The Goal is the following: The goal is to get to Heaven. The goal is to live for a long time. The goal is to live forever. The goal is to avoid being burned alive in the fires of Hell forever. The goal is to have a lot of good fun. The goal is to have a good life.
I am a Third Degree Free Mason. I am a Third Degree member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. I am a Shriner. I am a Knights Templar. Many of the organizations that I am a Member of have high standards for Membership, and of course We do not accept everyone. We desire to make good people better. I like to watch Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and Wrestling. I was on a Soccer team, Basketball team, and Swim team. My Dad was a coach of my Basketball team at Portland Christian School. I have had many jobs. I am a Writer. And I am a Blogger. And I am writing books and movies. I have been a member of the Republican National Committee (RNC) since the year 2004, and I am a member of the Oregon Republican Party, and I am a Republican. I like any good political party. A Man — President George W. Bush — called Himself a, “Compassionate Conservative.” And many People are, in a certain way, or in certain ways, Socially Conservative (SC) and Fiscally Liberal (FL) or Socially Liberal (SL) and Fiscally Conservative (FC) or Socially Conservative and Fiscally Conservative or Socially Liberal and Fiscally Liberal. Compassionate Conservative (CC). I am a member of several Christian organizations. And I am a Christian, and I am a Baptized Christian, and I am a Christian who has Professed The Articles of The Christian Faith. As is the case with Many Religions, Christianity has Many Traditions. Christianity and We Christians have, for example, the Traditions of Christmas and Easter. I am Straight. I have paid money to Christian World Vision to help care for Sorina, my daughter from Romania. When I was 7 years of age, I learned how to read and how to write at Portland Christian School. And when I was 18 years of age, I graduated from Cleveland High School with High Honors. I am an American. And I am a US Citizen. And I am also European. And I am 100 Percent European. Many of My Family Members are Fellow Members of Organizations that I am a Member of. And Many of My Family Members are Fellow Baptized Christians. And Many of My Family Members are Fellow Americans and Fellow US Citizens. And Many of My Family Members have been Fellow Registered Voters. And Many of My Family Members are Fellow Registered Republicans. And Many of My Family Members attended High School. And Many of My Family Members are High School Graduates. And Many of My Family Members attended College. And Many of My Family Members are College Graduates. When I was at Georgetown University, I joined Mensa, a High IQ organization, and I am a Mensan. I am a member of the IQ organization called the Top One Percent Society (TOPS). When I was a Junior at Georgetown University, I went to a Psychologist for an IQ Test, which was part of the process for Me to become a Mensa Member. From the IQ Test Report: “Mr. [Brandon] Katrena is functioning in the top one percent of the population in terms of his overall intellectual functioning. His relative strengths are in the area of verbal comprehension, including vocabulary, verbal reasoning and fund of knowledge, where he functions in the Very Superior Range.” My Cumulative IQ is in the Top One Percent (TOP): And My Verbal Comprehension Index IQ is about 150, and My Fund of Knowledge IQ is also about 150, and I scored Four Perfect Scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs): 800 Verbal; 800 World History; 800 Literature; 800 American History. Are you a Fellow Genius? And are you also a Fellow Verbal Genius? I am a Genius. And I am also a Verbal Genius (VG). I believe in Father God.
A paraphrased question that was asked: “What is your favorite part of the body?” My Answer: The Brain and The Heart. — Brandon
I read in a Scientific Journal that the Human Brain is often Not fully developed until about the age of 25, and what I read is probably true. And the following is from an MIT Website regarding Children, Youngsters, and Youths, and Their Brains: “According to recent findings, the human brain does not reach full maturity until at least the mid-20s. (See J. Giedd in References.) The specific changes that follow young adulthood are not yet well studied, but it is known that they involve increased myelination and continued adding and pruning of neurons. As a number of researchers have put it, “the rental car companies have it right.” The brain isn’t fully mature at 16, when we are allowed to drive, or at 18, when we are allowed to vote, or at 21, when we are allowed to drink, but closer to 25, when we are allowed to rent a car.” The Source: . And The Writers of The US Constitution made sure that a Man or a Woman had to be 35 years of age or older in order to be President of The United States of America. — Brandon
According to Scientific Research, some individuals are given many new brain cells daily. And some individuals get about 300 million new brain cells daily. — Brandon
A Person on Television said, “I call Surviving a Victory.” — Brandon
In preparation for the unlikely event of a nuclear missile strike, organizations should make sure that there are Radiation Medicines. And, in preparation for the unlikely event of biological warfare and/or chemical warfare, organizations should make sure that there are stockpiles of vaccines and treatments for illnesses and diseases.
Here is a logical and good solution for organizations to safeguard their important information from hackers: organizations should simply save their important information on disks and print this information out. Disks and papers are not connected to the Internet, and therefore hackers cannot get to the information safely stored on disks and on paper. Many disks and many papers should also be stored in fire resistant and water resistant containers and safes. This is logical and good.
An Often Truthful saying is, “Do Not Place all of your Eggs in One Basket.” And another Often Truthful saying is, “There are a few bad apples in every bunch.” — Brandon
The following is one of over 800 Jokes that I have Wrote: “You and I are Thinking, don’t do it: They have Nukes.” — Brandon
Vital Infrastructure, such as our Power Grids, should be protected against the possibility of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack. As the truthful saying states, “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.”
In a College Psychology Classroom, I filled out paperwork, and My Myers-Briggs Personality Test is INTJ — An Acronym that stands for: Introverted; Intuitive; Thinking; Judging, also known as The Scientist and The Master Mind. And this Other Personality test that I had today, that matches people’s answers to questions with characteristics of Chocolate, says that I am like a Caramel Chocolate: The Test states that I am like a Caramel Chocolate because: “You’re fun, well-liked, and popular with those you meet. People feel comfortable with you, and you never let them down. Oh, and you’re incredibly sweet.”
A Quote from Walt Whitman: “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.”
This is Part of My Philosophy on Life: He was Just Shooting the Breeze. He was Just Talking to Talk. She was Just Shooting the Breeze. She was Just Talking to Talk. They were Just Shooting the Breeze. They were Just Talking to Talk. I have been around a lot of people, and they, like Me, have sometimes Shot the Breeze: Talked Just to Talk. You too have probably sometimes Shot the Breeze: Talked Just to Talk. Furthermore, The Context is Important. Maybe He is an Actor who Acted for an Acting Role. And maybe She is an Actress who Acted for an Acting Role. And maybe They are Actors and/or Actresses who Acted for (an) Acting Role(s). As the truthful saying and metaphor says: “Sticks and stones may break My bones but words will never hurt Me.” What someone says rarely really matters. Actions, what someone does, are Important.
I got done reading some Good Writings, including reading some Interesting Satirical Fan Fiction (also known by the Acronym “SFF”). I have a Great and Wonderful Life. I have had a Great and Wonderful Life. I will continue to have a Great and Wonderful Life. We live in a Great and Wonderful World and Nation. The United States of America is a Great Nation. And there are many other Great Nations.
America is doing Well, and America is Strong. And The United States of America is one of the Strongest Nations in The World. As My Grandpa said, paraphrasing, “America is Number One.” And Many Americans are doing Well, and Many Americans are Strong. And all of this is Good. — Brandon
A few days ago, I mailed in My Voting Ballot for The Local, State, and Federal Elections. — Brandon
Regarding World Events: When I read The News in the Newspaper, or when I watch The News on Television, I remind Myself that there are often just a Small Amount of Major (and Minor) Glitches Relative to the Amount of Activities Done.
18 of My, Brandon’s, Logical Sayings: 1.) There are good goals. And there are bad goals. The Goal is the following: The goal is to get to Heaven. The goal is to live for a long time. The goal is to live forever. The goal is to avoid being burned alive in the fires of Hell forever. The goal is to have a lot of good fun. The goal is to have a good life. 2.) Heaven is for more than 84,000 years. Heaven is for more than 84 trillion years. And Heaven is for forever. Individuals will live in giant houses in Heaven, and I am sure there will be great foods and great drinks in Heaven. 3.) There is no time like the present. 4.) As a truthful metaphor states, “A stitch in time saves nine.” And on many occasions a stitch in time saves much more than nine. 5.) As former United States Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, said: “There are known knowns. There are known unknowns. And there are unknown unknowns.” 6.) Some is often better than none. 7.) An attention to details is important. As the saying goes, “For lack of the nail, the war was lost.” 8.) Is this true? How do you know this to be true? How many ways do you know this to be true? Is this false? How do you know this to be false? How many ways do you know this to be false? What are some other possibilities? How many other possibilities are there? Is this important? Why is this important? How many ways is this important? Is this not important? Why is this not important? How many ways is this not important? 9.) If you put your hands on a wall in the forms of large parentheses ( ) and you look in the center of the large parentheses made by your hands, you will see just a portion of the wall. If you then look around the entire room, you will see a larger picture. The goal is to get to Heaven. 10.) Yesterday’s events made today’s events possible. 11.) Where would you rather be: Heaven or Hell? The goal is to get to Heaven. Father God, and God is also our Father, decides who goes to Heaven or Hell. 12.) Money is paper made from trees. Money is created by printing presses. Money is not very important. And Money Grows Back (MGB). You cannot take your money or your physical possessions with you when you go to Heaven. 13.) Is this good? Why is this good? How many ways is this good? Is this really good? Is this logical? Why is this logical? How many ways is this logical? Is this really logical? 14.) Potential Action A is different from Potential Action B. Potential Action B is different from Potential Action A. Potential Action A can be done, and Potential Action B does not have to be done. Potential Action B can be done, and Potential Action A does not have to be done. Not all actions should be done. It is not all actions or nothing. Not all actions should be done. Each potential action should be evaluated by itself. After each potential action is evaluated by itself, all the potential actions should then be judged in certain combinations, and then holistically, together, which will help show a bigger picture, and it will enable you to see what the good consequences are, and to see what the bad consequences are. The goal is to get to Heaven. 15.) As a truthful saying states, “The truth can be stranger than fiction.” 16.) An individual’s psychological outlook on life can influence a person’s physical health. 17.) Who? What? Why? How? Where? When? What is this? How many things is this? What do you know about this? How many things do you know about this? What important things do you know about this? How many important things do you know about this? What is the definition of this? What are the definitions of this? Does this make sense? Why does this make sense? How many things make this make sense? Does this Not Make Sense (which is the Acronym “NMS”)? Why does this Not Make Sense? For how many reasons does this Not Make Sense? What is necessary for someone or something to be something — for example, what is necessary for someone to be a Member of a Certain Organization? How many things are necessary for someone or something to be something? What important information is there? How much important information is there? What important information can there be? How much important information can there be? In the movie The Passion of the Christ, an actor who plays Jesus asks, “What is truth?” Good is that which Father God would approve of. Good is only that which Father God would approve of. Truth is that which is real. Truth is reality. Truth is only that which is real. Truth is only that which is reality. What someone has, and what someone does not have, is often a good indication of what has occurred, and what has not occurred. Some things should be done. Many things should not be done. Not everything should be done. There is a time for many things. There is a place for many things. There is not a time for many things. There is not a place for many things. I buckle my seat belt, as one serious mistake and it can all be over. The Theory known as Occam’s Razor is a False Concept. Occam’s Razor states that all things being Equal, the Simplest Explanation is the Answer, which is False, as Life is often more Complicated than a Broad Generalization about Explanations. And The Slippery Slope Concept is Not Always a Logical Fallacy, as individuals often become more tolerant, for Good or for Bad, to other things by gradual changes. Additionally, as seen throughout History, one Extreme will often, although Not always, set the groundwork for another Extreme. Moderation is often more desirable. 18.) As a truthful saying states, “Laughter is the best medicine.” — Brandon Katrena
A Person called Me today on My Cellphone from an Unlisted Phone Number, and He said that His Make Believe Company detected that I had a Virus on My Computer, which was somehow detected by His Make Believe Company. I then told Him that I did Not believe Him, and I hung up My Telephone. Scam. Scams. — Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many Things should be Viewed with a Healthy Dose of Thought and/or some Skepticism.” — Brandon
Some of My Essays, many of which were written, or partly written, in about the year 2001:
If you touch it, you might get a splinter in your hand. It comes from a nation consistently rated the number one place to live; however, you would not want to live there in the year 1349, as you could have gotten The Plague, as did about a third of the population. The country offers cradle to grave benefits, and it takes good care of its Citizens. And it was neutral during World War I. Many of its Citizens speak English, although that is not the official language. You might get the splinter in your hand from a Viking Ship, and the country is Norway.
“Save us, oh Lord, from the fury of the Norsemen,” was an English Prayer said about 900 years ago, said to Father God to try to get help from the Vikings, many of whom came from the nation of Norway. And you too might say that prayer if you saw dozens of men departing from wooden Viking ships, battle axes, swords, and shields in their hands, running towards your house from the beach, screaming “seier!” which means “victory” in Norwegian. The Vikings settled in England, Ireland, Iceland (which is really quite hospitable, despite its name), Greenland (which is really Not very hospitable, despite its name), North America, and in Normandy, and, in 1066, a descendent of the Norsemen, William the Conqueror of Normandy, landed in England, and he established Norman rule there.
No longer is that prayer about the Norsemen seriously said. And Modern-Day Norway is different than it was hundreds of years ago. Many of its Citizens speak English, and — like many other European Nations — its Socialistic Government offers cradle to grave benefits, paid for by taxes that take up about half of a person’s wages, and, according to the United Nations, Norway is the best place to live in the world.
During World War I, Norway was Neutral. During World War II, fought from 1939 to 1945, Norway was initially Neutral; however, Nazi Germany invaded anyway, and Norway was occupied by about 100,000 German Soldiers. After World War II, Norway found large oil reserves in the nearby sea, which helped create one of the largest Investment Funds, valued at about 400 billion dollars, which will help the country when the oil runs out. Serious crimes are few and far between, and running towards houses after disembarking from wooden Viking boats, with battle axes, swords, and shields in hand, are things of the past.
Your College: an Excellent School that, via Synergy, I can Benefit
At 7:32 a.m. I squeeze the tube of toothpaste, and in a few minutes warm water envelopes my body. I begin the day doing activities ranging from helping in my Masonic Lodge to watching Ultimate Fighting Championship dvds to reading a good book to writing a good book to being a Board Member of a Non-Profit Foundation, which became incorporated in the state of Oregon in the year 2011, and which helps individuals overcome mental health issues. As the book The Republic said it would, the journeys called education and learning are helping to develop my character and way of thinking. While going through the usual process of growing up, I have discovered that self-discipline allows me to learn exponentially, and learning is awesome, in whatever setting, such as listening to professors give lectures to doing independent studies to reading the classics. There is so much for me to learn, and I long to better understand the ideas of such great educators as Sigmund Freud and Maimonides. Gone are the days when I, donning the hat of youthful immaturity, allowed test anxiety to get in the way of my education: I have jumped over that hurdle. These education and learning journeys have led me to want to graduate from your college, an excellent school with highly intelligent professors, with world class facilities, and where, as discussed on pages 261-284 of Stephen Covey’s bestselling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, this confluence of intelligent faculty, staff, and students creates synergy, making for powerful learning experiences. I like powerful learning experiences.
From rolling up my sleeves and hosting fêtes for the college community, with plenty of brie, crackers, desserts, and music in my capacity as President of the French-Speaking Club to helping with UNICEF’s iodine deficiency relief project, as I have done in the past in the other schools I have attended, I can benefit, as well as be benefited by, the extracurricular activities that your school has to offer. As is the case with a confluence of intelligent individuals, I have found that a combination of educational and extracurricular experiences creates enriching synergy. And I sent in a black folder that has a copy of a newspaper article about this volunteer work written by Portland Community College’s The Bridge newspaper writer Trish Couture. Also included in this black folder is a copy of another newspaper article, this newspaper article was written by me, wrote when I was Treasurer of Alpha Eta Iota, which is part of Phi Theta Kappa, encouraging individuals to join the academic honorary society Alpha Eta Iota. And also in this black folder are copies of my transcripts and awards.
Willamette University, the first university in the West, is a great school, with such notable graduates as United States Senator Mark Hatfield; and ever since the awards were given out in 1990, its professors, including three of the ones who taught me, frequently win the prestigious Oregon Professor of the Year award which is given by the Carnegie Foundation. Your school is an excellent institution of higher learning that provides a great education, and I would like to graduate from it, help create enriching synergy, and from there continue my education and learning journeys.
This organization involves more than rituals. And this organization involves more than going through the motions. The Free Masons, My Brothers, make the world a better place for current and future generations, including for my future wife and my children. Free Masons roll up their sleeves and donate time and energy to charities. Additionally, this Fraternity contributes over 400 million dollars each year to charities, such as to the Shriners’ Hospitals, which help burn victims, and to local charity organizations. The Free Masons, and there have been millions of Free Masons — former United States Presidents George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Gerald Ford were Free Masons, and baseball legend Cy Young was a Brother Free Mason, and musical composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a Free Mason, as was the movie star John Wayne — and We Masons are Members of the Masonic Fraternity that has been around for over 280 years, and many states and nations have Masonic Grand Lodges that are in charge of the individual Masonic lodges. I am glad to be a member of a Fraternity that has, and lives by, the motto: “Brotherly Love. Relief. Truth.”
Words from a 19th Century Transcendentalist that Echo in My Soul
Its 20 words belie its importance for it has made an enormous impression on me, influencing my thoughts, words, and actions. Poet Henry David Thoreau put it excellently when he stated: “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor,” which has led me to formulate a goal: to fully live a life that I view as worth living, and in order to do this, I must fulfill certain criteria. Constant self-improvement is a criterion. Going to college, in addition to being actively involved with clubs and organizations and working, gives me the opportunity to periodically exchange ideas with others, and this is important, as it is a means to improve my thinking. For example, several years ago, I read something regarding abortion. It made sense. After further contemplation, I changed my opinion about that subject.
While it is vital to have an open mind, it is of course not the only means for self-improvement. Luckily, I came to the realization that the body and mind are in an inextricable relationship. Being healthy and mentally acute help me to fulfill another important criterion necessary to fully live a life worth living: contributing to the advancement of God’s children. It is my hope that someday soon our world will be a place where rationalism is ubiquitous, and where the world is more civilized, decent, honorable, and good.
Do I presently fulfill all the criteria necessary to fully live a life that I view as worth living? Yes, as I am more altruistic and devoted to self-improvement than I was before, and I am — slowly, incrementally — coming closer to fulfilling my goal.
A Joyous Reunion
For much of my life, it had aged well. Many might have assumed from its bright blue hue, golden lettering, and wrinkle-free pages that it was 4 or 5 years old, when it was really 25. My Bible’s stay on my bookcase for most of its life was the secret to its youthful appearance.
When I was a child, I read my Bible weekly. As I grew older, I only read it a couple of times a year, then not at all, and my Bible found its way on my bookcase, between Treasure Island and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. On a winter day in 2001, I was sitting at my desk wanting something to read, and I looked at my bookcase and golden letters on a book’s spine brought back old memories. I reached over, picked up my Bible, brushed off a thin layer of dust from its smooth surface, and opened randomly, reading for the first time in a long time stories like the parting of the Red Sea, Moses’s receiving of the Ten Commandments, Jesus’s Walking on Water, and Elijah’s going to Heaven on a Chariot of Fire.
In addition to containing stories, I have found that the Bible also contains wisdom applicable throughout the ages. For example, I have learned that even in the most difficult of times, God is still there; the difficult times are only temporary, and all will be well. Whether at my desk, in the car, or at a religious service, where I go my Bible goes. It is starting to look its age. And that is good. — Brandon Katrena
December 25th, Christmas, is the Celebration of Jesus’s Birthday. From The Bible, John 3:16: “For God so Loved the World, that He gave His only Begotten Son. For whosoever Believe in Him shall Not Perish, but Have Everlasting Life.” May you have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. — Brandon
A Quote from Jules Verne: “While there is life there is hope.”
The goal is to live a good life. The goal is to live forever. The goal is to live for a long time. The goal is to get to Heaven. Being Moral is Very Important. Living a Moral Life is Very Important. Morality is Very Important. Money is not very important. You cannot take money or your physical possessions with you when you go to Heaven. I, Brandon, am a Hard Worker. I, Brandon, have been a Hard Worker. The means of production is sort of important. Work is sort of important. For example, someone might work in the Forestry Industry as a Forester picking up tree limbs in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work in the Restaurant Industry as a Dish Washer washing dishes in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work in the Journalism Industry as a Copy Editor in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work in the Real Estate Industry as a Real Estate Assistant in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work as a Nurse in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work as an Advisor in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work as a Writer in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work at other jobs in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may exchange a good or a service for another good or a service.
“Minority Report” is a Great Movie to Watch. — Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “You should be Careful Not to Group Everyone Together. Appearances can sometimes be Deceiving. And You should also be Careful Not to Stereotype Individuals. And you should also be Careful Not to Generalize about Individuals. And you should also be aware about the often Truthful saying that, ‘There are a few bad apples in every bunch.'” — Brandon
I have a Very Good Life. I have had a Very Good Life. I will continue to have a Very Good Life. We live in a Very Good World. And The United States of America is a Very Good Nation. And there are Many other Very Good Nations. If a person has a House to Live in, Food to eat, Drinks to Drink, Clothing to Wear, some Money to Buy Things, Heat, and a Bed to Sleep in, and if He or She can Openly Worship Father God, and if He or She Likes Father God, that Person has it Very Good, and there is Little, and probably No, Reason to Complain.
It can Be Cold in DC. It can Be Cold Anywhere. Anyone can Be Cold. It can Be Nice in DC. It can Be Nice Anywhere. Anyone can Be Nice. There are Good Times to Be Cold. There are Good Times to Be Nice. Cold. Nice. — Brandon
No matter what the situation is, and no matter what the environment is, I have a Strong Moral Compass that has never let Me down. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and good is good, and bad is bad, and true is true, and false is false, no matter what year it is. Good Morals do not change. Good Morals do not change according to opinion polls. Good Morals are only that which Father God would approve of. Truth does not change. Truth does not change according to opinion polls. Good does not change. Good does not change according to opinion polls. Good is only that which Father God would approve of. Truth is only reality. Truth is only that which is real. Age to Age (ATA). And Year to Year (AYTY and YTY). It is Good to have a Good Anchor. — Brandon
The V symbol produced by the hands means Victory. Many individuals, including Winston Churchill, who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and who was also a fellow Free Mason, gave the V symbol produced with his hands, which means Victory.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “What is something? What Really is something? What important information should you know? How much important information should you know? What, for example, is Really a House? A House is often basically just some Trees cut down as well as some Electronics. What is Really a Spacecraft? A Spacecraft is often basically just some Metals and Electronics. What are Really some Clothes? Clothes are often basically just some fabrics created from the wool of sheep. What is the Value of something? What is the Real Value (RV) of something?” — Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many things, such as Antibodies, are Very Important.” — Brandon
Hot dog and ice cream in my hands, I watched the Portland TrailBlazers win a basketball game at the Rose Garden.
In one of My Writings, The Man said to someone else, “For several reasons you have been Fortunate, including the fact that you are Older. You have lived many Good Days, and you have done Many Good Things.” — Brandon
We live in a great nation. The United States of America is a great nation. I like Our US Government, which is Our Government, and which helps keep US safe. I am an American. And I am a US Citizen. I have many Family Members who are Americans. I have many Family Members who are US Citizens. I like Uncle Sam.
Prosperity does Not happen through the Confiscation of Wealth: this is Not a Zero Sum Game. Instead, Prosperity for Many People can happen through the Wise Utilization of Resources, especially Natural Resources. Almost Everyone can Live Well. — Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many Things, although Not everything, are Negotiable.” Negotiable. Not Negotiable (NN). — Brandon
Close often only counts during The Games of Horseshoes and Darts. — Brandon
This was a Great Super Bowl XLIX (49) to watch. — Brandon
I have done many Good Things. And that is Good. I will do many Good Things. And that is Good. I am not too interested in many things. And that is Good. I do not want to do many things. And that is Good. I have not done many things. And that is Good. I will not do many things. And that is Good. It is often Good to have Restraint. It is often Good to have Self-Control. Zero number of Times is often a good number of Times for many things. As a Truthful saying and metaphor states: “Curiosity killed the cat.” — Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Because of Jesus are We Saved. And because of Jesus’s Blood that He shed for Us are We also Saved. And because of Him, the Entire World is Saved. Chalice.” — Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Good Instincts are Good to have. And Good Intuitions are also Good to have.” Good Instincts (GI). Good Intuitions (GI). Inherent. Inherently. Innate. Innately. Instinctual. Instinctually. Intuitive. Intuitively. Learn. Learned. Knowledge. Knowledgeable. Common Sense (CS). Common Knowledge (CK). Passed Down (PD). Passed Down from Generations (PDFG). — Brandon
Some Important Concepts to know about: Logic. Logical. Rational. Reasonable. Reasonableness. Common Sense (CS). Common Knowledge (CK). What History Teaches (WHT). What Common Sense Teaches (WCST). Educated. Well Educated (WE). World View (WV). World Views (WV). The Individual (TI). The Individuals (TI). The Group (TG). The Groups (TG). Knowledge. Knowleadges. Knowledgeable. Intelligence. Intelligences. Intelligent. Subject Matter (SM). Subject Matters (SM). Goodness. Moral. Morality. Good Morality (GM). Good Morals (GM). Proportionate. Balanced. Well Balanced (WB). National Security (NS). Eminent Domain (ED). Reasonable. The Reasonable Person Standard in The Law. The Reasonable Person (TRP and RP). Reasonable Compensation (RC). Fair Compensation (FC). Fair. Justice. Reality. Realities. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS).
A Quote from Charles Darwin, “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I confess, absurd in the highest degree…The difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection , though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered subversive of the theory.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Is that Appropriate? Or is that Inappropriate? It is Important to be Appropriate. And it is Important that Things be Appropriate. And, as the Philosopher Plato also believed, and as talked about in Plato’s Book, The Republic, it is Important for Things to be in Their Proper Places.” — Brandon
On The Charlie Rose Television Show, which I began watching about 20 years ago, a Man said, paraphrasing, that a Goal was, “To Turn Chaos into Order. And to Turn Noise into Music.” — Brandon
From The Bible, Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
Child of God,
May Father God bless you and keep you.
May Father God make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you.
May Father God lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace.
The Letter of Recommendation for My Mother, Debra Katrena: My Mother, Debra Katrena, like Me, is a Member of Several Organizations. And My Mother was, for example, a Member of The Camp Fire Organization when She was a Child. And My Mother, Debra, in addition to being the Mother of Three Children, was a Board Member of The Clackamas Community College Foundation Board, and She has been a Licensed Realtor for about 20 Years. And Not Everyone can become a Licensed Real Estate Agent, also known as being a Realtor, and being a Licensed Realtor involves Studying for, and Passing, The Real Estate Exam, and Passing a Background Check, and Paying Fees, and a Person has to be Very Intelligent and Very Knowledgeable to be able to do these Things. And My Mother, Debra, is a Christian, and She is a Baptized Christian, and She has Professed The Articles of The Christian Faith. My Mother, Debra, Graduated from High School. And My Mother, Debra, was, or was about, 18 years of age when She Graduated from High School. And Graduating from High School usually involves Successfully Passing about 13 years of School, usually Kindergarten through 12th Grade, and, of course, Not everyone is Capable of doing These Things, and, of course, Not everyone Graduates from High School, and that is OK. My Mother, Debra, is also a Senior at Marylhurst University, which is Her Alma Mater, and She has gotten Many Grades of A on Her Report Cards. And My Mother Debra, in addition to being a Licensed Real Estate Agent for about 20 Years, has had Many Jobs throughout Her Life, for example, She was the Owner of a Restaurant, and She is a Very Hardworking Person, and a Very Good Person, and a Very Intelligent Person, and a Very Knowledgeable Person. And She has Won Awards for Her Realtor Work. — Brandon Ryan Katrena
Some of My Jokes and My Sayings:
3. A News Reporter at a Press Conference: “Mr. President, What will You be Discussing at the Upcoming Meeting of World Leaders?” The President: “Candy Tastes Good.”
4. 7 Boxers Fought each Other at the Same Time during the Boxing Match.
5. The Onion Cried Tears When He was Chopped Up.
6. The Ant Thought There was no More to the World Than a Field of Grass.
7. You Put a Tattoo on Your Body Where?
13. Thomas’s Piggy Bank.
15. Are you an Angel?
16. Are you a Pit Viper?
19. Grandpa Stole My Soda Pop.
24. The Moth, Upon Seeing His Moth-Eaten Clothes With Holes, Thought to Himself, “This is What Happens When the Windows are left Open”.
27. The Man thought that he was 93% Alien, and that he was also 100% Human.
33. The Bandage Did Not Like to Wear Blood.
34. I Want to be a Beach Bum.
37. The Man cautioned Mr. David Waters and Mrs. Christine Waters that, “If you drink too much water you are going to die of water poisoning.”
40. There are many rooms in the Fun Room.
41. The pinata was filled with dead lizards.
42. The Man Asked For His Prescription from the Pharmacist, and the Pharmacist Yelled at Him, “Crackers and Beef Sticks! Sticks Beef and Crackers!”
43. I Don’t Want to be Sick.
50. The Boat Bobbed Gently in the Ocean, and the Boat Said, “I want to fly.”
55. Does your Grandpa have the Gramps Grumps?
65. “I have a surprise for you,” a wife said to her husband. She then pulled out a dead Lizard from a bag.
72. Do Your Feet Stink?
74. Mr. Jeremy Freeze was very cold.
78. Dr. Richard Richards, who worked as a Doctor in a Clinic, never Graduated from College, although he did attend College for 7 days.
79. The Musical Trio called “White Guys” Dreamed of Making It Big on Broadway.
81. My Dog Meowed, and My Cat Barked.
89. Get off the stage Presidential Candidate, I want to watch Jeopardy!
91. I won all of my wrestling matches.
92. A guy said to Me, “You are a good wrestler.”
93. On August 7th, Grandpa Filbert, his teeth green from cavities and gingivitis, wore his Santa Outfit, and he said, “Merry Christmas, Gary.”
94. “Do not touch my face,” said the Door Handle.
96. The Mean Man. The Nice Man. The Mean Man and The Nice Man are the Same Person.
97. The Weeping Willow Wept.
100. Many individuals believed to have been Geniuses were not very smart.
103. Buddy the Dog got a brainscan.
104. Mom Kicked Dad out of the House When He Explained Why He Came Home Late.
106. Grandpa, Why is Your First Name Sarah?
110. Psychological Projection
111. I Do Not Want to Do That.
114. The Man said to the Small Jar of Huckleberry Jam, “You are Such a Huckster.”
115. “Thank you,” said the Minotaur.
116. I am one of Them. I am one of US. I am We.
119. Thank you for the candy bar, and I want you to stop drinking my coffee.
122. The Dentist Who was Afraid of Going to the Dentist.
127. He won an Olympic Gold Medal for Eating the Most Hot Dogs.
130. Do you accept bottles for payment?
131. The van said, “Sloppy’s”
132. I am cold-blooded.
134. I will have a Hamburger with a Chainsaw on the Side.
135. Wouldn’t it Suck to be a Christmas Wreath?
140. We are the Good Guys.
143. He legally changed his first name to “Grandpa”.
146. Tony thought that he was a Unicorn.
151. Upon being elected President of the United States of America, The Ninja, while wearing his Ninja outfit and twirling two numbchucks, gave a speech to a Joint Session of the United States Congress. The Ninja also belched loudly 7 times during this speech.
154. Mrs. Cute Chick.
156. Covered head to toes in jeans, James Smith believed that he was a pair of jeans.
160. For 700 years, a nurse lived in the hospital’s basement.
161. The 13 year-old stood in line to vote for President of the United States of America.
165. Many individuals thought Dr. Thomas Beers was a Genius until they found out that he had Downs Syndrome.
169. “At least we had ice for our drinks,” said a Titanic Survivor.
172. When the guy said “Yes Sir,” tuna fish spewed forth from his mouth.
174. The Bee Who Did Not Like to Eat Honey.
176. A guy went to a job interview with purple paint all over his face, a cuckoo clock on his head, fake Vampire teeth covering his teeth, and wearing torn green jeans four sizes too small for his body. His first name was Portland.
186. After the Sermon, the Pastor said to each Member of the Congregation who left through the doors, “Do not eat a Rabbit’s Foot.”
190. Ockham’s Razor is False.
192. Not a Believer in Using Drinking Glasses, the Waiter Took a Big Drink Out of the Orange Juice Pitcher Before Asking if a Customer Wanted Some More OJ.
193. During the Trial, the Man suing the Defendant got out of his chair in the Jury Box, and He then went to the Witness Chair.
195. For 700 years, the famous Actor had bacon and pancakes with butter and syrup every day for breakfast. How healthy do you think he was?
199. There were only two things on the Menu at the Restaurant: Bacon and Eggs.
200. Congratulations! You are Pregnant. It is a Cougar.
More of My Jokes and My Sayings:
209. A Woman Changed her First Name to “Texas.”
235. Buddy the Dog Likes to Play Board Games
236. A guy won a 488 million dollar lottery prize. Unfortunately for him, the lottery ticket was written with disappearing ink. The Pumpkin Monster strikes again.
251. You should have seen what was going on inside the Moving Truck.
255. Once you Go Blonde, you never Go Back.
259. An Ice Cream Store Worker, “What would you like to try?” The Customer’s Answer: “Spaghetti Flavored Ice Cream with a Carrot on Top.”
280. “Variety is the Spice of Life,” said Mr. Cinnamon.
281. There have been Some Close Calls.
291. A Concerned Citizen to a Police Officer at a Police Station: “I’m here to Report that a Young Man jaywalked.” The Police Officer: “Can you describe Him more to Me?” The Concerned Citizen: “He was a Young Man who jaywalked, what more information would you need?”
308. A Woman with a Camera in Her Hand said to a Family who were getting Their Picture Taken: “Say, ‘A Good Machiavellian Design.’”
309. A few seconds after Meeting Each Other, Two Men High-Fived Each Other, and They Both said, “Soda Pop.”
312. A Woman Blows a Whistle Every Time after she says “Hi” to someone, and she also yells, “Touchdown.”
313. After a Large Birthday Cake’s Candles are Blown Out, the Cake Batter goes everywhere, covering those near to it with Cake Batter.
314. A Man named Anthony said to a Man named Jack about a Man named Brian, “Brian this is Jack, and Jack this is My Friend Brian, My Blonde Haired Friend whom I also call Blondie.”
317. “What do you do for a Living?” A Man asked A Guy. The Guy Replied: “I am a Grape, and I work for The Grape Empire.”
319. A Man picked up a Television with one hand, and He set it down on a couch. Another Man tried to pick it up with both hands, and he could not, saying, “Whoa! This is too Heavy.” A Small Child picks the television up and moves around, and after the Small Child sets the television down, a Small Midget picks up the television set, and the Small Midget sets the television on the stand on the table in the Living Room.
322. A Man asked a Puppy Dog, “What college did you get your Ph.D. from?”
327. A Sailor, with packages of Moth Balls in his hands, and, after opening the packages, threw the Moth Balls on Boats, while saying to another Sailor, “I have Orders to Moth Ball the Fleet.”
329. A Nurse Looked at a Thermometer after it was in a Man’s Mouth, and He said, “The Main Thing that Will Save You is if this Thermometer Displays the Number 100.”
331. In a Lawyer’s Office, an Attorney said to his Client, “Don’t worry, the Statute of Limitations Expired 800 years ago.”
333. A Man said, “One of My Favorite Organizations is The VG.”
335. Two Flags with Big Happy Faces were carried to the Front of a Meeting, and a Man said, “All Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Happy Face Flags.” And those in the Room said, “I Pledge Allegiance to the Happy Face Flags.”
341. I have No Beef with That Hamburger Joint.
345. In a Restaurant, a Man who was also a Waiter did Karate Chops on a Salad, and He said to a Customer, “Here is your Chopped Salad.”
349. The Author Published the 89,438th Edition of His Book.
351. A Sign Said, “Caution: Clowns at Play”.
352. What a Difference a Century Makes.
355. Have you heard of a 5th year High School Senior? He was a 21st year High School Senior.
361. Are you an Alligator?
364. In a Courtroom, a Judge Approved a Motion by the Prosecutor to Charge an 8 Year Old Child as an Adult for the Crime of Watching Television Past His Bedtime.
366. A Waiter was holding cheese in his hand, and he said to a Man at a Restaurant: “You asked Me to hold the cheese on your hamburger. How long do you want Me to hold the cheese?”
372. The Bank Teller told The Man that The Man owed The Bank 88 Trillion dollars, and “how would you like to pay for that? With Cash or Credit Card?”
375. The Initial Public Offering (IPO) for The Chipmunk Catcher Corporation was Met with Applause at The Stock Exchange.
376. A Man Asked, “Who do you want to win? The Man in the Pink Trunks, or The Man in the Rainbow Colored Trunks?”
386. Throughout the Day, a Man Frequently Pulled Up His Jogging Pants.
388. A Man Came into a Sandwich Shop, and He Said to the Store Worker, “I bought this Sandwich from Your Store 21 years Ago, and I need to Return it, as I need some Gas Money.”
389. It can Be Cold in DC. It can Be Cold Anywhere. Anyone can Be Cold. It can Be Nice in DC. It can Be Nice Anywhere. Anyone can Be Nice. There are Good Times to Be Cold. There are Good Times to Be Nice. Cold. Nice. — Brandon
392. A Man was Weighed on a Scale at a Clinic, and the Doctor said, “You weigh Seven Pounds, and you should lose about 3 More Pounds to be at a Healthy Weight.”
399. “What are you doing? I’m Not Choking, ” repeatedly said a Man, as Many Restaurant Workers and Many Patrons at a Restaurant Repeatedly Gave a Man The Heimlich Maneuver, while Several of Them Said, “This Will Help you Stop Choking,” and “Let’s Get That Food Out of Your Windpipe,” and, “You’ll be Able to Breathe Again Soon Sir,” even though He Was Not Choking.
401. A Man Began to Chortle when He Thought That a Portal was a Moral Mortal.
402. “You have Gestational Diabetes,” a Doctor told His Male Patient. “Gestational Diabetes?! I’m a Man. I can’t Be Pregnant.” The Doctor: “By the look of that Big Belly of Yours I Beg to Differ.”
403. A Man fell Down at a Party in a Field, and People Around Him Began to Fall Down One By One in a Large Domino Formation. There was then a Zooming Out, and the Domino Formation spelled the Word “MOM” in Cursive.
404. A Man began to Put Ropes all over Another Man’s Body, while saying, “Our Boss Asked Me to Teach You The Ropes, and That is What I am Doing.”
405. The Man Did Not Wake Up from His Sleep. And Yet He Did.
407. A Man Pulled His Car into a Gas Station, and The Man said, “Fill it Up. No, Fill It Up Halfway. No, Fill it Up a Quarter. No, Fill it Up an Eighth. No, Fill it Up 0.0003%. Do you have a Siphon?” The Gas Attendant, “Yes.” The Man, “Fill it Up Negative 88 Percent.”
408. A Man went for a Job Interview, and The Man Giving The Interview kept on Saying, “There are thousands of Snakes crawling all over Me. Do you see the Snakes? There are thousands of Snakes crawling on Me. Here I caught One. Isn’t this a Big Snake?” And The Other Man said, “I don’t see any Snakes. Is it Imaginary Day Today?”
409. A Coat had a Price Tag of Negative 88 Trillion Dollars. A Man said to a Clerk, “This Price Tag for This Coat Must be Wrong, because it says Negative 88 Trillion Dollars.” And the Clerk said, “No, it is Not Wrong. If you want the Coat, here is your Briefcase of 7 Million Dollars, and the Rest of the Money that you’ll get is down in Our Basement, and also in a Warehouse that is Currently being Fumigated for Fleas.”
411. A Television Host: “Thank you Ronald Maynard for the Interview.” Ronald Maynard: “Why Thank You for Interviewing Me, and I Thank Myself, Ronald Maynard, for this Interview. I did a Great Job during this Interview, and I was Very Much on the Ball, and I did a Wonderful Job for this Interview. And I thank you, the Viewers of this Television Show, for Watching Me Doing such a Great Job being Interviewed.”
412. A Ceramics Instructor: “Annie, you really Broke the Mold this time with your Ceramics.” Annie: “Were My Ceramics really that Good?” The Ceramics Instructor: “No, I mean you literally Broke the Mold,” as the Instructor Pointed to the Broken Ceramics Mold.
415. Many People Often Just Talk in Order to Talk. Many People Do Not Often Really Mean what They Talk About or Write About. Many People Often Just Shoot the Breeze. As the Truthful saying and metaphor states, “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Will Never Hurt Me.” – Brandon
416. Many Things are Important. And Many Things are Not Important. Many Things are Good. And Many Things are Not Good. Many Things are True. And Many Things are Not True. Good is That Which Father God would approve of. Good is only That Which Father God would approve of. Truth is Reality. Truth is only that which is Real. — Brandon
418. A Patron left the following on the Restaurant’s Bill for a Meal: I Pay the Bill in Full. And, as to the Gratuity, I Bequeath to You, Waiter, a Gratuity in the Amount of Zero Dollars and Zero Cents, and I instead Request from You an Amount in the Sum of 31 Trillion Dollars, which should Be Sufficient to Pay for the Harm Caused By Looking at You.
419. Don’t you Hate the Pieces of Plastic that bind some Dress Socks together? It is like, why do they put those Pieces of Plastic in some Dress Socks? I don’t know, do they bind the socks together in order it to keep the socks from running away? And why do some stores put pins in pants? Are they trying to punish the pants?
420. At a Party, a Man with a French Press in His Hand said, while pouring glasses from the French Press, “This Coffee has been Aged 58 years, and I’m sure that it Tastes Great.”
421. Do you have a Direct Telephone Line to Mother Nature? (A Joke Told to Me over the Telephone by My Grandma Carolyn, and Written with Her Permission.)
422. It Seems Like Yesterday, and It also Seems, and Was, a Long Time Ago.
423. A Man kept on asking People that He Met at a Party, “Do you have an Awesome Memory? Do you have a Photographic Memory?”
429. “Oh, I just love Canada,” said a Woman. “It is the Place that I was Born and Raised. My Heart is in Canada. And I mean that literally, as I had a Heart Transplant in Montreal.”
435. He Made Fun of Them because He Sort of Liked Them.
440. “He is as Smart as a Whip,” said a Woman as She Whipped a Whip.
441. “How old are you?” a guy asked a Man. “31 years old,” replied The Man. The guy said, “You don’t look a day older than 121 years old.”
446. A Man played a Piano. And He then said, “Time for the Miniature Version of the Song,” and He then played a Small Piano about the size of a Hand.
448. Psychologically, it was Temporarily Devastating.
449. The Fan was Dizzy, and It was Also Tired, from Going Around and Around.
449. A Man said to a guy who was loading up furniture into a Moving Truck, “Let Me Chip in. Chip. Chip. Chip.” as He began to Chip away at an Ice Cream Bar with His Hand, throwing the Pieces of the Ice Cream Bar as well as Potato Chips Here, There, and Everywhere.
450. At a Town Hall Meeting, a Woman said, “And that is why I want the Law Changed to Require Schoolchildren to Wear Earmuffs and Scarves in the Month of June.” The Host said, “Thank you for your Input at Our Town Hall Meeting. Is there someone else who would like to Contribute to Our Discussion?” A Man raised His Hand, and He said, “I would like to give My 2 Cents.” He then Handed the Host 2 Cents, and He said to the Host, “Here are My 2 Cents. Now go buy yourself a decent toupee.”
455. A Grandmother Almost called the Police After Overhearing Her Grandson Talking on His Cell Phone, until She Realized that He was Talking about a Video Game.
456. All that Change Adds Up, for Good or for Bad, and Sometimes, in Some Ways, for Both Good and for Bad. And I’m Not Just talking about Pocket Change. A Good, Comprehensive, and Real Understanding is Needed. And then Good Actions that have Good Results can Happen. Many things Should Not Be Changed. And many things Should Be Changed. As a Truthful saying and metaphors states, “If it is not broke, do not fix it.”
461. I have put on Dozens of My Different Shirts on My One Body.
462. Just Like That.
463. A Man Daydreamed about Lower Interest Rates, Lower Payments, and Reduced Bills.
464. There is a Mark on the Carpet. Even if the Mark is Removed, there will always have been, whether it is Important or whether it is Not Important, and whether it is Very Important or whether it is Not Very Important, a Mark on the Carpet. If an Action occurs, that Action has occurred, whether it is an Important Action or whether it is Not an Important Action, and whether it is a Very Important Action or whether it is Not a Very Important Action, and whether it is a Good Action or whether it is Not a Good Action. Some Things are Important. And Some Things are Not Important. Some Things are Very Important. And Some Things are Not Very Important. Some Things are Good. And Some Things are Not Good.
466. I am The Happy Birthday Wisher for My Family and My Friends.
467. Many Good Wishes Come True. Good Wish.
469. I am Special. He is Special. She is Special. We are Special. I am Good. He is Good. She is Good. We are Good. I am Moral. He is Moral. She is Moral. We are Moral.
472. A 32 Year Old Man said to His Mother, “Think if I had Never Learned How to Read and Write.”
473. A Man said, “I am Not Biting. I am Unbiting.”
478. One of My, Brandon’s, Parables and Metaphors: A Man said “Hi” when Two People Walked in the Door at about the Same Time. He probably was saying “Hi” to Both of the People, although He May have only been saying “Hi” to one of Them. Both People probably thought, whether Correctly or Not Correctly, that The Man was saying “Hi” to both of Them.
Perceptions, how someone Perceives Reality and Non-Reality, often Varies from Person to Person. As a Truthful Saying and Metaphor States: “Guard Your tongue, as you would Guard Your Life.”
480. If someone does not sleep, He or She will eventually probably Pass Out and Go to Sleep that Way. Many certain things happen, or do not happen, regardless of someone’s desire for certain things to happen or to not happen.
481. She Did Not Set the Clocks Forwards or Backwards for Daylight Savings Time, and for Half of the Year She was an Hour Early to Appointments, and for Half of the Year She was an Hour Late to Appointments. However, She is Still Special.
482. A Man asked a Bluebird who was eating from a Bird Feeder, “Are you a Bluebird? Are you also a Teacher?”
483. A Man had an Operation on His Hand, which Completely Fixed His Hand. And for the Rest of His Life, for over 12 years, all that He Talked about to His Family and Friends was How He Had Prepared for that Surgery.
486. A guy asked His Mom, “What was My First Word?” The Mom said, “Your First Word was ‘Loony,’ and Your Second Word was ‘Tunes’. And that is what you are.”
492. Shooting The Breeze.
494. A Man said to a Woman: “I Remember that it Was 18 Years Ago When You Told Me in a Movie Theater that I Had a Great Memory.”
495. Every day, a Man picked up from His Driveway His Daily Newspaper that was Always Completely Filled from Page to Page with Stories that happened 108 years ago, which He read while Watching on His 1966 Black and White Television Set The Television News Channel that for 32 years only talked about The Moon Landing.
496. Some things serve a Good Purpose to Accomplish Good Things.
499. Let Him Go.
501. 26 years ago the Soda Machine worked. Now it doesn’t.
503. He is Clever by Three Fourths.
504. He was Just Talking to Talk.
508. He does Not have the Sense to be a Good Manager of His Cents.
509. Mr. John Crackle Cracked Up When the Plate Cracked and Fell down the Street’s Crack.
510. His Mom told Her Son to turn the House’s Thermometer to 212 degrees, as She was Cold.
511. I Love You so Much.
512. Mr. Thomas Curly Cut and Curled His Curly and Cute Hair, while Uttering a Curt and Blood-Curdling Reply to a Question asked by His Wife about Milk Curds.
513. His Smartphone was Too Smart for Him.
514. He sometimes got Mad when His Door was left Unlocked. He did Not Get Mad when His Door Was left Unlocked when His Hands were Full.
516. Mrs. Kendall’s Doll was all Dolled Up after a Lot of Money Was Doled Out to Mr. Dole.
519. You and I are Thinking, don’t do it: They have Nukes.
521. Until about the year 2001, credit cards were rarely used for Fast Food Purchases.
524. A Sketchy Skier was Skiing while doing a Skit in Sanskrit.
528. If a Plate Breaks, it has Broke, whether it is Important or Not Important, and whether it is Very Important or Not Very Important. If, however, a Plate Does Not Break and Instead Just gets Pieces of Shards on It from a Broken Plate, those Shards can Just Be Washed Off, whether it is Important or Not Important, and whether it is Very Important or Not Very Important. As the Truthful Saying and Metaphor states: “No Harm, No Foul.”
532. A Man who was 33 Years of Age Only Ate Pizzas Topped Exclusively with Bananas. He was known to His Friends as The Banana Pizza Man.
533. A Three Year Old Child was Given a Credit Card for Her Birthday Present.
534. Many Individuals Have Money Highs and Money Lows throughout their Lives.
536. A Man Had Not Eaten in 33 Years. And He was Very Hungry.
538. Before a Morbidly Obese Man was Banned for Life from Eating at an All You Can Eat Buffet, the Restaurant’s Accountant Calculated that over the years The Morbidly Obese Man’s Excessive Eating had cost the Restaurant 33 Trillion Dollars and 32 Cents.
539. A Memory Snapshot.
541. I used to be Too Young to Understand that Movie. I am No Longer Too Young to Understand that Movie.
546. A Man said to Buddy the Dog: “You have it very Good Here. Never Run away from Home, Buddy the Dog. You live like Royalty, and you live like a King in comparison to Most People. The World can be a Very Scary and a Very Mean Place, which is something that you do not fully understand, which is why you try to run away.”
547. A Man spoke French, and He said, “Monsieur David Damon demande un daiquiri demain.”
548. A 32 Year Old Man said to His Mother, “Mom, 24 Years Ago, when I was 8 years of age, you Promised to Buy Me a Coloring Book, and You Forgot to Get Me that Coloring Book. Yesterday, I went to the store, and I bought Crayons, and I am Still Waiting for that Coloring Book from You.”
550. In Comparison to a Trout, I am a Gigantic Giant. And in Comparison to a Gigantic Giant, I am Small. To a Trout, I may be thought of as being a Gigantic Giant. And to a Gigantic Giant, I may be thought of as being Small.
553. A Man took out His Artificial Glass Eye, and He Put it on a Woman’s Arm, while He said, “I have My Eye on You.”
557. A Nurse told the Patient, “I’ll check on you in about 20 Minutes,” and then the Nurse left. 3 Seconds Later, the Nurse opens the Patient’s door, and He says, “It’s been about 20 minutes, how are you doing?” The Patient, “I’m doing great.” A Nurse then told the Patient again, “I’ll check on you in about 20 Minutes,” and then the Nurse left. 3 Seconds Later, the Nurse opens the Patient’s door, and He says, “It’s been about 20 minutes, how are you doing?” The Patient, “I’m doing great. It has only been a few seconds since you last checked on Me.” The Nurse replied, “Something must be wrong with the Clock in the Hall.”
558. At a Party, all that a Man said was the word, “Bear.” A Woman said, “Hi, My name is Mary. What is your name?” The Man replied, “Bear.” The Woman said, “Mr. Bear, would you like Me to get you a drink?” The Man said, “Bear.” Mary said, “I know that you are named Bear. Would you like an Appetizer instead?” The Man said, “Bear.”
563. The 821 Page Book on How to Remove Mildew from Bathtubs was, Surprisingly, Not a Page Turner.
564. To those Customers who Ordered Ice Cream Cones, and who the Fast Food Worker did Not like, the Ice Cream Cones were put in the To Go Bags along with the rest of the food.
565. The Book’s Page Numbers went from pages 1 to 2 then to page 863 then to 101 then to 21, and then it went downhill from there.
567. A Man asked another Man why He was in The Hospital’s Emergency Room, and He replied: “My Body’s Transmission is Shot, My Right Eye’s Windshield Wiper is Acting Up, and the Brakes on My Feet aren’t Working.”
568. Is there a Serious Risk in having Him Write Some Wry and Witty Writs with His Broken Wrist?
569. A Man said to a Woman, “In order to save money on Deodorant, I only Wash My Armpits every Monday Night.”
570. From TV Stars to Radio Personalities to the Average Joe Blows to the Average Jane Blows, 83,298 Individuals, and 3 Dogs, and 2 Cats, were Successful in Suing Him for Defamation. Bankruptcy Solved His Problems.
572. At a High School Reunion, a Man said in Reply to Everything People said: “Do I have your permission to Use that in My Joke Book?”
573. A Supermarket had Signs that Advertised its, “Non-Special Deal of the Day.”
574. The Doctor said, “Symptoms of the Disease include having to Urinate.” The Patient, “You mean Excessive Urination?” The Doctor said, “No, I mean that any Urination at all is a Symptom of the Disease. Even if you tinkle a small sprinkle, you probably have the Disease.”
575. A Clinical Trial showed that the average person lost only 0.00038 pounds over a period of 21 weeks while on the Dietary Supplement. That Weight Loss Company’s Wallets were not the only things to remain Fat.
576. A Man was on His Way to Eat His 781st Brownie of the Day.
579. A Liquid Cheese Spray had the Warning: “Do Not Use this Liquid Cheese Spray as a Hair Spray.”
580. You Should Not Out Clever Yourself. You Should Not Over Clever Yourself. You Should Not Be Too Clever.
584. At Noon and at Night, a Nitpicker Knelt while He Knitted a Nice Pair of Knickers for a Knight.
585. A guy asked a Man, “What is that sound?” The Man replied, “Oh, that’s just Izzy, My Dad, Anthony, Benjamin, Corey, Elizabeth, Abel, Grandpa and Grandma, and other Family and Friends talking while they are in the Walls. Sometimes they talk while they are in the Ceilings, Home Ventilation System, or in the Television Set. They have each been genetically engineered to be about one inch tall.”
586. Do you know what Separates Men from Animals? Men are not afraid of Vacuums.
589. I have walked with My Grandpa Sid into Lakes in order to Fish For Miles and Miles.
590. A Gas Attendant asked a Man, “Would you like Me to put some Air into that Flat Tire of Yours?” The Man said, “As long as you Do Not Put on Airs.”
594. A Woman said to a Man, “I hope that Bob was Lying to Me.” The Man, “Why would you want Bob to Lie to You?” The Woman, “Because He told Me that He had Stage 4 Brain Cancer.”
595. A Man said to His Mother, “Maybe We Should Do the Whipple Surgical Procedure on Grandma Irene.” The Mother Said, “What?! Grandma Irene has been dead for over 20 years. She Died of Pancreatic Cancer.” The Man replied, “It is Better Late than Never.”
596. A Man was 23 Hours Late, and He was 87 Cents Short.
597. A Woman Moved a Dog Outside, and She said to the Dog, “Go Potty Outside.” And the Dog said, “Forget that Lady, I Go Potty Inside the House while on the Toilet.”
598. A Man said to a Gigantic Giant: “Get your Head Out of the Clouds. And I mean that literally.”
599. A Man said to a guy, “I’ll buy your house for $485,000.” And the guy replied, “If you increase your offer by one penny, we’ll have a deal.” The Man picked up a Penny from the Ground, and He handed the Penny to the guy, and The Man sad, “We have a Deal.”
600. A Man was thrown from a Bicycle, and He landed in an empty seat at an Outdoor Café. Sitting across from His was His Long Lost Girlfriend, and the Man said, “Monica, is that you?”
And Some More of My Jokes and My Sayings:
601. Some Jobs Should Be Performed Delicately. As is the case with many Surgeries, sometimes the Most Direct Method is Not the Best Method. While sometimes the Most Direct Method is the Best Method.
602. In the Preexistence, when the Earth was preformed, Good Angels Performed Great Performances, and the consequences still periodically permeate pretty much everything Today.
605. He said that when He was a Little Kid. He is No Longer a Little Kid. You probably also said a Lot of Things when you were a Little Kid. You, I, and Other People have said a Lot of Things. And words do not usually matter very much. Words are just words. As the truthful saying and metaphor says, “Sticks and Stones may Break My Bones, but Words Will Never Hurt Me.”
606. A Man was Named Mr. Scary, and He Lived Up to His Name.
607. At a Beauty Pageant, an Announcer said about a Contestant: “And She Used to Own Her Own Body. Pretty Neat, Huh?”
609. A Man asked Buddy the Dog, “Buddy, Which Beauty Pageant Contestant do you Want to Win?” And Buddy the Dog said, “The one who will give Me a Piece of Roast Beef.”
613. A Man said, “I Don’t Like Going to Zoos or to Circuses, as I don’t want to be on a Menu.”
615. Buddy the Dog was Repeatedly Scratching at the Couch, as He was Digging for Imaginary Bones.
616. I have been around a lot of people, and they, like Me, have sometimes Shot the Breeze: Talked Just to Talk. You too have probably sometimes Shot the Breeze: Talked Just to Talk. As the truthful saying and metaphor says: “Sticks and stones may break My bones but words will never hurt Me.” What someone says rarely really matters. Actions, what someone does, are Important. – Brandon
617. I always have to Recharge My Cell Phone after getting off the Phone with Her. And that is OK.
618. A Mother said to Her Son, “No, No.” And the Son Replied, “I Know, Know.”
619. Bill Hitchins went to the Restroom about 1,238 times a Day. His Nickname was Urinal Bill.
620. The Homes on the Street of Dreams quickly became The Homes on the Street of Nightmares.
622. A Woman said to a Man, “Do you have a Pen and Some Paper in order to Write Down My Telephone Number?” The Man Replied, “No, but I have Smoke and Mirrors to Write that Down.”
623. At a Meeting, a Man said to a Group of Men and Women, “My name is Apple Red, and I am a Recovering Addict: I used to Brush and Floss My Teeth about 21 Dozen Times a Day. I am a Recovering Brusher and Flosser.” The Men and Women said in Unison, “Hi Apple Red.”
625. One of My, Brandon’s, Parables and Metaphors: Some Glasses, such as Coffee Cups and Coffee Mugs, are Good at Holding Hot Drinks, such as coffees and teas, as well as Cold Drinks, such as water and colas. Other Glasses, such as the Glass Glasses, are Good at Almost Exclusively Holding Cold Drinks. You and Other Individuals Avoid Getting Burnt from Hot Liquids in Coffee Cups and Coffee Mugs with there being a Separation between Yourself and the Coffee Cup and Coffee Mug, which is a Handle Connected to the Cup or Mug; if that Handle gets Severely Broken, it is Hard for that Cup or Mug to be Useful at Holding Hot Drinks again, unless there are Repairs. Almost Everyone, and Almost Everything, can be Useful in Good Ways.
626. A Man said, “I Do Not Want My Monster to Come Out.”
627. A Man heard a Woman say to Her 88 Dogs, Cats, and Parakeets, “Time for US to go to the Portland Trailblazers Basketball Game.” He no longer believed that She was Pulling Their Legs when She loaded her Dogs, Cats, and Parakeets in Her Van.
634. The Burly Bear Bared His Bare Teeth while Bearing a Beautiful Beer and Eating a Deer.
635. The 2 Men were about to Play Chess, and they were setting up the Chess Board, when one of the Men said, “Checkmate. I won.” The other Man said, “We haven’t even started yet.” And the Man replied, “You are a Sore Loser.”
636. The Electricity Turned off in a Man’s House, and for 51 years, the Man sat at a Chair in His Living Room without Electricity, and He constantly wondered what to do about that. It never Dawned on Him to go in His Garage and Turn the Breakers on and off, which would have restored His Electricity.
637. A Mother asked Her Son, “What Color of Carpet do you want in Your Room?” The Man replied, “Every color is fine except for Pink.”
639. A Man said to His Mother, “If They are Looking to Hire a Good Person for that Job, They Will Hire You.”
641. A Man said to another Man, “This Bible is meant for your Pocket, it is a Pocket Bible,” regarding a Bible the Size of a Large Laptop Computer.
643. A Man had a Salt Shaker, and He Poured Salt on a guy, and The Man said, “Grab a Grain of Salt, as you’ll need to Take a Grain of Salt with what I’m about to Tell You.”
644. The Bean Counter Moonlighted as a Marble Counter.
645. A Man said, “I’ll give My 100 Cents Worth of Advice to You.”
647. A Man Looked into a Piece of Body Armor, and something or someone in the Body Armor said, “Booo!”
648. A Man asked a Woman, “What is your Ethnicity?” And the Woman replied, “A Little Labrador, a Little English Bulldog, a Lot of British, and a Whole Lot of Yelder.”
652. A Man was Sick with the Flu for 58 years.
654. A Bunch of Doctors Looked at the MRI of the Brain of a Man, whose Brain on the MRI was the Size of a Walnut, while one of the Doctors Said, “He’s as Smart as a Whip. Well He’s maybe not as Smart as a Whip, but with a Brain the Size of a Walnut, He’s as Smart as a Large Dinosaur.”
656. A Man said, “There are Some Food Riots. That’s all.”
660. A Mother said to a Father, “Michael, Our Son Needs Financial Help Again. Get your Penny Purse from the Safe.”
664.) When a guy was trying to get some straws, a Man said, “You are Literally Grasping at Straws.”
666.) A Man’s Favorite Drink was Spaghetti Sauce Mixed with Orange Juice with a Hint of Some Lemon.
667.) The Fleur de Lis is a Flower, while Flour is Not a Flower.
668.) A Boy asked His Dad, “Is a Car a Computer? And is a Bird an Elephant? And is a Beetle a Bee?” And His Dad said to His Son, “I’ll Have to Go the Library to Do Research to Find Answers to those Questions.”
669.) A Man was Frequently Terrified that a Great White Shark would Come Through His Bathtub’s Faucet.
674.) Sometimes it is Good to Coast. Sometimes it is Good to Coast Along. Many times it is Good to Have a Lot of Good Fun. — Brandon
675.) A Man pointed to the Earth, and He said, “Darn you Earth for having a Quake.”
676.) Mr. Good Check Mark Strikes Again.
677. A Restaurant Had a Sign on Its Door that Stated, “We are Open for Business 83 Hours a Day, 8 Days a Week.”
678. For 32 Straight Hours, a Man went 8,300 Miles Per Hour in His Car. He only stopped because his Car’s Gas Ran Out.
679. In a Big City Called Rap City, with a Population of 100,100,000 People, Rap Music was on 100 Percent of the City’s 84 Radio Stations, 100 Percent of the Time.
680. A Car Got 8.3 Billion Miles Per Gallon of Gas. It was an Environmentally Friendly Car.
682. A Man Sometimes Looked and Sounded Scary when He Laughed.
683. Many of My Male Family Members Bellies got Big Right After Eating Thanksgiving Meals, and it was Time to Adjust Their Belts.
684. Every day, a Man spent about three and a half hours Using 108 Sticks of Deodorant for His Arm Pits.
685. Instead of Saying “Right On,” a Woman frequently said, “Rap On.” For example, a Man said, “I got a Job Today,” and the Woman said, “Rap On.” The Man said, “You mean Right On, don’t you?” And the Woman replied, “Rap On.”
686. A Food Item had “Eat this Candy by 800 years after the Manufacturing Date.”
687. A Man was Brought to Trial for the Crime of Jaywalking 800 years after He Died, and He of course was unavailable to Really be Brought to Trial. The Defense Attorney said, “Judge, I understand that the Statute of Limitations have not expired, as Charges were brought against the Defendant before He Died; however, I object to this Trial, as the Defendant is Not Here to Defend Himself against the Charge of Jaywalking, as the Defendant Died about a thousand years ago.” The Prosecutor Responded, “Your Honor, I Cite Prosecutorial Discretion as a Basis for this Trial.” The Judge of course Threw out the Case, citing the Need for the Defendant to be in Court to Defend Himself against the Charge of Jaywalking.
688. A Man was Covered Head to Toe with Bandages, and The Man said to a Woman, “How do you like My new Bandage Outfit?”
697. A State Legislator named Brad went to the State Senate and introduced a bill to eliminate the question of a Defendant’s Mens Rea, and of course the State Senate did not approve the Motion, and many Fellow Legislators knew that the State Supreme Court and/or the United States Supreme Court would find the Motion Unconstitutional, and many Fellow Legislators questioned Brad’s Mens Rea for introducting a bill to eliminate the question of a Defendant’s Mens Rea.
698. A Man said, “I’m 20% Lion, 10% Wolf, 10% Grizzly Bear, and 60% Swedish. I am Swedish.”
699. Using Special Effects, Waiters and Waitresses passed Soda Pop from one mouth to other mouths until they poured it into a Customer’s Glass.
700. A Senator Filibustered when a Bill was being Debated about Limiting Filibusters in The Senate.
701. I Remember. I Remembered.
702. He Remembers. He Remembered.
703. She Remembers. She Remembered.
704. They Remember. They Remembered.
705. We Remember. We Remembered.
706. A Man had a Pair of Scissors, and He said, “I am No Longer going to be anyone’s Puppet. I am going to cut the strings of My Puppeteer.”
708. Aunt Mable crafted a Fable while Sitting at Her Marble Table and Watching Cable and Writing on Her Envelope a Label.
709. Why do they call a Single Jean a Pair of Jeans, and why do they have Jeans in Plural form, when it should be in Singular Form, with Jeans instead of Jean? And Why do they call a Single Scissor a Pair of Scissors, and why do they have Scissors in Plural form, when it should be in Singular Form, with Scissors instead of Scissor? My Theory is either because there are two pants legs on a single jean, and thus pair, and therefore plural form, and two blades on a single scissor, and thus pair, and therefore plural form, and/or because it sounds better with the words in plural form rather than in singular form, and with the addition of the words “Pair of.”
711. A Jury was Composed of 12 Puppy Dogs. The Prosecutor said, “The Prosecution Objects to there being Puppy Dogs as Members of the Jury.” And The Judge said, “Don’t you like Puppy Dogs?” And then the Judge said, “Ok, Ok, Bailiff Bring in the Next Round of Jurors,” and then Twelve Children who were about 7 years of age came in, and The Prosecutor said, “Your Honor, I Object. These People can’t be on the Jury, as They are Just Children.” And The Judge said, “What? You don’t like Children also? Mr. Prosecutor, You Exasperate Me. For Littering, I sentence your Client to 101 years of Prison.
713. A Man put on White Pads all over His Body, and He Said, “It’s Time to Pad those Numbers.”
714. A Man said, “I almost hit the Number 7 on My Calculator, which would have been a Disaster.”
715. A Mother said to Her Three Young Children, “It is Time for you to go to School at the Nursing Home.”
717. At a Doctor’s Office, a Man said to a Doctor, “Doctor, I would like a Blood Test.” The Doctor said, “What would you like a Blood Test for?” The Patient replied, “To see if I’m Made of Money.”
718. A Woman asked a Man, “Ask Buddy the Dog if He Wants to Go Outside.” And The Man said, “I Don’t Think that Buddy will Answer Me, and I’ll put Him Outside Anyway.”
719. That was Well Worth It. That Paid Great Dividends. That was a Great Investment. That was, and is, Good.
720. A Man said, “I Learned How to Walk Correctly with Scissors when I was in Kindergarten. And I Still Walk Correctly with Scissors. And I Will Always Walk Correctly with Scissors. The Bible states that if you teach a Child how to Behave Correctly, He or She will Not Depart from Behaving Correctly.”
721. Every time a Man got a New Pair of Pants, Shorts, or a Jacket, He Looked through the Pockets, and He Really Expected to Find a 24 Karat Gold Watch in the Pockets.
722. A News Anchor said on the News, “The average person only gains 218 pounds on Thanksgiving.”
727. A Man named James said to a Man named Bob, about Bob’s eyeglasses that were almost covered with Dirt, and that Bob was wearing, “Bob, I think that you need to wash your eyeglasses.” And Bob said, “Why? I can almost see out of them.”
728. A guy was chasing after a penny on the road, and He said, “I’ll get you Penny. I’ll get you.” He was then hit by a Truck, and he died. A Man then said, “While you should Not Let Everything Slide, There are a few things that you should Let Slide. While you should Not Let Everything Go, there are a few things that you should Let Go. Many Things are Worth Fighting for. And Not Everything is Worth Fighting for. Many things are Important. And Not everything is Important. Many things are Very Important. And Not everything is Very Important. A Trinket is Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Bread Crumb is Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Crumb is Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Few Pennies are Often Not Worth Fighting for. Pennies are Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Penny is Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Few Dollars are Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Dollar is Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Trinket. A Bread Crumb. A Crumb. A Few Pennies. Pennies. A Penny. A Few Dollars. A Dollar.
731. A Man moved a dozen fans outside, and He started all the fans. A guy asked The Man why He did this, and The Man replied, “I moved the Fans outside to Help Stop Global Warming.”
735. What a Good Difference a Word Makes. What a Good Difference Silence Makes. What a Good Difference an Action Makes. What a Good Difference a Non-Action Makes. What a Good Difference Zero Makes. What a Good Difference Zero Times Makes. What a Good Difference No Times Makes. What a Good Difference No Makes. What a Good Difference None Makes. What a Good Difference Zilch Makes.
736. A Waitress at a Restaurant said, “What would you like to Order?” And The Man said, “I’ll have Salmon, a Salad with Blue Cheese, and is Peace of Mind on the Menu?”
742. A Man said to Another Man, “Is that You, Uncle Sam? Good Old, Uncle Sam. We Good US.”
745. A Fictional Basketball Team was ahead 107 Points to the Other Fictional Team’s 68 Points, with 8.8 Seconds Left to Play, when the Team that was Ahead Collectively Left the Basketball Court in a Show of Support for a Cause, and thereby lost the Basketball Game due to a Forfeit. Was it Worth it? Probably Not. Was it Good? Probably Not. And about No One Really Cared about Their Display of Solidarity with a Cause that No One Really Cared about. The Basketball Team should have Continued Playing, and Thereby Win Their Game.
747. The Obscene Advisors. The Obscene. Obscene. The So-Called “The Obscene Advisors” should really be Called “The Highly Intelligent and Very Knowledgeable Advisors,” as They are Very Intelligent, and They are Very Knowledgeable. Highly Intelligent. Very Knowledgeable. Intelligent. Knowleadgeable.
749. Real. Reality. Unreal. Not Real. Smokescreen. A Delusion. Delusions. Coping. Cope. Copes. Make Believe. Make Believing. Fantasy. Fantasies. Fantasize. Fantasizings. Truth. True. False. Correct. Incorrect. Correctly. Incorrectly. Good. Bad. Neutral. Goodly. Badly. Neutrally.
752. A Man Skipped going to a Meeting about Clairvoyance, and He said, “I had a premonition that something Bad would have Happened had I gone to that Meeting about Clairvoyance.”
753. My Fortune Cookie stated: “You are The Life of any Party.”
754. Some Good Sets of Good Work. The Good Sets of Good Work. The Man Worked on Some Good Sets of Good Work. The Man Worked on The Good Sets of Good Work. The Woman Worked on Some Good Sets of Good Work. The Woman Worked on The Good Sets of Good Work. They Worked on Some Good Sets of Good Work. They Worked on The Good Sets of Good Work. We Worked on Some Good Sets of Good Work. We Worked on The Good Sets of Good Work.
757. A Man walked up to a guy, and The Man said, “I am a VS, and I am also a WS, and I am also a WE, and I am also an US, and I am also a CMist, and I am also a VE, and I am Not a RT. Any Questions?”
758. When I poured My Dog, whose name is Buddy the Dog, some Dry Dog Food from a Bag, My Dog Looked at Me as if to Ask, “What is that? Would you eat that? Where is the Steak? What are you trying to Pull?”
759. A Man said, “Mens Rea, also known as MR, is More Important than You Might Realize.”
761. Aunt Mildred, using Her Walker, came down the Aisle to The Professional Wrestling Ring, and, in Her Match against a Male Wrestler, She Punched Him in His Stomach, and She Won the Match.
764. A Man said to a Turtle, “What are you Thinking?”
766. I am a GentleMan.
767. A Man said, “Many Important Things have been Stabilized. Many Important Things have been Made Stable. Many Important Things have been Centered. Many Important Things have been Centered Correctly. Many Important Things have been Balanced Correctly. Many Important Things have been Made Correct. Many Important Things have been Put in the Correct Proportions. Many Important Things have been Made Great. Many Important Things have been Made Excellent. Many Important Things have been Made Awesome. Many Important Things have been Made Right. Many Important Things have been Made Good. Stabilized. Stable. Centered. Centered Correctly. Balanced Correctly. Balanced. Made Correct. Correct Proportions. Great. Excellent. Awesome. Made Right. Made Good. Correct. Correctly. Right. Good.”
769. A Man said to another Man, “You should Often Skirt Much Controversial Talk when Talking with People. Avoidance of Much Controversial Talk when Talking with People is often Good to Do.”
770. Helmets on Their Heads, and Leather Biker Uniforms on Their Bodies, a Family of Eight went to The Flophouse Restaurant for Lunch, which was a Restaurant Building that was Put on a Large Flatbed Truck, and that Moved from the West Coast to the East Coast of the United States of America during Restaurant Hours and after Restaurant Hours. People were advised to wear Helmets and Leather Biker Clothes, as the only way off of The Flophouse Restaurant was either to Jump Off, or to get off when the Flatbed Truck ran out of Fuel, or when the Driver crashed the Truck when He had a Heart Attack or a Stroke, which sometimes happened as He weighed 887 Pounds. Getting to the Restaurant Consisted of either Jumping On, or to climb on when the Flatbed Truck ran out of Fuel, or when the Driver had The Big One, or The Ischemic Type or The Hemorrhagic Type. The Restaurant Served Award Winning Flap Jacks.
771. An Organization was Called “A Family of 7 Members,” and its Members were sometimes called “The 7,” and they were sometimes called “The 7 Members.” Another Organization was Called “A Family of 21 Members,” and its Members were sometimes called “The Lucky 21,” and they were sometimes called “The Lucky 21 Members.” And another Organization was called “A Family of about 787 Members,” and its Members were sometimes called “The 787”.
772. A Man said about another Man, “He has both Centralized and Local Support. He has a lot of Friends. He has Many Friends.”
773. A Man was 88 years old when He First Learned How to Tie His Shoes. He Learned how to Read and Write 7 years Later.
775. A Man’s Clothes were completely covered with Food, and Food Stains, and Drink Stains, and His Mother said to Him, “You should change your clothes. They are Dirty.” And The Man said, “These are Perfectly Clean Clothes. They are like New. They are Good Looking Clothes, and They Do Not Have Any Stains on Them. Do you need your Eyes Checked? Are you Blind?” The Mother said, “Would you go to a Job Interview wearing Them?” And The Man said, “Yesterday I did go to a Job Interview wearing these clothes.” And The Mother asked, “How did it go?” And The Man said, “The Interviewer told Me to go Home and Change My Clothes.”
779. A guy Flipped a Coin in the Air, and He asked a Man, “Heads or Tails?” And the Man replied, “I choose Ears.”
787. He was a King, and Now He Washes Canteens and Latrines, while Fixing a Machine, and Blogging about the Singer Avril Lavigne.
788. The Man said to a Person, “I was Speaking about a Version of You, or a Few Versions of You. I was Not Speaking about You.”
790. The guy did Not Understand that only a Few People Really Smiled Back at Him.
792. A Woman named Bethany asked Two Women where They were from. “Australia,” replied Both of Them. And then Bethany said, “Your English is Very Good,” to the Two Australian Women.
795. In the year 2013, A Man said to a guy, “Are you ready to be paid for your eight weeks worth of Labor? You get ¾ of a Penny. Do you have a Pair of Sharp Scissors?”
796. A Man said, “I am Nice when I should be Nice. And I am Not Nice when I should Not be Nice. And I am Non-Nice when I should be Non-Nice. And I am UnNice when I should be UnNice. I am Generous when I should be Generous. And I am Not Generous when I should Not be Generous. I am Non-Generous when I should be Non-Generous. And I am UnGenerous when I should be UnGenerous. I am a Good Person. I am a Moral Person. I am a Special. I am Good. I am Moral. I am Special. Nice. Not Nice. Non-Nice. UnNice. Generous. Not Generous. Non-Generous. UnGenerous.”
797. A Man said, “You should Guard Your Cereal Boxes, as a Cereal Killer is on The Prowl.”
799. A Man said to His Mother Every day, “Mom, I do Not have Ovarian Cancer. I am being Honest, and I don’t have that Cancer. I Swear, that I do Not have Ovarian Cancer.” And The Mother Replied, “Son, You have Told Me every day for about 8 years that You Do Not Have Ovarian Cancer. And for Several Reasons, I know that You are Telling Me the Truth.”
800. A Man gave a guy One Dollar. And The guy said, “This is only One Dollar, and You owe Me Two Dollars.” And The Man replied, “Put that One Dollar next to a Large Mirror, and you’ll have Two Dollars.”
And some More of My Sayings and My Jokes:
804. During His Brief Conversation with Another Man, A Man touched His Own Face about 100 Times, and He Blinked His Eyes about 100 Times too.
807. A Person should be Concerned about Certain Things. And a Person should be Very Concerned about Certain Things. And a Person should Not be Concerned about Certain Things. And a Person should Not be Very Concerned about Certain Things. Many Things are Important. And Many Things are Very Important. And Many Things are Not Important. And Many Things are Not Very Important. Concerned. Very Concerned. Not Concerned. Not Very Concerned. Certain Things. Important. Very Important. Not Important. Not Very Important.
810. A Man put Mud all over His Body, and He said, “It’s Time to Go Mud Bathing.”
814. A Mother said to Her Son, “You Look Spiffy with Your Dress Clothes On. Are you ready to be a Scorpion to a guy?”
815. You Can’t Buy Health with Wealth, and you Can’t Get Wealth with Just Health. (A Joke Told to Me by My Grandma, Carolyn, and Written with Her Permission.)
818. A Man said to another Man, “If Grandpa Andrew Knew that, He would be Rolling in His Grave,” and Eight Seconds Later Grandpa Andrew, while in His Grave, Rolled Around because Rigormortous Set In.
827. A Man said to another Man, “During a War, and During Peace, Communications, and Communication Equipment, and Other Equipment, are Very Important. And During a War, and During Peace, Foods and Drinks are also Very Important. As a Truthful saying states, ‘An Army Marches on its Belly.’ And During a War, you do Not want You and Your Military to be Enveloped on Many Sides by The Enemy or by The Enemies. You also want to Avoid as Best as You can in Giving The Enemy, or The Enemies, Potentially Harmful Ammunitions that They can then Use against You. A Good Defense is often a Good Offense, and a Good Offense is often also a Good Defense. Morales, and Morals, are also Very Important. We Desire Peace.”
