points for a double post
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9961956
Keep it up. How many kikes do you want to see dead? 6 million? All of them. Keep it up, then!
▶ c96b7c (8) No.9961957>>9961976
Does anyone have the ariana grande post about "the chicken"?
I suspect this is the "chess move". They want us to consider the possibility that grande is connected. Why? So we dig and find nothing. The media will then criticize us and there will be calls to ban our behavior.
This is why Ariana Grande was chosen.
▶ 3e0d38 (2) No.9961958
There's a Genghis Khan World Tour shirt. He might've been basing it on that.
Shitty image related.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9961960
> the like
wish..THE KIKES. The video worth watching. Famous Let Christian Singer celebrating victory over the rat faces. Friend of mine who did contracting in mid-east married a Christian Leb. She cooks, she cleans and she fucking knows how to obey.
▶ bdb09a (5) No.9961961>>9961973
Fox is getting pretty intense I can't even believe they're talking this way on TV
▶ da1bb0 (3) No.9961962
There is nothing sad about this. They are all heroes for multiculturalism. Celebrate their deaths as martyrs for refugees, goy.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961966>>9961977 >>9962058 >>9962077
keep pushing on those issues
make them keep flaunting their hand
attacks like these are the last thing they need, that's how important the pizzagate and seth rich stuff are to these bent nose bastards.
▶ db0916 (10) No.9961968>>9962006 >>9962029
How about sweeping them all at once?
▶ c96b7c (8) No.9961970
It's like the mafia warning an opposing cartel to back off.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961971>>9961999
shutup you fucking kike shitcunt
exterminate yourself now it will be less painful
▶ 9ab345 (3) No.9961973>>9961982 >>9962031
Streaming link at all?
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961976>>9962014
As long as you keep the pressure on Seth Rich…
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9961977>>9961988 >>9962077
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9961979
>>9961944 (kike'd)
▶ da1bb0 (3) No.9961985>>9961999
>based kikes
anti-Semitic shills btfo
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9961988>>9961991 >>9961994 >>9961995 >>9961997 >>9962058 >>9962077
>>9961977 (checked)
Let me check that too.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9961989
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Hezbollah has by far best modern day rallies. We aren't allowed to have any sort of "rallies" since we're fucking a White male and aren't allowed to be proud of anything:
▶ 82d519 (1) No.9961991>>9962005
▶ 89613a (3) No.9961993
Brown muslim female too. Can't forget her. You know it's gonna be her in her hijab and backpack full of semtex and nails all over the news.
It'll probably be because of racism, patriarchy and islamophobia.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9961994>>9962005
heiled checked n keked
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9961995>>9962005
>>9961988 (heiled)
Let me heil that
▶ dc2159 (6) No.9961996>>9962329
>tfw you realize that they're importing Muslims for the purpose of having reliable and consistent false flags.
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9961997
Good holy fuck man Kek is here
▶ 69599b (29) No.9961999>>9962009 >>9962058
Holy shit, does the autism hurt?
wew lad
▶ 68a4db (1) No.9962000>>9962027 >>9962058 >>9962112
Here's a tip: white women aren't behind multiculturalism or any of the other shit going on right now, so know your fucking enemies
▶ c96b7c (8) No.9962001
Is this new copy pasta?
▶ 9f4b45 (1) No.9962004>>9962008
The best part of #NotallMuslims is that you know a muslim did it
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9962005
good to know not everyone in the thread is a kike cianiggerfaggot
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9962006>>9962015
Not feasible. Realistically we must focus on utterly butchering the jewish race, the other problems will become much more easy to solve once the money for the pedophile politicians and intelligence agents dries up.
Focus on making as money and gathering as much power as possible.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962009
>>9961999 (mirin')
Those trips, I be checkin 'em
▶ e163da (1) No.9962010
Not high enough, sadly. If 200 could die in a single day in France and 2,000 in the U.S. I'm guessing it'll take 20,000-200,000 before people start getting serious. Closer to 2 million before Crusades.
▶ c96b7c (8) No.9962014>>9962028
I don't think we should relax about that.
I can sense this chess move coming.
But, I agree, focus on Rich. Clearly that has got them spooked.
▶ fb34df (13) No.9962015
>oy vey, don't kill jews
>aspire to be jews
▶ 2a4873 (4) No.9962021>>9962042 >>9962052 >>9963000
Anti-Trump (((CBS))) reporter done goofed.
▶ f51646 (9) No.9962025
These are great.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962027
>>9962000 (checked this nigger)
But muh mgtow
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962028>>9962032 >>9962035
I hope this spooks them
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9962029
We cannot become jews, our goal is the destruction of usury, but we need power to have any sort of influence.
We do it for the glorious memory of our Fuhrer, to exterminate the jewish people down to the last.
▶ bdb09a (5) No.9962031
its kind of tamer now but when sean hannity was on he was straight up shitting on islam
▶ 168e2c (13) No.9962032
▶ 138a14 (4) No.9962035>>9962040 >>9962041 >>9962049 >>9962056 >>9962062 >>9962836
quit shilling for seth rich there are already a dozen other threads for that shit already
▶ c96b7c (8) No.9962038
It's like they're deliberately getting rid of their threat perception EXCEPT towards the right.
▶ f51646 (9) No.9962040>>9962043
His name was Seth Rich
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9962041
goyim stahp talking about that thing we killed those people to divert from
▶ 72dca1 (2) No.9962042
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962043
▶ 47ebb6 (3) No.9962045>>9962057 >>9962061 >>9962070
>tfw european
just fuck my 8000 years of culture up fam
at least death grips released a new track
▶ c96b7c (8) No.9962049
>quit shilling for seth rich
That's the reason why this bomb went off though?
▶ 18d9c9 (2) No.9962052
>inb4 (((oy vey the Russians hacked my twatter account!!!)))
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962056
Not even mad tbh
Just wanted to let the kike juden filth know we know his name was
▶ 73b9ac (7) No.9962057>>9962074 >>9962083
>at least death grips released a new track
You complain about the downfall of european culture but you endorse negro music.
▶ 2866a7 (21) No.9962058
▶ b19631 (3) No.9962061>>9962083
>complains about european culture
>listens to negroid jazz poetry
▶ b15913 (1) No.9962062>>9962100
▶ 40b680 (1) No.9962063
They were just mad Ariana Grande had two events in final fantasy brave exvius
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962065
>>9962044 (dabs the dubs)
Do you notice a lot of retards have chinese letter tattoos, that literally mean "I'm a faggot" or whatever the tattoo artist thought was funniest?
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9962070>>9962083
Good to see your priorities are in order.
▶ fe4384 (3) No.9962074
We all have weaknesses.
▶ 40bd70 (8) No.9962077>>9962080 >>9962081 >>9962085 >>9962086
>>9961966 (checked)
>>9961977 (checked)
>>9961988 (heiled)
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962081
▶ 47ebb6 (3) No.9962083>>9962094
I've taken the blackpill already so I'm ready to die one way or the other
▶ 789e0d (1) No.9962085
The dubs don't stop
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962086
Still happening mein dude
It is time to remove all mud filth from rightful white mans clay
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962093>>9962104
>Seth Rich was wearing THAT when he died
I can't stop laughing.
Can you imagine being the coroner?
Commie jew fuck getting sacrificed while shilling for Bernie and trying to push the "dems care about america" angle
▶ b19631 (3) No.9962094
It's not too late friend, pull yourself up and ASCEND.
▶ fb34df (13) No.9962100>>9962118 >>9962126
Seth Rich was a kike. Go kike up the existing kike threads?
▶ 45c380 (8) No.9962103>>9962114
>False flag!
This is honestly more a diversionary tactic than a false flag, given the propensity of sandniggers to do this all on their own. Be careful what terms you choose, because they cheapen when used.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962104>>9962123
Not everyone can pull off the tights like Hulk Hogan can
▶ 319a01 (2) No.9962111>>9962133
Oh boy, free taxi rides are worth my friends and family being blown to bits by improvised fragmentary explosives.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962112>>9962149
>white women aren't behind multiculturalism
This is what we're doing wrong– White women are like children. They will keep pushing the boundary and pushing until they get a backhand to the fucking face. Look who is importing the most shitskins: Germany and Sweden, one with a female chancellor and the other with a gubment led almost entirely by women. On some level, I'd say even biological, they WANT to be put into a burka and slapped across the face when they fuck up. IF White males won't do it, they will import niggers and arabs who will.
What a mistake the West made ever allowing them to vote or run for office. IT would almost be justified to let them import all these savages and end up walking around with sheets over their head. But the thought of the animals destroying…Notre Dame or Mont San Michel or Charles with sledge hammers, I just can't bear.
To quote Oriana Fallaci from 2001 (an Italian writer, an atheist, almost a neocon of sorts though she got a big lesson on the JQ late in life) "if one of these little darlings so much as causes a scratch on one of our great artistic treasures, I myself will become a Holly Warrior for Christianity." (IT's out of print now I think, but if you can find "The Rage and the Pride" it's worth reading..though she didn't learn about the nature of the Jew until a bunch of French Jews tried to drag her from her cancer sickbed to France tot and trial for "hate speech" against muslims)/
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9962114>>9962169 >>9962176
It is meant to distract from kimdotcom.
The chans need to focus on redpilling the normies on the kimdotcom interview.
▶ dc2159 (6) No.9962118>>9962140
Seth Rich is relevant to this thread. The bomb was set off in his honor after all.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962123
The whole thing is fucking pottery and now that assange has brought it back up to bite them in the ass is even better.
Seth Rich wasn't a good guy by any means, but he's currently our best agent against the media trying to cover the new wikileaks up.
I'm dying over here.
