

Tweeting about the Syrian war. Backup account:

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Joined May 2019

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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Oct 15
  2. Retweeted
    9 hours ago

    A million Syrians, most of them Sunni Arabs, have been murdered by the -- coalition and ten million more displaced, in some of the most extreme cases like Aleppo city with the help of "the Kurds" (/). Condemn 's incursion. Have some perspective.

  3. 9 hours ago

    These kind of people will be invited by CNN or other propaganda channels to tell the people how bad the Turks and Syrian rebels are. F*ck em all.

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  4. 9 hours ago

    Journalism 2019 😜🤪

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  5. 10 hours ago

    I just made a screenshot of her tweet so people will know she creates and she shouldn't be trusted with news/information.

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  6. 10 hours ago

    This is a fake tweet, the babies in the pictures were not victim of Turkish airplanes, they were victims in 2015 of Russian warplanes!

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  7. 11 hours ago

    Current situation of Northern Syria. (If I missed something please PM me).

  8. 13 hours ago

    We will not forget our martyrs and how the PKK/YPG disgraced their bodies. You won't see this video on western media channels.

  9. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    ❝Türk askeri bize yardım dağıtıyor. Çok mutlu olduk. Bundan sonraki süreçte huzur ve güvene kavuşmayı arzuluyoruz❞ Terörden temizlenen Tel Halaf'ta Mehmetçik çocukların yüzünü güldürdü.

  10. 15 hours ago

    Foreign militant inside Ras Al Ayn City: "The ceasefire was a lie and only benefited erdogan and trump, we will not be political tools for countrys wich leaders are totall fucking nutcases! There will be no surrender we will defend our land and our people.."

  11. Retweeted
    16 hours ago
    Replying to

    Yes this will happen, they will strengthen their positions and booby-trap everything, every building, every street and our soldiers (Turkish Army/SNA) will be the ones taking the blows. They use this ceasefire to regroup their ranks and to make the upcoming advance harder.

  12. 16 hours ago

    This also confirms that the Turkish Forces and Syrian National Army are fully committed to the ceasefire. Otherwise they couldn't pass trough the checkpoints in Ras Al Ayn.

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  13. 16 hours ago

    A civilian convoy allied to the PKK militants entered Ras Al Ayn City and took the wounded PKK fighters with them back to Tel Tamar/Qameshli, the PKK fighters however did not withdraw from the City and they are still there.

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  14. 16 hours ago

    Heroes of Jaysh Al-Islam have some free time during ceasefire and enjoying some corn 😋

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  15. 16 hours ago

    Jaysh Al-Islam at the front-lines in operation spring of peace and getting greeted by the civilians who got liberated from the terrorist PKK organization. ✌️😎

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  16. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    But we won't see a bit of the same histeria which the world showed for the joint Syrian-Turkish military operation against the YPG. For years, Russia and Assad massacred thousands of civilians but nobody cares. Try to explain this to a Syrian in Idlib.

  17. Retweeted

    Theater of Chemical Weapons from PYD/YPG/PKK. Lets do a fact-check quickly with photos from their video. WARNING! Extreme Looking Graphics. FAKE NEWS/NICE THEATER

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  18. 17 hours ago

    أنشودة الإخوة المقاتلين على محور رأس العين

  19. 18 hours ago
  20. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    the eyes are the mirrors of the soul. gozler, ruhun aynasidir.

  21. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    Erdoğan: "Harekat bölgemizin bir kısmında Rusya korumasındaki rejim güçleri bulunuyor. Meseleyi Putin'le ele alacağız. Bir hal çaresi bulmamız lazım."


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