829. A Man said, “There is The MOM. And There is also THE MAM. And There is also THE MA’M.”
832. A Man put 3 Small Pumpkin Bread Crumbs in a Box, and He Mailed the Box with the Following Letter: “Dear Pumpkin Bread Manufacturing Company, My Name is Howard Howards, and I would like a Refund for My Purchase of Your Delicious Pumpkin Bread, and I have returned 3 Small Pumpkin Bread Crumbs to You, as I ate the Rest of Your Very Tasty Pumpkin Bread, and I believe, although I’m Not Positive, that, unlike the Portion that I ate, the Remaining Crumbs were Terrible, so I am Returning Them, and I would like, at the very Least, a Partial Refund, of One Eighty-Eighth (1/88) of the Money that I doled out, which is approximately 1.1 Percent of the Purchase Price, or else one penny, whichever is the Lesser Amount of Money. Yours Sincerely, Mr. Howard Howards.”
836. A Woman said to Her Son, while Holding Up Her Quilt Work, “Look Son, I Quilted a Picture of a Telephone.” And The Son Replied, “It looks Good Mom. You did a Good Job. Why, May I ask, Did You Choose to Quilt a Picture of a Telephone?” And The Mother Replied, “Because in a few seconds, I am going to pick up that Telephone that I Quilted in order to call the Ambulance to Pick Me Up, as I am Having a Psychotic Episode.”
837. Mr. Goodwin said, “A Good Win is a Good Win.”
839. A Man said to a Man named Brent, “You were about halfway in the points required to Make it in The World Record Books, and so We will put about Half of Your Name in the Record Books, which will read, ‘Bre’.”
840. A Man said, “The World is a Very Major Catastrophe away for it to be Horse and Buggy Time Again.”
841. A Man said, “Wouldn’t it Suck if Hot Sauce would Not have been Invented? Without Hot Sauce, who would Want to Eat Tacos and Burritos?”
842. A Man Buttered about 8 Pieces of Toast, while Sitting for Breakfast at His Kitchen Table, while He said, “I know which way My Bread is Buttered.”
843. Science is Very Important. Morality is Very Important. Goodness is Very Important.
844. A Man, “It may have Looked like The British Empire was about to Lose The Great War, but The British Empire Won The War. Appearances can be Deceiving, and as the often Truthful saying states, ‘Close only Counts in The Game of Horseshoes.’”
846. A Man said, “I have Good Balance, and I have Good Form.”
847. A Man asked His Insurance Agent, “Is there a Special Type of Insurance Just for a Life Threatening Paper Cut?”
848. A Teacher went to The Head of the Classroom, and He Threw a Strawberry Short Cake on His Face, and He Gorged Himself on the Cake.
850. A Woman said to a Man over the Telephone: “You have Good Manners. You were Raised Well.” And the Man Replied, “Thank You. You too have Good Manners. And you were also Raised Well.”
851. A State Lottery Official Thought about Having a Lottery Game where Winning Lottery Tickets would come from the Winning Numbers of Lottery Drawings for the Past 21 Years. However, He did Not Implement His Idea, as He did Not think Very Many People would Want to Spend Hours upon Hours Looking Up the Winning Numbers of Lottery Drawings that Happened Years Ago during the Presidencies of Several Different American Presidents.
852. A Man said to Buddy The Dog, “Buddy The Dog, You are My Buddy, and Buddy The Dog, You are Good, and You are a Good Buddy.”
853. A Man, when He was a Small Child, Had His Teeth Brushed by His Mother, and He had His Shoes Tied by His Mother, and Now, when He Grew Older, He Brushed His Mother’s Teeth, and He Tied His Mother’s Shoes.
854. A Man went to a Grocery Store, and The Clerk asked, “Would you like Paper or Plastic?” And The Man replied, “Paper, No, How about Plastic. No, How about Paper. No, How about Plastic. No, How about Paper. No, How about Plastic. No, How about Paper.”
857. A Man said, “That which may first appear to be Unimportant can actually have a Big, Good or Bad, Impact, and may have a Big, Good or Bad, Consequence. That which causes Small or Big Affects, can Have Good or Bad Affects. We can, for Good or for Bad, be Affected by Affects and by Effects.”
859. Izzy, dressed in His Wizard’s Uniform, thought to Himself, “I was a Spell Catcher.”
860. A Man said, while putting His Arms in the Symbol of an Arch, “Throw the Shawl of Temporary Insanity over that Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Temporary Insanity over that Man. That Woman is Safe. That Man is also Safe. King George is Not the Only Person who was Temporarily Insane. Temporary Insanity is also Known by the Acronym ‘TI.’”
862. Mr. Cotton Cautioned Mr. Cushion to Exercise More Caution.
863. The Man did Not do that. The Man has Never done that. The Man will Never do that. The Man knows what Bad Consequences (also Known by the Acronym “BC”) will Happen if He were to do that. The Man said, “No,” and He Meant what He said. The Man Frequently says, “No,” and He Means what He says. No.
865. A Man said, “Cleveland High School Taught Me Many Valuable Things. And Georgetown University also Taught Me Many Valuable Things. And Church Services also Taught Me Many Valuable Things.”
866. A Man called a Large Online Store’s Customer Service Department: “Hello, this is Customer Service. How May I Help You?” said a Store Worker. The Man replied: “Hi, I would like to Cancel the Mailing of an Order that I Placed 8 years ago.” The Store Worker: “Has the Order Arrived Yet? I imagine that it has.” The Man: “Yes, it Arrived about 8 years ago.” The Store Worker: “Well, you then can’t Cancel the Mailing of that Order, as you got that Order about 8 years ago.” The Man: “Why can’t I Cancel the Mailing of that Order? 8 years is Not that Long Ago.”
869. A Man said, “I am a 1980s Man. I was Born on August 15, 1980 (08/15/1980), and I was Conceived in My Mother’s Womb on about January 1, 1980 (01/1/1980), on about New Year’s Day. I was Born and Raised in the 1980s in The United States of America. This information, and other information, tells you a lot about Me. As does the Bible verse, in The Book of Psalms, that states that Father God, ‘Knew you when You were in Your Mother’s Womb.’”
872. A Man said to a Woman, “I was also a Member of several Karate Clubs, and I had a Karate Class during College.”
873. While The Man was Thinking about Funny Things, He frequently Laughed to Himself Aloud throughout The Day and throughout The Night as He Rocked in His Rocking Chair.
874. A Man called a Large Magazine Company and the Customer Service Representative said, “This is The Large Magazine Company, How May I Help You?” And the Man said, “About 88 years ago, My Great, Great Grandfather, Teddy, subscribed to The Large Magazine Company’s Magazine, and He only paid 21 cents then, which was a Hefty Amount of Money then. 21 cents is still a Hefty Amount of Money for Me, and that’s what I would like to pay for 12 issues of your Magazine. About 2 cents an Issue for Your Magazine seems like a Good Deal for Both Me and The Large Magazine Company. The Customer Service Representative Replied, “Sir, 88 years ago is a Long Time ago. Have you heard about The Concept of Inflation?” The Man then Replied, “What is Inflation? That sounds like a Conspiracy Theory to Me.”
877. A Teacher asked a Man during Class, “Have you heard about The Concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, also Known by the Acronym MAD?” The Man replied, “MAD sounds like a Happy and Fun Concept.”
878. A Man said, “I do Not want to Paint Myself in a Corner. And I do Not Want to Paint Very Many Individuals in Corners, except this guy, who is also My Lightning Rod,” as The Man Literally Painted a guy in a Corner with Paint, while The Man said, “guy, Hold this Lightning Rod,” and The Man gave the guy a Lightning Rod to Hold.
879. The Horseshoe Gazette Newspaper had 1.21 People who were Subscribers to the Newspaper.
880. A Man Named Mort, while He was Visiting a Port, went to a Court to File a Tort.
881. A Police Officer said to a Woman, “I just saw the Most Horrible Crime Known to Humanity when I looked into a Man’s Window.” The Woman asked, “What was that?” The Police Officer replied, “I saw an Elderly Man drinking a Beer. Isn’t that Just Horrible? I am seriously thinking about going to a Judge to Ask for an Arrest Warrant for that Man.” The Woman then said, “Was there a Time Warp? Is this the 1920s to the early 1930s?”
882. The Man’s Phone was Not Smart. And The Man did Not Want a Smart Phone. And The Man did Not Buy a Smart Phone. The Man had a Normal Phone that was Easy to Use, and that was More Inexpensive than a Smart Phone.
883. A Man said, “I have Flown in an Airplane. And I have Flown in a Helicopter. And I have gone Snowmobiling on a Snowmobile.”
884. A Man said, “Dr. Daniel Billmeyer was My Physician for Many Years. And He was The Physician for Many of My Family Members for Many Years.”
885. Buddy The Dog went Out The Door of a House, and a Woman said, “Buddy The Dog, please close the door behind you. And Don’t forget to call Me on Your Cellphone if You Need Anything. And Don’t Play in Traffic.”
886. A Man and a Woman wheeled a Giant Microwave in a Home’s Living Room, and They Both got in the Giant Microwave, while the Man said, “When That Villain comes Home, He will Never Suspect that We are Listening to Him while We are in this Giant Microwave. It is the Perfect Secret Hideaway.” And the Woman Replied, “What if He sees US by looking through the Giant Microwave’s Glass Door?” And The Man said, “That will Never occur to Him.”
887. A Woman asked a Man, “What are you Looking at on The Internet?” And The Man replied, “I am Looking up the Television shows that were on between the hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 58 years ago. I do this Every Day at Noon and at Midnight. I want to see what Television Shows that I missed while I was in School.”
888. A Man frequently Wanted there to be only Two NBA Basketball Teams, with One Team called The West Coast, and The Other Team called The East Coast, and with The West Coast Basketball Team representing The East Coast, and The East Coast Basketball Team representing The West Coast. The Man was a Big Believer and Participant in Opposite Day, and, for Him, every day was Opposite Day.
890. A Man said to Buddy the Dog, “I like that you are also a Brindle Dog.”
891. While in His Car, a Man got Pulled over by a Police Officer. The Police Officer said, while Shining His Flashlight in the Car, “Is that an open Soda Bottle? You know that it is against The Law to Drive with an Open cola Bottle don’t You? Get out of the car.” The Man got out of the Car, and The Man said, “Officer, I can Explain.” The Police Officer replied, “Whoooo! WE! Your Breath smells like Sugar. Have you been Drinking and Driving after You drank some Soda? You know that the Legal Blood Sugar Limit in North Dakota is Zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero Eight Percent, Correct?” The Man said, “Officer, I can Explain.” The Police Officer said, “Don’t Smart Mouth Me, Mr. Sassy. Put your Hands behind your back and be prepared to be Handcuffed. While you are Not being Arrested, You are instead being Placed in Police Custody until You get a Blood Sugar Test. Son, are you Ready to go to Jail for up to 8 years if your Blood Sugar is more than The Legal Limit?” The Police Officer then Handcuffed the Man, and He drove Him to get His Blood Sugar Test.
892. A Man said, “I’m Blondie. And My Name is also Blondie.”
894. A Man said to a Nice Looking Woman who weighed about 120 Pounds, “You don’t need to Wear that Girdle. You are Thin and Good Looking without that Girdle.” The Woman replied, “You have Never seen Me without Me wearing this Girdle. I don’t think that You’ll Like what I Look without this Girdle On. I am going to take it off for You right Now.” The Woman took off Her Girdle, and, when the Camera came back to Viewing Her, She, was, while Wearing a Fat Suit, appeared to weigh about 800 pounds, with about 3 Chins, with Rainbow Colored Hair, and while Wearing an Eye Patch, and While Grinning while Wearing Dentures that had Very, Very Crooked Teeth, and Yellow Teeth, and with a Very Withered Hand, and while Wearing Clothing with Holes all over Them, and with Moths Flying Almost Everywhere. She then said, “Do you like What I look like with Without My Girdle On?” The Man then said, “Put that Girdle on Right Now. Right Away!”
896. A Greeter at a Store said to Each Shopper, “Hey, That is Insurance Fraud! You should Know Better. You could Spend about 8 Years in Prison for That. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! Thank You for Shopping at Our Store.”
897. A Man said, “Going to Christian Summer Camps as a Child was Good Fun, and I Learned a Lot.”
899. A Man said, “I Learned about The Looking Glass Concept from a Professor while I was in a College Classroom about Sociology. And that Concept, and Other Psychological and Sociological Concepts, is Sometimes Important to Know About.”
900. A Man was Standing on a Street Corner, and He Told Everyone who Passed by Him, “I learned in Biology Class that Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses Spread Easily.”
901. On a Social Networking Website, a Woman asked, “Should I post pictures of My Tattoos?” And The Man replied, “If you would like. It would depend on where The Tattoos are.”
902. A Man named Jason, after He Washed His Hands in a Water Basin, asked a Haitian, who was also a Mason, How Many People He Knew who were Named Jason, Jacen, Tyson, or Dyson.
903. For about 33 years, whenever someone asked a Man what the Day was, The Man would always reply, “Today’s Date is December 22nd, 2013.” A Woman said, “Before and after the year 2013, and for about 33 years, you have always said that is December 22, 2013.” And the Man replied, “Don’t you like The Christmas Season?”
905. A Man said, “Like what Like would Like You Like Want Like to Like Like Do Like?”
906. A Group of Adults were Watching TV, when one of Them said, “Let’s Play a Game of Phone Tag.”
907. A Man on the Street kept on Yelling: “He has a Jaspers Stone, Oh No! He has a Jaspers Stone, Oh No! He has a Jaspers Stone, Oh No!”
910. A Man said, “I have that guy’s Number, Both His Metaphorical Number, as well as His Literal Number.”
911. A Man called a guy, and The Man said, “Hello, is this My Next Door Neighbor who is also a Member of Felons’ Anonymous?” And the guy said, “Yes, would you please make it Quick, as I have to Report to Prison Tonight for My Recent Grand Larceny Conviction.” And the Man Replied, “Before you Head off to Prison, could you please Head to My House? I need a Dependable Person, such as Yourself, to Hold on to My Winning Lottery Ticket. I won a 488 Million Dollar Lottery Prize, and I do not want anything to Happen to It. Are You up for the Task of Being My Guardian of My Winning Lottery Ticket?” And the guy replied, “I’ll be over to Your House in about 8 Seconds. And be sure Not to sign the back of that Lottery Ticket, as I don’t want to be Accused Again of Being in Possession of Stolen Goods. I have served Enough Time in Prison as it is.” And The Man said, “I know that My Lottery Ticket will be in Good Hands.”
912. A Man said, “I have Always had Friends. And I have Always had A Lot of Friends. I have Friends. And I have A Lot of Friends. And I will Always have Friends. And I will Always have A Lot of Friends. Having Friends is Important. And Having A Lot of Friends is also Important. Having Friends is Good. And Having A Lot of Friends is also Good.”
918. A Man said, “Sometimes it Really Matters what a Person Says and Writes, and Sometimes it Does Not Really Matter what a Person Says and Writes. You should have Metaphorical Broad Shoulders. A Grown Adult should Not be a Metaphorical Cry Baby about Unimportant Things. Many Things do Not Really Matter. And Many Things do Really Matter. Many Things are Important. And Many Things are Not Important. Many Things are Very Important. And Many Things are Not Very Important. You should be Strong. Strong.”
919. A Man said, “There are often Different Strains and/or Different Versions of Viruses, and with Some Strains and/or Some Versions of Viruses being More Harmful and/or More Deadly than Other Strains and/or than Other Versions of Viruses. You often do Not Want to Contract Certain Strains and/or Versions of Certain Viruses, and Some Strains and/or Versions of Certain Viruses are Very Difficult, and Perhaps Impossible, to Cure, and Some Strains and/or Versions of Viruses have Different Affects on Bodies, and Some Strains and/or Versions of Viruses can Kill You Quickly. The Same is Also Often True with Other Diseases.”
920. A Man said, “You should Not do Many Things. And You should Not Write Many Things. And You should Not Say Many Things. If You Do, Write, or Say Many Things, Someone, or Karma, May Get You. You should frequently have Restraint. You should frequently Not do Certain Things. Having a Good Amount of Restraint is Often Good. Restraint.”
921. A Man said, “I have a Good Memory. And I have a Very Good Memory. And I have a Great Memory. And I have a Very Great Memory. And I have an Excellent Memory. And I have a Very Excellent Memory. And I have an Awesome Memory. And I have a Very Awesome Memory. I am Good. I am Moral. And I am Special.”
922. A Man said, “You should Not be a Person who Kills The Metaphorical Goose who Metaphorically Lays The Golden Eggs. A Person should be Smart. A Person should be Good. Smart. Good.”
923. A Man said, “I often Care about Not Asking Someone something that is Embarrassing. And I often Care about Not Asking Someone something that is Potentially Embarrassing. As is the case with Many Other Individuals, I am often Concerned about Not Asking Questions, or Doing Certain Things, that can Cause a Person to Lose Face. There are also Different Priorities, and with Certain Things being More Important, and with Certain Things being Much More Important, than Other Things. I am Good. I am Moral. I am Special.”
925. A Man said, “Sometimes, in Some Ways, I am The Mimic, and I Sometimes do Mimicking, and it is often Good for People to be Mimics, and it is often Good for People to do Mimicking.”
926. A Man said, “Certain Things should Be Done and/or Said and/or Written in Private, and Certain Things should Be Done and/or Said and/or Written in Public, and Many Things should Not Be Done and/or Said and/or Written at all. It is Good to Frequently have Restraint. There is a Time, and there is a Place, for Many Things, and there is Not a Time, and there is Not a Place, for Many Things. Private. Public. Restraint.”
930. Grandpa Charles and Grandma Irene won a Basketball Game against 21 Professional Basketball Teams, whose Basketball Players were all on the same Basketball Court at the Same Time.
931. A Five Foot Nine Inch Man said to another Man, “My New Year’s Resolution is to Weigh 7 Pounds. Or do You think that is Too Extreme?”
932. A Man said to Buddy The Dog, “You have a Good Head on Your Shoulders, if You have Shoulders.”
935. A Woman was Wearing an Avocado Cream Mask on Her Face, and She Went into Seizures, when She said, “I am Not Doing Well on My New Medication.”
936. A Man made a Very Unnecessary Risk on a Game Show, as He would have Won a lot of Money even if He had not Made a Very Unnecessary Risk, and another Man then said, “He won enough Money to go to a Psychologist to see why He Made that Very Unnecessary Risk.”
938. A Man said, “For 58 Consecutive Years, I have worn Nicotine Patches to Help Me Stop Smoking, and in about 31 More Consecutive Years of Wearing These Patches, I Think that I’ll be Able to Cease from Wearing Them. I will only be 121 years of age then.”
942. A Man said to a Woman, “This is My Very Mini Mini Mini Mini French Press for My Coffee, for the Times when I only want to have a Very Small Sip of Coffee, and this is also My Very Mini Mini Mini Mini Refrigerator for My Bread Crumbs, and actually it can only hold about One Bread Crumb, and it is a Very Energy Efficient Refrigerator,” as The Man showed a Woman His French Press that was about 1 inch tall, and He Showed a Woman His Refrigerator that was also about 1 inch tall.
943. A Man who was 100 Years of Age was Overheard saying, “I think that I’ll get My Law Degree in about 51 Years.”
944. A Man had a Coffee Cup that was about 8 Feet Wide, and about 8 Feet Tall, and that was Sitting in His Living Room, and The Man said to a guy, “This is My Coffee Cup that I fill to the Brim with Coffee Every Day, and I also sometimes Swim in it.” And the guy replied, “It’s Huge! Why do you have such a Big Coffee Cup?” And The Man replied, “My Doctor told Me to Limit the amount of Coffee I drink every day by Limiting My Consumption to about One Cup of Coffee a Day. And I’m Just Following My Doctor’s Orders.”
945. A Man said, while Looking and Acting Very Paranoid, “Lookalikes are Pouring in! Lookalikes are Pouring in Right and Right!” And a guy replied, “You mean Lookalikes are Pouring in Left and Right?” And The Man replied, “No, They are Not Coming in from The Left, only from The Right.”
946. A Man said to a guy, “This is My Personal Collection of 801 Flashlights,” as The Man pointed to some of His Many Flashlights around His House. And the guy said, “Why do you have so Many Flashlights?” And The Man said, “You Never Know if the Power to the House will go Out, and a Flashlight might also Malfunction. It is better to be Safe than to be Sorry. I thought about getting 8,001 Flashlights, but I thought that might be Excessive. Do you want to see My Personal Collection of Fire Extinguishers? I have 801 of them too, as one of them might Malfunction.”
947. A Man asked a guy, “Do you want some Peanuts?” And the guy replied, “That sounds great.” And The Man said, “How about One Eighth of just one Peanut. I’m sort of running low on Peanuts.”
948. Using Computer Animation, a Golf Ball, which was said to have a Computer Chip in it to do these things, completed Loops and other Acrobatic Feats before it went into 8 Holes in One, one by one.
949. A Man said to a Hotel Clerk, “I would like a Room in your Hotel as close to the Top of the Building as Possible.” And The Clerk replied, “Sir, May I ask Why you want that?” And The Man replied, “I like to be as close to Heaven as I can. And on Wednesday, which is Tomorrow, I would like to be Housed in Your Hotel’s Basement, as I also like to be as close to Hell as Possible, and I would like then for the Furnace and the Air Conditioning and The Fans to be Turned off, and for you to deny Me Food, Water, and Sex when I go to Your Basement, which will Help Replicate what it is Like in Hell.”
950. A Man said, “The Apostrophe, ‘ , can mean much more than Many People realize, and it can also indicate present tense, future tense, and past tense.”
951. A Pizza Delivery Guy unlocked His Customer’s Front Door, and He went inside the House, and He then said, “Knock Knock, The Pizza Delivery Guy is Here with Your Pizza.” And The Man and The Woman who owned the House, who were Startled, said, “How did you get in here? How did you get a key to Our House?” And The Pizza Delivery Guy said, “Didn’t you read the fine print when you ordered your Pizza Online? It states that by Ordering Online with Our Pizza Company, you consent to We having a Key to Your House. It also states that We Must have a Key to Your Automobile, and also Keys to Your Safes, or else the Correct Number Codes to Your Safes if applicable, as well as the Passwords to Your Email Addresses and to Your Social Network Websites, and Please Fork those Over to Me Now. Don’t you know that the Most Important Thing in Life is to obey a Contract?”
953. A Sign on a Mailbox said, “Missing, Wanted, and with an Award of 8 Trillion Dollars for Whoever Finds: A Mini Mini Mini Mini French Press for Coffee that is Only about One Inch Tall. And it was Last Seen Shattered into Small Parts of Glass and Thrown into a Trash Can. I miss that French Press So Much. And Please Help Me Find it. — Mrs. Harriet Harre.”
954. A Man wore a Tee-Shirt that stated, “Invade The Future Now.”
955. A Man had a Chin that was about 8 Feet Long, and it also had a Bird’s Nest on the End of the Chin, with Birds Flying Almost Everywhere.
958. At a Wedding Ceremony, when The Bride and The Groom were Leaving, instead of throwing Sesame Seeds, the Members of The Audience Threw Turkeys, both Live Turkeys and Dead Turkeys, Turkey Basters, Pans, Apples, and Oranges at The Bride and The Groom.
963. A Man said, “Regarding My Ethnicity, I’m Negative 88 Percent Honey Badger, and I’m Negative 63 Percent Brown Bear, and I’m Negative 9 Percent Squid, and I’m 808 Percent Zimmow. Any Questions?”
966. A Man said, “These Devices in this Box are Ball Bearings,” and He then Fell Down, and the Ball Bearings went all over the place, and The Man said, “I lost My Bearing!”
967. It was Very Foggy Outside, and a Man in a car said to another Man, “If this Fog causes a Car Accident, who are We going to Sue? Mother Nature? Last Time that I heard, Mother Nature was Judgment Proof.”
969. A Man said, “Buddy The Dog, where are you?” The Man then Picked Up Buddy’s Collar with Buddy’s ID Tag on It, and, while Moving the ID Tag Up and Down, The Man said, “Buddy, I hear your Collar’s ID Tag Jangling, so you must be close By. Where are you?”
972. A Bear was Skiing on a Ski Slope, and a Man asked, “Why are you skiing here, Bear?” And The Bear replied, “Because the Weather is Humid in Washington, DC.”
974. The Woman was a Character for only about 10 minutes to about 31 minutes a Day, about every Day.
975. While Wrapping Presents, a Man got caught up in Wrapping Paper, and He eventually Fell down the Stairs, after Going around and around while Wrapped up in His House.
976. Mr. Michael Mayer was a Mayor, and He did Not Like Sandwiches with Mayo.
977. A Man looked at a Food Item in His Refrigerator that had an Expiration Date of January 2, 1865, and The Man said, “I only eat Food with Expiration Dates after The Civil War Ended. Food with Expiration Dates from January 1st 1880 onwards would be Safe, while Foods with Expiration Dates of January 2nd 1865, and before, would Not be Safe.”
978. A 33 year old Man said to His Mother, “Do you still have My Clothes when I was about 8 years old? I have only grown about two feet since then, and I have only gained about 120 pounds since then, and I think that those clothes may still fit Me.”
979. Buddy the Dog said, “Mom, I want to see you put My food on My plate right after you open up the can. I don’t want worming medication in My food again.”
980. A Stapler stapled a Man’s tie to a piece of paper, and then the Stapler had a mind of its own, and it stapled pieces of equipment throughout The Office.
981. A Man repeatedly changed His Shirts within a Very Short Amount of Time, saying, “I got tired of that Shirt. How do you like this one?”
982. Buddy the Dog said, “Why don’t you offer Me a piece of Chocolate? I’m tired of eating Dog Food.”
983. A Man said, “I drove an ATV Vehicle before. I’ll drive this one.” The ATV then went all over the place, and it crashed.
984. A Man said, “I often look under My Blankets and My Sheets before I go to Sleep to see if there is a Turtle there having a Wrestling Match.”
985. The Man is a Virus Researcher (known by the Acronym VR), and He Helped, and He Helps, Cure Viruses. The Man is also a Scientist, and He also Helped, and He Helps, Cure other Diseases.
987. A Website’s Number of Page Views decreased until it reached a Negative Number, and the Number of Page Views for a Website was Negative 8,862.
988. Men and Women were Laughing and Having a Great Time, and a Man said, “What is Wrong? You guys look Sad. Why are you Sad? Why are you Not Happy? Why are you Crying?”
989. A Realtor said to Her Clients after They came into a House, “This House is Vacant. It has been Vacant for Several Years.” A Family of Eight were inside the House, and They said, “What are you Talking About? We are Here. Our House is Not Vacant. And it’s Not for Sale. How did you get in?” And the Realtor then said to Her Clients, “Someone must have accidentally left the water on upstairs, which is Why you are Hearing that Background Noise. I think that the Owners made the Right Move by Moving Out of the House while it is Up for Sale.” And one of the Owner’s Said to the Realtor, “What? What Planet are you From?” And The Realtor then said to Her Clients, “That Water being on Upstairs is Really Annoying, and I’m going to go Up there and Turn it Off Now.” When the Water was Turned Off, the Owners of the House turned into Birds, and They Flew out of The House.
990. The Man said, “Not all of US like US. And Not all of US are Friends of US. Some People like US. And Some People are Friends of US. It is Rare for Someone to like US. And It is Rare for Someone to be Friends of US. US. Like. Rare. Friends.”
991. A Man ran into His House, and He said to His Mother, “The Weirdos are Out There. I Barely Escaped the Weirdos from Getting Me.” A Piece of Paper was Put Under the Front Door, and the Man read it, and it said, “The Weirdos would like to come in. Can We come inside? — Signed, Mr. Walter Weirdo.”
992. A Man said, “In the Year 2013 and Beyond, A Person was Rich if He or She had 7 or More Dollars. And In the Year 2013 and Beyond, a Person was Correctly Considered Lucky, Fortunate, Blessed, and Rare if He or She had Food to Eat, Drinks to Drink, Clothes to Wear, and a Home to Live in.”
993. A Man turned on one Burner of His Stove, and He said to His Friend, “The Furnace is Not Working, and this Burner to the Stove should Heat the House in about 8,001 Hours.” And The Man’s Friend said, “Why don’t you turn on all four burners of the stove, instead of just turning on One?” And The Man replied, “I don’t want to get the House too Hot too Fast.”
996. For 22 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week, for 8.2168 years, The Man quoted Nonstop from the 19th Century Prime Minister of Great Britain, Benjamin Disraeli.
997. The Man said, “I have Never Really been Vulnerable. I am Not Really Vulnerable. And I will Never Really be Vulnerable.”
998. On December 12, 1212, and, according to the Local Sun Dial, it was about 12:01 p.m., a Company was Denied a Business License by The Local Authorities for Operating a Fast Food Drive Thru that at Night Served as a Drive In Movie Theatre, as it was said to be Too Advanced for that Age.
999. During a Period of about 31 Seconds, a Man repeatedly asked about 21 times another Man, “Do you Want some of this Food? Are you sure? Do you Want some of this Food? Are you sure? Do you Want some of this Food? Are you sure?”
1,000. During a Period of about 31 Seconds, a Man repeatedly asked about 21 times another Man, “What is your Name? Are you sure? What is your Name? Are you sure? What is your Name? Are you sure?”
1,001. The Man said, “I know how to Count to Zero.”
And some More of My Sayings and some More of My Jokes:
1,002. An Eight Year Old Boy said, “I’ve Worked for 89 Years. I worked in The Newspaper Industry. I was a Copy Editor and a Staff Writer for a Newspaper. And I am an Alumnus of Georgetown University, which is also My Alma Mater. And I’m Retired Now. I have worked for 81 more years than I have been alive.”
1,005. In Order to Lose Weight, The Man was on a Candy Bar, Lollipop, Soda Pop, and Popcorn Diet.
1,006. While Outside, The Man said, “Hey Doll, how are you doing?” And The Woman replied, “I’m doing Great. How are you doing?” And The Man said, “I’m Not Talking to you. I’m Talking to Your Doll that’s on the Windowsill.”
1,008. A Computer was all Smashed up, and a Man said to His Wife, “The Tech guy is coming over to see what is wrong with My Computer, and why it won’t work.” The Tech guy came, and upon picking up the Smashed up Computer, He said, “I think the problem is the power cord.” The Man said, “OK, can you have a look at the TV. It’s Not working either.” The Tech guy looked at the Smashed Up TV, whose screen was also all Smashed to Pieces, and the Tech guy said, “I think the problem with Your TV is that its power cord has serious poblems.” The Man replied, “You don’t think the problems with My Computer and My Television is that They are Very Smashed Up, and that Their Screens are Shattered to Pieces?” And the Tech guy said, “No, I think the problems are with their Power Cords.”
1,012. A Man said to another Man, “In this Town, if You Burp, within about 8 minutes everyone Here will know about that.”
1,013. At a Party, a Man said to every Question, “I will Consult My Attorney about that.” For example, someone asked Him, “What is Your Name?” And The Man replied, “I will Consult My Attorney about that.” A person replied, “Why would you have to Consult Your Attorney about that?” And The Man replied, “I will Consult My Attorney about that.”
1,014. The Man said, “His Moustache is Fake. And His Double Chin is Real.”
1,018. A Dog went to the Witness Stand in a Courtroom, and a Dog Translator Translated the Dog’s Barking into the English Language.
1,019. A Man said to another Man, “Good Morning approximately 9.283 Hours before it is Morning. A Very Early, Early Morning Greeting to You.”
1,020. While Cooking Lamb with a Frying Pan, The Man said, “Man, Uncle Sam is Here Ma’am, and He’s Here to Help you Out of Your Jam and Lam.”
1,021. In Alaska, a Marathon Lasted for 88 Consecutive Days and Nights. And it was a Long Marathon. And The Runners were Very Tired. And The Runners were Very Cold.
1,022. A Boy asked His Mother, “Is Cottage Cheese Made in Cottages? Or are The Cottages made in The Cheese?”
1,023. By the Sea, you can Search for and See Lions, Sea Lions, Sea Urchins, and Seals.
1,024: There are Many Ways to Correctly and to Truthfully Express the Concept and the Phrase “it is 7:51 p.m.” For example, You can say, it is Nine Minutes until 8:00 p.m. Or you can say, it is Seven Hours and Fifty One Minutes past Noon. And you can say, “it is 4 Hours and Nine Minutes until Midnight.” All those Phrases are Correct and are Truthful in Expressing the Concept and the Phrase, “it is 7:51 p.m.,” and “7:51 p.m.,” as is the case with other easy to understand phrases, is often used instead of more complex phrases, as it is easier to understand, and it is easier to say, and it is a commonplace and easy to understand phrase, rather than being an esoteric, and perhaps strange, phrase.
1,025. A Man said, “There may be Sometimes Tears in Heaven, which You may Witness when it Rains.”
1,026. Everywhere a Man went, both Inside His House, and Outside His House, He carried a Large Vacuum Cleaner, and a Large Carpet Cleaner, and He said, “You Never know when a Carpet will be in Need of a Good Cleaning.”
1,027. The Man said, “A Drive Thru is Better than a Drive By.”
1,028. At a Party, a Man said to about 4 People, “You would Look Better in a Tank Top. Don’t you think that you’d look Better in a Tank Top? I know that you would.”
1,030. The Man said, “I haven’t gotten the Mail in over 2 years. Today is a Sunday, so there shouldn’t be any Mail in the Mailbox.”
1,031. The Man said, “Do you think that He that makes His Own Money?” And The Man also said, “How do you think that He makes His own money?” These are Double Entendre Phrases, and they are Double Meaning Phrases.
1,032. There is a Phrase that I have Seen, which I will Paraphrase, “Don’t Make it so that a Loyal Person No Longer Gives a Darn.”
1,033. The Man said to a Group of Runners, “Runners, On your Mark, get Set, Win VR.”
1,034. The Man said, “Lift on the Count of 3. Ready? Eight Thousand Forty Four, 9 Million and Ten, 3, and Lift.”
1,038. The Man said, “He is counting His Pennies too Much. And He should instead be counting His Dollars More. And He should be Looking at The Big Picture More. And He should be Looking at The Big Pictures More.”
1,039. During The United States of America’s Presidential Debates, a Presidential Contestant debated another Presidential Contestant who was in a Coma, and The Man in a Coma had a Running Mate who had passed away, and He was Ashes in an Urn. The Man in the Coma, and His Vice President who was in an Urn, won The Presidential Election.
1,041. The Man asked a guy, “How are you doing?” And the guy replied, “7.” The Man then said, “What have you been up to?” And the guy said, ‘7.’” And The Man said, “What do you mean by saying ‘7?’” And the guy replied, “7.”
1,043. The Man said, while putting His Arms in the Symbol of an Arch, “Confused. Confusion. Throw the Shawl of Confused on The Man. And Throw the Shawl of Confusion on The Man. And Throw the Shawl of Temporary Confused (TC) on The Man. And Throw the Shawl of Temporary Confusion (TC) on The Man. And Throw the Shawl of Temporarily Confused (TC) on The Man. And Throw the Shawl of Temporarily Confusion (TC) on The Man. Throw the Shawl of Confused on The Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Confusion on The Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Temporary Confused (TC) on The Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Temporary Confusion (TC) on The Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Temporarily Confused (TC) on The Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Temporarily Confusion (TC) on The Woman. That Man is Safe. And that Woman is Safe. King George is Not the Only Person who was Confused, had Confusion, was Temporarily Confused, and had Temporary Confusion. Temporary Confused is also known by the Acronym TC. And Temporarily Confusion is also known by the Acronym TC. Confused. Confusion. Temporarily Confused. Temporary Confused. Temporarily Confusion.”
1,046. The Man said, “Will, He has a Strong Will, and He Will do that in His Will.”
1,048. As a Person’s Intellectual and Cognitive Abilities Increase, so often does someone’s Thinking and/or Certain Actions and Inactions. For example, a person who is 33 years of age will often play a card game differently than when He or She was a Child.
1,049. At a Dentist’s Office, The Man said, “I have only had 89,352 Dental Cavities so far, and I think that there will only be 31,898 more Dental Cavities during this Dental Exam, although there may be 2 more Dental Cavities than that.” And The Dentist Replied, “You must brush your teeth every day.”
1,050. A Cat and a Microwave Oven and a Mini Refrigerator and a Boom Box came out of a Man’s Mouth during a Dental Exam at a Dentist’s Office.
1,051. The Man said to another Man, “I am a Reader. And I have Read Millions upon Millions of Words, and I have Read Thousands upon Thousands of Pages, and I have Read Dozens of Books. Are you also a Reader?”
1,054. The Man said, “I am also an AVI, which also Means that I am also a VIA.”
1,061. “Tit for Tat, Mr. Matt,” said a Cat during some Chit Chat.
1,063. At The Movie Set, The Man said, “Actors and Actresses, are you ready for the Next Scene? 1, 2, 3, and Turnips, Celery, and Cabbages!”
1,065. The Man said, Very Fast, and Very Quickly: “I am a Clevelander. And I am a Portlander. And I am an Oregonian. And I am an American. And I am a Georgetowner. And I am a Willametter. And I am a Bridger. And I Learned a Lot. And I am a Good Person. And I’m a Good Person.”
1,066. The Man said, “There is Reality. And there are also Multiple Realities (also known by the Acronym “MR”). There is that which is Good. And there is that which is Moral. And there is that which is Special.”
1,067. The Secretary of a Doctor’s Office said that there would be Out of Pocket Costs, and The Client, who is a Man, said, “Let Me see what I have in My Pockets.” And He pulled out a Washer, a Dryer, a Large Refrigerator, and an Elephant out of His Pockets.
1,070. Older Hands do Much Good Work that Younger Hands can Not do, and Younger Hands also do Much Good Work that Older Hands can Not do. Both Older Hands and Younger Hands do Much Good Work.
1,071. The Man went up to 4 People at a Party, and He said,
“Both are True. Yea Hah!”
1,072. The Man said, “It is Not Very Important, and My Skin’s Color sometimes changes color, and it can, and it has, on different occasions be a Very White Color, a Pale Color, a Porcelain Color, an Ivory White Color, a Blushing Color, especially when I am Hot, or when it is Hot outside, and other Colors, and in some ways sort of like a Chameleon. Chameleon.”
1,074. The Man said, “Those Fictional Ones. Those Fake Ones. That person may be, and is probably, referring to Those Fictional Ones. And that person may be, and is probably, referring to those Fake Ones. Fictional. Fake.”
1,076. The Man said, “That is US, and so I won’t do That. US.”
1,077. The Man said, “I help Create Good Medications. Good Medications (also known by the Acronym ‘GM’). Medications.”
1,078. The Man said, “I often know that that is Just the Way it is. That is That. And This is This. And I am often Not Too Interested in the Question of ‘Why.’ Curiosity killed the Metaphorical cat. And I am Not too Curious about Things.”
1,079. The Man who was 33 Years of Age said, “That I am Still Alive is Significant and Important. And that I am Healthy is also Significant and Important. And that I am Well Educated is also Significant and Important. And that I am Well Fed is also Significant and Important. And there are Many More Things that are also Significant and Important.”
1,082. The Man said, “It could have been Much More Sick. And it could have been Sicker. And it could have been Much More Icky. And it could have been Ickier. And it could have been Worse. And it could have been Much More Worse. And it could have been Worser.”
1,083. The Man said, “We have Many Warm Water Ports (WWP), and this is Good. Warm Water Ports are Good to Have. And We are Good.”
1,084. The Man said, “I know that by My Instinct (MI). And I know that by My Good Instinct (MGI). My Instinct. My Instincts (MI). My Good Instinct. My Good Instincts (MGI). Instinct. Instincts. Good Instinct (GI). Good Instincts (GI).”
1,086. The Man and The Woman were both Thinking about Paradise. And The Man and The Woman are both Thinking about Paradise. And The Man is Thinking about Paradise. And The Woman is Thinking about Paradise. And The Man was Thinking about Paradise. And The Woman was Thinking about Paradise. And We are Thinking about Paradise. And We were Thinking about Paradise. Paradise.
1,087. The Man said, while Ironing His Clothes with an Iron, “Irene, I have Ire, and I am Irked, that you are having Iron Supplements.”
1,088. The Man Stared and Stared, and Comically Stared and Stared, at Many People. Finally, a Man asked, “What are you staring at? Can I Help You?” And the Staring Man replied, “I wanted to know if you had a candy bar? I like to eat candy bars, in moderation.”
1,093. The Man said, “That Person should, and probably will, Play that Card only if that Person should Play that Card. And that Person should, and probably will, Play those Cards only if that Person should Play those Cards. And all of this is probably Good. Card. The Card. The Cards. Cards. Card Playing. The Playing of Cards. Game. The Game. The Games. Games. Game Playing. The Playing of Games.”
1,096. The Man said, “I am Frosty. And My Name is also Frosty. Frosty.”
1,097. The Man said, “I was a Defender for My Soccer Team. And I Played Pretty Well. And I won an Award from My Soccer Team, which was called The Astros.”
1,099. The Man said, “The Bill is due on the 88th Day of this Month.”
1,101. The Man said, “Does that Person know The Whole Story? And does that Person know all of the Very Important Parts of the Whole Story?”
1,103. Some of Buddy the Dog’s hair is Coarse, Rough, and Hard, and some of Buddy the Dog’s hair is Soft. And this is also a Metaphor about Many Important Things in Life.
1,104. The Man said, “She is a Fellow Good Character, and I like Her. And she is a Fellow GC, and I like Her. A Good Character, and also Good Characters, are known by the Acronym ‘GC’.” GC.
1,105. On His Hand, The Member of The Cast had on a Cast, from His Time when an Airplane Crash made Him a Castaway on an Island that had a Caste System.
1,106. When The Man opened His Mailbox, an Arm came out of The Mailbox, and someone from inside the Mailbox asked, “Can I please borrow 21 dollars and Fifty Eight cents?”
1,108. The Man said, “Are you Elizabeth Morse’s Daughter?” And The Woman replied, “No, and I am Elizabeth Morse.” And The Man said, “But you must be Elizabeth Morse’s Daughter, as you look just like Elizabeth Morse.”
1,110. The Man said, “That Curse lasted for only about 7 days, and then that Curse ended.”
1,114. The Man said, while looking at a Dam, “Man, Izzy is a Man!”
1,115. The Man said, “My Mom and My Dad are both Listed on My Birth Certificate.”
1,116. At a Restaurant, after telling the Waitress that He would like his first dessert a la carte and his second dessert from the cart, Mr. Benjamin Card said, “Mrs. Carr, you need a New Card to get a Car.”
1,117. The Man said, “I am also Psychic. Psychic.”
1,119. When the The Topic of Alzheimer’s Disease came Up, The Man in the College Classroom said “What I have Not discussed so far is . . .” while saying the same Thing over and over.
1,120. When The Man was asked to do Chores, He said, “I am going to Recuse Myself from doing that Chore, as there is a Conflict of Interest. Furthermore, I am going to Recuse Myself from doing Every Chore, as there are Conflicts of Interest.”
1,123. The Man said to a Person at a Party, Very Frantically, “That was a Typo. Almost everyone has made a Typo. And the website wouldn’t allow Him to Change the Year of Birth that was a Typo. Have you ever made a Typo? It would be Rare for an Adult over the age of 21 to have Never made a Typo. I used to correct Typos for a Living at a Newspaper as a Copy Editor, and I know that many People have made Typos. And that is OK.” Typo.
1,125. The Man said, “I have had Many Jobs in My Life, and I am also My House’s Dishwasher and Housecleaner.”
1,128. The Woman asked The Man, “What happened to your Hands? I have Never seen Hands with so Many Burns. What Happened?” And The Man replied, “That is from My Years of Handling Scalding Hot Pots and Pans, as I learned about Eight Years ago from someone that Oven Mitts are Very Unhealthy to Use.”
1,132. The Man said, while Moving His Hands Up and Down by His Own Face: “I am a Scholar. And I am a Student of Psychology. And I am also a Student of Abnormal Psychology. Boing!”
1,136. The Man said, “The Statute of Limitations for that Crime is between about 7 seconds to 7 minutes, and then that Crime is Time Barred (TB) from being Tried in Court.”
1,137. The Adult Male Basketball Players wore Hockey Masks, Skis, Snow Shoes, and Dresses while Playing Basketball on The Basketball Court.
1,142. The Man said, “Because He Loves US. And because He Likes US. And because He Loves Me. And because He Likes Me. Because She Loves US. And because She Likes US. And because She Loves Me. And because She Likes Me. Loves. Likes.”
1,143. The Man said, “Because He Loved US. And because He Liked US. And because He Loved Me. And because He Liked Me. Because She Loved US. And because She Liked US. And because She Loved Me. And because She Liked Me. Loved. Liked.”
1,145. The Man said, “The Talented and Gifted Person. Talented and Gifted. TAG. TAGGED.”
1,150. During a Baseball Game, The Baseball Team Members that wore Red Uniforms all went into Convulsions on the Field, as did all Spectators wearing Red T-Shirts and/or Red Sweatshirts and/or Red Coats in The Stadium, and all the Spectators wearing those things while watching The Game on Television, with there being, for example, 8 Family Members watching The Game on Television, and two of those Family Members who were wearing Red Went into Convulsions.
1,152. The Man said, “That May Backfire. And that will Likely Backfire. And that will Very Likely (VL) Backfire. Backfire. Bad Consequences (BC).”
1,154. The Man said to Eight People at a Party, each Individually, “Janus.”
1,158. The Man said, “My Name is Mr. Purloined, and that Man just Purloined your Toilet Plunger (TP).”
1,159. The Man said, “Many Dogs do Not Understand (DNU) why they should Not Usually (NU) Bark while they are Outside during The Night. And that is OK.”
1,160. The Man said to another Man, “Remember that there may be some Agent Provocateurs (AP) prowling around trying to get you to do something Incriminating.”
1,161. The Man said, “I would Never participate in a Comedy Roast of another Individual. And I will Never participate in a Comedy Roast of another Individual. And I have Never participated in a Comedy Roast of another Individual. And I am Not participating in a Comedy Roast of another Individual.”
1,162. The Man said, “I am The Watcher. And I am The Observer. And I am The Reader. And I am The Writer. Watcher. Observer. Reader. Writer. TW. TO. TR. TW.”
1,163. A Man named Zak put Large Artificial Wings Man over another Man named Tim, and Tim said, “What are you doing?” And Zak replied, “Someone told Me to take you under My Wings. And that is what I’m doing.”
1,165. While Playing Poker, The Man said, “Check out these cards: A Royal Flush. This is My 288th Royal Flush that I’ve had today.”
1,167. The Store Clerk asked the Grocery Store Client, “Would like to Pay the Real Value (RV) for this Candy Bar?” And The Client said, “How much is the Real Value for this Candy Bar?” And The Clerk replied, “87.184 Trillion Dollars and 42 Cents.” And The Man said, “I think I’ll instead pay the price that is on the candy bar instead.” And The Clerk Replied, “Are you an Honest Person?”
1,168. The Woman said to a guy, “It is Nice to see you. How are you doing My Friend? I like your shirt.” And the guy replied, while Jumping up and Down and while being Greatly Upset, “How dare you! Those are Fighting Words. You should know that those are Fighting Words. Take those words back you Evil Person (EP).”
1,169. The Man was Washing and Lathering His Hands in a Sink with Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Lettuce, Salami, Red Paint, Glue, and Rocks, and a guy asked, “Why are you washing your hands with Ketchup, Mayo, Mustard, Lettuce, Salami, Red Paint, Glue, and Rocks?” And The Man replied, “Someone needs to Teach you some Good Lessons about Personal Hygiene, Mister.”
1,170. The Vipers looked around. And The Viper looked around. The Snakes looked around. And The Snake looked around. The Vipers (TV). The Viper. The Snakes (TS). The Snake. Vipers. Viper. Snakes. Snake.
1,176. The Man called His Professor, and The Professor said, “I can’t write your recommendation to Georgetown University, as I’ve been Officially Dead for 28 Years after I Officially choked to death on toothpaste.”
1,179. The Man asked the Woman, “The Hot Water has Not been ran in this house for 33 years, and do you think this has been enough time for the Water Heater to have had time to reheat the water?” And The Woman replied, “33 years is probably Not enough Time. Let us give the Water Heater 34 more years to Rejuvenate, and then We can see if the Water gets Heated. You should be Patient.”
1,181. The Construction Workers used Turkey Basters, Toilet Plungers, Spoons, Forks, Hot Dogs, Oranges, Apples, and Bananas to do Construction Work, to Pound in Nails, and to Break up Bricks.
1,182. While Watching Television, and while Looking in Mirrors, and while doing other Activities, The Man frequently made Guttural sounds with His Mouth, sort of Like Baby Talk (BT), as one of His Ways of Communicating, and while He Frequently Smiled, and while He Frequently Laughed.
1,184. The Man said, “All is Quite on the Western, Eastern, Northern, and Southern Fronts. There is Peace. Peace.”
1,185. The Man said, “That could potentially Cost Too Many Chips. Chips, in addition to being Literal Objects, are also Metaphors. Chips.”
1,187. The Woman said, “Does He shave His Legs?” And The Man replied, “If you really knew Him, that would Not be the Thing that you would be Really Focusing on.”
1,188. The Man, who was Dressed in a Halloween Outfit — a Wizard’s Clothing — knocked at a Door, and He said, “Happy Halloween.” And The Woman replied, “It is Christmas, Not Halloween.” And The Man said, “I live by The Motto: The Early Bird gets the Worm.”
1,189. The Man stuffed Cake, Pie, and Ice Cream in a Mailbox, and He made a Big Mess. A Woman asked, “What are you doing?” And The Man replied, “I want to leave The Mailman a Christmas Gift, so that He does Not Starve to Death.”
1,193. Two Soccer Teams played a Soccer Match on an Ice Skating Rink, while wearing cleats, and Many Soccer Players slipped and fell on the ice.
1,196. The Man asked a guy, “What are you doing? Why are you gluing 801 Shoe Heels Together?” And the guy replied, “I want to be Well Heeled.”
1,197. The Television Show had its 89th Trillion Television Episode.
1,199. The Man said to another Man, “After you Bathe, and after you have put on Deodorant, and after you Brush your Teeth, and after you stop Stinking, We will go to the Coliseum to See the Wrestling Matches that happened 81 Trillion Years ago. I Normally do Not care if someone Stinks; however, today is a Tuesday, and Tuesdays are the one day of the week where I care if someone stinks.”
1,202. The Man said, “I am going to call Myself on My Cellphone to See if I’m still Here.”
1,203. The Man said, “Do Not allow that to Sabotage You. Sabotage. And there are Stumbling Blocks (SB). Stumbling Blocks. SB.”
1,205. The Man said to another Man, “Today is your 89th Billion 683 Million 173 Thousand 482nd Birthday. Happy Birthday! You have had a lot of Fun. And you will continue to have a lot of Fun.”
1,206. The Store Clerk said, “Here are your lottery tickets. Now What Lottery Numbers should I input into the Computer to be the Winning Numbers?”
1,209. The Person said, “The Messiah.” The Messiah. Messiah.
1,210. The Man said, “There is a Compartment for this Compartment’s Compartment, for when you want to Compartmentalize a Compartment’s Compartment.”
1,212. The Police Officer gave a Person a Speeding Ticket for, “Walking 2.8 Miles per hour in a 1.8 Miles per hour Section of the City.”
1,213. The Man was Rolling a Rolling Pin up and down His arms, when a guy asked, “What are you doing?” And The Man replied, “I’m trying to spread Myself Too Thin with this Rolling Pin.”
1,214. The Man kept on Yelling, “I’m a Proud Welfare Mama,” and another Man replied, “I’m also a Proud Welfare Mama, and please keep it down, as I’m Watching Wrestling on Television.”
1,215. Two Fabric Threads on a Fashion Runway were Pulled, which caused Two Models to Spin around and around until They were just left with their Undergarments on.
1,217. The Man said, “My Girlfriend and I like to go Fishing together.” And the other Man replied, “My Girlfriend and I like to Drink like Fish together.”
1,222. The Man filled The French Press Completely with Coffee Grounds, and He said, “I like My Coffee Very Strong. So Strong that there is No Room for the Hot Water on the Coffee Grounds in The French Press.”
1,225. In The Restaurant, The Man who was also a Waiter, took off His Eye Glasses, and He Pushed one of the Lenses into a Cup of Coffee, and He asked a Customer, “Excuse Me, did you say that you wanted One Eye Glass Lens in your Coffee, or Two?”
1,227. The Post Man cut 4 Envelopes in Half, and a Post Woman asked, “What are you doing? Why are you cutting those envelopes in Half?” And The Post Man replied, “These customers only have half the postage required on each of their envelopes, and so the recipient will only get half of their envelope. Half for Half.”
1,230. A Very, Very Miniature Wagon was pulled by a Van, and The Man said, “Is this the Van to the Airport?” And The other Man replied, “No, the Van is the Very, Very Miniature Wagon, and in order to fit inside the Wagon, you’ll need to lose about 98.7% of Your Body Weight, and you’ll also need to lose about 99.99351% of Your Height. Time to get in Shape, Mr. Mister Flabby.”
1,232. The Man said, “I am going to Invent games called Chess, Checkers, Blackjack, Poker, and Solitaire.” And The Woman replied, “Those games were already Invented a long time ago.” And The Man said, “You’re kidding Me. I have Never heard of them before.”
1,233. The Woman said to The Man, “You have a Very Nice Pair of Legs.” And The Man replied, “Thank you. I am Attached to Them. And I mean that both Figuratively and Literally.”
And the following are some More of My Jokes and My Sayings:
B1. Many people, right next to each other, telegraphed things to each other, and also in Multiple Languages.
B2. “Different” as a Double Entendre – You are Different from when I last saw you 7 years ago.
B3. The Man said, “That Meal was Great. And I’m Full.” And The Woman replied, “No, you are Brandon.” Contributed by Grandma Carolyn, and Written with Grandma Carolyn’s Permission.
B4. The Man’s Name is Tableau Rasi.
B5. The Man said, “Two more are often better than Tumors.”
B6. A Kitchen Mixer for a Keyboard, and a Microwave for a Computer Mouse.
B6A. The Man said, “I would lose My Head if it were Not attached. And that would be a terrible thing to lose.”
B7. The Plant was Literally Hollering for Light, while saying “Hollering. Hollering.”
B8. What time? Too early.
B9. Information Booths are Good for Information.
B10. “Mr. Links Links Links More Links Even More Links 88 Links 84,000 Links,” your Table is Ready.
B11. A Change of Address Form: A Sewer somewhere in Antartica.
B12. Baggage Tags for Many Things for a Short Car Ride.
B12A. The Plant Bloomed for Her after His Death.
B13. Can you go to the Restroom for Me?
B14. Physical at a Doctor’s Office for Silverware and Plates and Glasses and Clothing.
B15. Preemptive Water Dousing for Firefighters in a House – Because there is an approximate 0.000081% Chance of a Fire in the Next 101 Years.
B16. Raccoon and Other Figurines Fed and Watered.
B17. The Automobile had a Button that was Pushed that Had a Banana Peel (for other Car’s Slipping after it lifted up and tried to avoid walking over the banana peel) and Ice Cream, and other Things come out of the back of the car.
B18. Stairs and other Objects Bounced.
B19. He Literally Won’t do that again.
B21. Lottery Ticket Calling Back on a Telephone – Kidnapped.
B21A.. Clothes Pins while in the Car because of the Stench.
B22. Christmases at Grandma’s House, sweat pouring off Her forehead, Great Foods and Drinks, and other Rememberances.
B31. Stink Spray
B32. Funeral for a Toilet Plunger and a Raccoon, and the Funeral Attendees wore Toilet Paper Suits and Toilet Paper Clothing.
B33. Birthday for Lottery Numbers and Lottery Tickets.
B34. Long Rolls of Toilet Paper for Earrings.
B34A. The Dead Man is dug up from His Grave, and His Skeletal Remains are Placed Under Arrest, and He is Miranderized, and He is Given Food and Water in a Prison, and He put on Trial, “Why don’t you speak when I ask you a Question?” Placed in Contempt of Court.
B35. 0.00000083 of a Penny Proposal, which translates into for those Very, Very, Infinitismal, Very Infinitsmal Purchases, for example, when someone buys one sixteenth of a piece of gum.
Some of My Writings:
B36. A Landsem Family Member – He said that He saw Family and Friends while on His Death Bed.
B37. A Legion of Angels – 10,000 or More Angels – Aunt Go Go
B38. A Joke: Shirt and Pants Really, Really Shrunk from the Washer and the Dryer – Need to lose some Weight.
B38A. I Want to See Brandon.
B39. A Joke: Tissue – came back looking for a Fallen piece of Tissue that was connected to His Shoe after walking out of the Restroom – Elmer, The Piece of Tissue, are you Here? Where are you Elmer? -- 83 years later.
B40. Long Skipping Contest.
B41. Choking Hazard for Elves, Nymphs, Goblins, and Dinosaurs, specifically Flying Dinosaurs with only 3 and a Half teeth.
B42. Hamburger Face and Hot Dog Face and Apple Face – with Pieces of Hamburger, Hot Dog, and Apples on Their Faces.
B43. Got the Joke 83 Zillion Years Later.
B43A. Clothes, such as Clothes on Beaches, throughout History – World View, as World Views Manifest Themselves in Many Tangible and Intangible Ways.
B44. A Turtle was asked to go “outside” of the Bar for a Fight. “Shell Shock.”
B46. Surrounded by Strong Men and by Strong Women throughout My Life.
B47. The Man said, "I’m Too Tired to be Tired."
B48. He was a Crooner and a Coroner who also Played a Coronet, and He had an Abrasion on His Cornea from a Piece of Corn.
B49. A Joke: Voter – 8 Million Votes for Each Voter?
B50. Speculation and Hearsay Joke in a Courtroom.
B51. Always Add, and you cannot Always Subtract – Grandma Carolyn
B53. Grandma Carolyn: “Marlin was such a sweet kid.”
B55. About Uncle Marlin: “Went on to a Better Life,” and She, “Knew that He believed in God.”
B56. “Grandpa Ted was Very Happy Go Lucky.”
B57. Good Times with Family and Friends – Fishing, Skiing, and Hiking, and I am, “Set up athletically to be good at those things.” (Grandma Carolyn).
B58. I would, as a small child, walk behind Grandpa Sid and say, “Bite Grandpa, Bite.” About pickles, etc.
B59. “You look tired Grandpa. Let’s take a Break,” about 4, 5, and 6 and Beyond. Hiking into Lakes.
B60. Grandpa Sid, “We used to catch a lot of trout.”
B61. Aunt Fan: “You are looking old Maude,” Maude: “you are Not looking like a Spring Chicken Yourself.” Grandpa Sid, “The war is going on.” Grandpa Sid: “First time I heard them say that they loved each other,” and they hugged each other. Maude in the parking lot: “who was that?”
B62. Grandpa Ted, “Full of Family Values. Very, Very Intelligent. Great sense of Humor. Jokester. Happy, Happy, Happy. A self-made Man. A Hardworker.” – Grandma Carolyn.
B63. “My chunky legs,” as a Child – Grandma Carolyn.
B64. Grandpa Sid’s Grandpa, Crawford, a good Friend of President Abraham Lincoln, in Indiana and lived near Him, and Lincoln gave Him a cane.
B65. A Man, from Oregon, right before He died, he said, as did a Landsem Family Member right before His Death, that He saw My Grandpa Ted, and He said, on His Deathbed, “Ted is right here. He’s come to get Me.”
B66. Uncle Marlin Talked Very Little about what happened in Vietnam, and, as My Grandpa Sid said, Very Few Men talked about Everything that Happened during Wartime.
B67. Grandma Carolyn – Grandpa Ted had on an Oxygen Mask, and Grandma Carolyn asked Him, “Dad, can you hear Me?” Grandpa Ted then squeezed Her Hand. Grandma Carolyn then said, “I love you. I love you.”
B68. After His Stroke, Uncle Larry Marched by the Nurse’s Station after it was discussed whether to Pull His Life Support Tubes.
B69. Grandpa Ted’s Funeral nearly shut down the whole town of Molalla, when He passed away in the 1960s. Shriners.
B70. Mom – Tap Dancing and Recitals. Wanny Loues instead of Lonny Loues.
B71. Grandma Carolyn Haughton’s Bartering Award for Cruise Ship’s Contest.
B72. Tom Didvad – Friends of the Landsems, and He was the only child from parents who came on a boat from Norway. He started by picking up eggs in his car.
Tom and Sally started Willamette Egg Farms. I remember going Fishing and Skiing with Tom, Grandpa Sid, and Myself.
B73. US Marines – A person who is a US Marine will Always Really be a US Marine – as told to Me during a Meal at a Subway Restaurant by the Wife of a US Marine, and Nurse who was a Roommate in our House – She had come from Texas to Oregon for a Job as a Nurse.
B74. Landsems – a close Knit Family; reunions; visiting; Sunday Visiting;
And Some More of My Jokes and My Writings:
B75. When Fishing with Grandpa Sid: Ospreys, saw many while fishing. Birds of Prey and Fish – claws and fish can drown the Birds.
B75A. Spring pulled back too hard – in one of My Movies.
B76. A lot of Book Readers (BR) in My Family.
B77. Grandma Carolyn, about Me as a Child, “So easy to take care of. Rocked you and singing to you Baby Songs.” “Love you forever and ever.”
B78. Joke: It is OK if you talk to yourself, as long as you do Not answer yourself.
B79. “Come on Bess,” Grandma Hjordis about Her Car. Music Lessons and Voice Lessons. Played the piano. Sung at Her Church and elsewhere.
B80. Grandpa Ted to Grandma Carolyn: “Does this make sense?” About Accounting, etc. Change to Grandma Carolyn for Lunch, etc.
B81. “Over the Hill” – Double Entendre Meaning.
B83. A Joke: Ghetto part of a Shopping Mall.
B85. Dab of Sunscreen Joke – A Person thinks that that Dab is Enough, and He says, after Looking at His Severe Sunburn, “at least this part didn’t get Very Badly Burnt.”
B86. New Toilet and Appliances Joke – They Wear out quickly, like from One Flush – Time for a New Toilet.
B90. 2 Extreme Sizes of Water Fountains.
B91. Joke: Extremely Large Print – One Letter Per Page.
B92. Joke: Respect This Toothpick.
B93. Joke: Male Home Pregnancy Tests.
B94. A Joke: Closet and Refrigerator – a place to Sleep? Joke. Toilet and shower and toothbrush and toothpaste: what is that? And scared of those Things.
B95. Jokes: Clothes have Grown! And They Really Grew Huge.
B96. Grandma Carolyn, “you still don’t like things around your neck.” Which can be a Double Entendre.
B98. A Joke: A Very, Very Short Sleep and other Activities – both Long and Short Amounts of Time, for example, tying the shoes and eating.
B99. Joke: The Bank Charged 8 million percent interest per year for a deposit into a Savings Account. And someone charged the LENDER 18 million percent interest per year for being allowed to BORROW money.
——— —-
B100. A Joke: Many people say they are “Full” after eating a very small amount of Food, and drink a very small amount of Liquid. Eat Air too.
B101. A Joke: A child was charged for basic items by his parents.
B102. A Joke: A person is sued for smiling at another person, and asking, “How are you doing?’
B103. A Joke: Errors in teaching basic math and spelling and geography and history.
B106. Lollipop Fever and Spaghetti Cold – Causes and also the cures. Spaghetti causes Fever, and cures the cold, and Lollipops causes Cold, and cures Fever. Joke.
B107. RL (Real Law)
TRL (The Real Law)
—— ——-
Joke Alphabet:
B108. WQARESTZYZQETUOTA – Now I know The Jumbled and Twisted WQAs, Next time won’t you refuse and refrain from singing with Me and the Crocodile Next Door?
B109. Joke: “8 people arrested for Public Nudity and Indecent Exposure and Disorderly Conduct by Not wearing Hats and Watches.”
B110. Joke: Unconditional Love for you. I will Always love you. And the person replies: Even if . . . . Even if . . .
B111. Joke: A real orange for a phone, and a head of lettuce for another phone, and a Milk Carton for a Computer. Ate the phone and drank the computer? Those electronics are expensive!
B112. Joke: Premonitions about My Pet Goldfish, My Pet Guppies, My Soap, My Wig, My Toupee, and My Cane deaths in 8.38 years. Can I get a draw on My California State Widows Benefits? Ma’m – No one can get an advance because of a premonition on Widows benefits. And Widows benefits are Not for Goldfish, Guppies, Soap, Wigs, Toupees, and Canes. The first person: “Why Not? I have My Marriage Licenses for those 6 things right here. Are you Weirdophobic?”
B113. Bread, Apple, and Banana, and Lollipop Cars.
B114. A Joke: A Person is in love with a Blank Notebook (other was Worn Out – and too many tattooes on its pages.) Fatter than My Previous Notebooks. I love you so much My Fat Notebook. Writes – Will you marry Me My Chubby Notebook. The Person then writes – Human, you are moving too Fast. Let’s go on a Date First. The person writes: Where would like to go? Human, nearly anywhere except a Shredder.
B121. Funny Questions at a Job Interview. “Am I allowed to bring an Ampersand to Work? Then a picture of an Ampersand (&) is shown. This Ampersand is My Best Friend.”
122. Trouthouse Restaurant in Sunriver; Blondies Restaurant – that had Great Muffins and other Foods and Drinks — by the Video Store that in the early 1990s had VHS Tapes, with tags by the movies that were picked up and carried to the counter.
B123. A Norwegian at Sunriver: “This is a Landsem! She’s Rich,” about Grandma Carolyn.
B124. Pepperoni Tree – people picking up pepperoni.
B125. A Joke: Hopefully they won’t like these brownies so we can get more of them. Should we say that someone sneezed all over them?
More of My Jokes and Writings:
C1. A Joke: During a Press Conference in an indoor room, a Man in a Parachute was Propelled Sideways, and He almost bumped into the Speaker.
C2. The Rating System(s). The Rating System(s), from 0 to 10. The Rating System(s), from 0 being Extremely Low (EL), to 10 being Extremely High (EH). About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects.
C3. Subjective. Subjectives. Subjectively. Subjectiveness. About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects.
C4. Objective. Objectives. Objectively. Objectiveness. About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects.
C5. Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE).
C6. A Greater Understanding. Greater Understanding. A Better Understanding. Better Understanding. Understanding.
C7. Some Greater Understandings. Greater Understandings. Some Better Understandings. Better Understandings. Understandings.
C8. A Greater Understanding (AGU). Greater Understanding (GU). A Better Understanding (ABU). Better Understanding (BU). Understanding.
C9. Some Greater Understandings (SGU). Greater Understandings (GU). Some Better Understandings (SBU). Better Understandings (BU). Understandings.
C10. Holistic. Holistically. Not Holistic (NH). Not Holistically (NH).
C11. Specific. Specifically. Not Specific (NS). Not Specifically (NS).
C12. A Joke for one of My Movies: Diabetes and Hypoglycemia do Not go Well together.
C13. The Man said, “You have Plenty of Time. And You have had Plenty of Time. And You will have Plenty of Time.”
C14. The Man said, “You have Plenty of Time if that occurs. And You have had Plenty of Time if that occurs. And You will have Plenty of Time if that occurs.” Plenty of Time (POT). Plenty of Time if that occurs (POTITO).
C15. A Joke: Under Duress, The Man wore a Dress while Making a Big Mess while engaging in a Kiss with a Miss.
C16. A Joke: The Man accidently put the Pumpkin Pie in the Microwave for 60 Minutes instead of 60 Seconds, which made a Huge Mess.
C17. Federal. The Federal (TF). The Federal Property (TFP). The Federal Properties (TFP). The Federal Space (TFS). The Federal Spaces (TFS). The Federal Land (TFL). The Federal Lands (TFL). The Federal Territory (TFT). The Federal Territories (TFT). Federal Property (FP). Federal Properties (FP). Federal Space (FS). Federal Spaces (FS). Federal Land (FL). Federal Lands (FL). Federal Territory (FT). Federal Territories (FT). The Property (TP). The Properties (TP). The Space (TS). The Spaces (TS). The Land (TL). The Lands (TL). The Territory (TT). The Territories (TT). My Property (MP). My Properties (MP). My Space (MS). My Spaces (MS). My Land (ML). My Lands (ML). My Territory (MT). My Territories (MT). His Property (HP). His Properties (HP). His Space (HS). His Spaces (HS). His Land (HL). His Lands (HL). His Territory (HT). His Territories (HT). Her Property (HP). Her Properties (HP). Her Space (HS). Her Spaces (HS). Her Land (HL). Her Lands (HL). Her Territory (HT). Her Territories (HT). Our Property (OP). Our Properties (OP). Our Space (OS). Our Spaces (OS). Our Land (OL). Our Lands (OL). Our Territory (OT). Our Territories (OT). Their Property (TP). Their Properties (TP). Their Space (TS). Their Spaces (TS). Their Land (TL). Their Lands (TL). Their Territory (TT). Their Territories (TT). Property. Properties. Space. Spaces. Land. Lands. Territory. Territories.
C18. The Worker Member (TWM). The Worker Members (TWM). Worker Member (WM). Worker Members (WM). Worker Organization (WO). Worker Organizations (WO). Worker Organization Member (WOM). Worker Organization Members (WOM).
C19. A Joke: The Love Family (TLF and LF) frequently told Individuals, including a Stranger, and including Strangers, that They Loved Them.
C20. The Man said, “That would have been Worse. And that would have led to something Worse.” Worse. Worsen. Worsened. And that Would have been Worse (ATWHBW and TWHBW and WHBW).
C21. A Joke: Give Our Pet a Pet.
C22. Makes Sense (MS). Does Not Make Sense (DNMS).
C23. The Artificial (TA). The Artificials (TA). The Artificially (TA). The Natural (TN). The Naturals (TN). The Naturally (TN). The Real (TR). The Reals (TR). The Really (TR). The Reality (TR). The Realities (TR). Reality.
C24. The Not Artificial. The Not Artificials. The Not Artificially. The Not Natural. The Not Naturals. The Not Naturally. The Unnatural. The Unnaturals. The Unnaturally. The Not Real. The Not Reals. The Not Really. The Not Reality. The Not Realities. Not Reality (NR).
C25. The Man Made (TMM). Man Made (MM).
C26. Artificial. Artificials. Artificially. Natural. Naturals. Naturally. Real. Reals. Really. Reality. Realities.
C27. Not Artificial (NA). Not Artificials (NA). Not Artificially (NA). Not Natural (NN). Not Naturals (NN). Not Naturally (NN). Unnatural. Unnaturals. Unnaturally. Not Real (NR). Not Reals (NR). Not Really (NR). Not Reality (NR). Not Realities (NR).
C28. (The) Devil’s Advocate (TDA and DA). (The) Devil’s Advocates (TDA and DA).
C29. Calm. Calms. Calmly. Calming. Calmed. Not Calm. Not Calms. Not Calmly. Not Calming. Not Calmed. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
C30. The Mitigating Factor (TMF). The Mitigating Factors (TMF). Mitigating Factor (MF). Mitigating Factors (MF). The Mitigating (TM). Mitigate. Mitigating. Mitigated. The Non-Mitigating Factor (TNMF). The Non-Mitigating Factors (TNMF). Non-Mitigating Factor (NMF). Non-Mitigating Factors (NMF). The Non-Mitigating (TNM). Not Mitigate (NM). Non-Mitigating (NM). Not Mitigated (NM). Mens Rea (MR) — someone’s True Intention (TI). Mens Rea — someone’s True Intentions (TI). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
C31. I encourage You to Watch and Listen to the Movie called, 300, and The Oracle Scene in that Movie, and there is also an Oracle in The Matrix Movies, and there are also Psychics in The Movie called, Minority Report, as well as in other Books and Movies.
C32. The Man said, “It is Not Very Important, and different parts of My Body are often different colors than other parts of My Body.”
And Here are some More of My Jokes and My Writings:
C33. A Joke: A Pen Sharpener on Television, and Ink gets about everywhere, and a Salesperson say, “That’s OK if that Ink gets Everywhere, as I Heard that Ink is Good for Your Skin.”
D1. Specialty. Specialties. The Specialty (TS). The Specialties (TS).
D2. Professional. Professionals. The Professional (TP). The Professionals (TP). A Professional (AP). Some Professionals (SP). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS).
D3. Skilled. Skills. The Skilled (TS). The Skill. (TS). The Skills (TS). The Skill Set (TSS and SS). The Skill Sets (TSS and SS). A Skill (AS). Some Skills (SS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Skill. Skills. Skilling. Skilled. Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE).
D4. Expert. Experts. The Expert (TE). The Experts (TE). An Expert (AE). Some Experts (SE). Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). Expertise. Expertises. Not an Expertise. Not Expertises. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS).
D5. Recovery from That (RFT). Recovered from That (RFT). Recover from That (RFT). Recovers from That (RFT).
D6. Recovery. Recovered. Recover. Recovers.
D7. A Joke: one of The Best Friends of a Child is a Coat’s Loop for a Button, and the Coat’s Loop is named “Frankie.”
D8. The Stage. The Stages. Stage. Stages.
D9. The Stage of that Person’s Life. The Stages of that Person’s Life. That Stage of that Person’s Life. Those Stages of that Person’s Life.
D8A. The Phase. The Phases. Phase. Phases.
D9A. The Phase of that Person’s Life. The Phases of that Person’s Life. That Phase of that Person’s Life. Those Phases of that Person’s Life.
D10. Significant. Very Significant. Extremely Significant. About that Subject. About those Subjects. About that Topic. About those Topics.
D11. Not Significant. Not Very Significant. Not Extremely Significant. About that Subject. About those Subjects. About that Topic. About those Topics.
D12. Insignificant. Very Insignificant. Extremely Insignificant. About that Subject. About those Subjects. About that Topic. About those Topics.
D13. (The) Network. (The) Networks. (The) Networking. (The) Networkings.
D14. The Man said, “The Psychological Concept (TPC and PC) known as Psychological Projection (PP) means when someone believes, either Correctly or Falsely, that someone believes something, which can be a Reflection of a Person’s own Thinking(s) and/or own Action(s). And Not everything has to do with Psychological Projection, as there is Reality, and there is Non-Reality (NR).”
D15. The Man said, “That might be a Coping Mechanism (CM). And those might be Coping Mechanisms (CM).” That Might Be (TMB and MB). Those Might Be (TMB and MB)
D16. The Man said, “I sort of like Shirley Temple (ST). And I sort of like another Person. And I sort of like other People.”
D17. Careful. Carefuls. Carefully. Care. Cares. Caring. Cared.
D18. The Reality (TR). The Realities (TR). Reality. Realities. The Subjective(s). The Subjectively. The Objective(s). The Objectively. The Holistic(s). The Holistically. The Information. The Informations. The Informative. The Informatives. The Instruction. The Instructions. The Instructioning. The Instructionings. The View(s). The Point of View(s). The World View(s). The OK. The Fine. The Sufficient. The Satisfactory. The Passing. The Pass. The Passes. The Passed. The Cumulative. The Cumulatives. The Cumulatively. The Gratitude(s). The Blessing(s).
D19. A Joke: Once Grandma was nearing the End of Her Puzzle, she got Nail Clippers, a Hammer, and a Chisel, and She was determined with Those Tools to make the Puzzle Pieces fit together.
D20. (The) Process of Elimination (TPOE and POE). (The) Processes of Elimination (TPOE and POE).
D21. (The) Process of Eliminations (TPOE and POE). (The) Processes of Eliminations (TPOE and POE).
D22. Intensity. Intensities. Low Intensity (LI). Very Low Intensity (VLI). Extremely Low Intensity (ELI). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D23. Intensity. Intensities. High Intensity (HI). Very High Intensity (VHI). Extremely High Intensity (EHI). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D24. Intensity. Intensities. Normal Intensity (NI). Very Normal Intensity (VNI). Extremely Normal Intensity (ENI). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D25. Intensity. Intensities. Not Normal Intensity (NNI). Very Not Normal Intensity (VNNI). Extremely Not Normal Intensity (ENNI). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D26. Intensity. Intensities. Medium Intensity (MI). Very Medium Intensity (VMI). Extremely Medium Intensity (EMI). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D27. Intensity. Intensities. Good Intensity (GI). Very Good Intensity (VGI). Extremely Good Intensity (EGI). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D28. Intensity. Intensities. Bad Intensity (BI). Very Bad Intensity (VBI). Extremely Bad Intensity (EBI). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D29. Good Pace. Good Paces. Good Pacing. Good Pacings. Good Paced. Bad Pace. Bad Pace. Bad Pacing. Bad Pacings. Bad Paced. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D30. The Man said, “Like many Individuals, the Famous Writer, Adam Smith, often lived in the same House with His Mother. And Many People live with Family Members. And Many People live with Friends. And Many People live with Family and Friends. And in Many Countries it is Very Common to have Family Members living in the Same House. And in Many Countries it is Very Common to have Many Family Members living in the Same House.”
D31. A Joke: The Person said, “I’m Too Full for the Rest of My Meal, and I am Not Too Full for that Candy Bar.”
D32. The Man said, “I sort of Helped Us. And I also sort of Helped You.” In a Roundabout Way (IARW). Not in a Roundabout Way (NIARW). In a Direct Way (INDW). In Not a Direct Way (INADW). In an Indirect Way (IAIW). Helped Us (HU). Helped You (HY). Helped Me (HM).
D33. Interdependent. Interdependency.
D34. In one of My Books: The House remembered when He was Little. And The House remembered when She was Little. And He remembered when that Person was Little. And She remembered when that Person was Little. And I remembered when that Person was Little. And We remembered when that Person was Little. And They remembered when that Person was Little.
D35. A Joke: A Person goes from Door to Door with a Sign on His Neck that says, “Me and My Dog Step on Stinker Bugs for Free.”
D36. A Joke: Facial Beards within Facial Beards, with different colors of Beards.
D37. A Person lets The Man rest when The Man should Rest. And Many People let The Man Rest when He should Rest. And The Man lets a Person rest when that Person should Rest. And The Man lets Many People Rest when They should Rest. And the same is also true with Recuperation. (The) Recuperation (TR). (The) Recuperations (TR). (The) Rest (TR). (The) Rests (TR).
D38. The Man said, “That is Right. And that other Thing is Not Right.” Right. Not Right (NR).
D39. The Man said, “That is Really Right. And that other Thing is Really Not Right.” Really Right (RR). Really Not Right (RNR).
D40. From the 2001 Movie, The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Rings: Galadriel: “It all began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves; immortal, wisest, and fairest of all Beings.”