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962126
Don't be foolish. In death this kikel is useful to us. This is win win especially tomorrow when the poo poo pee pee gets flung. If the death of a juden brings about the life of one white child then let's start the bidding off at 6 mil
▶ 1f0c4c (7) No.9962133>>9962167
>I had to pick out bits and pieces of blown up Arianators out of my hair for hours afterwards
>But the free taxi ride made it all worth it
▶ 9ab345 (3) No.9962137>>9962158
Suspect identified as Samri Hydalshabad
▶ fb34df (13) No.9962140>>9962150 >>9962159 >>9962160 >>9962164 >>9962169
>blowing up girls
>not blowing up Kim Dotcom
>terrorist attack day before fat man releases evidence
Strange targets, stranger timing.
▶ 4d7cbe (3) No.9962148
No shit there are Muslim taxi drivers, the whole fucking country is the least British chunk of land on the planet, at this point.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962149>>9962165
So if we let kikes infiltrate our society, our way of life, it's the fault of the child? No. We have to take responsibility for what we have failed to do. Our women would cut the miscegenation and degeneracy bullshit if we, as men, dehumanized ourselves and faced to bloodshed.
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9962150>>9962155 >>9962164
They can't kill Kim without painting a huge red target on their backs for doing it. Instead they kill random innocents.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962155>>9962189 >>9962200
It's almost like they're throwing a tantrum or something.
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9962157
So the muslims nailed Ariana Grande but they also gave her a free taxi ride?
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962158
▶ dc2159 (6) No.9962159
Normies are easily distracted, killing kim dotcom would have brought even more unwanted attention. The goal is to shift focus and obfuscate the Seth Rich case.
▶ c96b7c (8) No.9962160
That'd be too obvious. They narrowed down the target audience so that normalfags are unaware.
▶ 62020f (6) No.9962162>>9962190 >>9962207 >>9962214
Holy fucking pozz mates
▶ e1783f (2) No.9962163
Sorry, but you know, that actually looks like Soros….
▶ 40bd70 (8) No.9962164
They use distraction and deception- since (((ISIS))) is their plaything, it was probably easier to activate the Manchester cell instead of calling in the NZ police again.
Exactly this. That would be too suspicious. Instead distract everyone like a fucking moth to a light. Best way to do it?
▶ fb34df (13) No.9962165>>9962174 >>9962218
Dehumanize your enemy, not yourself. What are you thinking?
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962167>>9962178
And feces. For Keks sake don't forget the feces
▶ 45c380 (8) No.9962169>>9962175
>The chans need to focus on redpilling the normies on the kimdotcom interview.
Not happening. This is the news cycle for the next week. At least. You have dozens of little white girls with cute accents dead or dying as the result of a violent act of terror; I will be shocked if (((they))) don't milk this until the teats fall off.
Dead children are the ultimate distraction, and pre-pubescent white girls with english accents are the ultimate children as far as the Anglosphere is concerned.
Expect some gory pics to make their way onto the internet sooner or later.
▶ bc2105 (1) No.9962172
>mudslimes giving free taxi rides
Some of those children are not making it home tonight
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962174
It means to give into your Midnight Animal and kill a whole lot of people who been asking for it.
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9962175>>9962234
Nice try cia.
We saw past it right away. You killed innocent little girls for no reason.
Fucking pedophile freaks.
▶ d6739f (5) No.9962176>>9962183
It's entirely possible (likely, even) that the attack was both orchestrated by the CIAniggers to distract, and committed by mudshits at the same time.
▶ 56fa8c (3) No.9962177>>9962181
The instant 180 flip is the best thing to come out of these things. Too bad in a week they'll be back to usual.
▶ 1f0c4c (7) No.9962178>>9962196
The feces brings us closer to Allah
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962179
There's been no name yet, but Culver's law makes it 99.999% I'd say. I almost wish..we're like fucking rabbits in our own nations now, just waiting for these animals to lift us up by the tail and feed to a fucking snake.
And the UK is harder to get explosives than France, plus to get them into a stadium..let me find that article by Dr. Scheuer:
****The third reason for getting out of NATO, if another is needed, is that Europe has yet to experience either the full impact of veteran mujahedin returning from fighting abroad, or the trained fighters that will be blending into Western Europe from the Islamists’ enclaves – helpfully created by the EU and Bill Clinton – in Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, and elsewhere in the Balkans. Thanks to Mrs. Merkel, the Islamists’ main force already is in Europe in the form of tens of thousands of military-age male refugees. The latter have made their presence felt by staging, or helping to stage, attacks in, at least, France, Belgium, Germany, and Sweden. But, for the most part, these supporters of al-Qaeda and the Islamic State are not well-trained, thus the limited number of casualties caused in many of the attacks. Once the combat-experienced, Europe-origin mujahedin return home in higher numbers, and more veteran Islamist fighters arrive from the Balkans, and begin imparting military and explosives training to the refugees, Europe’s domestic security services — which have long lacked the manpower to effectively surveil the untrained Islamists — will be unable to cope with the resulting frequency and level violence.
At this stage in its history, the bankrupt American republic and its citizens require fewer not additional overseas political and military obligations. This is especially true in Europe, where the enormous, continent-wide hatred for Trump – and so for nationalism, sovereignty, hard-work, independence, faith, and self-reliance – makes it clear that, like Hillary Clinton, they consider half of Americans to be “deplorables”. It would be the act of a true American cur to continue to commit U.S. military personnel – most of whom are from what Hillary called “deplorable” families, locales, and blue-collar backgrounds – to wage war on behalf of the Europeans who hate them, their way of life, and their faith. ****
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962181>>9962192
I thought Brexit was supposed to stop this kind of shit from happening.
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9962183
isis = cia
It's so obvious based on their timing. These people really aren't as intelligent as the memes give them credit for.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962189
>>9962155 (Checked)
That's exactly what they're doing. Seth Rich is the thread that unravels everything.
▶ c3e192 (6) No.9962190
in what fucking universe could it have anything to do with nationalism of any type?
▶ dc2159 (6) No.9962191
>Dubs I die. Please, please fucking roll dubs. I want to die.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962192
>forgets to dehumanize oneself and face to bloodshed
What, you thought the mudslimes would just magically disappear?
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962194
Def. worth reading. All of Dr. Scheuer's stuff is, but this is especially worth it:
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962196>>9962213
I don't have a shit allah so this will have to do
▶ e2922a (1) No.9962197>>9962216 >>9962229
We should celebrate every time this happens
The worst possible thing that could happen is them behaving until they just outbreed us
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9962200
They also killed children for occult purposes.
They saw it as killing two birds with one stone in their retarded insane inbred kike minds.
▶ 166985 (2) No.9962203>>9962217
I wouldn't be surprised if they MK ultra'd a kid to kill Richard Collins to take away from it either.
They're going all out on this.
▶ 8ee319 (3) No.9962204
>has bleach blonde hair
>daughters face exposed
>calls self muslim
sand nigger pls
▶ 4d7cbe (3) No.9962207
>in the name of nationalism
>can't name Islam
Do these idiots literally believe that British nationalists are the biggest problem, equivalent to suicide bombers? Are they really retarded enough to think some native is going to set off a bomb in their own population to spread fucking nationalism?
I'm fully convinced that most of Europe including the UK is going to disappear into an information black hole - full of people thinking that everywhere else in the world is living hell and the only good thing to do is die by nail bomb for another ideology's pedophile """"""prophet""""""". They already claim that everything that goes against EU values is simply "fake news" by appropriating the term.
Fucking shit this makes me more mad than he is at the bombing itself.
▶ aead79 (1) No.9962208
No, they must be made an example so the rest never forget the results of their cuckery.
▶ 1f0c4c (7) No.9962213
He likes Turkey? Could have sworn he liked 9 year old pigs
▶ dd9d38 (2) No.9962216
In a sense it is a victory. But celebration is reprehensible. We are not monsters, we are not (((them))).
▶ de4bf0 (3) No.9962217
When months of running a lie end up involving the last shreds of credibility to the MSM as well as the dem party, you can bet they're going all out on this. (((they))) are terrified.
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9962218
>Dehumanize your enemy
▶ 7a950c (8) No.9962219>>9962238
We know identity of the mudslime terrorist yet? I would think there would still be a nice piece of the guy since the death toll isn't too high.
▶ c8269a (1) No.9962221>>9962233
They are right. The problem is the race of the "people".
▶ 40bd70 (8) No.9962229>>9962249
>The worst possible thing that could happen is them behaving until they just outbreed us
Exactly this. Video Related.
▶ e5db04 (2) No.9962230>>9962256 >>9962258 >>9962262 >>9962271 >>9962275
I haven't been around for the past few weeks, who is Seth Rich and why is everybody talking about him?
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962233>>9962251
for some reason nobody wants to say "arabs and niggers"
▶ 45c380 (8) No.9962234
>Nice try cia.
Nice try at fitting in, Chaim ;^)
>We saw past it right away.
Ah, but will the normies? They're who now matter as far as Seth Rich is concerned. We dug and amplified as best we could, but it's in the MSM now - normieland.
▶ 1f0c4c (7) No.9962238
Believe it or not they probably learned from the last few thousand times to actually run away from the scene of the crime before committing it
▶ e1783f (2) No.9962241>>9962252
they kind of look similar (G.G. Allin)
▶ 8ee319 (3) No.9962244
yes and he was also wearing a maga hat
▶ 7a950c (8) No.9962245
Needs some gunfire sounds and we are golden
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962249
>There are people that get a literal rush from thinking about their entire culture, heritage, blood and race being wiped off the face of this Earth without any chance of being revived
▶ f51646 (9) No.9962251
Not the group I would choose but sure.
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9962252>>9962273
>you will never attend a sam hyde live performance where shit is literally hitting the fan
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962256
A berniefag staffer Shillary had rubbed out for leaking things to Assange after she Clinton'd the nomination.
▶ 3cc590 (1) No.9962261>>9962277
im calling it now its going to be 3 Iranians this time
▶ 4d7cbe (3) No.9962262
This attack was likely a distraction from it.
