A dead simple git cheatsheet.
Branches. | ||
git branch | List all local branches. | |
git branch -a | List remote and local branches. | |
git checkout -b branch_name | Create a local branch and switch to it. | |
git checkout branch_name | Switch to an existing branch. | |
git push origin branch_name | Push branch to remote. | |
git branch -m new_name | Rename current branch. | |
git branch -d branch_name | Delete a local branch. | |
git push origin :branch_name | Delete a remote branch. | |
Logs. | ||
git log --oneline | Show commit history in single lines. | |
git log -2 | Show commit history for last N commits. | |
git log -p -2 | Show commit history for last N commits with diff. | |
git diff | Show all local file changes in the working tree. | |
git diff myfile | Show changes made to a file. | |
git blame myfile | Show who changed what & when in a file. | |
git remote show origin | Show remote branches and their mapping to local. | |
Cleanup. | ||
git clean -f | Delete all untracked files. | |
git clean -df | Delete all untracked files and directories. | |
git checkout -- . | Undo local modifications to all files. | |
git reset HEAD myfile | Unstage a file. | |
Tags. | ||
git tag | List all tags. | |
git tag -a tag_name -m "tag message" | Create a new tag. | |
git push --tags | Push all tags to remote repo. | |
Stashes. | ||
git stash save "stash name" && git stash | Save changes to a stash. | |
git stash list | List all stashes. | |
git stash pop | Apply a stash. |