D41. The Man said, “About One Percent. About Two Percent. About Three Percent. About Four Percent. About Five Percent. About Six Percent. About Seven Percent. About Eight Percent. About Nine Percent. About Ten Percent. About a Tenth. About 1/10th. About Eleven Percent. About Twelve Percent. About an Eighth. About 1/8th. A Great Part (AGP). Great Part (GP). A Part (AP). Part. A Little (AL). A Dab (AD). Present. A Lot (AL). A Good Percent (AGP and GP). A Good Percentage (AGP and GP). Some. About Twenty Five Percent. About a Quarter. About a Fourth. About 1/4th. About a Third. About Thirty Percent. About Thirty Three Percent. About 1/3rd. About Half. About Fifty Percent. About 1/2. About Fifty Eight Percent. About Two Thirds. About 2/3rds. About Seventy Five Percent. About One Hundred Percent. One Hundred Percent. 100 Percent. 100%. Completely. Totally. Complete. Completes. A Heritage (AH). The Heritage (TH). Heritage. Heritages. The Heritages (TH). The Ancestor (TA). The Ancestors (TA). The Ancestry (TA). The Ancestries (TA). Ancestor. Ancestors. Ancestry. Ancestries.”
D42. A Joke: Pumpkin Carvings in Funny Shapes.
D43. Apparent. Apparently. Not Apparent (NA). Not Apparently (NA).
D44. Really Apparent (RA). Real Apparently (RA). Not Really Apparent (NRA). Not Real Apparently (NRA).
D45. Obvious. Obviously. Not Obvious (NO). Not Obviously (NO).
D46. Really Obvious (RO). Real Obviously (RO. Not Really Obvious (NRO). Not Real Obviously (NRO).
D47. The Reasonable Person (TRP and RP). The Reasonable Person Standard in Law (TRPSIL and RPSIL).
D48. A Given (AG). Givens. Not a Given (NAG). Not Givens (NG).
D49. A Real Given (ARG). Real Givens (RG). Not a Real Given (NARG). Not Real Givens (NRG).
D50. On The Table (OTT). On The Tables (OTT). Not on The Table (NOTT). Not on The Tables (NOTT).
D51. Really On The Table (ROTT). Really On The Tables (ROTT). Not Really on The Table (NROTT). Not Really on The Tables (NROTT).
D52. Debatable. Not Debatable (ND).
D53. Really Debatable (RD). Not Really Debatable (NRD).
D54. Too Much (TM). Not Too Much (NTM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
D55. The Congruently (TC). Congruently. The Simultaneous (TS). Simultaneous. The Simultaneously (TS). Simultaneously. At the same Time (ATST). At the same Times (ATST).
D56. Latent -- Present although Hidden. Latently. Not Latent. Not Latently. Non-Latent. Non-Latently.
D57. Satisfactory. Very Satisfactory. Extremely Satisfactory. Sufficient. Very Sufficient. Extremely Sufficient. Not Satisfactory. Not Very Satisfactory. Not Extremely Satisfactory. Not Sufficient. Not Very Sufficient. Not Extremely Sufficient.
D58. Icarus. The Story of Icarus. The Story of Icarus and His Wings that Melted when His Wings got Too Close to the Sun. Icarus’s Story. Icarus’s Story about His Wings that Melted when His Wings got Too Close to the Sun.
D59. (The) Emotion. (The) Emotions. (The) Emotional. (The) Emotionally. On that Subject. About that Subject.
D60. (The) Logical. (The) Logicals. (The) Logically. On that Subject. About that Subject.
D61. (The) Both Emotion and Logic. (The) Both Logics and Emotions. (The) Both Emotional and Logical. (The) Both Logically and Emotionally. On that Subject. About that Subject.
D62. (The) Sense. (The) Senses. (The) Sensing. (The) Sensings. (The) Sensed.
D63. (The) Pecking Order. (The) Pecking Orders.
D64. (The) Metaphorical Pecking Order. (The) Metaphorical Pecking Orders.
D65. (The) Hierarchy. (The) Hierarchies. (The) Hierarchal.
D66. (The) Interest. (The) Interests. (The) Interesting. (The) Interestings. (The) Interested.
D67. (The) Operating Cost. (The) Operating Costs.
D68. (The) Room. (The) Rooms.
D69. (The) Ad Hoc (AH). (The) Tailor Made. (The) Specifically Made. (The) Non-Tailor Made. (The) Not Specifically Made. (The) De Jure. (The) Concerning of The Law(s). (The) Concerning of The Real Law(s). (The) De Facto. (The) Concerning of The Fact(s). (The) Concerning of The Real Fact(s).
D70. The Man said, “Many Jobs are Really Good Jobs.” Good Job (GJ). Good Jobs (GJ).
And Here are some More of My Writings:
D71. (The) Observation. (The) Observations. (The) Observed.
D72. (The) Description. (The) Descriptions. (The) Descriptive.
D72. (The) Amount. (The) Amounts.
D73. (The) Portion. (The) Portions.
D74. (The) Size. (The) Sizes.
D74A. (The) Weight. (The) Weights.
D75. (The) Information.
D76. (The) Data. (The) Datum.
D77. (The) Comparison. (The) Comparisons. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). About that Person (ATP). About those People (ATP). Not about that Person (NATP). Not about those People (NATP).
D78. (The) Knowledge. About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). About that Person (ATP). About those People (ATP). Not about that Person (NATP). Not about those People (NATP).
D79. Talented. Very Talented (VT). Extremely Talented (ET). About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
D80. (The) Extent. (The) Extents. About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
D81. Egregious. Very Egregious (VE). Extremely Egregious (EE). About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
D82. Not Egregious (NE). Not Very Egregious (NVE). Not Extremely Egregious (NEE). About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
D83. Not. Yes. No. Maybe. Sometime. Sometimes. Perhaps. On the Condition that (OTCT). On the Conditions that (OTCT). About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
D84. (The) Common Bond. (The) Common Bonds. (The) Uncommon Bond. (The) Uncommon Bonds. (The) Bond. (The) Bonds. (The) Commonality. (The) Commonalities.
D85. Resource. Resources.
D86. The Man said, “I frequently Sleep Well at Night. And I have frequently Slept Well at Night. And I will frequently Sleep Well at Night. And I frequently Sleep Well. And I have frequently Slept Well. And I will frequently Sleep Well.”
D87. The Pelican. The Pelicans. Pelican. Pelicans.
D88. The Pelican Feeding a Fellow Pelican. The Pelican Feeding Fellow Pelicans. The Pelicans Feeding a Fellow Pelican. The Pelicans Feeding Fellow Pelicans.
D89. The Writing. The Writings. Writing. Writings.
D90. The Book. The Books. Book. Books.
D91. The Movie. The Movies. Movie. Movies.
D92. The Film. The Films. Film. Films.
D93. The Comedy. The Comedies. Comedy. Comedies.
D94. The Joke. The Jokes. Joke. Jokes.
D95. The Compartment. The Compartments. Compartment. Compartments.
D96. The Compartmentalization. The Compartmentalizations. Compartmentalization. The Compartmentalizations.
D97. The Compartmentalized. Compartmentalized.
D98. The Smart. The Smarts. Smart. Smarts. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D99. The Intelligent. The Intelligents. Intelligent. Intelligents. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D100. The Brilliant. The Brilliants. Brilliant. Brilliants. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D101. The Genius. The Geniuses. Genius. Geniuses. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
D102. (The) Skills. (The) Skilled. (The) Skill. (The) Skilling. (The) Skill Set (TSS). (The) Skill Sets (TSS). My Skills (MS). My Skill (MS). My Skill Set (MSS). My Skill Sets (MSS).
D103. The Man Frequently thought to Himself, “I am Special. And I am So Special.” And The Man Frequently, and Correctly, thought to Himself, “I am Special. And I am So Special.” And The Man Frequently thought to Himself that that Person is, “Special. And So Special.” And The Man Frequently, and Correctly, thought to Himself that that Person is, “Special. And So Special.” And The Man Frequently thought to Himself that that We are, “Special. And So Special.” And The Man Frequently, and Correctly, thought to Himself that We are, “Special. And So Special.” And The Man Frequently thought to Himself that They are, “Special. And So Special.” And The Man Frequently, and Correctly, thought to Himself that They are, “Special. And So Special.” Special. So Special. Specials. So Specials. The Special. The Specials. The So Special. The So Specials.
D104. The Special Person. The Special Persons. The Special Man. The Special Men. The Special Woman. The Special Women. The Special People. The Special Peoples.
D105. The So Special Person. The So Special Persons. The So Special Man. The So Special Men. The So Special Woman. The So Special Women. The So Special People. The So Special Peoples.
D106. The Man said, “That Person is an Individual. And that other Person is also an Individual. And, while there may or Not be Similarities, they are Two Separate Individuals. And, while They may or may Not be on a Same Team, they are Two Separate Individuals. And, while They may or may Not be on the Same Teams, they are Two Separate Individuals. And the same is True with Two Individuals. And the same is also true with more than Two Individuals.”
D107. The Man said, “That is Who I am. And that is Just Who I am.” That is Who I am. Who I am. That is Just Who I am. Just Who I am.
D108. The Man said, “That is Who I am Not. And that is Just Who I am Not.” That is Who I am Not. Who I am Not. That is Just Who I am Not. Just Who I am Not.
D109. The Woman said, “That is Who I am. And that is Just Who I am.” That is Who I am. Who I am. That is Just Who I am. Just Who I am.
D110. The Woman said, “That is Who I am Not. And that is Just Who I am Not.” That is Who I am Not. Who I am Not. That is Just Who I am Not. Just Who I am Not.
D111. The Person said, “That is Who I am. And that is Just Who I am.” That is Who I am. Who I am. That is Just Who I am. Just Who I am.
D112. The Person said, “That is Who I am Not. And that is Just Who I am Not.” That is Who I am Not. Who I am Not. That is Just Who I am Not. Just Who I am Not.
D113. The Man said, “That is Who that Person is. And that is Just Who that Person is.” Who that Person is (WTPI). Just How that Person is (JHTPI).
D114. The Woman said, “That is Who that Person is. And that is Just Who that Person is.” Who that Person is (WTPI). Just How that Person is (JHTPI).
D115. The Person said, “That is Who that Person is. And that is Just Who that Person is.” Who that Person is (WTPI). Just How that Person is (JHTPI).
D116. The Man said, “That is Who We are. And that is Just Who We are.” Who We are (WWA). Just How We are (JHWA).
D117. The Woman said, “That is Who We are. And that is Just Who We are.” Who We are (WWA). Just How We are (JHWA).
D118. The Person said, “That is Who We are. And that is Just Who We are.” Who We are (WWA). Just How We are (JHWA).
D119. The Man said, “That is Who They are. And that is Just Who They are.” Who They are (WTA). Just How They are (JHTA).
D120. The Woman said, “That is Who They are. And that is Just Who They are.” Who They are (WTA). Just How They are (JHTA).
D121. The Person said, “That is Who They are. And that is Just Who They are.” Who They are (WTA). Just How They are (JHTA).
D122. The Person said, “That is Who I am Not.” That is Who I am Not. Who I am Not.
And Here are some More of My Writings and My Sayings and some More of My Jokes:
E1. The Man said, “Annie gave Me one of My Jobs. And Annie Hired Me. And I am Thankful for that. And I am Thankful for another Thing. And I am Thankful for other Things.”
E2. (The) Compromise. (The) Compromises. (The) Good Compromise. (The) Good Compromises. (The) Very Good Compromise. (The) Very Good Compromises. (The) Extremely Good Compromise. (The) Extremely Good Compromises.
E3. (The) Compromise. (The) Compromises. (The) Bad Compromise. (The) Bad Compromises. (The) Very Bad Compromise. (The) Very Bad Compromises. (The) Extremely Bad Compromise. (The) Extremely Bad Compromises.
E4. Consequence. Consequences. Bad Consequence (BC). Bad Consequences (BC). Very Bad Consequence (VBC). Very Bad Consequences (VBC). Extremely Bad Consequence (EBC). Extremely Bad Consequences (EBC).
E5. Consequence. Consequences. Good Consequence (GC). Good Consequences (GC). Very Good Consequence (VGC). Very Good Consequences (VGC). Extremely Good Consequence (EGC). Extremely Good Consequences (EGC).
E6. A Joke: A Person keeps wanting to time things, so that person keeps on resetting the timer on an Oven that is cooking food, and the food gets Very Burnt, and the Person says, “It looks like My Taste Buds will have to get used to Extremely Burnt Steak. Yum!”
E7. The Man has Good Hearing, and often when someone is on the stairs outside, The Man frequently said to the Woman, “Someone is Here,” and The Woman said, paraphrasing, “You have Good Hearing,” and a few seconds later someone unlocked the front door, and much of this frequently occurred.
E8. The Man (TM). The Woman (TW). The Person (TP). The People (TP). The Men (TM). The Women (TW). The Persons (TP). The Peoples (TP). Man. Woman. Person. People. Men. Women. Persons. Peoples.
E9. The Man said, “A Woman taught Me, Correctly, that often, although Not Always, a Person should give in a little, and compromise, on Many Things, although Not on Everything, or else someone can Really Lose that Person’s Balance, among other Real Negative Things that can Happen.”
E9A. (The) Hierarchy. (The) Hierarchies. (The) Hierarchical. (The) Real Hierarchy (RH). (The) Real Hierarchies (RH). (The) Real Hierarchical (RH). Sort of a Hierarchy. Sort of Hierarchies. Sort of Hierarchical. It Depends (ID). Somewhat. Sometime. Sometimes. Many Times (MT). Never. The.
E10. (The) Order. (The) Orders. (The) Ordering. (The) Ordered. Of Something (OS). Of Things (OT).
E11. The Man said to Woman, “You have a Real Vacation (RV) every year. And You have Real Vacations (RV) every year. And We have a Real Vacation every year. And We have Real Vacations every year. And the same is true with a Real Holiday (RH). And the same are true with Real Holidays (RH). And the same is True with a Real Break (RB). And the same are True with Real Breaks (RB). And all of this is Good.”
E12. The Person said, “That Man is Frequently Generous (FG). And that Man has been Frequently Generous. And that Man has a Good Heart (GH). And that Man Really has a Good Heart (RHAGH).” Frequently Generous. Good Heart. Really has a Good Heart.
E13. The Man said, “As The Truthful saying States, paraphrasing, ‘A D often means a Diploma. And Ds often mean Diplomas. And D Cumulative Average often means a Diploma. And D Cumulative Averages often mean Diplomas. And D stands for a Diploma. And D stands for Diplomas.’”
E14. Passing. Pass. Passes. Passed. Cumulative. Cumulatively.
E15. The Man said, “That was about The Best Time for that. And those were about The Best Times for that. And that happened at about The Best Place for that to Happen. And those things happened at about The Best Places for that to Happen.”
E16. The Man said, “The Rejuvenation. And The Rejuvenations.”
E17. The Man said, “The Regeneration. And The Regenerations.”
E18. The Man said, “The Volunteer. And The Volunteers. And The Volunteering. And The Volunteerings.”
E19. The Man said, “Many Things are Best Left Unsaid.”
E20. Sometimes it Matters. And Sometimes it Mattered. And Sometimes it Really Matters. And Sometimes it Really Mattered. And Sometimes it Very Much Matters. And Sometimes it Very Much Mattered. And Sometimes it Matters Extremely Much. And Sometimes it Mattered Extremely Much. To that Person. And To those People. And to Us. And to Him. And to Her. And to Me. And to Them. The Context. The Contexts. Context. Context.
E21. The Man said, “A Paraphrased, and often Truthful saying is, ‘Listen to a Fool Gladly. And Listen to Fools Gladly.’”
E22. Bone of Contention. Bones of Contention. Non-Bone of Contention. Non-Bones of Contention.
E23. Manage. Managed. Managing. Manages. Micro Manage. Micro Managed. Micro Managing. Macro Manages. Macro Manage. Macro Managed. Macro Managing. Macro Manages. About a Certain Thing. About Certain Things. A Certain Thing. Certain Things.
E24. An Attribute. A Certain Attribute. Certain Attributes. Attributes.
E25. A Characteristic. A Certain Characteristic. Certain Characteristics. Characteristics.
E26. The Man said, “Be careful Not to Group all those People Together. And be careful Not to Group all those People in the same Group. And be careful Not to Group all those People in the same Groups.”
E27. The Devil’s Advocate (TDA), and a Different Type of Thought, and a Different World View Disclaimers in Many of My Writings.
E28. From The Heart (FTH). Not From the Heart (NFTH).
E29. Sincere. Sincerity. Sincerely. Not Sincere (NS). Non-Sincerity (NS). Not Sincerely (NS).
E30. The Man said, “That shows that that Person has a Good Amount of Restraint. And that also shows that that Person has a Good Amount of Self-Control. And that also shows that that Person is Hardworking. And that also shows that that Person is Intelligent. And that also shows that that Person has Discipline. And that also shows that that Person has something else. And that also shows that that Person has some other things. And that is Indicative of something. And that is Indicative of some other things. And that Demonstrates something. And that Demonstrates some other things.” Shows. Shows. Showed. Showing. Indication. Indicative. Indicatives. Indicated. Indicating. Illustrates. Illustrate. Illustrated. Illustrated. Illustrating. Demonstrate. Demonstrates. Demonstrated. Demonstrating.
E31. Subtle. Subtles. Subtlity. Subtleness. Non-Subtle. Non-Subtles. Non-Subtlity. Non- Subtleness.
E32. Obvious. Obviously. Non-Obvious. Non-Obviously.
E33. Implied. Implies. Imply. Implying. Not Implied (NI). Not Implies (NI). Not Imply (NI). Not Implying (NI).
E34. A Joke: The guy kept on Repeatedly Physically Tripping (RPT and PT) on Purpose (OP).
E35. Volunteer. Volunteers. Volunteer Member (VM). Volunteer Members (VM).
E36. Worker. Workers. Worker Member (WM). Worker Members (WM).
E37. Entertainer. Entertainers. Entertainer Member (EM). Entertainer Members (EM).
E38, Blogger. Bloggers. Blogger Member (BM). Blogger Members (BM).
E39. Staff. Staffs. Staff Member (SM). Staff Members (SM).
E40. Writer. Writers. Writer Member (WM). Writer Members (WM).
E41. Intellectual. Intellectuals. Intellectual Member (IM). Intellectual Members (IM).
E42. The Right Time (TRT). The Right Times (TRT). Right Time (RT). Right Times (RT). The Wrong Time (TWT). The Wrong Times (TWT). Wrong Time (WT). Wrong Times (WT). Not The Right Time (NTRT). Not The Right Times (NTRT). Non-Right Time (NRT). Non-Right Times (NRT).
E43. The Man said, “I am Not a Real Classist. And I do Not Really Believe in Class Warfare. And I do Not Really Believe in Class Warfares. I do Not Really Care for Very Long How much Money a Person Has. I do Not Really Care for Very Long How much Money People Have. And I do Not often Really Care for Very Long about what Job a Person Has. And I do Not often Really Care for Very Long about what Job People Have. I am Special. We are Special.” Special. Specials.
E44. Justice. Injustice. Real Justice (RJ). Real Injustice (RI).
E45. Justices. Injustices. Real Justices (RJ). Real Injustices (RI).
E46. Unique. Uniqueness. Commonality. Commonalities. Special. Specials. Specialty. Specialness.
E47. One System (OT). Two Systems (TS). Several Systems (SS). Many Systems (MS). A Few Systems (AFS and FS).
E48. Not. Knot. Knots. No. Nos. Non. Yes. Yeses. Ayes. Ayes. Oui. Nay. Nays. Maybe. Maybes. Probably. Probablies. Probably Not. Probably Yes. Maybe Yes. Maybe No. Very. Extremely. Mild. Mildly. Harsh. Harshly. Fair. Fairly. Unfair. Unfairly. Good. Bad. Right. Wrong. Neutral. Neutrally. Neutrality. Neutralities. Neutrals.
E49. The Man said, “I am Not The Thought Police. And I do Not Really Believe in The Thought Police
E50. What I Want to Do. Not What I Want to Do. What I Want to Really Do. Not What I Want to Really Do.
E51. Recognize. Recognizes. Recognized. Recognizing. Recognizings. Non-Recognize. Not Recognizes. Not Recognized. Non-Recognizing. Non-Recognizings. Unrecognize. Unrecognizes. Unrecognized. Unrecognizing. Unrecognizings.
E52. Independence. Independences. Limited Independence (LI). Limited Independences (LI). Restricted Independence (RI). Restricted Independences (RI). Freedom. Freedoms. Limited Freedom (LF). Limited Freedoms (LF). Restricted Freedom (RF). Restricted Freedoms (RF).
E53. Independence. Independences. Real Independence (RI). Real Independences (RI). Real and Limited Independence (RLI). Real and Limited Independences (RALI). Real and Restricted Independence (RARI). Real and Restricted Independences (RARI). Real Freedom (RF). Real Freedoms (RF). Real and Limited Freedom (RALF). Real and Limited Freedoms (RALF). Real and Restricted Freedom (RARF). Real and Restricted Freedoms (RARF).
E54. The Man said, “Regarding that Subject, I do that. And Regarding that Other Subject, I do Not do that. And I do that Thing. And I do Not do that other Thing. And I do that. And I do Not do that. And I do Those Things. And I do Not do Those Things.”
E55. The Man said, “I cannot Think of Too Many Real Scandals (RS).” Real Scandal (RS). Real Scandals (RS).
E56. (The) Observation. (The) Observations. Observe. Observes. (The) Observing. (The) Observed. (The) Observer. (The) Observers.
E57. Discipline. Disciplines. The Discipline (TD). The Disciplines (TD). Disciplined. Discipline. Disciplines. The Disciplined (TD). The Discipline (TD). The Disciplines (TD).
E58. Pretty. Pretties. Prettiness. Beautiful. Beauty. Beautifully. Beauties. Beau. Belle. Beaux. Belles. Handsome. Handsomes. Handsomeness. Handsomely. About That Subject (ATS). About Those Subjects (ATS). Not about That Subject (NATS). Not about Those Subjects (NATS).
E59. Intelligent. Very Intelligent (VI). Extremely Intelligent (EI). About That Subject (ATS). About Those Subjects (ATS). Not about That Subject (NATS). Not about Those Subjects (NATS).
E60. Private. Privately. Public. Publicly.
E61. Shock Jock (SJ). Shock Jocks (SJ). The Shock Jock (TSJ). The Shock Jocks (TSJ).
E62. Liberal. Very Liberal (VL). Extremely Liberal (EL). Conservative. Very Conservative (VC). Extremely Conservative (EC). Conservatives. Liberals. Extreme Conservatives (EC). Extreme Liberals (EL). Middle Ground (MG). Middle Grounds (MG). No Middle Ground (NMG). No Middle Grounds (NMG). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS).
E63. Prophet. The Prophet (TP). Prophets. The Prophets (TP). Prophecy. The Prophecy (TP). Prophecies. The Prophecies (TP). Prophesized. Prophesizing. The Prophesized (TP). The Prophesizing (TP).
E64. The Man said, “I often do Not get Overly Involved with Many Things. And this is Good.” Overly Involved (OI). Very Overly Involved (VOI). Extremely Overly Involved (EOI). Involved. Very Involved. Extremely Involved. Not Overly Involved. Not Very Overly Involved. Not Extremely Overly Involved. Not Involved. Not Very Involved. Not Extremely Involved.
E65. The Following is a Joke: The Man said to a Police Officer, “They are Not Thickly Built Thieves. They are as Thin as Thieves,” and then it went Downhill from there with the Police Officer, who insisted that the saying was, “As Thick as Thieves.”
E66. As an Often Truthful saying states, “There are a few Bad Apples in Every Bunch (TAAFBAIEB).”
E67. The Man said, “Cleveland. The Bridge (TB). Bridge. Willamette. Georgetown. Johns Hopkins (JH). PCC. Private School (PS). Private Schools (PS). Public School (PS). Public Schools (PS). School. Schools. College. Colleges. University. Universities.”
E68. The Man said, “Many People would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And Many Europeans would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And a Certain Person would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And Certain People would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And I would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And He would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And She would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And We would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And They would Not Really Care for Very Long about that.” Long. Very Long. Extremely Long. Not Long. Not Very Long. Not Extremely Long. Really Long. Really Very Long. Really Extremely Long. Not Really Long. Not Really Very Long. Not Really Extremely Long. For. Really Care (RC). Not Really Care (NRC). Really Care for Very Long (RCFVL). Not Really Care for Very Long (NRCFVL). Many People (MP). Many Europeans (ME). Some People (SP). People. A Person (AP). Some Persons (SP). Person. Persons. European. Europeans. About that (AT). And About Those Things (AATT and ATT). World View (WV). World Views (WV). Different World View about That Subject. And Different World Views about Those Subjects. Same World View about That Subject. And Same World Views about Those Subjects. Similar World View about That Subject. And Similar World Views about Those Subjects. Different World View. Different World Views. Same World View. Same World Views. Similar World View. Similar World Views. (On) Some (OS). (On) Something (OS). (On) Some Things (ST and OST). (On) Many (OM). (On) Many Things (MT and OMT).
E69. The Man said, “Many People would Really Care for Very Long about that. And Many Europeans would Really Care for Very Long about that. And a Certain Person would Really Care for Very Long about that. And Certain People would Really Care for Very Long about that. And I would Really Care for Very Long about that. And He would Really Care for Very Long about that. And She would Really Care for Very Long about that. And We would Really Care for Very Long about that. And They would Really Care for Very Long about that.” Long. Very Long. Extremely Long. Not Long. Not Very Long. Not Extremely Long. Really Long. Really Very Long. Really Extremely Long. Not Really Long. Not Really Very Long. Not Really Extremely Long. For. Really Care (RC). Not Really Care (NRC). Really Care for Very Long (RCFVL). Not Really Care for Very Long (NRCFVL). Many People (MP). Many Europeans (ME). Some People (SP). People. A Person (AP). Some Persons (SP). Person. Persons. European. Europeans. About that (AT). And About Those Things (AATT and ATT). World View (WV). World Views (WV). Different World View about That Subject. And Different World Views about Those Subjects. Same World View about That Subject. And Same World Views about Those Subjects. Similar World View about That Subject. And Similar World Views about Those Subjects. Different World View. Different World Views. Same World View. Same World Views. Similar World View. Similar World Views. (On) Some (OS). (On) Something (OS). (On) Some Things (ST and OST). (On) Many (OM). (On) Many Things (MT and OMT).
E70. I am an American. And I am also a European. American. Americans. European. Europeans. The American (TA). The Americans (TA). We Americans (WA). The European (TE). The Europeans (TE). We Europeans (WE).
E71. The Man said to Me, paraphrasing, “She has Beautiful Blonde Hair.”
E72. The Man said, “Antibodies. And Mutation. And Mutations. And Strain. And Strains. And Disease. And Diseases. And Illness. And Illnesses. And Medicine. And Medicines.” Antibodies. Mutation. Mutations. Strain. Strains. Disease. Diseases. Illness. Illnesses. Medicine. Medicines.
E73. This is a Joke for one of My Movies: A Mother said to Her Son, “I heard that there is a Baby Tornado in the Midwest. Let’s get Our Baby Powder and Diapers and Take Care of That Baby Tornado.”
E74. The Man said, “That May be an Attempt to Psych Someone Out.” Psych Out (PO).
E75. The Man said, “That May be an Attempt to Distract. And that May be a Distraction. And that Just Distracts. And that may be Distractions.” Distract. Distracts. Distraction. Distractions.
E76. Belief. Beliefs. Believe. Believes. Believed. Believing. Believable. Unbelief. Unbeliefs. Unbelieve. Unbelieves. Unbelieved. Unbelieving. Unbelievable.
E77. Healthy. Unhealthy. Very Healthy (VH). Extremely Healthy (EH). Very Unhealthy (VU). Extremely Unhealthy (EU).
E78. Patient. Patients. Patiently. Impatient. Impatients. Impatiently. That Subject (TS). Those Subjects (TS). That Time (TT). Those Times (TT). That Instance (TI). Those Instances (TI).
And Here are some More of My Writings:
E79. Comedian. Comedians. The Comedian (TC). The Comedians (TC). The Comedian Member (TCM). The Comedian Members (TCM). Comedian Member (CM). Comedian Members (CM).
E80. Comic. Comics. The Comic (TC). The Comics (TC). The Comic Member (TCM). The Comic Members (TCM). Comic Member (CM). Comic Members (CM).
E81. Cool Down (CD). Cool Downs (CD). Cool Downing (CD). Cool Downings (CD). Cool Downed (CD). Pace. Paces. Paced. Pacing. Pacings. The Pace (TP). The Paces (TP). The Paced (TP). The Pacing (TP). The Pacings (TP). Tempo. Tempos. Tempoed. Tempoing. Tempoings. The Tempo (TT). The Tempos (TT). The Tempoed (TT). The Tempoing (TT). The Tempoings (TT). A Good Pace (AGP). Good Paces (GP). Well Paced (WP). Good Pacing (GP). Good Pacings (GP). The Good Pace (TGP). The Good Paces (TGP). The Well Paced (TWP). The Good Pacing (TGP). The Good Pacings (TGP). A Good Time (AGT). Good Time (GT). The Good Time (TGT). The Good Times (TGT). Good Times (GT). Well Timed (WT). The Well Timed (WT). Good Timing (GT). The Good Timing (TGT). Good Timings (GT). The Good Timings (TGT). God’s Timing (GT). God’s Timings (GT).
E82. Radar. Radars. Sensor. Sensors.
E83. The Radar (TR). The Radars (TR). The Sensor (TS). The Sensors (TS).
E84. A. An. And. Furthermore. Moreover. Additionally. In Addition. Some. Many. Much. The. These. Those. To. Too. Too Much (TM). Too Many (TM). Right. Just Right (JR). Rightly. Righteous. Righteously. Righteousness.
E85. Instance. Instances. The Instance (TI). The Instances (TI).
E86. Non-Instance (NI). Non-Instances (NI). The Non-Instance (TNI). The Non-Instances (TNI).
E87. Information. Informations. Informative. Informatives. Misinformation. Misinformations. Misinformative. Misinformatives.
E88. The Information (TI). The Informations (TI). The Informative (TI). The Informatives (TI). The Misinformation (TM). The Misinformations (TM). The Misinformative (TM). The Misinformatives (TM).
E89. Proper. The Proper (TP). Improper. The Improper (TI). Properly. Improperly.
E90. The Man said, “Of Course (OC). And of Course Not (AOCN and OCN).”
E91. Reserve. Reserves. Reserved. Reserving. The Reserve (TR). The Reserves (TR). The Reserved (TR). The Reserving (TR).
E92. Resource. Resources. Resourced. Resourcing. The Resource (TR). The Resources (TR). The Resourced (TR). The Resourcing (TR).
E93. It Does Not Matter (IDNM). It Doesn’t Matter (IDM). It Does Matter (IDM). It Matters (IM). That Does Not Matter (TDNM). That Doesn’t Matter (TDM). That Does Matter (TDM. That Matters (TM). Those Do Not Matter (TDNM). Those Don’t Matter (TDM). Those Do Matter (TDM). Those Matter (TM). Does Not Matter (DNM). Doesn’t Matter (DM). Does Matter (DM). Do No Matter (DNM). Don’t Matter (DM). Do Matter (DM). Matter. Matters.
E94. Holy Man (HM). Holy Men (HM). Holy Woman (HW). Holy Women (HW). Holy Person (HP). Holy Persons (HP). Holy People (HP). Holy Peoples (HP).
E95. The Holy Man (THM). The Holy Men (THM). The Holy Woman (THW). The Holy Women (THW). The Holy Person (THP). The Holy Persons (THP). The Holy People (THP). The Holy Peoples (THP).
E96. Action. Actions. Inaction. Inactions. The Action (TA). The Actions (TA). The Inaction (TI). The Inactions (TI).
E97. Complicated. Complicate. Complicates. Complicating. Uncomplicated. Uncomplicate. Uncomplicates. Uncomplicating. Not Complicated (NC). Not Complicate (NC). Not Complicating (NC).
E98. The Man said, “That is a Broad Generalization that is Not True (TIABGTINT and ABGTINT). And those are Broad Generalizations that are Not True (ATABGTANT and ABGTANT). And that is a Generalization that is Not True (ATIAGTINT and AGTINT). And those are Generalizations that are Not True (ATAGTANT and GTANT).” True. Truths. Not True (NT). Untrue. Untruth. Untruths. Broad Generalization (BG). Broad Generalizations (BG). Generalization. Generalizations.
E99. The Man said, “That Might Be a Broad Generalization that May Possibly Not Be True. And those Might Be Broad Generalizations that are Possibly Not True. And that Might Be a Generalization that is Possibly Not True. And those Might Be Generalizations that are Possibly Not True.” True. Truths. Not True (NT). Untrue. Untruth. Untruths. Broad Generalization (BG). Broad Generalizations (BG). Generalization. Generalizations. That Might Be (TMB and MB). Possibly. Possibilities. Likelihood. Estimated Percentage (EP). Estimated Percentages (EP). Percentage. Percentages. In Every Case (IEC). In Some Cases (ISC). In Many Cases (IMC). In One Case (IOC).
E100. Branch. Branches. Section. Sections. District. Districts. City. Cities. County. Counties. State. States. Region. Regions. Regional. Regionals. Regionality. Regionalities. Planet. Planets. World. Worlds. Solar System (SS). Solar Systems (SS). System. Systems. Galaxy. Galaxies. Group. Groups. Universe. Universes. Dimension. Dimensions. Product. Products. Productivity. Productivities. Material. Materials. Materiality. Materialities. Spiritual. Spirituals. Spirituality. Spiritualties. Both. Either. Neither. One. None. Material and Spiritual (MAS). Materials and Spirituals (MAS). Materiality and Spirituality (MAS). Materialities and Spiritualities (MAS). Moral. Morals. Morality. Moralities. Immoral. Immorals. Immorality. Immoralities.
F1. Often. Sometimes. Sometime. Never. None. Once. Twice. Thrice. Interchangeable. Terms. Interchangeable Term. Interchangeable Terms.
F2. Tonight and Today The Person on Television said, “I call Surviving a Victory (ICSAV).” Surviving. Survived. Survive. Survives. Victory. Victories.
F3. The Man said, “That Man is a True Blue Trooper (TBT). And That Woman is a True Blue Trooper. And That Person is a True Blue Trooper. And They are True Blue Troopers. And We are True Blue Troopers.” True Blue Trooper. True Blue Troopers (TBT). Super Trooper (ST). Super Troopers (ST). Trooper. Troopers.
F4. A True Story: My Mom, paraphrasing, “When you are doing Puzzles, you will see things differently when the Puzzles are in One Light than you will when the Puzzles are in another Type of Light.” Type. Types.
F5. A True Story: Someone told My Mother that She would Not be able to do a 5,000 Piece Puzzle. And, while it Took Time, My Mom did Completely Put Together that Big Puzzle (CPTTBP and CPTTP and PTTBP and PTTP). And My Mom has done other Puzzles too.
F6. Rule. Rules. Real Rule (RR). Real Rules (RR). Intricacy. Intricacies (RI). Real Intricacy (RI). Real Intricacies (RI). Detail. Details. Real Detail (RD). Real Details (RD). Fact. Facts. Real Fact (RF). Real Facts (RF). More. Mores. Real More (RM). Real Mores (RM). Moral. Morals. Real Moral (RM). Real Morals (RM). Correct. Correctly. Really Correct (RC). Real Correctly (RC). Right. Rightly. Really Right (RR). Real Rightly (RR). Righteous. Righteously. Really Righteous (RR). Really Righteously (RR).
F7. The Man said, “A Person’s Foundation is Important. And a Person’s Foundations are Important. And a People’s Foundation is Important. And a People’s Foundations are Important. And Peoples’ Foundation is Important. And Peoples’ Foundations are Important. And an Organization’s Foundation is Important. And an Organization’s Foundations are Important. And Organizations’ Foundation is Important. And Organizations’ Foundations are Important. The same is True with a Base. And the same are True with Bases. And the same is True with a Fortress — both Metaphorical and Real and Tangible and Intangible. And the same are True with Fortresses — both Metaphorical and Real and Tangible and Intangible.” Foundation. Foundations. Base. Bases. Foundation. Foundations. Metaphorical. Metaphor. Metaphors. Real. Reality. Realities. Tangible. Tangibles. Tangibility. Tangibilities. Intangibles. Intangibility. Intangibilities.
F8. The Man said, “Whoa. Whoas. Whoa! Whoas!”
F9. Situated. Well-Situated (WS). Not Well-Situated (NWS). Very Well-Situated (VWS). Not Very Well-Situated (NVWS). Extremely Well-Situated (EWS). Not Extremely Well-Situated (NEWS).
F10. The Man said, “Speculation. Speculations. Speculated. Speculates.”
F11. The Man said, “There has Always been Time. And there is Time. And There Always will be Time. Although there have Not Always been Watches. And Many Things have Existed with or without Certain Technology.”
F12. Umbrella. Umbrellas. The Umbrella (TU). The Umbrellas (TU). Under The Umbrella (UTU and TU). Under The Umbrellas (UTU and TU). He is. She is. He was. She was. He will be. She will be. We are. We were. We will be. They are. They were. They will be. That Person is. That Person was. That Person will be. I am. I was. I will be. You are. You were. You will be. My. Mine. Our. Your. Their. His. Her. That Person’s.
F13. Asset. Assets. My Asset (MA). My Assets (MA). Our Asset (OA). Our Assets (OA). Your Asset (YA). Your Assets (YA). His Asset (HA). His Assets (HA). Her Asset (HA). Her Assets (HA). Their Asset (TA). Their Assets (TA). Serious Asset (SA). Very Serious Asset (VSA). Extremely Serious Asset (ESA). Serious Assets (SA). Very Serious Assets (VSA). Extremely Serious Assets (ESA). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI).
F14. Property. Properties. My Property (MP). My Properties (MP). Our Property (OP). Our Properties (OP). Your Property (YP). Your Properties (YP). His Property (HP). His Properties (HP). Her Property (HP). Her Properties (HP). Their Property (TP). Their Properties (TP). Serious Property (SP). Very Serious Property (VSP). Extremely Serious Property (ESP). Serious Properties (SP). Very Serious Properties (VSP). Extremely Serious Properties (ESP). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI).
F15. Territory. Territories. My Territory (MT). My Territories (MT). Our Territory (OT). Our Territories (OT). Your Territory (YT). Your Territories (YT). His Territory (HT). His Territories (HT). Her Territory (HT). Her Territories (HT). Their Territory (TT). Their Territories (TT). Serious Territory (ST). Very Serious Territory (VST). Extremely Serious Territory (EST). Serious Territories (ST). Very Serious Territories (VST). Extremely Serious Territories (EST). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI).
F16. The Man said, “I have No Shame. And I have No Guilt. And I have No Embarrassment. And I have No Shame, Guilt, and Embarrassment.” No Shame (NS). No Guilt (NG). No Embarrassment (NE).
F17. The Person said, “I Believe You.”
F18. The Man said, “Consider The Source. And Consider The Sources.” Source. Sources.
F19. Collectivistic. Individualistic. Both Collectivistic and Individualistic (BCAI and CAI). Collectivistic depending on The Subject (TS). Collectivistic depending on The Subjects (TS). Individualistic depending on The Subject (TS). Individualistic depending on The Subjects (TS). Both Collectivistic and Individualistic depending on The Subject (TS). Both Collectivistic and Individualistic depending on The Subjects (TS).
And some More of My Writings and My Sayings:
F20. Exception. Exceptions. Exceptional. An. The.
F21. Non-Exception (NE). Non-Exceptions (NE). Non-Exceptional (NE). An. The.
F22. (The) Measurement. (The) Measurements.
F22. (The) Measurement of Time: (The) Second(s). (The) Nanosecond(s). (The) Minute(s). (The) Hour(s). (The) Day(s). (The) Night(s). (The) Week(s). (The) Month(s). (The) Year(s). (The) Time(s). (The) Time Period(s) (TFP). (The) Age(s).
F23. Birthday. Birthdays. Anniversary. Anniversaries. Holiday. Holidays. Christmas. Christmases. Vacation. Vacations. Work. Works. New Year (NY). New Year’s (NY). Easter. Easters. Good Fun (GF). Fun. A Good Fun Time (AGFT). Good Fun Time (GFT). A Fun Time (AFT). Fun Time (FT). Funny. Funnies. Travel. Travels. Travelling. Traveled. Traveler. Travelers. Meal. Meals.
F24. (The) Review. (The) Reviews. (The) Reviewing. (The) Reviewed.
F25. (The) Read. (The) Reading. (The) Reads.
F26. (The) Well Read (TWR and WR).
F27. Writing. Write. Writes. Wrote.
F28. Viewing. View. Views. Viewed.
F29. Watching. Watch. Watches. Watched.
F30. Entertaining. Entertain. Entertains. Entertained.
And some More of My Jokes and My Writings:
F31. He Should Have That. She Should Have That. They Should Have That. We Should Have That. I Should Have That. He Should Not Have That. She Should Not Have That. They Should Not Have That. We Should Not Have That. I Should Not Have That. Should. Have That (HT). Not Have That (NHT). That Should be Done (SBD). That Should Not be Done (TSNBD).
F32. Deserve. Deserves. Deserving. Deserved. Not.
F33. I read in a Scientific Journal that the Human Brain is often Not fully developed until about the age of 25, and what I read is probably true. — Brandon
F34. A Joke: A Person got an A+ on that Person’s college test for writing these words in the Test’s Blue Book: “Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah.” The Person then Really Graduated (RG) from college after only attending there for about 7 days.
F35. Minor. Minors. Non-Minor (NM). Non-Minors (NM). Serious. Very Serious (VS). Extremely Serious (ES). Not Serious (NS). Not Very Serious (NVS). Not Extremely Serious (NES). Seriously. Very Seriously (VS). Extremely Seriously (ES). Not Seriously (NS). Not Very Seriously (NVS). Not Extremely Seriously (NES). Child. Children. Young Child (YC). Young Children (YC). Infant. Infants. Adult. Adults. Young Adult (YA). Young Adults (YA). Young. Youngster. Youngsters. Youth. Youths. Very Young (VY). Very Young People (VYP). Middle-Aged (MA). Middle-Agers (MA). Very Middle-Aged (VMA). Very Middle-Aged People (VMAP). Elderly. Elderly People (EP). Very Elderly (VE). Very Elderly People (VEP).
F36. The Man said, “Cycle. Cycles. The Cycle (TC). The Cycles (TC).”
F37. The Man said, “My Cycle. My Cycles.”
F38. FThe Man said, “Our Cycle. Our Cycles.”
F39. The Man said, “That Person’s Cycle. That Person’s Cycles.”
F40. The Man said, “Those People’s Cycle. Those People’s Cycles.”
F41. Community. Communities. The Community (TC). The Communities (TC). Our Community (OC). Our Communities (OC). Their Community (TC). Their Communities (TC).
F42. The Man said, “Timing is often Important (TIOI). And Timing is often Very Important (ATIOVI and TIOVI). And Timing is often Extremely Important (ATIOEI and TIOEI). And some Timing is Not Important (ASTINI and STINI). And some Timing is Not Very Important (ASTINVI and STINVI). And some Timing is Not Extremely Important (ASTINEI and STINEI).” Timing. Timings. Time. Times. An Important Timing (AIT and IT). Some Important Timings (SIT and IT). An Important Time (AIT and IT). Important Times (IT). An Unimportant Timing (AUT and UT). Some Unimportant Timings (SUT and UT). An Unimportant Time (AUT and UT). A Not Important Timing (ANIT and NIT). Not Important Timings (NIT). A Not Important Time (ANIT and NIT). Not Important Times (NIT). Not Important Times (NIT). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Unimportant. Very Unimportant (VU). Extremely Unimportant (EU). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI).
F43. Balanced. Well-Balanced (WB). Balance. Balances. Good Balance (GB). Good Balances (GB). Unbalanced. Not Well-Balanced (NWB). Unbalance. Unbalances. Bad Balance (BB). Bad Balances (BB). Good. Bad. Nice. Nicely. Niceness. Not Nice (NN). Not Nicely (NN). Non-Niceness (NN). Serious. Not Serious (NS). Sense. Nonsense. Logic. Logically. Illogical. Illogically. Appropriate. Appropriately. Appropriates. Inappropriate. Inappropriately. Inappropriates. About That Subject (ATS and TS). About Those Subjects (ATS and TS). Subject. Subjects. About That Thing (ATT and TH). About Those Things (ATT and TT). Thing. Things. About That Item (ATI and TI). About Those Items (ATI and TI). Item. Items. National Security (NS). National Securities (NS). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Unimportant. Very Unimportant (VU). Extremely Unimportant (EU). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). True. Truly. False. Falsely. Right. Rightly. Wrong. Wrongly.
F44. The Man said, “Many Things are Curable. And Many Things are Manageable. And Many Things are Curable and Manageable (whose Acronym is CAM). And Many Things are Not Curable. And Many Things are Incurable. And Many Things are Unmanageable. And Many Things are Not Manageable. And Many Things are Not Curable and Unmanageable (NCAU). And Many Things are Not Curable and Not Manageable (NCANM). And Many Things are Incurable and Unmanageable (IAU). And Many Things are Incurable and Not Manageable (IANM).” Curable. Cure. Cured. Cures. Manageable. Manage. Managed. Manages. Not Curable (NC). Incurable. Unmanageable. Not Manageable (NM). And there is Always Hope (ATIAH and TIAH). And there is Hope (ATIH and TIH). Always Hope (AH). Always Hoping (AH). Always Hoped (AH). Hope. Hoping. Hoped. Hopes. Often Hope (OH). Often Hoping (OH). Often Hoped (OH). Hope. Hoping. Hoped. Hopes.
F45. Regarding World Events: When I read The News in the Newspaper, or when I watch The News on Television, I remind Myself that there are often just a Small Amount of Major (and Minor) Glitches Relative to the Amount of Activities Done. – Brandon
F46. The Glitch (TG). The Glitches (TG). Glitch. Glitches. Minor Glitch (MG). Minor Glitches (MG). Major Glitch (MG). Major Glitches (MG). Typographical Error (TE). Typographical Errors (TE). Many Activities (MA). Activity. Activities. Many Jobs (MJ). Job. Jobs. Small Amount of Glitches Relative to the Amount of Activities Done (SAOGRTTAOAD). Small Amount of Major Glitches Relative to the Amount of Activities Done (SAOMGRTTAOAD).
F47. A Joke: The Man said, “I have Not Starved to Death.” And a guy replied, “You have Not Starved to Death? You are Lying to Me: You have Starved to Death.”
F48. The Man asked a Woman, “Are You In? And are You In about That Subject (TS)? And are You In about that Other Subject (OS)?” In. No. Yes. Maybe. Probably. That Subject (TS). Other Subject (OS). Those Subjects (TS). Other Subjects (OS).
F49. The Man said, “Ronald Reagan was known as The Teflon President because He was said to get away with a lot of Things, such as The Iran Contra Affair.” Teflon. Controversy. Controversies. The Teflon President (TTP and TP). The Teflon Person (TTP and TP). The Teflon Emperor (TTE and TE). The Teflon Member (TTM and TM). The Teflon Members (TTM and TM). The Teflon Man (TTM and TM). The Teflon Men (TTM and TM). The Teflon Woman (TTW and TW). The Teflon Women (TTW and TW). The Teflon People (TTP and TP). The Teflon Peoples (TTP and TP).
F50. The Man said to The Woman, “That Person is Suffering from some Cognitive Dissonance (CD). And that Person should have a Healthy Dose of Reality (HDOR) and DOR).”
F51. The Man said, “It is a Brand New Day. And it is also a New Day.” A Brand New Day (ABND). A New Day (AND). Brand New Day (BND). New Day (ND).
F52. Word. Words. Term. Terms. Phrase. Phrases. Sentence. Sentences. Paragraph. Paragraphs. Paper. Papers. Essay. Essays. Book. Books. Movie. Movies. Film. Films. Writing. Writings. Entertainment. Entertainments. Some.
F53. A Truthful saying, “There are a lot of Fish in the Sea.”
And some More of My Writings, Sayings & Jokes:
F54A. The Metaphorical Aegis System (TMAS and MAS) — Able to Handle Many Things, and Able to Handle Many Things at Once. The Metaphorical Aegis Systems (TMAS and MAS). Aegis System (AS). Aegis Systems (S). Aegis.
F54. The Activity (TA). The Experience (TE). The Event (TE). The Activities (TA). The Experiences (TE). The Events (TE). The Many Activities (TMA). The Many Experiences (TME). The Many Events (TME). The Job (TJ). The Jobs (TJ). The Many Jobs (TMJ). The Life Experience (TLE). The Life Experiences (TLE). The Many Life Experiences (TMLE). The Restraint (TR). The Restraints (TR). The Many Restraints (TMR). Activity. Activities. Many Activities (MA). Experience. Experiences. Many Experiences (ME). Event. Events. Many Events (ME). Job. Jobs. Many Jobs (MJ). Restraint. Restraints. Many Restraints (MR). The Good Restraint (TGR). The Good Restraints (TGR). The Many Good Restraints (TMGR). Good Restraint (GR). Good Restraints (GR). Many Good Restraints (MGR).
F55. The Good Activity (TGA). The Good Experience (TGE). The Good Event (TGE). The Good Activities (TGA). The Good Experiences (TGE). The Good Events (TGE). The Many Good Activities (TMGA). The Many Good Experiences (TMGE). The Many Good Events (TMGE). The Good Job (TGJ). The Good Jobs (TGJ). The Many Good Jobs (TMGJ). The Good Life Experience (TGLE). The Good Life Experiences (TGLE). The Many Good Life Experiences (TMGLE). Good Activity (GA). Good Activities (GA). Many Good Activities (MGA). Good Experience (GE). Good Experiences (GE). Many Good Experiences (MGE). Good Event (GE). Good Events (GE). Many Good Events (MGE). Good Job (GJ). Good Jobs (GJ). Many Good Jobs (MGJ). Restraint. Restraints. Many Restraints (MR). The Good Restraint (TGR). The Good Restraints (TGR). The Many Good Restraints (TMGR). Good Restraint (GR). Good Restraints (GR). Many Good Restraints (MGR).
F56A. A Good Day (AGD). A Bad Day (ABD).
F56. The Paradox (TP). The Paradoxes (TP). The Reality (TR). The Realities (TR). The Truth (TT). The Truths (TT). Paradox — seemingly contradictory yet true. Paradoxes — seemingly contradictory yet true. Reality. Realities. Truth. Truths.
F57. Mutually Beneficial Relationship (MBR). Mutually Beneficial Relationships (MBR). Symbiotic Relationship (SR). Symbiotic Relationships (SR). Beneficial. Beneficials. Beneficially. Symbiotic. Symbiotics. Symbiotically. The Symbiotic (TS). The Symbiotics (TS). Symbiotic Member (SM). Symbiotic Members (SM).
F58. Fair Deal (FD). Fair Deals (FD). Fair Exchange (FE). Fair Exchanges (FE). Good Deal (GD). Good Deals (GD). Good Exchange (GE). Good Exchanges (GE). Fair. Good.
F59. Realization. Realizes. Realize. Realized. Realizations. Reality. Realities. Aware. Awares. Awareness. Awarenesses. Good Consequence (GC). Good Consequences (GC). Bad Consequence (BC). Bad Consequences (BC). Consequence. Consequences.
F60. The Man said, “The Point of No Return (TPONR). Point of No Return (PONR).” The Point of No Return. Point of No Return. The Point of Return (TPOR). Point of Return (POR).
F61. The Man said, “Yesterday’s Events made Today’s Events Possible. And, of course, Many Individuals have had Good Things Happen, and, of course, Many Individuals have also had Not so Good Things Happen. Have You ever had Good Things Happen? And have You ever had Not so Good Things Happen? Of course, someone who has lived, for example, for 34 years or more than 34 years has usually had Good Things Happen (GTH and GT), and also Not so Good Things Happen (NSGTH and NSGT), and that Person has probably been around a lot of People, and that Person has probably been around a lot of Different People (DP), and that Person has also probably been around The Metaphorical Block (TMB and MB) Many Times (MT), and that Person has also probably Seen, Read, and Heard Many Things (MT), and that Person has also probably Seen, Read, and Heard Many Different Things (DT), and that Person has probably done Many Things (MT), and that Person has probably done Many Good Things (MGT).”
F62. Strain. Strains. The Strain (TS). The Strains (TS).
F63. Virus. Viruses. The Virus (TV). The Viruses (TV).
F64. Disease. Diseases. The Disease (TD). The Diseases (TD).
F65. Illness. Illnesses. The Illness (TI). The Illnesses (TI).
F66. Medicine. Medicines. The Medicine (TM). The Medicines (TM).
F67. Healing. Healings. The Healing (TH). The Healings (TH).
F68. Rejuvenation. Rejuvenations. The Rejuvenation (TR). The Rejuvenations (TR).
F69. Regeneration. Regenerations. The Regeneration (TR). The Regenerations (TR).
F70. Cure. Cures. The Cure (TC). The Cures (TC).
F71. Satirical Piece of Work. Satire. Satirical. Satirically.
F72. My Body (MB). My Thought (MT). My Thoughts (MT). My Action (MA). My Actions (MA). My Non-Action (MNA). My Non-Actions (MNA). My Inaction (MI). My Inactions (MI). My Restraint (MR). My Restraints (MR).
F73. Thought. Thoughts. Action. Actions. Non-Action. Non-Actions. Inaction. Inactions. Restraint. Restraints.
F74. Joke: Witnesses, Attorneys, and Jurors were given a Very Short Amount of Time to Speak, about 4 seconds each, by The Judge, and then The Judge found The Defendant Guilty.
F75. The Man said, “Some Things are Priceless.” Priceless.
F76. The Man said, “Zero amount of Times and Zero Times (ZAOT and ZT) is often a Good Number of Times. And Zero amount of Times and Zero Times is often better than One Time. And None is often better than Once.”
F77. The Man said, “I don’t Care about that (IDC and IDCAT.) And I do Not Care about that (IDNC and IDNCAT). And I do Care about that (IDC and IDCAT).”
F78. The Man said, “I am a Member of a Family. And I am a Member of Families. And I am a Family Member (FM).” Family Member (FM). Family Members (FM). Family. Families.
F79. The Man said, “I am also a Journalist. And I have worked in a Newspaper’s News Room (NNR and NR).”
F80. Joke: Men and Women began to put together Funny Puzzles, while saying Funny Things about what those Puzzles were, and what those Puzzles looked like.
F81. A Joke: The Man said, “Jeepers Creepers.” And another Man said to a Woman, “If that Man Really Knew Me, He would be saying Jeepers Creepers more often, and with more Emphasis and with more Enthusiasm.” Jeeper Creeper (JC). Jeepers Creepers (JC).
F82. The Man said, “It is Not a Real Crime to have an Opinion. And it is Not a Real Crime to have Opinions. And it is Not Really Wrong to have an Opinion. And it is Not Really Wrong to have Opinions. Almost everyone has an Opinion. And that is OK. Do you have an Opinion about something? And that is OK. As the Truthful saying states, ‘Sticks and Stones may break My Bones but Words will Not Hurt Me.’”
F83. Were. Are. Was. Am. Is. Will Be (WB). Will. Just. Where. Present Tense (PT). Past Tense (PT). Future Tense (FT). Present. Past. Future. Grammar. Grammarian. Grammarians. Spelling. Speller. Spellers. History. Historian. Historians. Psychology. Psychologist. Psychologists. Writing. Writer. Writers. Author. Authors. Language. Languages. English Language (EL). Foreign Language (FL). Foreign Languages (FL). Teacher. Teachers. Social Studies (SS). Memorization. Memorizations. Academic. Academics. Intellectual. Intellectuals. Worker. Workers. Jack of all Trades (JOAT). Jacks of all Trades (JOAT). Jack of many Trades (JOMT). Jacks of many Trades (JOMT). Jack of some Trades (JOST). Jacks of some Trades (JOST). Member. Members. Advisor. Advisors. Advising. Advice. Advices. Committee. Committees. Advisory Committee (AC). Advisory Committees (AC). Committee Member (CM). Committee Members (CM). Advisory Committee Member (ACM). Advisory Committee Members (ACM). Advisory Board (AB). Advisory Boards (AB). Advisory Board Member (ABM). Advisory Board Members (ABM). People. Peoples. The People (TP). The Peoples (TP). Their People (TP). Their Peoples (TP). Our People (OP). Our Peoples (OP).
F84. The Man said, “That is Just where that Person is. And that is Just where He is. And that is Just where She is. And that is Just where I am. And that is Just where That Man is. And that is Just where That Woman is. And that is Just where We are. And that is Just where They are. And that is Just where Our People are. And that is Just where Their People are. And that is Just where The People are.”
F85. The Man said, “That is Just where that Person was. And that is Just where He was. And that is Just where She was. And that is Just where I was. And that is Just where That Man was. And that is Just where That Woman was. And that is Just where We were. And that is Just where They were. And that is Just where Our People were. And that is Just where Their People were. And that is Just where The People were.”
F86. The Man said, “That is Just where that Person will be. And that is Just where He will be. And that is Just where She will be. And that is Just where I will be. And that is Just where That Man will be. And that is Just where That Woman will be. And that is Just where We will be. And that is Just where They will be. And that is Just where Our People will be. And that is Just where Their People will be. And that is Just where The People will be.”
F87. Joke: A Person just knew three words at the age of 33 — “Hot Mama” and “Velcro.”
F88. A Joke: Football Players tried and failed to break through a paper banner at a Football Game.
F89. The Man said, “He has a Criminal-Free Record.”
F90. The Man said, “My Children (MC). All of My Children (AOMC). And My Approximately 701 Children.”
F91. The Man said, “Don’t Worry, Money Grows Back.” Money Grows Back (MGB).
F92. Joke: A Man tried to Fill Measuring Cups with Too Much Milk and Food.
F93. The Man said, “I have Wrestled. And I have Won a Wrestling Match. And My Arm was Raised by The Referee when I Won a Wrestling Match. And I have done Many Things. And I have done Many Good Things.”
F94. As the saying states, “Once a Marine, always a Marine.” Forever.
F95. The Man said, “There are Two Parts to doing this Vacuuming Correctly. First, Vacuum The Backyard’s Dirt. And then you should press this button on the Vacuum that shoots the dirt all over the house, like this. And then you Vacuum the dirt back up.” And The guy asked, “What’s the point of this?” And The Man said, “Don’t you have a Good Work Ethic?”
F96. Sufficient. Very Sufficient (VS). Fine. Very Fine (VF). Good. Very Good (VG). Sustainable. Very Sustainable (VS). Stable. Very Stable (VS). Passing. Very Passing (VP). Cumulative. Cumulatively. Holistic. Holistically. Member. Members. Organization. Organizations. Section. Sections. Sectional. Sectionals. District. Districts. Region. Regions. Regional. Regionally. City. Cities. County. Counties. State. States. Stately. Nation. Nations. National. Nationally. Country. Countries. Planet. Planets. System. Systems. Galaxy. Galaxies. Universe. Universes. Dimension. Dimensions. World View (WV). World Views (WV). Subjective. Subjectives. Subjectively. Objective. Objectives. Objectively. Opinion. Opinions. Opinionated. Fact. Facts. Factional. Fund of Knowledge. Funds of Knowledge. Fund. Funds. Fun. Funs. Funny. Funnies. Good Time (GT). Good Times (GT). Nice. Nicely. Good. Goods. Goodly.
F97. The Man said, “That would probably make The Situation Worse.” Worse.
F98. The Man said, “A Group of Students and I went inside the Belgian Embassy Building, which means that We and I went to Belgium. C’est Bon.”
F99. The Man said, “A Response. A Mild Response. A Very Mild Response. An Extremely Mild Response. A Harsh Response. A Very Harsh Response. An Extremely Harsh Response. A Moderate Response. A Very Moderate Response. An Extremely Moderate Response. A Proportional Response. A Very Proportional Response. An Extremely Proportional Response. A Disproportional Response. A Very Disproportional Response. An Extremely Disproportional Response.”
F100. The Man said, “Response. Mild Response (MR). Very Mild Response (VMR). Extremely Mild Response (EMR). Harsh Response (HR). Very Harsh Response (VHR). Extremely Harsh Response (EHR). Moderate Response (MR). Very Moderate Response (VMR). Extremely Moderate Response (EMR). Proportional Response (PR). Very Proportional Response (VPR). Extremely Proportional Response (EPR). Disproportional Response (DR). Very Disproportional Response (VDR). Extremely Disproportional Response (EDR).”
G1. Joke: A Sponge was Squeezed and Giraffes and Rabbits and Porcupines Popped Out of the Sponge. And an Octopus and a Squid came out of Liquid Soap.
G2. Joke: Literally Trying to Feed and Water someone over the Telephone and over the Internet on a Computer.
G3. The Man frequently thought to Himself, “That is Just the Way it is.” And The Woman frequently thought to Herself, “That is Just the Way it is.” And The Person frequently thought, “That is Just the Way it is.” And The People frequently thought to Themselves, “That is Just the Way it is.” And The People frequently thought to Ourselves, “That is Just the Way it is.” That is Just the Way it is (TIJTWII).
G4. The Man said, “Several years ago, when an Author, George Orwell, read His Book War of the Worlds over the Radio, many Individuals Falsely Believed that there was an Alien Invasion. And, since Radio and Television Broadcasts travel through Space, perhaps Individuals of another Civilization will also think that there is an Alien Invasion.” The Woman said, “Do you think that there are Friendly Aliens?” And The Man replied, “Yes, there are probably Friendly Aliens who are Friendly to some Individuals, and there are also probably Friendly Aliens who are at Times Unfriendly to some Individuals. And these things are true with Many Individuals. The Context is Important. And The Contexts are Important.” Context. Contexts.
G5. The Man said, “I sometimes wear Many Hats, and sometimes at The Same Time. And I sometimes wear Several Hats, and sometimes at The Same Time. And this is Good. And all of this is Good. ” Hat. Hats. The Hat. The Hats.
G6. The Man said, “That Man’s Earlier Writings are sort of Like The Old Testament (OT) of The Bible, and That Man’s Later Writings are sort of Like The New Testament (NT) of The Bible.”
G7. A Joke: After eating a Filbert, Mr. Fibber told a Fib while He was on the Defibrillator.
G8. Paraphrasing from Greg Wheelhouse, a Roommate of Mine, and used with His Permission, “I do Not know who won a 1988 Emmy Award, although I do want to know what Twerking means.”
G9. Good Anchor (GA). Good Anchors (GA). The Anchor (TA). The Anchors (TA). The Good Anchor (TGA). The Good Anchors (TGA).
G10. The Man said, “Useful. Very Useful (VU). Extremely Useful (EU).”
G11. The Man said, “Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI).”
G12. Joke: Dogs and Cats had their Boarding Passing in their Mouths for an Airplane Ride, and the Workers asked the Dogs and the Cats to wag their Tails 3 times for Yes, and to wag their Tails 4 times for No.
G13. Friend. A Close Friend (CF). A Very Close Friend (VCF). Friends. Close Friends (CF). Very Close Friends (VCF).
G14. A Joke — Too Many Referees in a Wrestling Match.
G15. Joke: A Television Control was Put in Several Places in order to work, and was attached to a string in a Person’s mouth in order to work. And an individual tried to Hocus Pocus and Abracadabra the Television Control to try to get it to work.
G16. A Joke: A Woman answered a Telephone, and She said, “Hello? Hello? Hello?” And then she hung up the phone, and she said, “No one was on the phone.” And then a Person burst in the room, and he said, “What do you mean by calling Me a No One?”
G17. Greg Wheelhouse, a Roommate, and written with His Permission: The Landlord said, “That’s Not a Chihuaha! That’s a long-haired Rat.”
G18. Joke: The Man called His Insurance Agent for Insurance on His Invisible and Imaginary Double Decker Bus.
G19. A Joke: The Man, by Himself, played a Football Game against a Football Team.
G20. A Joke: A Big Book about how to burn between 0.8 to 1.8 calories.
G21. Joke: Throwaway China Plates.
G22. Joke: Literal and Metaphorical Red Tape.
G23. The Man said, “There should be a Law where every single day is Wednesday. That way I will bring the garbage and recycling cans to the curb everyday.”
G24. A Joke: A Lemonade Salesperson wants a Pay Raise from a Lemon. And He Blackmails a Lemon, “Lemon, if you don’t give Me a pay raise during the summers when I work at this lemonade stand, I’ll turn you into lemonade. And you too Apple, Orange, and Grape!”
G25. Joke: Buddy the Dog said, “I’m 21 years of age in Dog Years, so stop treating Me like I am a Baby.”
G26. Joke: How can a very small person with a sensitive nose live in a Natural Gas Alarm?
G27. The Man yelled, “There is a Mousse by the Refrigerator! I am Scared!! There is a Mousse by the Refrigerator!” And The Woman replied, “Do you Mean that there is a Mouse by the Refrigerator?” And The Man said, “No, there is a Blob of Mousse by the Refrigerator. The Mice are by the Bookcase.” And then The Woman Screamed when She saw the Mice.
G28. Joke: The Man said to the lottery official, “I am pretty sure that I thought about picking the winning numbers, and I’m 0.8 Percent Multiplied by 0.9 Percent divided by 3 Percent sure that I thought about picking the winning numbers? So, can I have the Lottery Prize?
G29. Joke: The Man thought that a person on Television – with a Television that was on Mute – was the voice of someone who was talking on a laptop Computer.
G30. Joke: A Person with a bald head – hair looks great, although it is a little long.
G31. Joke: Literally “Strong” Coffee.
G32. Joke: Literally “Bull by the Horns.”
G33. Joke: Beware of “The Garagers!”
G34. A Literally Hot Check, and a Literally Bounced Check.
G35. A Joke: A very “quick” dishwashing machine.
G36. Joke: The Man said, “That Smartphone should be called The Stupid Phone.”
G37. A Tailor may also be a General. And a Housekeeper may also be a General. And a Dishwasher may also be a General. And a Soldier may also be a General. And a Volunteer may also be a General. And a Writer may also be a General. And a Worker may also be a General.
G38. A Joke: A Funny Tombstone – Shapes, Words, Talking, Videos, and Holograms.
G39. Joke: The Man was Overly Helpful, and He kept on Asking The Other Man if He Needed Help doing Just about Everything.
G40. The Woman said, “From the Woman at the Well to the Woman down on Her Knees, you are The God who Really Sees, El Shaddai.”
G41. The Man said, “Many Men, Women, and Children have People who Care about Them. And Many Men, Women, and Children have People who Sort of Care about Them. Care. Sort of Care (SOC).”
G42. On June 23, 2014, My Mom and I were Watching and Listening to the News on Television, and We heard about a Child who Fell from a Building, and My Mother and I prayed aloud to Father God for the Safety and the Well Being of that Child who had Fallen.
And Some More of My Writings:
G43. From Mom, Jokingly about Ted, Our Dog, “I need to get busy pushing boxes around or saving people on a mountain, even helping Mum with Real Estate, anything….”
G44. Demeanor. Demeanors.
G45. Trait. Traits. Character Trait (GT). Character Traits (GT).
G46. Track Record (TR). Track Records (TR).
G47. Conscience. Consciences.
G48. Ensouled. Soul. Souls.
And Here are some More of My Writings:
G49. Temperament. Temperaments.
G50. Aware. Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). On that Level (OTL). On those Levels (OTL). Level. Level. On that (OT). On those (OT). About that (AT). About those (AT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Conscious. Consciously. Subconscious. Subconsciously. Sort of (SO). About.
And some More of My Writings:
G51. Written. Unwritten. Known. Well-Known (WK). Not Known (NK). Not Well-Known (NWK). To that Person (TTP). To Him (TH). To Her (TH). To Me (TM). To Them (TT). To Us (TU). To those People (TTP). About that Person (ATP). About Him (AH). About Her (AH). About Me (AB). About Them (AT). About Us (AU). About those People (ATP). Information. Information about (IA). Him. He. Her. Them. Us. We. Me. I. You. Relevant. Irrelevant.
And More of My Writings:
G52. When? What Happened (WH)? What was Happening (WWH)? Possibility. Probability. Possible. Probable. Likelihood. Estimated Percentage (EP). Estimated Likelihood (EL). Estimated Probability (EP). Now. Later. Time. Time Period (TP). Time Periods (TP). Amount. Amounts. Approximate. Approximately. Today. Tomorrow. Then. The. These. Those. Contingent Upon (CU). Contingent. Contingency. Contingency Plan (CP). Contingency Plans (CP). There. Their. To. Too. Two. Thrice. The Number (TN). The Number of Times (TNOT). Serious. Very Serious (VS). Extremely Serious (ES). Seriously. Very Seriously (VS). Extremely Seriously (ES). Not Serious (NS). Not Very Serious (NVS). Not Extremely Serious (NES). Not Seriously (NS). Not Very Seriously (NVS). Not Extremely Seriously (NES). Specifically. Specifics. Specific. Example. Examples. Holistically. Holistics. Holistic. An. A. Some. Many. A Few (AF). Un. Une. Le Repas. Les Repas. Un Repas. Des Repas. La Bibliotheque. Les Bibliotheques. Des Bibliotheques. Des Bibliotheques. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not About that Subject (NATS). Not About those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings, Sayings & Jokes:
G53. Joke: The Waiter said, “We are all out of Coffee, although We do have Plenty of Coffee Grounds. Here are some Coffee Grounds.”
G54. Joke: A Person makes a big deal out of a dented plastic bottle, thinking that it is indicative of something very terrible.
G55. Joke: A Person yells His Name when He is asked what His Name is, and He yells out other Information.
G56. Trevor was Clever when He Pulled a Lever in Denver.
G57. The Man said, “We Toughen Up Many of Our People by Having Them do Some Physical Labor. Toughen Up. Toughen. Tough. Strong. Strengthen.”
G58. Can you undo a Baptism? No, you cannot. Can you undo a Confirmation? No, you cannot. Can you undo Many Things? No, you cannot. Some Things are Important. And Some Things are Not Very Important.
G59. A Joke: Best Friend or Favorite Friend?!
G60. A Joke: Tossed Produce, such as Tomatoes, joke – Good as New.
G61. A Joke: A Person can hear very non-Loud Sounds, and Not hear loud sounds.
G62. Joke: A person paid in Moldy Banana Peels.
G63. A Joke: A Business: A Representative and The Sign said, “Bankrupt,” then “We are Back in Business,” over and over again after getting a Telephone call and an Email and a Singing Telegram from someone saying that They are Bankrupt and then They are Back in Business, over and over again.
G64. Joke: Two People Really Loved their cellphones, and They were thought of as “Twin Children,” complete with Diaper Changing, etc.
G65. Joke: Mute button did Not Mute it, and instead turned the Television Very, Very Loud.
G66. The Proposed Legislative Bill would Outlaw the Usage of Passwords for Emails and Banking Websites, as there should be a “Greater Amount of Transparency Among Complete Strangers.”
G67. Joke: “I cook Crazy, but I Cook Fast.”
G68. Joke: about 31 people are Chosen for a Beauty Modelling Contract, except for One, Very, Very Beautiful Woman.
G69. Joke: Waiting for Bottle Caps to be The Official Currency.
G70. New Hope Cross – I have Heard that The Cross has saved at Least One Life from Suicide.
G71. A Joke: Grocery Cart Crash corresponds with a Car being Harmed even though they are both far away from each other.
G72. The Man said, “The Changing of My Voice is a Talent that Very Few People Have. And I can talk Very, Very Fast.”
G73. My Mom was so Proud of Buddy the Dog when He ate a Bite of Apple. It does Not take much for Mom to be Proud of Buddy the Dog, as Buddy is Part of The Family.
G74. Joke: The Man ordered a salad at a Restaurant, and there were Whole Apples, Bananas, Tomatoes, and Oranges on the Salad – “Open Your Mouth Very Wide.”
G75. Joke: Literally World by The Tail.
G76. Joke: The Man in The Trenches said, “Gas Masks On! There is an Incoming Tickle Attack!”
G77. Joke: Hand in the forms of Phones for Cheaper call Rates.
G78. A Joke: Repeatedly Blows His Nose on His Shirt.
G79. The Man turned into an Elephant after eating two bananas in a day.
G80; Joke: The Man said, “Did I have My Multivitamin Today? I will have a Multivitamin just in case I forget to have one,” over and over and having a Fake Multivitamin from a Container over and over again.
G81. A Joke: The Man said, “My Name is Mr. Brandon Burper,” and He then repeatedly Burped again and again.
G82. What I learned from Economic Class about How Moderation is Good: especially President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s (FDR’s) New Deal Programs helped prevent Radical Leftists from Taking Control of The United States Government, and lots of Times, Moderation is Wise.
G83. The Man said, “We will see what Develops.” Develops.
G84. The Man’s Face and Shirt was covered with Ranch salad dressing, and He said, while Throwing Ranch Salad Dressing almost Everywhere, “You need to stop being Stingy with the Salad Dressing.”
G85. Buddy the Dog, even when He is upstairs, and when I’m downstairs, almost always knows when to come downstairs when I get pieces of salami from the Refrigerator. And I usually given Him some Pieces of Salami.
G86. Joke: A Pitchfork for a Measuring Cup.
G87. The Man said, “I am both Optimistic and Pessimistic.”
G88. Joke: “Where’s My 1/20th of one cent for My Coupon’s Redemption Value?” The Reply: “There is Not a coin that is 1/20th of one cent.” “Why don’t you create 1/20th of one cent? I want to buy a Quarter of an Ice Cream cone with that 1/20th of one cent.”
G89. Joke: The Carnivorous Anti-Herbivorous Political Party.
G90. A dog with Goggles and a Swimsuit and a Swimming Head Cap.
G91. Joke: Grow Smaller Fingers for a Mini-Keyboard: the potion: Brussells Sprouts mixed with Honey and Sugar make the person grow Smaller Fingers for a Mini-Keyboard.
G92. A Joke: A Huge Jockey using Computer Special Effects.
G93. There are Types of Genius. For example, someone may be a Literary Genius and/or a History Genius and/or a Genius at Something else. And someone may have about a 150 Verbal IQ, which makes that Person a Verbal Genius and/or someone may have about a 150 Fund of Knowledge IQ, which makes that person a Knowledge Genius. Verbal Genius. Knowledge Genius. History Genius. Literature Genius. Not everyone can do everything Extremely Well, and that is also OK. And someone may score 800s, Perfect Scores, on The Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs), for Verbal, World History, Literature, and American History, which is also indicative that that Person is a Verbal Genius and/or a History Genius and/or a Literature Genius and/or a Fund of Knowledge Genius, which, of course, means that Person is a Genius.
G94. Joke: Buddy the Dog said, “I’m your Uncle and your Brother at the same time.”
G95. Joke: Bunny Slippers and Pig Slippers to Work day.
G96. Joke: The Man said during a Job Interview: “The correct Questions are No Questions.”
G97. Joke: Overzealous in Watching a Purse.
G98. Golf-Ball Sized Hail. No, literally hailing Golf Bails. Double Entendre too.
G99. Joke: Talking about 2 Different Things.
G100. Underwear weighs 840 pounds and eyeglasses weigh 841 pounds and watch weighs 842 pounds. Replicas of what they would look like.
H1. A Joke: The Discussion of the Importance of a College Education to a Dog and to a Cat.
H2. A Joke: Waiting for 84 years for someone to click enter on a Computer.
H3. A Joke: Many People Upset because He and They were supposed to throw the game. Mad at the Referees too.
H4. A Joke: 22 on a Card for Blackjack.
H5. Joke: Computer Icon jumped and hid.
H6. Joke: Instead of an Elevator or an Escalator or Stairs: Jumping Up and Human Pyramid to go upwards towards The Top of the Building.
H7. Joke: The Man said to another Person, and to several other People, “I’m playing Games,” over and over.
H8. Joke: “Not a believer in Using Silverware.”
H9. About Reuben Our Dog, as said to Me by My Mother, May 30, 2014, “God saved Him.” Paws worn out by The Highway, and it was a Busy Highway, for about a week. My Mother, Debra, placed an Advertisement (Ad) in a Newspaper , and a UPS Man called Mom, and He said that He saw Reuben, Our Dog. And other People called, Mom, and She was Afraid that they’d call and say that he was, in My Mother’s Words, “Dead. Not a Good Deal. Losing a Dog is Not a Good Deal.” The Wondering too, “Waiting by the phone.” Dogs are, “Parts of The Family.”
H10. A Joke: Tripped on a Book, and did Acrobatics, Jumping Jacks, Pushups, et cetera.
H11. Joke: A Very Minor Sound Bothered someone Immensely.
H12. A Joke: A Huge Rush to use coupons that expire about 3 Months Later.
H13. A Joke: Too Hot and Too Cold – Sweaters, Clothes Off, Et Cetera.
H14. A Joke: Candy truck sounds for police cars instead of sirens and cow music for an Ambulance, and dog barking for a Fire Truck.
H15. A Joke: Using Computer Special Effects, Literally Raining Cats and Dogs.
H16. A Joke: Mining for Cotton Candy and Cookies.
H17 Joke: Literally Cookies on a Computer instead of the non-literal cookies.
H18. Some More of My Jokes: Raccoon wearing X-Ray Glasses in a cage instead of X-Rays at a Dentist’s Office.
H19. Uncle Lyle Landsem – Saw, on His Deathbed, after The Lord’s Prayer was recited by Family and Friends, Grandpa Ted (His Brother), Grandpa Lars (His Father who came on a Boat from the Country of Norway), and Ingaborg (His Mother who also came on a Boat from Norway), and, “All of His Relatives were there [in the Room with Him] except for the ones that had gone to Heaven,” Aunt Gloria on 5/27/2014, and before this day.
H20. Grandpa Lars Landsem – took off His Leg’s Caste, because He wanted to go back to Work. Grandpa Ted said, according to Aunt Gloria. and Gloria is Grandpa Ted’s Daughter, that Grandpa Lars, “he sawed His Caste Off,” because He wanted to go back to work.
H21. Aunt Gloria about Grandma Ingaborg Landsem, she was, “The Sweetest. Angel. White Hair. Never Raised Her Voice. Like an Angel. Always had a Smile on Her Face,” and that She owned, “a wine velvet Davendport [a Couch].” And that She cut Aunt Gloria’s, “fingernails and toenails Very Carefully.”
H22. Joke: Get on the Horn (literally).