▶ 73b9ac (7) No.9962265>>9962268 >>9962272 >>9962302
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962268
▶ d5ef5a (2) No.9962271>>9962287
DNC staffer who was in talks with Wikileaks back during the DNC leaks of Summer 2016. Got shot from behind immediately thereafter in an act that DC police described as a mugging gone wrong. His wallet wasn't taken. Implied at the time by Assange to have been personally behind the DNC leaks. Came back into the right-wing news because a PI hired by Seth Rich's family has found proof that he was in talks with Wikileaks (which we've been speculating about since the murder).
▶ 41ca62 (2) No.9962272>>9962282 >>9962296
They haven't been active in years and the "true" IRA have been quiet for years. Why would they nail bomb a teenage girl concert?
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962273>>9962279 >>9962285 >>9962300
fucking sam hyde meme was no longer funny by the time of Ferguson. Problem is, newfag retards just pick it up and use it to try to fit in and act like they've been here longer than they have, and people are too afraid to say it just makes them want to fucking vomit…it's hackneyed…shopworn…tired….it was never really "funny" to begin with, other than the one time RT espanol retreated it. Once. Just please, let the fucking cancer die.
▶ 870da1 (9) No.9962275>>9962291
He was probably the source that leaked all the DNC shit to Wikileaks and was killed for it. If Kim Fatfuck actually produced proof then things are going to get spicy. Some butthurt sandniggers/braindamaged /x/ retards are trying to shut down discussion of this terrorist attack on the basis that it's a falesflag to distract from Fatfuck dropping proof.
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9962277>>9962286
Of course, to justify "le ebull Iran" meme for stupid trumpfags, and to distract from kimdotcom exposing Seth Rich's murder
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9962279>>9962283
can't ague this point
▶ 40bd70 (8) No.9962282>>9962317
Russians? would make the logic complete
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9962283
▶ 2a4873 (4) No.9962285>>9962346
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962286>>9962301
kinda soon to start writing the narrative, Moishe
▶ e5db04 (2) No.9962287
Thank you based anon.
So people think that this Manchester bombing is a method of distraction?
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962288
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>9961458 (OP)
Fake and Gay most likely.
▶ de4bf0 (3) No.9962291>>9962293
>probably the source
Who are you trying to kid?
Shit points directly to him.
▶ 870da1 (9) No.9962293>>9962305
>Shit points directly to him.
▶ 73b9ac (7) No.9962296
Because the Mossad and CIA reactivated them :^)
▶ 948ccb (22) No.9962301
They're clearly desperate if they're pulling shit like this. Dnc being exposed fucks the democrat party possibly for decades, maybe forever.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962302
you're retarded anon. IRA, throughout their history, only hit targets with some some of military significance, even if not always direct. They were actually quite good at what they did, working against Brit SAS. They managed to literally blow Lord Mountbatten in hand and would have killed Thatcher if she'd been in the bathroom when their bomb went off.
▶ 166985 (2) No.9962305>>9962335
Why do you think an alt righter murdering a black kid and the explosion happened?
▶ 326ed7 (5) No.9962312>>9962339
>Rape, maim and blow up your offspring
>Hey free cab rides
I fucking hate these people
>Some guy tried to get rid of religion in the 40s
Who? Stalin? Cause he killed way more than 6 million.
▶ bab02d (1) No.9962313
Live in Shropshire and own four rifles and two shotties. A firearms certificate only costs fifty quid.
▶ 41ca62 (2) No.9962317>>9962696
Hey, Comrade. British female PM is in middle of election, want to know what would screw up her campaign?
What Comrade?
Nail bombs. Bomb a place, people blame dirty Muslims instead of use sneaky Ruskies.
But Comrade, why do that in the first place? Why not just hand the bomb to some Muslims?
You thinks very smart, Comrade.
I highly doubt it. It's probably a Muslim but the question is from where. Was he radicalised locally, did he get in recently from a "warzone", Did he have the help of ISIS or was it just him alone. Guess we'll see.
▶ f1e0bf (1) No.9962321
Says the girl who got shot in the head by a Muslim extremist in a place where barely anyone ever dares to criticise Islam
▶ 89613a (3) No.9962329>>9962337
>Import muslims to carry out terror attacks
>False flags
I don't think you know what that means.
▶ 8c75a8 (4) No.9962332>>9962348
If children dying isn't enough to breake these npc's conditioning, i don't know what will.
▶ 870da1 (9) No.9962335>>9962722
>Why do you think an alt righter murdering a black kid and the explosion happened?
Courtroom-grade proof that Seth was the DNC leaker is needed to do any real good. If the fatfuck provides it then nothing will really be able to distract from it.
▶ c2816f (1) No.9962336
Just woke up a saw a Muslim on the RT comments section threaten to slit someone throat for criticizing. Who needs coffee?
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9962337>>9962349
Source me an explosive that will kill 19 people in an instant, in the UK; do it on refugee gibes. GO
▶ 7a950c (8) No.9962339
And besides, even if all the European kikes were killed, there would still be the Ethiopian jews. Not like the entire jewish religion would suddenly go away.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962346
yeah, everyone is fucking sam. Nevermind the point maybe–maybe– one of you motherfuckers in this thread even remembers how it originated, and aren't just piggybacking and don't realize it's no longer fucking funny.
Zyklon Ben is always funny since as soon as cartoon breaks, the race begins to find the REAL one. You idiots are just fucking dupes being used to give some 4th rate idiot alcoholic PR, and somehow you're become convinced it's "trendy." The IQ of a fucking nigger.
Read an article, know how niggers used to sell their shitty music singles in late 90s? They'd go to a random party, and just start yelling out the name of the song over and over. And, wouldn't you know it, the other gorillas would just follow suit until you had an entire room of chimps just chanting the name of the song with no fucking idea why, and then they'd go to another party and this time chant the name themselves.
Never bothered to think "why?", they were just mindless fucking niggers. Thats you people. Braindead fucking hippos.
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962347>>9962361 >>9962716
"We" need to be ultra skeptical of every high profile attack even if it supposedly "fits our narrative" that cohencedently is shared with our good buddies, the Israelis.
>So how about it, nationalist goyim? Let's team up and win one for Israel and Zionism! It's time for WW3 to finally sort it out! Don't you agree?
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962348>>9962447
NPCs cannot dehumanize oneselves and face to bloodshed. You, as a Playable Character, have been bestowed this task. The question is: are you ready?
▶ 7a950c (8) No.9962349
Anything. Not like the police will actually arrest you if you are a muslim.
▶ bd5810 (4) No.9962358>>9962373 >>9962382 >>9962386 >>9962421
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962361
frig off, Iron March
▶ c86229 (14) No.9962363>>9962367 >>9962531
Requesting pictures and video of:
1. Dead and injured people
2. The explosion itself
3. Blood, soot, and other traces
4. The perpetrator
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962367>>9962369
What do we look like, the Israeli intelligence agency that orchestrated this tragedy?
▶ 56fa8c (3) No.9962369
▶ 62020f (6) No.9962370>>9962375
>tfw you wont comfort this qt
▶ fe4384 (3) No.9962373
That's been making the rounds, its one of the most pathetic things I've seen.
▶ f85c46 (6) No.9962374
You just don't know how expensive cab rides are in bongland.
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962375>>9962384
her muslim boyfriend would probably blow his top if you did
▶ 7a950c (8) No.9962382
>I am fucking pissed off about it
>But I refuse to give it a source, it isn't religion, even if it is all pissed muslims!
Oh fun, lets do the #Pray4___ for the 100th time!
▶ 62020f (6) No.9962384
thats enough ari.
▶ 305193 (1) No.9962386>>9962399 >>9962411 >>9962412
they will never learn, just wait until another terrorist attack happens and I guarantee this shit will happen again, they will never learn until they personally die.
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962393
this whole thing with review bra was worth the Ariana Grande concert.
▶ ebe215 (2) No.9962396
Sorry to say This but we need A nameFuhrer and fast
▶ 870da1 (9) No.9962399>>9962403 >>9962419 >>9962429
>they will never learn
The kids will.
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962403>>9962433 >>9962435
>The kids will.
no they won't. they'll just think it's white skinheads cuz lies
▶ 47ebb6 (3) No.9962408>>9962563
If I didn't know who reviewbrah was and thought that post was serious I'd be heart broken.
Such a sweet looking guy paired with the pure innocence of the phrase "he likes to go to fast food restaurants" would be crushing.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962411
>spit on their ancestors who were struggling for survival because "yo dude, we can get lsd on the darknet!"
I cri errytime
▶ db0916 (10) No.9962412
>they will never learn
there is only one way.
a huge attack.
bigger and more disgusting than 9/11 and anything that has ever been there.
and i have the subtle feeling that we might see that within our lifetimes.
▶ ffd6b1 (1) No.9962415
>don't blame specific groups
The only way to live without the threat of Islamic extremist terrorism is to live in a society free of Muslims.
▶ 7a950c (8) No.9962419>>9962435 >>9962446
The ones who get bombarded with propaganda from their parents and (((teachers))) and (((media))) and multiple (((role models)))? Maybe a few, but 1 out of a 1,000 isn't enough.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962423>>9962430 >>9962432 >>9962466
Jesus Christ. I thought, "well, at least she's an Italian Catholic, right?" WRONG:
Personal life
Grande was raised a Roman Catholic but abandoned Catholicism during the reign of Pope Benedict XVI,[252] citing opposition to the church's stance on homosexuality,[6][253] noting that her half-brother is gay. She has followed Kabbalah teachings since the age of twelve along with her brother Frankie,[255] believing "the basis lies in the idea that if you're kind to others, good things will happen to you."[256] A few of her songs, such as "Break Your Heart Right Back", are supportive of LGBT rights.[257
▶ 25e3bd (1) No.9962426
▶ 56fa8c (3) No.9962427
appreciate the effort
▶ 9bbd58 (1) No.9962428
They'll break eventually. They all do.
▶ fe4384 (3) No.9962429
Brainwashing starts young and doesn't stop. Tolerance demands sacrifice and they are more than willing to pay the price.
