Oh look who has provided positive reviews of Kees van der Pijl's conspiracy theory on #MH17 to be published by Manchester Uni Press @ManchesterUP . One of the reviewers is Gilbert Doctorow, a regular contributor to the anti-Semitic "Russia Insider" web-zine.
- Replying to @A_SHEKH0VTS0V @ManchesterUP
Dr. Pijls seems to have made an appearance at Global Research radio show at some point.https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-russian-revolution-at-100-the-legend-and-the-legacy/5616679 …
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Also at least has been a member of the "scientific committee" of the eurasianist magazine Geopolitica with the usual suspects https://web.archive.org/web/20170715081831/http://www.geopolitica-rivista.org/comitato-scientifico/ …
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And at least 2 articles published in the magazine of the nazi-maoist Claudio Mutti. https://www.insegnadelveltro.it/eurasia-3-2010/ https://www.insegnadelveltro.it/eurasia-2-2011/
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You probably know this already but just in case, Pijl also seems to be affiliated with something called Geopolitical Economy Research Group which seems to be a group of academics in contact with the likes of Kagarlitsky and Nazemroaya etc.
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Someone claiming to be an anarchist has set up a rather extensive blog post about these and other such red-brown collaborationist groups which seems to cover quite a few of these individuals https://ecology.iww.org/texts/misc/AnInvestigationintoRed-BrownAlliances …
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