H23. The Man said, “As of 2/19/2014, I have Very Rarely shaken because of hunger. I am almost always full. And I am almost never hungry. And I have Never gone to bed hungry. And I am Thankful. And I am Grateful.”
H24. A Joke: Did you take a shower for me too? Waiting for you to take a shower for Me too.
H25. A Joke: Cell phone radiation not by head joke, but by Another Body Part.
H26. Some More of My Jokes: Double entendre jumping in the shower. And Fingers walking to snatch a purse stop that thief from that same person whose own fingers are trying to snatch the purse.
H27. A Joke: The Judge during sentencing to the Person found Guilty: “You are cute.” And love letters. And marriage proposal.
H28. A Joke: Repeatedly hi, good morning, and good evening.
H29. A Joke: About a business dept. They are crazy in that business dept of ours — straight jackets and tin foil hats while talking on the phones.
H30. A Joke: Blow up bed in an automobile.
H31. Jokes: many people on a computer, and eight people per person per letter and number.
H32. A Joke: Drove back while about 4 Inches from The Driveway, after Pushing the Car for Fuel, as it did Not Quite Reach The Destination’s Driveway.
H33. A Joke: Because of a Slight Chance of a leak in the Roof. Raincoat and goggles on, as it is “Better to be Safe than to be Sorry.”
H34. A Joke: 8 million percent tax rate.
H35. I reached and scooped that fish with My net.
H37. A Joke: Drive to Europe and moon.
H38. Joke: You’ll find your lost cell phone, as it does Not have legs. And using Computer Animation, the Cell Phone Grows Legs and walks away.
H39. Joke: Cabinet and Figurines Moved Non-Delicately.
And some More of My Writings:
Belief. Beliefs. Believe. Believes. Believing. Believed.Bible. Content of The Bible. Contents of The Bible.Scriptures. Content of The Scriptures. Contents of The Scriptures.Content. Contents. Content of (The). Contents of (The).Reality. Realities. Reality of (The). Realities of (The).(The) Real Definition (TRD and RD). (The) Real Definitions (TRD and RD).Perception. Perceptions. Perception of (The). Perceptions of (The).World View. World Views.Opinion. Opinions.Fact. Facts. Factual.Honest. Honestly.True. Truth. Truths. Truthful.False. Falsehood. Falsely.Perceive. Perceives. Perceived. Perceiving.Happen. Happens. Happened. Happening.Correct. Corrects. Corrected. Correcting. Correctly.Incorrect. Incorrectly. Uncorrected.The Person said, “I Believe You.”The Person said, “I do Not Believe that is Correct.”
One of My Jokes:
The Man said to a Woman, “During the winter, let's bottle and save the cold for the summer months, and during the summer, let's bottle and save the heat for the winter months.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “There are many Smart and Accomplished People in His Family, and that Man got about A cumulative grade point averages (GPA and GPAs) at two colleges -- a 3.88 GPA for about two year's of college work and classes, and a 4.00 for about one year's of college work and classes, and a 3.51 cumulative, and unweighted -- whereas weighted GPAs often have about a possible 5.00 GPA -- GPA at High School, about a B+ or A- average, and He graduated from High School with High Honors, and about a B- or C+ cumulative GPA for about a year's worth of classes at another First Tier and Top Ranked college -- over a 2.66 cumulative GPA there, which translates into a GPA cumulative average of about four grades of B and about four grades of C, which is more than enough for a Passing GPA, and He scored Four Perfect Scores on His Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs), and His Verbal IQ is about 150, and His overall IQ is in the Top One Percent (which is also known by the acronym, TOP aka Top One Percent), and He is Very Thankful for His Family and Friends, whom He likes Very Much, and He likes being a Family Member (FM).”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person is, as the saying goes, Larger than Life. And that Person is a Character. And that Person is also a Good Character.” Larger than Life (LTL). Character. Characters. Good Character (GC). Good Characters (GC).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, "I am a Social Scientist." Social Science. Social Sciences. Social Scientist. Social Scientists.
Some More of My Writings and Some More of My Sayings:
H49. Spoke. Spoken. Spokes. Speak. Speaks. Speaking. Well-Spoken (WS). Eloquently Spoken (ES). Misspoke. Misspoken. Misspeaking. Misspeak. Accident. Accidently. Not an Accident (NAA). Not Accidently (NA). On Purpose (OP). Purpose. Purposefully. Not on Purpose (NOP). Not Purposefully (NP). Moral. Morals. Morale. Morales. Good. About. Of. Regarding. Regarding that (RT). Regarding those (RT). Not Regarding that (NRT). Not Regarding those (NRT). From there to there (FTTT). There to there (TTT). From Here to Here (FHTH). Here to Here (HTH). There. Here. Hear. Hearing. Hears. Heard. True. False. Fiction. Fictional. Fictitious. Non-Fiction (NF). Non-Fictional (NF). Non-Fictitious (NF). Non-Factual (NF). Factual. A True Story (ATS). The True Story (TTS). True Story (TS). True Stories (TS). The True Stories (TTS). A Non-True Story (ANNS). The Non-True Story (TNTS). Non-True Story (NTS). Not True Stories (NTS). The Not True Stories (TNTS). Relevant. Irrelevant. Not Relevant (NR). Terminology. Terminologies. Meaning. Mean. Means. For Example (FE). An Important Example (AIE). Important Examples (IE). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). Coincidence. Coincidences. Not a Coincidence (NAC). Not Coincidences (NC). Coincidently. Not Coincidently (NC). Maybe. Perhaps. Yes. No. OK. Not OK. (NO). Good. Not Good (NG). Bad. Well. Well Done (WD). Not Well Done (NWD). Satisfactory. Very Satisfactory (VS). Extremely Satisfactory (ES). Not Satisfactory (NS). Not Very Satisfactory (NVS). Not Extremely Satisfactory (NES). An. And. The. These. Those. Vocabulary. Vocabularies. Word. Words. Meaning. Meanings. Life. Live. Lives. Living. Livings. Lived.
Some More of My Writings and My Sayings:
H50. A person should not be contradictory just to be contradictory. There should be a good reason to be contradictory. And there should be a good reason to do an action.
H51. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Blonde. Blondes. Blondie. Blondies.”
H52. As it states in the Bible: “The fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom.” It also states in the Bible: “Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, and Soul, and Mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”
H53. Being able to correctly perceive reality is very important. Being logical is very important.
H54. Being careful in what you say is good.
H55. It is good to be flexible about many things, and it is also good to not be flexible about many things.
H56. I have a criminal-free record. And I have never been arrested, charged, or convicted of any crime.
H57. Just because you can do something does not mean you should do something. There should be a good reason to do an action.
H58. An American Indian Saying: If you chase two rabbits all at once, you very well may not get any of those rabbits. If you chase just one rabbit, you very well may get that rabbit.
H59. Coincidence can be attributed to many things happening. Sometimes the expected becomes the unexpected. Chance can be attributed to many things happening. Good luck can be attributed to many things happening. Many individuals think something will happen, and when that thing, or those things, happen(s), it, or they, can often be attributed to coincidence and chance. For example, someone can ring the door bell, and someone can say or think, “I think that is my Brother,” and the person opens the door and there is that person's Brother: probably coincidence and chance. Another example, someone can say or think, “I think my Brother will call me by telephone today,” and about 4 hours later that person's Brother calls that person: probably coincidence and chance.
H60. I have a good life. I have a lot of fun.
H61. Compartmentalization is often a good way think. And compartmentalization is often a good way to view events and actions. One should not usually be focused on things that happened long ago. Seize the day.
H62. Some individuals have good helpings of goodness.
And Here are some More of My Writings:
H63. An individual's perception of reality is important. For example, someone may believe in something that is not good, and that can influence someone to do an action. Or someone may believe in something that is good, and that can influence someone to do an action. An individual's perception of reality is important.
H64. Much of the adversity and bad experiences some individuals have experienced have helped make them Strong.
H65. As a Truthful saying states: Guard Your Tongue, as You Would Guard Your Life.
H66. Some things are important. Some things are not important. Some things are very important. Some things are not very important.
H67. One serious mistake, and it can all be over.
H68. It is often a good idea to hedge your bets. And it is also often a good idea to not metaphorically put everything you have in one basket.
H69. Many actions are good to do. And many actions are not good to do. Many activities are good to do. And many activities are not good to do.
H70. Some things should be done. And some things should not be done. Some actions should be done. And some actions should not be done.
H71. Sometimes change is good. And sometimes change is not good. Many things should be changed. And many things should not be changed.
H72. Some things should be done all at once. Some things should not all be done all at once. Some things can be done all at once. Some things cannot be done all at once. Doing something part way is oftentimes good. You should often do many good things and actions, while realizing that not everything can be done, and that not everything should be done, and that not everything good can be done all at once. Part way done is oftentimes good. Fully done is oftentimes good.
H73. Lots of individuals sometimes talk just to talk. Lots of individuals sometimes do not really mean what they say.
H74. Often it is good to go with the flow, and often it is not good to go with the flow.
H75. It is often good to frequently check and review things. And it is often good to frequently check and review important things.
H76. If you put your hands on a wall in the forms of large parentheses ( ) and you look in the center of the large parentheses made by your hands, you will see just a portion of the wall. If you then look around the entire room, you will see a larger picture. The goal is to get to Heaven.
H77. When parts of a story are true, not everything of that story may be true. When parts of a story are false, not everything of that story may be false. A story may be completely true, or a story may be partly true. A story may be completely false, or a story may be partly false.
H78. Many things are not complicated. And many things do not have to be complicated.
H79. The Looking Glass Self is a Psychological and Sociological concept that states that when someone's perceived character traits are told to that person, either directly or indirectly, that person will often be influenced by those perceived character traits that he or she was told to have. For example, if someone is told that he or she is very intelligent, and that he or she does very well in school, he or she will often try to do very well in intellectual pursuits, as well as often try to do very well in school. Some opinions matter. Many opinions do not matter. Some spoken words matter. Many spoken words do not matter. Some written words matter. Many written words do not matter.
And some More of My Writings:
H80. In Geometry, I learned that a Straight Line is the shortest way to get from one point to another point. And a Straight Line goes from one point to another point.
H81. Information should often be given to another individual not all at once, so that there will not be information overload.
H82. As an often truthful saying states, “A word to the wise is sufficient.”
H83. There are different levels of awareness.
H84. An individual's psychological outlook on life can influence a person's physiological health.
H85. The Context of something is often Important.
H86. Proverbs 2:8 from The Bible: “He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him.”
And Here are some More of My Writings and My Sayings:
H87. There are private discussions. And there are public discussions. And there is that which is done and/or said privately. And there is also that which is done and/or said publicly.
H88. A quote from Lisa Lampanelli: “It is fun to make fun of everyone.”
H89. It is often OK to say, “No.” And it is often Good to say, “No.”
H90. Many things should be met with a Healthy Dose of Skepticism. And many things should be met with a Healthy Dose of a Grain of Salt.
H91. On some occasions, there are exceptions to Rules.
H92. What are the good consequences? How many good consequences are there? What are the bad consequences? How many bad consequences are there? What is the Big Picture? What does the Big Picture Look Like?
H93. It is often good to be Cautious. As an often Truthful Saying states: “You should error on the side of Caution.”
H94. It is good to listen to music in moderation. And It is good to watch television shows and movies in moderation.
H95. The Goal is the following:
The goal is to get to Heaven. The goal is to live for a long time. The goal is to live forever. The goal is to avoid being burned alive in the fires of Hell forever. The goal is to have a lot of good fun. The goal is to have a good life. -- Brandon
H96. “Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you
can understand,” as said in the movie AI.
H97. From The Bible, Isaiah 9:6: “And his name will be called: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
H98. From The Bible, Luke 1:30: “And the Angel said to Her, Fear not, Mary: for you have found favor with God.”
H99. There are good actions. And there are bad actions.
H100. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am thinking about Paradise.”
I1. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I have done that which is fair, and good, and just. And I do that which is fair, and good, and just.
I2. I like the movie Minority Report. And I like many movies.
Some More of My Writings:
I3. Mensa, which is an organization for people whose IQ is in at least the Top 2 Percent of Population, and Mensans, many of whom are Geniuses, were portrayed during season 10 episode 22 of The Simpsons television show.
I4. Certain work should be completed in a certain order. Some things should be completed first before other work is completed.
I5. Some character traits are sometimes dominant, and some character traits are sometimes recessive.
I6. The Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: Voyager, and other Star Trek television shows and movies are great to watch and listen to. And many television shows and movies are great to watch and listen to.
I7. You should often have a close attention to details. And you should not often assume too much.
I8. Hot dog and ice cream in my hands, I watched the Portland TrailBlazers win a basketball game at the Rose Garden.
-- Brandon
I9. I like the song called, “Heaven is a place on Earth.”
I10. There are Logical Fallacies. And The Slippery Slope is not always a Logical Fallacy, as individuals can become used to gradual changes.
I11. A certain action is a certain action no matter what that certain action is called. A certain action is good or bad no matter what that certain action is called. A certain thing is a certain thing no matter what that certain thing is called. A certain thing is good or bad no matter what that certain thing is called. A pig with lipstick on is still a pig. A pig with lipstick on is still a pig who has lipstick on. Action A is Action A. Action A is either good or bad. Action B is Action B. Action B is either good or bad. Thing A is Thing A. Thing A is either good or bad. Thing B is Thing B. Thing B is either good or bad. No matter what Action A is called or named, Action A is Action A. No matter what Action A is called or named, Action A is either good or bad. No matter what Action B is called or named, Action B is Action B. No matter what Action B is called or named, Action B is either good or bad. No matter what Thing A is called or named, Thing A is Thing A. No matter what Thing A is called or named, Thing A is either good or bad. No matter what Thing B is called or named, Thing B is Thing B. No matter what Thing B is called or named, Thing B is either good or bad.
I12. I may sort of like a person on some occasions, and I may sort of not like a person on some other occasions.
I13. “They say no one dies. They say you are Good,” from the movie, Schindler's List.
I14. Truth is reality. Truth is what is real.
I15. There are different levels of awareness of reality. For example, when someone reads something, that often does not make as much of an awareness of reality in comparison to when someone directly tells that person something.
I16. Not everything a person says is necessarily good. Not everything a person says is necessarily true. Many individuals do not always say what is good. Many individuals do not always say what is true.
I17. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Hyper-Intelligent (HI). And Hyper-Intelligence (HI).”
I18. Some Satirical Fan Fiction (SFF).
I19. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I often know whether or not something is true or false. Many individuals often know whether or not something is true or false. I have very extensive knowledge databases. Many individuals also have knowledge databases.”
I20. There are Different Types of Resources.
I21. “You are a Wise Man,” from the movie Elizabeth: the Golden Age.
I22. What someone has, and what someone does not have, is often a good indication of what has occurred, and what has not occurred.
I23. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Being Rich or being Poor does not mean whether or not a person has a lot of money, and instead being Rich or being Poor means whether or not someone acts correctly, and being Rich means being Rich in Good Gifts, and being Poor means being Poor in Good Gifts. And there are Different Types of Resources.”
I24. There is a time for many things. There is a place for many things. There is not a time for many things. There is not a place for many things. -- Brandon
I25. Some things should be done. Many things should not be done. Not everything should be done. I buckle My seat belt, as just One serious mistake, and it can all be over.
I26. “That's what the Emperor said. A man steals something, and he's brought in before the Emperor, and he throws himself down on the ground. He begs for his life, and he knows he's going to die. And the Emperor pardons him. He lets him go.” A Paraphrased Quote from the Movie, Schindler's List.
I27. Knowledge is sometimes Power.
I28. Tolerate. Tolerates. Toleration. Tolerations. Tolerated. Leniency. Leniencies. Lenient. Mercy. Mercies. Neutral. Neutrals. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
I29. To Life. To Safety. To Good Things.
And Here are More of My Writings and Here are some More of My Sayings:
I30. Checks and Balances are often Good to have.
I31. In the movie, Minority Report, many psychic visions are correct forever, while some psychic visions are wrong.
I32. “Be strong and courageous . . . for the Lord your God is with you . . .” from the Bible in Deutoronomy 31:6 (NIV)
I33. I sort of like the movie called Man on the Moon. And I sort of like several movies.
I34. There are various ways to communicate.
I35. Many good things do not change. Many good things should not change. Many good things have never changed. And that is good.
Many good things do not change in a significant way. Many good things should not change in a significant way. Many good things have never changed in a significant way. And that is good.
Many things do not change. Many things should not change. Many things have never changed. And that is good.
Many things do not change in a significant way. Many things should not change in a significant way. Many things have never changed in a significant way. And that is good.
I36. An Actor does a certain action regardless of whether or not that Actor is playing a character. Actions are done regardless of the thought processes behind it. If someone is not in his or her right state of mind, that is often a very mitigating factor, and someone can truly say that person was not in the right state of mind to have made an informed decision on whether or not to do that action.
I37. With great power comes great responsibility.
I38. You can often tell a lot about an individual by how he or she frequently prepares the dishes, glasses, silverware, pots, and pans for the dishwashing machine, and also by how he or she does other things.
I39. You should not be too curious about things. And You should not allow your curiosity to get the better of you. And You should not allow your curiosity to seriously cause harm.
I40. When I was a Student at Georgetown University, a Woman who worked at one of the Cafeterias there frequently called Me, “Baby.”
I41. The Metaphorical Cream almost always Rises to the Top.
I42. I am not usually too interested in what other individuals have said.
I43. Have each second at a time. Have each minute at a time. Have each hour at a time. Have each day at a time. Have each year at a time. Have each decade at a time. Have each 10 years at a time. Have each 100 years at a time. Have each century at a time.
And Some More of My Writings that I have Wrote:
I44. It is often, although not always, good to go with the flow. It is often, although not always, good to be agreeable. Not everything should be changed. Many things should not be changed. Change is not always good. Good is Good. And bad is bad.
I45. A person can, and probably should, act logically and at the same time that person can, and probably should, be emotional. Logic is not the absence of emotion. To act logically is to do that which is good.
I46. It does not make Good Sense to be Penny Wise and Pound foolish. It does not make Good Sense to be Penny Wise and Dollar foolish. It does not make Good Sense to be Penny Wise and Euro foolish. Penny. Pennies. Pound. Pounds. Dollar. Dollars. Euro. Euros.
I47. In a Movie, a Person said, “Shall We Play a Game?”
I48. Sometimes an Eagle has used its talons to get a fish, and because the Eagle would not let go of the fish, the Eagle drowned in the water. The Eagle should have let go of the fish, and the Eagle would have continued to live.
I49. There are Good Qualifications that are necessary to be Met in order to Be Members of Many Organizations.
I50. It is sometimes Good to Metaphorically Honk Your Own Horn. -- Brandon
I51. It is Good to Think about Many Things. It is Good to Do Many Things. It is Not Good to do Many Things. I buckle my seat belt, as one serious mistake and it can all be over. – Brandon
I52. That Person Looks Good (LG). And That Person Looked Good (LG). That Person sort of Looks Good. And That Person sort of Looked Good.
I53. Sort of (SO).
I54. Real. Reality. Realities. Verisimilitude.
Some of what I learned in about First and Second Grades:
One Plus One Equals Two. And One Plus Two Equals Three. And One Plus Three Equals Four.
One Times One Equals One. And One Times Two Equals Two. And One Times Three Equals Three. And One Times Four Equals Four.
And Some More of My Writings:
I55. See. Sees. Seen. Seeing. Saw. Hear. Hears. Hearing. Heard.
I56. Some things Make Sense. And Not everything Makes Sense. Some People Make Sense. And Not everyone Makes Sense. Some Things are Logical. And Not everything is Logical. Some People are Logical. And Not everyone is Logical. Some time (ST). Some Times (ST). Always. Not Always (NA). Often. Usually. Not Often (NO). Not Usually (NU). Never.
And Here are More of My Writings & My Sayings:
I57. Many things should be Remembered. And many things should be Ignored. Many things should sort of be Ignored. Many things should metaphorically be put on the front burner. And many things should metaphorically be put on the back burner. Some things are High Priorities. And many things are Low Priorities. Many things are Important. And many things are Very Important. Many things are Not Important. Many things are Not Very Important. Many things are Unimportant. Many things are Very Unimportant. High Priority (HP). Very High Priority (VHP). Extremely High Priority (EHP). High Priorities (HP). Very High Priorities (VHP). Extremely High Priorities (EHP). Low Priority (LP). Very Low Priority (VLP). Extremely Low Priority (ELP). Low Priorities (LP). Very Low Priorities (VLP). Extremely Low Priorities (ELP).
I58. I am not interested in a lot of things. And that is Good. As a truthful saying states, “Curiosity killed the cat.” Many Actions are Good to do. And many Actions are Bad to do. One serious mistake, and it can all be over.
I59. Earn. Earns. Earning. Earned. Not. About that (AT). About those (AT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not About that (NAT). Not About those (NAT). Not About that Subject (NATS). Not About those Subjects (NATS).
I60. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am frequently Professional. I am frequently Very Professional (VP). I am frequently Serious. I am frequently Very Serious (VS). It is good to frequently be Professional. It is good to frequently be Very Professional. It is good to frequently be Serious. It is good to frequently be Very Serious. I frequently have a lot of Good Fun (GF). And it is good to frequently have a lot of Good Fun.”
I61. Many things are Metaphorical Water Under the Bridge. Not many things really bother Me very much.
I62. The Person said, “Look to the Northern Stars.”
I63. I am often Very Generous (VG). I am often Very Generous with Resources. Many individuals have often been Very Generous to Me. Many individuals have often been Very Generous to Me with Resources. It is Good to often be Very Generous. It is Good to often be Very Generous with Resources.
I64. I will cross that Bridge when I get there. And I will cross that Bridge if I get there.
I65. I will frequently, although not always, Metaphorically Play it By Ear.
I66. Some things are Too Costly (also known by the acronym TC). Some things are Too Expensive (TE). Some things have Too Many Bad Consequences (BC). Too Costly. Too Expensive. Too Many Bad Consequences. Many things are Really Good. Many things have Really Good Consequences (GC). Really Good (RG). Really Good Consequences (GC and RGC). Potential. Potentials. Potentially.
I67. There may be different paths and journeys for some People.
I68. In one of My Writings, The Person said, “I Care about that. And I do Not care about that other thing.” I Care (IC). And I do Not Care about that (AIDNCAT and IDNCAT).
I69. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Welcome to a Whole New World. Welcome to a Different World. Welcome to a Wonderful World. Welcome to a Good World.”
I70. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Welcome to a Whole New World View. Welcome to a Different World View. Welcome to a Wonderful World View. Welcome to a Good World View.”
More of My Writings:
I71. No Harm, No Foul. When there is No Harm, there is often No Foul.
I72. Close is rarely really very important. Being Close is rarely really very important. A Close Call (CC) and Close Calls (CC) are rarely really very important. Being Good is Really Very Important.
I73. Some Individuals go through Phases. Some Individuals go through Good Phases (GP). There are Phases. And there are Good Phases.
I74. Often Good Work should be Accomplished and Done One Good Step at a Time. Often Good Work Can Be Accomplished and Done One Good Step at a Time. Often Good Work should be Accomplished and Done One Good Task at a Time. Often Good Work Can Be Accomplished and Done One Good Task at a Time. Often Good Work should be Accomplished and Done One Good Job at a Time. Often Good Work Can Be Accomplished and Done One Good Job at a Time. Often Good Work should be Accomplished and Done One Good Project at a Time. Often Good Work Can Be Accomplished and Done One Good Project at a Time.
I75. Some Individuals also have Different Temperaments in comparison to Other Individuals. Some Individuals have Good Temperaments. Some Individuals have Bad Temperaments. Many Individuals have Various Thought Processes. Many Individuals have Various Thoughts. Many Individuals have Various Intelligences. Many Individuals have Various Levels of Intelligences. Some Individuals are Smart. Some Individuals are Very Smart. Some Individuals are Brilliant. Some Individuals are Very Brilliant. Some Individuals are Geniuses. Many Individuals know about Good Consequences and Bad Consequences. Many Individuals know that they could Lose a Lot of Good Things if they were to do Certain Things. Many Individuals have a Lot to Lose. Many Individuals are Afraid if Certain Things were to Happen. Many Individuals are Very Afraid if Certain Things were to Happen. Many Individuals know that They would be Sad if Certain Things were to Happen. Many Individuals know that They would be Very Sad if Certain Things were to Happen. Many Individuals have Different Likes and Different Dislikes. Many Individuals have a Lot of Questions about Many Things. Many Individuals are Good at Various Things. Many Individuals Know about Certain Things. Many Individuals have Various Educational Experiences. Many Individuals have Various Funds of Knowledge. Many Individuals have Various Histories. Many Individuals have Various Experiences. Many Individuals, including Me, have Been Around a Lot of People. Many Individuals, including Me, have been Around a Lot of Different People. Many Individuals, including Me, have Seen, Read, and Heard a Lot of Things. Many Individuals, including Me, have Seen, Read, and Heard a Lot of Different Things. — Brandon
I76. There are Various Good Ways to Encourage Certain Good Actions.
I77. Pure of Heart (POH).
I78. As the poem, Ode on a Grecian Urn by John Keats, states, which I do not completely agree with, and which is not completely true: “Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty, — That is all Ye know on Earth, and all ye need to know.”
I79. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “You have a Good Personality. And You have a Good Soul. And You have a Good Bearing. And You have a Good Noble Bearing. And You have a Good Patrician Bearing. And You have a Good Temperament.”
I80. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “For Many Possible Actions, the Risk of Being Greatly Harmed is, Alone, Good Enough Reason Not to Do That. And for Many Possible Actions, the Risk of someone else Being Greatly Harmed is, Alone, Good Enough Reason Not to Do That.”
I81. It is Often Good to Do Tried-Tested-True-Good-Moral Methods. It is Often Good to Do Tried-Tested-True-Good-Moral Actions.
I82. Many Things should be in a Good Proportion to Other Things. Many Actions should be in a Good Proportion to Other Actions. And many things should be Proportionate. You and I should Often Not Be Too Excessive about Many Things.
I83. United States President Ronald Reagan was Called The Teflon President, as Many Things were Said to be Forgiven about Him, such as The Iran Contra Affair, where he said, “Let's start with the part that is the most controversial. A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true; but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.”
I84. Many People Often Just Talk in Order to Talk. Many People Do Not Often Really Mean what They Talk About or Write About. Many People Often Just Shoot the Breeze. As the Truthful saying and metaphor states, “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Will Never Hurt Me.” — Brandon
I85. Shooting the Breeze (STB). Talking just to Talk (TJTT).
I86. There are many things that I have not done. There are many things that I will not do. There are many things that I will not do. There are many things that there are too many good thought processes of Mine and too much good Self-Restraint for Me to ever have done, and for Me to ever do. And this is Good. I have literally and metaphorically been frequently around the block. And this is Good. One serious mistake, and it can all be over.
I87. For Many Things, Although Not for All Things, there is Plenty to Go Around. For Many Things, Although Not for All Things, there is Enough to Go Around. Plenty. Enough.
I88. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Just Kidding (JK). Just Joshing Around (JJA). Satire.”
I89. The Apostrophe ' ' can also sometimes Mean in the Present, in the Future, or in the Past, which is a Rule that I Created. The Apostrophe ' ' can also sometimes Mean “belonging to,” which is the possessive tense, either in the singular possessive tense such as, “Brandon's Apple,” which means Brandon owns the Apple, or in the plural possessive tense, such as “The Parents' Apple,” which means that The Parents, which means multiple individuals, own the Apple. Charles's Apple means that one person named Charles owns the Apple, while Charles' Apple means that more than one person named Charles owns the same Apple. The Apostrophe ' ' can also sometimes Mean the word “is,” singular present tense, or the word “are,” plural present tense, or the word “was,” singular past tense, or the word “were,” plural past tense, or the word “will,” singular or plural future tenses. The Apostrophe ' ' can also sometimes Mean the word “and,” such as “Rock 'N Roll,” which means “Rock and Roll”. The Apostrophe ' ' can also sometimes Be Used to Signify Other Abbreviations, for example, 'Em, can be an Abbreviation for the word “Them”.
I90. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am Rocking in My Rocking Chair. I have Rocked in My Rocking Chair. I will Rock in My Rocking Chair. I also like Rock and Roll Music. I also like Rock and Roll.”
I91. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “This English Garden (EG) demonstrates that there can be Organization from what may be Perceived by an Individual as being Chaos aka Organized Chaos (OC).”
I92. Many Good Things are Done in Order to Have Other Good Things. Many Good Things lead to Other Good Things. Many Good Things are Necessary for Other Good Things.
I93. It is Not Too Important, and: I have Never had a Tattoo. I will Never have a Tattoo. I have Never had an Earring Piercing. I will Never have an Earring Piercing. I have Never had a Body Piercing. I will Never have a Body Piercing.
And Here are some More of My Writings:
I94. There are Coping Mechanisms (CM). And there are Good Coping Mechanisms (GCM). Many Individuals have Coping Mechanisms. Some Individuals have Good Coping Mechanisms.
I95. There is a Good Medium (GM). There are Good Mediums (GM). There are Many Good Mediums. There is a Happy Medium (HM). There are Happy Mediums (HM). There are Many Happy Mediums. There is a Good Medium for Many Things. There are Good Mediums for Many Things. There are Many Good Medium for Many Things. There is a Happy Medium for Many Things. There are Happy Mediums for Many Things. There are Many Happy Mediums for Many Things. Medium. Mediums. The. Those. These. This. That.
I96. I have a Great Life (GL). And I have had a Great Life. And will continue to have a Great Life.
I97. Sometimes an Individual can Be So Very Conservative to the Point where it does Not make Good Sense. And sometimes an Individual can Be So Very Liberal to the Point where it does Not make Good Sense. There are Often Good and Happy Mediums that make Good Sense.
I98. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “As of 2/24/2015, I have Never been Blackmailed, and I have Never been Extorted. And I have Never been Approached for the purpose of Being Blackmailed, and I have Never been Approached for the purpose of Being Extorted. And there is Nothing of Significance to Blackmail and/or Extort Me with. I have Lived a Good Life (GL). And I am Squeaky Clean (SC).”
I99. “I am a Machine,” as said by The Actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the Movie, Terminator 3.
I100. I Learned in My College's Economics Class that there are Sometimes Metaphorical Animal Spirits.
J1. There is a Good Movie, and I believe that the movie is called “Brave New World,” — and I have seen Many Movies, and I have seen Many Music Videos, and I have seen Many Television Shows, and I have Read Many Books, and I have Read Many Pieces of Literature, and I have Listened to Many Musical Songs, and I have Listened to Many Songs, and I have been Around a Lot of People, and I have been Around a Lot of Different People — where a Boy takes out His Earphones before He goes to Sleep, as Individuals are Saying Things to Him via the Earphones to Try to Brainwash Him with Bad Stuff, and with Nonsense. Right is Right. Wrong is Wrong. Good is Good. And Bad is Bad. Moral is Moral. And Immoral is Immoral. Logical is Logical. Logic is Logic. Illogical is Illogical. Illogic is Illogic. Goodness is Goodness. Badness is Badness.
J2. I am Calm. And I do Not often Talk Very Much. I am Often Quite. Calm. Quite. — Brandon
J3. People do Not Really Need Very Much Money for Basic Necessities. And People do Not Really Need Very Much Money for Basic Needs.
J4. “The List is Life. And all around its Margins is The Code,” a Paraphrased and a Modified Quote from The Movie, Schindler's List.
J5. I do Not often want to engage an Individual on Certain Metaphorical Levels, and Certain Metaphorical Levels are Not Very Important to Me and to some other Individuals.
J6. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I do Not have Hateful Feelings for a Very Long Period of Time, and I rarely have any Hateful Feelings. I only rarely Hate Something or Someone, and I do Not Hate Something or Someone for Very Long. And I often do Not Focus on Many Things, and I do Not focus on Unimportant Things for Very Long. And all of this is Good.”
J7. Someone May say someone is X and/or Y and/or Z, and That May, or May Not, be True. Someone's Classification of Someone or Something May or May Not be True. Opinions often do Not Correspond with Reality. Opinions are often Not True. And sometimes Opinions do Correspond with Reality. And sometimes Opinions are True. — Brandon
J8. Instinct. Instinctively. Innate. Innately.
J9. “Welcome Home, Odo. Welcome Home,” a Modified and a Paraphrased Quote from the Television Show, Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9).
J10. “He was Crazy Like a Fox,” said a Man to Me about Joseph Stalin, The Leader of the Soviet Union (USSR).
J11. I have a Good Life. And I have had a Good Life. And I will continue to have a Good Life. And on only a Very Few Occasions have I ever Really Been Hungry, and then I ate and Drank Very Soon. And on only a Very Few Occasions has My Belly Growled because of Hunger, and then I ate and Drank Very Soon. And I have always been Pretty Healthy, and I have also always been Pretty Well Fed, and I have also often been Happy, and My Pictures throughout My Life show this Too. — Brandon
J12. In a College Classroom, My Professor asked The Class if anyone knew what the word “Internecine” meant. And I, of course, raised My Hand, and, when I was called upon, I, of course, said the correct answer: That Internecine means deadly for both sides. And My Professor replied that that was the correct answer, and I believe that He also said that it sounded like the Dictionary Definition of the Word. There can be Internecine Wars and/or Conflicts between Individuals, and there can also be Internecine Wars and/or Conflicts between Organizations. Internecine.
J13. Some People, Dogs, and Animals have Played Fight (also known by the Acronym PF), and They have engaged in Play Fighting (PF), and They should be careful, as They can get Hurt if They are Not Careful when They Play Fight. — Brandon
J14. Baseline. Logical Test(s). Rationality Test(s). Memory Test(s). — Brandon
And some More of My Writings:
J15. Assess. Assesses. Assessment. Assessing. Assessor. Assessors. Assessed. Access.
J16. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Some individuals have been found Innocent due to Jury Nullification (JN).”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I basically do whatever I want to do. And I have a Strong Moral Compass.” — Brandon
Some More of My Writings:
J17. Pattern. Patterns. Important Pattern (IP). Important Patterns (IP). Very Important Pattern (VIP). Very Important Patterns (VIP). Extremely Important Pattern (EIP). Extremely Important Patterns (EIP). Not a Pattern (NAP). Non-Patterns (NP). Non- Important Pattern (NIP). Non-Important Patterns (NIP). Non-Very Important Pattern (NVIP). Non-Very Important Patterns (NVIP). Non-Extremely Important Pattern (NEIP). Non-Extremely Important Patterns (NEIP).
Here is a Joke that I have Wrote:
On Television Sets across the World, and at Police Stations, Lights Began to Flash, and There were Sirens Blaring, and a Voice on the Intercom Systems Said, “Red Alert! White Alert! Gray Alert! Orange Alert! Lime Alert! Bark Alert! Football Alert! Basketball Alert! There is a Tap Dancing Viewing Alert. Someone has Viewed Tap Dancing.”
Some More of My Writings:
1,091. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Photogenic. Sort of Photogenic (SOP). Handsome. Sort of Handsome (SOH). Good Looking (GL). Sort of Good Looking (SOGL). Beautiful. Sort of Beautiful (SOB). Pretty. Sort of Pretty (SOP). Arms of about the same Length. Legs of about the same Length. Feet of about the same Length. Hands of about the same Length. Fingers of about the same length as the other corresponding fingers. Toes of about the same length as the other corresponding toes. Teeth pretty Well-Made. Teeth pretty Straight. Pretty Good Genes. Pretty Good Genetics. At the age of 34, No Cavities ever. Mouth Full of Teeth. Pretty Symmetric. Pretty Well-Made. Pretty Well-Formed. Strong. Strength. Strengths.”
Some More of My Writings:
973. In one of My Writings, a Man said, “He does not Really Mean That. And I, and Other Individuals, Sometimes have Our Play Talk Speaking, also known by the Acronym (PT). Play Talk. Play. Talk.”
Some More of My Writings:
1,109. What Some Individuals view as Important, or Very Important, are Not Always Important, or Very Important, to Other Individuals. And there are Objective Things, and there also Subjective Things. And Some Characteristics, Aspects, Biological Things, Religious Things, Levels, and Other Things are only Important, or Very Important, to Individuals sometimes during certain times.
A Joke: Mom said to Buddy, “Buddy, eat your Dog Food. There are Hungry Dogs around The World who would be Happy to have a Meal.” And Buddy the Dog said, “Then let’s Put My Dog Food in Envelopes and Mail it to Them.”
Some More of My Writings:
J18. The Man said, “Lost in Translation (LIT). And Gained in Translation (AGIT and GIT).”
J19. Great. Very Great. Extremely Great. Not Great. Not Very Great. Not Extremely Great.
J20. Significant. Very Significant. Extremely Significant. Not Significant. Not Very Significant. Not Extremely Significant.
J21. The Conversation. The Conversations. Conversation. Conversations.
J22. English Language. English Languages.
J23. French Language. French Languages.
J24. Language. Languages.
J25. The Meal. The Meals. Meal. Meals.
J26. The Path. The Paths. Path. Paths.
J27. Skill. Skills.
J28. Skill Set. Skill Sets.
J29. Subject Matter. Subject Matters.
J30. Dessert. Desserts. Just.
J31. Tangible. Intangible.
J32. Activity. Activities.
J33. Worker. Workers.
J34. (The) Test. (The) Tests. (The) Testing. (The) Testings. (The) Tested.
J35. (The) Material. (The) Materials.
J36. The Federal.
J37. Federal.
J38. The Federal Government.
J39. FG. FGs.
J40. The Man said, “Age to Age (ATA). And Year to Year (AYTY and YTY)” And The Person said, “Age to Age. And Year to Year.” And The People said, “Age to Age. And Year to Year.” And They said, “Age to Age. And Year to Year.” And We said, “Age to Age. And Year to Year.” — Brandon
J41. The Information(s). The Description(s). The Size(s). The Extent(s). The Amount(s). The Length(s). The Width(s). The Height(s). The Measurement(s). The Duration(s). The Longetivity. The Longetivities. The Time(s). The Age(s). The Child (TC). Child. The Youngster (TY). Youngster. The Youth (TY). Youth. The Children (TC). Children. The Youngsters (TY). Youngsters. The Youths (TY). Youths. The Year(s). The Day(s). The Month(s). The Hour(s). The Minute(s). The Second(s). The Information(s). The Categorization(s). The Categorizing. The Categorizings. The Categorized. The Stress. The Stresses. The (Not) Stressful. The (Not) Very Stressful. The (Not) Extremely Stressful. The Distance(s). The Angle. The Angles. Angle. Angles. The Trajectory. The Trajectories. Trajectory. Trajectories. The Price(s). The Real Price(s). The Cost(s). The Real Cost(s). The Season(s). The Weather(s). The Temperature(s). The Heat(s). The Sunlight(s). The Day(s). The Night(s). The Glare from The Sun (TGFTS and GFTS). The Vision(s). The Visibility Factor(s) (TVF and VF). Cloudy. Cloudies. Overcast(s). The Reflection(s). The Cold(s). The Freezing(s). The Snow(s). The Ice(s). The Rain(s). The Rain Storm(s). The Hail Storm(s). The Storm(s). The Snow Storm(s). The Blizzard(s). The Protection(s). The Cloth(es). The Machine(s). The Machinery. The Machineries. The Resource(s). The Territory. The Territories. The Proportion(s). The Proportional. The Amount(s). The Score(s). The Percentage(s). The Normal. The Normalness. The Not Normal. The Not Normalness. About that Subject. About those Subjects. The Meaning(s). What does that mean? What do those mean? What is the definition of that? What are the definitions of that? What is the Importance of that? What are the Importances of that? Gets Along (GA). Often Gets Along. Gets Along with Some People. Gets Along with Many People. Often Gets Along with Some People. Often Gets Along with Many People. Easy Going (EG). Often is Easy Going. Easy Going with Some People. Easy Going with Many People. Often is Easy Going with Some People. Often is Easy Going with Many People. Friendly. Often is Friendly. Friendly with Some People. Friendly with Many People. Often is Friendly with Some People. Often is Friendly with Many People. Does Not Sabotage. Does Not Sabotage a Friend. Does Not Sabotage Friends. Did Not Sabotage. Did Not Sabotage a Friend. Did Not Sabotage Friends. Is Not Sabotaging. Is Not Sabotaging a Friend. Is Not Sabotaging Friends. Is Not Sabotaging. Did Not Sabotaged. Did Not Sabotage a Friend. Did Not Sabotage Friends. Did Not Sabotage. Will Not Sabotage. Will Not Sabotage a Friend. Will Not Sabotage Friends. Sabotage. Sabotages. Sabotaging. Sabotaged. Pure of Heart (POH). Pure of Hearts (POH). The Pure of Heart (TPOH). The Pure of Hearts (TPOH). The Loyal (TL). The Loyals (TL). Loyal. Loyals. The Loyal Member (TLM). The Loyal Members (TLM). Loyal Member (LM). Loyal Members (LM). The Traitor (TT). The Traitors (TT). Traitor. Traitors. The Hostile (TH). The Hostiles (TH). Hostile. Hostiles. The Combatant (TC). The Combatants (TC). Combatant. Combatants. The Friendly (TF). The Friendlies (TF). Friendly. Friendlies. The Penalty (TP). Penalty. The Penalties (TP). Penalties. The Price (TP). Price. The Prices (TP). Prices. The Reward (TR). Reward. The Rewards (TR). Rewards. The Just Dessert (TJD). Just Dessert (JD). The Just Desserts (TJD). Just Desserts (JD).
More of My Writings:
J42. Identity. Identities. The Identity. The Identities. An Identity. Some Identities. At Times. At a Time. Sometimes. Sometime. Often. Often Times. Frequent. Frequently. Not at All. None. No amount of Times. Regarding This Subject. Regarding Those Subjects. A Sense of. Senses of. Reality. Not Reality. Not Realities. Realities. The Not Reality. The Not Realities. The Realities.
J43. Important Identity. Important Identities. The Important Identity. The Important Identities. A Important Identity. Some Important Identities. At Times. At a Time. Sometimes. Sometime. Often. Often Times. Frequent. Frequently. Not at All. None. No amount of Times. Regarding This Subject. Regarding Those Subjects. A Sense of. Senses of. Reality. Not Reality. Not Realities. Realities. The Not Reality. The Not Realities. The Realities.
J44. Very Important Identity. Very Important Identities. The Very Important Identity. The Very Important Identities. A Very Important Identity. Some Very Important Identities. At Times. At a Time. Sometimes. Sometime. Often. Often Times. Frequent. Frequently. Not at All. None. No amount of Times. Regarding This Subject. Regarding Those Subjects. A Sense of. Senses of. Reality. Not Reality. Not Realities. Realities. The Not Reality. The Not Realities. The Realities.
J45. Extremely Important Identity. Extremely Important Identities. The Extremely Important Identity. The Extremely Important Identities. An Extremely Important Identity. Some Extremely Important Identities. At Times. At a Time. Sometimes. Sometime. Often. Often Times. Frequent. Frequently. Not at All. None. No amount of Times. Regarding This Subject. Regarding Those Subjects. A Sense of. Senses of. Reality. Not Reality. Not Realities. Realities. The Not Reality. The Not Realities. The Realities.
J46. Not an Identity. Not Identities. Not The Identity. Not The Identities. Not An Identity. Not Some Identities. At Times. At a Time. Sometimes. Sometime. Often. Often Times. Frequent. Frequently. Not at All. None. No amount of Times. Regarding This Subject. Regarding Those Subjects. A Sense of. Senses of. Reality. Not Reality. Not Realities. Realities. The Not Reality. The Not Realities. The Realities.
J47. Not an Important Identity. Not Important Identities. Not The Important Identity. Not The Important Identities. Not An Important Identity. Not Some Important Identities. At Times. At a Time. Sometimes. Sometime. Often. Often Times. Frequent. Frequently. Not at All. None. No amount of Times. Regarding This Subject. Regarding Those Subjects. A Sense of. Senses of. Reality. Not Reality. Not Realities. Realities. The Not Reality. The Not Realities. The Realities.
J48. Not a Very Important Identity. Not Very Important Identities. Not The Very Important Identity. Not The Very Important Identities. Not A Very Important Identity. Not Some Very Important Identities. At Times. At a Time. Sometimes. Sometime. Often. Often Times. Frequent. Frequently. Not at All. None. No amount of Times. Regarding This Subject. Regarding Those Subjects. A Sense of. Senses of. Reality. Not Reality. Not Realities. Realities. The Not Reality. The Not Realities. The Realities.
J49. Not an Extremely Important Identity. Not Extremely Important Identities. Not The Extremely Important Identity. Not The Extremely Important Identities. Not An Extremely Important Identity. Not Some Extremely Important Identities. At Times. At a Time. Sometimes. Sometime. Often. Often Times. Frequent. Frequently. Not at All. None. No amount of Times. Regarding This Subject. Regarding Those Subjects. A Sense of. Senses of. Reality. Not Reality. Not Realities. Realities. The Not Reality. The Not Realities. The Realities.
J50. Brief. Briefly.
J51. The Brief (TB). The Briefly (TB).
J52. Not Brief (NB). Not Briefly (NB).
J53. The Not Brief (TNB). The Not Briefly (TNB).
J54. Danger. Dangers. Dangerous.
J55. (The) Danger. (The) Dangers. (The) Dangerous.
J56. (The) Very Dangerous (TVD and VD).
J57. (The) Extremely Dangerous (TED and ED).
J58. (The) Too Dangerous (TTD and TD).
J59. Non-Danger (ND). Non-Dangers (ND). Not Dangerous (ND).
J60. (The) Non-Danger. (The) Non-Dangers. (The) Not Dangerous.
J61. (The) Not Very Dangerous (TNVD and NVD).
J62. (The) Not Extremely Dangerous (TNED and NED).
J63. (The) Not Too Dangerous (TNTD and NTD).
J64. Reward. Rewards. Rewarding. Rewarded.
J65. The Reward (TR). The Rewards (TR). The Rewarding (TR). The Rewarded (TR).
J66. A Good Reward (AGR and GR). Some Good Rewards (SGR and GR). Good Rewarding (GR). Well Rewarded (WR).
J67. The Good Reward (TGR). The Good Rewards (TGR). The Good Rewarding (TGR). The Well Rewarded (TWR).
J68. An Important Reward (AIR and IR). Some Important Rewards (SIR and IR). Important Rewarding (IR). Importantly Rewarded (IR).
J69. The Important Reward (TIR). The Important Rewards (TIR). The Important Rewarding (TIR). The Importantly Rewarded (TIR).
J70. Not an Important Reward (NAIR). Not Important Rewards (NIR). Not an Important Rewarding (NAIR). Not Importantly Rewarded (NIR).
J71. The Not an Important Reward (TNAIR). The Not Important Rewards (TNIR). The Not an Important Rewarding (TNAIR). The Not Importantly Rewarded (TNIR).
J72. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many of Our Members are of Many Different Religions (MDR). And Many of Our Members are of Many Religions (MR). And Many of Our Members are Members of Organizations. And Many of Our Members are Members of Various Organizations. And Many of Our Members are Members of Many Organizations. And Many of Our Members are Members of Groups. And Many of Our Members are Members of Various Groups. And Many of Our Members are Members of Many Groups.”
J73. Close. Very Close (VC). Extremely Close (EC).
J74. Not Close (NC). Not Very Close (NVC). Not Extremely Close (NEC).
J75. Too Close (TC). Very Too Close (VTC). Too Extremely Close (TEC).
J76. Not Too Close (NTC). Not Very Too Close (NVTC). Not Extremely Too Close (NETC).
J77. Right. Just Right (JR). About Right (AR). About Just Right AJR). Very Right (VR). About Very Right (AVR). Extremely Right (ER). About Extremely Right (AER).
J78. Not Right (NR). Just Not Right (JNR). Not About Right (NAR). Not About Just Right (NAJR). Not Very Right (NVR). Not About Very Right (NAVR). Not Extremely Right (NER). Not About Extremely Right (NAER).
J79. Legal. Legally. Illegal. Illegally. Not Legal (NL). Not Legally (NL). The Law (TL). The Real Law (TRL). The Laws (TL). The Real Laws (TRL). Law. Real Law (RL). Laws. Real Laws (RL).
J80. Real Legal (RL). Really Legally (RL). Real Illegal (RI). Really Illegally (RI). Really Not Legal (RNL). Really Not Legally (RNL). The Law (TL). The Real Law (TRL). The Laws (TL). The Real Laws (TRL). Law. Real Law (RL). Laws. Real Laws (RL).
J81. In Literature, Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are both The Same Person. And in Literature, Mr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Edward Hyde are both The Same Person.
J82. Alter Ego (AE). Alter Egos (AE).
J83. Point. Points. The Point (TP). The Points (TP). A Point (AP). Some Points. That Point. Those Points. Speculation. Reality. Not Reality. If. Maybe. No. Yes. Probably. Probably Not. Probably Yes. Maybe if.
J84. The Coordinate (TC). The Coordinates (TC).
J85. The Graph (TG). The Graphs (TG).
J86. The Paper (TP). The Papers (TP).
J87. The Pen (TP). The Pens (TP).
J88. The Pencil (TP). The Pencils (TP).
J89. The Paper (TP). The Papers (TP).
J90. The Handwriting (TH). The Handwritings (TH).
J91. The Cursive (TC). The Cursives (TC).
J92. The Alphabet (TA). The Alphabets (TA).
J93. The Letter (TL). The Letters (TL).
J94. The Number (TN). The Numbers (TN).
J95. The Symbol (TS). The Symbols (TS).
J96. The Erasure (TE). The Erasures (TE).
J97. The Erase (TE). The Erases (TE).
J98. The Pencil Sharpener (TPS). The Pencil Sharpeners (TPS).
J99. The Computer (TC). The Computers (TC).
J100. The Laptop (TL). The Laptops (TL).
K1. The Typing (TT). The Typings (TT).
K2. The Keyboard (TK). The Keyboards (TK).
K3. The Key (TK). The Keys (TK).
K4. The Software (TS). The Softwares (TS).
K5. The Essay (TE). The Essays (TE).
K6. The Document (TD). The Documents (TD).
K7. The Dissertation (TD). The Dissertations (TD).
K8. The Book (TB). The Books (TB).
K9. The Newspaper (TN). The Newspapers (TN).
K10. The Magazine (TM). The Magazines (TM).
K11. The Journal (TJ). The Journals (TJ).
K12. The Publication (TP). The Publications (TP).
K13. The Television Show (TTS). The Television Shows (TTS).
K14. The News Show (TNS). The News Shows (TNS).
K15. The Show (TS). The Shows (TS).
K16. The Newsroom (TN). The Newsrooms (TN).
K17. The Room (TR). The Rooms (TR).
K18. The Movie (TM). The Movies (TM).
K19. The Film (TF). The Films (TF).
K20. The Screen Play (TSP). The Screen Plays (TSP).
K21. The Literature (TL). The Literatures (TL).
K22. The Formula (TF). The Formulas (TF).
K23. The Social Network (TSN). The Social Networks (TSN).
K24. The Blog (TB). The Blogs (TB).
K25. The Website (TW). The Websites (TW).
K26. The Friend (TF). The Friends (TF).
K27. The Close Friend (TCF). The Close Friends (TCF).
K28. The Very Close Friend (TVCF). The Very Close Friends (TVCF).
K29. The Extremely Close Friend (TECF). The Extremely Close Friends (TECF).
K30. The Follower (TF). The Followers (TF).
K31. The Man said, “I keep that to Myself (IKTTM). And that is Good. And that Person should keep that to that Person’s Self. And that is Good.” Silence is often Golden (SIOG). And Silence is often Good (ASIOG and SIOG).
K32. The Woman said, “I keep that to Myself (IKTTM). And that is Good. And that Person should keep that to that Person’s Self. And that is Good.” Silence is often Golden (SIOG). And Silence is often Good (ASIOG and SIOG).
K33. The Person said, “I keep that to Myself (IKTTM). And that is Good. And that Person should keep that to that Person’s Self. And that is Good.” Silence is often Golden (SIOG). And Silence is often Good (ASIOG and SIOG).
K34. The Man said, “I do Not care Too Much for Titles. And I do Not care Too Much for Job Titles. And I do Not care Too Much for Job Descriptions. We do Not care Too Much for Titles. And We do Not care Too Much for Job Titles. And We do Not care Too Much for Job Descriptions.”
K35. The Man said, “I like Myself. And I sort of like Him. And I sort of like Her. And I sort of like that Person. And I sort of like Them. And I like Us.”
K36. The Man said, “I like My Voice. And I sort of like His Voice (HV). And I sort of like Her Voice (HV). And I sort of like that Person’s Voice (PV). And I sort of like Their Voices (TV). And I like Our Voices (OV).”
K37. The Woman said, “I like Myself. And I sort of like Him. And I sort of like Her. And I sort of like that Person. And I sort of like Them. And I like Us.”
K38. The Woman said, “I like My Voice. And I sort of like His Voice (HV). And I sort of like Her Voice (HV). And I sort of like that Person’s Voice (PV). And I sort of like Their Voices (TV). And I like Our Voices (OV).”
K39. The Person said, “I like Myself. And I sort of like Him. And I sort of like Her. And I sort of like that Person. And I sort of like Them. And I like Us.”
K40. The Person said, “I like My Voice. And I sort of like His Voice (HV). And I sort of like Her Voice (HV). And I sort of like that Person’s Voice (PV). And I sort of like Their Voices (TV). And I like Our Voices (OV).”
K41. A paraphrased saying, “If You play with Pigs, You may get Mud on You.”
And More of My Writings:
K42. Type. Type of (TO). The Type (TT). The Type of (TTO). Types. Types of (TO). The Types (TT). The Types of (TTO). A. An. And. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K43. Cut the Loss (CTL). Cut the Losses (CTL). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K44. (The) Portion(s). (The) Small Portion(s). (The) Very Small Portion(s). (The) Extremely Small Portion(s). (The) Medium Portion(s). (The) Very Medium Portion(s). (The) Extremely Medium Portion(s). (The) Large Portion(s). (The) Very Large Portion(s). (The) Extremely Large Portion(s). (The) Reasonable Portion(s). (The) Very Reasonable Portion(s). (The) Extremely Reasonable Portion(s). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K45. Not (The) Portion(s). (The) Not Small Portion(s). (The) Not Very Small Portion(s). (The) Not Extremely Small Portion(s). (The) Not Medium Portion(s). (The) Not Very Medium Portion(s). (The) Not Extremely Medium Portion(s). (The) Not Large Portion(s). (The) Not Very Large Portion(s). (The) Not Extremely Large Portion(s). (The) Not Reasonable Portion(s). (The) Not Very Reasonable Portion(s). (The) Not Extremely Reasonable Portion(s). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K46. Fine. Fines. Finely. Fined. Not Fine. Not Fines. Not Finely. Not Fined. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K47. Wait. Waits. Waiting. Waited. Not Wait. Not Waits. Not Waiting. Not Waited. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K48. Go. Goes. Going. Gone. Not Go. Not Goes. Not Going. Not Gone. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K49. Caution. Cautions. Cautious. Cautiously. Not Caution. Not Cautions. Not Cautious. Not Cautiously. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K50. Care. Cares. Careful. Carefuls. Carefully. Cared. Not Care. Not Cares. Not Careful. Not Carefuls. Not Carefully. Not Cared. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K51. The Person said, “I Know.” I Know (IK). We Know (WK). They Know (TK). He Knows (HK). She Knows (SK). That Person Knows (TP).
K52. The Works (TW). Not The Works (NTW). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K53. Critical. Critical. Critically. Very Critical. Very Critical. Very Critically. Extremely Critical. Extremely Critical. Extremely Critically.
K54. Not Critical. Not Critical. Not Critically. Not Very Critical. Not Very Critical. Not Very Critically. Not Extremely Critical. Not Extremely Critical. Not Extremely Critically.
K55. The Man said, “I was a Child then (IWACT).” And The Person said, “I was a Child then.” And The Person said, “That Person was a Child then (TPWACT).” And The People said, “We were Children then (WWCT).” And The People said, “They were Children then (TWCT).”
K56. The Man said, “I was a Kid then (IWAKT).” And The Person said, “I was a Kid then.” And The Person said, “That Person was a Kid then (TPWAKT).” And The People said, “We were Kids then (WWKT).” And The People said, “They were Kids then (TWKT).”
K57. The Man said, “I was a Youngster then (IWAYT).” And The Person said, “I was a Youngster then.” And The Person said, “That Person was a Youngster then (TPWAYT).” And The People said, “We were Youngsters then (WWYT).” And The People said, “They were Youngsters then (TWYT).”
K58. The Man said, “I was a Youth then (IWAYT).” And The Person said, “I was a Youth then.” And The Person said, “That Person was a Youth then (TPWAYT).” And The People said, “We were Youths then (WWYT).” And The People said, “They were Youths then (TWYT).”
K59. Applicable. Applicably. Not Applicable (NA). Not Applicably (NA).
K60. The Man said, “That Person’s Eyes were Opened regarding that. And That Person’s Eyes were Opened regarding that Thing. And That Person’s Eyes were Opened regarding those Things. That Person’s Eyes were Not Opened regarding that. And That Person’s Eyes were Not Opened regarding that Thing. And That Person’s Eyes were Not Opened regarding those Things.” Eyes were Opened regarding That (EWORT and EWO). And Eyes were Opened regarding That Thing (EWORTT and EWO). And Eyes were Opened regarding Those Things (EWORTT and EWO). And Eyes were Not Opened regarding That (EWNORT and EWNO). And Eyes were Not Opened regarding That Thing (EWNORTT and EWNO). And Eyes were Not Opened regarding Those Things (EWNORTT and EWNO). About that Subject. About those Subjects. Metaphorically. And Literally (AL). Adam. Eve. Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden (TGOE). Garden of Eden (GOE). Eden. The Garden (TG). Garden. The Gardens (TG). Gardens.
K61. (The) Collection (TC). (The) Collections (TC).
K62. (The) Map (TM). (The) Maps (TM). (The) Roadmap (TR). (The) Roadmaps (TR). (The) Road Map (TRM and RM). (The) Road Maps (TRM and RM).
K64. The Empire. The Empires. Empire. Empires.
K63. Winston Churchill said, paraphrased, that there are also “Empires of The Mind.” Empires of The Mind (EOTM). Empire of The Mind (EOTM). The Empires of The Mind (TEOTM). The Empire of The Mind (TEOTM).
K64. The Colony (TC). The Colonies (TC). Colony. Colonies.
K65. The Woman on Television said, paraphrasing that a Person was, “An Angel,” and that He was, “Heaven Sent.” An Angel (AA). The Angel (TA). Some Angels (SA). The Angels (TA). Angel. Angels. Heaven Sent (HS). The Heaven Sent (THS).
K66. Halo. Halos. The Halo (TH). The Halos (TH).
K67. Glow. Glows. The Glow (TG). The Glows (TG).
K68. Aura. Auras. The Aura (TA). The Auras (TA).
K69. Spirit. Spirits. The Spirit (TS). The Spirits (TS).
K70. (The) Customary (TC). (The) Customaries (TC). (The) Usual (TU). (The) Usuals (TU). (The) Routine. (The) Routines. (The) Good Routine (TGR and GR). (The) Good Routines (TGR and GR).
K71. Of course (OC). Of course Not (OCN). Expect. Expects. Expecting. Expected. The Expect. The Expects. The Expecting. The Expected. Unexpect. Unexpects. Unexpecting. Unexpected. The Unexpect. The Unexpects. The Unexpecting. The Unexpected. Not Expect. Not Expects. Not Expecting. Not Expected. The Non-Expect. The Non-Expects. The Not Expecting. The Not Expected.
K72. (The) Wrestler. (The) Wrestlers. (The) Wrestling. (The) Wrestlings. (The) Wrestle. (The) Wrestling Match. (The) Wrestling Matches. (The) Wrestled.
K73. (The) Nuance (TN). (The) Nuances (TN).
K74. (The) Area(s). (The) Distance(s). (The) Perimeters(s). (The) Radi(us). (The) Circumference(s). (The) (Graphing) Calculator(s).
K75. (This) (That) Percentage of The Population. (This) (That) Percentages of The Population. (This) (That) Percentage of The Populations. (This) (That) Percentages of The Populations. (The) (That) (Certain) Population. (The) (Those) (Certain) Populations. (The) Segment (of). (The) Segments (of). (The) Percentage. (The) Percentages.
K76. The Meal. The Meals. A Meal. Some Meals. Meal. Meals.
K77. The Control (TC). The Controls (TC). The Controlling (TC). The Controlled (TC). Control. Controls. Controlling. Controlled.
K78. The Support Personnel (TSP). Support Personnel (SP). The Support (TS). The Supports (TS). The Supporting (TS). The Supported (TS). Support. Supports. Supporting. Supported. The Personnel (TP). Personnel.
K79A. The Sign. The Signs. Sign. Signs.
K79. The Term. The Terms. Term. Terms.
K80. The Terminology. The Terminologies. Terminology. Terminologies.
K81. The Time Frame. The Time Frames. Time Frame (TF). Time Frames (TF).
K82. The Lexicon. The Lexicons. Lexicon. Lexicons.
The Lexicography. The Lexicographies. Lexicography. Lexicographies.
K83. The Definition. The Definitions. Definition. Definitions.
K84. The Vernacular. The Vernaculars. Vernacular. Vernaculars.
K85. The Speech. The Speeches. Speech. Speeches.
K86. The Writing. The Writings. Writing. Writings.
K87. The Language. The Languages. Language. Languages.
K88. The Command (TC). The Commands (TC). Command. Commands.
K89. Training. Trainings. The Training. The Trainings. Not Training. Trainings. Not The Training. Not The Trainings. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K90. Good Training. Good Trainings. The Good Training. The Good Trainings. Not Good Training. Not Good Trainings. Not The Good Training. Not The Good Trainings. About that Subject. About those Subjects.
K91. The Bulldog (TB). The Bulldogs (TB). Bulldog. Bulldogs.
K92. Handiwork. Handiworks. The Handiwork (TH). The Handiworks (TH). My Handiwork (MH). My Handiworks (MH). Your Handiwork (YH). Your Handiworks (YH). Our Handiwork (OH). Our Handiworks (OH). Their Handiwork (TH). Their Handiworks (TH). His Handiwork (HH). His Handiworks (HH). Her Handiwork (HH). Her Handiworks (HH).
K93. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is a Man’s Beard (MB).”
K94. Implant. Implants. Implanted. Non-Implant (NI). Non-Implants (NI). Not Implanted (NI).
K95. On CNN, a Woman said, paraphrasing, “I am Not going to allow anyone to dictate to Me what I see Myself. Are My Eyes Deceiving Me? I do Not think so. I think We should Rely on Our Own Eyes. And I think We should also Rely on Common Sense.” Common Sense (CS).
K96. The Clique (TC). The Cliques (TC). Clique. Cliques.
K97. The Group (TG). The Groups (TG). Group. Groups.
K98. The Member (TM). The Members (TM). Member. Members.
K99. The Group Member (TGM). The Group Members (TGM). Group Member (GM). Group Members (GM).
K100. The Organization (TO). The Organizations (TO). Organization. Organizations
L1. The Organization Member (TOM). The Organization Members (TOM). Organization Member (OM). Organization Members (OM).
L2. The Membership (TM). The Memberships (TM). Membership. Memberships.
L3. The Group Membership (TGM). The Group Memberships (TGM). Group Membership (GM). Group Memberships (GM).
L4. The Organization Membership (TOM). The Organization Memberships (TOM). Organization Membership (OM). Organization Memberships (OM).
L5. That Toughened that Person Up (TTTPU). Toughened Up (TU). That Toughened Up (TTU). Toughened. And this is Good (ATIG and TIG). And that is Good (ATIG and TIG).
L6. In one of My Writings, The Man went up to 12 people at a Party, and to each Person He said the word, “Twelve.”
L7. Patrician (TP). The Patricians (TP). The Patrician Member (TPM). The Patrician Members (TPM). Patrician Member (PM). Patrician Members (PM). Patrician. Patricians.
L8. Approximately Holistic (AH). Approximately Holistically (AH). Approximately Not Holistic (ANH). Approximately Not Holistically (ANH).
L9. Approximately Specific (AS). Approximately Specifically (AS). Approximately Not Specific (ANS). Approximately Not Specifically (ANS).
L10. A Harbor (AH). Harbor.
L11. Some Harbors (SH). Harbors.
L12. A Fortress (AF). Fortress.
L13. Some Fortresses (SF). Fortresses.
L14. Metaphorical. Metaphorically. Metaphor. Metaphors. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
L15. Literal. Literals. Literally. About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects.
L16. Not Metaphorical (NM). Not Metaphorically (NM). Not a Metaphor (NAM). Not Metaphors (NM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
L17. Not Literal (NL). Not Literals (NL). Not Literally (NL). About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects.
L18. Well Rounded. Approximately Well Rounded. About Well Rounded. About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects.
L19. Talented. About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects.
L20. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I have Not felt Weird for very long. And I have Not felt that I was Weird for very long. And I am Thankful for that.”
And some More of My Writings:
L21. Partial. Partiality. Partials. About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects.
L22. Not Partial (NP). Non-Partiality (NP). Non-Partials (NP). About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects.
L23. God’s Timing (GT). God’s Timings (GT).
L24. Good Timing (GT). Good Timings (GT).
L25. Bad Timing (BT). Bad Timings (BT).
L26. Inappropriate Timing (IT). Inappropriate Timings (IT).
L27. Appropriate Timing (AT). Appropriate Timings (AT).
L28. OK Timing (OT). OK Timings (OT).
L29. Fine Timing (FT). Fine Timings (FT).
L30. Great Timing (GT). Great Timings (GT).
L31. The Cycle. The Cycles. The Good Cycle (TGC). The Good Cycles (TGC).
L32. Cycle. Cycles. Good Cycle (GC). Good Cycles (GC).
L33. The Metaphorical Cycle. The Metaphorical Cycles. The Good Metaphorical Cycle (TGMC). The Good Metaphorical Cycles (TGMC).
L34. Metaphorical Cycle (MC). Metaphorical Cycles (MC). Good Metaphorical Cycle (GMC). Good Metaphorical Cycles (GMC).
L35. Feedback. Feedbacks. Opinion. Opinions. Opinioned. Opinionated. Opine. Opines. Word of Mouth. Word of Mouths. Words of Mouth. Words of Mouths. Word of Mouth (WOM). Word of Mouths (WOM). Words of Mouth (WOM). Words of Mouths (WOM). The Grapevine (TG). The Grapevines (TG). Grapevine. Grapevines. True. Truly. False. Falsely. Real. Not Real (NR). Reality. Realities. Not Reality (NR). Not Realities (NR). True Rumor (TR). True Rumors (TR). False Rumor (FR). False Rumors (FR).
L36. Together. Seriously Together (ST). Not Seriously Together (NST). Very Together (VT). Extremely Together (ET). Not Together (NT). Not Very Together (NVT). Not Extremely Together (NET). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not About that Subject (NATS). Not About those Subjects (NATS).
L37. At the Same Time (ATST). Not at the Same Time (NATST). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not About that Subject (NATS). Not About those Subjects (NATS).
L38. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not About that Subject (NATS). Not About those Subjects (NATS).
L39. Some Important Concepts to know about: Logic. Logical. Rational. Reasonable. Reasonableness. Common Sense (CS). Common Knowledge (CK). What History Teaches (WHT). What Common Sense Teaches (WCST). Educated. Well Educated (WE). World View (WV). World Views (WV). The Individual (TI). The Individuals (TI). The Group (TG). The Groups (TG). Knowledge. Knowleadges. Knowledgeable. Intelligence. Intelligences. Intelligent. Subject Matter (SM). Subject Matters (SM). Goodness. Moral. Morality. Good Morality (GM). Good Morals (GM). Proportionate. Balanced. Well Balanced (WB). National Security (NS). Eminent Domain (ED). Reasonable. The Reasonable Person Standard in The Law. The Reasonable Person (TRP and RP). Reasonable Compensation (RC). Fair Compensation (FC). Fair. Justice. Reality. Realities. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS).
L40. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “He kept The Lane Cleared (HKTLC and KTLC and LC). And He kept The Lanes Cleared (HKTLC and KTLC and LC).”
L41. In one of My Writings, The Woman said, “He kept The Lane Cleared (HKTLC and KTLC and LC). And He kept The Lanes Cleared (HKTLC and KTLC and LC).”
L42. In one of My Writings, The Person said, “He kept The Lane Cleared (HKTLC and KTLC and LC). And He kept The Lanes Cleared (HKTLC and KTLC and LC).”
L43. In one of My Writings, The People said, “He kept The Lane Cleared (HKTLC and KTLC and LC). And He kept The Lanes Cleared (HKTLC and KTLC and LC).”
And some More of My Writings:
L44. A Description of what someone has done is often more desirable than Labeling someone because of a certain activity: for example, it is often better to say that someone “Ate an Apple,” rather than saying that someone is “An Apple Eater,” as someone is often more than one activity, such as being an “An Apple Eater.”
Some More of My Writings and My Jokes:
L45. A Joke: An Imaginary Haircut for someone with a Bald Head, with someone saying, “Your hair is still Very Long.”
L46. A Joke: Barking Pomeranian Dogs for a Singing Telegram.
L47. A Joke: a Man calls His Credit Card Company to notify that Company that He will be Traveling, and that He may use His Credit Card at His Neighbor’s House, who lives 28.38 feet away from His House, and He’s measured the Distance, 18 times, in order to make sure that is the correct Distance.
L48. A Joke: The Man says, “I can count on one hand how many Times I have been Wrong,” and on this hand: and He starts to count on a Huge Hand, with about 101 Fingers on the Hand.
L49. A Joke: A Man says to a Woman, “Can you recharge Me when you recharge your cell phone?” And the Woman says, “As a Matter of Fact I can,” and then She shows The Man a Huge Recharger.
L50. A Joke: A Man was Extremely Diligent in making sure that activities, such as His Tooth Brushing, were Not more than 2.36 seconds each.
L51. Game Theory (GT). Game Theories (GT). The.
L52. Fiduciary Duty (FD). Fiduciary Duties (FD). The.
L53. Due Diligence (DD). Due Diligences (DD). The.
L54. Lateral Thought (LT). Lateral Thoughts. The.
L55. Lateral Thinking (LT). Lateral Thinkings (LT). The.
L56. Real Chess Game (RCG). Real Chess Games (RCG). The.
L57. Severe. Very Severe (VS). Extremely Severe (ES). The.
L58. Not Severe (NS). Not Very Severe (NVS). Not Extremely Severe (NES). The.
L59. Testing. Some Testing (ST). Safe Testing (ST). Very Safe Testing (VST). Extremely Safe Testing (EST). The.
L60. Not Testing. Not Some Testing (NST). Not Safe Testing (NST). Not Very Safe Testing (NVST). Not Extremely Safe Testing (NEST). The.
L61. As the saying states, “A Word to the Wise is Sufficient.”
L62. Nest. Nests. The.
And some More of My Writings:
L63. A Person at High School told Grandma Carolyn that Grandma Carolyn was Psychic, as did a Psychic in Oregon, Olga the Psychic, after reading Grandma Carolyn’s Palms several years ago.
L64. Whoopi Goldberg’s Character is a Psychic in The Movie called, “Ghost.”
And more of My Writings and My Jokes:
L65. Joke: someone waited on the sidewalk for the Go Sign for the Cross Walk for 8 and a half years.
L66. Quid pro Quo. Good Quid pro Quo.
L67. Grandma Carolyn, when she was a Youth, sang in a Young Women’s Choir for School in Oregon, which was Broadcast on Television. Grandma Hjordis went to the Singing, and the Singing Instructor’s name was Harry Ralph.
L68. Grandma Carolyn also had great memories of Grandpa Lars Landsem and Grandma Ingaborg Landsem. For example,Grandma Carolyn remembers that when Grandma Carolyn was a Child, Grandma Ingaborg washed Grandma Carolyn’s hands very delicately. And, when Grandma Carolyn was in about first or second grade, Grandpa Lars took Grandma Carolyn to a movie at The Theatre.
L69. Deal(s). Good Deal(s). Very Good Deal(s). Extremely Good Deal(s).
L70. Non-Deal(s). Not Good Deal(s). Not Very Good Deal(s). Not Extremely Good Deal(s).
L71. Bad Deal(s). Very Bad Deal(s). Extremely Bad Deal(s).
L72. A Joke: an Appraiser gave a wildly low estimate for a Beautiful House – and He said that the House and the Land was only worth between about eight cents to about twelve cents.
L73. A Joke: someone buys lottery tickets that correspond to Family Member’s ages, and that Person tries to have a Family Member reverse His Ageing so that He will be Younger again, as the number 27 keeps on appearing on part of the Winning Lottery Numbers.
L74. A Joke: Extremely Short Time Periods for Dormancies. For example, someone’s Bank Accounts are Forfeited if They do Not check Their Bank Balances within every 21 seconds.
Some More of My Writings, Sayings, and Jokes:
L75. Faith. Faiths. The.
L76. Influence. Influences. Influencing. Influenced. Influencer. Influencers. The.
L77 Clout. Clouts. The.
L78. A Joke: Literally playing it by Ear.
L79. A Joke: A Gooder Mood.
L80. A Joke: Very Little Table and Chairs to sit at.
L81. Perspective. Perspectives. The.
L82. Speculation. Speculate. Speculating. Speculated. Speculative. The.
L83. Objective. Objectively. The.
L84. Subjective. Subjectively. The.
L85. Objectives. The.
L86. A Joke: can I bring 5 minutes?
L87. Object. Objects. The.
L88. In that Capacity (ITC). In those Capacities (ITC). Capacity. Capacities.
L89. The Wolf looked around. And The Wolves looked around. The Wolf Pack. The Wolf Packs.
L90. A Joke: a person was very insistent that the time was 8:16 and a half.
L91. A Joke: Did the Casino’s Lights turn someone’s Hair Red? And a thorough investigation about those lights.
L92. Lenient. Lenience. Leniency. Leniencies. The.
L93. Compassion. Compassionate. The.
L94. Situational. Situation. Situations. The.
L95. Consistent. Consistency. Consistencies. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS).
L96. Structure. Structures. Structured. The.
L97. Outline. Outlines. Outlined. The.
L98. Reference. References. Referencing. Referenced. The. Point of (PO).
L99. Summary. Summaries. Summarizing. Summarized. The.
L100. A Joke: ATM accepted and dispensed only Dog Biscuits and Rocks.
M1. A Joke: The Man looked around frantically in His Hotel Room, and He kept on asking, “Where did I put those briefcases that have 84 Trillion Dollars in them?”
M2. A Joke: A Dozen Hospitals were right next to each other, and each of them only treated one thing each: for example, one of the Hospitals only treated paper cuts, and another one only treated bad haircuts, and another one only treated Typos.
And some More of My Writings and My Jokes:
M3. Easement Jokes: for example, an Easement of 8 Trillion dollars was paid so that someone could chew gum on someone’s else’s Property.
M4. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. The. Not.
M5. Think. Thinks. Thinking. Thought. The. Not.
M6. Simultaneously. Simultaneous. The. Not.
M7. Encompass. Encompasses. Encompassing. The. Not.
M8. Compass. Compasses. The. Not.
M9. From Here to Here. The. Not.
M10. From There to There. The. Not.
M11. Here. The. Not.
M12. There. The. Not.
M13. Essential. Essentially.
M14. Not Essential (NE). Not Essentially (NE).
M15. A Joke: Water Causes a Large amount of Growth: for example, someone puts His Foot Outside, and the Foots grows to be about 81 Feet Wide and about 81 Feet Tall.
M16. Cute. Cutes. Cutie. Cuties. The. Sort of (SO).
M17. Pretty. Pretties. The. Sort of (SO).
M18. In the Groove (ITG). In the Grooves (ITG). Back In the Groove Back In the Grooves. Groove. Grooves. The. Sort of (SO).
M19. Task. Tasks. The Good Task (TGT). The Good Tasks (TGT).
M20. Job. Jobs. The Good Job (TGJ). The Good Jobs (TGJ).
M21. List. Lists. The Good List (TGL). The Good Lists (TGL).
Some More of My Writings:
M22. Analyze. Analyzes. Analyzing. Analyzed. Analyst. Analysts. The.
M23. The Big Picture (TBP). The Big Pictures (TBP). Big Picture (BP). Big Pictures (BP).
M24. The Overview (TO). The Overviews (TO). Overview. Overviews.
And More of My Writings:
M25. Boundary. Boundaries. The.
M26. A Good Boundary (AGB). Good Boundaries (GB). The.
M27. Pro-Active (PA). Pro-Actives (PA). Pro-Actively (PA). Being. Beings. The.
M28. Stop. Go. Yes. No.
M29. Human. Humans. Humanity. Humanities. Humankind. Humankinds.
M30. Kind. Kinds. Kindly. Not.
And More of My Writings:
M31. False Flag (FF). False Flag Operation (FFO). False Flag Operations (FFO). Camouflage. Camouflages. Disguise. Disguises. Smokescreen. Smokescreens. Distract. Distracts. Distraction. Distractions. Distracted. Attempt to (AT). Attempts to (AT). Attempting to (AT). Attempted to (AT). Lie. Lies. Lying. Lied. Real. Reality. Realities. The.
M32. Spectrum. Spectrums. The
And some More of My Writings:
M33. On that Occasion (OTO). On those Occasions (OTO). No. Not. Never.
M34. Faith. Faiths. Faithful. Faithfuls. Faithfully. Faithfulness.
M35. Believed by Many (BBM). Believe by a Few (BBAF). Believed by Someone (BBS).
M36. True. Truth. Truths. Truthfully. Truthfulness. Not. The.
More of My Writings:
M37. Bin. Bins. The. Put in (PI). Puts in (PI). In. Out. Of.
M38. Compartment. Compartments. Compartmentalize. Compartmentalizes. Compartmentalizing. Compartmentalized. The.
M39. Section. Sections. Sectional. Sectionals. The. Of.
M40. Part. Parts. The. Of.
M41. Runs in The Family (RITF). Does. Does Not (DN). Do. Did. Do Not (DN). Did Not (DN). Sort of (SO). Sort. Sorts. Sorting. Sorted.
M42. Psychic. Psychics. Medium. Mediums. Seer. Seers. Clairvoyant. Clairvoyants.
M43. Container. Containers. Containing. Contained. The.
M44. Path. Paths. The.
M45. Pathos. The.
M46. Empathy. The.
M47. Sympathy. The.
M48. Ethos. The.
M49. Worldview. Worldviews. The.
And More of My Writings:
M50A. Excuse. Excuses. Excusing. Excused. The. Good. Bad. Neutral. Neutrals. Neutrally.