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9962430
duh, all of them.
▶ 6cd337 (1) No.9962432
>believing "the basis lies in the idea that if you're kind to others, good things will happen to you."
Didn't she wished all her fans would die?
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962433>>9962442
NOT if you raise them right. My 8 year old knows all about Uncle Adolf and Kek
▶ 870da1 (9) No.9962435>>9962511
>no they won't. they'll just think it's white skinheads cuz lies
Wrong. Their brainwashing isn't strong enough to withstand a wild sandnigger attack.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962438
"Ey it's Steve Aoki here! Say no to racism, islamophobia, and fascism, cause that's like… not cool dudes. Let's get this party started!!"
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962439
"Kill the fuckin muzzies, aight?"
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962442>>9962457
im sure the parents who took their daughter to a whore concert sure teach them right
>pay attention to the conversation
▶ 32aa75 (2) No.9962444>>9962455 >>9962490
God help us all.
▶ 40bd70 (8) No.9962446>>9962545
No, it was said earlier in the thread. The only thing that will get peoples attention is something in the range of 20k, 50k, 100k. We are talking high scores not even realized yet. and even then the lunatic fringe will still say muh raciststhen hopefully get their head curb stomped by some finally pissed off grandpa
▶ 8c75a8 (4) No.9962447>>9962456
I have been ready since 1999 when the zog machine destroyed my country for their Albanian pets.
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962456>>9962485
>I have been ready since 1999 when the zog machine destroyed my country for their Albanian pets.
sorry, Mexican bro
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9962457>>9962464 >>9962508
totally fine entertainment choice
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962464
who is that autistic ginger?
▶ 551570 (5) No.9962465>>9962472 >>9962473 >>9962475 >>9962477
Where have all the brits gone? I can't see their general anymore, what the fuck did you lads do to them? I want to shitpost in their thread about the bombing.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962466>>9962481
NO 12 year old girl "decides to follow Kabbalah" at age 12. He can bet she was "broken in" orally, anally, and vaginally by some repulsive, greasy kike. Her bio says she work on Nickelodeon so safe to assume she was "close" to Dan Schinder and his foot fetish, who probably gave her lessons in Kabbalah.
I barely follow hollowed but for what I see at the top of the Daily Mail when reading the news…off the top of my head, I can think of Anne Hathaway, this girl, the human dumpster madonna, that goofy motherfucker who played steve jobs in that bad movie…the only one in hollywood we have who sticks to his roots is mel gibson.
▶ 551570 (5) No.9962468>>9962472 >>9962475 >>9962477
Where have all the brits gone? I can't see their general anymore, what the fuck did you lads do to them? I want to shitpost in their thread about the bombing.
▶ db0916 (10) No.9962473>>9962484
It's 6 a.m. in Britain right now.
▶ 551570 (5) No.9962475
Reeeeeeeee chode monkey fucking up my posts.
▶ 551570 (5) No.9962477
Reeeeeeeee chode monkey fucking up my posts.>>9962468
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962479
they should check the roof
▶ ebe215 (2) No.9962480
Maybe we are truely at the end of history and videogames are heaven? Even if 100% remove kebab,nog,etc, we would stil be 3D plebs with mostly povertygenetics. I mean nobody is fighting in practise because there is no divident or loot. All we have are 1 handsome Guy Triggering leftypol irl. What do yous suggest we can offer as incentive anyway?
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962481>>9962487
Hey princess, you were such a good little girl. Want me to teach you how to attain ultimate enlightenment? Just spread your legs for me, darling. That's a good girl.
▶ 551570 (5) No.9962484
They usually had a general to post in though, I don't see it at all? Where is it?
▶ 8c75a8 (4) No.9962485>>9962496 >>9962515
it's Serbia, but whatever
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962487>>9962504
ur in the wrong place
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962496>>9962505 >>9962537
>it's Serbia, but whatever
that's not even a country
▶ 64195a (3) No.9962497
Fuck you kike, we wont fight your wars for you.
▶ bd5810 (4) No.9962498
I should add, not me
▶ 0a28fe (1) No.9962501>>9962533
What subreddit? I got money on politics, that's the most cancerous.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962504>>9962516
I shouldn't be telling you their secrets, I know, General D. J. Trump, sir.
▶ 8c75a8 (4) No.9962505
I know, Slavs aren't white nor humans.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962508>>9962525 >>9962530
the one token White guy in photo is as feminie and non-threatening as possible. Meanwhile, all the models from the photo are being fucked by either Jews or niggers. The caption isn't funny at all, please keep it for cuckchan or reddit or whoever you frequent. But the picture is interesting in that the Jews are increasingly trying to castrate us.
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9962511
One might hope there are at least a handful of these kids who will be driven to some serious introspection (insofar as their female brains are capable) after receiving this dose of reality.
▶ 21dac8 (24) No.9962515>>9962522
You guys did a great job fighting for Srbina Krajie. Kebab shall be removed once and for all.
▶ db0916 (10) No.9962518
>[removed] … [removed] … [removed]
▶ ae9c44 (9) No.9962520>>9962539
that jumper looks maximum comfy
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962522
>Srbina Krajie
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9962530
>cuckchan or reddit or whoever you frequent.
please no, you
>But the picture is interesting in that the Jews are increasingly trying to castrate us.
Yeah that was the point, she's ruining kids, with their help
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9962531>>9962547
Just sent a formal request to the English Sharia Police asking for the full inside/outside (last 24h) CCTV footage that doesn't officially exist due to (((technical issues))). In exchange, I offered the full and total collaboration of the RWDS investigators.
▶ 7a950c (8) No.9962532
Well obviously they agree with the guy, but copying his comment and spamming the place is wrong. So no wonder their comments are deleted!
▶ df0c51 (1) No.9962533
since everyone's a namefag there, i found the link to his post https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/6cqdye/manchester_arena_explosions_two_loud_bangs_heard/dhwrpen/
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962534
it's nice of Taylor to allow her fat, perverted brother to hang around on stage.
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962537>>9962554
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>9962496
I can't even send you motherfuckers to learn from Dr. Pierce anymore since the Jews removed the audio. See if the video is still up:
▶ b5b273 (2) No.9962539>>9962561 >>9962586
Eric and Dylan had the best mass-shooting outfits, though.
▶ c3e192 (6) No.9962540
▶ ce2e4c (2) No.9962541>>9962556
>censoring discussion for the 50th time will surely work out this time!
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962545>>9962589
It only took a few thousand deaths in 911 and Americans were ready to use nuclear weapons and glass the entire mid-east.(excluding Israel of course, bless it's little heart) Praise Jesus.
▶ d2415d (1) No.9962552
>>9961458 (OP)
This never gets old…
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962553
this is a classic, but would be better if the like brother of kushner wasn't fucking heidi kloss. It's still an amazing picture. You think she'd be even slightly embarrassed? nope.
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962554>>9962572
Maybe anons wouldn't shitpost and would give a shit about what you had to say if you weren't such a salty bitch about a tired meme.
▶ 88eee6 (1) No.9962556>>9962604
The sad thing is that it actually works. It works on reddit and it works here.
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962560
Do y'all think the "stop blaming groups" will still apply if the bomber turns out to be White?
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962561>>9962569
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>9962539
>Eric and Dylan had the best mass-shooting outfits, though
▶ ae9c44 (9) No.9962563>>9962634
His cat was recently poisoned so you can still feel bad for him
▶ db0916 (10) No.9962565>>9962606 >>9962624 >>9962629 >>9962730
>Roof also told his lawyers and psychologists who examined him that he expected white supremacists to take over the United States within several years, pardon him for the killings and make him Governor of South Carolina.
Holy shit, I love this guy.
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962569>>9962578
>please sit on my face
>inappropriate JP , we've called your mother
▶ 839882 (16) No.9962572>>9962602
anon, you can drop dead and bulldoze your mother's corpse in there before you jump in. I provided info on Serbia from the authority, Dr. William Pierce. You can either learn or remain a laughable asshole, no sweat off my fucking balls. You want people to be "nice," go to fucking tumblr and tell them your pronouns. You want to learn, you come here.
▶ 138a14 (4) No.9962575
what is that thing on the far right
▶ cfd19c (20) No.9962578>>9962594
i thought the movie was shit, but I was just reminded of this part.
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962586>>9962599 >>9962664
Dylan Klebold was some kind of bizarro crypto- jew.
>At the family home, the Klebolds also observed some rituals in keeping with Klebold's maternal grandfather's Jewish heritage.[8][10] Klebold attended Normandy Elementary in Littleton, Colorado for the first two grades before transferring to Governor's Ranch Elementary and became part of the CHIPS ("Challenging High Intellectual Potential Students") program.[11] He found the transition to Ken Caryl Middle School difficult.[5]
▶ 40bd70 (8) No.9962589>>9962633
True, but that was part of the (((plan))) to kick of the ZOG-Wars. If you wear the same tinfoil I do. This has to be dramatic because it goes against what they want. A popular nationalist uprising that will undo their years of scheming and deception.
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962594
Damn I missed that part. Been a (long) while since I watched it. Fuck it I'll take your post for it
▶ b5b273 (2) No.9962599>>9962664
Yeah it was really odd.
Really sad though, poor dude just wanted to die. Can't say I blame him, I'd lose my mind in the 90's Colorado.
Thought Eric was gonna kill him though, when he let it slip he was part Jew.
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962602
>You want people to be "nice,"
Nah nigger I'm just bored and waiting for the dust to settle from todays shill bomb. Not my fault you lose your shit over sam hyde memes.
▶ 2f0c5c (1) No.9962604>>9962619
Yet it's common for anons to green text shills so everyone else can see why the shill was banned. So much for censorship, because their message is still visible. Choke on a million dicks, okay?
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962606>>9962730
>tfw we make him governor of S.C. after the civil war
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962619>>9962625
Choke on a million dicks, okay?
Are you implying that would be difficult for him?
