Do Israelis Believe Goyim Will Be Slaves for the Jews?
I would argue that we already are slaves, but if the jewish supremacists see their ends times vision through, each jew will have 2,800 goys serving him as slaves.
I would argue that we already are slaves, but if the jewish supremacists see their ends times vision through, each jew will have 2,800 goys serving him as slaves.
They can forget about it. I will never serve any jew whatever they have ib store for me. Which from I’ve seen so far can be very sadistic.
Jewish Supremacy Complex
The first reaction to truth is hatred. Tertullian Prevention of birth is a precipitation of murder. Tertullian You cannot parcel out freedom in pieces because freedom is all or nothing. Tertullian Truth engenders hatred of truth. As soon as it appears, it is the enemy. Tertullian Out of the frying pan, into the fire. Tertullian It is certain because it is impossible. Tertullian Nothing that is God’s is obtainable by money. Tertullian What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? Tertullian The more you mow us down, the more numerous we grow; the blood of Christians is seed.… Read more »
God’s speech to Abram: Gen. 17.4 “As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations”. 5 “No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations”. Father of many Nations is written in Hebrew language “ab hamon goyim” But Goyim means also BODY and the secret meaning suggests that the body has to serve the mind. This is clearly shown in the later myth (Gen. 32.29) of Jacob where God also renamed Jacob into Israel after he… Read more »
Unfortunately we are all slaves to the Jew, morally, spiritually and physically. And the chains has become tighter. People who thinks differently are naive and either lack “memory of the blood” or historical knowledge or “true philosophical insight”.
All cultural phenomenons are jewish. The world of today is nothing but a burning hell.