M50. Intention. Intentions. The.
M51. Good Intention (GI). Good Intentions (GI). The.
M52. Very Good Intention (VGI). Very Good Intentions (VGI). The.
M53. Extremely Good Intention (EGI). Extremely Good Intentions (EGI). The.
M54. Bad Intention (BI). Bad Intentions (BI). The.
M55. Very Bad Intention (VBI). Very Bad Intentions (VBI). The.
M56. Extremely Bad Intention (EBI). Extremely Bad Intentions (EBI). The.
M57. Mens Rea -- someone’s True Intention(s). The. Someone’s. A Person’s (AP). The Person’s (TP).
M58. Mind Set (MS). Mind Sets (MS). The. Someone’s. A Person’s (AP). The Person’s (TP). Not. Not a (NA).
M59. Goal. Goals. The. Someone’s. A Person’s (AP). The Person’s (TP). Not. Not a (NA).
M60. Objective. Objectives. The. Someone’s. A Person’s (AP). The Person’s (TP). Not. Not an (NA).
M61. Good Guess (GG). Very Good Guess (VGG). Extremely Good Guess (EGG). Not. Not a (NA).
M62. Best Guess (BG). Very Best Guess. (VBG). Extremely Best Guess (EBG). Not. Not a (NA). Not. Not a (NA).
M63. Reasonable Guess (RG). Very Reasonable Guess (VRG). Extremely Reasonable Guess (ERG). Not. Not a (NA).
M64. Rational Guess (RG). Very Rational Guess (VRG). Extremely Rational Guess (ERG). Not. Not a (NA).
M65. Logical Guess (LG). Very Logical Guess (VLG). Extremely Logical Guess (ELG). Not. Not a (NA).
M66. Guess. Very Good (VG). Extremely Good (EG). Not. Not a (NA).
M67. Best. Very Best (VB). Extremely Best (EB). Not. Not a (NA). Not. Not a (NA).
M68. Reasonable. Very Reasonable (VR). Extremely Reasonable (ER). Not. Not a (NA).
M69. Rational. Very Rational (VR). Extremely Rational (ER). Not. Not a (NA).
M70. Logical. Very Logical (VL). Extremely Logical (EL). Not. Not a (NA).
M71. A Quote from the movie, Terminator 2: Judgment Day: “Scary Stuff. Radically Advanced.” Scary Stuff (SS). Scary. Stuff. Radically Advanced (RA). Radically. Advanced. Advance. Advances. Advancing. Social Science. Social Sciences. Social Scientist. Social Scientists. Scientist. Scientists. Science. Sciences. The. Some.
M72. The Chalice (TC). The Chalices (TC). Chalice. Chalices.
M73. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “While it may appear to be Strange to You, this is still True. And that which may appear Strange to You can still be True. Many years ago, Many People used to believe that The World was Flat, and it appeared Strange to them to believe that The World was Really Round.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
M74. A Joke: The Man wore 21 Large Fanny Packs all over His Body.
And some More of My Writings:
M75. Odds. Likelihood. Percentage. The.
M76. The Estimated Odds (TEO). The Estimated Likelihood (TEL). The Estimated Percentage (TEP). Of that (OT). Of those (OT). About that (AT). About those (AT).
M77. The Importance (TI). The Importance about that (TIAT). The Importance about those (TIAT).
And some More of My Writings:
M78. Kind of (KO). Sort of (SO). Really. Not Really (NR).
M79. Santa Claus (SC). St. Nick (SN). St. Nicholas (SN). Saint Nick (SN). Saint Nicholas (SN). Santa Claus. St. Nick. St. Nicholas. Saint Nick. Saint Nicholas. Saint. Saints. The.
M80. Delegate. Delegates. Delegating. Delegation. Delegations. Delegated. The. A. An.
M81. Vital. Very Vital (VV). Extremely Vital (EV).
M82. Not Vital (NV). Not Very Vital (NVV). Not Extremely Vital (NEV).
M83. War. Wars. Cold War (CW). Cold Wars (CW). Conflict. Conflicts. Cold Conflict (CC). Cold Conflicts (CC). The.
M84. Peace. Cold Peace (CP). The.
M85. Sphere. Spheres. The Sphere (TS). The Spheres (TS).
M86. Sphere of Influence (SOI). Spheres of Influence (SOI). The Sphere of Influence (TSOI). The Spheres of Influence (TSOI). Influence. Influences. Influencing. Influenced. Influencer. Influencers.
M87. The Promoter (TP). The Promoters (TP). Promoter. Promoters.
M88. The Promotion (TP). The Promotions (TP). Promotion. Promotions. The Promoting (TP). The Promoted (TP). Promote. Promotes. Promoting. Promoted.
And More of My Writings:
M89. Misnomer. Misnomers. The. A. An. Not. Non-.
M90. Mislead. Misleads. Misleading. Misled. The. A. An. Not. Non-.
M91. Accurate. Accurately.
M92. Inaccurate. Inaccurately.
M93. Design. Designs. Designing. Designed.
M94. Designate. Designates. Designating. Designated.
M95. Framework. Frameworks. Within. In. Inside. Out. Outside. Of. A. An. The.
M96. Context. Contexts. Within. In. Inside. Out. Outside. Of. A. An. The.
M97. Role. Roles. In. Inside. Out. Outside. Of. A. An. The.
M98. Stage. Stages. Staging. Staged. In. Inside. Out. Outside. Of. A. An. The.
M99. Performance. Performances. In. Inside. Out. Outside. Of. A. An. The.
M100. Quality. Qualities.
N1. Qualify. Qualifies. Qualifying. Qualified.
N3. 0123456789 -- 10.
N4. Code. Codes. Coding. Coded.
N5. Standard. Standards. Standardize. Standardizing. Standardized.
N6. Uniform. Uniforms. Not. Pretty Much (PM). Much. Many. Some.
N7. Spell. Spells. Spelling. Spellings. Spell Bound (SB). Spell Bounds (SB). Spell Binding (SB). Stun. Stuns. Stunning. Stunned. Temporary. Temporarily. Moment. Moments. Momentarily. Momentum. Momentums. Not. A. An. The.
N8. Cane. Canes. Caning. Caned.
N9. Boa. Boas. Feather Boa (FB). Feather Boas (FB). Wrestler. Wrestlers. Wrestling Match (WM). Wrestling Matches (WM). Professional. Professionals. Amateur. Amateurs. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Scorpion. Scorpions. Wolf. Wolves. Wolf Member (WM). Wolf Members (WM). Cub. Cubs. Pup. Pups.
N10. Table. Tables. The. Some.
N11. Pen. Pens. Pencil. Pencils. Paper. Papers. The. Some.
N12. Quilt. Quilts. Quilting. Quilted. Metaphorical. Metaphorically. Literal. Literally.
N13. Quit. Quits. Quitting. Quite. Quieting. Down. Downside. Up. Upside.
N14. Mellow. Mellows. Mellowing. Mellowed.
N15. Low. Lows.
N16. High. Highs.
N17. Hi. Hi Five (HF). Hi Fives (HF). Hi Fiving (HF). Hi Fived (HF).
N18. Ghost. Ghosts. The. Some.
N19. Mischief. Mischiefs. Mischievous. Mischievously. The. Some.
N20. Entrap. Entraps. Entrapping. Entrapment. Entrapments.
N21. Trap. Traps. Trapping. Trapped.
N22. Escalate. Escalates. Escalating. Escalated. Non-. Not.
And More of My Writings:
N23. Skill. Skills. Skilling. Skilled. Skillful. Skillfully. The.
N24. Movie. Movies. The.
N25. Film. Films. The.
N26. Entertainment. Entertainments. The.
N27. Entertainer. Entertainers. The.
N28. Book. Books. The.
N29. Literature. Literatures. The.
N30. Paper. Papers. The.
N31. Essay. Essays. The.
N32. Essayist. Essayists. The.
N33. Writer. Writers. The.
N34. Writer Member (WM). Writer Members (WM). The.
N35. Document. Documents. The.
N36. Here are some Quotes from the Movie, Point of No Return: “They’re calling in a Cleaner.” A Man: “I’m Victor. I’m The Cleaner.”
And More of My Writings:
N37. Blessing. Blessings. The. Laying on of Hands for The Purpose(s) of.
N38. Anointing. Anointings. The. Laying on of Hands for The Purpose(s) of.
N39. For the Purpose of (FTPO). For the Purposes of (FTPO).
N40. Cipher(s). Ciphering. Ciphered. The.
N41. Encipher(s). Enciphering. Enciphered. The.
N42. Limit. Limits. Limiting. Limited. The.
N43. Lessen. Lessens. Lessening. Lessened. The.
N44. Lesson. Lessons. The.
N45. Advisor. Advisors. Advise. Advises. Advising. Advice. Advices. Advised. The.
N46. Spirit. Spirits. Holy Spirit. The.
N47. Pentecost. The.
N48. Speaking in Tongues (SIT). The.
And More of My Writings:
N49A. Humanity. Humanities. The.
N49B. Human. Humans. Humankind. Humankinds. Humane. Humanely. The.
N49. Chemistry. Chemistries. The.
N50. Math. Mathematic. Mathematics. Mathematically. The.
N51. Layer. Layers. Layering. Layered. The.
N52. Level. Levels. Leveling. Levelled. The.
N53. Fold. Folds. Folding. Folded. The.
N54. Folder. Folders. The.
N55. Portfolio. Portfolios. The.
N56. Tool. Tools. The.
N57. A Joke: The Man said to another Man, “She’s Hot,” which, as the Conversation Progressed, was discovered to be a Double Entendre, as it was Hot Outside.
N58. Conversation. Conversations. Conversing. Converse. Converses. Conversed.
N59. Progress. Progresses. Progressing. Progressed. The. Than. There. Their. Not.
N60. Trick. Tricks. Tricking. Tricked. The.
N61. Ruse. Ruses. The.
N62. Tier. Tiers. Tiered. First. Second. Third. Fourth.
N63. Double Entendre (DE) -- Double Meaning (DM). Multiple Meanings (MM).
N64. Classroom. Classrooms. The.
And More of My Writings:
N65. Number. Numbers. Numbering. Numbered. Not. The.
N66. Letter. Letters. Lettering. Lettered. Not. The.
N67. Hibernate. Hibernates. Hibernating. Hibernated. Not. The.
N68. Season. Seasons. Seasoning. Seasonings. Seasonal. Not. The.
N69. Codify. Codifies. Codifying. Codified. Not. The.
N70. (Not) Say. (Not) Says. (Not) Said. Unsaid. The.
N71. Dictate. Dictates. Dictating. Dictated. Not. The.
N72. Calm. Calms. Calming. Calmed. Not. The.
N73. (The) Alphabet. (The) Alphabets. (The) Soup. (The) Soups.
N74. (The) System. (The) Systems. Not.
N75. (The) Systematic. (The) Systematics. (The) Systematically. The.
N76. (Good) (Bad) Reason. (Good) (Bad) Reasons. (Good) (Bad) Reasoning. (Well) (Not Well -- NW) Reasoned. The.
N77. Well -- . Well-Done (WD). Done. Do. Does. Doing. Did.
N78. Valid. Valids. Validating. Validated.
N79. Invalid. Invalids. Invalidating. Invalidated.
And Here are More of My Writings:
N80. Order. Orders. Ordering. Ordered. Well -.
N81. Singular (Form); Plural (Form); Present (Tense); Future (Tense); Past (Tense); -s; - es; -ing; -ed; - d; -y;
N82. Great. Greatly. The. Not.
N83. Greet. Greets. Greeting. Greetings. Greeted.
N84. Piece. Pieces. Piecing. Pieced. Of.
N85. Masterpiece. Masterpieces.
N86. Mind. Minds. Minding. Minded.
N87. Business. Businesses.
N88. Employee. Employees. Company. Companies.
N89. Corporation. Corporations.
N90. Incorporate. Incorporates. Incorporating. Incorporated.
N91. Organization. Organizations. Organizing. Organized.
N92. Write. Writes. Writing. Writings. Written. Unwritten. Wrote.
N93. Rote. Rotes.
N94. Gym. Gyms. Gymnasium. Gymnasiums.
N95. Gum. Gums. Gummy. Gummies.
N96. Yum. Yums. Yummy. Yummies.
N97. A Joke that I Wrote: it was one minute past Midnight on New Year’s, and a Woman kept on saying, “But that was Last Year!” over and over.
N98. Duty. Duties.
N99. Nullify. Nullifies. Nullifying. Nullified.
N100. Vivify. Vivifies. Vivifying. Vivified.
O1. Void. Voids. Voiding. Voided.
O2. Cloth. Clothes. Clothing. Clothe. Clothes. Clothed.
O3. Appropriate. Appropriately. Appropriated.
O4. Inappropriate. Inappropriately.
O5. Un-.
O6. To. Too. Two.
O7. Tie. Ties. Tied. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pretty Much (PM).
O8. Cast. Casts. Caste. Castes. Castaway. Castaways. The.
O9. Flag. Flags. The.
O10. Insignia. Insignias.
O11. Award. Awards.
O12. Honor. Honors.
O13. Certificate. Certificates.
O14. Paper. Papers. Paperwork.
O15. Recommendation. Recommendations.
O16. Transcript. Transcripts.
O17. Article. Articles.
O18. Sign. Signs. Signing. Signed.
O19. Essay. Essays.
O20. Photo. Photos.
O21. Writing. Writings.
O22. The Absence of Something. The Absence of Things. The Presence of Something. The Presence of Things. Absence. Presence. The Significance (TS). The Significances (TS). Signify. Signifies. Signifying. Signified. Which Means (WM). Which. Means.
And More of My Writings:
O23. Glove. Gloves.
O24. Towel. Towels.
O25. Paper Towel (PT). Paper Towels (PT).
O26. Barrier. Barriers.
O27. Color. Colors. Coloring. Colorings. Colored.
O28. Handle. Handles. Handling. Handled. Handler. Handlers.
O29. Map. Maps. Mapping. Mapped.
O30. Mark. Marks. Marking. Markings. Marked.
O31. (Real) Definition. (Real) Definitions. The.
O32. (Really) Define. (Really) Defines. (Really) Defining. (Really) Defined.
O33. Double Entendre – Double Meaing(s). Multiple Meaning(s).
O34. Mean. Means. Meaning. Meanings. Meant. Meaningful. The.
O35. Warn. Warns. Warning. Warnings. Warned.
O36. Implicit. Imply. Implies. Implied.
O37. Explicit. Explicitly.
O38. Overt. Overtly.
O39. Covert. Coverts. Covertly.
O40. Signal. Signals. Signaling. Signaled.
O41. Single. Singles. Singular. Singularly.
O42. Plural. Plurals.
O43. The Misc. The Miscellaneous. Misc. Miscellaneous.
O44. The Etc. The Et Cetera. Etc. Et Cetera.
O45. Notify. Notifies. Notifying. Notified.
O46. Notice. Notices. Noticing. Noticed.
O47. Notate. Notates. Notations. Notations.
O48. Note. Notes.
O49. Mental Note (MN). Mental Notes (MN).
O50. Rare. Rarify. Rarifies. Rarified. Rarely.
O51. Rest. Rests. Resting. Rested. Well-. Not Well (NW).
O52. Background. Backgrounds.
O53. Foreground. Foregrounds.
O54. Prop. Props. Propping. Propped.
O55. Vacation. Vacations. Vacationing. Vacationed.
O56. Holiday. Holidays. Holidayed. Holidaying.
O57. Breakfast. Breakfasts. Breakfasted. Lunch. Lunches. Lunched. Dinner. Dinners. Dine. Dines. Dined. Supper. Suppers. Snack. Snacks. Snacked.
O58. Work. Works. Working. Workings. Worked.
O59. Anniversary. Anniversaries.
O60. Speech. Speeches.
O61. Speak. Speaks. Speaking. Spoke. Spokes. Spoken. Well-Spoken (WS).
O62. Flimsy. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pretty Much (PM).
O63. Sturdy. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pretty Much (PM).
O64. Strong. Strength. Strengths. Strengthen. Strengthens. Strengthening. Strengthened. Weaken. Weakens. Weakening. Weakened. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pretty Much (PM).
And More of My Writings:
O65. Max. Maximum. Maximums. Maximal. Maximally. Maximizing. Amount. Amounts. Of. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pretty Much (PM). Not. Amount. Amounts. Amount to (AT). Amounts to (AT).
O66. Least. Amount. Amounts. Of. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pretty Much (PM). Not. Amount. Amounts. Amount to (AT). Amounts to (AT).
O67. Wise. Wisely. Wisdom. Wisdoms.
O68. Unwise. Unwisely.
O69. Not Wise (NW). Not Wisely (NW).
O70. Foolish. Foolishly.
O71. Not Foolish (NF). Not Foolishly (NF).
And More of My Writings:
O72. Clairvoyance. Vision. Visions. Visioning. The.
O73. Provide. Provides. Provider. Providers. Providing. Provided. That. The. Those. These.
O74. Vivid. Not Vivid (NV). Vividly. Not Vividly (NV). The. -- y. -- ly.
O75. Image. Images. Imaging. Imaged. The.
O76. Envision. Envisions. Envisioning. Envisioned. The. Likelihood(s). Probability. Probabilities. Odds. Estimate(s). Estimating. Estimated. (In) Good Faith (GF). (The) Good Faith Effort(s) (GFE).
O77. (In the) (At the) Forefront(s). Not Forefront (NF). (In the) (At the) Back of the (BOT). Not Back of the (NBOT). The Mind (TM). Mind. Minds. The. In the (IT). At the (AT).
O78. Foreshadow. Foreshadows. Foreshadowing. Foreshadowed. This. That. Those. They. We. Him. He. Her. She. Us. You. Me. I. They are -- They’re. We are -- We’re. He is -- He’s. She is – She’s. You are – You’re. I am – I’m.
O79. Technique. Techniques. The. Good.
O80. Effective. Effectives. Effectively. Effect. Effects.
O81. Result. Results. The. Negative. Positive. Neutral.
O82. Productive. Productively. Produce. Produces. Producing. Produced. The. Did Not (DN).
O83. When that Person was this old (WTPWTO). When that was this old (WTWTO). During the year (DTY). During. At this Time (ATT). During this Time (DTT). In the year (ITY). When. Was. Is. Were. Where. We’re. They. They’re. Will. Will be (WB). That. That one (TO). Those. Those ones (TO).
And More of My Writings:
O84. Plausible. Plausibility. Not Plausible (NP). Implausible.
O85. Explain. Explains. Explanation. Explanations. Explained.
O86. Elucidate. Elucidates. Elucidation. Elucidations. Elucidated.
O87. Lucid.
O88. Easy to Understand (ETU). Not Easy to Understand (NETU). To that Person (TTP). To those People (TTP). To Them (TT). To Me (TM). To Him (TH). To Her (TH). To Us (TU).
O89. Goes Well Together (GWT). Does Not go Well Together (DNGWT).
O90. Looks Good (LG). Does Not Look Good (DNLG). Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
O91. Topic. Topics. On that Topic (OTT). On those Topics (OTT). Off Topic (OT). The Straw Man Logical Fallacy. The Red Herring Logical Fallacy. The Ad Hominem (AH) Logical Fallacy -- calling into Question someone’s Character and/or Behavior(s) rather than focusing on the Topic of Discussion -- for example, a Man named Jason could say, correctly, that one plus one equals two, and another Person could yell that Jason might have told a Fib when Jason was a Kid, which is an example of The Ad Hominem Logical Fallacy. Distract. Distracts. Distracting. Distraction. Distractions. Distracted. Logical Fallacy (LF). Logical Fallacies (LF).
O92. Discuss. Discusses. Discussion. Discussions. Discussed.
And some More of My Writings:
O93. Pace. Paces. Pacing. Paced. Well --. Not Well --.
O94. A Little at a Time (ALAAT). At a Time (AAT).
O95. Angel. Angels.
O96. Guardian Angel (GA). Guardian Angels (GA). Guardian Angel. Guardian Angels. Guardian. Guardians. The.
O97. Godfather. Godmother. Godfathers. Godmothers. The.
O98. Lapse. Lapses. Lapsing. Lapsed.
O99. Inactive. Inactively. Inaction. Inactions.
O100. Active. Actives. Action. Actions. Act. Acts. Actually.
P1. Symbol. Symbols. The.
P2. Symbology. Symbologies. The.
P3. Thesis. The.
P4. Theory. Theories. The.
P5. Taste. Tastes. Tasteful. Tasty. Tastings. Tastings. The.
P6. Sample. Samples. The.
P7. Yum. Yums. Yummy. Yummies.
P8. (Sense(s) of) Smell. The.
P9. (Sense(s) of) Touch. The.
P10. Sense of. Senses of. The.
P11. Remind. Reminds. Reminding. Reminded.
P12. Memento. Mementos. The.
P13. Souvenir. Souvenirs. The.
And More of My Writings:
P14. Sense. Senses. Sensing. Sensed.
P15. Sensation. Sensations.
P16. Sedate. Sedates. Sedating. Sedated.
P17. Receipt. Receipts.
P18. Wake. Wakes. Waking. Waken. Wakens. Wakening. Waked.
P19. Awake. Awakes. Awoke. Awaken. Awakening. Awaked.
P20. Tithe. Tithes. Tithing. Tithings. Tithed.
P21. Donate. Donates. Donation. Donations. Donated.
P22. Charity. Charities. Charitable.
P23. Christening. Christenings. Christen. Christens. Christened. Baptism. Baptisms. Baptismal. Baptize. Baptizes. Baptized.
P24. In Part (IP). In Parts (IP). Part. Parts. Partly. Parting. Parted.
P25. Part Way (PW). Half Way (HW).
P26. Party. Parties.
P27. Contribute. Contributes. Contribution. Contributions. Contributing. Contributed.
And More of My Writings:
P28. Personality. Personalities.
P29. Personality Test(s).
P30. Safe. Safes. Save. Saves. Saving. Savings. Saved. Sort of (SO).
P31. Immune. Immunes. Immunization. Immunizations. Sort of (SO).
P32. Juxtapose. Juxtaposes. Juxtaposition. Juxtapositions. Juxtaposed. Side by Side (SBS). Side by Side Placement(s) (SBSP).
P33. Trait. Traits.
P34. Character Trait (CT). Character Traits (CT).
P35. Long Ago (LA). Not Long Ago (NLA).
P36. Growth. Growths. Grow. Grows. Grew.
P37. Since Then (ST). Until Then (UT). Until They (UT). Until We (UW). Until He (UH). Until She (US). Until I (UI). Until You (UY). When.
P38. If that (IT). If this (IT). If those (IT).
P39. Profession. Professions. The.
And some More of My Writings:
P40. If that Happens (ITH).
P42. If those Happen (ITH).
P43. Sensitive. Very Sensitive (VS). Extremely Sensitive (ES).
P44. Not Sensitive (NS). Not Very Sensitive (NVS). Not Extremely Sensitive (NES).
P45. Caution. Cautions. Cautioning. Cautioned. Exercise(s). Exercising. Exercised. Extreme. Extremely. Appropriate. Appropriately.
P46. Check Mark (CM). Check Marks (CM). Check Marking (CM). Check Marked (CM).
P47. Constitutional Monarchy (CM). Constitutional Monarchies (CM).
P48. Range. Ranges. Ranging. Ranged.
P49. Tapestry. Tapestries.
P50. Taboo(s). Not.
P51. More. Mores.
P52. Forbid(den). Not.
P53. Permit(ted). Not.
P54. Morality. Moralities. Moral. Morals. Morale. Morales.
P55. Ethically. Ethic. Ethics.
P56. Passable. Pass. Passes. Passing. Passed.
P57. Cloak. Cloaks. Cloaking. Cloaked.
And More of My Writings:
P58. Interest(s). Our. Best.
P59. Operating Cost(s).
P60. Increase(s). Increasing. Increased. The Odds and/or The Likelihood.
P61. Decrease(s). Decreasing. Decreased. The Odds and/or The Likelihood.
P62. Aesthetic. Aesthetics. Aesthetically.
P63. Bias. Biases. Biasing. Biased. Unbias. Unbiases. Unbiasing. Unbiased. Not.
P64. Time Period(s).
P65. Install(ment)(s).
P66. Pay. Pays. Paying. Paid. Payment. Payments. The.
P67. (Tax) Deduction(s). Deducting. Deducted.
P68. Schedule. Schedules. Scheduling. Scheduled.
P69. Calendar(s).
P70. Notebook(s).
P71. Journal(s).
P72. Wizard. Wizards. Wizardry.
P73. Power. Powers. Powerful. Powerfully. Very. Extremely. Not.
P74. Capability. Capabilities. Capable. Capables.
P75. Relative to. Relative. Relatives. Relatively.
P76. Relation. Relations. Relationship. Relationships. The.
P77. About the Same (ATS). Pretty much the Same (PMTS). About. Pretty Much (PM).
P78. Similar. Similarly. Similarity. Similarities.
P79. Cost. Costs. Costing. Real Cost (RC). Real Costs (RC). Really Costing (RC). Real. Really.
And More of My Writings:
P80. A Lot (AL). A Lot of (ALO). Many. Many of (MO). Much. Much of (MO). Not. The.
P81. Perspective. Perspectives. The.
P82. View. Views. The.
P83. Viewpoint. Viewpoints. The.
P84. Information. Info.
P85. Informative. Informatives.
P86. Information Overload (IO). Information Overloads (IO).
P87. Temporary. Temporarily. Not. The.
P88. Part. Parts. Partly. The.
P89. Snowball. Snowballs. Snowballing. Snowballed.
P90. Avalanche. Avalanches. Avalanching. Avalanched.
P91. Too Much (TM). Not Too Much (NTM). Just Right (JR). OK. Okie Dokie.
P92. Cause. Causes. Causing. Caused. For Cause (FC).
P93. Perform. Performs. Performing. Performed. Well-. Good. Fine. Fair.
P94. Performance. Performances.
P95. Agent Provocateur (AP). Agent Provocateurs (AP). The. A. An.
P96. Reaction(s). The.
P97. Verbatim -- Word for Word.
P98. Actor. Actors. Actress. Actresses. Acting. Act. Acts. The.
P99. Makeup. Makeups. Make. Makes. Making. The.
P100. Cavalier. Cavaliers. Attitude. Attitudes. The.
Q1. Look. Looks. Looking. Looked. The.
Q2. Magic. Magics. Magical. Magically.
Q3. Magi. Magis. The.
Q4. The Wise Man (TWM). The Wise Men (TWM). The Wise Woman (TWW). The Wise Women (TWW). The Wise Person (TWP). The Wise People (TWP).
Q5. Raison d’Etre -- Reason for Being.
Q6. Call. Calls. Calling. Called.
Q7. Being. Beings.
Q8. Green Alert. Yellow Alert. Red Alert. No Alert.
Q9. Behind the Scene (BTS). Behind the Scenes (BTS). Not.
Q10. Scene. Scenes. Scenery. Sceneries.
Q11. Scam. Scams. Scamming. Scammed. The.
Some of My Writings:
Q12. Harvest. Harvests. Harvesting. Harvested. The.
Q13. Colloquy -- a Conversation. Colloquies -- Conversations.
Q14. Chalkboard. Chalkboards. Chalk. Chalks. Eraser. Erasers. Erasing. Erased. Erasure. Erasures. The.
Q15. Diagram. Diagrams. Diagraming. Diagramed. The.
Q16. Drawing. Drawings. Draw. Draws. Drew. The.
Q17. Art. Arts. The.
Q18. Artwork. Artworks. The.
Q19. Photo. Photos.
Q20. Photograph. Photographs. Photographing. Photographed.
Q21. Picture. Pictures. Picturing. Pictured.
Q22. Incredible. The.
Q23. Drink. Drinks. Drinking. Drank.
Q24. Eat. Eats. Eating. Eaten. Ate.
Q25. Food. Foods.
Q26. Dessert. Desserts.
Q27. Desert. Deserts.
Q28. Song. Songs. Singing. Sung. Well-Sung (WS).
Q29. Television. Televisions. Televise. Televises. Televising. Televised.
Q30. Television Show(s).
Q31. Show. Shows. Showing. Showed.
Q32. Shower. Showers. Showering. Showered.
Q33. Bath. Baths. Bathe. Bathes. Bathing. Bathed.
Q34. Music. Musics.
Q35. Talent Show(s).
Q36. Series.
Q37. Episode(s).
Q38. Episodic.
And More of My Writings:
Q39. Water under The Bridge. Metaphorical Water under The Bridge. Something that is No Longer Very Important to Someone. Something that is No Longer Very Important to People.
Q40. Joke: Swipe your card here -- Double Entendre (Double Meaning) Joke.
Q41. Joke: Poached Eggs -- Double Entendre (Double Meaning) Joke.
Q42. Joke: Lie Down -- Double Entendre (Double Meaning) Joke.
Q43. Money. Monies. Moneyed. The. Not.
Q44. Touching. Touch. Touches. Touched.
Q45. Tangent. Tangents.
Q46. Tangible. Tangibles. Tangibly.
Q47. Intangible. Intangibles. Intangibly.
Q48. Resource. Resources. Resourcing. Resourceful. The.
Q49. Globe. Globes. Global. Not. The.
Q50. World. Worlds. Worldwide. Not. The.
Q51. Nutrient(s). Nutritive. Nutritives. The.
Q52. Nutrition(s). The.
Q53. Nutritionally. The.
Q54. Full. Pretty Full (PF).
Q55. Credit. Credits. Crediting. Credited. The.
Q56. Cite. Cites. Citing. Cited. The.
Q57. Screen. Screens. Screening. Screened. The.
Q58. Verbal. Verbally.
Q59. Non-Verbal (NV). Non-Verbally (NV).
Q60. Imply. Implies. Implying. Implied. Non-. The.
Q61. Implicit. Implicitly.
Q62. Explicit. Explicitly.
Q63. International. Internationally.
Q64. Globe. Globes. Global. Globally.
And More of My Writings:
Q65. Confer. Confers. Conferring. Conferred.
Q66. Coliseum. Coliseums.
Q67. Involve. Involves. Involving. Involved.
Q68. Involvement(s). The. Not.
Q69. Observe. Observes. Observing. Observed. The.
Q70. Observation. Observations. The.
Q71. Recharge. Recharges. Recharging. Recharged. The.
Q72. Regroup. Regroups. Regrouping. Regrouped. The.
Q73. (It is) (It was) (It will (be)) About that (AT).
Q74. (It is) (It was) (It will (be)) Not About that (AT).
Q75. Content. Contents. The.
Q76. Topic. Topics. The.
Q77. Better. Not. The.
Q78. Best. Not. Non-. The.
Q79. Too Much Information (TMI).
Q80. It Matters (IM).
Q81. Does Not Matter (DNM).
Q82. Too Much (TM).
Q83. Not Too Much (NTM).
Q84. Desire. Desires. Desiring. Desired.
Q85. Rock the Boat (RTB). Rocking the Boat (RTB). Do Not Rock the Boat (DNRTB). Not Rocking the Boat (NRTB). Not Rock the Boat (DNRTB).
Q86. Broad. Too Broad (TB). Not.
Q87. Mute. Mutes. Muting. Muted.
Q88. Sightseeing. Sightseeing Tour(s) (ST).
Q89. Tour. Tours.
Q90. Fish. Fishes. Fishing. Fished.
Q91. Circus. Circuses.
Q92. Zoo. Zoos.
Q93. Church. Churches.
Q94. Written in Jest (WIJ).
Q95. Said in Jest (SIJ).
Q96. Done in Jest (DIJ).
Q97. Jest. Jests. Jesting. Jested.
Q98. Jester. Jesters.
Q99. Sublime. Sublimes.
Q100. Subliminal. Subliminally.
R1. Non-Subliminal. Non-Subliminally.
R2. Physiological. Physiologically.
R3. Reverse Psychology (RP).
R4. Psychology. Psychologies. Psychological. Psychologically.
R5. Psych. Psych Out (PO).
R6. Psyche. Psyches.
R7. Psychic. Psychics. Psychically.
R8. Put. Puts. Putting. Putted.
R9. Button. Buttons. Buttoning. Buttoned.
R10. Zip. Zips. Zipping. Zipped.
R11. Bread and Circuses (BAC).
R12. Often better a Penny than a Dollar. And often better a Dollar than a Hundred Dollars. And often better a Little than a Lot.
R13. As the saying goes, “An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Pound of Cure.”
And More of My Writings:
R14. Upon. Upon This (UT). Upon These (UP).
R15. Happen. Happens. Happening. Happened.
R15. Might.
R16. For Attention (FA). Perhaps for Attention (PFA). Not for Attention (NFA). Perhaps Not for Attention (PNFA). Maybe.
R17. Amalgam. Amalgams. Amalgamation. – tion. – ion. Ion. Ions.
R18. Anagram. Anagrams. Anagramming. Anagrammed.
R19. From a Distance (FAD). From Distances (FD). Not.
R20. Play. Plays. Playing. Played. The. Not.
R21. Game. Games. The.
R22. Learn. Learns. Learning. Learned. The.
R23. Ice Cream (IC). Ice Creams (IC). Ice Cream Cone (ICC). Ice Cream Cones (ICC).
R24. Chocolate. Chocolates.
R25. Candy Bar. Candy Bars.
R26. Pizza. Pizzas.
R27. Soda. Sodas.
R28. Salad. Salads.
R29. Lettuce. Lettuces.
R30. Tomato. Tomatoes.
R31. Onion. Onions.
R32. Dressing. Dressings.
R33. Vinegar. Vinegars.
R34. Oil. Oils.
R35. Vinegar and Oil (VAO). Vinegars and Oils (VAO).
R36. Seafood. Seafoods.
R37. Steak. Steaks.
R38. Hamburger. Hamburgers.
R39. Sandwich. Sandwiches.
R40. Donut. Donuts.
R41. Cookie. Cookies.
R42. Pastry. Pastries.
R43. Banana. Bananas.
R44. Spaghetti. Spaghettis.
R45. Ravioli. Raviolis.
R45. Parmesan. Parmesans.
R46. Spice. Spices. Spicy. Spicing. Spiced.
R47. Milkshake. Milkshakes.
R48. Resemblance. Resemblances.
R49. Symptom. Symptoms. Has. Have. Had. The.
R50. Cause and Effect (CAE). The.
R51. Grilled Cheese Sandwich(es).
R52. Salami and Cheese Sandwich(es).
R53. Flower(s).
R54. Bee. Bees.
R55. Butterfly. Butterflies. Caterpillar. Caterpillars. Cocoon. Cocoons. Metamorphosis.
R56. Honey. Sourdough Brea. Sourdough Breads.
R57. Bread. Breads.
R58. Sense(s) of Sight.
R59. Sense(s) of Hearing.
R60. Sense of (SO). Senses of (SO).
R61. Sunrise. Sunrises. Sunset. Sunsets. The.
R62. Chance. Chances. Good Chance (GC). Good Chances (GC). Fair Chance (FC). Fair Chances (FC). Bad Chance (BC). Bad Chances (BC).
R63. A saying is, “Do Not be Afraid of Your Own Shadow.”
R64. Worse. Worst. Worsen. Make.
R65. Better. Make.
R66. Best. Make.
R67. Woodwork. Woodworks. Woodworking.
R68. Window. Windows.
R69. Swim. Swims. Swimming. Swam. Swimmer. Swimmers.
R70. Ski. Skis. Skier. Skiers. Skiing.
R71. Basketball. Basketballs. Basketball Player (BP). Basketball Players (BP).
R72. Soccer. Soccer Ball (SB). Soccer Balls (SB). Soccer Match (SM). Soccer Matches (SM).
R73. Weld. Welds. Welder. Welders.
R74. Spirit. Spirits. Spiritual.
R75. Read. Reads. Reading.
R76. Bible Reading (BR).
R77. Scripture Reading (SR).
R78. Book Reading (BR).
R79. Literature Reading (LR).
R80. Sign Reading (SR).
R81. Pancake. Pancakes.
R82. Waffle. Waffles.
R83. Strawberry. Strawberries.
R84. Cherry. Cherries.
R85. Apple. Apples.
R86. Orange. Oranges.
R87. Lemon. Lemons.
R88. Lemon Meringue Pie (LMP). Lemon Meringue Pies (LMP).
R89. New York Cheesecake (NYC). New York Cheesecakes (NYC).
R90. Cheesecake. Cheesecakes.
R91. Sherbet. Sherbets.
R92. Omelet. Omelets.
R93. Eggs Benedict. Eggs Benedicts.
R94. Candy. Candies.
R95. Easter Egg Hunt (EEH). Easter Egg Hunts (EEH).
R96. Fete. Fetes. Feting. Feted.
And More of My Writings:
R97A. Board Game. Board Games.
R97. Video Game. Video Games.
R98. Card Game. Card Games.
R99. Fisher. Fishers.
R100. Fisherman. Fishermen.
S1. Watermelon(s). The.
S2. Flag. Flags. The.
S3. Federal Government (FG). Federal Governments (FG and FGs). The.
S4. Cereal. Cereals. The.
S5. Tea. Teas. The.
S6. Coffee. Coffees. The.
S7A. Yogurt. Yogurts. The.
S7. Refreshment. Refreshments. Refresh. Refreshes. Refreshing. Refreshed. The.
S8. Box. Boxes. Boxing. Boxed. The.
S9A. Anchor. Anchors. The.
S9. Boat. Boats. The.
S10. Dog. Dogs. The.
S11. Puppy. Puppies. The.
S12. Bracelet. Bracelets. The.
S13. Game Show. Game Shows. The.
S14. Video. Videos. The.
S15. Music Video (MV). Music Videos (MV). The.
S16. Toes Wet (TW). Toes Not Wet (TNW). I Do Not Want to (IDNWT). I Do Not Want (IDNW). I Want to (IWT). I Want (IW).
S17. Magazine. Magazines. The.
S18. Club. Clubs. The.
S19. Lounge. Lounges. Lounging. Lounged. Around. The.
S20. Pajama. Pajamas. The.
S21. Robe. Robes. The.
S22. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Diagram.
S23. Light. Lights. Lighting. Lighted. Lighten. Lightens. Lightening. The.
S24. Tactic. Tactics. Tactical. Tactically.
S25. Wait and See (WAS). Wait and See Approach (WASA). Wait and See Approaches (WASA).
S26. Approach. Approaches. Approaching. Approached.
S27. A Quote from Barbara Corcoran, who is on the Television Show called “Shark Tank”: “Play up what you’ve got. And don’t waste time worrying about what you don’t.”
And More of My Writings and My Sayings:
S28. With that Person. And with that Person. And with those People. And with Them. And with Us. And with Me. And with Him. And with Her. And with You. That Person. And that Person. And those People. And Them. And Us. And Me. And Him. And Her. And You.
S29. With that. And with that. And with those.
S30. That. Those. And That. And Those. And. Furthermore. Moreover. Additionally. In addition (IA).
S31. That alone (TA). And those alone (ATA).
S32. That by Itself (TBI). And those by Themselves (ATBT).
S33. X and Y. X, Y, and Z.
S34. Connect. Connects. Connecting. Connected. The. Not.
S35. Interconnect. Interconnects. Interconnecting. Interconnected. The. Not.
S36. Conscience. Consciences. Clear Conscience (CC). Clear Consciences (CC). Not. The. Sort of (SO).
S37. Attraction. Attractions.
S38. Attract. Attracts. Attractive. Attractively. Attracted. Sort of (SO).
S39. Comparable. Comparably. Comparability. Compare. Compares. Comparing. Compared. About that Subjects (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subjects (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
S40. Good Trade (GT). Fair Trade (FT). Good. Fair. Trade. Trades. Trading. Traded. Not Good (NG). Not Fair (NF). Unfair. Unfairly.
S41. Timing, for many Things, is Important. And some things should be done, and many things should Not be done. Time. Times. Timed. Timing. Timings.
S42. A lot (AL). Lot. Lots. Allotment. Allotments. The.
S43. Changeling. Changelings. The Changeling (TC). The Changelings (TC).
S44. The Tip of The Iceberg (TTOTI). The Tips of The Icebergs (TTOTI). Not the Tip of the Iceberg (NTTOTI). Not the Tips of The Icebergs (NTTOTI).
And More of My Writings and My Sayings:
S45. Synonym. Synonyms. Synonymous. Synonymously.
S46. Storehouse. Storehouses. The. Some.
S47. Warehouse. Warehouses. Warehousing. Warehoused. The. Some.
S48. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I have only about 89,000 Friends. And Many of My Friends each are Members of Families of about 900 People. And My Friends are Members of about 100 Families.”
S49. By Birth. By Births. Birthing. Birthed.
S50. Group. Groups. Grouping. Grouped. The.
S51. The Man said, “God Gave us Good Instincts.”
S52. Vicarious. Vicariously.
S53. A Joke: Two Synchronized Telephones, and the Conversations are Funny.
S54. A Joke: The Man said, “He Smells like He is a Member of a Certain Group. And He also Looks like He is a Member of a Certain Group. And He has been Told by someone else that He Looks like He is a Member of a Certain Group.”
S55A. Looks Like (LL). Sounds Like (SL). Reminds Me of (RMO). Someone. Something.
S55. Because. Because of (BO).
S56. Trinity. The Trinity (TT). The.
S57. Generally. Generally Speaking (GS). Strictly. Strictly Speaking (SS).
S58. Honest. Honestly.
S59. Dishonest. Dishonestly.
S60. Regroup. Regroups. Regrouping. Regrouped. Regroup(ed). The.
S61. Reassess. Reassesses. Reassessing. Reassessed. Reassessment. Reassessments. The. A. An. Some.
S62. That is Just Reality. And those are Just Realities. That is Just the Reality of The Situation. And those are Just the Realities of The Situations. The.
S63. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Gotcha.”
S64. Vicarious. Vicariously. Vicariousness.
S64. The Vicarious Lesson (TVL). The Vicarious Lessons (TVL). Vicarious Lesson (VL). Vicarious Lessons (VL). The. A. An. Some.
S65. Innuendo. Innuendos.
S66. Motion. Motions. Motioning. Motioned.
S67. Territory. Territories. Our. Their. Your. My. His. Her.
S68. New. News. Newsworthy. Newsworthiness. The.
S69. Worth. Worthy. Worthiness. The.
S70. Real Worth (RW). Real Worthy (RW). Real Worthiness (RW). The.
S71. Label. Labels. Labeling. Labelled. The.
S72. Mislabel. Mislabels. Mislabeling. Mislabeled. The. Mis-.
And More of My Writings, and My Sayings, and My Jokes:
S73. A Joke: Within the First Approximate 21 Seconds of The Game, a Professional Basketball Team scored 2 Points, and is ahead Zero to Two, and a Child says to His Parents, “We are ahead by two points. That means We will Win, right? What could Happen between now and the end of The Game?” And The Father and The Mother both say, “This could Happen,” and then they do Cartwheels, Somersaults, Jumping Jacks, and They both Yell, “Yippee!”
S74. Habit. Habits. Habitual. Habitually. Non-. Not. The.
S75. Who? What? How? How Much? How Many? Where? Why? When?
S76. Astronomy. Astronomical. Astronomically.
S77. Periodic. Periodically. Non-. Not.
S78. Frequent. Frequents. Frequently. Infrequent. Infrequents. Infrequently. Non-. Not. The.
S79. Rank. Ranks. Ranking. Ranked. The.
S80. Set the Stage for (STSF). Sets the Stage for (STSF). Set the Stages for (STSF). Sets the Stages for (STSF). This. That. Those. These.
S81. Prepare. Prepares. Preparing. Prepared. Well-. Not Well-(NW).
S82. Grasp. Grasps. Grasping. Grasped.
S83. Talon. Talons. The.
S84. Clutch. Clutches. Clutching. Clutched. The.
S85. Transitory. Non-. Not. The.
S86. Temporary. Temporarily. Non-. Not.
S87. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am Friends with only about One Percent of The Population.”
S88. Fortunate. Fortunately. The. A. An.
S89. Stamina. Staminas. The.
S90. Strength. Strengths. The.
S91. Good Grasp(s) (on). Reality. Realities. Subject Matter (SM). Subject Matters (SM). The. Not. A. An. Has. Have. Had. Will. Would. Does. Do. Doing. Did.
S91. Familiar. Familiarity.
S92. Unfamiliar. Unfamiliarity.
S93. Feasible. Feasibility. Unfeasible. Unfeasibility. Not. The. Some.
S94. Gear. Gears. Gearing. Geared. Gear Up (GU). Gears Up (GU). Gearing Up (GU). Geared Up (GU).
S95. Schedule. Schedules. Scheduling. Scheduled.
S96. Exaggerate. Exaggerates. Exaggeration. Exaggerations. Exaggerated.
S97. Hyperbole. Hyperboles.
S98. Hyper. Hyper -. Vigilant. Vigilance. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
S99. Trade. Trades. Trading. Traded.
S100. Cause and Effect (CAE). Cause. Causes. Causing. Caused. Effect. Effects. Effecting. Effected. Significant. Not Significant (NS).
T1. Some. A Little (AL). A Lot (AL).
T2. Team Player. Team Players. Team Player (TP). Team Players (TP). Team. Teams. The Team (TT). The Teams (TT).
T3. Vest. Vests. Vesting. Vested. Vested Interest (VI). Vested Interests (VI).
T4. Common Ground (CG). Common Grounds (CG).
T5. Geography. Geographies. Geographical. Geographically.
And some More of My Writings:
T6. Agree. Agrees. Agreeing. Agreed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
T7. Disagree. Disagrees. Disagreeing. Disagreed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
T8. Currency. Currencies. The. Some. Many. A Lot (AL). A Little (AL).
T9. Exchange. Exchanges. Exchanging. Exchanged. The. Some. Not.
T10. Exchange Rate (ER). Exchange Rates (ER). The. Some. Not.
T11. Source. Sources. Sourcing. Sourced. The. Some. Not. Not The (NT).
T12. Presence. Presences. The.
T13. Prescience. Prescient. Foresight. Foresights.
T14. Common Bond. Common Bonds. Common Bond (CB). Common Bonds (CB).
T15. Despite. In Spite of (ISO). In Spite (IS). Regardless. Regardless of (RO). Irregardless. Irregardless of (IO).
T16. Resemble. Resembles. Resemblance. Resemblances. Resembling. Resembled. The. Some. Not. This. That. Those. In this Way (ITW). In these Ways (ITW). Not in this Way (NITW). Not in these Ways (NITW).
T17. What does Your Heart tell You? What does Your Heart tell You (WDYHTY)?
T18. Different. Differently.
T19. Differentiate. Differentiates. Differentiating. Differentiated.
T20. Catch-22.
T21. Well-Situated. Well-Situated (WS).
T22. God’s Law (GL). God’s Laws (GL). God’s Rule (GR). God’s Rules (GR).
T23. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Bro Code. Bro Codes. Bro Code (BC). Bro Codes (BC).”
T24. Yesterday’s Events made Today’s Events Possible. Yesterday’s Events made Today’s Events Possible (YEMTEP).
T25. Still. Stillness. Stilling. Stilled. Unchanged. Basically Unchanged (BU). Virtually Unchanged (VU).
T26. Coping Mechanism (CM). Coping Mechanisms (CM).
T27. Trump. Trumps. This Trumps (TT). This Trumps that (TTT). This Trumps those (TTT). Those Trump that (TTT). Those Trump those (TTT). Does. Does Not (DN). Do Not (DN). Did Not (DN).
T28. Parody. Parodies. Parodying. Parodied.
T29. Help. Helps. Helping. Helpings. Helped.
T30. Helper. Helpers. The Helper (TH). The Helpers (TH).
T31. Convalescent. Convalescents. Convalescence. Convalescences. Convalescing. Convalesced.
T32. Compensate. Compensates. Compensating. Compensated. Fair. Fairly. Good. Well. OK. Normal. Decent. Decently. Reasonable. Reasonableness. Rational. Logical. Sensible. Not.
T33. Over Compensate (OC). Over Compensates (OC). Over Compensating (OC). Over Compensated (OC). Does Not and/or Did Not Over Compensate (DNOC). For. About. Regarding. Not Regarding (NR). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
T34. Because. Because of (BO).
T35. Word. Words. Wordy. Wording. Wordings. Worded.
T36. A Rhyme of Mine: The Wordy Words were Worthy, Worthwhile, and Well-Worded for those Woodwork’s Wordings.
T37. Phrase. Phrases. Phrasing. Phrasings. Phrased. Well-Phrased (WP).
T38. Evaluate. Evaluates. Evaluating. Evaluation. Evaluations. Evaluated. Good. Fair. OK. Not. The. Those. This. That.
T39. Place. Places. Placing. Placed. Well-. Not Well-.
T40. Put. Puts. Putting. Putted.
T41. Gut. Guts. Gutting. Gutted.
T42. Gut Check (GC). Gut Checks (GC). Gut Checking (GC). Gut Checked (GC).
T43. What does Your Gut say? What is Your Gut saying? What did Your Gut say? What does Your Gut Tell You? What is Your Gut Telling You? What did Your Gut Tell You?
T44. What does Your Gut say (WDYGS)? What is Your Gut saying (WIYGS)? What did Your Gut say (WDYGS)? What does Your Gut Tell You (WDYGTY)? What is Your Gut Telling You (WIYGTY)? What did Your Gut Tell You (WDYGTY)?
T45. Shooting the Breeze. Talking Just to Talk.
T46. Shooting the Breeze (STB). Talking Just to Talk (TJTT).
T47. Valuable. Very Valuable (VV). Extremely Valuable (EV).
And More of My Writings:
T48. Miracle. Miracles. Miraculous. Miraculously. The Miracle (TM). The Miracles (TM). The Miraculous (TM). The Miraculously (TM). A. An. An Example of (AEO). Examples of (EO).
T49. Biblical Miracle (BM). Biblical Miracles (BM). The Biblical Miracle (TBM). The Biblical Miracles (TBM). A. An. An Example of (AEO). Examples of (EO).
And More of My Writings:
T50. Magic. Magical. Magically. Magician. Magicians.
T50A. The Magic (TM). The Magical (TM). The Magically (TM). The Magician (TM). The Magicians (TM).
T50B. A Joke: A Person laid a small piece of Rope by a Man, and The Man said, “What is this Rope for?” And The Person replied, “This Rope symbolizes Me having Reached The End of My Rope with You.”
T51. Groundwork. The Groundwork (TG). Lays The Groundwork for (LTGF). Laid The Groundwork for (LTGF).
T52. Control. Controls. Controlling. Controlled. Controllable. Controllability.
T53. The Control (TC). The Controls (TC). The Controlling (TC). The Controlled (TC). The Controllable (TC). The Controllability (TC).
T54. Factor. Factors. Factoring. Factored. A. An. Non-. Some. Significant. Not. Not a (NA). Not an (NA). Not some (NS). Not a significant (NAS).
T55. The Factor (TF). The Factors (TF). The Factoring (TF). The Factored (TF). A. An. Non-. Some. Significant. Not. Not a (NA). Not an (NA). Not some (NS). Not a significant (NAS).
T56. What does your Mind Tell You about that? And what is Your Mind Telling You about that? And what do Your Knowledge Databases Tell You about that? And what are Your Knowledge Databases Telling You about that? What do your Instincts Tell You about that? And what are Your Instincts Telling You about that? What do your Intuitions Tell You about that? And what are Your Intuitions Telling You about that?
T57. Christian. Christians. Christianity. Christian Member (CM). Christian Members (CM). Christian Organization (CO). Christian Organizations (CO). Christian Organization Member (COM). Christian Organization Members (COM). Christianity Member (CM). Christianity Members (CM). Christianity Organization (CO). Christianity Organizations (CO). Christianity Organization Member (COM). Christianity Organization Members (COM). Christian Tradition (CT). Christian Traditions (CT). The Christian Tradition (TCT). The Christian Traditions (TCT). The.
And More of My Writings:
T58. Smart. Smarts. Smarty. Smarties. Smartly.
T59. Intelligent. Intelligence. Intelligences. Intelligent. Intelligently. Type of Intelligence (TOI). Types of Intelligence (TOI). Intellect. Intellects. Intellectual. Intellectuals. Type of Intellect (TOI). Types of Intellects (TOI). Intellectual Member (IM). Intellectual Members (IM). Intelligentsia. Intelligentsias. Intelligentsia Member (IM). Intelligentsia Members (IM).
T60. Brilliant. Brilliance. Brilliances. Brilliantly.
T61. Bright. Brightly. Brighten. Brightens. Brightening.
T62. Satire. Satires. Satirical. Satirically.
T63. Caricature. Caricatures. Caricaturing. Caricatured.
T64. Comedy Roast (CR). Comedy Roasts (CR). Comedy Roasting (CR). Comically Roasted (CR).
T65. Comic. Comics. Comic Member (CM). Comic Members (CM). Comedian. Comedians. Comedian Member (CM). Comedian Members (CM).
T66. Roast. Roasts. Roasting. Roasted.
T67. Whoa. Whoas. Whoa! Whoas!
T68. Hero. Heroes. The Hero (TH). The Heroes (TH). A Hero (AH). Some Heroes (SH).
T69. Plateau. Plateaus. Plateauing. Plateaued. Not. Pretty Much (PM). Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
T70. The Time and The Place for something (TTATPFS). Not The Time and The Place for something (NTTATPFS).
T71. A Saying: Do Not Poke a Bear with a Stick, or else there can be Very Negative (VN) Consequences.
T72. Man of Letters (MOL). Men of Letters (MOL). Woman of Letters (WOL). Women of Letters (WOL). Person of Letters (POL). People of Letters (POL). Letter. Letters. Lettering. Lettered. Language. Languages. Subject. Subjects. System. Systems. Alphabet. Alphabets. Alphabetically.
T73. Mitigation. Non-Mitigation (NM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
T74. Worsening. Non-Worsening (NW). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
T75. Version. Versions. The Version (TV). The Versions (TV). A Version (AV). Some Versions (SV).
T76. Me, Myself, and I. Me, Myself, and I (MMAI). We.
And More of My Writings:
T77. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I do Not often See through the Lens of Wealthy and Non-Wealthy. And I also do Not often see through the Lens of Class and Social Class. And I do Not Believe in Class Warfare.” Not Often (NO). Class. Social Class (SC). Class Warfare (CW).
T78. A Joke: Widely Adjusted Hurdles -- Both Very High and Very Low Hurdles for Track and Field. And other Both Very High and Very Low standards and equipment for other Track and Field events, such as the High Jump and the Pole Vault.
T79. Certain Things (NCT, Not Certain Things, and CT) should be Let Go (NLG, Not Let Go, and LG), while other Things should Not be Let Go, and Not everything should be Let Go.
T80. A Joke that I Wrote: The Man asked, "Did you eat your Milk, and did you drink your Pizza?"
And More of My Writings:
T81. A Reason (AR). Some Reasons (SR). Many Reasons (MR).
A Good Reason (AGR). Some Good Reasons (SGR). Many Good Reasons (MGR).
A Bad Reason (ABR). Some Bad Reasons (SBR). Many Bad Reasons (MBR).
A Valid Reason (AVR). Some Valid Reasons (SVR). Many Valid Reasons (MVR).
An Invalid Reason (AIR). Some Invalid Reasons (SIR). Many Invalid Reasons (MIR). Some. Many. Good. Bad. Valid. Invalid.
T82. Feign. Feigns. Feigned. Feigning. Feigning Weakness (FW). The Strategy of Feigning Something. The Strategy of Feigning Things. The Strategy of Feigning Weakness. Subterfuge. Clandestine. Clandestinely. Not Clandestine (NC). Not Clandestinely (NC). Secret. Very Secret (VS). Extremely Secret (ES). Secretly. Very Secretly (VS). Extremely Secretly (ES). Not Secret. Not Very Secret (NVS). Not Extremely Secret (NES). Not Secretly (NS). Not Very Secretly (NVS). Not Extremely Secretly (NES). To that Person (TTP). To those People (TTP). Not to that Person (TTP). Not to those People (TTP). To Me (TM). To You (TY). To Him (TH). To Her (TH). To Them (TT). To Us (TU). Strategy. Strategies. Strategize. Strategizes. Strategizing. Strategized.
T83. The Red Line (TRL). The Red Lines (TRL). Red Line (RL). Red Lines (RL). The Line (TL). The Lines (TL). Line. Lines.
T84. Different. Differently. Not Different (ND). Not Differently (ND). Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE).
T85. Fib. Fibs. Fibbing. Fibbed. Fibber. Fibbers. The Fib (TF). The Fibs (TF). The Fibbing (TF). The Fibbed (TF). The Fibber (TF). The Fibbers (TF).
T86. A Rhyme of Mine: The Well-Built Bidder did Not Abide by The Bidding Website’s Burlesque Bulletin Board that Commanded that Bids should be Bid by only Two Bits Bit by Bit.
T87. A Joke that I Wrote: The Man had about a Dozen bags of Groceries, and He set His Home Alarm, and He Locked His Home’s Door, and He Locked His Car’s Door, every Time that He brought a Bag of Groceries into His House, while saying, “I have to Set the Home Alarm, and Lock the Doors each Time that I bring in a Bag of Groceries, as I heard that Ants, Grasshoppers, and Butterflies are Out of Control during the Month of October, which is only 212 days away.”
T88. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I was an Honors Student. And I am an Honors Student.” Honors Student (HS). Honors Students (HS).
And More of My Writings:
T89. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many Individuals are Intelligent, Knowledgeable, and Resourceful, and Many Individuals therefore know how to do many things, and Many Individuals are also able to do Many Things, especially Scientists.”
T90. System Builder. System Builders. The System Builder. The System Builders. System. Systems. The System. The Systems.
T91. System Builder (SB). System Builders (SB). The System Builder (TSB). The System Builders (TSB). System. Systems. The System (TS). The Systems (TS).
T92. Enforcer. The Enforcer. Enforce. Enforces. Enforcing. Enforced. The Enforcing. The Enforced.
T93. Enforcer. The Enforcer (TE). Enforce. Enforces. Enforcing. Enforced. The Enforcing (TE). The Enforced (TE).
T94. While an Individual may or may Not be a Member of an Organization, He or She is still an Individual. An Individual is also an Individual. Me. And also We.
T95. Organization Member (OM). Organization Members (OM). Organization. Organizations. Member. Members.
T96. The Organization Member (TOM). The Organization Members (TOM). The Organization (TO). The Organizations (TO). The Member (TM). The Members (TM).
And More of My Writings:
T97. Impression. Impressions. Impression of (IO). Impressions of (IO). My Impression (MI). My Impressions (MI). My Impression of (MIO). My Impressions of (MIO). Your Impression (YI). Your Impressions (YI). Your Impression of (YIO). Your Impressions of (YIO). His Impression (HI). His Impressions (HI). His Impression of (HIO). His Impressions of (HIO). Her Impression (HI). Her Impressions (HI). Her Impression of (HIO). Her Impressions of (HIO). Their Impression (TI). Their Impressions (TI). Their Impression of (TIO). Their Impressions of (TIO). Our Impression (OI). Our Impressions (OI). Our Impression of (OIO). Our Impressions of (OIO). My. Your. His. Her. Their. Our.
T98. My Opinion (MO). My Opinions (MO). My Opinion about (MOA). My Opinions about (MOA). Your Opinion (YO). Your Opinions (YO). Your Opinion about (YOA). Your Opinions about (YOA). His Opinion (HO). His Opinions (HO). His Opinion about (HOA). His Opinions about (HOA). Her Opinion (HO). Her Opinions (HO). Her Opinion about (HOA). Her Opinions about (HOA). Their Opinion (TO). Their Opinions (TO). Their Opinion about (TOA). Their Opinions about (TOA). Our Opinion (OO). Our Opinions (OO). Our Opinion about (OOA). Our Opinions about (OOA). My. Your. His. Her. Their. Our.
T99. Equilibrium. Equilibriums. Good Equilibrium (GE). Good Equilibriums (GE). The. A. An. Some.
T100. Balance. Balances. Balancing. Balanced. Good Balance (GB). Good Balances (GB). Good Balancing (GB). Well-Balanced (WB). The. A. An. Some.
U1. From the Bible, John 14:27, New International Version (NIV): “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
And More of My Writings:
U2. Suggestion. Suggestions. Suggestive. Suggestively. Suggest. Suggests. Suggesting. Suggested. The. A. Some.
U3. Advice. Advices. Advising. Advised. Advisor. Advisors. The. An. Some.
U4. Constructive Criticism (CC). Constructive Criticisms (CC). Constructive. Construct. Constructs. Constructively. Construction. Constructions. Constructed. Criticism. Criticisms. Critic. Critics. Critically. Criticize. Criticizes. Criticizing. Criticized. The. A. Some.
And More of My Writings:
U5. Often. Not Often (NO).
U6. Realistic. Realistically. Not Realistic (NR). Not Realistically (NR).
U7. Device. Devices. The. A. An. Some.
U8. Similar. Similarly. Similarity. Similarities. Not Similar (NS). Non-Similarly (NS). Non-Similarity (NS). Non-Similarities (NS). Dissimilar. Dissimilarly. Dissimilarity. Dissimilarities. Not. Non-.
U9. Many Things are Important, while Many Things are Not Important. And Many Things are Very Important, while Many Things are Not Very Important. And Many Things are Extremely Important, while Many Things are Not Extremely Important.
And More of My Writings:
U10. Qualitative. Qualitatively. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U11. Quantitative. Quantitatively. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U12. Quantify. Quantifies. Quantifying. Quantified. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U13. Quantity. Quantities. The. A. Some. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U14. Quality. Qualities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U15. Attribute. Attributes. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U16. Enumerate. Enumerates. Enumerating. Enumerated. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U17. Involve. Involves. Involvement. Involvements. Involving. Involved. Not Involve (NI). Not Involves (NI). Non-Involvement (NI). Non-Involvements (NI). Not Involving (NI). Not Involved (NI). Policy. Policies. (The) Policy of (TPO and PO). (The) Policies of (TPO and PO). (The) Policy about (TPA and PA). (The) Policies about (TPA and PA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U18. Transitory. Non-Transitory (NT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U19. Permanent. Permanently. Not Permanent (NP). Not Permanently (NP). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
U20. Resilient. Resiliency. Resilience.
U21. Tough. Toughs. Toughen. Toughens. Toughening. Toughened.
U22. Toughen Up (TU). Toughens Up (TU). Toughening Up (TU). Toughened Up (TU).
U23. Hard. Harden. Hardens. Hardy. Hardening. Hardenings. Hardened. Hearty. Heartiness. Heart. Hearts.
U24. Sturdy. Sturdiness.
U25. Strong. Strengthen. Strengthens. Strengthened.
U26. Strong Suit (SS). Strong Suits (SS). A. The. Some.
U27. Prodigy. Prodigies.
U28. Advance. Advances. Advanced. Advancing.
U29. Tactical Advance (TA). Tactical Advances (TA). Tactically Advanced (TA). Tactically Advancing (TA).
U30. Smart Advance (SA). Smart Advances (SA). Smartly Advanced (SA). Smartly Advancing (SA).
U31. Intelligent Advance (IA). Intelligent Advances (IA). Intelligently Advanced (IA). Intelligent Advancing (IA).
U32. Inertia. Inertias.
U33. Tactical Inertia (TI). Tactical Inertias (TI).
U34. Smart Inertia (SI). Smart Inertias (SI).
U35. Intelligent Inertia (II). Intelligent Inertias (II).
U36. Still. Stills. Stillness. Stilled.
U37. Tactically Still (TS). Tactically Stills (TS). Tactical Stillness (TS). Tactically Stilled (TS).
U38. Smartly Still (SS). Smartly Stills (SS). Smart Stillness (SS). Smartly Stilled (SS).
U39. Intelligently Still (IS). Intelligent Stills (IS). Intelligent Stillness (IS). Intelligently Stilled (IS).
U40. Quite. Quieting. Quietness. Quieted.
U41. Tactically Quite (TQ). Tactical Quieting (TQ). Tactical Quietness (TQ). Tactical Quieted (TQ).
U42. Smart Quite (SQ). Smartly Quieting (SQ). Smart Quietness (SQ). Smartly Quieted (SQ).
U43. Intelligently Quite (IQ). Intelligently Quieting(IQ). Intelligent Quietness (IQ). Intelligently Quieted (IQ).
U44. Consolidate. Consolidates. Consolidating. Consolidated.
U45. Tactically Consolidate (TC). Tactically Consolidates (TC). Tactically Consolidating (TC). Tactically Consolidated (TC).
U46. Smartly Consolidate (SC). Smartly Consolidates (SC). Smartly Consolidating (SC). Smartly Consolidated (SC).
U47. Intelligently Consolidate (IC). Intelligently Consolidates (IC). Intelligently Consolidating (IC). Intelligently Consolidated (IC).
U48. Retreat. Retreats. Retreated. Retreating.
U49. Tactical Retreat (TR). Tactical Retreats (TR). Tactically Retreated (TR). Tactical Retreating (TR).
U50. Smart Retreat (SR). Smart Retreats (SR). Smartly Retreated (SR). Smart Retreating (SR).
U51. Intelligent Retreat (IR). Intelligent Retreats (IR). Intelligently Retreated (IR). Intelligent Retreating (IR).
A Quote from Fred Rogers: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”
A Quote from Voltaire, about The Freedom of Speech: “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”
Fact: Many Individuals and Organizations, including Police Departments, have Employed Psychics.
And More of My Writings:
U52. Priority. Priorities. Prioritize. Prioritizes. Prioritizing. Prioritized. Not. Non-. The. A. Some. The. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U53. Negotiate. Negotiates. Negotiating. Negotiated. Negotiable. Negotiables. Negotiability. Not. Non-. The. A. Some. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U54. Treasure Chest (TC). Treasure Chests (TC).
U55. Minor. Minors. Minoring. Minored. Not. Non-. The. A. Some. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U56. Major. Majors. Majoring. Majored. Not. Non-. The. A. Some. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U57. Slight. Slights. Slightly. Not. Non-. The. A. Some. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
U58. Typo. Typos. Not. Non-. The. A. Some.
U59. Pause. Pauses. Pausing. Paused.
U60. Digest. Digests. Digestion. Digestions. Digesting. Digested. The. A. Some.
U61. Protector. Protectors. Protect. Protects. Protecting. Protection. Protections. Protected. The. A. Some.
U62. The Protector (TP). The Protectors (TP). The Protect (TP). The Protects (TP). The Protecting (TP). The Protection (TP). The Protections (TP). The Protected (TP).
A Paraphrased saying, “If God does not like you, then how could you have done all the good things that you have done?”
Some More of My Jokes:
U63. A Joke: What is the Best Invention? The Negative Sign is The Best Invention. Because The Negative Sign is often really a Positive Sign.
U64. A Joke: The Man said to a Woman, “On this Computer is your Bank Account that has a Balance of 8 Trillion Dollars. And on this other Computer is the exact same Bank Account of yours that has a Balance of Negative 8 Trillion Dollars. Which Bank Account do you Want?” And The Woman said, “Of course I’ll have My Bank Account that has a Positive Balance of 8 Trillion Dollars.” And The Man replied, “They are Both your Same Bank Account, and therefore you have a Bank Account Balance of Zero Dollars.”
And More of My Writings:
U65. Max. Maximize. Maximizes. Maximization. Maximizations. Maximizing. Maximized. Maximum. Maximums. Maximal. Maximally. Amount. Amounts. Of. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pretty Much (PM). Not. Amount. Amounts. Amount to (AT). Amounts to (AT).
U66. Min. Minimize. Minimizes. Minimization. Minimizations. Minimizing. Minimized. Minimal. Minimum. Minimums. Minimally. Amount. Amounts. Of. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pretty Much (PM). Not. Amount. Amounts. Amount to (AT). Amounts to (AT).
And More of My Writings:
U67. Range. Ranges. Ranging. Ranged.
U68. Estimated Range (ER). Estimated Ranges (ER).
U69. Likely Range (LR). Likely Ranges (LR).
Happy Easter. He is Risen, and, like a Baptism, that can Never be Undone. -- Brandon
There are many Good Movies to watch, including the Movies called "Gladiator," "Rain Man," "Minority Report," and "Changeling." -- Brandon
From The Bible, John 8: 1-11:
but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women.Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap,in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
11“No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,”Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
And some More of My Writings:
U70. Pragmatic. Pragmatics. Pragmatically. Practical. Practically.
U71. Realist. Realists. The Realist (TR). The Realists (TR). A Realist (AR). Some Realists (SR). Realistic. Realistically. Realize. Realizes. Realization. Realizations. Realized.
U72. On that Topic (OTT). On those Topics (OTT). On the Topic of (OTTO). On the Topics of (OTTO). About that Topic (ATT). About those Topics (ATT). Topic. Topics. The Topic (TT). The Topics (TT). A Topic (AT). Some Topics (ST). Pertaining to (PT). About that (AT). Not. The.
U73. A Joke of that Wrote: The Man said, “Don’t Worry, Money Grows Back.” And then Money literally Grew Back.
And some More of My Writings:
U74. A Joke of Mine: on a Fishing Trip, a Man said to a guy, “You said that you were going to rock the boat with that Book of yours. Well I am going to rock this boat,” and then the Man began to rock the fishing boat.” And, before the boat tipped over, the guy said, “I meant that Figuratively when I said that I was going to rock the boat with that Book!”
U75. I remember eating hard boiled eggs, sandwiches, candy bars, and drinking sodas with Grandpa Sid when We hiked into Lakes to go Fishing.
U76. Bachelor. Bachelors. The Bachelor (TB). The Bachelors (TB).
U77. Single. Singles. The Single (TS). The Singles (TS).
U78. Clothing. Clothings. The Clothing (TC). The Clothings (TC).
U79. Shirt. Shirts. The Shirt (TS). The Shirts (TS).
U80. Pants. The Pants (TP).
U81. Shorts. The Shorts (TS).
U82. Watch. Watches. The Watch (TW). The Watches (TW).
U83. Sport. Sports. The Sport (TS). The Sports (TS).
U84. Roman. Romans. The Roman (TR). The Romans (TR). Roman Empire (RE). The Roman Empire (TRE). Roman Law (RL). Roman Laws (RL). The Roman Law (TRL). The Roman Laws (TRL). Roman Mores (RM). The Roman Mores (TRM). Roman Morality (RM). The Roman Morality (TRM). Roman Moralities (RM). The Roman Moralities (TRM). Roman Worldview (RW). The Roman Worldview (TRW). Roman Worldviews (RW). The Roman Worldviews (TRW).
And some More of My Writings:
U85. Intelligence. Intelligences. Multiple Intelligences (MI). Types of Intelligences (TOI). Emotional Intelligence (EI). Emotional Intelligences (EI). Skill. Skills. Multiple Skills (MS). Types of Skills (TOS). Type. Types. A Type of (ATO). Types of (TO). Typing. Typed. Fast. Fasten. Fastens. Fastening. Fastened. Quick. Quickly. Quicken. Quickening. The. A. An. Some.
U86. Concurrent. Concurrently. Simultaneous. Simultaneously.
Helpful Advice for Family and Friends,
An email that is said to come from someone is Not necessarily from someone, and some links can lead to websites with Computer Viruses. -- Brandon
Happy Siblings Day, and I have been fortunate to have two younger Brothers. -- Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person does Not Represent Me. And that Person does Not Represent Us. And those People do Not Represent Me. And those People do Not Represent Us. And I am Not Guilty because of Association. And We are Not Guilty because of Association. Be careful Not to Group Everyone Together. As the Truthful saying states, ‘There are a Few Bad Apples in Every Bunch.’” -- Brandon
A Joke that I Wrote:
U87. A Man poured 8 Gallons of Milk on His Bowl of Cereal, and He said, while playing with the Spilled Milk, “I like My Cereal Extra Soggy.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, "It is Important that We have The Freedom of Speech." – Brandon
And some More of My Writings:
U88. Moderate. Moderates. Moderately. Moderation. Moderated. Rather. Rather than (RT). Sort of (SO). In Comparison to (ICT). In Comparisons to (ICT). Not in Comparison to (NICT). Not in Comparisons to (NICT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). An Alternative (AA). A Good Alternative (AGA). Alternatives. Some Alternatives (SA). Good Alternatives (GA). A Bad Alternative (ABA). Bad Alternatives (BA). An OK Alternative (AOA). OK Alternatives (OA). Good. Bad. Neutral. OK.
And some More of My Writings:
U89. Measured. Well-Measured (WM). Not Measured (NM). Not Well-Measured (NWM). Sort of (SO). Pretty Much (PM).
U90. A Measured Response (AMR). A Well-Measured Response (AWMR). Not a Well-Measured Response (NAWMP). Not a Well-Measured Response (NAWMR).
U91. Measured Responses (MR). Well-Measured Responses (WMR). Not Well Measured Responses (NWMR). Not Well Measured Responses (NWMR).
U92. A Good Response (AGR). Some Good Responses. The Good Response. The Good Responses.
U93. A Bad Response (ABR). Some Bad Responses. The Bad Response. The Bad Responses.
U94. Valuable. Very Valuable. Extremely Valuable.
U95. Valuable. Very Valuable (VV). Extremely Valuable (EV).
U96. Priceless. Very Priceless. Extremely Priceless.
U97. Priceless. Very Priceless (VP). Extremely Priceless (EP).
U98. Invaluable. Very Invaluable. Extremely Invaluable.
U99. Invaluable. Very Invaluable (VI). Extremely Invaluable (EI).
U100. Not Valuable. Not Very Valuable. Not Extremely Valuable.
V1. Not Valuable (NV). Not Very Valuable (NVV). Not Extremely Valuable (NEV).
V2. Not Priceless. Not Very Priceless. Not Extremely Priceless.
V3. Not Priceless (NP). Not Very Priceless (NVP). Not Extremely Priceless (NEP).
V4. Not Invaluable. Not Very Invaluable. Not Extremely Invaluable.
V5. Not Invaluable. Not Very Invaluable (NVI). Not Extremely Invaluable (NEI).
V6. Lookalike. Lookalikes. The Lookalike. The Lookalikes. A Lookalike. Some Lookalikes.
V7. Computer Animation (CA). Computer Animations (CA). The Computer Animation. The Computer Animations. A Computer Animation. Some Computer Animations.
V8. A Case of Mistaken Identity. Cases of Mistaken Identities. The Case of Mistaken Identity. The Cases of Mistaken Identities. Not a Case of Mistaken Identity. Not Cases of Mistaken Identities. Not The Case of Mistaken Identity. Not The Cases of Mistaken Identities. Mistaken Identity (MI). Mistaken Identities (MI). Not a Mistaken Identity (NAMI). Not Mistaken Identities (NMI).
V9. Peccadillo -- a Minor Sin or something that is Pretty Insignificantly (PI) Wrong. The Peccadillo (TP). The Peccadillos (TP). A Peccadillo (AP). Some Peccadillos (SP). Non-Peccadillo (NP). Not The Peccadillo (NTP). Not The Peccadillos (NTP). Not a Peccadillo (NAP). Not Some Peccadillos (NSP).
V10. Information. Some Information (SI). The Information (TI).
V11. Word of Mouth (WOM). Word of Mouths (WOM). Grapevine. Grapevines. Through the Grapevine (TTG). Through the Grapevines (TTG). True. False. Maybe. No. Yes.
V12. A Truthful Saying and Metaphor is, ‘Do Not Throw out The Baby with The Bath Water.”
V13. Partial. Partiality. Partialities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
V14. Impartial. Impartiality. Impartialities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Sometimes I have Bad Days. And usually I have Good Days. And Today, I am having a Good Day.”
And More of My Writings:
V15. Satire. Satirical. Satirically. Satirist. Satirists. Satirist Member (SM). Satirist Members (SM).
V16. Lampoon. Lampoons. Lampooning. Lampooned.
V17. Important. Very Important. Extremely Important.
V18. Importantly. Very Importantly. Extremely Importantly.
V19. Not Important. Not Very Important. Not Extremely Important.
V20. Not Importantly. Not Very Importantly. Not Extremely Importantly.
V21. Unimportant. Very Unimportant. Extremely Unimportant.
V22. Unimportantly. Very Unimportantly. Extremely Unimportantly.
V23. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI).
V24. Importantly. Very Importantly (VI). Extremely Importantly (EI).
V25. Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI).
V26. Not Importantly (NI). Not Very Importantly (NVI). Not Extremely Importantly (NEI).
V27. Unimportant. Very Unimportant (VU). Extremely Unimportant (EU).
V28. Unimportantly. Very Unimportantly (VU). Extremely Unimportantly (EU).
V29. Role Play (RP). Role Plays (RP). Role Playing (RP). Role Played (RP). Role Play Game (RPG). Role Play Games (RPG). Role Playing Game (RPG). Role Playing Games (RPG). Game. Games. Gaming. Gamed. The. A. Some. These. Those. Not. Not a (NA). Not an (NA). Not the (NT). Not some (NS). Not those (NT). Not these (NT). Concerning. Concern. Concerns. Concerned. Not Concerning (NC). Not a Concern (NAC). Non-Concerns (NC). Not Concerned (NC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, "I am a Believer in The Freedom of Religion." – Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “A Reasonable Person sees a Picture of a Human Being – a Baby – in an Ultrasound, which is one of the Reasons that I am Pro-Life.” – Brandon
I am a Creationist. And I Believe that God created the Heavens and the Earth. There is much evidence to refute the Theory of Evolution, including, but Not limited to, the Fact that Evolution is Not Presently occurring. This is a Quote from Charles Darwin, “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I confess, absurd in the highest degree...The difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection , though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered subversive of the theory.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
V30. A Man had a lot of Wire in His Living Room, and a guy asked, “What are you doing with 180 Feet of Wire?” And The Man replied, “Because I am going to the Bank to Wire My Grandson One Thousand Dollars.” And The guy said, “That is Not what it is meant to Wire someone money. You Wire someone money by Twirling around and around until you are a Dizzy.” And then the guy began to Twirl around and around.
And More of My Writings:
V31. Sarcastic. Sarcasm. Sarcastically. Not. The. A. Some.
V32. Serious. Very Serious (VS). Extremely Serious (ES). Seriously. Very Seriously (VS). Extremely Seriously (ES). Not. The. A. Some.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Nostradamus, and His Predictions, and His Visions, and His Believers, and His Many Believers.”
And some More of My Writings:
V33. Grasping at Straws. Not Grasping at Straws.
V34. Grasping at Straws (GAS). Not Grasping at Straws (NGAS).
V35. Substantive. Not Substantive (NS).
V36. Substantial. Substantially. Not Substantial (NS). Not Substantially (NS).
V37. Relevant. Very Relevant (VR). Extremely Relevant (ER).