▶ c0d9b9 (2) No.9962624
Does Roof have a death date yet? He's on death row I think
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962625>>9962631
Boy did I fuck up that green text
don't mind me I'll just be gassing myself
▶ 51c2e8 (1) No.9962628
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962629>>9962635 >>9962638
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>9962565
He would've been pardoned if he went full commando on a Bilderberg, rothschild inc or World Bank meeting…or something equivalent….Instead, he shot a bunch of poor Negroes that actually showed some agency and woke up early for church on Sunday. Also made any "race realist" look terrible. I'd let the dumb nigga rot in prison even if white natsocs took over the country.
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962633>>9962659
yeah, obviously.
▶ fb34df (13) No.9962634>>9962663
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962635>>9962674
And a race baiting nigger senator but let's ignore that and pretend Roof was completely in the wrong.
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962638>>9962702
>going to church means niggers have agency
Next you'll start talking all about based blacks right?
TRSodomites ought to fuck off
▶ ca28e5 (11) No.9962639
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962640>>9962656
neat, what is story?
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9962642>>9962648 >>9962649 >>9962652 >>9962654 >>9962657 >>9962675
Looks like these first three are some genuinely missing slags. Bonus fourth pic of failed parenting, great job dad.
▶ 64195a (3) No.9962644
On kike false flag you mean.
▶ 62bcaf (1) No.9962645
>Create degenerate whore music, selling a lifestyle of drugs, promiscuity and alcohol to small children
>Import shitskins who murder and behead degenerates and whores
>Act surprised when shitskins obliterate future whores and degenerates
Wow, this is such a surprise. Truly a mystery how this happened. A culture clash shouldn't happen in a peaceful, tolerant, multicultural society!
▶ 40bd70 (8) No.9962648
First three are already on a plane to the Middle east, third will probably be used for organs. Those taxi rides in London aren't cheap.
▶ 168e2c (13) No.9962649
vapid degenerates
▶ 64195a (3) No.9962651
Jewish one, sure, we blame it
▶ ce2e4c (2) No.9962652
Looks like they picked up new sex slaves for themselves.
▶ 2d8036 (3) No.9962654>>9962661
In the last pic, she wasn't injured in the attack. But the police gave her that to wear, assuming her clothes were blown off in the attack.
▶ 5563cb (23) No.9962656>>9962662
Sandniggers smoking around volatile gasoline. Sounds like a funny fucking story. I want to see the burns post gif
▶ 168e2c (13) No.9962657
>anon why would you vote for that racism islamaphobe Donald Trump? What is wrong with you?
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962659
and that's not even "tinfoil". Plenty of evidence. They wrote it all down in PNAC and other papers. It's not like we are talking about bigfoot ffs.
▶ 7a950c (8) No.9962661>>9962666
Surprised she didn't get a mandatory hijab too
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962662
▶ ae9c44 (9) No.9962663>>9962709
The latest voice of review of the week
▶ 2a5c5f (5) No.9962664
being a crypto means being part jew and part white.
Why do you think Dan Burros killed himself?
As soon as a crypto realizes they are of two different worlds they start to realize the truth.
> Deuteronomy 7:3-4,
>You shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughter to his son, and you shall not take his daughter for your son,
for he will cause your child to turn away from after Me and they will worship the gods of others.
Commies and liberals never read semitic monotheist material or they'd realize they're being targeted actively by the jew and the jew's islamic cousin.
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962674>>9962694 >>9962721
He was. So many juicy targets and he picked by far the worse one he could have. He couldn't have flown/drove to Hollywood and just went bananas on movie studio execs? It's a soft target. Why the fuck did he decide to kill poor Negroes that woke up early on Sunday? It's indefensible.
▶ ca28e5 (11) No.9962675
In that last pic the 13 year old was wearing garters and hose. The explosion blew her thong and bra to mecca.
▶ 0fcad7 (2) No.9962679>>9962683 >>9962692
It's a nail bomb. there's no explosions
▶ 2d8036 (3) No.9962683
Get some sleep, anon.
▶ ef5dc8 (1) No.9962686
>that filename
Surely this is bait and you aren't seriously this retarded.
▶ db0916 (10) No.9962692
>nail bomb
>no explosions
Must be some new kind of technology.
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962694>>9962743
There's that word again. It's almost as if you think there's a distinction between different kinds of niggers based on conduct. And that a nigger deserves a modicum of respect simply for going to church and howling praise for something they will never fully or even partially understand.
▶ 0fcad7 (2) No.9962695
Well they do have pretty large noses
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962696
>screw up her campaign?
Are you retarded?
This will strengthen her majority.
▶ 2370a3 (2) No.9962701
you're either trying to derail, or you're literally too autistic to grasp a simple fucking point
now go ahead and call me gay you assburgered faggot
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962702>>9962707 >>9962728
If you're willing to go on a suicidal killing spree and you are jew-wise/racial aware, and you choose a black church instead of actually going to kill some upper banking /jew world order figures, you're a fucking idiot or a jew roleplaying as a "racist". Which is what you are doing right now, kike. I know. Get lost.
▶ ca28e5 (11) No.9962704
remember the post earlier today. the OP said he was going to kill them all
any connection???
▶ 2370a3 (2) No.9962706
>but most feel strong connection with Britain
no fucking shit, the government actively works against the native population and to their benefit
▶ 2a5c5f (5) No.9962707
▶ fb34df (13) No.9962709
This world is 2grim4me.
▶ 9c646b (2) No.9962714>>9962724
Dear God, the amount of retardation on Twitter right now about '''#PrayingforManchester is fucking sickening.
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962716>>9962727 >>9962729 >>9962744
Other recent attacks lacked substantial footage, this was explained away as "not everyone is filming all the time."
Well, at a teeny bopper pop concert, EVERYONE is filming.
That's thousands of cameras which would have been active at the moment of explosion, yet not a single one has captured it?
The video posted thus far shows a dull "thud" and a scattering of people, who seem to be around an entranceway.
This would imply that the "bomb" was detonated in a corridor.
Why would a bomber detonate his bomb in a corridor which will limit his victims and limit his exposure (the whole point of terror)?
>So that none of those thousands of cameras capture the "event."
>To maintain access control over the area
>To ease placement of actors.
The "explosion" itself was not loud at all considering that the area is enclosed, it was more like a firework, no way it happened in the open inside the arena.
▶ b3609a (7) No.9962718
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9962721
>He couldn't have flown/drove to Hollywood…
Maybe because it's 2,500 miles from Charleston to L.A. and traveling those kinds of distances cost real money, which his broke ass didn't have. Granted his chosen target wasn't great but he did what he could with resources he had.
▶ d6739f (5) No.9962722
>if the fatfuck provides it
Therein lies the crux of the issue. The fact that it's Kim is what has me worried.
▶ 23aa75 (8) No.9962724>>9962735 >>9962751 >>9962755 >>9962758 >>9962769 >>9962775
never really understood the whole concept of praying for any manner of disaster. Seems like god already wanted that place to be all fucked up already, and if he didn't, the people by default have their mercy right?
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9962727>>9962756 >>9962769
Yeah, it was 20,000 crisis actors.
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962728>>9962761
Roof is a retarded faggot nobody is deny that. But why don't you go on some more about "dem poor well behaved negroes that dindu nuffin to deserve dyin, dey wuz jus at church like gud peepol". You lolberg tier cuck.
▶ 3dd43c (1) No.9962729>>9962736 >>9962756
>Other recent attacks lacked substantial footage, this was explained away as "not everyone is filming all the time."
I'm calling bullshit as well. I want to see dead bodies.
▶ b3609a (7) No.9962730
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962735>>9962752 >>9962791
Earliest form of virtue signalling m8.
▶ 69599b (29) No.9962736
or anyone close enough to catch the explosion itself while in the process of doing dumb shit like phone selfies probably had their phone destroyed in the blast.
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962743>>9962795
>you didn't use nigger, you wrote Negro instead. You also don't think that negores that wake up early for church are the same as lazy criminal welfare negroes.
Nobody is buying your "cartoon racist" bullshit, kike. Roof should have come killed your head tribesmen.
▶ 45c380 (8) No.9962744>>9962750 >>9962753 >>9962766 >>9962772
Maybe Bongistan is censoring photos and video of the crime scene.
Wouldn't surprise me.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962750
Don't forget that a (((banker))) was telling a journalist not to report on the story. They are going to censor as much as they can now that there's no possibility of cover-up.
▶ d650af (5) No.9962751
They're praying to distract themselves from having to actually think about the situation.
▶ 23aa75 (8) No.9962752>>9962759 >>9962795 >>9962818
Never actually got a christian to justify it in any way, pretty wacky tbh
▶ b3609a (7) No.9962753>>9962760 >>9962772
GCHQ can wipe your phone remotely then blame it on 'bomb EMP' or some shit.
▶ c0d9b9 (2) No.9962755
The thing is prayer is meant to ask God to alleviate the disaster and calm the hearts of those that were affected as well as prevent such occurrences from happening again. Your on the subject of God's omnipotence which is a theological discussion made for a different thread and board.
But focusing on the prayer aspect of terrorism they don't really care. #prayer is virtue signaling. Remember that even atheists can #pray.
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962756>>9962764 >>9962765 >>9962771 >>9962815
>Yeah, it was 20,000 crisis actors.
Those involved play their part, everyone else just reacts to the sound and the sight of the "injured" and screaming actors.
But you already knew that.
As with every other "terror" incident, the following will remain true:
>No CCTV footage
>No smartphone footage
>No bodies
>Named "victims" have zero social media presence.
▶ 326ed7 (5) No.9962758>>9962768
>never really understood the whole concept of praying for any manner of disaster.
It only works when everyone believes. If you have a community that all believes in the same things, the same rules and the same ideas for the future, then praying helps because everyone will come together to fix problems in drips and drabs. In the end it adds up. When you dont believe in anything greater than yourself like god or country or tribe, its just another way to make people make themselves feel better without doing anything when some bad happens.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962759>>9962768 >>9962818
It's their attempt at meme magic but entirely backwards. They think if they pray hard enough, then reality will just shift for them. "If ye pray, habeeb."
