I mean....pic.twitter.com/sFu0AogtR5
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Even as a registered Democrat I agree with you on this one. I'm no Tulsi Gabbard fan but this smear campaign is disgusting.
Calling her a Russian asset is basically calling her a Russian spy. That's where these criticisms step over the line.
Calling anyone a Russian spy is a trigger that makes two things possible: it can be the predicate for a counterintelligence investigation, but more importantly it means if there is a declared war, that person is now working for a foreign power on US soil. Exceedingly useful.
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She's not wrong. Any "Democrat" supporting Tulsi needs to take a hard look at what she's really all about. And anyone who runs third party should be dead to that party, forever.
This doesn't mean she wouldn't run on another ticket that would nominate her, though.
This strikes me as highly speculative. I wouldn’t wager on that happening.
Beto said he wouldn't run for president and look where we are
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There are pictures of Jill Stein sitting at a table with Putin, she absolutely is a Russian asset. Hillary actually was Secretary of State, she has knowledge of this stuff.
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She was! Perhaps unknowingly if we are being generous but it's already documented how Russia used her candidacy.
She ate dinner at a table with Mike Flynn and Vlad Putin.
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At least one Dem speaking out properly.
@3L3V3NTH - End of conversation
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She knows ...
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