V38. Not Relevant (NR). Not Very Relevant (NVR). Not Extremely Relevant (NER).
V39. Irrelevant. Very Irrelevant (VI). Extremely Irrelevant (EI).
V40. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
I have been busy being a Blogger and Writing Books and Movies, and I have Wrote about 1,200 Jokes so far. -- Your Friend, Brandon
A Woman, who is one of My Friends on a Social Network Site, told Me that She could tell just by Looking at someone if He or She was a Member of a Certain Organization. And, in about the year 2011, a Man told Me that I looked like I was a Member of a Certain Organization. -- Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Such is The Way of The World. And such are The Ways of The World. That is Just Reality. And those are Just Realities. And that is Just the Way that it is.” -- Brandon
From The Bible, Psalms 119:144, New Living Translation (NLT), regarding God’s Laws: “Your Laws are Always Right; Help Me to Understand Them so I May Live.” God’s Law (GL). God’s Laws (GL). God’s Rule (GR). God’s Rules (GR).
From The Bible, Psalms 91:4: “He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.”
It is always a Good Day to be a Christian Member (CM). -- Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said, "And I see Resemblances." -- Brandon
Some Good Things to Know about Me: As of 4/28/2015, I have a Criminal Free Record. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Arrested for a Crime. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Charged with a Crime. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Convicted of a Crime. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Arrested, Charged, or Convicted of any Crime. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been to Jail. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been to Prison. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never gone Bankrupt. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Suspended from any School, College, or University. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Expelled from any School, College, or University. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Fired from any Job. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Laid Off from any Job. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Fired from any Volunteer Job (VJ). And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Laid Off from any Volunteer Job. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never filed a Criminal Charge against anyone or anything. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never Pressed a Criminal Charge against anyone or anything. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never sued anyone. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been in a Witness Chair in a Courtroom. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been a Witness in a Courtroom. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never Testified in a Courtroom. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Blackmailed. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been Extorted. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been approached for the Purpose of being Blackmailed. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Never been approached for the Purpose of being Extorted. And there is Nothing of Significance to Blackmail and/or Extort Me with, as I am Squeaky Clean (SC). I am Squeaky Clean. And as of 4/28/2015, I have almost always been Full. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Very Rarely been Hungry. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Very Rarely Shaken because of Hunger. And as of 4/28/2015, I do Not Remember ever going to bed Hungry. And as of 4/28/2015, I do Not Remember ever going to bed Severely Hungry. And as of 4/28/2015, I have Very Rarely been Very Thirsty. And as of 4/28/2015, I do Not Remember ever Shaking because of Thirst. And as of 4/28/2015, I do Not Remember ever being Dehydrated. And as of 4/28/2015, I do Not Remember ever being Severely Dehydrated. And as of 4/28/2015, I do Not Remember ever going to bed Thirsty. And as of 4/28/2015, I do Not Remember ever going to bed Severely Thirsty. And I am Thankful for These Things. -- Brandon
Some More of My Writings:
V41. Non-Combatant (NC). Non-Combatants (NC). Noncombatant (NC). Noncombatants (NC). Non-Hostile (NH). Non-Hostiles (NH). Neutral. Neutrals.
V42. Evidence. Evidence to the Contrary (ETTC). Non-Evidence (NE). Non-Evidence to the Contrary (NETTC).
V43. Read. Well-Read (WR). A Well-Read Person (AWRP). Well-Read People (WRP).
And some More of My Writings:
V44. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “About that Subject, that is Reality, and I do Not need to know Why. About that Subject, that is Reality, and I do Not need to know Exactly Why. About that Subject, that is Reality, and I do Not need to know every Specific Detail (ESD and SD). About that Subject, that is Just the Way it is (JTWII), and I do Not need to know Why. About that Subject, that is Just the Way it is, and I do Not need to know Exactly Why. About that Subject, that is Just the Way it is, and I do Not need to know every Specific Detail (ESD and SD).”
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Man said to a guy, “You are Splitting Hairs about that Subject.” And the guy replied, “What? I am Not Splitting Hairs about that Subject. Instead, I am Acting Overly Concerned about something that is Irrelevant, Insignificant, and Unimportant. If I were Splitting Hairs, I would be doing this.” And then the guy, with a Microscope and with Tweezers, Literally began Splitting a Hair.
And More of My Writings:
V45. Manifest. Manifests. Manifesting. Manifestation. Manifestations. Manifested. In that way (ITW). In those ways (ITW). Not. A. The. These. Those. Some. Some of (SO). Many. Many of (MO). Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And Some More of My Writings:
V46. Reading Too Much into that. Reading Too Much into those. Not Reading Too Much into that. Not Reading Too Much into those.
V47. Reading Too Much into that (RTMIT). Reading Too Much into those (RTMIT). Not Reading Too Much into that (NRTMIT). Not Reading Too Much into those (NRTMIT).
And More of My Writings:
V48. Complexion. Complexions.
And Some More of My Writings:
In one of My Writings, The Man said, "You should be Thankful for What You have. And You should also be Thankful for What You had. And You should also be Thankful for What You will have." -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
V49. Because that is True. Because those are True. If that is True. If those are True. Even if that is True. Even if those are True.
Because that is False. Because those are False. If that is False. If those are False. Even if that is False. Even if those are False.
True. False. Truth. Untruth. Truly. Falsely. Vrai. True. Faux. False. Tres Vrai. Very True. Tres Faux. Very False. C’est Vrai? It is True? C’est Faux? It is False?
Some More of My Writings:
V50. Character. Characters. The Character (TC). The Characters (TC). Characterization. Characterizations. Accurate Characterization (AC). Accurate Characterizations (AC). Inaccurate Characterization (IC). Inaccurate Characterizations (IC). Indicative. Not Indicative (NI). Indication. Indications. Non-Indication (NI). Non-Indications (NI). Important. Not Important (NI). Immaculate. Immaculately. Accurate. Accurately. Inaccurate. Inaccurately. World View (WV). World Views (WV). Point of View (POV). Point of Views (POV). Opinion. Opinions. Opinionated. Opine. Opines. Opining. Opined.
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Man's Computer Keyboard Malfunctioned, and the Letter "H" turned into the Letter “S," which made The Man especially mad when He tried to type, "Happy Valentine's Day." -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
V51. Innate. Innately. Innateness. Inherent. Inherently. God Given. God Given (GG). Talent. Talents. Talented. Gift. Gifts. Gifting. Gifted.
V52. Feel. Feels. Felt. Feeling. Feelings.
V53. Think. Thinks. Thinking. Thought. Thoughts.
More of My Writings:
V54. This Shows. These Show. This Shows a. These Show a. Because this Shows. Because this Shows a. Because these Show. Because these Show a.
V55. A Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a guy, “This Video shows at least two things: the Subject Matter, of course, and there being a Video, by Itself, is Indicative of Many Things, such as Questions of Access, a possible Conspiracy -- how was the Device able to Record there?, and other Questions are Raised, et cetera.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Woman was paying for Her Groceries at a Store, and The Cashier said, "And you owe 2 dollars for Your Hair." And The Woman replied, "What?" And The Cashier pointed to the $2 sticker on Her Hair, and The Woman said, "Oh, I was just at a Garage Sale a few minutes ago, and one of the item's price tags must have transferred onto My Hair." And The Cashier replied, "Ma'am, We have a Strict Policy against Shoplifting. You must pay for Your Hair, or else We will have to Confiscate Your Hair." And then the Cashier got an Electric Hair Clipper and turned on the Clipper.
And Another Joke: The Man said to a Woman, "This Tomato is Spoiled." And The Woman replied, "Did you Spoil it? You know that You should have given that Tomato a Bed Time." And The Man replied, "No, I mean that it is Rotten." And The Woman said, "I think you should avoid calling Him Rotten, that is inappropriate, as it can Hurt His Feelings." And The Man replied, "I mean that it has gone Bad." And The Woman said, "Has He been hanging out with the Wrong crowd?" And The Man said, "No, I mean that it is Not Fit for Consumption." And The Woman replied, "Why didn't you say so in the First Place?"
A Rhyme of Mine:
The Dogs are at the Bay, having a Good Day in the Month of May. -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
V56. Because. Because of (BO). Because that (BT). Because those (BT). Because of that (BOT). Because of those (BOT). Not Because of (NBO). Not Because that (NBT). Not Because those (NBT). Not Because of that (NBOT). Not Because of those (NBOT). Even though (ET). Even if (EI). Despite. Despite that (DT). Despite those (DT). Yes. No. Maybe. Probably. Probably Yes (PY). Probably No (PN). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
V57. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “It is Good to have Good Boundaries.” And The Woman also said, “It is Good to have Good Boundaries.” Boundary. Boundaries. Good Boundary (GB). Good Boundaries (GB).
V58. A Joke that I Wrote: The Man said, “This is How I Make My Coffee: I fill about 98% of My Coffee Mug with Water, and then I pour from The French Press a Very Small amount of Coffee into the Mug, with the Coffee being about Half The Size of a Penny.” And The Woman said, “But aren’t you drinking Mostly Water?” And The Man replied, “I do Not like My Coffee to be Too Strong.”
And More of My Writings:
V59. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person’s Success does Not come at My Severe Detriment (SD). And those People’s Success does Not come at My Severe Detriment. And I do Not lose anything of Significance when that Person is Successful. And I do Not lose anything of Significance when those People are Successful. And, in a way, I become Stronger when that Person is Successful. And, in a way, I become Stronger when those People are Successful.” This is Not a Zero Sum Game.
V60. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person’s Success does Not come at Our Severe Detriment. And those People’s Success does Not come at Our Severe Detriment. And We do Not lose anything of Significance when that Person is Successful. And We do Not lose anything of Significance when those People are Successful. And, in a way, We become Stronger when that Person is Successful. And, in a way, We become Stronger when those People are Successful.” This is Not a Zero Sum Game.
And More of My Writings:
V61. The Word on The Street. The Words on The Street.
V62. The Word on The Street is. The Words on The Street are.
V63. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many things, such as Antibodies and Plasma, are Very Important.”
The Letter of Recommendation for My Mother, Debra Katrena: My Mother, Debra Katrena, like Me, is a Member of Several Organizations. And My Mother was, for example, a Member of The Camp Fire Organization when She was a Child. And My Mother, Debra, in addition to being the Mother of Three Children, was a Board Member of The Clackamas Community College Foundation Board, and She was a Member of a Chamber of Commerce, and She has been a Licensed Realtor for about 21 Years. And Not Everyone can become a Licensed Real Estate Agent, also known as being a Realtor, and being a Licensed Realtor involves Studying for, and Passing, The Real Estate Exam, and Passing a Background Check, and Paying Fees, and a Person has to be Very Intelligent and Very Knowledgeable to be able to do these Things. My Mother, Debra, is also a Licensed Real Estate Broker. Additionally, My Mother, Debra, was a Salvation Army Board Member, and She was a Homeroom Mother in Her Children’s Schools, and She also taught an Anti-Bullying Class to Children in a School. And My Mother, Debra, is a Christian, and She is a Baptized Christian, and She has Professed The Articles of The Christian Faith. My Mother, Debra, Graduated from High School. And My Mother, Debra, was, or was about, 18 years of age when She Graduated from High School. And Graduating from High School usually involves Successfully Passing about 13 years of School, usually Kindergarten through 12th Grade, and, of course, Not everyone is Capable of doing These Things, and, of course, Not everyone Graduates from High School, and that is OK. My Mother, Debra, is also a Senior at Marylhurst University, which is Her Alma Mater, and She has gotten Many Grades of A on Her Report Cards. And My Mother Debra, in addition to being a Licensed Real Estate Agent for about 21 Years, has had Many Jobs throughout Her Life, for example, She was the Owner of a Restaurant, and She is a Very Hardworking Person, and a Very Good Person, and a Very Intelligent Person, and a Very Knowledgeable Person. And She has Won Awards for Her Realtor Work. -- Brandon Ryan Katrena
And More of My Writings:
V64. A Modified, and Often Truthful, Saying: “Great Minds Often Think Alike.” Great Mind (GM). Great Minds (GM). Often. Think. Alike.
V65. Top Secret. Top Secrets. Very Top Secret. Very Top Secrets. Extremely Top Secret. Extremely Top Secrets.
V66. Top Secret (TS). Top Secrets (TS). Very Top Secret (VTS). Very Top Secrets (VTS). Extremely Top Secret (ETS). Extremely Top Secrets (ETS).
While I was Volunteering for The Oregon Republican Party, and when I was about 17 years of age, a Woman talked to Me about Society's Moral Fabric. And I sort of like Her. – Brandon
A Joke that I Wrote: The Man said, “Going to the DMV is better than going to the DMZ.” And the other Man replied, “That is Not always the case.”
Family and Friends,
I found this Good Saying on Facebook:
"Forgive others as quickly as you expect God to Forgive You."
And More of My Writings:
V67. Holding Pattern. Holding Patterns.
V68. The Holding Pattern. The Holding Patterns.
V69. A Holding Pattern. Some Holding Patterns.
And More of My Writings:
V70. A Renaissance Man. The Renaissance Men. A Renaissance Woman. The Renaissance Women. A Renaissance Person. The Renaissance People. The Renaissance. Renaissance. A Man with Diversified Interests. Men with Diversified Interests. A Woman with Diversified Interests. Women with Diversified Interests. A Person with Diversified Interests. People with Diversified Interests.
V71. A Renaissance Man (ARM). The Renaissance Men (TRM). A Renaissance Woman (ARW). The Renaissance Women (TRW). A Renaissance Person (ARP). The Renaissance People (TRP). The Renaissance (TR). Renaissance. A Man with Diversified Interests (AMWDI). Men with Diversified Interests (MWDI). A Woman with Diversified Interests (AWWDI). Women with Diversified Interests (WWDI). A Person with Diversified Interests (APWDI). People with Diversified Interests (PWDI).
And More of My Writings:
V72. Inborn. Inborn Knowledge. Inborn Trait. Inborn Traits. Innate. Innately. Innate Knowledge. Innate Trait. Innate Traits.
V73. Inborn Knowledge (IK). Inborn Trait (IT). Inborn Traits (IT). Innate Knowledge (IK). Innate Trait (IT). Innate Traits (IT).
V74. Inhibit. Inhibits. Inhibiting. Inhibited. Inhibition. Inhibitions. Natural Inhibition. Natural Inhibitions.
V75. Natural Inhibition (NI). Natural Inhibitions (NI).
And More of My Writings:
V76. The Important Thing is. The Important Things are.
V77. It is Important that.
V78. The Non-Important Thing is. The Non-Important Things are.
V79. It is Non-Important that.
V80. Energy. Energies.
V81. The Energy (TE). The Energies (TE).
V82. Vibe. Vibes.
V83. The Vibe (TV). The Vibes (TV).
V84. Feeling. Feelings.
V85. The Feeling (TF). The Feelings (TF).
V86. Appropriate. Appropriately. Appropriateness.
V87. The Appropriate (TA). The Appropriately (TA). The Appropriateness (TA).
V88. Inappropriate. Inappropriately. Inappropriateness.
V89. The Inappropriate (TI). The Inappropriately (TI). The Inappropriateness (TI).
V90. Proper. Properly.
V91. The Proper (TP). The Properly (TP).
V92. Improper. Improperly.
V93. The Improper (TI). The Improperly (TI).
And Some More of My Writings:
V94. This Man Believes that. These Men Believe that. This Woman Believes that. These Women Believe that. Someone Believes that. Many People Believe that. Some People Believe that. This Person Believes that. These People Believe that. I Believe that. You Believe that. He Believes that. She Believes that. We Believe that. They Believe that.
V95. This Man Knows that. These Men Know that. This Woman Knows that. These Women Know that. Someone Knows that. Many People Know that. Some People Know that. This Person Knows that. These People Know that. I Know that. You Know that. He Knows that. She Knows that. We Know that. They Know that.
V96. Wow. Wow!
V97. Perspective. Perspectives. From The Perspective of. From The Perspectives of.
And More of My Writings:
V98. During Warfare, and elsewhere, there are: Fall Back (FB). Fall Back Position (FBP). Fall Back Positions (FBP).
V99. My Chemistry Teacher said, about a Very Smart Chemistry Student, paraphrasing, “She did Not know who the Governor was, although She does know Chemistry.”
V100. Harbinger -- a Sign of something to come. Not a Harbinger (NAH) -- Not a Sign of something to come.
W1. Necessary. Not Necessary (NN). Necessarily. Not Necessarily (NN). Sometimes. Usually. Sometimes No (SN). Sometimes Yes (SY). Usually No (UN). Usually Yes (UY). Often. Often No (ON). Often Yes (OY).
W2. Worker. Workers. Worker Member (WM). Worker Members (WM). Worker Organization (WO). Worker Organizations (WO). Worker Organization Member (WOM). Worker Organization Members (WOM).
And More of My Writings:
W3. Well-Known. Not Well-Known.
W4. Well-Known (WK). Not Well-Known (NWK).
W5. Entangle. Entangles. Entangling. Entangled.
W6. Not Entangle (NE). Not Entangles (NE). Not Entangling (NE). Not Entangled (NE).
W7. An Attempt to Entangle. An Attempt to Entangles. An Attempt to Engage in Entangling. An Attempt to Have Entangled.
W8. Not An Attempt to Entangle. Not An Attempt to Entangles. Not An Attempt to Engage in Entangling. Not An Attempt to Have Entangled.
W9. Confuse. Confuses. Confusing. Confused. The Issue (TI). The Issues (TI).
W10. Not Confuse. Not Confuses. Not Confusing. Not Confused. The Issue (TI). The Issues (TI).
W11. An Attempt to Confuse. An Attempt to Confuses. An Attempt to Engage in Confusing. An Attempt to Have Confused. The Issue (TI). The Issues (TI).
W12. An Attempt to Not Confuse. An Attempt to Not Confuses. An Attempt to Not Engage in Confusing. An Attempt to Not Have Confused. The Issue (TI). The Issues (TI).
W13. Separate. Separately. Different. Differently.
W14. Not Separate (NS). Not Separately (NS). Not Different (ND). Not Differently (ND).
W15. A Different Organization. A Different Membership. A Largely Different Membership.
W16. Not a Different Organization. Not a Different Membership. Not a Largely Different Membership.
And More of My Writings:
W17. Reputation. Reputations.
W18. A Reputation for. Reputations for.
W19. Accurate Reputation. Accurate Reputations.
W20. An Accurate Reputation for. Accurate Reputations for.
W21. Inaccurate Reputation. Inaccurate Reputations.
W22. An Inaccurate Reputation for. Inaccurate Reputations for.
W23. Correct Reputation. Correct Reputations. Deserved Reputation. Deserved Reputations. Well-Deserved Reputation. Well-Deserved Reputations.
W24. A Correct Reputation for. Correct Reputations for. A Deserved Reputation for. Deserved Reputations for. Well-Deserved Reputation for. Well-Deserved Reputations for.
W25. Incorrect Reputation. Incorrect Reputations. Not a Deserved Reputation. Not Deserved Reputations. Not a Well-Deserved Reputation. Not Well-Deserved Reputations.
W26. An Incorrect Reputation for. Incorrect Reputations for. Not a Deserved Reputation for. Not Deserved Reputations for. Not a Well-Deserved Reputation for. Not Well-Deserved Reputations for.
W27. A Good Reputation for. Good Reputations for.
W28. A Bad Reputation for. Bad Reputations for.
W29. Word of Mouth. Word of Mouths.
W30. Word of Mouth (WOM). Word of Mouths (WOM).
W31. Through Word of Mouth. Through Word of Mouths.
W33. Partly Through Word of Mouth. Partly Through Word of Mouths.
W34. Largely Through Word of Mouth. Largely Through Word of Mouths.
W35. Truth. False. Correct. Incorrect. Honest. Honestly. Dishonest. Dishonestly. Deceptive. Deception. Deceptions. Deceive. Deceives. Deceiving. Deceitful. Deceitfully. Deceived. Lie. Lies. Lying. Lied. Not a Lie. Not Lies. Not Lying. Not having Lied. Accurate. Accurately. Inaccurate. Inaccurately. Widespread. Sort of Widespread. Largely Widespread. Not Widespread. Not Sort of Widespread. Not Largely Widespread.
And More of My Writings:
W36. Sort of Good at Something. Sort of Good at Things. Good at Something. Good at Things. Very Good at Something. Very Good at Things. Extremely Good at Something. Extremely Good at Things.
W37. Sort of Good at a Certain Something. Sort of Good at Certain Things. Good at a Certain Something. Good at Certain Things. Very Good at a Certain Something. Very Good at Certain Things. Extremely Good at a Certain Something. Extremely Good at Certain Things.
W38. Sort of Good at a Subject. Sort of Good at Subjects. Good at a Subject. Good at Subjects. Very Good at a Subject. Very Good at Subjects. Extremely Good at a Subject. Extremely Good at Subjects.
W39. Sort of Good at a Certain Subject. Sort of Good at Certain Subjects. Good at a Certain Subject. Good at Certain Subjects. Very Good at a Certain Subject. Very Good at Certain Subjects. Extremely Good at a Certain Subject. Extremely Good at Certain Subjects.
W40. Sort of Good at a Field of Work. Sort of Good at Fields of Work. Good at a Field of Work. Good at Fields of Work. Very Good at a Field of Work. Very Good at Fields of Work. Extremely Good at a Field of Work. Extremely Good at Fields of Work.
W41. Sort of Good at a Certain Field of Work. Sort of Good at Certain Fields of Work. Good at a Certain Field of Work. Good at Certain Fields of Work. Very Good at a Certain Field of Work. Very Good at Certain Fields of Work. Extremely Good at a Certain Field of Work. Extremely Good at Certain Fields of Work.
W42. Sort of Good at a Job. Sort of Good at Jobs. Good at a Job. Good at Jobs. Very Good at a Job. Very Good at Jobs. Extremely Good at a Job. Extremely Good at Jobs.
W43. Sort of Good at a Certain Job. Sort of Good at Certain Jobs. Good at a Certain Job. Good at Certain Jobs. Very Good at a Certain Job. Very Good at Certain Jobs. Extremely Good at a Certain Job. Extremely Good at Certain Jobs.
And More of My Writings:
W44. Catalyst -- something that does Not Change while at the same time causing Change elsewhere. Catalysts. Change. Changes. Changing. Changed. Unchanging. Unchanged. Largely Unchanging. Largely Unchanged. Partly Unchanging. Partly Unchanged.
And Some More of My Writings:
W45. From My Point of View. From Your Point of View. From His Point of View. From Her Point of View. From that Person’s Point of View. From Our Point of View. From Their Point of View. Point of View (POV). Point of Views (POV).
W46. Decent. Decently. Decency. Standard of Decency. A Standard of Decency. Some Standards of Decency. The Standard of Decency. The Standards of Decency.
W47. Indecent. Indecently. Indecency. Standard of Indecency. A Standard of Indecency. Some Standards of Indecency. The Standard of Indecency. The Standards of Indecency.
W48. That Shocks The Conscience. That Does Not Shock The Conscience. Conscience. Consciences. What does Your Conscience Say? What does Your Conscience Say about That?
W49. Tradition. Traditions. A Tradition. Some Traditions. The Tradition. The Traditions.
W50. More. Mores. Moral. Morals. Morality. Moralities. A Reasonable Person. The Reasonable Person Standard. The Reasonable Person Standard in The Law.
And More of My Writings:
W51. Anchor. Anchors. The Anchor (TA). The Anchors (TA).
W52. Good Anchor (GA). Good Anchors (GA). The Good Anchor (TGA). The Good Anchors (TGA).
And More of My Writings:
W53. All the Way (ATW). Not all the Way (NATW).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W54. Too Much (TM). Not Too Much (NTM).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Some Good Things to Know about Me: As of 6/6/2015, I have a Criminal Free Record. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Arrested for a Crime. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Charged with a Crime. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Convicted of a Crime. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Arrested, Charged, or Convicted of any Crime. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been to Jail. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been to Prison. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Put into Jail. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Put into a Jail Cell. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Put into Prison. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Put into a Prison Cell. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Booked into a Jail. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Booked into a Prison. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never had a Mugshot. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Put into a Police Lineup. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never gone Bankrupt. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Suspended from any School, College, or University. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Expelled from any School, College, or University. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Fired from any Job. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Laid Off from any Job. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Fired from any Volunteer Job (VJ). And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Laid Off from any Volunteer Job. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never filed a Criminal Charge against anyone or anything. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never Pressed a Criminal Charge against anyone or anything. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never given a Deposition. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never sued anyone. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been in a Witness Chair in a Courtroom. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been a Witness in a Courtroom. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never Testified in a Courtroom. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Blackmailed. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been Extorted. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been approached for the Purpose of being Blackmailed. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Never been approached for the Purpose of being Extorted. And there is Nothing of Significance to Blackmail and/or Extort Me with, as I am Squeaky Clean (SC). I am Squeaky Clean. And as of 6/6/2015, I have almost always been Full. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Very Rarely been Hungry, and then I ate Very Soon. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Very Rarely Shaken because of Hunger, and then I ate Very Soon. And as of 6/6/2015, I do Not Remember ever going to bed Hungry. And as of 6/6/2015, I do Not Remember ever going to bed Severely Hungry. And as of 6/6/2015, I have Very Rarely been Very Thirsty, and then I drank Very Soon. And as of 6/6/2015, I do Not Remember ever Shaking because of Thirst. And as of 6/6/2015, I do Not Remember ever being Dehydrated. And as of 6/6/2015, I do Not Remember ever being Severely Dehydrated. And as of 6/6/2015, I do Not Remember ever going to bed Thirsty. And as of 6/6/2015, I do Not Remember ever going to bed Severely Thirsty. And I am Thankful for These Things. -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
W55. A Good Bearing. Good Bearings. A Good Demeanor. Good Demeanors. A Good Soul. Good Souls. A Noble Bearing. Noble Bearings. A Noble Demeanor. Noble Demeanors. A Noble Soul. Noble Souls. A Patrician Bearing. Patrician Bearings. A Patrician Demeanor. Patrician Demeanors. A Patrician Soul. Patrician Souls. Bearing. Bearings. Demeanor. Demeanors. Soul. Souls. Good. Goodness. Noble. Nobles. Nobility. Nobilities. Patrician. Patricians.
And More of My Writings:
W56. Stumbling Block. Stumbling Blocks. Significant Stumbling Block. Significant Stumbling Blocks. Very Significant Stumbling Block. Very Significant Stumbling Blocks. Extremely Significant Stumbling Block. Extremely Significant Stumbling Blocks. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W57. Not a Stumbling Block. Not Stumbling Blocks. Not a Significant Stumbling Block. Not Significant Stumbling Blocks. Not a Very Significant Stumbling Block. Not Very Significant Stumbling Blocks. Not an Extremely Significant Stumbling Block. Not Extremely Significant Stumbling Blocks. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W58. Not Allowed to be a Stumbling Block. Not Allowed to be Stumbling Blocks. Not Allowed to be a Significant Stumbling Block. Not Allowed to be Significant Stumbling Blocks. Not Allowed to be a Very Significant Stumbling Block. Not Allowed to be Very Significant Stumbling Blocks. Not Allowed to be an Extremely Significant Stumbling Block. Not Allowed to be Extremely Significant Stumbling Blocks. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W59. Hindrance. Hindrances. Significant Hindrance. Significant Hindrances. Very Significant Hindrance. Very Significant Hindrances. Extremely Significant Hindrance. Extremely Significant Hindrances. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W60. Not a Hindrance. Not Hindrances. Not a Significant Hindrance. Not Significant Hindrances. Not a Very Significant Hindrance. Not Very Significant Hindrances. Not an Extremely Significant Hindrance. Not Extremely Significant Hindrances. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W61. Not Allowed to be a Hindrance. Not Allowed to be Hindrances. Not Allowed to be a Significant Hindrance. Not Allowed to be Significant Hindrances. Not Allowed to be a Very Significant Hindrance. Not Allowed to be Very Significant Hindrances. Not Allowed to be an Extremely Significant Hindrance. Not Allowed to be Extremely Significant Hindrances. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
W62. Specialist. Specialists. The Specialist (TS). The Specialists (TS). A Specialist (AS). Some Specialists (SS). Sort of (SO). Sort of a (SOA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W63. Specialize. Specializes. Specializing. Specialized. Specialization. Specializations. At. At That (AT). At This (AT). At These (AT). At Those (AT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man kept on going until He Reached His Good Goal. And The Woman also kept on going until She Reached Her Good Goal.
And More of My Writings:
W64. Partly. Largely. Completely. Partly Because. Partly Because of. Partly Because That. Partly Because Those. In Part. Largely Because. Largely Because of. Largely Because That. Largely Because Those. In Large Part. Completely Because. Completely Because of. Completely Because That. Completely Because Those. The Reason is. The Reasons are. The Reasoning is. The Reasonings are. The Logical Reason is. The Logical Reasons are. The Logical Reasoning is. The Logical Reasonings are.
A Joke that I Wrote:
W65. The Man said to a Woman, “You look like a Million Bucks.” And The Woman then took out a Briefcase, opened it up, and said, “This briefcase has a Million Bucks in it. And I do Not look like that.”
And Some More of My Writings:
W66. Because this is True, this other Thing is also likely True. And because this is True, this other Thing is likely False. And because these are True, this other Thing is also likely True. And because these are True, these other Things are likely False. Extrapolate. Extrapolates. Extrapolation. Extrapolations. Extrapolated. Important Pattern (IP). Important Patterns (IP). Seriousness. Degrees of Seriousness (DOS). Important. Degrees of Importance (DOI).
W67. Because this is False, this other Thing is likely True. And because this is False, this other Thing is also likely False. And because these are False this other Thing is likely True. And because these are False, these other Things are also likely False.
Extrapolate. Extrapolates. Extrapolation. Extrapolations. Extrapolated. Important Pattern (IP). Important Patterns (IP). Seriousness. Degrees of Seriousness (DOS). Important. Degrees of Importance (DOI).
W68. Sense. Senses. The Sense (TS). The Senses (TS). God Given Gift (GGG). God Given Gifts (GGG). Has the Look (HTL). Has the Look of Something (HTLOS). Look. Looks. Looks like (LL). Looks like Something. (LLS). Reminds Me of Something (RMOS). Makes Sense (MS). Does Not Make Sense (DNMS). Logical. Illogical. Not everything is Logical (NEIL). Not everything makes Sense (NEMS). Not everything is Readily Understandable to Everyone (NEIRUTE).
Some Information about Me:
When I was 6 years of age, I began to learn how to Read and how to Write: for example, I could Spell, Write, and Read My Name, and I could Read and Recite The Alphabet, and I could Read some Words. And when I was 7 years of age, while at Portland Christian School, under the Good Guidance and Teaching of My Teacher, Mrs. Johnson, I learned how to Read and how to Write Pretty Well. -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
W69. Core. Cores.
W70. The Core (TC). The Cores (TC). The Core. The Cores.
W71. A Core (AC). Some Cores (SC). A Core. Some Cores.
W72. Bread and Butter (BAB). Bread and Butter.
And More of My Writings:
W73. Diminished Capacity (DC). Diminished Capacities (DC). Diminish. Diminishes. Diminishing. Diminished. Capacity. Capacities. Substantial. Substantially. Not Substantial (NS). Not Substantially (NS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W74. Not a Diminished Capacity (NADC). Not Diminished Capacities (NDC). Not Diminish (ND). Not Diminishes (ND). Not Diminishing (ND). Not Diminished (ND). Capacity. Capacities. Substantial. Substantially. Not Substantial (NS). Not Substantially (NS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W75. Stand Down (SD). Do Not Stand Down (DNSD). Stands Down (SD). Standing Down (SD). Stood Down (SD). Not Standing Down (NSD). Did Not Stood Down (DNSD). Stand Up (SU). Do Not Stand Up (DNSU). Down. Up. Stand. Stands. Standing. Stood. Not Down (ND). Not Up (NU). Not Stand (NS). Not Stands (NS). Not Standing (NS). Not Stood (NS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W76. Cut from The Same Cloth. Cut from The Same Cloth (CFTSC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
W77. Expert. Experts. Expertise. Veteran. Veterans. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W78. An Expert (AE). Some Experts (SE). Some Expertise (SE). An Expertise (AE). A Veteran (AV). Some Veterans (SV). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W79. The Expert (TE). The Experts (TE). The Expertise (TE). The Veteran (TV). The Veterans (TV). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
W80. Important. Primary. Primarily. Secondly. Secondary. An Importance (AI). A Primary Importance (API). A Secondary Importance (ASI). An Important Concern (AIC). A Primary Concern (APC). A Secondary Concern (ASC). Important Concerns (IC). Primary Concerns (PC). Secondary Concerns (SC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
W81. Necessity. Necessities.
W82. A Necessity (AN). Some Necessities (SN).
W83. The Necessity (TN). The Necessities (TN).
And More of My Writings:
W84. Part of The Story. Parts of The Story. Part of The Stories. Parts of The Stories.
W85. An Important Part of The Story. Important Parts of The Story. An Important Part of The Stories. Important Parts of The Stories.
W86. A Non-Important Part of The Story. Non-Important Parts of The Story. A Non-Important Part of The Stories. Non-Important Parts of The Stories.
W87. The Complete Story. The Complete Stories.
W88. Part of The Picture. Parts of The Picture. Part of The Pictures. Parts of The Pictures.
W89. An Important Part of The Picture. Important Parts of The Picture. An Important Part of The Pictures. Important Parts of The Pictures.
W90. A Non-Important Part of The Picture. Non-Important Parts of The Picture. A Non-Important Part of The Pictures. Non-Important Parts of The Pictures.
W91. The Complete Picture. The Complete Pictures.
And More of My Writings:
W92. Sail. Sails. A Sail (AS). Some Sails (SS). The Sail (TS). The Sails (TS).
W93. Above Reproach (AR). Above Serious Reproach (ASR). Not Compromised (NC). Not Seriously Compromised (NSC). Not Compromising (NC). Not Seriously Compromising (NSC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And some More of My Writings:
W94. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “You might be surprised How Many Adults do Not know How to Read. And You might also be surprised How Many Adults were Never Taught How to Read.”
And More of My Writings:
W95. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “This too Will Pass,” and, “It will Get Better.” This too Will Pass (TTWP). It will Get Better (IWGB).
W96. There are 26 Letters in The English Alphabet.
W97. My. Mine. His. Her. Your. Our. Their.
And More of My Writings:
W98. Federal. The Federal (TF). Federalism. The Federalism (TF).
And More of My Writings:
In about the year 2012, a Man briefly talked to Me in My Living Room about Strains of a Certain People(s).
And More of My Writings:
One of Teddy the Dog’s Favorite Pastimes is Watching People Cut up Food, although He likes it Better when He gets to eat that Food.
An Exploration of an Invaluable, Symbiotic Discovery
I greatly enjoy being a part of multicultural organizations. My fellow members and I learn a lot. We give back to the world. And we have fun, too.
It is amazing how much we learn by being a part of multicultural organizations. We hear opinions about various sections of the Bible, such as whether or not in The Book of Job a dinosaur is alluded to, find out about the intricacies of British and French politics, and from Seranthi, a fellow member of The Open Mind, Open Heart Club Online, gain knowledge about Sri Lanka's culture, for instance, that the lighting of a traditional lamp, the Kuthu Villakkuin, starts off the New Year's celebrations there. A sizable percentage of this learning takes place during formal meetings, although an even larger amount takes place during members’ ongoing conversations with each other.
My fellow members and I are also committed to public service. We sponsor cultural awareness events and roll up our sleeves to fund-raise for iodine deficiency relief programs. We may not be able to fix all of the world's problems, but we are making a positive difference.
We make a point to have tons of fun, whether going to the East Asian Cultural Festival and listening to the pleasant, sonorous sounds of Japanese Taika drums while reading pamphlets about the Chinese Dragon Boat and Lantern Festivals or whether meeting at the annual International Cuisine Fair and sharing delicious spaghetti and a tasty enchilada, taking in freshly made popcorn's ubiquitous buttery aroma, consuming (very salty) calamari, and acquiring a newfound appreciation for the miracle of H2O or whether hosting winter and spring fêtes for the college community, where we have a great time dancing, singing, playing Trivial Pursuit, drinking Juicy Juice, and eating ice-cream, apple and pecan pie, brie, crackers, and vegetable sticks. Everyone is cordially invited to attend these activities. I disseminate information about them throughout campus, well in advance, using a combination of printed, verbal, and electronic mediums.
My active involvement with multicultural organizations is a good choice. My fellow members and I are growing intellectually, helping others, and having fun. In the years ahead, I look forward to being a continued part of these wonderful organizations.
And More of My Writings:
W99. Cost to Benefit Analysis (CTBA). Costs to Benefits Analysis (CTBA). Cost to Benefit Analyses (CTBA). Costs to Benefits Analyses (CTBA). Cost. Costs. Benefit. Benefits. The Big Picture (TBP). The Big Pictures (TBP).
I remember walking past then US Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O'Connor while I was a Student at Georgetown University, with My Laptop in its case on My Shoulder, on My way to either the Library or to a Classroom or to the Cafeteria. -- Brandon ---------- And More of My Writings: A Fact: In Switzerland, about half of the population has guns, and Switzerland has one of lowest crime rates in The World. A Bible Verse, Joshua 1:9, and Summarized: “Be Strong.” ---------- In one of My Writings, The Man slept in His Magical Sheets and Blankets. --------- A Joke that I Wrote: W100. For Most of The Day and The Night, a Woman constantly kept on Filling 7 Bowls of Water for Her Small Dog. A Man said, “I have been sitting on this couch watching TV and watching You fill Our Dog’s Bowls of Water Non-Stop for about 12 hours. You haven’t even stopped once to sit down, go to the Restroom, eat or drink. Why are you constantly filling the Dog’s Water Bowls?” And the Woman replied, “I do Not want Our Dog to have Lukewarm water,” and then She started to do Pushups. ------------ It is True: United States Supreme Court Decisions Really Affect and Shape Society Ratified on December 15, 1791, the United States Constitution's First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" ( It is my theory that the United States Supreme Court's decisions, rather than just being printed words on paper, really do affect and shape society. It has been about a year since there was machine gun fire everywhere. Trenches were covered with barb wire. Shrapnel darkened the skies. Airplanes, known then as Aero-planes, dropped bombs upon cities. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the armies of the United States, the British Empire, France, Russia, Germany, and the Austria-Hungarian Empire are dead. The year is 1919, and World War I ended a few months ago. On March 3, 1919, the United States Supreme Court decided in a conservative ruling, reflecting society's conservative world view, in Schenck versus the United States, that the freedom of expression does not extend to acts that present a clear and present danger to the United States, such as trying to disrupt military recruitment: "Words which, ordinarily and in many places, would be within the freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment may become subject to prohibition when of such a nature and used in such circumstances a to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils which Congress has a right to prevent" ( This affected society by stifling more radical ways to protest the United States Government's policies, which in turn might have led to more conservative actions on the part of politicians . Six years after Schenck versus the United States, on June 8, 1925, in Gitlow versus the United States, the United States Supreme Court, adopting a conservative view, decided that the freedom of speech again has limitations, and that "freedom of speech and of the press, as secured by the Constitution, is not an absolute right to speak or publish without responsibility whatever one may choose or an immunity for every possible use of language" (<>). Again this United States Supreme Court ruling had real-world implications for society, as people were again reminded -- and in some cases sent to jail -- that individuals cannot say or write everything they might want to. On May 18, 1931, in Stromberg versus California, the United States Supreme Court ruling upheld that states may pass laws that protect the state from the overthrow of the government, which thus helped safeguard the normal way of things: red Communist flags did not therefore fly over the state capitol buildings after coups, which had the possibility of occurring if the United States Supreme Court had decided otherwise. At the same time, the United States Supreme Court upheld that the Fourteenth Amendment, which guarantees that citizens should not be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without proper due process of the law, "nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws" (, meant that it was unconstitutional for a state to outlaw the displaying of a red flag, which during that time period could mean solidarity with Communism. Similarly, in DeJonge versus Oregon, the United States Supreme Court ruled that "the legislature may protect against abuses of the rights of free speech and assembly by dealing with the abuses; the rights themselves must not be curtailed." Far from being just words on a page, the United States Supreme Court again affected and shaped society by outlining some of the many protected freedoms of speech. For eighty-six years the law of Connecticut, reflecting society's conservative world view, stated that it was illegal to provide contraception to adults, and in 1965, in Griswold versus Connecticut, the United States Supreme Court, in a 7-2 liberal decision reflecting society's changing world view, decided that it was unconstitutional to outlaw contraception, as people have a right to "marital privacy." The United States Supreme Court ruled that the "spirit" of the First, Third, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments creates a right to privacy. The decision that people have a right to privacy under the United States Constitution helped decide Roe versus Wade, decided in 1973, in which the United States Supreme Court decided that a women's right to privacy includes having an abortion (PBS). What helped make this possible? Society in the United States of America had changed dramatically in the 1970s, and had become much more liberal than it had in the past, with Flower Power, hippies, to mention just two of the many changes, and as society changes, so do the world views of the nine justices who make up the United States Supreme Court. In addition to this ruling giving people more freedom to choose their birth control, also affected the population growth of the United States of America, which itself has economic, political, and social implications. This change to a more liberal world view, and therefore more liberal rulings, is shown in the case Cohen versus California, decided on June 7, 1971. The appellant wore a jacket stating an expletive about the military draft, and was initially found guilty of violating a California law. The United States Supreme Court decided that the First and Fourteenth Amendments allow for four letter expletives to be displayed, which again means that people have greater freedoms. The United States Supreme Court's liberal interpretation of the United States Constitution was also demonstrated in Rosebloom versus Metromedia in which it decided that "the First Amendment gives the news media a privilege to report and comment upon the official actions of public servants in full detail, without sparing from public view the reputation or privacy of an individual involved in or affected by any official action" ( This ruling has enormous implications for society, as the news media can now report, in great detail, on the activities of public officials, meaning a spot light can be shined on these public officials, which causes more accountability and greater public knowledge of what our public servants are up to. Not only was the United States Supreme Court having liberal interpretations of the United States Constitution, but the cases themselves reflected society's more liberal world view. For example, Hustler magazine published a cartoon of now deceased pastor Falwell having a drunk intimate affair with his mother in an outhouse. Could you imagine something like this being published in the 1800s, let alone the United States Supreme Court ruling then that such expression was protected under the United States Constitution? It would be nearly unthinkable for either to occur in the 1800s. But both the cartoon and the United States Supreme Court ruling that such a cartoon was protected under the United States Constitution occurred on February 24, 1988, in Hustler Magazine, Inc. versus Falwell. This ruling gave the approval for more liberal expressions, which in turn helped change society. Furthermore, on June 26, 1997, in Reno versus the American Civil Liberties Union, the United States Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to make laws regarding the transmission of data on the Internet that violate the First Amendment's guarantee of the Freedom of Speech, which therefore helped turn the faucet for more freedom of speech on the Internet, and more choices for what people in society have the option of viewing. In sum, then, the United States Supreme Court, as time progressed and as society became more liberal, issued more liberal world views. A question becomes why? The Supreme Court justices are of course members of society too, and they like many people are influenced by changing standards. For example, for many years there used to television and movie censors: swear words were not to be used, and even a husband and his wife were never to be shown sleeping in the same bed; this changed. As society became more liberal, so too did the United States Supreme Court's rulings. And this more liberal interpretation of the United States Constitution has enormous implications for society, ranging from more freedom of expression to more options about birth control to greater accountability from public officials. Works Cited PBS. Landmark Cases. <>. Supreme Court collection. <>. The U.S. Constitution online. <>. ----------- "Duck!" The Penguin in the movie Batman Returns narrowly missed getting hit by one. It comes in the colors red, orange, yellow, and green. A famous movie had its name in the title. 100 grams of it consists of about 95 grams of water. It's about the size of a heart, and if you squeeze one juice will gush out. There are two main ways to pronounce it in English. You can make it into sauce. The vegetable I'm talking about is a tomato. What is a tomato good for? A lot of things. You can make tomatoes into sauces for spaghetti and pizza. You can dice tomatoes and put them on your salad. And you can even make fried green tomatoes, which is the title of a movie. Tomatoes have great nutritional content. From the website a person learns that tomatoes offer a lot of vitamins, for example Vitamin E, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B6. Additionally, tomatoes are also loaded with lycopene, a very powerful antioxidant. The history of the tomato is interesting. There are two main theories on how tomatoes, which were native to Central and South America, came to Europe. Some people believe that Spanish Conquistador Cortez brought the tomato to Europe after conquering, in 1521, what is now Mexico City. Other people believe that Christopher Columbus, in 1493, one year after embarking on his famous journey across the Atlantic Ocean, brought the tomato to Europe. From a person learns that about 125 million tons of tomatoes were produced in the year 2008. China makes about a quarter of the output, and the state of California accounts for about 35% of world production of tomatoes. In cooler areas of the world, tomatoes are grown in greenhouses. Tomatoes reproduce by the pollination of its seeds, for example, by the aid of bees and the wind. The preparation of tomatoes is interesting. I learned that tomatoes are often picked when they are green and are then stored with the organic compound ethylene, which helps with the ripening process. I learned from that "Tomatoes ripened in this way tend to keep longer but have poorer flavor and a mealier, starchier texture than tomatoes ripened on the plant. They may be recognized by their color, which is more pink or orange than the other ripe tomatoes' deep red, depending on variety." The alternative to buying these types of tomatoes are either garden produced tomatoes, or tomatoes on the vine, which tend to have more flavor. When you buy a tomato you can either place it in room temperature or place it in the refrigerator, the former keeps the flavor better. The tomato provides a lot of good nutritional content. Furthermore, whether diced or chopped up, served as a sauce, or even thrown at a giant penguin, the tomato has a variety of uses. -------- Regarding Trees: Trees grow back. Trees should be chopped down, replanted, and used for materials. God made trees and other natural resources to be used for our betterment. -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
X1. Federalize. Federalizes. Federalizing. Federalization. Federalizations. Federalized.
And More of My Writings:
X2. Fake Accents (FA). Fake Statistics (FS). Fake Polling Numbers (FPN). Fake Numbers (FN). Fake News (FN). Fake Information (FI). Misleading. Deception. False.
X3. Truthful Accents (TA). Truthful Statistics (TS). Truthful Polling Numbers (TPN). Truthful Numbers (TN). Truthful News (TN). Truthful Information (TI). Not Misleading (NM). Not Deceptive (ND). Truthful. Truthfulness. True.
A Paraphrased Quote from US President, Theodore Roosevelt: “Patriotism means to Stand by The Country. It does not mean to stand by The President.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “There should be Expiration dates on Towels, Paper, Metals, and Bracelets.” And The Woman replied, “Why?” And The Man said, “Because in 81,000 years, those things may be turned into Dust. And We should be given a Heads Up.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman asked a Man, “Why have You put 8,001 Boots in 943 Boxes?” And The Man replied, “Our Senator said that We need Boots on The Ground in a Troubled Nation, and so I am going to Mail these Boxes in order to get Boots on the ground there.”
When Mercury is taken out of Vaccines, the percentage of Kids getting Autism (many of whom are diagnosed with Autism shortly after getting Vaccines), will almost certainly decrease. This is Common Sense and Logic. -- Brandon
The Slippery Slope Concept is Not Always a Logical Fallacy, as Many Individuals become Acclimated to Change Gradually, for better or for worse. A can lead to B, and B can lead to C, and C can lead to D. -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
X4. Group Together (GT). Grouping Together (GT). Grouped Together (GT).
X5. Not Group Together (NGT). Not Grouping Together (NGT). Not Grouped Together (NGT).
X6. An Attempt to Group Together (AATGT). An Attempt at Grouping Together (AAAGT). An Attempt to have Grouped Together (AATHGT).
X7. Not an Attempt to Group Together (NAATGT). Not an Attempt at Grouping Together (NAAAGT). Not an Attempt to have Grouped Together (NAATHGT).
X8. Disingenuous. Dishonest. Dishonestly.
X9. Not Disingenuous (ND). Honest. Honestly.
X10. Nip in The Bud (NITB). Nip in The Buds (NITB). Nips in The Bud (NITB). Nips in The Buds (NITB). Nipping in The Bud (NITB). Nipped in The Bud (NITB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
X11. Mentality. Mentalities.
X12. Mind-Set (MS). Mind-Sets (MS).
And More of My Writings:
X13. Pen Name (PN). Pen Names (PN).
And More of My Writings:
X14. The Trojan Horse (TTH). The Trojan Horses (TTH). The Lesson (TL). The Lessons (TL). Lesson. Lessons. Loyal. Loyalty. Disloyal. Disloyalty.
X15. Trojan Horse (TH). Trojan Horses (TH). The Lesson (TL). The Lessons (TL). Lesson. Lessons. Loyal. Loyalty. Disloyal. Disloyalty.
And More of My Writings:
X16. Observe. Observes. Observing. Observed. Observation. Observations.
X17. Calculate. Calculates. Calculating. Calculated. Calculation. Calculations.
And More of My Writings:
X18. Heritage. Heritages.
X19. Tradition. Traditions.
X20. Traditional. Traditionally.
X21. Loyal. Loyalty. Loyalties. Loyalist. Loyalists. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
X22. Wallflower. Wallflowers. Homebody. Homebodies.
X23. Sort of a Wallflower. Sort of Wallflowers. Sort of a Homebody. Sort of Homebodies.
X24. Sometimes a Wallflower. Sometimes Wallflowers. Sometimes a Homebody. Sometimes Homebodies.
X25. Often a Wallflower. Often Wallflowers. Often a Homebody. Often Homebodies.
And More of My Writings:
X26. Wing. Wings.
X27. The Story of The Crowns coming Out of The Water.
X28. Jesus Walking on Water.
X29. The Resurrection. The Ascension into Heaven.
X30. The Parting of The Red Sea.
X31. The Prophet Elijah going to Heaven on a Chariot of Fire.
X32. Miracle. Miracles. Biblical Miracle (BM). Biblical Miracles (BM).
X33. The Content of The Bible. The Contents of The Bible.
X34. The Content of The Scriptures. The Contents of The Scriptures.
X35. The Content of The Writings. The Contents of The Writings.
X36. The Content of. The Contents of.
X37. Faith. Faiths. Belief. Beliefs. Believe. Believes. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. Knowledge. Knowledges. Knowledgeable. Fund of Knowledge. Funds of Knowledge.
X38. A Quote from Dr. Brownstein, also known as Dr. B., “Mercury in Vaccines: a Ridiculous Practice.” And there is a Time Magazine Article entitled, “Whistleblower Claims CDC Covered Up Data Showing Vaccine-Autism Link.”
My Mother and I had a Great Time at The Moda Center (previously known as The Rose Garden) watching The Portland Thunder Indoor Football Team Play and Win Their Football Game. The Hot Dog and Nachos were Good too. -- Brandon
A Quote from Dr. Ben Carson: “We’re in the process, in this country, of giving away all of our values and principles for the sake of political correctness.”
And Here is a Quote from US President, Ronald Reagan: “Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Lobotomies, yes, literally Lobotomies, and Forced Electrical Shocks, and Forced Sterilizations, and False Diagnoses, and Nazi Death Camp Doctors -- and Their Experiments -- and other Horrific and Appalling Treatment, a History of Some Individuals within The Medical Profession. And I recommend seeing The Movies, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, and I especially recommend seeing The Movie called Changeling -- which is a true story about a Woman who knew that some Police Officers were lying to her when they tried to Pawn Off a child on Her that was Not Her Child, and then She was Falsely Diagnosed as being Crazy by Some Doctors, and She was then Awarded thousands of dollars by a Court after The News Media found out and Proclaimed The Truth -- that She was Telling The Truth -- as well as having Police Officers being Demoted for their Conspiracy. Similar things still happen, especially in Communist and Totalitarian Nations. I do Not automatically believe individuals, and I do Not automatically believe individuals just because they might tell Me that they attended college for 8 years.”
Comedian Don Rickles, also known as (aka) “The King of Insults.” And Comedian Lisa Lampanelli aka “The Queen of Mean.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
As is The Case with Many other Individuals, The Professor at a Prestigious College did Not Graduate from College, although She did attend College for 7 days, and The Professor did Not Graduate from High School, although She did attend High School for 7 days. And The Last Grade that The Professor Graduated from was Sixth Grade, with Six Years of Formal Schooling being Quite Sufficient for Her.
And More of My Writings:
And Here is a Quote from Madonna, in The Music Video called, “Die another Day”: “I’m Going to Shake up The System.”
And More of My Writings:
X39. Recuse. Recuses. Recusal. Recusals. Recusing. Recused.
X40. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Computer Animation, and Computer Graphics, and Computer Generated, and Computer Generated Hair Color, and Computer Generated Eye Color.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Man said to a guy, “Is that The New Version of The Document, or is that The Older Version?” And the guy replied, “Why should it matter if The Document is the Older or the Newer Version? Are you an Ageist?”
And More of My Writings:
X41. Communication. Communications. Privileged Communication (PC). Privileged Communications (PC). Privilege. Privileges. Privileged. Sort of Privileged (SOP).
Here is a Truthful and Wise Saying, “Choose Your Battles Wisely.”
And More of My Writings:
X42. Scenario. Scenarios. Role Play (RP). Role Plays (RP). Role Playing (RP). Role Played (RP). Likelihood. Estimated Likelihood (EL). Estimate. Estimates. Estimation. Estimations. Estimating. Estimated. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
X43. Contain. Contains. Containing. Contained. Containment. Containments. Container. Containers. Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
X44. Believer. Believers. A Believer (AB). Some Believers (SB). The Believer (TB). The Believers (TB). Believe. Believes. Believing. Believed. Belief. Beliefs. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X45. Need. Needs. Needing. Needed. Need That (NT). Need Those (NT). Needs That (NT). Needs Those (NT). Needing That (NT). Needing Those (NT). Needed That (NT). Needed Those (NT). That. Those. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X46. Structure. Structures. Structuring. Structured. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X47. Tolerant. Tolerate. Tolerates. Tolerating. Tolerated. Sort of Tolerant (SOT). Sort of Tolerate (SOT). Sort of Tolerates (SOT). Sort of Tolerating (SOT). Sort of Tolerated (SOT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X48. Supporter. Supporters. A Supporter (AS). Some Supporters (SS). The Supporter (TS). The Supporters (TS). Support. Supports. Supporting. Supported. Sort of a Supporter (SOAS). Sort of Supporters (SOS). Sort of Support (SOS). Sort of Supports (SOS). Sort of Supporting (SOS). Sort of Supported (SOS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X49. Confidential. Confidentiality. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And Some More of My Writings:
X50. Useful. Usefulness. Very Useful (VU). Extremely Useful (EU). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X51. Not Useful (NU). Non-Usefulness (NU). Not Very Useful (NVU). Not Extremely Useful (NEU). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X52. I Heard that. You Heard that. He Heard that. She Heard that. We Heard that. They Heard that. I Hear that. You Hear that. He Hears that. She Hears that. We Hear that. They Hear that. I am Hearing that. You are Hearing that. He is Hearing that. She is Hearing that. We are Hearing that. They are Hearing that. A Rumor is (ARI). A True Rumor is (ATRI). A False Rumor is (AFRI). A Sort of True Rumor is (ASOTI). A Sort of False Rumor is (ASOFRI). Perhaps. Possible. Possibly. A Possibility (AP). A Possibility is (API). Impossible. Impossibly. An Impossibility (AI). An Impossibility is (AII). Likely. Very Likely (VL). Extremely Likely (EL). Not Likely (NL). Not Very Likely (NVL). Not Extremely Likely (NEL). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X53. Where there is Smoke, there is Often Fire, and Where there is Smoke, there is Sometimes Not Fire.
X54. Family Member (FM). Family Members (FM).
A Historical Fact: For many years, The Bellamy Salute was used to salute Flags by Many People. – Brandon
And Some More of My Writings:
X55. Aware. Awareness. Very Aware (VA). Extremely Aware (EA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X56. Self-Aware (SA). Self-Awareness (SA). Very Self-Aware (VSA). Extremely Self-Aware (ESA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
X57. Advance. Advances. Advancing. Advanced. Advancement. Advancements. Not. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X58. Holding Pattern. Holding Patterns. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X59. Realm of Possibilities (ROP). Possible. Possibility. Possibilities. Impossible. Impossibility. Impossibilities. Likelihood. Estimated Likelihood (EL). Likely. Very Likely (VL). Extremely Likely (EL). Unlikely. Very Unlikely (VU). Extremely Unlikely (EU). Probable. Very Probable (VP). Extremely Probable (EP). Improbable. Very Improbable (VI). Extremely Improbable (EI). Probably. Very Probably (VP). Extremely Probably (EP). Improbably. Very Improbably (VI). Extremely Improbably (EI). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And Some More of My Writings:
X60. Realm. Realms. A Realm (AR). Some Realms (SR). The Realm of (TRO). The Realms of (TRO).
X61. In one of My Writings The Man said, “It is Rare, these Days, for Someone to Tell it like it is. And it is Relatively Rare, these Days, for Someone to Talk about Important Reality.”
Some More Information about Me:
As of 7/19/2015, I have Never had a Dental Cavity. And as of 7/19/2015, My Wisdom Teeth are the only Teeth that I do Not have, and My Wisdom Teeth were Surgically Extracted several years ago. And as of 7/19/2015, I have Never had a Broken Bone. -- Brandon
And Some More of My Writings:
X62. Jurisdiction. Jurisdictions. Jurisdictional. Jurisdictionally.
X63. Diagnose. Diagnoses. Diagnosis. Diagnosing. Diagnosed. Misdiagnose. Misdiagnoses. Misdiagnosis. Misdiagnosing. Misdiagnosed.
And More of My Writings:
X64. History. Histories. Historical. Historically.
X65. A Historical Analysis. Historical Analyses.
X66. A Historical Perspective. Historical Perspectives.
X67. Logic. Logics. Logical. Logically.
X68. A Logical Analysis. Logical Analyses.
X69. A Logical Perspective. Logical Perspectives.
X70. Common Sense (CS).
X71. A Common Sense Analysis. Common Sense Analyses.
X72. A Common Sense Perspective. Common Sense Perspectives.
And More of My Writings:
X73. Age of Innocence. Ages of Innocence.
X74. The Age of Innocence. The Ages of Innocence.
X75. Innocent. Innocence. Innocently.
And More of My Writings:
X76. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is Not My Race, and instead that is Just My Skin Color (SC). And Many Members of My Race have Different Skin Colors.”
Here is a Quote from Elvis Presley: "People think you're crazy if you talk about things they don't understand."
Here is a Quote: “Being Male is a Matter of Birth, being a Man is a Matter of Age, but being a Gentleman is a Matter of Choice.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “Don’t push that button in Our Car.” And The Woman asked, “Why?” And The Man said, “This car was a Fighter Jet before it became a Car, and that button is an Emergency Ejection Button.”
Here is a Quote from the Writer, Erica Jong: “Exceptional people are often called crazy by the ordinary world.”
And More of My Writings:
X77. An Aspect of (AAO). Some Aspects of (SAO). Aspect. Aspects. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI).
X78. A Part of (APO). Some Parts of (SPO). Part of (PO). Parts of (PO). Part. Parts. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI).
X79. A Feature of (AFO). Some Features of (SFO). Feature of (FO). Features of (FO). Feature. Features. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI).
Some Good Information about Me:
As of 7/27/2015, I have Never been Banned from any Business. And as of 7/27/2015, I have Never been Banned from any Place of Business. And as of 7/27/2015, I have Never been Banned from any Store. And as of 7/27/2015, I have Never been Banned from any Online Organization. And as of 7/27/2015, I have Never been Banned from any Non-Online Organization. And as of 7/27/2015, I have Never been Banned from any Organization. And as of 7/27/2015, I have Never been Banned from any Non-Profit Organization. And as of 7/27/2015, I have Never been Banned from any For Profit Organization. And as of 7/27/2015, I have Never been Banned from any Restaurant. And as of 7/27/2015, I have Never been Banned from any Nation.
And More of My Writings:
X80. Manifest. Manifests. Manifesting. Manifested. In that Way (ITW). In those Ways (ITW). Not in that Way (NITW). Not in those Ways (NITW). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X81. Hardwire. Hardwires. Hardwiring. Hardwired. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X82. God Given (GG). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
X83. Conscience.
X84. Conscious. Consciously. Consciousness.
X85. Clear Conscience (CC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X86. Freedom of Conscience. Freedoms of Conscience.
X87. Freedom of Belief. Freedoms of Beliefs.
X88. Conscientious Objector (CO). Conscientious Objectors (CO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X89. Objector. Objectors. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X90. Freedom of Speech. Freedoms of Speech.
X91. Limited Freedom of Speech. Limited Freedoms of Speech.
X92. Freedom of Religion. Freedoms of Religions.
X93. Limited Freedom of Religion. Limited Freedoms of Religion.
X94. Freedom. Freedoms. Limited Freedom (LF). Limited Freedoms (LF). Restricted Freedom (RF). Restricted Freedoms (RF). Limited and Restricted Freedom (LARF). Limited and Restricted Freedoms (LARF). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X95. Life. Living. Livings. Live. Lives. Lived.
X96. Right. Rights. A Real Right (ARR). The Real Rights (TRR). Real Right (RR). Real Rights (RR).
Here is a Quote from The Movie, Hearts in Atlantis: “It's funny how when you're a kid, a day can last forever. Now, all these years seem just like a blink.” And here is a Quote from the Movie, The Shining: “Some places are like people: some shine and some don’t.”
And More of My Writings:
X97. Consensus. General Consensus (GC). The Consensus (TC). The General Consensus (TGC). Seems to be (STB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X98. Believer. Believers. A Believer (AB). Some Believers (SB). Many Believers (MB). The Believer (TB). The Believers (TB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Man Yelled, “There used to be a 6,539th! This is Not a Spoof. This is Not a Parody. This is Not a Satire. This is Not a Comedy. There used to be a 6,539th! Ladies and Gentlemen, There used to be a 6,539th!”
Roddy Piper, May You Rest in Peace (RIP). You are a Great Wrestler. And You are a Great Man. – Brandon
And More of My Writings:
X99. One. Two. Three. Four. Some. Many. Some Of. Many Of. A Little Of. A Lot Of. Of. Of That (OT). Of Those (OT). The Quantity (TQ). The Quantities (TQ). The Quality (TQ). The Qualities (TQ). The Amount(s) (TA). The Percentage(s) (TP). The Estimated Amount(s) (TEA). The Estimated Percentage(s) (TEP). The Reliability (TR). The Reliabilities (TR). Reliable. Reliability. Reliabilities. Consider The Source (CTS). Consider The Sources (CTS). The Source (TS). The Sources (TS). Source. Sources. Sourcing. Sourced. Common Sense (CS). Resource. Resources. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
X100. A Person. One Person. Two People. Three People. Four People. Some People. Many People. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y1. The Advocate (TA). The Advocates (TA). An Advocate (AA). Some Advocates (SA). Advocate. Advocates. Advocating. Advocated. For. Him. Her. Them. We. Us. You. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Some Headlines around The World:
Keira Knightley Says She’s Often Mistaken for Natalie Portman and Britney Spears;
Courts Quietly Confirm MMR Vaccine Causes Autism;
Vaccine Court Awards Millions to Two Children with Autism;
Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Caused Autism;
Dr. Brownstein: “Mercury in Vaccines: A Ridiculous Practice.”
Whistleblower Claims CDC Covered Up Data Showing Vaccine-Autism Link;
New Survey Finds 52% Believe Life Begins at Conception, 66% Believe Unborn Children are People;
Ebola Virus in Africa Outbreak is a New Strain;
How Exercise Changes Our DNA;
Bellamy Salute;
And Some More Headlines Around The World:
5 Most Amazing Angels Caught on Tape;
Portrait of an INTJ;
How Computer Animation Works;
U.S. Citizenship Through Parents or by Birth;
“Once A Marine, Always A Marine”;
Allergic to all Food?
Food Allergies and Food Intolerance;
And More of My Writings:
Y2. Blown out of Proportion. Not Blown out of Proportion.
And More of My Writings:
Y3. Option A. Option B. Option C. Option D.
Y4. Response A. Response B. Response C. Response D.
Y5. Choice A. Choice B. Choice C. Choice D.
Y6. Action A. Action B. Action C. Action D.
Y7. Activity A. Activity B. Activity C. Activity D.
And Some More of My Writings:
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many People learned how to Read when They were about 11 years of age. And that is OK.”
And More of My Writings:
Y8. De Facto – That which is Reality. De Jure – That which is By Right and/or Rightfully and/or By Law and/or Officially. De Facto (DF). De Jure (DJ).
Y9. Meme. Memes. Culture. Cultures. Culturally. Mores. Tradition. Traditions. Traditional. Traditionally. Traditionalist. Traditionalists. Information. Data. Datum. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y10. Zero. Zero Amount of Times (ZAOT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y11. Yes. No. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y12. Court. Courts. The Court (TC). The Courts (TC). The Court of (TCO). The Courts of (TCO). A Court (AC). Some Courts (SC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y13. Judge. Judges. Judging. Judged. Judgment. Judgments. The. A. Some. To. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y14. Discern. Discerns. Discerning. Discerned. Discernment. Discernments. To. The. A. Some. To. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y15. In the Jurisdiction of (ITJO). In the Jurisdictions of (ITJO). The Jurisdiction of (TJO). The Jurisdictions of (TJO).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y16. The Curtain. The Curtains. Behind the Curtain. Behind the Curtains. Not Behind the Curtain. Not Behind the Curtains. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y17. The Scene. The Scenes. Behind the Scene. Behind the Scenes. Behind the Scenery. Not Behind the Scene. Not Behind the Scenes. Not Behind the Scenery. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y18. Overt. Overtly. Covert. Covertly. Secret. Secrets. Secretiveness. Secretly. Top Secret (TS). Top Secrets (TS). Top Secretiveness (TS). Top Secretly (TS). Not. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y19. Classify. Classifies. Classifying. Classified. Highly. Not Highly (NH). Classification. Classifications. The Existence. The Existence of. Signify. Signifies. Signifying. Signified. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y20. Reality. The Reality (TR). Realities. The Realities (TR). Of the Situation (OTS). Of the Situations (OTS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y21. Open. Opens. Opening. Opened. Not Open (NO). Not Opens (NO). Not Opening (NO). Not Opened (NO). Close. Closes. Closing. Closed. Not Close (NC). Not Closes (NC). Not Closing (NC). Not Closed (NC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y22. Transparent. Transparence. Transparency. Transparently. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y23. Not Transparent (NT). Non-Transparence (NT). Non-Transparency (NT). Not Transparently (NT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y24. Known. Known to Someone. Known to Some People. Known to Many People. Well-Known. Well-Known to Someone. Well-Known to Some People. Well-Known to Many People. Not. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y25. Totalitarian. Non-Totalitarian. Repressive. A Repressive Regime. Repressive Regimes. A Totalitarian Regime. Totalitarian Regimes. Non-Repressive. A Non-Repressive Regime. Non-Repressive Regimes. A Non-Totalitarian Regime. Non-Totalitarian Regimes. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y26. The Venn Diagram (TVD). The Venn Diagrams (TVD). Both. Not Both (NB). Exclusive. Not Exclusive (NE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y27. Member. Members. Membership. Memberships. Organization Member (OM). Organization Members (OM). Organization Membership (OM). Organization Memberships (OM). Organization. Organizations. Organizational. Organize. Organizes. Organizing. Organized. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y28. Accurate. Accurately. Accuracy. Estimated Accuracy (EA). Not Accurate (NA). Not Accurately (NA). Non-Accuracy (NA). Non-Estimated Accuracy (NEA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y29. Intuition. Intuitions. Intuitive. Intuitive and True (IAT). Counter Intuitive (CI). Counter Intuitive and True (CIAT). True. False. God Given (GG). God Given Intuition(s) (GGI). God Given Instinct(s) (GGI). Natural. Naturals. Naturally. Unnatural. Unnaturally. Wholesome. Wholesomeness. Unwholesome. Unwholesomeness. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote: “Nothing strengthens our love for others, as our prayer for them.”
And More of My Writings:
Y30. Making a Mound out of a Mole Hill. Not Making a Mound out of a Mole Hill. Making a Big Deal out of Nothing. Not Making a Big Deal out of Nothing. Making a Big Deal out of Basically Nothing of Real Importance. Not Making a Big Deal out of Basically Nothing of Real Importance. Exaggerate. Exaggeration. Not Exaggerate. Not an Exaggeration. Extremely Exaggerate. Extreme Exaggeration. Not Extremely Exaggerate. Not an Extreme Exaggeration. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y31. Supernatural. Supernaturally. Not Supernatural (NS). Not Supernaturally (NS). The Bible (TB). Biblical. Biblically. Not The Bible (NTB). Not Biblical (NB). Not Biblically (NB). Spiritual. Spirituality. Not Spiritual (NS). Not Spirituality (NS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y32. Pure. Purity. Purities. Purely. Purify. Purifies. Purifying. Purified. Purification. Purifications. The. A. Some. Many. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y33. Clean. Cleans. Cleaning. Cleaned. Cleaner. Cleaners. Cleanse. Cleanses. Cleansing. Cleansed. The. A. Some. Many. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y34. Precedence. A Precedence. An Important Precedence. A Very Important Precedence. An Extremely Important Precedence. Non-Precedence. Not a Precedence. Not an Important Precedence. Not a Very Important Precedence. Not an Extremely Important Precedence. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y35. Real Precedence. A Real Precedence. An Important Real Precedence. A Very Important Real Precedence. An Extremely Important Real Precedence. Not a Real Precedence. Not an Important Real Precedence. Not a Very Important Real Precedence. Not an Extremely Important Real Precedence. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y36. Precedent. A Precedent. An Important Precedent. A Very Important Precedent. An Extremely Important Precedent. Non- Precedent. Not a Very Important Precedent. Not an Extremely Important Precedent. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y37. Real Precedent. A Real Precedent. An Important Real Precedent. A Very Important Real Precedent. An Extremely Important Real Precedent. Not a Real Precedent. Not an Important Real Precedent. Not a Very Important Real Precedent. Not an Extremely Important Real Precedent. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man thought to Himself, “I do Not Believe that Person is a Member of that Organization.”
And More of My Writings:
Y38. Complicate. Complicates. Complicating. Complicated. Complication. Complications. More Complicated than that (MCTT). Not Complicate (NC). Not Complicates (NC). Not Complicating (NC). Not Complicated (NC). Non-Complication (NC). Non-Complications (NC). Not More Complicated than that (NMCTT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y39. Easy. Easily. Not Easy (NE). Not Easily (NE). More Easy than that (METT). Not More Easy than that (NMETT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y40. As the often Truthful Saying States, “One Hand Washes the Other Hand.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Paraphrased, and Truthful, Saying: “If you have a Family that loves you, a few good Friends, Food on Your Table, and a Roof over Your Head, You are Richer than You may Think.”
And More of My Writings:
Y41. A Form of (AFO). Some Forms of (SFO). The Forms of (TFO). A Type of (ATO). Some Types of (STO). The Types of (TTO). (A) (The) Form. (A) (The) (Some) Forms. (A) (The) Formation. (A) (The) (Some) Formations. (A) (The) Type. (A) (The) (Some) Types.
And More of My Writings:
Y42. Agenda. Agendas. (On) The Agenda ((O)TA). (On) The Agendas ((O)TA). (On) an Agenda ((O)AA). (On) Some Agendas ((O)SA). Not. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y43. Perspective. Perspectives. From the Perspective of (FTPO). From the Perspectives of (FTPO). The Perspective (TP). The Perspectives (TP). A Perspective (AP). Some Perspectives (SP). A Sense of Perspective (ASOP). A Sense of Perspective about (ASOPA). A Sense of (ASO). Senses of (SO). The Sense (TS). The Senses (TS). A Sense (AS). Some Senses (SS). A Sense of Balance (ASOB). Some Senses of Balance (SSOB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y44. A Breath of Fresh Air (ABOFA). Some Breaths of Fresh Air (SBOFA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y45. A Part (AP). A Part of (APO). One Part of (OPO). Some Parts of (SPO). The Part of (TPO). The Parts of (TPO). An Important Part (AIP). An Important Part of (AIPO). One Important Part of (OIPO). Some Important Parts of (SIPO). The Important Part of (TIPO). The Important Parts of (TIPO). A Very Important Part (AVIP). A Very Important Part of (AVIPO). One Very Important Part of (OVIPO). Some Very Important Parts of (SVIPO). The Very Important Part of (TVIPO). The Very Important Parts of (TVIPO). An Extremely Important Part (AEIP). An Extremely Important Part of (AEIPO). One Extremely Important Part of (OEIPO). Some Extremely Important Parts of (SEIPO). The Extremely Important Part of (TEIPO). The Extremely Important Parts of (TEIPO). Component. Components. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y46. Not a Part (NAP). Not a Part of (NAPO). Not One Part of (NOPO). Not Some Parts of (NSPO). Not The Part of (NTPO). Not The Parts of (NTPO). Not an Important Part (NAIP). Not an Important Part of (NAIPO). Not One Important Part of (NOIPO). Not Some Important Parts of (NSIPO). Not The Important Part of (NTIPO). Not The Important Parts of (NTIPO). Not a Very Important Part (NAVIP). Not a Very Important Part of (NAVIPO). Not One Very Important Part of (NOVIPO). Not Some Very Important Parts of (NSVIPO). Not The Very Important Part of (NTVIPO). Not The Very Important Parts of (NTVIPO). Not an Extremely Important Part (NAEIP). Not an Extremely Important Part of (NAEIPO). Not One Extremely Important Part of (NOEIPO). Not Some Extremely Important Parts of (NSEIPO). Not The Extremely Important Part of (NTEIPO). Not The Extremely Important Parts of (NTEIPO). Component. Components. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y47. A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing. False Flag (FF). False Flags (FF). False Flag Operation (FFO). False Flag Operations (FFO). False Uniform. False Uniforms. Someone pretending to be a Member of an Organization. Someone pretending to be a Member of Organizations. People pretending to be Members of an Organization. People pretending to be Members of Organizations. Deceive. Deceives. Deceiving. Deceived. Deception. Deceptively. Trick. Tricks. Tricking. Trickery. Tricked. An Attempt to (AAT). Attempts to (AT). By that Person (BTP). Not by that Person (NBTP). Not. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y48. Mutate. Mutates. Mutation. Mutations. Mutating. Mutated. Mutant. Mutants. Mutability. Mutabilities. Change. Changes. Changing. Changed. Changeling. Changelings. Changeability. Changeabilities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y49. In all these Years that Has Never Happened (IATYTHNH). In all these Years that Has Never Happened Before (IATYTHNHB). In all these Years (IATY). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y50. From this Year to this Year. From Here to Here. From this Day to this Day. From this Date to this Date. From This to That. From this Age to this Age. On this Day. During this Year. During this Age. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y51. A Word (AW). Some Words (SW). A Sentence (AS). Some Sentences (SS). A Definition (AD). Some Definitions (SD). A Term (AT). Some Terms (ST). A Vocabulary (AV). Some Vocabularies (SV). A Picture (AP). Some Pictures (SP). A Symbol (AS). Some Symbols (SS). An Image (AI). Some Images (SI). A Metaphor (AM). Some Metaphors (SM). A Terminology (AT). Some Terminologies (ST). A Phrase (AP). Some Phrases (SP). A Slogan (AS). Some Slogans (SS). A Belief (AB). Some Beliefs (SB). A Thought (AT). Some Thoughts (ST). A Fact (AF). Some Facts (SF). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
Massages for Dishes, Silverware, and Glasses, and an attempt to Teach them how to Read and Write, and Putting Sunglasses and Hats on them because, “We do Not want them to get Sunburnt.”
And another Joke that I Wrote: A Man said to a Woman, “Lots of our Stuff goes Missing after We Leave them in the car. Do you think that Our Car is Stealing Our Possessions?” And the Woman laughed and said, “No, that is a Ridiculous thing to think.” Later on, in the Garage, The Car said aloud, “They are on to us.” And then a Raccoon Figurine, a Hose, and a Rake all said, “Tell Me about it.”
And More of My Writings:
Y52. Impostor. Impostors. Not an Impostor (NAI). Not Impostors (NI). Traitor. Traitors. Not a Traitor (NAT). Not Traitors (NT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y53. A Hoax (AH). Some Hoaxes (SH). Hoax. Hoaxes. The Real Deal (TRD). The Real Deals (TRD). Real. Reality. Not a Hoax (NAH). Not Some Hoaxes (NSH). Not the Real Deal (NTRD). Not the Real Deals (NTRD). Not Real (NR). Not Reality (NR). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
May you have a Happy Cousins Day. – Brandon
And More of My Writings:
Y54. The Plant (TP). The Plants (TP). Plant. Plants. Planting. Planted. Stage. Stages. Staging. Staged. A Plant can refer to either a Person or a Thing -- for example, A Plant can refer to a Person who was told to say or do something.
And More of My Writings:
Y55. Simply. Simple. Simplify. Simplification. Over Simplification (OS). Over Simplifications (OS). Complicate. Complicates. Complicating. Complicated. Complication. Complications. Over Complication (OC). Over Complications (OC). Just Right (JR). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y56. Safety. Safeties. Safety Net (SN). Safety Nets (SN). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y57. Conflict. Conflicts. A Conflict (AC). Some Conflicts (SC). A Minor Conflict (AMC). Some Minor Conflicts (SMC). A Major Conflict (AMC). Some Major Conflicts (SMC). Ongoing. Ended. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Y58. Sustain. Sustains. Sustainable. Sustainability. Not Sustain (NS). Not Sustains (NS). Not Sustainable (NS). Non-Sustainability (NS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
There are Different Skill Sets. Some People are Good at Certain Things. And I have had two different College History Professors tell the Class that they -- the History Professors who spoke to the Class -- are Not Very Good at Mathematics. And I do Know that They are Good at History and Memorization.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man said to a Woman, “I am Forever in Your Debt for that.” And The Woman replied, “I hope that You mean that Literally, because in 8 Trillion Years and Beyond, You will Still be in My Debt for that.”
A guy said to a Man, “Tell Me more about that. Take as much time as You want.” And The Man replied, “Do you have a Month to Listen?” And then The Man began talking Non-Stop to the guy for a Month.”
A Woman asked a Man, “What Time do You want Me to Wake You Up?” And The Man replied, “Whatever Time is Best for You.” And The Woman said, “OK.” And The Man went to Sleep at 11:08 p.m., and at 11:09 p.m. The Woman, while Banging Pots and Pans and Knocking at His Door Yelled, “It’s Time to Get Up Sleepy Head.”