▶ 23aa75 (8) No.9962760
We'll probably get a lot more videos surfacing later, i bet all the teenies are crying or something right now, too busy to upload shit
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962761>>9962795 >>9962984
They literally didn't do anything though. Anyone that endorses killing random old black women praying in church on Sunday morning is literally nigger tier trash. I also doubt you would even dare to mutter that opinion around any live human.
▶ b3609a (7) No.9962764
Anyone have that pedowood cap about Ariana Grande and Hasbro?
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962765
They wipe the shit out of everything in most first world countries. There's a reason almost everything on liveleak is from poo-in-loo third world countries.
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9962766>>9962815 >>9963005
>Maybe Bongistan is censoring photos and video of the crime scene.
I think it's a combination of that and the fact that these are pampered teenage girls at a concert showcasing the absolute bottom of the barrel entertainment culture. The nothing is real faggots are moaning because they're not getting instant cartel tier gore.
▶ 86b2d9 (2) No.9962767
>9961611 checked for kek
praise kek
▶ 23aa75 (8) No.9962768>>9962784
I mean, obviously, but i'm looking for an actual theological explanation as to why they think they can bribe god with sweet sweet loosh
▶ d6739f (5) No.9962769>>9962776 >>9962807
Doesn't help that the first to pull this shit are the atheist liberals. Anyway, it might be confusing to any religious folks here who are used to seeing prayer as an action to be taken in hopes of achieving some goal, so let a fedora explain: "prayer" is seen as a nice way of saying condolances. It's basically a way to say "damn that sucks, but there is nothing we can do about it, sorry"
I will never understand why conspiratards think it's easier to stage an elaborate hoax than to just get a patsy to actually commit the act. Probably half of these dumb fags are mudshit sympathizers. Just because the jew made it happen does not mean the mudslime didn't pull the trigger, and wouldn't be looking for ways to do it regardless.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962771
Zero social media presence would be weird though, especially for teenage girls in this day and age.
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962772>>9962779 >>9962815
So they immediately disabled uploads to Twitter and Instagram, and all the other social media feeds these teenagers are hooked into?
But only for pictures showing bodies or the "bomb" blast.
>GCHQ can wipe your phone.
But they leave videos which don't contain solid evidence.
And they do it all in minutes.
Ok, seems plausible.
▶ 0b4f65 (4) No.9962773>>9962778 >>9962785 >>9962788 >>9962815 >>9962818
You mean to tell me that the most watched country in the world with CCTV has no cameras in the foyer of the Manchester arena? Looks like MI5 is hiding something from us all.
▶ b3609a (7) No.9962775
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>9962724
"Prayer" is putting your intention out into the world.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962776>>9962787 >>9962797
Sandy Hook reeks of actual crisis actors, but that's the only one that's made me suspicious.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962778>>9962818
Yeah, I'm surprised there isn't more video.
▶ b3609a (7) No.9962779>>9962789
>oy vey an analyst picks and chooses which data to wipe in real time.
You're either from GCHQ or are (((retarded)))
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962784>>9962792
I don't believe anyone died at this point (will change my belief if clear video of the bomb going off, or seriously injured victims appears, instead of the usual "trousers ripped off but skin underneath unharmed" stock images.)
But I was thinking about your question and I propose that with all the Jihadis biting the dust recently, and each one being rewarded with 72 virgins, the Islamic clergy may be concerned that Heaven will run out of virgins (presumably the virgins that are awarded were alive on Earth at some point, so that is a finite number.)
So perhaps killing mid to late teenage girls (unlikely to be virgins btw) could be seen as a way to restock the supply.
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9962785>>9962818
>You mean to tell me that the most watched country in the world with CCTV has no cameras in the foyer of the Manchester arena?
Yeah, that would be great.
>Officer Plod, immediately release the footage of 12 year old girls being blown apart at the arena. It's for the best. We have to be transparent.
I swear to (insert entity of your choice) some of you guys are fucking congenitally retarded.
▶ b3609a (7) No.9962787>>9962794
That was an insurance scam.
▶ a7d854 (1) No.9962788
I know it sounds strange, but bear with me here. It is possible that the footage from the CCTV cams were hidden from the press, etc as a way to weed out the cranks during the investigation. The public is almost never privy to 100% of the investigative information until its submitted in court.
This way, they can examine the video and try to identify the suspect(s) without constantly having to deal with armchair detectives. Remember the Boston bombing when internet detectives "proved" that the wrong guys were the actual bombers?
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962789
Funny that, I was going to say the same about you.
You are so obviously a shill that it's painful and no amount of "language you should add to your post to seem to fit in on /pol/" can hide it.
▶ 9c646b (2) No.9962791
Pretty much this, and you know none of those faggots believe in Christianity, they just do it "because it looks good" and and they don't know how to write in Arabic
▶ 23aa75 (8) No.9962792
Nah i mean the christfags my man, we all know why the muzzies do it
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962794
That reminds me, weren't there some bankers in Guernsey recently who were up to some shit? Something to do with CIAniggers
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962795>>9962872 >>9962905
>regression to the mean doesn't exist
>niggers who go to church are good and should continue to live and mix with whites
It really is virtue signalling, they can't do anything to make themselves feel better about a shit situation so they act like this will give some solace.
>doesn't have the balls to speak his mind around others
And if you live around people who would fuck you over for saying it then it's no skin off my bones. Get over yourself and off your aids ridden soapbox you faggot. You're appealing to emotion about using the elderly and women when the fact of the matter is that blacks are only just barely the same species if that, and if you didn't know that yet then you need to fuck off or lurk more.
▶ d6739f (5) No.9962797
Indeed. But doing a hoax generally doesn't pass the retard test, i.e. "what could I possibly want to achieve by this action and what are the alternatives". If I had to make an international attack headline happen, I would just get some mud or retard a bomb or a gun and set them loose.
▶ de3d01 (2) No.9962802
▶ 168e2c (13) No.9962804
▶ bdcd28 (1) No.9962806
That is really fucking gay
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9962807
>I will never understand why conspiratards think it's easier to stage an elaborate hoax than to just get a patsy to actually commit the act.
It does get tiresome. Most of it is a deliberate effort to distract and shit up discourse.
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962808
Checked and kek'd
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962810>>9962816
Guys, what was that CIAnigger thing we were looking up trying to figure out a banking connection in the Caymans?
▶ 45c380 (8) No.9962815>>9962831 >>9962865
>As with every other "terror" incident, the following will remain true:
>>No CCTV footage
Like they'd fucking release it?
>>No smartphone footage
>>No bodies
Possibly being censored.
>>Named "victims" have zero social media presence.
We won't know that until we start digging, and by then faceberg/twatter/etc. will have gotten in on it and probably pulled them.
That too. I wouldn't expect a shit-scared 11-year old or a parent of the same to do anything except NOPE towards the nearest exit as quickly as possible.
>So they immediately disabled uploads to Twitter and Instagram, and all the other social media feeds these teenagers are hooked into?
Not outside the realms of either possibility or probability, and that's assuming a bunch of pubescent girls and their parents stuck around to take pictures of the gory mess.
>But only for pictures showing bodies or the "bomb" blast.
We haven't gotten much of anything, really. Out of the tens of thousands of people with smartphones that were there we have what, maybe a dozen videos total and a handful of images?
Again: why would they release it? They have every political and practical reason to keep it under wraps; the former for the generally turbocucked state line on Muslims and the fact that parading around twelve year-olds getting snackbar'd is extremely distasteful to most civilized people (to say nothing of the families of the victims) and the latter because less footage means less people playing internet detective.
▶ fcee4e (1) No.9962816>>9962823
Are you thinking of Macron's offshore bank account?
▶ ca28e5 (11) No.9962817
wish I had photoshop skills to add tinfoil hats
▶ 0a87ab (3) No.9962818>>9962832
The attack happened just a few hours ago. If there's no footage released within 48 hours, then maybe its worth questioning.
Fuck, sometimes I think ya'll would be calling false flag if the footage of the attack wasn't released 20 seconds after the attack happened.
They should be apparent and release the footage, if they have it, in my opinion. Problem is, its still undergoing investigation, 12 year olds being killed isn't exactly something they want released, and the UK government is notorious for covering up mudslime crimes.
That's because most Christians were raised to believe it and never taught why they do it. That's the big problem with a lot of christianity, I think. Christians are taught things are wrong or right, but never have it explained to them why. They're just told "listen and believe". While faith is good, that's not faith, that's blind obedience. And blind obedience never wins people over when they aren't taught it from birth.
>It's their attempt at meme magic but entirely backwards
How is it backwards? Isn't the whole point of meme magic that if enough people believe something reality will shift in that direction? Prayer, at the very least, would give people faith that their request would come true, so they then believe it, which should, in theory, affect meme magic.
▶ 5322c7 (5) No.9962819>>9963001 >>9963024
>Oh gosh I am sooo tired of muslims being blamed for the attacks guise! Stop shattering my view of mooslimes as poor victims with facts!
▶ 5787b2 (1) No.9962821
why do all you falseflag retards always come in to shill for the fucking sandniggers and how they DIN DU NUFFIN.
the only false flags are when a white person shoots something up. mudslimes acting like mudslimes isnt a fucking falseflag
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962823>>9962833
Might've been that but I thought it was linked to something bigger. We were looking at a bunch of shell companies and were trying to link some banker's name from one company to another.
▶ c3e192 (6) No.9962825>>9962842
>carrying on
Well, doing things the way we've been doing things has at the very least not stopped a terrorist attack from happening. Therefore, the way to stop a terrorist attack is to do things in some other way.
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9962826>>9962830
That police press conference on RT right now is a fucking joke. A total disgrace.
>Please don't mention any names
>oh we regularly train for such incidents bla bla bla
Just PR bullshit. No sign of anger/emotion.
