How deep are you going here? Any easy examples? I'm not emailing my wife that's she's generally right 95% of the time am I?
Hm, hard to give necessary context but here are two vague examples: (1) Someone told me [mutual acquaintance of ours] was undermining them professionally; I didn't believe them at the time, but later learned more info that made this seem very plausible..
(2) Someone told me a pattern they've noticed about how psychology works; I did not recognize it at the time, but a few years later had noticed the same pattern myself
That's interesting on a few levels. Thanks Julia. Generally I really do love the idea. Just trying to see where it fits best
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I have similar reasons for sending "That thing you encouraged me to do ended up working well. [data or elaboration goes here]." and would encourage more people to try it.
(I'd probably send in the event it was a notable failure, too, but the copy would be different for social reasons. "Worthy experiment run per your suggestion; wanted to close the loop and tell you of the results." or similar.)
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The most important for me would be to de-train the tendency we all have of doing mental gymnastics along the lines of "I was right in a way" or even stronger forms where you turn blind eyes to evidence etc. A clear admittance + outwardly expressed helps avoid that.
Also if you push the culture your circles in the direction of making it common, everyone can admit mistakes easier.
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This makes me curious how often this happens to you
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I try to correct myself louder than I err.
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Then they will get to say "I told you so" :)
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I do this with my kids. Acknowledging I was wrong and the kid was right helps them see it's ok to be wrong. And to own up to having been wrong.
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I disagree. But maybe I’ll email you sometime later.
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