A Joke that I Wrote: A Man said to a Woman, “Don’t worry, that guy won’t be Stunned for too Long about that.” And The Woman replied, “He has Broad Shoulders then?” And The Man replied, “Yes, and I mean that Literally, as each of His Shoulders are 88 Feet Long.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person does Not Speak for Me. And That Person does Not Speak for US. And Those People do Not Speak for Me. And Those People do Not Speak for US.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Comedian made a Big Deal that there was a small Paperclip on a Big Table, saying, “What are You Up to?! Why are You Cluttering My Table with this Paperclip?! What is Your Agenda by doing this?!”
A Man said to a Woman, “You always have a Friend with a Book.” And The Woman then said to a Book, “Book, are You My Friend? Why aren’t You Talking, Book? What is Wrong? Book, are You Upset with Me? Why aren’t You Speaking to Me Book? I thought that We were Friends.”
Paramedics came into a House and started Examining a Person, while saying, “We have Our Ears Metaphorically to The Ground, and We Heard through the Grapevine, actually more by Word of Mouth, that either Your Belly was Growling, or else Your Chair was Creaking, and We Need to get to the Bottom of This.”
A Man said to a Woman, “Would you like to read a Good Book?” And The Woman replied, “Why Yes, I would.” And The Man said, “Here you go, and it has Your Name on it, and I mean that Literally.” And then the Man began to Write the Woman’s Name on the Book.
A Man said to a Woman, “I’m going to the Gym to Workout.” And the Woman said, “Will You Exercise for Me too?” And The Man said, “OK.” At The Gym, The Man went on a Treadmill, and then the Woman, who was sitting on a Couch watching Television, Began to Very Visibly Lose Weight. And When The Man lifted Weights at the Gym, The Woman Very Visibly began to Grow Large Muscles on Her Arms.
A Woman began a Comical Interrogation of a Chair, asking if The Chair knew where Her Husband went to.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Joke: There were Candy Bar and Soda Cops – Police Officers whose Jobs are Just to Make sure that People Eat Candy Bars and Drink Soda, and They asked People, “Have You ate Your Candy Bar Today? And Have you Drank Your Soda also?”
A Man kept on Opening a Refrigerator to See if the Light Went Off when the Door Closed – to No Avail.
A Man and a Woman were Both in a Huge Hurry to Eat Canned Food that Have Expiration Dates 3 Years from Now.
A Homemaker Fires Herself from Washing Dishes and doing other Work, and She Demotes Herself to only Changing the Television Channel Changer’s Batteries when They Need to be Changed about every 2 years.
A Man gives a guy a Candy Bar, and the guy throws the candy bar down on the ground, and He yells, “What is this? I wanted to eat 100 Candy Bars so that I could grow to be 89 Feet Tall!”
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Kid asked for a Pay Raise from His Parents of 88 Trillion Dollars for every Homework Assignment that He does, and then He asked Them, “Or do You think that is Too Excessive?”
And Some More of My Writings:
Y59. Test. Tests. Testing. Tested. Test Market (TM). Test Markets (TM). Market. Markets. Marketing. Marketed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man asked a Woman, “Can I have one of those Cookies that You Made?” And The Woman replied, “Today is Thursday, and Thursdays are Non-Sharing Days.”
A Man and a Woman both got Microscopes and other Scientific Equipment to see if there were any Bread Crumbs on Their Carpet.
A Joke that I Wrote: A Man got Very Close to a guy, and the guy yelled, “Get out of My Personal Space!” And The Man replied, “Have You got Ownership Papers for Your Personal Space? Do You have a Receipt for Your Personal Space?”
I learned from a Family Member (FM) that the Baptismal Outfit that I wore for My Baptism was the same one worn by My Uncle Perry and Grandpa Ted for their Baptisms.
There was a Big Umbrella where about 8 to about 800 People could get Under it.
Some Jokes that I Wrote: A Person thought that Calamari, because it came from Squid, could be used to Make Ink.
A Woman said to a guy, and this is My Husband. And the guy replied, “No one is sitting there.” And The Woman said, “My Husband is Invisible today.”
A Man began smelling about a Dozen Roses outside, and a Woman yelled, “I did Not mean it literally when I told You to Stop and Smell the Roses.”
A Man was Carrying Pots and Pans to a Party, with many Pots and Pans strapped to His Body by Ropes, and a Woman asked Him, “Why are you carrying all these Pots and Pans?” And The Man Replied, “For Entertainment Purposes in addition to the Fact that these Pots and Pans hide the Grape Juice Stains on My Clothing.”
A Joke that I Wrote: A Woman said to a Man, “You only weigh 1,200 Pounds. You should gain 800 more Pounds so that You are Not Blown away by the Wind. And, while You’re at it, You should grow 21 More Feet Taller.”
I had a Great Time with Family and Friends at a Church Service today. – Brandon
And Some More of My Writings:
A Paraphrased and Often Truthful saying is, “Where there is No Harm there is often No Foul.” Aka, “No Harm, No Foul.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man said to another Man, “You better Belly up to that Soda Fountain.”
A Man said to a Woman, “I’ll be ready in 2 minutes.” And The Woman said, “I have My Stopwatch going right now, and if it is even a nanosecond more than 2 minutes, You are in Big Trouble, Mister.”
Regarding someone saying, in response to a Question about how his day went, that He was Voting for a Presidential Candidate that would seek to Peacefully Eliminate all Nuclear Weapons around the World, a Man said, “What has that got to do with the Price of Fish?” And a guy started talking about how that affected the Price of Fish, before The Man said, “I did Not mean that Literally when I asked what that has to do with the Price of Fish.”
A Man said, “I guess I’ll have a piece of cheese. I haven’t had any today.” And a guy jumped up and down and yelled at Him, “That’s Not True! That’s Not True! 23 and a Half Hours ago you ate Cottage Cheese. Don’t You Remember?! Don’t You Remember!? What’s Wrong with You?!”
A Man got a Very Hard Question Right on a Game Show, and a guy said, “I would have gotten that Question Right if I wasn’t preoccupied in thinking about Me Spilling Milk that one day 18 years ago.”
Many People began to Write in to Their Lawmakers to Proclaim September 7th a Legal Holiday in Recognition of both The Importance of Proper Food Digestion and The Ability to Read.
I remember watching on Cable Television a Famous Comedian who had Pictures of President Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, and The Comedian took away the Beard on the Picture of Abraham Lincoln, and Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis then looked almost Identical. – Brandon
As The End Result of The US Civil War Demonstrated, the Fifty States that Comprise The United States, in addition to The Federal Government, are in an Unbreakable Pact: No State can Really Leave, and No State can Really be Kicked Out. There is No Real Exit Clause. And that is OK.
There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including Soul Man, the Star Trek Movies, Minority Report, Hearts in Atlantis, Fatherland, Pearl Harbor, Changeling, The Shining, Chain Reaction, The Silence of The Lambs, Hannibal, The Sum of All Fears, The Godfather Movies, The Lord of The Rings Movies, The Matrix Movies, The Gremlins Movies, Casablanca, The Terminator Movies, The Alien Movies, The Star Wars Movies, Amadeus, Basic Instinct, The Naked Gun Comedy Movies, The Ten Commandments, Noah, L.A. Confidential, The Indiana Jones Movies, Gladiator, Good Will Hunting, A Beautiful Mind, Fargo, The Sixth Sense, The Net, Million Dollar Baby, The Wizard of Oz, Twelve Monkeys, The Jurassic Park Movies, World War Z, The Truman Show, ET: The Extra-Terrestrial, WarGames, Elizabeth and Elizabeth: The Golden Age, The Poltergeist Movies, The Village, The Omen Movies, The Good Shepherd, Brave New World, Dave, The Imitation Game, The X-Men Movies, The Graduate, Outbreak, Enemy at The Gates, Quiz Show, Alexander, The Rocky Movies, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, I, Robot, The Man Who Would be King, The Passion of The Christ, Ghost, The Bourne Movies, and Point of No Return.
One of My Family Members (FM) told Me that another Family Member had an Extremely Bad Reaction to some Blonde Hair Dye.
Some More of My Writings:
Y60. With a Grain of Salt. With Grains of Salt.
Y61. With a Grain of Salt (WAGOS). With Grains of Salt (WGOS).
Y62. Hive. Hives. The Hive. The Hives. A Hive. Some Hives.
Y63. Hive. Hives. The Hive (TH). The Hives (TH). A Hive (AH). Some Hives (SH).
Y64. This is what about 12 Years of School consisted of, in part, for Many other Individuals, and Me, until Our High School Graduations: From about ages 6 to 18, about every Monday through Friday wake up at about Seven in the Morning and go to school from about Eight in the Morning until about Three in the Afternoon, for about 180 days a year, for about 12 Years, complete with Schoolwork, Homework, Tests, Grades, Graduation Requirements (GR), and Extracurricular Activities.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
At a Restaurant, A Man asked a Waitress why the Children’s Menu Prices were about 800 Times More than the Comparable Adult Meal Prices, and He was told by the Waitress, “Because of the Wear and Tear on the Children’s High Chairs.”
A Man said to a guy, “There are Four VIPs Here.” And the guy asked, “Who?” And The Man replied, “This Very Important Paddle, and this Very Important Puddle, and also this Very Important Puzzle, and this Very Important Pizza.”
There were Very Comical Wrong Voices for when People Spoke.
A Man said to a Woman at The Dinner Table, “Louise, you need a Bigger Folder for Your Paperwork.” And Louise replied, “I have a Bigger Folder. Come outside with Me to see it.” And They went outside, and on The Lawn was a Gigantic Folder that was about 80 Feet Long and about 80 Feet Wide.
And More of My Writings:
Y65. Point of Reference. Points of Reference. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y66. Device. Devices. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y67. Medicine. Medicines. Medication. Medications. Medicated. Medical. Medicals. Medically. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y68. Genetically Engineered. Genetic Engineering. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y69. Accurate. Accurately. Inaccurate. Inaccurately. Not Accurate (NA). Not Accurately (NA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y70. Categorize. Categorizes. Categorization. Categorizations. Categorized. Categorical. Categorically. Miscategorize. Miscategorizes. Miscategorization. Miscategorizations. Miscategorized. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y71. Label. Labels. Labeling. Labeled. Mislabel. Mislabels. Mislabeling. Mislabeled. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y72. Accurate. Accurately. Inaccurate. Inaccurately. Not Accurate (NA). Not Accurately (NA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y73. Red Flag (RF). Red Flags (RF). Red Flag Warning (RFW). Red Flag Warnings (RFW). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y74. Here are some Often Truthful, and Paraphrased, sayings: “Let Sleeping Dogs Sleep,” “Do Not Disturb,” “Intervene at Your Own Risk,” and “Intervene at Your Own Peril.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
A Man said to a Woman, “That Food really Hit the Spot.” And The Woman asked, “What Spot?! What Spot are You Talking about?! What Spot did that Food Hit?!”
Today I had a Great Time going to Church Services and eating at a Restaurant with Family and Friends. -- Brandon
One of My Cousins won The Miss Oregon USA Beauty Pageant. -- Brandon
I had a Great Time Fishing with My Grandpa Today: We Caught a Fish. And I was The Netter. – Brandon
And More of My Writings:
Y75. Net. Nets. The Net (TN). The Nets (TN). A Net (AN). Some Nets (SN).
Y76. Netter. Netters. The Netter (TN). The Netters (TN). A Netter (AN). Some Netters (SN).
Y77. Fisher. Fishers. The Fisher (TF). The Fishers (TF). A Fisher (AF). Some Fishers (SF).
Y78. Fisherman. Fishermen. The Fisherman (TF). The Fishermen (TF). A Fisherman (AF). Some Fishermen (SF).
Many People try to Rationalize Things that should Not be Rationalized. Thing A is Thing A. One Plus One Equals Two. Thing A is Not Thing B. One Plus One does Not Equal Eight. Right is Right. Wrong is Wrong. Good Morals do Not Change. Truth does Not Change. It does Not matter what supposed Opinion Polls say. Good Morality does Not Change. A Law may state that You cannot Pray to God and/or You cannot Read the Bible, and such a Law should Just be Ignored. An Abomination is an Abomination. A Grave Sin is a Grave Sin. A Serious Sin is a Serious Sin. Under the Guise of Toleration, some Individuals have tried to make other Individuals do Immoral Things that also contradict God’s Law. Jury Nullification (JN) is a Real Concept -- it is when a Juror finds a Law Immoral, and therefore finds the Person Innocent. God’s Law Trumps Man’s Law. God is Perfect. And Humans are Not Perfect. Humans are Imperfect. And that is OK.
Y79. And More of My Writings:
Some things are better expressed in Written Form, while others things are better expressed Verbally. An example of something that may be better expressed in Written Form is when someone asks, “What is your Brother’s name again?” If the Person has more than one Brother, someone may think that they are referring to more than one Brother, when the Person really just wanted the name of one Brother, and the Person who was asked may have missed the subtle verbal clue of the singular tenses throughout the Question, such as Is instead of Are, and Name instead of Names. On the Flipside, when someone reads something, and the Writer is Not Present, then Questions may Not be answered in a Timely Manner; whereas when someone talks Verbally, then Questions about the Subject Matter can often be Answered more Quickly, and there is sometimes less Confusion. – Brandon
And More of My Writings:
Y80. The Blindspot (TB). The Blindspots (TB). A Blindspot (AB). Some Blindspots (SB). Blindspot – an area someone cannot see. Blindspots – some areas someone cannot see. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y81. Realist. The Realist (TR). The Realists (TR). A Realist (AR). Some Realists (SR). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
In The Presidential Election, a Televised Debate consisted of only One Candidate who was in a Fierce debate with Himself, complete with arguing with Himself aloud.
Men and Women wearing and carrying Equipment said to a Woman, “We heard that You have a Text Message on Your Cellphone that You do Not want to Erase, and by Court Order you Must Erase that Text Message, as it can Clog up Your Cellphone. This Equipment will Unclog Your Cellphone by erasing that Text Message. This is for Your Own Good, as well as for the The Good of Society.”
I had a Great Time visiting with Family and Friends in Central Oregon for about 3 weeks. We also had a Great Time at the Oregon Oktoberfest at Mount Angel. – Brandon
Many Individuals have Written Fables, and Many Individuals have Written Parables. A Fable often involves Animals and/or Objects as characters in the story, and a Parable often involves People as characters in the story.
Many Individuals believe in the Existence of ESP -- Extra-Sensory Perception, which is also often known as a Sixth Sense.
The Mysterious Paper:
A Man remarked how there were plenty of Resources, such as Metals and Electronics, to make Space Ships, and other things, although there is Not enough Money to make those Space Ships and other things. A Child then said, “Why Not chop down more trees and make more money with the paper from the Trees? Money is basically just paper made from Trees.” – Brandon
Some More of My Writings:
Y82. At this Point. At these Points. At this Point in Time. At these Points of Time. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y83. At that Point. At those Points. At that Point of Time. At those Points of Time. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y84. True. Truly. Truth. Truthful. Truthfully. Truthfulness. Untrue. Untruthful. Untruthfulness. Untruthfulness. Not True (NT). Not Truly (NT). Not the Truth (NTT). Not Truthfully (NT). Non-Truthfulness (NT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y85. Literate. Literates. Literacy. Literature. Literatures. Illiterate. Illiterates. Illiteracy. Not Literate (NL). Non-Literates (NL). The Ability to Read. The Abilities to Read. The Inability to Read. The Inabilities to Read. At this Age (ATA). At these Ages (ATA). Not at this Age (NATA). Not at these Ages (NATA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y86. Intent. Intents. Good Intent (GI). Good Intents (GI). Bad Intent (BI). Bad Intents (BI). Neutral Intent (NI). Neutral Intents (NI). Intentional. Intentionally. Unintentional. Unintentionally. Not Intentional (NI). Not Intentionally (NI). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man wore a Huge Wig, and a Woman asked, “Why are You wearing such a Huge Wig?” And The Man replied, “I was told that I was a Big Wig, and I wanted to make that statement as close to being an Honest Statement as possible.”
At a Grocery Store, a guy asked a Man, “How much does that Toothbrush cost that’s in Your Cart?” And The Man replied, “About 2 Dollars.” And the guy jumped up and down and yelled, “About 2 Dollars?! I have the Price Guide Right Here. It cost one dollar and ninety nine cents. Not about 2 Dollars!!!! Be Honest!!!!”
While in His Car, The Man said aloud, “Sorry Purple Automobile for making Fun of You.”
The Man, while touching His own Bare Arms, said to a Woman, “Don’t be Alarmed, I am just Testing the Smoke Alarm.”
A Man was called onstage to Get The Best Hugging Award, as well as The Best Smooching Award.
A guy told a Woman, “I only got 5 out of 6 numbers right on a Lottery Ticket. So I threw it away. It would only be worth about 6 million dollars. I’m going out to lunch. Can I borrow 10 dollars for Lunch?”
A Man went inside His House, and there was only a Kitchen Sink in His House. And The Man said to a Woman, “I did Not mean it literally for You to pack everything but the Kitchen Sink for our Vacation.”
The Mother tucked Her Child into Bed, and She said to Him, “Goodnight. And I don’t want to Hear a Peep from You tonight.” And then The Child said, “Peep. Peep. Peep. Peep.”
A Man asked a Woman, “Do you have a Fly Swatter in this House?” And The Woman replied, “We have the Natural Alternatives to Fly Swatters here.” And The Man asked, “What are the Natural Alternatives?” And The Woman replied, “Cob Webs and Spiders.”
A Joke that I Wrote: Mom said to Ted the Dog, “Read Your Bone, Ted.” And Ted said aloud, “If I could read My Bone, instead of Just Eating it, I would be Literate. Think how much a Literate Dog could bring in. But what do I know? All I can do is Speak aloud.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man said to a Woman, “I ate 382 Pieces of Pizza.” And the Woman asked, “What?! Is that in Your whole Lifetime? Or is there a Typo in what You just said?” And The Man replied, “I ate them about an hour ago at a Pizza Parlor. Each of the Pieces of Pizza were about 1/9 of an inch long, and about 1/8 of an inch wide. They were cut by Lasers.”
The Man said to a Woman, “I’m as Happy as a Clam.” And The Woman then got some Clams from Her Freezer, and She asked them, “Clams, are You Happy?! Are you Happy Clams?! You are Frozen through and through from being in the Freezer, and so I don’t think that You’re Happy.”
A Joke that I Wrote: What’s the Point of The Toothpicks that are often Vertically Placed in Our Club Sandwiches at Restaurants? Are the Toothpicks there in an attempt to hold the Sandwiches together, or are they attempts to Impale the Sandwiches before they are devoured by Us? Did Vlad the Impaler create Club Sandwiches?
A Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to His Mother, “I will Miss You when I go on a Vacation.” And His Mother said, “I will Miss You too.” And The Man replied, “And I will Miss Myself too when I go on Vacation.” And The Mother said, “What do You mean that You’ll Miss Yourself too?” And The Man replied, “I am sending My Clone on Vacation, and I’ll be hiding out in the Attic for 12 days.”
A Joke that I Wrote: The Man bought groceries, and The Cashier said, “Oh, I almost Forgot, here is Your Expiration Date Guide for the Yogurt that You bought.” And The Cashier handed Him a Very Big Book. And The Man said, “Aren’t the Expiration dates on The Yogurt?” And The Cashier replied, “Yes, although this Book recommends looking at approximately 93,000 different sections of each yogurt, and each section has its own expiration date.” And The Man said, “Each Yogurt has been divided into about 93,000 Sections in this Book?! By the time that I look at all 93,000 Sections of Yogurt, all the Yogurt will have gone bad by then.” And The Cashier replied, “Ok.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
Why do Some Doughnuts have Holes in Their Centers? Is this an Attempt to Make the Doughnuts lose some Weight? Or can Doughnuts also be used as Eyeglasses?
A Joke that I Wrote: The Spaghetti yelled, “Stop! I don’t want to have Sauce on Top of Me!”
A Joke that I Wrote:
Mom said, “Ted, Carry that Drink to Brandon.” And Ted the Dog said, “I would if I could; however, I do Not have Opposable Thumbs.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Woman behind a Fair Booth said something Very Controversial about Modern Day Politics to a Man, and The Man replied, “Well, I believe that Giraffes, Rhinos, and Water Buffaloes should Wear Hats, and, with Broom Handles in their Mouths, should sweep up Trash on the Roads.”
An Often Truthful saying about Some Things is, “The Apple does Not Fall far from The Tree.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Man thought that a High School’s Mock Trial involved Mocking People during Trials, and, when He attended a High School’s Mock Trial, He got up during the Trial, and He Yelled, “Where is The Mocking? Why aren’t You guys making Fun of Each Other? This is a Mock Trial isn’t it?”
Another Joke that I Wrote: The Dream Team soon became The Self-Made Nightmare Team.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
Ted the Dog said, “I heard there’s a Party going on around here. Where’s The Party?”
The Man said, “I have to Recharge My Paper, My Paperclips, and My Pants, or else they won’t Work.”
A Joke that I Wrote: Mom said, “I am going to Park in a Shady place and leave the Air Conditioning on, Ted, while You briefly stay in the Car with Brandon.” And Ted the Dog said, “Mom, I don’t want to stay in a Shady Place, as Shady things may Happen there.” And Mom replied, “By Shady, I mean a Place with a Tree that causes Shade.” And Ted said, “Oh, I thought that You meant Shady as in Questionable. Ok, I understand now.”
The Man said, “That is a Hopethetical Question.” And a guy replied, “You mean that it is a Hypothetical Question, right?” And The Man said, “No, it is a Hopethetical Question, as it may or may Not give Hope.”
Some of My Writings:
Y87. Hypothetical. Hypothetically. Not Hypothetical (NH). Not Hypothetically (NH). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y88. Interconnect. Interconnects. Interconnecting. Interconnected. Interconnectedness. Interconnectivity. Interconnecting System(s) (IS). Interconnected System(s) (IS). Not. Not a (NA). Not an (NA). Not the (NT). Not those (NT). A. An. The. Those. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y89. Fluid. Fluids. Fluidic. Fluid Intelligence(s) (FI). Crystallized Intelligence(s) (CI). Verbal. Verbally. Non-Verbal (NV). Non-Verbally (NV). Verbal Intelligence(s) (VI). Non-Verbal Intelligence(s) (NVI). Intelligence. Intelligences. Intelligence(s). A Type of Intelligence (ATOI). Types of Intelligence (TOI). Knowledge. Knowledges. Knowledgeable. Knowledgeability. Know How (KH). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y90. Isolated Incident (II). Isolated Incidents (II). Not an Isolated Incident (NAII). Not Isolated Incidents (NII). Pretty Much (PM). Basically. Approximately. About. Not Pretty Much (NPM). Not Basically (NB). Not Approximately (NA). Not About (NA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y91. Distort. Distorts. Distorting. Distorted. Distortion. Distortions. Not. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y92. Represent. Represents. Representing. Represented. Representation. Representations. Misrepresent. Misrepresents. Misrepresenting. Misrepresented. Misrepresentation. Misrepresentations. A Good Representation. Good Representations. A Bad Representation. Bad Representations. A Neutral Representation. Neutral Representations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Man said to a Woman: "I beg Your Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaardoooooooooooooooooooon?"
A Joke that I Wrote:
In the 1700s, a Man took out a cell phone, and then sirens sounded, and a Man on an Intercom said, “This is an Anachronism Alert! Today is March 18, 1781, and cell phones have yet to be officially invented, and yet a Man has one. Please turn on Your Computers and Televisions for More Information about this Anachronism Alert.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Man asked a Woman, “What’s the Temperature Outside?” And The Woman replied, “The 60s.” And The Man said, “We are in the 1960s? Was there a Time Warp? Should I get My Disco Shoes on? Who do You think will Win The Cold War? Or will it sort of End in a Tie?”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
Ted the Dog said, “Where are you going when You’re Walking on that Treadmill?”
Ted the Dog said, “Where’s My Mail?”
A Man said to a Woman, “Why are you wearing Your Left Shoe on Your Right Foot, and Your Right Shoe on Your Left Foot?” And The Woman replied, “I want to see if this arrangement will Magically take Me to a Box full of Buried Gold Coins.”
A Man said to a Woman, “Well, We can’t go there unless We get 33 different Driving Licenses, as that route goes through 33 Different United States Cities, and each City requires its own Driving License.”
There were two pieces of Mail, and a Man repeatedly reshuffled the Mail about a Dozen Times, and He said to His Roommate, “I’m repeatedly looking at the Names on the Letters to see if You have a Letter, in case I caught a Case of Seasonal Dyslexia.”
And More of My Writings:
Y93. Vowel(s). Consonant(s). Number(s). Symbol(s).
Y94. Inspire. Inspires. Inspiration. Inspirations. Inspiring. Inspired. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y95. Priority. Priorities. Prioritization. Prioritizations. Prioritizing. Prioritized. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man called a Restaurant, and He said, “Why hasn’t My Meal arrived?” And The Waiter replied, “Sir, when did You call in Your Order?” And The Man said, “I did Not call in My Order. I expect You guys to be Mind Readers in addition to serving Great Food.”
Ted the Dog said, “Mom, I don’t Understand Business. All I Understand is Love.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
A Man got on Top of a Crate, and, while also Twirling a Baton, He said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, and Boys and Girls, Let it Be Known that I am one of The Most Intelligent People in the World. And I’m also Very Gifted at Various Things. I have a Very Big Brain. My IQ is in about The Top One Percent. And I have had Many Accomplishments. And I don’t Brag. And I am Extremely Humble.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
Ted the Dog said, “Why didn’t You give Me a Piece of Cheese?”
And More of My Writings:
Y96. Closed System. Closed Systems. Closed System (CS). Closed Systems (CS). Close. Closes. Closing. Closed. Sort of. Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y97. Open System. Open Systems. Open System (OS). Open Systems (OS). Open. Opens. Opening. Opened. Sort of. Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y98. System. Systems. Systematic. Systematically. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Y99. Our. Their. Your. My. Mine. His. Her.
Here is a Quote from C.S. Lewis: “I believe in Christ like I believe in the sun, not because I can see it but by it I can see everything else.”
I remember going to Disneyland and listening to the Song, “It’s a Small World after all,” on It’s a Small World Amusement Ride there.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
Two People, each with a TV Remote Controller in Their Hands, got into a Temporary Channel Changing War with a Television. -- Brandon
Here is a Quote from a Conservative:
“Never Forget, I did Not Grant Your Freedom to You. Your Freedom was Given to You at Birth by Your Creator. Government’s Job is to Acknowledge and Preserve that Freedom which is Already Yours Naturally.”
Here is a Bible Verse, John 8:32: “And You will know the truth, and the truth will make You Free.”
Here is a Quote: “The Left Wing and The Right Wing are from the Same Bird.”
Here are Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man asked a Woman, “How was Your Vacation?” And The Woman replied, “It was a Blonde Journey.” And The Man said, “You mean that it was a Long Journey?” And The Woman replied, “It was both a Blonde Journey and a Long Journey too.”
A Referee, who was also in His Referee’s Black and White Striped Uniform, was asleep in Bed, and, while asleep, He blew His Referee’s Whistle, and Put His Hands in Referee Symbols, and He whispered, “Touchdown.”
The Man said to a Woman, “What are You Thinking about?” And The Woman replied, “Bologna.” And The Man said, “What’s ridiculous about that Question? Why do You think it’s Bologna?” And The Woman replied, “No, I am really thinking about Bologna.”
The Man said to a Woman, “Why don’t You Lie Down.” And The Woman replied, “I am Not going to Lie while I am Down. Instead, I am going to Tell the Truth and Lay Down.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man asked a Woman, “How did Your Day go? Anything exciting happen today?” And The Woman replied, “Nothing exciting Happened today. I just saw an 800 Foot Bird drive a Very Large Car. I would say it was a Pretty Normal Day.”
A Man said to a Woman, “The Cat’s out of the bag.” And The Woman said, “What? What was revealed? Was it Very Important Information?” And The Man pointed to a Cat and a Bag, and He replied, “No, I literally mean that Cat is out of the Bag.”
A Man asked a Woman, “How did Your Visit with Your Friend go?” And The Woman said, “She lives in a Dump. And I mean that literally, as She lives in a Garbage Dumpster that is Next to a Restaurant.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man said to a Waitress at a Restaurant, “And I would like My Eggs Poached.” And The Waitress said, “What?! You need a Valid Hunting License to get Eggs. I will Not give You eggs that have been Poached.”
The Cashier said to a Man, “You swipe your credit card here,” and She pointed to a Credit Card Terminal. And The Man said, “I own this Credit Card. And I will Not Swipe My Own Credit Card. Do You think that I’m a Thief?!”
The Man said to a Woman, “Tom is over The Hill.” And The Woman replied, “Tom is Not that Old.” And The Man replied, “Look out the Window. See how Tom is literally over That Hill.”
The Man said to a Woman, “I’m going to Jump into the Shower.” And The Woman replied, “I hope that You don’t mean that literally, as I don’t want You to break a Hip while literally jumping into the Shower.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
At a Barbecue, a Man asked a Woman, “Would You like some Collard Greens with Your Hamburger?” And The Woman replied, “I do Not want any of My Vegetables to have Collars on them.”
And More of My Writings:
Y100. Standard of Decency (SOD). Standards of Decency (SOD).
And More of My Writings:
Z1. Dependent. Dependents. Dependence. (A) (The) Dependency. (Some) (Those) (The) Dependencies. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z2. Dependent Upon (DU). Dependent Upon that (DUT). Dependent Upon these (DUT). Dependent Upon those (DUT). Very. Extremely. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z3. Not Dependent (ND). Not Dependents (ND). Non-Dependency (ND). Non-Dependencies (ND). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z4. Not Dependent Upon (NDU). Not Dependent Upon that (NDUT). Not Dependent Upon these (NDUT). Not Dependent Upon those (NDUT). Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z5. National Security (NS). National Securities (NS). National Security Interest (NSI). National Security Interests (NSI). Vital Interest (VI). Vital Interests (VI). Very Vital Interest (VVI). Very Vital Interests (VVI). Extremely Vital Interest (EVI). Extremely Vital Interests (EVI). Vital. Vitally. Very Vital (VV). Very Vitally (VV). Extremely Vital (EV). Extremely Vitally (EV). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
An often Truthful Saying is: "Your Reputation Precedes You."
Here is a Quote: “A Lie doesn’t become Truth, Wrong doesn’t become Right, and Evil doesn’t become Good, just because it’s accepted by a Majority.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
A Man asked a Woman, “Why are You Crying?” And The Woman replied, “Over Spilled Milk.” And The Man said, “You should Not Cry over that which is Inconsequential.” And The Woman replied, “No, I’m Literally Crying Over Spilled Milk. My Company’s Tanker Ship Spilled 89,000 Gallons of Milk off the Coast of Norway.”
An Often Truthful Saying, and Metaphor, is, “It is often Good Not to get Down in the Mud with Them.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
A Police Officer pulled over a Motorist, and The Police Man said, “Driver’s License and Registration Please.” And The Woman gave the Officer Her Driver’s License and Registration. And The Police Officer said, “And where is the License for that Candy Bar?” And The Woman said, “What?!” And The Police Officer said, “Next thing You’ll be telling Me that You don’t need a License for that Soda, which is the Second Thing that I’ll be Citing You for if You don’t have that License. Ma’am, I Just Enforce the Laws.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
Using Computer Animation, a Gigantic Cotton Ball that took about 21 seconds to come out of the Medicine Jar came out. And The Man said to a Woman, “The Cotton Ball Took all the Room in the Medicine Jar, and then some. So much so that there wasn’t Room for the Medicine.” And then The Man dumped out the Medicine Jar, and a Note from the Jar fell on the Floor, and it stated, in all Capital Letters, “AND THEN SOME.”
A Joke that I Wrote: A Man rolled up His Car Window, and Ted the Dog asked, “Why did You Roll up the Car’s Window?” And The Man replied, “Because it’s Raining Ted.” And Ted the Dog said, “Oh, oh Ok. I understand Now.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man said to another Man, “Were You talking about The Ranch or The Wrench? There is a Big Difference.”
The Man asked a Woman, “Would You like a Mouse for Your Computer?” And The Woman said, “Why would I want a Mouse for My Computer?” And The Man replied, “It is good for Pointing and Clicking.” And The Woman said, “But Mice Bite and Scratch in addition to Pointing, and I don’t know about Clicking.” And The Man said, “No, I mean a Computer Mouse,” and The Man held up a Computer Mouse and a Mouse Pad. And The Woman said, “Why did they put a Mouse in that Clicking Device, and why does that Mouse need a Pad? Mouse, are You Ok in that Device?”
The Man said to a Woman, “Why did You spill the Beans?” And The Woman replied, “What? I haven’t told anyone anything.” And The Man pointed to some Spilled Beans, and He said, “No, You Literally spilled these Beans. What a Mess.”
Some More of My Writings:
Z6. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Importantly. Very Importantly (VI). Extremely Importantly (EI). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z7. Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). Not Importantly (NI). Not Very Importantly (NVI). Not Extremely Importantly (NEI). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z8. Override. Overrides. Overriding. Overridden. Overrode. Not. The. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z9. An Overriding Concern. Overriding Concerns. An Overriding Issue. Overriding Issues. Not. The. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z10. More Importantly. It is More Important. It is More Important that. It is Much More Important. It is Much More Important that. Not. The. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z11. It is Very More Important. It is Very More Important that. It is Extremely More Important. It is Extremely More Important that. Not. The. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z12. Applause. Applauses. Applaud. Applauds. Applauding. Applauded. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z13. Commend. Commends. Commending. Commended. Commendation. Commendations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z14. Kudo. Kudos. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z15. Praise. Praises. Praising. Praised. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z16. Well-Said. Well-Said (WS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man said to a Woman, “I see that You have Good Genes.” And the Woman replied, “My Jeans are Torn, and they are Too Big for My Body.” And the Man replied, “No, what I mean is that I can see that Your Physical and Non-Physical Characteristics indicate that You have Good Genetics.” And The Woman replied, “Why didn’t You say so in the First Place?”
At Eight He Easily Ate Eight Eggs.
The Man said to a Woman, “They are selling Faster than Hot Cakes.” And The Woman replied, “I owned a Restaurant for several years, and the Hotcakes did Not sell Very Fast.” And The Man said, “I was speaking Metaphorically.” And The Woman replied, “I don’t speak Metaphorically. I only speak English and French.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man threw a Frisbee, and then for about 20 seconds He ran away from the Frisbee that kept on coming back to Him no matter where He went. And another Man said to Him, “I guess that saying is True: What Comes around Goes Around.”
A Man told a Woman, “That will Not Happen on My Watch.” And The Woman replied, “What is Special about Your Watch? I got My Watch from My Grandpa, and it’s about 20 years old. In one year it will be able to drink legally, and in 15 years, at the age of 35, it will be able to be Elected as President of the United States of America, although there will have to be a Change to the US Constitution, as it was Foreign Born.” And The Man said, “I was Metaphorically Speaking about My Watch as President of Our Organization.” And The Woman said, “You are a Watch? I thought that You were a Member of Humanity. Aren’t You a Human?”
The Man said to a Woman, “I’m sending You on a Vacation to The Big Apple.” And The Woman replied, “Really? Thank You. I’ve always wanted to Visit New York City.” And The Man said, “Not New York City. This Big Apple.” And The Man unveiled a Gigantic Big Apple.
A Man asked a Woman, “Have You seen My Eyeglasses?” And The Woman replied, “You are wearing them right now.” And The Man said, “How can you know? You aren’t wearing Your Glasses to see if I’m wearing My Eye Glasses. Are You sure that I’m Not wearing Your Glasses?” And the Woman replied, “No, My Glasses are Right Here on this Desk.” And The Man replied, “How do You know? You aren’t wearing Your Glasses to see if Your Glasses are on Your Desk.”
The Man said to a Woman, “I’m going to go ahead and give You The Green Light.” And The Woman said, “Thank You. I’ll meet with Him right away.” And The Man said, “What do You mean? I was talking about this Green Light.” And then the Man wheeled out a Gigantic Green Light.
Mr. Baldwin, while Touching His own Bald Head, told some Ribald Jokes.
A Joke that I Wrote: A Man literally began to Sweat Bullets.
A Rhyme of Mine: After the Track Meet, some Men Met to eat Some Meats at the Meat Market Meetup.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “It is often Legal for a Police Officer to Lie to You during an Interrogation, although it is Not Legal for You to Lie to a Police Officer.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man repeatedly said, “Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.” And a Woman said, “Why are You saying that?” And The Man replied, “My Boss told Me to Crunch some Numbers, and, since I don’t know how to do that, I thought this was the Best Alternative.”
A Man began to Comically Try to pull Himself up by His Bootstraps in His Bedroom, and a Woman replied, “Why are You making a Huge Mess trying to Pull Yourself Up by Your Bootstraps? What a Disaster.” And The Man replied, “Don’t You want Me to be Self-Reliant?”
A Man came into a Company’s Headquarters, and He said, “I took 2 weeks off work, and I spent about $8,000 in Food, Lodging, and Fuel in order to drive across the Country to Return this Gadget.” And The Woman said, “How much did the Gadget cost You?” And The Man replied, “About Twenty Dollars.” And The Woman replied, “You could have Mailed it back to us, and the Shipping would have only been about Eight Dollars.” And The Man replied, “That would have been Uneconomical.”
In response to what People said at a Party, a Woman who wore Deer Antlers on Her Hat said, while throwing Red Flags, “That is a Red Flag Warning! Touchdown!”
A Rhyme of Mine: Before I Concur to Configure and Confer a Conifer Tree to You I must Confer with Mr. Connor in a Conference Call.
Family and Friends and I had a Great Time Tonight on the Portland Spirit Dinner Boat. Mom, Happy Birthday. -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
Z17. Content. Contents of (CO). The Content (TC). The Contents of (TCO).
Z18. The Bible. Bible.
Z19. The Literature. The Literatures. Literature. Literatures.
Z20. The Apocrypha (TA). Apocrypha. Questionable. Very Questionable (VQ). Extremely Questionable (EQ). Not Questionable (NQ). Not Very Questionable (NVQ). Not Extremely Questionable (NEQ). The Apocrypha were put in the 1611 King James Bible, and were part of the King James Bible for over 200 years.
And Some More of My Writings:
Z21. Spontaneous Order. Self-Control (SC). Self-Controls (SC). Self-Controlling (SC). Self-Controlled (SC). Self-Policed (SP). Self-Policing (SP). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z22. Central Planning. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z23. Plan. Plans. Planning. Planned. The Plan. The Plans. The Planning. The Planned. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z24. Order. Orders. Ordering. Ordered. The Order. The Orders. The Ordering. The Ordered. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z25. Organize. Organizes. Organizing. Organized. Organization. Organizations. The Organization. The Organizations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z26. Disorganize. Disorganizes. Disorganizing. Disorganized. Disorganization. Disorganizations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Z27. Complimentary. Comp. Comped. For example, The Hotel Comped some Items Free of Charge. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Rhyme of Mine:
The Man said to another Man, “Please Watch, although do Not Wash, My Watch.”
Some of My Writings:
Z28. Tangible. Tangibles. Tangibility. Intangible. Intangibles. Intangibility. A Tangible Characteristic. A Tangible Quality. Tangible Characteristics. Some Tangible Characteristics. Tangible Quality. Some Tangible Qualities. An Intangible Characteristic. An Intangible Quality. Some Intangible Characteristics. Some Intangible Characteristics. An Intangible Quality. Some Intangible Qualities. Characteristic. Characteristics. A Characteristic. Some Characteristics. Quality. Qualities. A Quality. Some Qualities. Feature. Features. A Feature. Some Features. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Woman asked a Man, “Why did You give Me a Can of Corn?” And The Man replied, “In order to Prepare You for a Corny Joke.”
A Man was Drumming on a Drum, and a Woman asked, “Why are You making such Cacophonous Sounds with that Drum?” And The Man said, “You told Me to Drum up some Business. And that is what I am Literally Doing. Although by the Way the Drums sound, I may be Un-Drumming up some Business.”
A Man said to a Woman, “I am going to Work to make some Dough. And I mean that Literally, as I work at a Bread Factory.”
And More of My Writings:
Z29. What is known as “Black Propaganda” -- which is False Information, especially during Wartime. False Information (FI). Propaganda.
Z30. Truthful Information (TI). True Information (TI).
A Joke that I Wrote:
Someone from Race B tried to get someone from Race C kicked out of Race C, and someone from Ethnicity D tried to get someone from Ethnicity E kicked out of Ethnicity E, all of which were Really Futile Endeavors, as Blood is Blood.
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Man turned off the Television with His Remote Control, and He said, “What an Eventful Day Today. Well, the News is Over.” And Ted the Dog said, “The News is over? What about Tomorrow’s News?” And The Man replied, “Of course the News is Not Really over, Ted. There will always be News. And there will always be News to Watch, to Listen to, and to Read.” And Ted the Dog said, “I can do the First Two Things, and I’m working on The Third.”
As I learned from a Professor in a College’s Biology Classroom, Viruses Spread Easily. And according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in the year 2015, an estimated Sixty Six Percent of People younger than age 50 have a Type of Herpes. The Following Link has more Information about this Subject:
A Rhyme of Mine:
The Cajun brought The Cage In.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Grocery Cashier said to a Man who was trying to buy Alcohol, “And I’ll need ID before I let You buy those Beers.” And The Man said, “I’m 81 years old.” And The Cashier replied, “I don’t need ID for You. I need ID for that Shirt that You’re Wearing. It doesn’t look a day over 12 years old.”
A Man asked a guy, “Why are You wearing a Security Guard’s Uniform?” And the guy replied, “I’m a Security Guard, and I work for Myself, guarding My own Tongue. As the saying states, ‘Guard Your Tongue, as You would Guard Your Life.’”
A Man said, “Where is the Legislative Body?” And a Woman replied, “The Legislature is that Building there.” And The Man said, “I’m an Undertaker, and I was wondering how that Body is doing, and if it needs to buy a Burial Plot.” And The Woman replied, “There is Not Literally a Body for the Legislature. That is a Figure of Speech.” And The Undertaker replied, “Ok. Are You sure about that? Where did You get that Information from?”
A Joke that I Wrote: A Man said to a Person, “Were you born Yesterday?” And The Person replied, “As a Matter of Fact, I was born 21 hours ago. Figure that one out. Have You figured it out yet? I’m a Guppy Fish-Human Hybrid, and I hatched out of an egg a few hours ago.”
Another Joke that I Wrote: A Man said aloud, “You have been Notified, Mother Nature, that the State Legislature has Wrote a Law that You, Mother Nature, are Not to have Summer Temperatures above 91 degrees Fahrenheit. Mother Nature, are You going to Comply with this Law?”
A Man opened the door to His House, and Dogs were everywhere, and He said, “This place has gone to the Dogs, and I mean that Literally.”
A Rhyme of Mine:
The Professor gave a Lecture about the Effects of Ether.
Here is a Quote: “We live on a Blue Planet that Circles around a Ball of Fire Next to a Moon that Moves The Sea, and You don’t Believe in Miracles?”
In one of My Writings of Fiction, set in The Future, when a Man, whose name is Mr. Ryan Wizard, Travels, He creates Habitable Lands: for example, when He Travels from Oregon to New York, the area from Oregon to New York is made Habitable for a long amount of time.
An often Truthful saying is: “The Truth can be Stranger than Fiction.”
The Story of The Trojan Horse, and the Important Lessons to be Learned from The Story of The Trojan Horse.
And More of My Writings:
Z31. Spy. Spies. Spying. Spied. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z32. Espionage. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z33. Saboteur. Saboteurs. Sabotage. Sabotages. Sabotaging. Sabotaged. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z34. A Member. Members. A Real Member. Real Members. A Fake Member. Fake Members. A Member of an Organization. Members of an Organization. A Real Member of an Organization. Real Members of an Organization. A Fake Member of an Organization. Fake Members of Organizations. Impostor. Impostors. Not an Impostor (NAI). Not Impostors (NI). Bad Intent (BI). Bad Intents (BI). Malintent. Malintents. Malicious Intent (MI). Malicious Intents (MI). Good Intent (GI). Good Intents (GI). Neutral Intent (NI). Neutral Intents (NI). Mens Rea (MR) -- someone’s Mindset. Mindset. Mindsets. Mindful. Mindfulness. Action. Actions. Inaction. Inactions. Holding Pattern. Holding Patterns. Combatant. Combatants. Hostile. Hostiles. Non-Combatant (NC). Non-Combatants (NC). Non-Hostile (NH). Non-Hostiles (NH). Traitor. Traitors. Non-Traitor (NT). Non-Traitors (NT). Loyal. Loyals. Loyalist. Loyalists. Loyally. Loyalty. Loyalties. Disloyal. Disloyally. Disloyalty. Disloyalties. Sham. Shams. Not a Sham (NAS). Not Shams (NS). Trick. Tricks. Tricking. Tricked. Trickery. A Takeover. Takeovers. An Attempted Takeover (AAT). Attempted Takeovers (AT). Attempted Trickery (AT). An Attempt to. Attempts to. Natural. Naturally. Natural Law (NL). Natural Laws (NL). Unnatural. Unnaturally. Unnatural Law (UL). Unnatural Laws (UL). God’s Law. God’s Laws. Good Law. Good Laws. Bad Law. Bad Laws. Neutral Law. Neutral Laws. Good. Goodness. Bad. Badness. Neutral. Neutrals. Neutrally. Neutrality. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z35. Epidemic. Epidemics. A Real Epidemic. Real Epidemics. An Epidemic (AE). Some Epidemics (SA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z36. Conceal. Conceals. Concealing. Concealed. Concealment. Concealments. Concealer. Concealers. Cover. Covers. Covering. Covered. Cover-Up. Cover-Ups. Cover-Upped. Conspiracy -- The Definition -- “a plan by two or more people to do something illegal and/or harmful.” Conspiracies -- The Definition -- “Plans by two or more people to do something illegal and/or harmful.” As the outcomes of Court Cases indicate, Conspiracies have happened often.
A Metaphorical Big Person. Here is a Quote: “Don’t Forget that God is a Big God.”
And More of My Writings:
Z37. Official. Officially. The Official (TO). Officially the (OT).
Z38. Unofficial. Unofficially. The Unofficial (TU). Unofficially the (UT).
Z39. Real. Really. Realness. Reality. Realities. The.
Z40. Unreal. Unreally. Unrealness. Unreality. Unrealities. The.
Z41. Story. Stories. The. Some. A. Sort of (SO). Partly.
Z42. True Story. True Stories. The. Some. A. Sort of (SO). Partly.
Z43. Untrue Story. Untrue Stories. The. Some. An. Sort of (SO). Partly.
Z44. False Story. False Stories. The. Some. A. Sort of (SO). Partly.
Z45. An often Truthful saying is, “That Person got a Taste of that Person’s own Medicine.” And another often Truthful saying is, “What comes around goes around.” And another often Truthful saying is, “It is Time to Pay the Piper.”
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Game of Ping Pong was played with Hamburgers, and the Paddles for The Game were Bottles of Ketchup and Mustard.
And More of My Writings:
Z46. Belief. Beliefs. Believe. Believes. Believing. Believed. I. You. He. She. We. They. My. Your. His. Her. Our. Their. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z47. Disbelief. Disbeliefs. Disbelieve. Disbelieves. Disbelieving. Disbelieved. I. You. He. She. We. They. My. Your. His. Her. Our. Their. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z48. Think. Thinks. Thinking. Thought. Thoughts. I. You. He. She. We. They. My. Your. His. Her. Our. Their. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z49. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. I. You. He. She. We. They. My. Your. His. Her. Our. Their. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Story of The Trojan Horse imparts Important Lessons. There is a Good Chance that there are Terrorists Hiding among the Refugees. What do You think about that Very Real Possibility? -- Brandon
INTJ: The Scientist. INTJ: The Scientists.
Science. Sciences.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “Why are You staring at the Moon?” And The Woman replied, “My Grandpa told Me to only eat a Candy Bar once in a Blue Moon, and I’m waiting to see when the Moon turns Blue.”
The Man said to a Salmon who was in an Aquarium, “Salmon, You must think that You are Special, because Many People often refer to You as a Salmon instead of as a Fish.”
The Librarian said to The Man, “Please use Your Quiet Voice while You are in the Library.” And The Man replied, “But I only brought My Loud Voice in My Toolbox. I accidently left My Quiet Voice at Home.”
A Paraphrased Quote: “Something that is Legal is Not necessarily Moral. Legality does Not always mean Morality. Slavery was Legal. Internment Camps were Legal. Segregation was Legal.” And there are Many Different Legal Systems, and there are Many different Laws, around The World. There are also God’s Laws. And there are also Natural Laws. For example, an Apple can fall to the ground regardless of whether or Not someone believes in the Natural Law of Gravity.
And More of My Writings:
Z50. Competent. Competence. Competently. Competency. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z51. Incompetent. Incompetence. Incompetently. Incompetency. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z52. All of the Above. Some of the Above. Many of the Above. One of the Above. None of the Above. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Movies called, Wrong Turn, are Interesting to Watch.
And More of My Writings:
Z53. Facet. Facets. A Facet (AF). Some Facets (SF). Multifaceted. Multifaceted and Complex (MAC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z54. Pseudonym. Pseudonyms. Alias. Aliases. Pen Name (PN). Pen Names (PN).
On Sunday, December 6, 2015, on the Television Show 60 Minutes, a Former Spy for an Organization said that They were afraid of AIDS, Ronald Reagan, and Certain People, and that They thought President Ronald Reagan would push The Nuclear Button, also known as The Button.
Here are some Lyrics to a Song, See You Again, by Wiz Khalifa: “That Bond will Never be Broken; that Love will Never get Lost.”
A Mother Bear said to Her Children, "Let's go Swimming." And one of Her Cubs replied with a Growl. And Mother Bear said, "What did You say? I forgot how to Speak the Bear Language. Let Me get a Dictionary."
And More of My Writings:
And More of My Writings:
Z55. Private Discussion. Private Discussions. Public Discussion. Public Discussions. In Private. Private. Privately. In Public. Public. Publicly. Discrete. Discretely. Discretion. Good Discretion. Good Judgment. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Movie called, Pulse, is Interesting to Watch. And there are many Good Movies, Television Shows, and Music Videos to Watch and Listen to.
In one of My Writings, a Man asked a Child, “If Father God did Not create The Earth, who did?” And The Child replied, “The Big Bang did.” And The Man then asked, “And who created the Material for The Big Bang?” And then there was Silence. For even if The Big Bang Theory is Correct, someone would have had to create the Material for The Big Bang.
And More of My Writings:
Z56. Cover. Covers. Covering. Covered. Camouflage. Camouflages. Camouflaging. Camouflaged. Diversion. Diversions. Distract. Distracts. Distraction. Distractions. Distracting. Distracted. Decoy. Decoys. Prop. Props. Propping. Propped. Prop Up. Props Up. Propping Up. Propped Up. The Existence of such a Word signifies and/or indicates and/or is an indication of. The Existence of such Words signify and/or indicate and/or are indications of. The Existence of such a Phrase signifies and/or indicates and/or is an indication of. The Existence of such Phrases signify and/or indicate and/or are indications of. The Existence of such a Thing Signifies and/or indicates and/or is an indication of. The Existence of such Things signify and/or indicate and/or are indications of. The Existence of This signifies and/or indicates and/or is an indication of. The Existence of These signify and/or indicate and/or are indications of. Signify. Signifies. Signification. Significations. Signified. Indicate. Indicates. Indication. Indications. Indicated. Cover Story. Cover Stories. Mask. Masks. Masking. Masked. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z57. Makeup. Makeups. Surgery. Surgeries. Cosmetic. Cosmetics. Cosmetically. Prosthetic. Prosthetics. Genetic Engineering. Genetically Engineered. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z58. The Movie called, The Recruit, is Interesting to Watch. And I watched it on an Airplane to Georgetown University.
Z59. Alumni. Alumnus. Alum. Alums. Alma Mater. Alma Maters. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z60. Scholar. Scholars. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z61. Knowledge. Knowledges. Knowledgeable. Knowledge Database. Knowledge Databases. Database. Databases. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z62. One Hand Metaphorically Tied behind a Person’s Back. One Hand Metaphorically Not Tied behind a Person’s Back. One Hand Tied behind a Person’s Back. One Hand Not Tied behind a Person’s Back. One Hand Metaphorically Tied behind The Back. One Hand Metaphorically Not Tied behind The Back. One Hand Tied behind The Back. One Hand Not Tied behind The Back. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z63. Play for Keeps. Plays for Keeps. Playing for Keeps. Not Playing for Keeps. Played for Keeps. Serious. Seriously. Not Serious (NS). Not Seriously (NS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z64. Negotiate. Negotiates. Negotiating. Negotiated. Negotiation. Negotiations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z65. Barter. Barters. Bartering. Bartered. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z66. Haggle. Haggles. Haggling. Haggled. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Man said to a Clerk at a Store, “Here are some Peanuts for that Coat.” And The Clerk replied, “Unlike some Places of Business, We do Not Negotiate or Barter for Our Merchandise Here.” And The Customer replied, “But My Friend said that I could buy this Coat here for Peanuts.” And The Clerk said, “He or She was probably speaking Metaphorically.” And The Customer replied, “Why would My Friend speak in that Language? It sounds like a Hard Language to Learn how to Speak.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “But Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, and Many other Individuals did Not Graduate from College.” And another Man said, “So What? Who cares? Many Individuals did Not Graduate from College. And Many Individuals will Not Graduate from College. A Genius is a Genius regardless of whether or Not someone has a Piece of Paper saying that He or She graduated from College. And a Brilliant Person is Brilliant regardless of whether or Not someone has a Piece of Paper saying that He or She graduated from College. And a Smart Person is Smart regardless of whether or Not someone has a Piece of Paper saying that He or She graduated from College. And an Intelligent Person is Intelligent regardless of whether or Not someone has a Piece of Paper saying that He or She graduated from College. A Genius is a Genius. A Brilliant Person is Brilliant. A Smart Person is Smart. An Intelligent Person is Intelligent.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And some More of My Writings:
Z67. I recognize that. We recognize that. They recognize that. He recognizes that. She recognizes that. A Person recognizes that. Some People recognize that. Many People recognize that. I do Not recognize that. We do Not recognize that. They do Not recognize that. He does Not recognize that. She does Not recognize that. A Person does Not recognize that. Some People do Not recognize that. Many People do Not recognize that. Present Tense(s). Past Tense(s). Future Tense(s). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z68. I believe that. We believe that. They believe that. He believes that. She believes that. A Person believes that. Some People believe that. Many People believe that. I do Not believe that. We do Not believe that. They do Not believe that. He does Not believe that. She does Not believe that. A Person does Not believe that. Some People do Not believe that. Many People do Not believe that. Present Tense(s). Past Tense(s). Future Tense(s). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z69. I know that. We know that. They know that. He knows that. She knows that. A Person knows that. Some People know that. Many People know that. I do Not know that. We do Not know that. They do Not know that. He does Not know that. She does Not know that. A Person does Not know that. Some People do Not know that. Many People do Not know that. Present Tense(s). Past Tense(s). Future Tense(s). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
It is Important to have Carbon Monoxide Alarms. -- Your Friend, Brandon
In one of My Writings of Fiction, a Duck said, “Quack. Quack. Quack! Quack!” And a Man said, “Duck, why are You saying Quack?” And The Duck replied, “To Warn You that there are Quacks, Frauds, Fraudulent People, Charlatans, and Trickery Around Here.”
The Story about The Boy who Cried Wolf.
In one of My Writings, a Woman said, “When You are Good to a Dog, You are Good to God.”
Here is a Quote from US President, Thomas Jefferson: “I never consider a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.”
May You have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. -- Brandon
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Man said to a Woman, “I got this Cease and Desist Letter from a Government Agency telling Me to stop Shaving My Beard, as it contains Old Growth Hairs that may be the Habitats for Endangered Species, although I am allowed to shave My Armpits and My Arms.”
Another Joke that I Wrote: A Man called a Medical Center, and He said, “My Grandfather passed away, and He was scheduled for an X-Ray and also an MRI, and in His Will it stated that I get 1/3 of His Estate, so I would like to come in for One Third of an X-Ray, and for One Third of an MRI.” And The Receptionist said, “Sir, I am sorry to hear of Your Grandfather’s passing, although that X-Ray and that MRI was scheduled for Your Grandfather, and Not for You.” And The Man replied, “Aren’t You a Law-Abiding Citizen? You should obey all of The Laws of each Jurisdiction that You go to.”
And More of My Writings:
Z70. Symbiotic -- Mutually Beneficial. Symbiotic Relationship(s) (SR). Mutually Beneficial Relationship(s) (MBR). Symbiosis. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Man asked a Woman, “What were the First Words that I spoke?” And The Woman replied, “Have You heard the saying about ‘Out of the Mouths of Babes’? Anyway, Your First Words were ‘Pup Shield,’ and I’m still wondering what that Phrase means.”
While I have Never seen or heard a UFO, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard a UFO. And while I have Never seen or heard an Alien, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard an Alien. And while I have Never seen or heard an Angel, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard an Angel. And while I have Never seen or heard a Ghost, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard a Ghost. Additionally, I have Not seen or heard many things, such as a Leprechaun, Unicorn, Dragon, and Ogre. And there are many Good Books, and other Literature, to read, in moderation. And there are many Good Movies, Television Shows, and Music Videos to watch, in moderation. And there is much Good Music to listen to, in moderation. -- Brandon
And More of My Writings: Z71. That’s Enough (TE). That is Enough (TIE). That’s Sufficient (TS). That is Sufficient (TIS). Enough. Sufficient. That’s Enough. That is Enough. That’s Sufficient. That is Sufficient. Enough. Sufficient. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Abundance instead of Perceived Scarcity:
Many Economies operate largely on the Principle of Scarcity, where, in Reality, No such Scarcity Really Exists of Significance for Many Sectors. Remember, Money is often basically just Paper made from Trees. And a Spacecraft is often basically just Metals and Electronics. And a House is often basically just Wood and Electronics. And Clothing is often basically just Wool from Sheep. And when We Move away from the Concept of Scarcity where No such Scarcity Really Exists for Many Things, We will, among other Good Things, be able to Colonize Planets. -- Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Person, “That is Not How the World Really Works. And this is How the World Really Works. That is Just Reality. And This is Just Reality. This is Just How it is. And that is Just How the Ball Bounces. Reality. Realities.”
Remember, Throughout History We have seen that Many Dictators like to Disarm their Own Populations before They Commit Genocides. And some of the places with the Strictest Gun Controls have seen some of the Worse Mass Shootings. And it makes No sense to Disarm Law-Abiding Citizens from Defending Themselves and Their Families. And Here is a Quote from Thomas Sowell, about Gun Control: “How often have supposedly mentally unbalanced shooters opened fire at a meeting of the National Rifle Association? They are apparently not that mentally unbalanced. They pick places where people are not likely to shoot back.”
Here is a Paraphrased Bible Verse, Proverbs 11:27: “Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold.” No one except God is Perfect. Everyone except God makes Mistakes.
One of My Jokes that I Wrote:
Twelve Kangaroos were Jumping around in a Courtroom, and a Man said, “Talk about this being a Literal Kangaroo Court.”
From The Bible, Proverbs 24:16: “The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.” And here are some lyrics to the Song called, Collide by Howie Day: “Even the best fall down sometimes.”
It is Frequently a Good Sign when someone’s Book, Movie, or Literature is Banned, as it Often means that it contains a Truth that someone is trying to hide and/or cannot handle. I believe in The Freedom of Speech. And I also believe in The Freedom of Religion. And I believe in Freedom.
The Helper Words:
Some Words Help make things better understood: for example, if someone says quickly, “Your letter has Not arrived,” someone may Not hear the Not in the sentence, and thereby think that His or Her Letter arrived. However, if someone says, “Your letter has Not arrived Yet,” the Yet is another Verbal Clue that the letter has Yet to arrive. -- Brandon Katrena
A Joke that I Wrote:
Brandon said to Luke, “That Product will Cost a Pretty Penny.” And Luke replied, “That is OK, as I know of a Penny that Won a Beauty Contest.”
President Ronald Reagan: "We are Americans."
We are also Christians.
History. Real History (RH).
Here is a Quote from Someone: “You Weren’t Born to Just Pay Bills and Die.”
Here is a Quote from Someone: “Your Value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see Your Worth.”
Quiz Show is a True Movie about how several of the Question and Answer Games on Television were Exposed for Being Rigged.
Here is a Quote from President John F. Kennedy: “The Rights of Man come Not from The Generosity of The State, but from The Hand of God.”
Here is a Paraphrased Quote: “They say true Friends [can] go long periods of time without speaking, and Never Question The Friendship.”
Here is a Quote from Pastor David Alexander: “The Blessed Life is Found by Focusing on The Narrow Road.”
And More of My Writings: Z72. Representative. Non-Representative. Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote: The Hostess at a Restaurant said, “Mr. Slippery and Mr. Slime, Your Table is Ready.”
This is a Quote from Isoroku Yamamoto: “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” Our Second Amendment is a Great Deterrent to a Foreign Invasion.
We have had several Roommates, and We have also had several Foreign Exchange Students stay at Our House, with Many of Them calling My Mother, “Mom,” and with Many of Them calling Me, “Brother.”
There are Many Good Music Videos to Watch and Listen to, in Moderation, including the Music Video called, “For What It’s Worth,” by The Band called, “Buffalo Springfield.”
And More of My Writings: The Man said, “We Help Each other.” And The Woman also said, “We Help Each other.” We Help Each other (WHEO). We Help Each other.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man said, “I trust that Person as far as I can throw a Grand Piano.” And a Woman replied, “Here, throw this as far as You can.” And The Man threw that Object as Far as He could. And The Woman replied, “That Object that You just Threw was a Miniature Replica of a Grand Piano, so I guess that You Trust that Person a Lot.”
Many People used to Believe that The Earth was Flat. And Many People used to Believe that The Earth was in the Center of The Universe, and that The Sun circled The Earth.
While I have Never seen or heard a Sasquatch (aka a Bigfoot), Many Individuals have said that They have seen and/or heard a Sasquatch (aka a Bigfoot). And while I have Never seen or heard The Loch Ness Monster, Many Individuals have said that They have seen and/or heard The Loch Ness Monster. And while I have Never seen or heard Many Certain Things, Many Individuals have said that They have seen and/or heard Certain Things.
And More of My Writings: Z73. Eyewitness. Eyewitnesses. Witness. Witnesses. Testimony. Testimonies. Testimonial. Testimonials. Writing. Writings. Literature. Literatures. Media. Medias. Journalist. Journalists. Reporter. Reporters. Staff Writer. Staff Writers. Writer. Writers. Blogger. Bloggers. Blog. Blogs. Website. Websites. Newspaper. Newspapers. Magazine. Magazines. Book. Books. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings: Z74. Organization. Organizations. My Organization (MO). My Organizations (MO). Government. Governments. My Government (MG). My Governments (MG). Local. State. Federal. Local Government (LG). State Government (SG). Federal Government (FG). Z75. Like an Ostrich that Sticks its Head into the Ground (LAOTSIHITG). Not like an Ostrich that Sticks its Head into the Ground (NLAOTSIHITG). Aware. Very Aware (VA). Extremely Aware (EA). Not Aware (NA). Not Very Aware (NVA). Not Extremely Aware (NEA). Knowledgeable. Very Knowledgeable (VK). Extremely Knowledgeable (EK). Not Knowledgeable (NK). Not Very Knowledgeable (NVK). Not Extremely Knowledgeable (NEK). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to a Woman, “Do Not allow that to Happen. Remember what Happened to Andre?”
An Often Truthful Saying is: “A Word to the Wise is Sufficient.”
1. Masonic. Masonry. Mason. Masons. Masonic Temple. Masonic Temples. Masonic Temple (MT). Masonic Temples (MT).
2. Odd Fellow. Odd Fellows. Odd Fellow (OF). Odd Fellows (OF). Odd Fellowship. Odd Fellowship (OF). Odd Fellow Temple. Odd Fellow Temples. Odd Fellow Temple (OFT). Odd Fellow Temples (OFT).
3. Temple. Temples.
4. Christianity. Christian. Christians. Christian Member. Christian Members. Christian Member (CM). Christian Members (CM). Church. Churches.
5. Organization. Organizations. Organization Member. Organization Members. Organization Member (OM). Organization Members (OM). Member. Members. Membership. Memberships.
In one of My Writings, The Man said to a Woman, “You will Often Know about that by Looking at a Person. Are Your God-Given Instincts Working Correctly?” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote: A Man said to a Woman, “I accidently Unfriended Myself on a Social Network. Now I am Not My Own Friend there. Do You think that I should accept My Own Friend’s Request and be My Own Friend again there?”
It is a Fact that Coal can be used to make Fuel. For example, during World War 2, Nazi Germany used Coal to make Synthetic Fuel. It is also a Fact that Coal can also be used to make Oil. The Internet has more information about the use of Synthetic Fuels, such as Coal, as does the following Link:
And More of My Writings: Z76. What My Observation is. What My Observations are. What I know. What I knew. What I think. What I thought. What I Saw. What I have Seen. What I have Heard. My Opinion about that. My Opinion about those. I Believe that. I Believed that. My Belief is. My Beliefs are. My Belief was. My Beliefs were. What My Assessment is. What My Assessments are. What My Conclusion is. What My Conclusions are. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z77. What Your Observation is. What Your Observations are. What You know. What You knew. What You think. What You thought. What You Saw. What You have Seen. What You have Heard. Your Opinion about that. Your Opinion about those. You Believe that. You Believed that. Your Belief is. Your Beliefs are. Your Belief was. Your Beliefs were. What Your Assessment is. What Your Assessments are. What Your Conclusion is. What Your Conclusions are. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z78. What That Person’s Observation is. What That Person’s Observations are. What That Person knows. What That Person knew. What That Person thinks. What That Person thought. What That Person Saw. What That Person has Seen. What That Person has Heard. That Person’s Opinion about that. That Person’s Opinion about those. That Person Believes that. That Person Believed that. That Person’s Belief is. That Person’s Beliefs are. That Person’s Belief was. That Person’s Beliefs were. What That Person’s Assessment is. What That Person’s Assessments are. What That Person’s Conclusion is. What That Person’s Conclusions are. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z79. What Our Observation is. What Our Observations are. What We know. What We knew. What We think. What We thought. What We Saw. What We have Seen. What We have Heard. Our Opinion about that. Our Opinion about those. We Believe that. We Believed that. Our Belief is. Our Beliefs are. Our Belief was. Our Beliefs were. What Our Assessment is. What Our Assessments are. What Our Conclusion is. What Our Conclusions are. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z80. What Their Observation is. What Their Observations are. What They know. What They knew. What They think. What They thought. What They Saw. What They have Seen. What They have Heard. Their Opinion about that. Their Opinion about those. They Believe that. They Believed that. Their Belief is. Their Beliefs are. Their Belief was. Their Beliefs were. What Their Assessment is. What Their Assessments are. What Their Conclusion is. What Their Conclusions are. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “One of My Professors taught Me, and this has also been said by other People, that Money is often created out of thin air by an individual typing Numbers on a Computer. What do You think about This? Does this Make Sense? Do You think that Money can be created by someone typing Numbers on a Computer? Let Us get The Conversations Started.”
In one of My Writings of Fiction, A Man said to a Woman: “This Elephant says that He is a Bird.” And The Woman replied, “What?! That Elephant is definitely Not a Bird. God has given Me Good Instincts, and I know that that Elephant is an Elephant, and that He is Not a Bird. Does He even Really think that He is a Bird? What Type of Bird does He say that He is?” And The Man replied, “He says that there is only one Type of Bird, and that Blue Jays, Robins, Finches, Canaries, Crows, Eagles, et cetera do Not exist. He also just says that He is a Bird. And He also says that He is an Impostor and a Saboteur, and that He wants to give Birds a Bad Reputation by Pretending that He is a Bird, and then Metaphorically Fall Down on Purpose. He also says that there are More Elephants doing what He is doing.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “You are Alive. And You are Breathing. You have The Gift of Life. And that is a Very Good Gift to have.”
And More of My Writings: Z81. The Reality is. The Realities are. The Reality about that is. The Reality about those are. The Realities about those are. The Realities about that is. In Reality. In Reality (IR). Reality. Realities. Real. Really. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Person 21 is 17, and He is A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. Person 21 is Person 21.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Person 20 is A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. Person 20 is Person 20.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many Things are Erased from Someone’s Credit Report after about 7 years. And Seven Years is often a Long Time. And by the Time that Someone Graduates from High School, He or She will have often been in School for about 14 years.”
In one of My Writings of Fiction, set in the Future, only about 9,000 Individuals are able to Read, with Severe Dyslexia being Very Widespread. And Those who are Literate are The Real Members of The Global Elite.
And More of My Writings: Z82. The Kid. The Kids. The Kid (TK). The Kids (TK). A Kid. Some Kids. A Kid (AK). Some Kids (SK). Kid. Kids. The Youth. The Youths. The Youth (TY). The Youths (TY). A Youth. Some Youths. A Youth (AY). Some Youths (SY). Youth. Youths. A Youthful Indiscretion (AYI). Some Youthful Indiscretions (SYI). Youthful Indiscretion (YI). Youthful Indiscretions (YI). An Indiscretion (AI). Some Indiscretions (SI). Indiscretion. Indiscretions. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Happy Friends Day. – Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Man went up to 9 People at a Party, and He said, “1977 and 1999.”
This was a Great Super Bowl 50 to Watch. -- Brandon
There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including The Movie called, "Angels & Demons," with a Demon being, I Believe, both an Angel and a Demon, and, at The Very Least, a Demon was an Angel before He or She became a Demon.
In one of My Writings, which is a Comedy, Two Individuals, one is a Computer Lab Worker, and the other is a Doctor, within a short amount of Time, The Doctor says to The Youngster that, “I have Heard a lot about You,” and The Computer Lab Worker says to the The Kid that, “I have Heard about You,” and The Doctor also salutes The Young Man, and The Doctor calls The Young Man, “General.”
In one of My Writings, which is a Comedy, a Man just knows one Word, “Shayla,” which He repeatedly says when He is Questioned. And Someone asks Him, “Is Shayla the only word that You know?” And The Man replies, “Melissa.”
Here is a Quote from The Movie, The Godfather: Sal: “Can You get me off the Hook, Tom? For old times’ sake?” Tom: [Shakes His Head, indicating No] “Can’t do it, Sally.” Sal is then led to a Car.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person has a Lot of Street Cred. And The Court of Public Opinion is an Important Court filled with Important People.” Street Cred (SC). The Court of Public Opinion (TCOPO). Court of Public Opinion (COPO). An Important Person (AIP). The Important Person (TIP). Important Person (IP). Some Important People (SIP). The Important People (TIP). Important People (IP). A Person (AP). The Person (TP). Person. Some People (SP). The People (TP). People. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Referee told an arguing Football Player, “Son, that Football did Not go through the Goal Posts. And other Referees have Reached that Conclusion too. Close, but No Cigar.”
A. Some Information about The Problems with Carbon-14 Dating.
B. A Paraphrased Quote: “Hammer Found in Rock Dated to 400 Million Years. [The] ‘Evolution’ Theory is Invalid.”
C. The Secrets that Leonardo da Vinci revealed Secretly, including the Secrets in His “Last Supper” Painting. And The Movie called, The Da Vinci Code, talks about some of these Secrets too.
D. Multicolored. Multifaceted.
E. Part of The Bible’s Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom Come, They Will be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
F. The Jason Bourne Movie Trailer.
G. President Ronald Reagan, who is a Great Man, and a Great President, and within a few minutes of Him becoming President of The United States, The American Hostages in Iran were Released. Here is a Quote from President Ronald Reagan: “We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life – the unborn – without diminishing the value of all human life.”
H. Whitney Houston did a Great Job singing The Star Spangled Banner at the 1991 Super Bowl.
I. President Ronald Reagan gave a Great Memorial Day Speech.
J. An Article entitled: “Scientists ask if a New Race of Super Earthlings are Being Born.”
K. An Article entitled: “Conspiracy theorists claim ancient Greek statue is holding a laptop,” and it sure looks like a laptop computer to Me, and it looks like a laptop computer to Many Reasonable People, although it is possible that it could be something other than a laptop computer.
L. Creationism -- That God Created The Heavens and The Earth -- including Organizations dedicated to Creationism, is alive and well.
M. A Paraphrased Question: “How Many Here Believe that God is Real?”
N. Here is a Quote: “God is like oxygen. You can’t see Him, but you can’t live without Him!”
O. A CNN News Article entitled: “Take a peek into the CIA’s ‘X-Files,’” which was similarly reported by other News Outlets, including Fox News, whose article is entitled “Real-life ‘X-Files’? CIA posts trove of UFO documents”.
P. The Movie Trailer for the 2014 Movie, “Unbroken.”
Q. A Bible Verse, James 1:17: “Whatever is Good and Perfect is a Gift coming down to us from God Our Father.”
R. Here is a Quote: “It is Well with My Soul.”
S. Here is another Quote: “Prayer should be the Most Important Conversation You have Every Day.”
T. A Bible Verse, Colossians 3:13: “Bear with each other and forgive one another. If any of you has a grievance against someone, forgive as The Lord forgave You.”
U. Here is a Quote: “Cinnamon and Sugar Toast! Who Remembers?”
V. And Here is a Quote from Petrus Herbert in 1566: “Now it is evening time to rest from labor; Father, according to thy will and pleasure, through the night-season have thy whole creation safe in thy keeping.”
W. And Here is another Quote: “My God still speaks. My God still heals. My God still comforts. My God still provides. My God still creates. My God still restores. My God still redeems. My God still manifests. My God is I Am. Not ‘I Was’.
X. Here is a Bible Verse, from Malachi 3:10: “I will pour out a blessing.”
Y. An Article entitled: “MCCL March for Life brings pro-lifers to Capitol; huge crowd calls for dismemberment abortion ban.”
Z. Here is a Quote: “God’s Help is only a Prayer Away.”
A1. Here is a Quote: “The Same Boiling Water that Softens the Potato Hardens The Egg. It’s about What You’re Made of, Not the Circumstances.”
B2. A Bible Verse, Luke 1:37: “For Nothing will be Impossible with God.”
C2. A Website entitled, “33 Conspiracy Theories that Turned out to be True, What Every Person should Know,” and You can always perform an Internet search for “Conspiracy Theories that Were True.” A Conspiracy is simply when two or more people decide to act illegally and/or immorally, and many People have been Found Guilty of Conspiracies in Courts of Law.
D2. A News Article entitled: “Ambassador Stevens was Raped before His Murder, Reports Claim.”
E2. Here is a Quote, “During Pregnancy, if a Mother suffers organ damage, the Baby in the Womb sends stem cells to repair the damaged organ.”
F2. A Song sung by Dolly Parton entitled: “What a Friend We have in Jesus.”
G2. Here is a Quote: “Live Simply, care Deeply, love Generously, Forgive Freely, and Pray Daily. And after You’ve done all this, place Your Lives in the Hand of a Gracious and Merciful God.”
H2. A Bible Verse, Deuteronomy 31:6: “Don’t mistake God’s patience for His absence. His Timing is Perfect, and His Presence is constant. He’s Always with You!”
I2. Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone: “Lord, I’m Coming Before You Asking that You Touch Anyone who needs a Special Touch from You Today. In Jesus Name, Amen.”
J2. A News Article entitled, “Director of Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center Explains what Makes Cancer so Hard to Cure.”
K2. Here is a Quote from President Ronald Reagan: “I’ve Noticed that everyone who is for Abortion is Already Born.”
L2. Here is an article from : “The Pro-Life Movement: The Antidote to The Present Darkness.”
M3. There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including The Pelican Brief and the Movie called Erin Brockovich.
N3. UFO Sightings – Many Individuals have Reported seeing UFOs.
O3. Alien Sightings – Many Individuals have Reported seeing Aliens.
P3. Angel Sightings – Many Individuals have Reported seeing Angels.
Q3. Ghost Sightings – Many Individuals have Reported seeing Ghosts.
R3. Other Sightings – Many Individuals have Reported seeing Other Sightings.
S3. Big Foot (aka Sasquatch) Sightings – Many Individuals have Reported seeing Big Foot (aka Sasquatch).
T3. Loch Ness Monster Sightings – Many Individuals have Reported seeing The Loch Ness Monster.
U3. That Which is Paranormal – Many Individuals have Reported Paranormal Activities.
V3. That Which is Supernatural – Many Individuals have Reported Supernatural Activities.
W3. I encourage You to Read and/or Listen to The Bible, and I also encourage You to Read and/or Listen to other Holy Scriptures and other Religious Writings. It is also Good to Read History Books and/or Watch Shows about History.
X3. Miracles – Many Individuals have said That They Know about Miracles Happening.
Y3. The 1950s Quiz Show Scandals -- where The Games were Rigged, and Contestants were Given the Answers in Advance. Quiz Show Scandals. Rigged. Scandal. Scandals.
Z4. A Bible Verse, 1 John 4:9: “This is how God’s love was revealed among us: God sent His Son into the World so that We might live through him.”
A5. Here is a Quote from Someone: “IF GOD could close the mouth[s] of the lions for Daniel, part the red seas for Moses, make the sun stand still for Joshua, open the prison for Peter, put a baby in the arms of Sarah, and raise Lazarus from the dead THEN He can certainly take care of you! NOTHING you are facing today is too hard for Him to handle!”
A6. The Galaxy is Big, and it is filled with Many Planets. And there are, of course, Many other Galaxies filled with Many Planets. There is a News Article entitled: “Astronomers find hundreds of galaxies hiding just outside of our own.”
A7. There are Many Good Television Shows to Watch, including The Television Show called, “Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural.”
A8. There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including The Movie called “Bridge of Spies,” which is about The Cold War. The Cold War (TCW).
A9. The Youtube Channel called, “Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know,” is Interesting to View.
A10. There are Many Good Books to Read, and there are also Many Good Literatures to Read, and there is also the Good Book entitled, “The Power of Prophetic Prayer.”
A11. I encourage You to put the word, “Miracles,” in an Internet Search Engine, and there is also a Youtube Channel called, “Incredible Miracles that Science Cannot Explain.”
A12. A News Article, entitled, “Climate Change Shock from NASA: Burning fossil fuels COOLS the planet.”
A13. Here is a News Article from CNN: “Ice age delayed by humans…by 100,000 years.” And from National Geographic, “Next Ice Age Delayed by Global Warming, Study Says.” Thank You Global Warming.