▶ d21d8b (1) No.9962828
>heaven has gained some angels
Are you fucking kidding me? The bodies aren't even cold in the morgue and the virtue signalling has already started. Fuck me.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962830
Same country that let 1400 girls get raped by shitskins. What do you expect, Anon?
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962831>>9962838 >>9962848
>Possibly being censored.
You are implying that the govt blocked uploads to every social media site, but only for videos containing evidence, the hundreds of screaming girls and a "boom", they let through, because they have a team of thousands sitting around to screen them just in case.
Yeah, fuck off moron. Didn't bother reading the rest of your shit.
Now go back to believing every steaming turd which plops out of the mainstream media.
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962832>>9962843 >>9962845
>and the UK government is notorious for covering up mudslime crimes
Not only this but compounded with the fact that the UK has gone completely totalitarian to the point of making 1984 seem almost reasonable by comparison, I'm not sure we'll ever get our hands on really decent footage.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962833>>9963017
I just remembered, it was the macron leaks. The signature on the document traced to some banker in the caymans (I think in guernsey) who had the same name as some CIAnigger.
▶ d514d8 (1) No.9962836
His name was Seth Rich
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962838
You're saging a sticky you know that right?
You make a decent point but still.
▶ 246b4d (1) No.9962840
I don't know what you are talking about, goyim.
▶ 291ade (2) No.9962842
Removing semites from the West would do the trick.
▶ 0a87ab (3) No.9962843>>9962864
And my mother and English stepfather are going to the UK in July for vacation.
Hopefully they don't get raped and or snackbar'd by mudslimes.
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962845
Without evidence there is no reason to believe it happened.
This "yeah, the MSM is Kike-run propaganda … b…but if they write something which we can use against Muslims, then it's probably true" really exposes
>1. shills
>2. the gullible
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962846>>9962852
My armor is contempt
My shield is disgust
My sword is hatred
In the Emperor's name, let none survive.
▶ 45c380 (8) No.9962848>>9962855 >>9962861
>You are implying that the govt blocked uploads to every social media site, but only for videos containing evidence, the hundreds of screaming girls and a "boom", they let through, because they have a team of thousands sitting around to screen them just in case.
No, not necessarily. If I had to speculate I'd guess that they basically intercepted everything and then used algorithms to decide what to squash and what to allow through based on location metadata, maybe also forwarding borderline pieces of media to a human being for final judgement.
▶ d1c0bf (2) No.9962851>>9963025
I didn't even have to read the fucking file name. I just saw it. also this fucking captcha.
▶ 0a87ab (3) No.9962852
Good. Let the hate flow through you.
▶ 92951a (1) No.9962853>>9962874
>it's institutional!
>Backwards Christians!
>Don't blame a religion guys, individuals are responsible for their own actions
>Don't blame a religion guys, individuals are responsible for their own actions
>Don't blame a religion guys, individuals are responsible for their own actions
>Don't blame a religion guys, individuals are responsible for their own actions
how many times can they do it?
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962855>>9962889
> I'd guess that they basically intercepted everything and then used algorithms to decide what to squash and what to allow through based on location metadata
This gets even better. Now they have an algorithm which sifts video based on where the person was standing in the arena, if it contains video of an explosion and if it contains a seriously injured person.
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
▶ c3e192 (6) No.9962856
They played us like a DAMN FIDDLE!
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962857
I just found the Guernsey CIA nigger: Richard Palmer. What were you talking about Guernsey and Sandy Hook, Anon?
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962858
>Sandy Hook and Macron and Rothschilds are all linked to CIAniggers in Guernsey
▶ 1ffeeb (1) No.9962861>>9962868
Twitter has been censoring shit for years. Surely they've perfected the algorithm by now. Head of safety and security is a shady as shit lesbian.
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962862
I'm out until evidence is posted.
Until then it's just another mass media Kike fairytale.
▶ 2d69f9 (3) No.9962863>>9963025
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>9962803
>London mayor says 'terrorist attacks are part and parcel of city life'
>this shitty article about 'just carry on'
For fuck's sake, it's like England looked at parody/cautionary films like 1984 and Brazil and said 'We can turn this into reality.'
It's almost unreal at this point.
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962864
Well I hope they're staying in the countryside for most of that trip anon. Summer is a dangerous time in the middle east.
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9962865
>That too. I wouldn't expect a shit-scared 11-year old or a parent of the same to do anything except NOPE towards the nearest exit as quickly as possible.
And I'd also add that the UK security apparatus is probably leaning hard on these kids to turn over any footage at once or else. Most likely threatening legal action if they were to post it on social media as well.
▶ 0b4f65 (4) No.9962866>>9962870
>Mfw that's her new album cover
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9962868>>9962882 >>9962889
You know shit about British censorship.
If they wanted to cover this up they would have reported a gas explosion, as they did when the V2s were landing, as they did during the 7/11 bombing.
But carry on, your "highly advanced algorithm" is surely credible.
▶ 2d69f9 (3) No.9962870
I feel like there's a Viper meme of 'You'll cowards don't even praise Islam' in there somewhere.
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962872>>9962989 >>9963015
No, no. I've been posting here for 3 years, you huge faggot kike. You are trying desperately to shift the overton /pol/ window to fit into the "mentally ill/social outcast" spectrum. There is no doubt that you don't have the sack to tell people in real life about your desire to genocide old church going black women. Just admit you're a coward. Cowards aren't necessarily bad if they aren't weird faggots trying to 'influence' the internet into being the "most hardest corest of the internet raycist". Grow a pair and and go public. Otherwise stop trying to 'shame' people for not "going far enough". You're a huge kike. Everyone knows.
▶ d650af (5) No.9962874
If it's always individuals they should have a "bin that bomb" campaign since it's not phobic or anything.
▶ f547be (2) No.9962876
The fucking full-stop panic. Its videos like these that really make me lose all hope. These sheep who are so fucking dense they like Ariana Grande, defend the very people and religion that makes them wet themselves in fear after being in close proximity to an attack.
The blood spilled from the innocents truly means nothing. How pathetically sad. Their spirits won't even be honored.
>We mourn the loss of those unfortunate victims of terror, but remember don't get angry or seek retribution from those who seek to do the same to you. Forget this, you are expendable to the globalist agenda just like those victims."
Makes me fucking sick.
▶ 98fc8e (1) No.9962878>>9962880 >>9962881 >>9962888 >>9962891 >>9962906 >>9962913 >>9962934
▶ c3e192 (6) No.9962880
▶ 5322c7 (5) No.9962881>>9962890
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962882
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9962884
▶ 326ed7 (5) No.9962888>>9962901 >>9962913
Dubs of Death
▶ 45c380 (8) No.9962889>>9962903
>Now they have an algorithm which sifts video based on where the person was standing in the arena,
Yes, those have existed for a while. Tap into the CCTV, get a GPS fix and then nuke every upload tagged within a hundred yards or so. Not hard.
>if it contains video of an explosion and if it contains a seriously injured person.
How did you get that out of "location metadata"?
>Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
Do you?
They're not "covering it up", they're blunting the impact. As cucked as the brits are, if someone (or the internet) recognized a snackbar or two from the video, mob justice is a real possibility and the government is very, very keen to prevent that possibility.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962890>>9962894 >>9962916 >>9962993
>being happy young white girls are dead
>12 year old girls that go to some pop star's concert deserve death
You are such a faggot.
▶ 0b4f65 (4) No.9962891
Has hints of Breivik. Young zombie, sheep that are lost in the swamp of progressiveness.
▶ 168e2c (13) No.9962894>>9962900 >>9962907
fuck off normie go back to reddit
▶ dd79e7 (1) No.9962898
How do you prepare for such a thing in the UK?
Do you have access to your great-great-grandfather's blunderbuss?
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9962900
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962903>>9962924 >>9962941
Look at the (((banker))) telling the journalist not to cover the story.
>Peoples skin/blood&Feces where everywhere including in my hair & on my bag,I'm still finding bits of god knows what in my hair.I am fine & back in my hotel I hope everyone involved and in front of me is okay.We are being told it was a balloon/sound system but I can assure you it was not,You never ever expect these things too happen too you but this proves it can happen too anybody.
>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system
>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system
>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system
>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system
We are being told it was a balloon/sound system
>there wasn't an attempted coverup
▶ 91561e (1) No.9962904
This would be a jolly time to smash that manchester arena hastag with vids like that libtard politician that's sad that not more white people are dying or niggers calling for death of white people etc. I don't have Kikker and frankly i find it hard to give a fuck about this.
▶ 1e69ea (13) No.9962905
You shouldn't be telling anyone to "lurk moar". If you are a mod/volunteer etc, this place is thoroughly infiltrated with kikes trying to associate the average reader/poster with retarded neanderthal level retards…which is what box the kikes want to keep us in.
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9962906
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962907>>9962920 >>9962925
what are the 14 words, faggot?
▶ 86b2d9 (2) No.9962908>>9962914
thats fucking hilariosu
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962909
>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962911
>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system
▶ 23aa75 (8) No.9962914
>implying even bongs like corbyn
▶ 5322c7 (5) No.9962916>>9962919
They could have been reading books at home and learning to be mothers
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962917
▶ d6739f (5) No.9962918
Carried on exactly as before
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962919>>9962931
Say the 14 words. Do it.
▶ 168e2c (13) No.9962920>>9962922
redpilling a bunch of muslim sympathizers by sacrificing a few future skanks is preferable to the preservation of the white race.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962922>>9962929
Say the 14 words.
▶ 45c380 (8) No.9962924
>>We are being told it was a balloon/sound system
SOP for a large venue. They lie to attempt to prevent panic.
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9962925>>9962927
Give it another two minutes. He's having a hard time with (((google)))
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962927
>he has to get permission from a supervisor first
▶ 168e2c (13) No.9962929>>9962933 >>9962948
What do you think this is some kind of epic test you faggot autist?
