Faysal ItaniVerified account


Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. Adjunct Professor at George Washington University. Motorcyclist. Amateur parrot trainer. All views my own.

Washington, DC
Joined October 2012


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    11 Sep 2018
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    Lebanon’s political class is so corrupt, so beyond empathy, so disconnected from the people that an MP from minister and president’s party boasts he can leave in his yacht now that protests died down. .

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    11 hours ago

    is trying to steal the streets. This is worrying. They want to be both the authority and the opposition. It’s ridiculous!

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  6. Sorry brother, you're part of the elite too.

  7. Amazing that, for a country that is considerably more open and accessible, insta-expert Lebanon takes are even more idiotic than Syria ones.

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    12 hours ago
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    People hurled tear gas canisters back at security forces. Other officers rubbed onions gently on their faces to help w/ the sting. Asked if they wished they could join the crowds, policemen stood stonyfaced. “I cannot answer you. I just cannot answer you.”

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    10 hours ago
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  13. absolutely agree. the system is supple and masterful. let's see what they come up with. lebanon is a very difficult place to have an uprising.

  14. Cop-out but at least his solution isn't mass murder and indefinite domination.

  15. Retweeted
    20 hours ago

    Lebanon FM Bassil presser: •I feel your pain & understand why our supporters joined protests, but beware of others’ (ie Jumblatt/Geagea) political agenda. If you follow them chaos awaits. •We will lead the reforms, PM Hariri is ready & Nasrallah is with us yadayadayada...

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  18. Also spared aoun the embarassment of trying to make sense for ten minutes straight.

  19. Retweeted
    Oct 17

    Hilarious take-down of OTV, a “news” channel affiliated with the Free Patriotic Movement that was broadcasting cooking shows as thousands protested across the country

  20. Retweeted
    Oct 18

    • At least 4 ministers won't take part in Cabinet session set for this afternoon (Lebanese Forces) • may cancel the session and address the nation • Number of protestors increasing again and with the weekend ahead, this isn’t likely to die down

  21. Retweeted
    Oct 18

    Is this guy smoking something? “...the regime won’t interfere in their local self-administration and people’s affairs at all”


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