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962933>>9962943
Say it, don't post a picture, you fucking kike.
▶ 3d6bc9 (2) No.9962937
That is a fully finished meme anon.
No further editing required.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962938>>9962950
14 words, faggot, do you know them?
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962940
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
▶ d650af (5) No.9962941
>You never ever expect these things too happen too you but this proves it can happen too anybody.
At least that's the glimmer of some sort of fucking awareness.
▶ 168e2c (13) No.9962943>>9962946
Hitler would revise that statement if he saw how bad they've gotten. Sacrificing them in order to fix them is desirable.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962944
and here you faggots are celebrating dead white kids.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962946>>9962951
>still refuses to say the 14 words
▶ d650af (5) No.9962948
Oh boy, trying to help your fellow tribe?
▶ 5322c7 (5) No.9962950>>9962955 >>9962957
Now I do, tough guy :^)
(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)▶ 168e2c (13) No.9962951>>9962955 >>9962957
At this point I'm just enjoying triggering your autism.
(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)▶ d650af (5) No.9962955>>9962965
>one second apart
Really makes you think.
▶ f85c46 (6) No.9962956
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9962957>>9962962
▶ 410086 (1) No.9962961
These happenings only bring me a sick pleasure now. Burn it all down
▶ ae9c44 (9) No.9962962
god you're cringey
(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9962965
▶ f547be (2) No.9962967>>9962977 >>9962980
What a fucking joke, 22 people just died and this "role model" literally bathes in self pity and attention whoring. Anyone wanna bet how many re-tweets #itsnotyourfaultariana gets in the next hour? Western society is fucking doomed.
▶ 291ade (2) No.9962968
Hang the traitors. Every last one.
▶ 326ed7 (5) No.9962971
>she wants to end her career
Now thats something worth praying for
▶ 8ee319 (3) No.9962972
Bohemian Grove Owl statues
▶ 44ebac (5) No.9962974
heres my tribute for what happened in manchester
▶ 319a01 (2) No.9962975
A new Venom Snake was born.
▶ 9ca89b (4) No.9962976>>9962987
so confirmed muds yet? Coulter's law in action says yes.
▶ c6bf1a (1) No.9962977
they already are. Checked her twitter to see who was replying to her. About 1/3 of the responses are calling out the reality of the situation, calling out the Muslim threat, the rest are all weepy #notyourfault bullshit.
▶ 1f0c4c (7) No.9962981
>that redhead
Look at how accepting of people the religion of peace is
▶ 628e7e (3) No.9962984
you have to get rid of them somehow, don't talk shit faggot
▶ 44ebac (5) No.9962987>>9963015
nah it was obviously a British white nationalist extremist
because its always those types that walk into a crowd of children and blow themselves up
▶ 992b4e (1) No.9962988>>9962997
▶ 88535b (21) No.9962989
>I'm an oldfag
>muh pr
Go public with what you cockmongler? My rayciss views? Anyone that knows me, knows what I think Because I'm neither a sackless sodomite nor do I have to worry about anything happening to me. Throw kike around all you want it's not going to change the fact that niggers are literally subhuman sharing more in common genetically with other extinct hominids than with modern Europeans or even Asians. Not to mention the extreme rate of psychopathy in relation to Europeans and Asians as well. Don't give me this bullshit about poor old black grannies when there's far worse being done to whites elderly or otherwise by blacks and other shitskins. You don't get to pretend that shit doesn't happen and if some retard goes off and plays an eye for eye so what? You pissed off because it makes you look like an asshole to all your aut-right friends when they find out you visit /pol/? You don't like it then get the fuck out. You can bitch about what was morally right or wrong when the worst is over but that shit hasn't even begun.
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9962993>>9963004
It's rough watching White children needlessly die in an affluent, corrupt society isn't it? Calm your autism lad.
▶ c34634 (1) No.9962997
▶ a02785 (1) No.9962999
Have to say, this is terrible, but at the same time, her fans are probably going to be mostly jail bait sluts or sluts in training. Not shedding any tears for these people when they are all fans of a celebritard that would gladly see us all hang for the sake of the same Diversity that in all likelihood just tried to kill them.
▶ 7cd1e3 (1) No.9963000>>9963007
Nope, this guy deleted it "since so many people asked him to". Use this for admittance that he did type it himself and that he wasnt sorry for the joke. Crucify him.
▶ 628e7e (3) No.9963001
>the frequency of bombings is not high enough! there must be one everyday hour before I think of looking out my window. then, who knows, they probably are doing it for a good reason. nobody can be that evil right?
▶ 5747a8 (14) No.9963004>>9963011
It's so rough UK MSM is calling for everyone to carry on.
▶ 44ebac (5) No.9963005>>9963009 >>9963010 >>9963016
its the BBC
you only find better media censorship in North Korea, Germany and Sweden tbh
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9963007
▶ de3d01 (2) No.9963008>>9963012
So the legends that some non-shills still post here are true.
▶ 88535b (21) No.9963009>>9963046
None of these countries have anything that can even be considered media at this point. Just literal propaganda machines.
▶ f85c46 (6) No.9963010
And out of those only Best Korea has at least benevolent intentions.
▶ 1f0c4c (7) No.9963011
>Cheerio lads, stiff upper lip, ignore the 22 dead, ignore the scary bearded men who want to kill you
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9963012
There are tons of us fighting the kikes and pedos, Anon.
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9963013>>9963026
Footage of suicide attack in Manchester.
>can't be fake, muh screaming girls, muh White horse.
>b…but muh 20,000
>because girls don't just mimic what they see.
oh wait, it was just the preparation exercise
▶ 9ca89b (4) No.9963015
>You are trying desperately to shift the overton /pol/ window to fit into the "mentally ill/social outcast" spectrum
Saint Dylann is not mentally ill.
>grow a pair and go public
I assume most people on /pol/ espouse their views IRL - at the very least in the company of close friends.
My entire circle knows how I think, most of my family does too, I even got a cousin to GTFO of his hapa stepmother's house because she was encouraging him to move to fucking Thailand.
I'm obviously a lot more radical about it online, IRL I still debate people instead of yelling "fuck off bluepilled KIKE" like an autist.
I take a WLP-tier approach, uncompromising, but put forward a decent presentation and I think you all ought to do the same, but remember:
never tell your enemies what you're going to do - simply do it
Fuck all these retards asking you to compromise because it might make you more palatable to lemmings who exist to serve the people who want you dead, your family raped, and your children to look nothing like you.
kek good point, my inner tinfoiler thinks this might be a false flag against Iran or something though. I doubt they'll frame whites, but they may frame a nation that's technically Islamic but opposes Israel and the Saudis like Iran or Syria.
>oy vey one of those nasty iranians blew up the children again, better go send more white goyim to die for us
▶ 8adb47 (13) No.9963016>>9963032
The Australians have a pretty tight grip on the media as well.
▶ 2d8036 (3) No.9963017>>9963022
Kek thinks you're onto something.
▶ 39f9b5 (1) No.9963021>>9963029 >>9963036 >>9963040
All Muslims need to be slaughtered, and we need to drop bombs on their holy sites in Saudi Arabia for that file name alone.
▶ ab9d63 (35) No.9963022
Well if the Anon posting Guernsey wasn't so fucking cagey with Sandy Hook maybe we could connect the dots.
▶ 3d6bc9 (2) No.9963024
I once decided to check if muslims did "bomb everyday" as he put it at least once somewhere in the world.
I gave up checking for news stories after a couple of weeks.
They do.
▶ 628e7e (3) No.9963025
>jewy OP
lel, better save that anon
Brazil fucked me up man, great movie. was just thinking of the same dinner scene today when I realize that this will probably have no effect on any bluepill subhumans. at least we don't have any forms to full out yet.
▶ 88535b (21) No.9963026
Anything but to be perfectly bald-faced.
▶ f85c46 (6) No.9963029>>9963036 >>9963039
▶ 44ebac (5) No.9963032
true ABC and SBS get there news mostly from CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera
you know, totally unbiased news there
▶ 88535b (21) No.9963036
>that shitty emblem
Do you not know how to use photoshop/gimp/paint?
Also this >>9963029
▶ 2a5c5f (5) No.9963038>>9963044
Wow muslims everywhere, must be an invasion.
▶ 68870b (1) No.9963039
the autism in this one
▶ 9ca89b (4) No.9963040>>9963055
Syria and Iran earned honorary status for opposing Israel in my book. They can help removing kikes and inherit Earth after we fuck off to go full space empire.
▶ 44ebac (5) No.9963042>>9963052
muslim taxi drivers and doctors are also more likely to abduct female passengers or molest female patients tbh
▶ 3a9369 (15) No.9963043
Technically the jews are to blame, josh
▶ 88535b (21) No.9963044
It's real in his mind
▶ ddd354 (14) No.9963046
>None of these countries have anything that can even be considered media at this point. Just literal propaganda machines.
But make an exception for when they report on suicide attacks because Kikes wouldn't lie about that.
▶ ca28e5 (11) No.9963048
The problem with Twatter is people have all already been classified and screened based on past comments, any sign of being "AGAINST" what has just happened, they are not able to have their comments seen when an even like this does occur, that is why all of the comments are the same drivel.
▶ c3e192 (6) No.9963050
>Muslim doctor
>"oh no! i lost another khaffir patient! what a shame. guess i just didn't see that one vital artery that i, er, accidentally severed while operating."
▶ fabf28 (1) No.9963051
It's why they chose Manchester instead of London.
▶ 9ca89b (4) No.9963052
Consider this: They wouldn't need fucking emergency taxis if it wasn't for their own people creating the fucking emergency.
Goddamn liberals.
>hey those birds stole my entire lunch, but it's okay because one dropped an old hot dog near me and it didn't give me terrible stomach problems
>birds welcome xD
▶ 88535b (21) No.9963055
Aren't Assads people alawites, secularist, shia types anyway? I don't really mind those too much so long as they stay the fuck in their sandbox.