A14. Noah’s Ark was Found in Turkey.
A15. There is also Scientific Proof God Parted The Red Sea, with objects of Proof found under that Sea.
A16., “Brave Goat Becomes Friends with a Tiger who was Supposed to Eat Him.”
A17. There is an Article entitled, “X-Ray reveals Elizabethan Magician John Dee’s Hidden Halo of Skulls.”
A18. Social Science. Social Sciences. Social Scientist. Social Scientists. Science. Sciences. Scientist. Scientists. INTJ: The Scientist. INTJ: The Scientists.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
At a Restaurant, a Waitress said, "Mr. Brian and Ella Olson, Your Table is Ready." And Brian and Ella both said, "We only want 1/8th of a Table. We are Trying to be Frugal."
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We do Not have to Obey Their Laws. We are Not They. They are Not We. We should Obey Our Laws.”
A19. – “God Sends Angel to Save Dying Child in Hospital (Caught on Camera)”.
A20. – “4 Minutes of Amazing Miracles Caught on Camera (Must See!)”
A21. – “5 Most Amazing Angels Caught on Tape”.
A22. – “Watch God Command Two Angels to Heal a Man Crushed by 10,000 LBS Truck (Must See!)”
A23. -- “Real Miracles and Angels Visits”.
A24. The Institute for Creation Research –
A25. “Macro Photos of Snowflakes show impossibly Perfect Designs” --
B12. “List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming” --
B13. “Poll: Nearly half of meteorologists don’t believe in man-made global warming” --
B15. NASA says Antarctica is actually gaining ice. Does this mean climate is fine? --
B16. There is a Book called, “The Evolution Conspiracy.”
There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including The Movie called, "Don't Say a Word," which I watched in a College Dorm. – Brandon
In one of My Writings, The Tailor said to a Man, “Mr. Gene Madson, I mean Mr. Gene Matson, please do Not be Mad, but those Jeans and that Mat won’t be patched up for Your Son until Tomorrow.”
B17. Here is a Quote from Someone: “Sometimes, all it takes is Just One Prayer to Change Everything.”
B18. Who someone is Speaks Volumes.
B20. Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone: “HONDURAS [,] [Approximate] POP[ulation]: 8.2 Million[,] BANS CITIZENS FROM OWNING GUNS[,] [APPROXIMATE] HIGHEST HOMICIDE RATE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. [In Constrast You have] SWITZERLAND [,] [Approximate] POP[ulation]: 8.2 Million[,] REQUIRES CITIZENS TO OWN GUNS[,] [APPROXIMATE] LOWEST HOMICIDE RATE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.”
B21. Here is a Quote from Someone: “Common Sense is a Flower that doesn’t Grow in Everyone’s Garden.”
B22. There are Many Good Movies to Watch and Listen to, including The Movie called The Sound of Music, and the Actors’ Rendition of The Song, “Edelweiss.”
B23. There are Many Good Songs to Listen to, including the Song called, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”
B24. Many People have Believed in Angels. And Many People Believe in Angels. And Many People have Believed in Many Things. And Many People Believe in Many Things. You Probably have Believed in Many Things. And You Probably Believe in Many Things. And that is, of course, OK.
B25. Here is a Quote from The Tyrant, Adolph Hitler, “To Conquer a Nation First Disarm its Citizens.”
B26. Here is a Quote from Someone: “Let’s all Pray FOR A CURE FOR ALL CANCERS[.] AMEN[.]”
B27. Here is a Bible Verse, Matthew 19:26: “With God all things are Possible.”
B28. Here is a News Headline: “Study: Global Warming has Saved Us From a New Ice Age.”
B29. On Our Currency, and Elsewhere, is The Quote, “In God We Trust.”
Here is a Quote from Someone: “I was Raised to Treat The Janitor with The Same Respect as The CEO.”
B30. Here is a Quote from Former Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, who Passed Away in The Year 2016: “Have the Courage to Have Your Wisdom Regarded as Stupidity. Be Fools for Christ. And Have the Courage to Suffer the Contempt of The Sophisticated World.”
B31. Here is a News Headline: “13 FOOT Long ‘HORNED SEA MONSTER’ Found on Beach Leaves SCIENTISTS BAFFLED.” And it sure Looks like a Horned Sea Monster to Me, and it sure Looks like a Horned Sea Monster to other Reasonable Person. And Many Reasonable People have Concluded that it is a Picture of a Horned Sea Monster.
B32. As I learned from a Biology Professor’s Lecture in a College Classroom, Viruses Spread easily. And Here is one of Many News Headlines about the Widespread Prevalence of The Spread of Diseases: “Globally, an estimated two-thirds of the population under 50 are infected with herpes simplex virus type.” An Estimated 66 Percent of People under the age of 50 have a Type of Herpes.
B33. Here is another News Headline: “Ebola Virus in Africa is a New Strain.”
B34: And Here is another News Headline: “Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia Rates Rising for First Time in Years: CDC.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We are Self-Sufficient. And We Produce what We Need. We have No Real Debt. And We have Our Own Currency. Furthermore, like Many of Our Other Organizations, Our Government is Powerful and Strong, and it does Not collect Taxes, as there is No Need, as Our Government is Self-Sufficient, and it Produces what it needs. Remember, a Spaceship is often basically just Metals and Electronics. And a Home is often basically just Wood and Electronics. And Clothing is often basically just Wool from Sheep.”
Our Economy should be a Mainly Tangible and Intangible Resource-Based Economy. -- Brandon
There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including The Movie called Thinner.
B35. Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone: “Pray[,] It causes Miracles.”
B36. And Here is another Paraphrased Quote from Someone: “FRAGILE[:] Handle Life with PRAYER.”
B37. Here is a Quote from Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who Passed Away in the Year 2016: “I attack IDEAS. I don’t attack People. And some Very Good People have some Very Bad Ideas. And if You can’t separate the two, You gotta get another Day Job.”
B38. Here is a Bible Verse, Isaiah 53:5: “By His Wounds We are Healed.”
B39. Misc. Miscellaneous. Etc. Et Cetera.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person is also a Person. And that Individual is also an Individual. And there just may be One Individual, or more than One Individual, who Happens to be a Member of an Organization who Said and/or did a Certain Thing. And there just may be One Individual, or more than One Individual, who Happens to be a Member of a Profession who Said and/or did a Certain Thing. And, as the often Truthful Saying States, ‘There are a Few Bad Apples in Every Bunch.’”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Antibodies. Plasma. Medicine. Medicines. Disease. Diseases. Illness. Illnesses. Epidemic. Epidemics. Virus. Viruses. Strain. Strains. Cure. Cures. Curing. Cured. Manage. Manages. Managing. Managed. Well-Managed. Manageable. Manageability.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Buddy the Dog, You are going to be in Time Out for a Few Seconds.” Time Out (TO). Time Outs (TO). Cool Down (CD). Cooling Down (CD). Cooled Down (CD). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Politics. Real Politics (RP). RealPolitik. Reality. Realities. That’s Just the Way that it is (TJTWTII). That is Just the Way that it is (TIJTWTII). That’s Just Reality (TJR). That is Just Reality (TIJR). Those are Just the Realities (TAJTR). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Zero Percent Tax Rate:
If a Government Controls its Own Money Supply, as it Should, that Government does Not need Taxation, as it can just take a Percentage of The Money that it Creates. For example, a Government can take about 20 Percent of the Money that it Creates, and then Not have any Taxation of its Own People.
Many of My Family Members (FM) and I are Members of The Political Party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. We are Republicans.
And More of My Writings:
Z83. A Long Time. A Very Long Time. An Extremely Long Time. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z84. A Long Time ago. A Very Long Time ago. An Extremely Long Time ago. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). The amount. The amount of time. The amount of time since that is. The amount of: seconds and/or minutes and/or hours and/or days and/or weeks and/or months and/or years. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z85. A Short Time. A Very Short Time. An Extremely Short Time. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z86. A Short Time ago. A Very Short Time ago. An Extremely Short Time ago. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Z87. I agree with that. And I disagree with that. We Agree to Disagree about that. Everyone is Entitled to His or Her own Opinions. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am Not going to Talk about that.” And The Woman also said, “I am Not going to Talk about that.” And The Person also said, “I am Not going to Talk about that.” And The Man said, “I am Not going to do that.” And The Woman also said, “I am Not going to do that.” And The Person also said, “I am Not going to do that.” And The Man said, “No Comment.” And The Woman also said, “No Comment.” And The Person also said, “No Comment.” No Comment (NC). And The Man said, “No.” And The Woman also said, “No.” And The Person also said, “No.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from Albert Einstein: “The More I study Science, the More I Believe in God.”
Here is a Quote from President Ronald Reagan, during His Memorial Day Speech: “Those who say that We’re in a time where there are No Heroes, They just don’t know where to look. [ . . . ] We are Americans.”
And More of My Writings: Z88. The Modus Operandi (TMO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here are some Lyrics to The Song, “The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning”: “The Veil o[v]er The Earth is beginning to Burst.”
The Integral Role Feudalism and Manorialism Played in Medieval Europe
Written by Brandon Katrena
Thanks to such notable philosophers as Locke, John Stuart Mill, and Ayn Rand, modern-day Westerners see Feudalism and Manorialism as being nefarious. Yet if one were to peruse the annals of history, one would find that these social, political, and economic systems of antiquity were born out of necessity. One would also discover that along with the negative aspects attached to these two systems, there were a plethora of positive ones as well, which helped meet the needs of medieval Europe.
Manorialism developed in multifaceted and complex ways. The seeds of Manoralism were planted in the latter half of the third century AD when Roman Emperor Diocletian ordered his subjects to follow the occupations of their fathers. A few hundred years passed by, in which time the Roman Empire fell, Germanic Tribes took over, and eventually the Carolingian Empire came in to existence.
History has a proclivity to repeat itself. Like the Roman Empire before it, the Carolingian Empire fell apart. With its fall, the seeds planted by Diocletian came into full bloom. There are three reasons for these phenomena.
Firstly, from the first half to the end of the ninth century AD, Frankish Nobles encouraged members of the royal family to battle one another. This infighting was enervating, and nobles were thus able to accumulate lands from the weakened royals. Finally, worn out by internecine warfare, in 843 AD Louis the Pious’s sons divided the Carolingian Empire among themselves. This action only exacerbated the precarious condition of imperial authority, as greedy nobles were able to seize even more land and power from a now fractured Empire.
Secondly, like internal divisions, periodic external attacks by Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims took their toll on the Carolingian Empire. Not only did these invasions hasten The Empire’s Collapse, but they also “created [. . .] individual insecurity” (MHB 262). Individuals need protection, so what did they do? Answer: they got protection from local lords. In return for this protection, lords obtained allegiance from the peasantry, and at the same time increased their own power and prestige.
Thirdly, and lastly, with an attack upon society by internal and external forces, things broke down. Economic life became almost totally agricultural; non-commercial bargaining supplanted the usage of money. Urban centers were an endangered species; rural life became dominant.
In sum, then, royal infighting, along with external attacks, were taken advantage of by opportunistic local magnates. As a decentralization of government came into being, an increase in power at a localized level came about. Gradually, agricultural activities began to reign supreme and Manorialism took shape.
As McKay, Hill, and Buckler state, “Feudalism concerned the rights, powers, and lifestyle of the military elite, manorialism involved the services and obligations of the peasant[s] [ . . . ]” (261). While these two systems were in many ways dissimilar, in other ways they were quite analogous to each other. Land was the form of wealth of the military elite. One did not find nobles beating their swords into plowshares and tilling the soil under the perpetual glare of the scorching sun; nor did one find peasants beating their hoes and spades into weapons of war. Rather, the peasantry worked the land, and in return the nobility provided protection. Therefore, Feudalism and Manoralism were in a symbiotic, inextricable relationship: without serfs to work the land, the military elite could not exist; without the military elite, serfs would have fallen prey to bloodthirsty invaders.
How did Manorialism work in practical terms? Serfs formed the backbone of a Manorial Society. To become a serf, unless born into it, a person would come to a lord and request to become his serf. If the lord acquiesced, that person became the lord’s subject. From then on, He or She gave their Person and their lands to the lord; they were thus bound to the land and were subject to the lord’s rules.
Unlike modern-day Western Civilization where industry is King, Manorialism was an economic system where agriculture was hegemonic. Accordingly, a serf’s main job was to farm the land and give a portion of the harvest to the lord. In return, he or she received the lord’s protection.
Furthermore, “Rugged Individualism” was a phrase that was unheard of in the early Middle Ages. It follows then that on the manor the serf’s emulated society’s ethos and were very collectivist. For example, in farming they pooled their labor, thereby working as a team and pursuing a common goal. (Perhaps modern-day society could benefit by taking heed to some of the practices of the past.)
Lest one think otherwise, lords and peasants were not in a collective, egalitarian relationship. On the contrary, while peasants dirtied their hands tilling the earth, the lords’ defense of the manor gave their hands an incarnadine hue. Even though the two group’s obligations were multifarious, for Manorialism to work both lord and peasant were counted upon to diligently uphold their part of the bargain.
Upon close examination of the duties of the lord and serf, it is apparent that a peasant’s most time-consuming duty was to work the land. Primitive agricultural tools, such as the harrow, meant farming was exhausting. In addition, typically they worked from dawn to dusk, and days off were rare indeed.
Besides having to work their own land, the peasants also had the duty of cultivating the lords’ private plots of land; usually, all of this harvested food became the property of the lord. This chore, on average, consumed three or more days per week of the peasants’ time. In addition to this, a peasant had to do other manual labor types of jobs around the manor (e.g., animal husbandry, craft making, et cetera).
Lastly, peasants were expected to be deferential to their lord. This entailed not leaving the manor without his authorization. Moreover, they had to obey the lord and take heed to his every command. And they were restricted in many other ways. For example, in addition to having to give a percentage of the annual harvest to the lord, in many cases they had to pay him before they married someone, and they also had to pay a fine before inheriting property.
While the peasants worked their fingers to the bone, a lord worked at a more comfortable pace. His primary duty was to make sure that his estate ran smoothly. He accomplished this, in part, by hiring overseers who were competent. A lord also helped ensure the smooth running of his estate by overseeing legal proceedings and disciplining those serfs who got out of line. With the latter, English lords were aided by their serfs who, upon seeing criminal mischief taking place, “[ . . . ] were expected to chase the perpetrator themselves and yell to others to join in.” (WRW 140).
Equally important, a lord provided military protection for those living on his manor. Besides being well-armed themselves, many could rely on knights to help with this duty. It was important that lords guard their territory well, as an undefended manor was a tempting target for many an avaricious foreign invader, who not only looted but who also, “most terribly [ . . . ] oppress[ed] the Christians” (Rogers 295).
Additionally, lords were supposed to look out for the general welfare of the peasantry. For example, they were to provide for the peasants in lean times (class notes). Whether or not they always did this is another matter all together.
From ushering in relative stability to protecting the populace from invaders’ battle-axes, Manorialism and Feudalism met the needs of Medieval Europe in many fundamental ways. Yet, in other ways these systems let society down. While hedonistic lords went to bed with full bellies, throngs of peasants suffered from want.
The order that Manorialism ushered in greatly benefited Medieval Europe. Except when an “act of God” struck, the Manorial System usually ensured that a steady supply of foodstuffs would be produced. Also, those who lived on the manor knew what their daily routine was and were kept busy. (As the old adage says, “Idle hands make for idle minds.”) Consequently, this absence of chaos meant Europe was poised to advance herself.
Furthermore, Manorialism’s inextricable link to Feudalism brought about a measure of security. The lords helped protect the peasantry from being molested and slaughtered by the so-called “Barbarians.” And at the same time, lords hindered the destruction of property, which in turn was good for the agricultural-intensive economy.
While in many ways Manorialism benefited the peoples of Europe, the movie called “The Name of the Rose” testified to the base side of this system. For example, the scene where peasants frantically scavenged through the monastery’s trash for food illustrated that not all lords fulfilled their obligations to the peasantry. One can also surmise from that scene that the Manorial System did not always yield sufficient quantities of food.
Moreover, serfdom was just one step up from slavery. While they could not sell “their” serfs (yes, they were regarded as property-like), from floggings to mutilations to executions, lords could be as autocratic as they chose to be. In this way, this system retarded the development of a society based upon egalitarian principles.
In sum, both Manorialism and Feudalism played an indispensable role in the society of yesteryear. Manorialism was an economic system that was well-suited for the agricultural-based economy of Medieval Europe. Likewise, Fedualism helped bring about a sense of order and security where there had been none before. Together, both systems, while not without flaw by any means, left a positive, long-lasting mark on Western Civilization.
Works Cited:
McKay, Hill, and Buckler. A History of Western Society. New
York, NY: Hougton Mifflin Company, 1999.
Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization. Upper Saddle River,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997.
Smaldone. “Class Notes.”
The Name of the Rose. Dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud. Perf. Sean
Connery, F. Murray Abraham, Christian Slater. Embassy Home Entertainment, 1987.
Wiesner, Ruff, and Wheeler. Discovering the Western Past. New
York, NY: Houghton Miffline Company 1997.
One of My Papers/Plays
Written by Brandon Katrena
The year is 52 BC, and Rome is in Chaos. There are scenes of lootings and much screaming. Pompey, Caesar’s new rival, obtains the consulship. In the following years, Roman senators attempt to strip Caesar of his soldiers (Heichelheim, Ward, and Yeo, 199-200). This is too much for Caesar to handle, and he crosses the Rubicon. Caesar’s forces conquer Rome and Spain. Battle scenes are shown. By 47 BC, Caesar, on battlefields throughout Europe and Africa, defeats those who openly oppose him. In 46 BC, he celebrates four lavish triumphs, and a year later puts down a rebellion in Spain (Heichelheim, Ward, and Yeo, 204). The play visually shows triumphs and the Spanish rebels being pacified.
The play’s announcer states: “As is the case on the battlefield, when it comes to reforms, Caesar is the crème de la crème. He increases the size of The Senate, and he drafts lex Julia Municipalis, which ‘provide[s] for local self-government.’ These two important moves create good will between Rome and Italy (Heichelheim, Ward, and Yeo, 205). In order to help alleviate overcrowding and unemployment, Caesar becomes passionate about colonization projects. Moreover, Caesar regulates the calendar” (Heichelheim, Ward, and Yeo, 206).
Caesar walks past a man who warns the dictator, “Beware the Ides of March.” Caesar, in his typical fearless fashion, walks to The Senate, undisturbed. Once seated, The Senators do what they are known to have done. Caesar, startled by Brutus’s treachery asks, “Et tu, Brute?” (Shakespeare is in the play’s credits). The play’s curtains close and re-open within two minutes.
Yes, Caesar died a tragic death. More importantly, he lived a Very Noble and Heroic Life. It is why many of the Romans of antiquity thought him a god. The last scene of My play shows Caesar’s and Venus’s hands joined together; they recollect the events that transpired during Caesar’s 56 years on Earth, and She murmurs in His Ear, “My Child, You make Me proud.” Aeneas pats Caesar on the back, and the Trojan draws parallels between his battle against Turnus, prince of Rutuli, and Caesar’s battle against Pompey; both were formidable foes who had huge armies under their command (Livy, 36). A few seconds later, Mars, donning a toga, nods approvingly. Romulus, looking adoringly at Caesar, says, “You were a Soldier. And You helped make My Wish, expressed hundreds of years ago, come true: ‘let them know, and teach their children, that no power on earth can stand against Roman arms’” (Livy, 51). Caesar’s eyes, as they had done when he was an infant, glow bright, and he yearns for the day when the very thought of Rome strikes fear into the heart of all barbarians, and when a Roman is filled with an infinite amount of pride, reverence, duty, and honor when He or She says, “I am Roman.”
Works Cited:
Heichelheim, Ward, and Yeo. A History of the Roman People.
3rd edition. (Prentice Hall, 1999).
Livy. The Early History of Rome, trans. A. de Sélincourt
(Penguin Books, 1971).
A Case for More Female Governmental Officials being Needed
Written by Brandon Katrena
It is Important that females serve in the government for four main reasons. Firstly, it encourages more females to run for government office. Secondly, when females serve in the government, it helps shatter myths about females, such as that they are overly emotional, weak, and lack fire in the belly. Thirdly, in some – but nonetheless important – ways, many females govern differently than their male counterparts, the underlying cause of which is caused by differences in socialization. Fourthly, the aforementioned three reasons cause meaningful social change to take place.
Female governmental officials’ presence encourages more females to enter the political sphere. Most people do not like being trailblazers. When they see someone like them who has already entered politics, they have a proclivity to think that they might be able to do that too. After Madeleine Kunin became Governor of Vermont, for example, many females who had previously settled for either lives in the domestic sphere or low-level government posts began to see that they too could achieve more; consequently, there was “a very big reservoir of female applicants for positions all over state government” (Kunin 354-355). Symbolic representation produces meaningful social change because it encourages more females to aspire to greater heights in the here and now, and because it makes an indelible impression on the self-esteem of female children, who will one day grow up and be in positions to lead this nation. With regard to the former, later on in this paper it is explained how female governmental officials, especially high-level ones, cause meaningful social change. With regard to the latter, as then-Governor of Texas, Ann Richards, stated: “There will be a lot of little girls who open their history texts to see my picture [ . . . ] and they will say, ‘If she can do it, so can I’” (qtd. In Thomas 56).
Additionally, a shattering of myths about females occurs when females serve in the government, which produces meaningful social change as it helps ensure that when female children grow up, they will be able to do anything that they want to do, including leading the nation; it also helps female adults, as it helps tear down some of the many myth-produced barriers that they must contend with on a day-to-day basis. Two prevalent myths are that females are overly emotional and weak. Female politicians like former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher help shatter these myths. She earned the sobriquet “the Iron Lady”: pleas to compassion did not deter her from slashing Britain’s welfare rolls; in 1982, she refused to surrender the Falkland Islands, opting instead to battle it out with Argentina until she achieved her objective – victory; nine years later, on the eve of the Persian Gulf War, she instructed then-U.S. President George Bush to not be “wobbly”. Another myth is that females lack the necessary fire in the belly to be politicians. Female politicians like U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein shatter this one also. For example, Feinstein was twice unsuccessful in attaining San Francisco’s mayorship before winning two, four-year terms (Clift and Brazaitis 174).
The shattering of myths and the benefits conferred with symbolic representation are not the only positive things that occur when females serve in the government. We also need more female governmental officials because, while Reingold was right in the assessment that female and male governmental officials are mostly alike in their governance (215), they still tend to govern in some different – but nonetheless important – ways. One such way centers on political appointments. Many females who hold executive positions in the government actively seek out qualified females to appoint to government posts. Unlike many of her male predecessors, for example, then-Governor of Vermont Madeleine Kunin realized that although being confined to the domestic sphere for years on end made females’ credentials typically different from males’, it did not mean that females were unqualified for government posts. She therefore tapped into her “Old Girls” network and appointed females in much greater numbers than had been done previously (Kunin 355). Likewise, in 1993 then-Governor of New Jersey Christine Todd Whitman appointed the “first woman attorney general and the first female African-American secretary of state” (Clift and Brazaitis 178). The question arises: why is it important that females be appointed to government posts? Answer: because it is important that females serve in the government.
Female governmental officials also tend to be more passionate than male governmental officials about improving and strengthening social programs such as day care, education, and welfare, which, it can be argued, produces meaningful social change, as when such programs are improved and strengthened people are treated more humanely and are given the tools necessary to help live up to their full potential. Furthermore, female governmental officials have a great proclivity to ratify legislation that deals with issues that directly affect females. As this writer mentioned in a previous paper: “A researcher found that over 80% of female candidates for U.S. Congress and state legislatures ‘had positive attitudes toward the women’s movement, and that substantial majorities supported feminist positions on such issues as the ERA’ (Amy 101) (6).”
That researcher is not alone in the assessment that a large percentage of female candidates for political office are passionate about those issues that disproportionally affect women: the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University also concurs (Kunin 365), which is exciting because:
“as more and more women have been elected to government office over the years, their positive attitudes toward the women’s movement and support for feminist positions have translated into many victories for women. For example, U.S. Congresswomen played an integral role in ratifying The Family and Medical Leave Act, and they also helped change the practice of naming all hurricanes after women, which is good as hurricanes are destructive” (Clift and Brazaitis 107) (Katrena 6).
And there are many examples of victories on the state level as well. For instance, in 1990 in Vermont, among the most passionate about establishing family courts were female governmental officials. Family courts are good for women as they can “equalize the balance of power between men and women within the judicial system by recognizing the vulnerability of women and children when they [are] at the most fragile point in their lives” (Kunin 368).
This is not to say that male governmental officials’ legislation is always, or even often, bad. Rather, as Oregon Congressperson Jackie Winters said during the “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women and Work” panel discussion, and former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland said in the videocassette “Women World Leaders,” men and women tend to have different perspectives. The inclusion of both perspectives in legislation is beneficial, as both men and women have good points.
Some assume that because female governmental officials tend to have different perspectives than their male colleagues it is indicative of inherent differences in the mindsets of men and women. This too is a myth; it is shattered by an elementary understanding of sociology. Men and women tend to have some differences when it comes to governing because they are usually raised differently, and they are treated differently throughout their live. Boys are usually encouraged to compete against each other and be aggressive; girls are usually encouraged to cooperate and play nice. Until very recently, men were usually the sole income producers; women were the ones who took care of the home. (In contemporary times, while husbands are taking a larger degree of responsibility for the care of the children and the home than they did before, the average husband still does not spend as much time on these things as his wife does.)
Some of the media often helps perpetuate this gender stratification by, for example, having movies and advertising depict men as being aggressive and women as being subordinate. Not surprisingly, then, men’s and women’s thinking tends to differ in some ways, and their governing-styles reflect this, with male governmental officials often having a tendency to care more about competitive things, such as war, and female governmental officials often having a tendency to care more about nurturing/family things like child care and education. Governor Madeleine Kunin, for example, was passionate about child care because – like most women – her personal experience with the issue as a mother made her much more insightful and interested in it (Kunin 365). As Phillips stated:
“We do not have to resort to either mysticism or socio-biology to explain social differences between women and men, and it would be most peculiar if the different responsibilities the sexes carry for caring for others did not translate into different approaches to politics and power (75).”
When society has more female governmental officials, it will most likely never go back to the days when one could count the number of female governmental officials on one hand, as female governmental officials’ presence encourages more females to run for political office. When more females are governmental officials, myths about females shatter. Moreover, females bring to the table their unique (socially-created) perspectives, which is good, because the perspectives are good. Our society may never become perfect, but as the numbers of female governmental officials increase, it will become more just.
Works Cited
Amy, Douglas. Real Choices/New Voices: The Case for
Proportional Representation Elections in the United States. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
Clift, Eleanor and Brazaitis, Tom. Madam President: Shattering
the Last Glass Ceiling. New York: Scribner, 2000.
Katrena, Brandon. “Are Electoral Reforms Effective and
Good?” 2001.
Kunin, Madeleine. Living a Political Life. New York: Vintage
Books, 1994.
Phillips, Beth. Representing Women: Sex Gender and
Legislative Behavior in Arizona and California. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press, 2000.
Thomas, Sue. How Women Legislate. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1994.
Winters, Jackie. “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women and
Work.” Panel Discussion. Willamette University. Salem, Oregon: 6 November 2001.
Women World Leaders. Videocassette. New Dimension Media,
Inc. 1990.
Livy’s History of Rome: The Twin Disciplines of War and Peace, and the Lessons Conferred
Written by Brandon Katrena
Although war and peace are antithetical by definition, during the reigns of Romulus and Numa those two opposites, according to Livy, brought to Rome and to Romans many benefits and dangers. Specifically, Romulus’s specialty – war – gave the city women, other tangibles, and valuable intangibles, while Numa’s specialty – peace – brought about development and religiosity, and, because of the latter, more respect from other states. Additionally, while Livy wrote about events that occurred from 753 to 674 BC, in many ways his discussion about a society at peace more than 600 years from the time he was living was very relevant to the Rome he and his countrymen inhabited.
According to Livy, the Romans of antiquity loved war. This amorous fixation with it was why they “declare[d] that Mars himself was their first parent” (Livy, 33), and why they so highly valued bravery, strength, and constance. Romulus’s reign did his first parent proud: not only did he wage war against Rome’s adversaries (an egregious exception was the non-retribution for Tatius’s murder), when it came to being a warrior and military strategist, he was la crème de la crème. Perhaps after a battle like the one against the men of Caenina, Mars was proud of His Children’s prowess.
War is, for good reason, associated with devastation to both sides of a conflict. The severely weakened states of the Trojans, Latins, and Rutuli after their conflict (Livy, 36), the Allies and Central Powers after World War I, and the European Countries after World War II being three examples out of a myriad. However, when Romulus was on the throne, war conferred a number of benefits to Rome.
War gave Rome women, whose ability to procreate was normally needed for the maintenance and/or increase of the population. Exceptions included mergers and non-violent acquisitions, such as when the Sabine women convinced their husbands to lay down their weapons and join with the Romans, which caused an approximate doubling in the population of Rome.
“Woe to the vanquished!” the adage goes. From spoils (Livy, 45) to territory (Livy, 46 and 50), war gave the Roman community other tangible benefits. These allowed Mars’s Children to survive and expand.
War gave valuable intangibles. Experience from former conflicts, for example, meant that, “the sheer power of [Romulus’s] veteran troops sufficed for victory” over Veii (Livy, 50). With the fall of Veii came many of the aforementioned benefits. Rome obtained another intangible – protection – both from the negation of retribution from (now conquered) foreign people, and from those like the men of Fidenae, for whom Rome’s exponential expansion caused worry. Moreover, victory on the battlefield was a means to accomplishing the paramount goal of pleasing the gods. For instance, after the battle against the revenge-seeking men of Caenina, Romulus gave the enemy commander’s armor to Jupiter Feretrius (Livy, 45). An argument can be made that whether or not the gods really existed was not too important; it only mattered that the Romans believed the gods were pleased, as a worried populace caused a fall in morale, and that spelled trouble.
War was not all good to the Romans, as it came with the specter of danger. Until Rome first became an expansive Empire and could afford to lose a skirmish here, say in Greece, and there, say in Northern Africa, losing a single battle carried with it the possibility of the sack of the city and its citizens being led away in shackles. What is more, with a plethora of the men off fighting, not only was Rome vulnerable, but lots of the farming did not get done. Yes, the spoils of war could help; however, victory was never assured.
Much to their first parent’s chagrin, during the reign of Numa, the Romans turned away from their bellicose ways and embraced peace. Like war, this path too conferred several benefits to Rome. It also had its downside.
Peace allowed Rome to develop. Numa created a calendar. He created holidays, which boosted morale. Numa encouraged the maturing of religion through (a) the appointment of priests and virgin priestesses, (b) the consecration of an altar to Jupiter Elicius, and (c) the empowerment of the Pontifex, Senator Numa Marcius, with control over many of religion’s facets (Livy, 55).
This religiosity gave Rome newfound respect from other states. During the reign of Romulus they thought the Children of Mars would forever don the shawl of belligerence and with it beat them senseless. They treated Romans accordingly. During Numa’s reign the surrounding states “came to revere [Rome] so profoundly as a community dedicated wholly to worship that the mere thought of offering her violence seemed to them like sacrilege” (Livy, 56).
As is the case with war, peace was not 100% good. Livy stated that it could cause slothfulness, leaving a city like Rome vulnerable to attack (Livy, 54). In addition, while peace may have sometimes brought reverence, it could just as well have caused other states to not fear Rome and, as Machiavelli’s The Prince stated, there were benefits to being feared; namely, it helped ward off attack.
Livy’s treatment of peace applied to his contemporary Romans. He wrote in the preface that his Rome’s “might [ . . . ] [was] beginning to work its own ruin.” And it was. During the time period encompassing 25 to 5 BC, large Roman armies were fighting the so-called “Barbarians” on the outskirts of The Empire. The Roman Generals, gorged with the power war accorded to them, were trying to seize control, causing chaos in the meantime (Heichelheim, Ward, and Yeo, 247). As Livy pointed out in his writing, during Numa’s reign, peace provided internal developments and -- much more importantly for his countrymen -- also lead through religiosity to Rome’s enemies not waging war. Furthermore, religion -- except in those religions where Dionysus, Liber, and their ilk were held in very high esteem -- could lessen the sensual excesses that plagued Livy’s, not Numa’s, Rome (Livy, 34 and 36).
War and peace benefited the Rome of antiquity. They also entailed risk. I believe that the moral behind Livy’s story was that either of these polar opposites, depending on the context, could be warmly embraced and would probably produce good results, but a Person should not fall so much in love with either War or Peace that it blinded Him or Her to the danger lurking in the shadows of their friend’s eyes.
Works Cited:
Heichelheim, Ward, and Yeo. A History of the Roman People.
3rd edition. (Prentice Hall, 1999).
Livy. The Early History of Rome, trans. A. de Sélincourt
(Penguin Books, 1971).
There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including the Movie, Star Wars, and Here are some Quotes from that Movie:
Darth Vader: “He is here.”
The Governor Tarkin: “Obi-Wan Kenobi? What makes you think so?”
Darth Vader: “A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old Master.”
Darth Vader: “Obi-wan is here. The Force is with him.”
Darth Vader: “I sense something; a presence I've not felt since [ . . . ]”
There are Many Good Songs to Listen to, including, “God of Our Fathers,” “Nearer My God to Thee,” “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “Father in Heaven,” “Homeward Bound,” “God Be with You Until We Meet Again,” “What a Wonderful World,” “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” “Heaven,” “Both Sides Now,” “Flood to Fyre,” “Straight Lines,” Sum 41’s “Pieces,” and Lady Gaga’s “Just Dance.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “What are You doing, Carrot?” And The Carrot replied, “I have this Magical Wand, and I’m trying to turn this Celery into a Carrot.” And The Man replied, “Carrot, that Celery has always been a Celery, and He will always be a Celery. He was Born a Celery, and He is a Celery by Birth, although You are both Vegetables, and You are both Vegetable Members (VM). He is a Celery Member (CM). Just as how You will always be a Carrot, and Just as how You have always been a Carrot, He will always be a Celery, and He has always been a Celery. That is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And that is Logical. And that is Rational.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man asked a Woman, “Where are We driving to in this rain?” And The Woman replied, “We are driving to the place about 1/10th of an inch where it has stopped raining, as that is always a Good Place to be.”
There are Many Good Movies and Movie Trailers to Watch, and The Movie called “Munich,” and its Movie Trailer, are Good to Watch.
And More of My Writings:
Z88. Here is a Quote: “O God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come.”
Z89. Aurora. Auroras.
Z90. Here is a Quote from President Ronald Reagan, “Inside the Bible’s pages lie the answers to all the problems that mankind has ever known. I hope Americans will read and study the Bible.”
Z91. There is a News Article from The Washington Post Entitled: “The magical thing eating chocolate does to your brain.”
Z92. And Here is a Quote: “Pray. Trust. Wait. Repeat[.]”
Z93 Here is a Quote from “[I]’m the answer to cancer[,] with the power of immunotherapy[.]” Immune System (IS). Immune Systems (IS). Immunotherapy. Immunotherapies.
Z94. There is a CNN News Article Entitled: “Charlie Sheen ‘celebrity effect’ affected HIV awareness.”
And More of My Writings:
Z95. There is a News Article entitled: “Eight Images of Dead Sea Monsters that Shook The World,” which can be found at, and You can always perform Internet Searches for Many Things, including for Sea Monsters, and other Topics.
There is much Good Music to Listen to, including the songs entitled, “Do You Believe in Magic,” and “You can do Magic.”
There are Many Good Songs to Listen to, including the Song by The Music Band, The Penguins, called, “Earth Angel.”
There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including one about a Gifted Puzzle Solver in the Movie called “Mercury Rising.” And, as is the case with Many other Movies, that Movie’s Movie Trailer is Good to watch too.
And More of My Writings:
Puzzle Solver (PS). Puzzle Solvers (PS). Puzzle. Puzzles. Puzzling. Enigma. Enigmas. Mystery. Mysteries. Mysterious. Mysteriously. Solver. Solvers. Solve. Solves. Solving. Solved. Solution. Solutions. Good Solution (GS). Good Solutions (GS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Z96. A Modified, and often True, saying is: “Time Heals Many Old Wounds.” And a Modified, and often True, saying is: “Time (sort of) Heals Many Old Wounds.”
Z97. Code. Codes. Coding. Coded. The Code (TC). The Codes (TC). The Coding (TC). The Coded (TC). A Code (AC). Some Codes (SC). Some Coding (SC). Some Coded (SC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, a Woman said to The Man, “Welcome to The Family.” Family. Families. The Family (TF). The Families (TF). A Family (AF). Some Families (SF). Family Member (FM). Family Members (FM).
And More of My Writings:
Z98. The 1940s were quite an Eventful Decade: Five of those years were spent fighting World War 2, a War which lasted Six Years. And the 1940s also saw the (Wise) Non-Implementation of Operation Unthinkable. And the 1940s also saw the Beginning of The Cold War.
Z99. Rhymes of Mine. Jokes that I Wrote.
Z100. There is the Concept of Blood Money. Blood Money. Blood Money (BM).
And More of My Writings:
CC1B. There are Many Good Songs to Listen to, including The Song called Zadok The Priest.
Here is a Quote from John Piper: “Books don’t change people; paragraphs do, Sometimes even sentences.”
And More of My Writings:
CC2B. Here is a News Article from entitled: “New Scientific Study Explaining Where Water Came from Confirms Biblical Account.”
CC3B. And Here is a News Article from New Scientist Magazine entitled: “Anglo-Saxon remedy kills hospital superbug MRSA.”
CC4B. And Here is a News Article from entitled: “Police Officer was dead 45 Minutes, not giving up…the ER staff prayed…and a miracle happened!”
CC5B. And Here is a News Article from Fox News entitled: “Historian discovers secret notes hidden in 500-year-old Bible.”
CC6B. And Here is a News Article from entitled: “Northwest Hospital notifies patients who may have been exposed to Hepatitis B and C, HIV.”
CC7B. And Here is a News Article from entitled: “Italy Is Passing a Law to Make Supermarkets Donate All Their Unsold Food.” And France has Passed, or is in the process of Passing, a Similar Law.
CC8B. Stem Cell. Stem Cells. Stem Cell (SC). Stem Cells (SC).
CC9B. Here is a Quote from Someone: “Never Hold on to Anything Tighter than You’re Holding on to God.”
CC10B. And Here is a News Article from The Huffington Post Entitled: “France’s Grocery Stores Banned from Wasting Food Under New Law.”
And More of My Writings:
CC11B. The Leading Causes of Death Statistics. The United States Leading Causes of Death Statistics. The Regional Leading Causes of Death Statistics. The Historical, and Current, Leading Causes of Death Statistics May Surprise You.
And More of My Writings:
CC12B. That that Man is still alive is Indicative of Many Things. And that that Man is (or was) alive at that Age is Indicative of Many Things. And there are More Indications of Many other Things.
CC13B. That that Woman is still alive is Indicative of Many Things. And that that Woman is (or was) alive at that Age is Indicative of Many Things. And there are More Indications of Many other Things.
CC14B. That that Person is still alive is Indicative of Many Things. And that that Person is (or was) alive at that Age is Indicative of Many Things. And there are More Indications of Many other Things.
Here are some Lyrics to The Band called Wang Chung’s song, “Everybody Have Fun Tonight”: “The Words We use are Strong. They make Reality.”
There is much Good Music to listen to, including Jay-Z’s and Rihanna’s Song called, “Umbrella.”
And More of My Writings:
CC15B. Divine Inspiration. Divine Inspirations. Divinely Inspired. Inspired by God. Inspiration by God. Inspirations by God. Inspiration. Inspirations. Inspired. Inspiration by. Inspirations by. Inspired by. Inspiration from. Inspirations from. Inspired from. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC16B. There are Many Good Movies to watch, including The 1997 Film called “The Rainmaker,” and, as is the case with Many other Movie Trailers, That Film’s Movie Trailer is Good to Watch too.
CC17B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Maybe that Person knows something that We don’t know.” And The Woman said, “Maybe that Person knows something that We don’t know.” And The Person said, “Maybe that Person knows something that We don’t know.”
In The 2016 American Presidential Primary Season, a Well-Known Candidate Questioned whether another Famous Person was Really a Member of a Certain Religion.
On The Telephone, The Man said to His Grandma, “Remember, on The Internet and elsewhere there is a lot of Deception.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is Very Likely Glued on. And those are Very Likely Glued on.”
Here is a Poem written by Dylan Thomas, called, “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night”:
“Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
And More of My Writings:
CC18B. In one of My Writings, The Woman said to The Man, “I’m a Prayer Warrior.” Prayer Warrior (PW). Prayer Warriors (PW).
CC19B. There are Many Good Movies to watch, including The Movie called, “War Room,” which is about The Power of Prayer.
CC20B. Pray. Prays. Praying. Prayed. Prayer. Prayers. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There have been Hundreds of Wars. And there have been Thousands of Conflicts. And there have been Thousands of Major Conflicts.
And Here are some More of My Writings and More Headlines and More Writings:
CC21B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “While that does Not answer all of My Questions, that is a Good Beginning.”
CC22B. There is a News Headline entitled: “Photo of coffee shop workers praying with customer goes viral.”
CC23B. Here is a Quote from Louie Giglio: “God Works While We Wait.”
CC24B. And Here is a Quote from C.S. Lewis: “I believe in Christ like I believe in the sun. Not because I see it but by it, I see everything else.”
CC25B. There is a CNN News Headline entitled: “Who is Rachel Dolezal?”
CC26B. There is an ABC News Headline entitled: “Franklin Graham Questions Obama’s Christian Faith.”
CC27B. There is a CBS News Headline entitled: “Donald Trump on Mitt Romney in Utah: ‘Are you sure he’s a Mormon?’”
CC28B. There is a Scientific American Headline entitled: “Modern Peanut’s Wild Cousin, Thought Extinct, Found in Andes.”
CC29B. There is a Picture of a Man’s Hand and Arm covered with what Appears to be Visible Energy and/or Lightning and/or something similar to those things, and He is carrying a Holy Bible, and to the Left of the Picture it states, “Trust in the power of His word alone.”
CC30B. There is a News Headline entitled: “Why the Earth is Round and The Milky Way is Flat.”
And More of My Writings:
CC31B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I like Us. And I sort of like Us.” And The Woman said, “I like Us. And I sort of like Us.” And The Person said, “I like Us. And I sort of like Us.”
CC32B. That is a Good Beginning. That is Good. That is OK. That is Fine. That is a Good Start. That is a Beginning. That is a Start. That is an OK Beginning. That is an OK Start. That is a Fine Beginning. That is a Fine Start. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC33B. Organized. Organize. Organizes. Organized. More Organized. More Organized than that. Sort of Organized. Kind of Organized. Kind of More Organized than that. Sort of More Organized. Sort of More Organized than that. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC34B. Inner Sanctum (IS). Inner Sanctuary (IS). Inner. Outer. Outer Sanctum (OS). Outer Sanctuary (OS). In. Out. Inner. Outer. Side. Sides. Siding. Sided. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There are Many Good Television Shows to Watch, including Star Trek -- and the Variety of Star Trek Shows, such as Deep Space Nine (DS9), Voyager, and Star Trek: The Next Generation -- and The Television Show called The Americans.
And More of My Writings:
CC35B. Here is as Quote from Someone: “Some People Try to Turn Back Their Odometers. Not Me, I want People to Know Why I Look this Way. I’ve Traveled a Long Way, and Some of The Roads Weren’t Paved.”
CC36B. And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Believe[.] Hope[.] PRAY [.]”
CC37B. And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Because He Lives I can Face Tomorrow.”
CC38B. Here is a Quote from The Bible, Isaiah 51:10: “Was it Not You Who Dried Up The Sea, The Waters of The Great Deep; Who made The Depths of The Sea a Pathway for The Redeemed to Cross Over?”
CC39B. And Here is another Quote: “God has Perfect Timing. Trust Him.”
CC40B. Spiritual Warfare. Spiritual Warfare (SW). Spiritual. Spirituality. Spirituality. Spiritually. Spirit. Spirits. Warfare. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC41. Here is a Quote from Someone: “Dear Lord, Please Wrap Your Arms around those Who are Hurting Today, and Let Them Feel How Much You Love Them. Amen.”
CC42. And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Lord, open Our Eyes to See Your Glory Around Us.”
CC43. And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Faith Takes Us Beyond Ourselves, to Where God is.”
CC44. There is a Picture of a Cross, and there are the Words by The Picture that state: “Taken last night during Stations of the Cross.”
CC45. There is a Title to a Paper entitled: “8 Prayers to Pray Each Day of Holy Week.”
CC46. There is a Cartoon Drawn by someone that States: “Please Enjoy this Culturally, Ethnically, Religiously, and Politically Correct Cartoon Responsibly. Thank You.” And Underneath those words is a Picture with Nothing in it.
CC47. Here is a Quote from Someone: “Christ didn’t stay dead, and He won’t stay gone.”
CC48. And Here is a Quote from The Bible, Psalm 46:1: “God is Our Refuge and Strength, an Ever-Present Help in Trouble.”
CC49. March 23rd is a Remembrance of Gregory The Illuminator, who was a Bishop and a Missionary.
CC50. Illuminate. Illuminates. Illuminating. Illuminated. Illumination. Illuminations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC51. There are, of course, Many Movies, including the 1940 Movie called, “Fantasia.”
May You have a Happy Easter. He is Risen, and -- like a Baptism -- that can Never be Undone. – Brandon
And More of My Writings:
CC52B. There is, of course, Much Information about Miracles and Many Other Topics. And there is the Movie called, “Miracles from Heaven.”
CC53B. There are Many Names for God. And there are Many Names for Many Things. And there are Many Names for The Same Things. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC54B. Many Names. Many Names of. Many Names for. Name. Names. Naming. Named. Name of. Name for. Names of. Names for. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC55B. Here is a Quote from Dr. Ben Carson: “They have a Whole Pastel of Terms They’ll Throw at You.” In other Words: “They will have a Whole Bunch of Terms that They Will Throw at You.”
CC56B. Shock Value. Shock Value (SV). For Shock Value. For Shock Value (FSV). Shock. Shocks. Shocking. Shocked. Shocker. Shockers. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC57B. Name Caller (NC). Name Callers (NC). Name Calling (NC). Term Caller (TC). Term Callers (TC). Term Calling (TC). Disingenuous. Disingenuously. Dishonest. Dishonestly. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There have been Many Wars. And there have been Many Conflicts. And there have been Many Major Conflicts.
May You have a Good Good Friday.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Yeah, I heard that too.” And The Woman said, “Yeah, I heard that too.” And The Person said, “Yeah, I heard that too.”
And More of My Writings:
CC58B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I’m Still Kickin’ It. And I’m Still Kicking It.” And The Woman said, “I’m Still Kickin’ It. And I’m Still Kicking It.” And The Person said, “I’m Still Kickin’ It. And I’m Still Kicking It.”
CC59B. Station. Stations. Stationing. Stationed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC60B. Many People have, of course, liked to Watch Many Movies, including The Saw Movies and other Movies.
CC61B. Reference. References. Referencing. Referenced. Refer. Refers. Referring. Referred. Word of Mouth. By Word of Mouth. Partly by Word of Mouth. Sort of by Word of Mouth. Kind of by Word of Mouth. Largely by Word of Mouth. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC62B. It is a Well Known Fact that Many Individuals have Questioned whether some other Individuals are Really Members of Certain Organizations, including whether some Individuals are Really Members of Certain Religions and Certain Religious Organizations.
CC63B. Mispresenting. Misrepresent. Misrepresents. Misrepresenting. Misrepresented. Misrepresentation. Misrepresentations. Skew. Skews. Skewing. Skewed. Cherry Pick (CP). Cherry Picks (CP). Cherry Picking (CP). Cherry Picked (CP). The Number. The Numbers. The Information. That. Those. Them. Us. Me. You. He. She. They. We. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC64B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am Glad that They are Protesting. And I am Glad that They are Exercising Their God-Given and Natural Rights of The Freedom of Speech.”
CC65B. Christmas and Easter are some of My Favorite Holidays.
CC66B. In one of My Writings, “It is about Genetics. And it is about Biology.” Genetic. Genetics. Genetically. Biology. Biologies. Biological. Biologically. Biologic. Biologics. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC67B. War. Wars. Warfare. Conflict. Conflicts. Major Conflict (MC). Major Conflicts (MC). Past. Present. Future. Tense(s). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC68B. There are, of course, Many Television Shows, such as the Television Show named, “Growing Pains.”
CC69B.What is More Likely? And What is Very More Likely? And what is Extremely More Likely? About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC70B. What is More Probable? And What is Very More Probable? And what is Extremely More Probable? About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC71B. That is What that is. That is another Name for that. Those are What those are. That is another Name for that. Those are other Names for those. That is another name for those. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC72B. That is Not What that is. That is Not another Name for that. Those are Not What those are. That is Not another Name for that. Those are Not other Names for those. That is Not another name for those. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC73B. That Person is also. Those People are also. That Person is. Those People are. That is. Those are. That is also. Those are also. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC74B. That Person is Not also. Those People are Not also. That Person is Not. Those People are Not. That is Not. Those are Not. That is Not also. Those are Not also. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC75B. Classify. Classifies. Classifying. Classified. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC76B. Not Classify (NC). Not Classifies (NC). Not Classifying (NC). Not Classified (NC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC77B. Correctly Classify. Correctly Classifies. Correct Classifying. Correctly Classified. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC78B. Incorrectly Classify. Incorrectly Classifies. Incorrect Classifying. Incorrectly Classified. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC79B. Bless. Blesses. Blessing. Blessings. Blessed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC80B. It is, of course, Good to Know about Boundaries. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC81B. Boundary. Boundaries. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC82B. Good Boundary. Good Boundaries. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC83B. There are, of course, Many Books and other Literature, such as Franz Kafka’s Book named, The Metamorphosis.
CC84B. There are, of course, Many Songs and Music Videos, such as the Songs named, “One Night in Bangkok,” and, “Der Kommissar,” and Their Music Videos.
CC85B. War Room. War Room (WR). War Rooms. War Rooms (WR).
That Path led to. Those Paths led to. That led to. Those led to. Because of that. Because of those. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
May You have a Happy Easter. -- Brandon
Here are Some Facts: in Iceland, in the year 2016, approximately 66 Percent of Children are Born to Unmarried Parents. And Many other Places in the World have a Large Percentage of Children Born to Unmarried Parents. And – as Mother Bear and Her Children Demonstrate, and as Mother Duck and Her Children also Demonstrate – We Humans are the only Species who sometimes Marry, unless there are Aliens who also sometimes Marry.
Seemingly Little Things often lead to Big Things.
And some More of My Writings:
CC86B. Likely. Very Likely (VL). Extremely Likely (EL). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC87B. Not Likely (NL). Not Very Likely (NVL). Not Extremely Likely (NEL). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC88B. Unlikely. Very Unlikely (VU). Extremely Unlikely (EU). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC89B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “A Cool Grand. And a Cool One Hundred Grand.” A Cool Grand (ACG). A Cool One Hundred Grand (ACOHG). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC90B. A Conflict. Some Conflicts. A Minor Conflict. Some Minor Conflicts. A Major Conflict. Some Major Conflicts. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC91B. A Conflict (AC). Some Conflicts (SC). A Minor Conflict (AMC). Some Minor Conflicts (SMC). A Major Conflict (AMC). Some Major Conflicts (SMC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC92B. There are Many Good Films to Watch, including The Movies called, “Old Yeller,” which played in 1957, and the 2004 Movie called “Million Dollar Baby.”
As of March 29, 2016, I have Never been Drunk. And as of March 29, 2016, I have Never inhaled on a Cigarette. And as of March 29, 2016, I have Never Smoked any Tobacco Product. And as of March 29, 2016, I have Never Smoked. And as of March 29, 2016, I have Never Smoked anything. And as of March 29, 2016, I have Never used Illegal Narcotics. -- Brandon Ryan Katrena
There have been Many Wars. And there have been Many Conflicts. And there have been Many Minor Conflicts. And there have been Many Major Conflicts.
And some More of My Writings:
CC93B. Incident. Incidents. Minor Incident. Minor Incidents. Major Incident. Major Incidents. As is also the Case with Wars, Conflicts, and (Minor and Major) Conflicts, there have been Many Incidents, Minor Incidents, and Major Incidents. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC94B. Hansel and Gretel left a Trail of Bread Crumbs to Follow. The Bread Crumb (TBC). The Bread Crumbs (TBC).
CC95B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We do Important Work.” And The Woman said, “We do Important Work.” And The Person said, “We do Important Work.” We do Important Work. We do Important Work (WDIW). Important Work. Important Work (IW).
And More of My Writings:
CC96B. My Grandma has Frequently said to Me, “There’s only one Brandon.”
CC97B. Treasure. Treasures. The Treasure (TT). The Treasures (TT). A Treasure (AT). Some Treasure (ST). Some Treasures (ST). Treasure Ship. Treasure Ships. Treasure Ship (TS). Treasure Ships (TS). The Treasure Ship (TTS). The Treasure Ships (TTS). A Treasure Ship (ATS). Some Treasure Ships (STS). Resource. Resources. The Resource (TR). The Resources (TR). A Resource (AR). Some Resources (SR). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC98B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I have Wrote about 100,000 Words so far in this Document.”
CC99B. Endear. Endears. Endearing. Endeared. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Coming from that Person, that is Not Very Endearing. And coming from that other Person, that is sort of Endearing.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC100B. Existential. Non-Existential (NE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC1C. A Document is often worth a Hundred Words, and a Picture is often worth a Thousand Words, and a Video is often worth a Thousand Words. Think what We would be asked to believe if there was Not Proof. And The Court of Public Opinion is an Important Court filled with Many Important People.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
CC2C. Do People who put up “No Noise” signs and similar signs really think that there will be No Noise? Are they going to go up to a pair of Shoes and say, “Shoes, You are Squeaking on the Floor; can’t you read the No Noise Sign?”
CC3C. Why do They put Expiration Dates on Many of Our IDs? Do They Really Think that We will change Our Fundamental Qualities within a Short Amount of Time? Do They think that We are Shapeshifters?
And More of My Writings:
CC4C. Heavy. Not Heavy (NH). Light. Not Light (NL). Heavily. Not Heavily (NH). Lightly. Not Lightly (NL). Heavenly. Not Heavenly (NH). Heaven. Heavens. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC5C. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That may be a Conspiracy to do something. And that may be a Conspiracy to have some People stop Believing in God. A Conspiracy is simply when two or more people agree to do something illegal and/or immoral. And Many Courts of Law have found Individuals Guilty of Conspiracies.”
And More of My Writings:
CC6C. Extrajudicial. Extra-Judicial (EJ). Extrajudicially. Extra-Judicially (EJ). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In a College Dormitory, a Fellow Man told Me that He knew a lot about a Person by Looking at Certain Features of that Person. At the Time, I did Not know a lot about those Subjects, and now I do know a lot about those Subjects.
And More of My Writings:
CC7C. The Fellow Writer, Nietzsche’s, Concept of The Ubermensch, or The Superman. The Super Man (TSM). The Super Men (TSM). Super Man (SM). Super Men (SM). The Super Woman (TSW). The Super Women (TSW). Super Woman (SW). Super Women (SW).
And More of My Writings:
CC8C. Fundamental. Fundamentals. Fundamentally. Fun. Funny. Funnies. Fund. Funds. Funding. Funded. Found. Founds. Founding. Founded. Founder. Founders. Foundation. Foundations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC9C. Feature. Features. Featuring. Featured. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC10C. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Really Clicked with that Person’s Genetics. And that Really Clicked with that Person’s Biology. And that Really went Well Together with that Person’s Genetics. And that Really went Well Together with that Person’s Biology.” Click. Clicks. Clicking. Clicked. Went Well Together (WWT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC11C. From the Television Show, The Americans, on March 30th 2016: The Man whose Character is named Gabriel: “That’s what’s Not pressing now, Philip.” In other Words: That is Not what is Urgent Now.
CC11C1. (The) Press. (The) Presses. (The) Pressing (Issue(s)). (The) Pressed. (The) (A) Member of The Press. (The) (Some) Members of The Press. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC12C. Urgent. Urgently. Very. Extremely. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC13C. Not Urgent (NU). Not Urgently (NU). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC14C. At First Glance, that May appear to an Individual and/or to Individuals to be going too Fast, when, at a Closer Look, it May be going at a Good Pace. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC15C. From The Channel 2 Evening News on March 30, 2016: “[Eyewitnesses and a] dashcam video told a different story,” about a Police Shooting that was Settled for about 2 Million Dollars. And there have been Many similar Settlements over the years. As the often Truthful saying states, “There are a Few Bad Apples in Every Bunch,” and in Many Professions too.
CC16C. Hug. Hugs. Hugging. Hugged. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Man and a Woman talked about How Their Organizations got The Lion’s Share of The Resources, and a Child said, “I did Not know Lions could own a Share.”
And More of My Writings:
CC17C. Trivia. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC18C. Trivial. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Proud Family Member (FM).
And More of My Writings:
CC19C. Martial Law. Martial Laws. Martial Law (ML). Martial Laws (ML). Law. Laws. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC20C. I Believe that. I Believe that (IBT). And I do Not Believe that. And I do Not Believe that (AIDNBT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC21C. Some Words, Phrases, and Sentences are More Appealing than other Words, Phrases, and Sentences, including those that are Synonymous and basically mean the same things. For example, some People find the phrase, “Vegetarian Pizza” to be More Appealing than the Synonymous phrase, “Vegetable Pizza,” even though they basically mean the same thing.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “All of My Children. And all of My 1,399 Children.”
I enjoy being a Blogger and a Writer for Many of Brandon Katrena’s Networks (BKN).
And More of My Writings:
CC22C. Conclusion. Conclusions. Conclude. Concludes. Concluding. Concluded. The. A. Some. An. And. That. Those. These. Them. Is. Are. Was. Were. There. Their. They’re. They are. Are True. Are Partly True. Is True. Is Partly True. Are False. Are Partly False. Is False. Is Partly False. This Information. I Believe this Information. I Believe that Information. And I do Not Believe this Information. And I do Not Believe that Information. This Part. Those Parts. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC23C. Summary. Summaries. Summarize. Summarizes. Summarizing. Summarized. The. A. Some. An. And. That. Those. These. Them. Is. Are. Was. Were. There. Their. They’re. They are. Are True. Are Partly True. Is True. Is Partly True. Are False. Are Partly False. Is False. Is Partly False. This Information. I Believe this Information. I Believe that Information. And I do Not Believe this Information. And I do Not Believe that Information. This Part. Those Parts. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC24C. Sovereign. Sovereigns. Sovereignty. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC25C. Muddy. Muddies. Muddying. Muddied. Metaphor. Metaphors. Metaphorically. The Water. The Waters. Water. Waters. The Miracle of Water. The Miracle (TM). The Miracles (TM). Miracle. Miracles. Solve. Solves. Solving. Solved. Non-. That. These. Those. The. A. Some. An. And. Moreover. Furthermore. Additionally. In Addition. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC26C. Rhymes of Mine:
Mr. Cruise Cruised and then He went on a Cruise.
I will Miss Miss Missouri, and She will be Missed by Many Misses and Messieurs.
And Some More of My Writings:
As Internet Search Results show, there are Many Pictures of and/or Videos of and/or Information about what are said to be UFOs, Aliens, Angels, Bigfoot, that which is Paranormal, that which is Supernatural, and other Topics.
And More of My Writings:
CC27C. Martial. Martials. Martially. Military. Militaries. Militarily. Law. Laws. Lawful. Lawfully. Martial Law (ML). Martial Laws (ML). Military Law (ML). Military Laws (ML). Natural. Naturally. Unnatural. Unnaturally. Good. Goodly. Goodness. Well. Wellness. Bad. Badness. Badly. Neutral. Neutrality. Neutralities. Neutrally. Natural Law (NL). Natural Laws (NL). Unnatural Law (UL). Unnatural Laws (UL). Good Law (GL). Good Laws (GL). Bad Law (BL). Bad Laws (BL). Neutral Law (NL). Neutral Laws (NL). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC28C. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person does Not represent Us. And those People do Not represent Us. And That Person does Not represent Them. And those People do Not represent Them. And that Person does Not represent Me. And those People do Not represent Me.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And The Woman said, “That Person does Not represent Us. And those People do Not represent Us. And That Person does Not represent Them. And those People do Not represent Them. And that Person does Not represent Me. And those People do Not represent Me.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And The Person said, “That Person does Not represent Us. And those People do Not represent Us. And That Person does Not represent Them. And those People do Not represent Them. And that Person does Not represent Me. And those People do Not represent Me.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC29C. Reader. Readers. Reading. Readings. Read. The Reader. The Readers. The Reading. The Readings. The Read. A Reader. Some Readers. A Reading. Some Readings. A Read. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC30C. Abbreviation. Abbreviations. Acronym. Acronyms. Synonym. Synonyms. Synonymous. Synonymously. Diction. Dictions. Dictionary. Dictionaries. Thesaurus. Thesauruses. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
On April 3, 2016, on ABC News, there was information about the Utilization of “Diabetes Dogs,” who are said by some People to be able to sense when someone is about to have Blood Sugar Problems. Some People also believe that some Animals, such as some Dogs, are often able to Sense when there is about to be an Earthquake.
Here is a Quote from Princeton University President Christopher Eisgruber: “All the people whom we honor in history are going to be people with flaws and deficiencies. If we made that argument for not honoring people, we would honor nobody. The right attitude is to honor people, but be honest about their failings.”
And More of My Writings:
CC31D. Enough is Enough. Enough is enough. That which is Sufficient is Sufficient. That which is Sufficient is sufficient. Enough. Sufficient. Sufficiently. Suffice. Suffices. Enough = Enough. Enough = enough. Sufficient = Sufficient. Sufficient = sufficient. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC32D. Riddle. Riddles. Riddling. Riddled. Solve. Solves. Solving. Solved. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC33D. Bogus. Fake. Faker. Fakers. Fraud. Frauds. Fraudulent. Fraudulently. Trick. Tricks. Trickery. Trickeries. Tricked. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Some News Headlines from Around The World:
There is an Online Video called, “25 Historical Coincidences That are Almost Hard to Believe.”
There is an Online News Article from The National Geographic Magazine entitled: “Discovery could Rewrite History of Vikings in New World.”
There is a New York Times Newspaper Article entitled, “View from Space Hints at a New Viking Site in North America.”
There is information from NASA called, “Hubble’s Journey to the Center of Our Galaxy.”
There is a News Article from CNN entitled, “Real ‘Siberian unicorn’ remains found.”
There is a News Article from Fox News entitled, “Giant ‘Siberian unicorn’ existed much more recently than previously thought, experts say.”
There is a News Article from entitled, “Wheel of Fortune contestant solves puzzle with only one letter (and an ampersand)”. Ampersand = &. & = Ampersand. Dash = -. - = Dash. Dashes = --. -- = Dashes.
There is a News Article from Fox News entitled, “WWII survivor’s letter leads geologist to a secret.”
World War II = World War 2. World War 2 = World War II. World War I = World War 1. World War 1 = World War I.
There is a News Article from Discover Magazine entitled, “Metallic Ink Shines in Ancient Herculaneum Scrolls – D-brief.”
D Plus = D+. C Plus = C+. D Minus = D-. C Minus = C-. GPA = Grade Point Average. Cumulatively = Cumulative(ly). Passing = Pass(ing).
There is a New York Times Article entitled, “A Mailman Handcuffed in Brooklyn, Caught on Video.”
There is a Southern Methodist University News Article entitled, “Text in lost language may reveal god or goddess worshipped by Etruscans at ancient temple.”
There is an Online Poster that states, “Scientists say – Some people are born to be good at math & some are born to fail at it.”
There is a News Article entitled, “13 Giant Animals that Actually Exist.”
Here is a Joke Courtesy of My Mother, and Wrote with Her Permission:
A Leopard does Not change its Spots, unless that Leopard uses Hair Dye.
Here is one of Aesop’s Writings, called The Farmer and The Viper:
“One winter a Farmer found a Viper frozen and numb with cold, and out of pity picked it up and placed it in his bosom. The Viper was no sooner revived by the warmth than it turned upon its benefactor and inflicted a fatal bite upon him; and as the poor man lay dying, he cried, ‘I have only got what I deserved, for taking compassion on so villainous a creature.’”
One of My Writings of Fiction is called, “The Elephant Saboteur”: A Man said to a Woman: “This Elephant says that He is a Bird.” And The Woman replied, “What?! That Elephant is definitely Not a Bird. God has given Me Good Instincts, and I know that that Elephant is an Elephant, and that He is Not a Bird. Does He even Really think that He is a Bird? What Type of Bird does He say that He is?” And The Man replied, “No, He does Not Really think that He is a Bird. And he says that there is only one Type of Bird, and that Blue Jays, Robins, Finches, Canaries, Crows, Eagles, et cetera do Not exist. He also just says that He is a Bird. And He also says that He is an Impostor and a Saboteur, and that He wants to give Birds a Bad Reputation by Pretending that He is a Bird, and then Metaphorically Fall Down on Purpose. He also says that there are More Elephants doing what He is doing.”
One of My other Writings of Fiction is called, “The Vegetable’s Magic Wand”: The Man said, “What are You doing, Carrot?” And The Carrot replied, “I have this Magical Wand, and I’m trying to turn this Celery into a Carrot.” And The Man replied, “Carrot, that Celery has always been a Celery, and He will always be a Celery. He was Born a Celery, and He is a Celery by Birth, although You are both Vegetables, and You are both Vegetable Members (VM). He is a Celery Member (CM). Just as how You will always be a Carrot, and Just as how You have always been a Carrot, He will always be a Celery, and He has always been a Celery. That is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And that is Logical. And that is Rational.”
Another one of My Writings of Fiction is called, “The Future’s Heartfelt Wish”: The Future said to a Fellow Human, “Why don’t You chop down more Trees to make more Paper for Money to pay for Things, such as Space Ships? Wait a second. You don’t even need to do that, as Space Ships are often basically just Metals and Electronics. And Homes are often basically just Wood and Electronics. And Clothes are often basically just Cotton and Dye. It looks as though Money is often Not Really needed for Many Things. And it looks as though Capital is often Not Really needed for Many Things. Although We have been told otherwise.”
The Wolf and The Handcuffs
Written by Brandon Katrena
The Man was Working in a Field of Corn, when He met a Wolf. The Wolf said to The Man, “Here, put on These Handcuffs.” And The Man replied, “Why?” And The Wolf said, “This is a Game. A Game of Magic and Magical Things, to be exact.” And The Man said, “You are Not going to Make Me Nearly Defenseless and then Seriously Harm Me, are You, Wolf?” And The Wolf replied, “Me? Harm You? Heavens No. Of course Not. Who would ever hear of such a thing? And You should know that I’m a Vegetarian. I don’t eat Meat.” And The Man replied, “Well, I’ve Heard . . .” And The Wolf interrupted and said, “What You have Heard is Wrong. Those Rumors are False.” And The Man said, “Well, My God-Given Instincts tell Me . . .” And The Wolf interrupted and said, “Your Instincts must be Wrong too.” And The Man said, “Well, Your Reputation is such that . . .” And The Wolf interrupted and said, “I have an Excellent Reputation, and only Liars and the Jealous would speak ill of Me.” And The Man said, “Well, My Brain and My Mind say . . .” And The Wolf interrupted and He said, “Your Brain and Your Mind must Not be Working Correctly. Just ignore those CT and MRI Scans that say things contrary to what I say. And Ignore other Indicators, Commonsense, Logic, and Rationality. Obey Me. Listen to Me. Did I tell You that I am a Doctor? I may Not look like a Real Doctor, but I am one. And all Doctors tell You the Truth: ignore the History of Lobotomies, widespread Medical Malpractice, widespread Medical Errors, a History of forced Electrical Shocks, that Deaths from Medical Errors Account for a Huge Number of Deaths, and a History of Widespread Negligence and Mistreatment, et cetera. And don’t You Believe Me when I say that I’ve attended College for 8 Years? What, do You Think that You can Think for Yourself? Are You in Possession of Knowledge that Not everyone Possesses? Do You think that I am Lying to You when I say that I’m a Doctor? And do You think that I’m Lying to You when I say that I attended College for 8 years? Are You surprised that I’m Literate? Do You think that I’m illiterate? Do You think that I’m Stupid? 1238918298iBCCDEEDFAZZZY! The Structure is. The Process is. The Processes are. Go through the Process. The Processes. Go through the Hoops. The Paperwork. This has to be Legit. Do You think that I’m Dumb? Do You think that I’m Lying to You? Do you think that I’m Trying to Trick You? Do You think that I’m a Lying Deceiver, and that I engage in Widespread Deception? And do You think that I’m Trying Fool You? And do You think that I’m trying to Deceive You? Why would I do that? What would be My Motivation? That doesn’t make Sense. That is Not Rational. That isn’t Logical. Look at My Diploma. Do You think that it is a Fake Diploma? Do You think that I’m a Fraud, a Liar, and a Charlatan? Do You think that I’m a Fake? A Faker? Do You think that I’m Dishonest? Do You think that I’m a Dishonest Liar? Do You think that I’m a Cheater? Do You think that I’m a Real Wacko? Do You Really Think that I’m Really Wacky? Do You think that I’m Really Crazy? And Do You think that I’m Really Insane? And Do you think that the Ventricles in My Brain are Extremely Enlarged?” And The Wolf pulled out a Diploma, which He showed to The Man. “And, because I have attended College for 8 years, You should become Awestruck and Stunned – and ignore Your Gut and Your Instincts – and You should Obey Me. Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind My Diploma? Do You Question How I obtained My Diploma? Do You Doubt that I’ve Graduated from High School? And Do You Doubt that I’ve Graduated from Past Sixth Grade? And Do You Doubt that I have Graduated from College? And Do You Doubt that I have Graduated from Graduate School? Do You Question whether I’ve Graduated from Medical School? Do You think that I’m a Phony? A Phony Bologna. A Fraud. A Fraudster? A Thief. A Liar. A Coward. Dishonest. Mischievous. A Con Artist. A Lying Thief. A Literal, or Non-Literal, Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing or a Sheep in a Wolf’s Clothing. Do You have a lot of Questions? Do You Question Me? Do You have Doubts about My Motives? Do You think that I’m Greedy? Avaricious. A Sinner. A Serious Sinner? A Non-Serious Sinner? A Venial Sinner. A Mortal Sinner. A Committer of an Abomination? A Committer of Abominations? A Jokester, even. A Committer of Serious Sins. Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind a White Lab Coat or a Suit or a Uniform? And Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind a Name or a Title? Do You think that I’m Dishonest? A Liar? A Tricky Trickster? And Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind a Medical Degree? Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind the Name of a Profession or a Degree, such as the name ‘Doctor’? And Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind Something? My name is Mr. Wolf, and My Toothy Grin should Tell You that I’m a Good Medical Worker.” And The Man said, “Well, I have Read, Seen, and Heard, including Hearing from some of My Family Members that . . .” And The Wolf said, “Ignore all of that, especially from Your Family Members. Don’t You know that We are all part of a Gigantic and Friendly Family?” And The Man said, “Well, it is Common Knowledge that . . .Thereaintnosecond Chances, Son!” And The Wolf replied, “Ignore Common Knowledge. You Need to Obey Me. And You Need to Listen to Me. And You Need to Do what I tell You. Did I tell You that I’m also Very Religious? And did I tell You that I’m a Very Spiritual Person? I am also a Pastor. Look at Your Face! Prety boy. Prety Face, boy. Pretty. You are Pretty91i2o3i1wBCDE1299. Pretty Boy. How’s Your Life going? If You do what I tell You, I will make it worth Your while. You know what I’m saying. I’ll give you a lot of Money,” The Wolf then pulled out a Silver and Black Briefcase, and He opened it, and it was filled with Money.,” And The Wolf said, “This Money is Yours, all You have to do is do what I tell You.” And The Man said, “No. I’m Not going to put on those handcuffs.” And The Wolf said, “I am The Authority Figure Here. Did I tell You that I’m a Police Officer?” And The Wolf pulled out a Police Badge. And The Wolf said, “Obey Me, and Put on These Handcuffs. You are Under Arrest, Mister. And did You see My Limp? Don’t You have Compassion for My Limp? Don’t You have Compassion for My Disability and My Handicap? You know that I have Your Best Interest in Mind and at Heart. And You do know that I have Our Best Interest in Mind and at Heart. Don’t You Trust Me? Why don’t You trust Me? Aren’t You Logical? Are You Rational? Aren’t You Sane? Are You Logical? Illogical? Fable. Faboellllllzuy. Ajoijljkjl. Yeyyyyy Haww! 219i4ijakdjf. 0390293+32194i92i=1ljasld9bc. Ride em Cowboy! You too Gowgirls. 1953. You know what happened? You want Me to tell You are Secret? My Secret. You best do what I tell You then. Boy!!!!! Prety Boy. Look at You, Pretty Boy!!!! How are those Dude Snaters Doing! How do You like My Feet, Arms, and Thights. Say What! You little Rascals. Rascal Man. That’s Your Name! Laugher Applause. You areWorthless. Worlthless Noting. Nothing Worthless. How, what? What say what. How……..,” The Wolf then remained silent for about 31 Minutes, and He just stared at the Man while shuffling some Cards, and the Wolf then Yelled at the Top of His Lungs, “Aren’t You Rational?!!!!!! Irrational? Aren’t You Sane? Are You Insane? Are You Crazy? You should Obey Me. Listen to Me. Do What I tell You. I’m the Authority. And I’m the Authority Figure. If You don’t Obey Me there are going to be Serious Consequences for You. There will be Serious Ramifications. There will be Ramifications. And there will be Consequences. There will be Serious Consequences. And if You don’t Obey Me, You are going to be in Serious Trouble. You are in Serious Trouble. There is going to be Serious Punishment for You if You don’t Obey My Command. Obey Me! Listen to Me! Do What I Tell You! Who do You think that You are?! Do You think that You are Better than Me? Do You think that You are Better? Do You think that You are Special? We are all the same. No one is Better than the other Person in any Way, Shape, Form, or Ability. We are all Equal in all Ways, Shapes, Forms, and Abilities. How DARE YOU! How Dare You! Who do You think that You are? Birthday Time! Birthday Cake. LimtediknowledgeatthetimeIt’s My BIRTHDY! Cry. Crying. Fake Tearsrealtears Respect Me! Respect. Show some Respect! Reespect Your Elders! Aren’t You Compassionate? Aren’t You Nice? Aren’t You Good? Aren’t You Moral? Don’t You Care? Don’t You Feel Sorry for Me? You Need to Feel sorry for Me. You need to Believe Me. I promise You that You will be OK> Discredited, Not really. I know better. We know better. Insticnts. I beg of Youimbeggingyou. listentomeimbeggin. MutationMutantmutantsmaringoferrorerorsGood Instincts/Intuition.I will Protect You. You have My Protection. You have MY Word. Protect(ion)(s). Protected. You have my Word. You have My Promise. Promises. Promise. Prommised. Promised. Promising. PillowtalkI Swear that. You know what theysay about War and Love – all is Fair. All is Fair, there, Pal! Real Politik! Gesundeheit! Out organized! More Organised. Hey, Brandon! Come, On. Brando the Commando! Get away from My gold. Want to ehar a Joke? Take this! Say Grace. Shaming. Body Shaming Gonna get You checked out,ok/ Walk andchewgumatthesametime/ ultitasking You have My Promise that. You have MY Guarantee that. We are all Humans. Don’t You believe that We came from Slime? Primoridal Slime? We are the Product of Slime from Evolution. We are all Slime. Descendants fro Primordial Slime. Mr. Slime. Mrs. Slime. Whootttt! Hooooooooo! LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL……. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddddddddddddd. Here’s the Deal. Sign on the Dotted Line. You Promised! You Swore! You gave Me Your Word. I give You My Word. I give You My Word that You’ll be OK. Okie Dokie. Ok? Ok. I believe in God. I’m Religious. I’m Spiritual. I believe in Heaven and Hell. I don’t want to go to Hell. You don’t want to be punished, do You. You will go to Jail. You will be sent to Prison. You will be Punished. You will be found Guilty. A Jury of Your Peers. Think of Your Reputation. What will They Think? How Embarassing! It’s Your Word against that Persons. It’s Your Word against Theirs. They won’t believe You. That doesn’t Make Sense. That isn’t Logical. That isn’t Rational. No. No. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Hold My Hand. Let’s Pray. Let’s Pray Together. Are You Hungry? We’ll get it all worked out. Here’s the Deal. Sign here. That is a Contract! We’ll figure it out. I’m here to Help. I’m here to Help You. It is in the Best Interest of. It is in Your Best Interest that. Synonymous. Synonymously. Pretty Much. Good Cop/Bad Cop (GCBC). Lies. Lying. Lied. Pretty Much. Exagerations(s). Misinformation. Information. Truthful. Untruthful. True. Untrue. Do You Believe in God? Don’t You Believe in God? Heaven? Hell? Right? Wrong? Moral? Immoral? National Security? The Common Good? Don’t You believe in ……? Here’s some Food. Water. Drink. Comfort. Someone. Something. Look what We have here. Surprise! Look at who We have here. Surprise!!!!! A Gift. Money. A Resources. Some Resources. Caught on Camera! Caught on Tape! Copy and Pasted. What would be the Motive? The Motivation? My Motivation? I am Here to Serve and Protect. To do No Harm. I am Neutral. I am the Boss. I’m The Boss. I’m in Charge. The Boss. The BossMan. The BossWoman. Are You Smart? Are You Stupid? Are You Talented? Smart. Stupid. Talented. Can You See? I can See clearly. You can see Clearly. You can Hear clearly. You can read clearly. I am Respectable. Aren’t You Honest? Honorable. Sleight of Hand. That Right thing to do is. The Correct thing to do is. Silence. Long Silence. A Seigh. Some Seigns. Distraction. Distractions. I care. I care about You. Don’t You have Compassion for Me? Don’t You Feel Sorry? Don’t You Feel Bad? Don’t You have a Conscience? We all Bleed. And We all have Blood. We are all Equal. We are all The Same. Haven’t We Bonded? Don’t We have a Commonality? Think of Our Commonalities. Don’t You Trust Me? Aren’t You a Truthful? Trustworhty? Dependable? Honest? A Nice Guy. A Nice Man? A Nice Person? Nice? Aren’t You a Trusting Soul? Do You think that I’m Ensouled? Don’t You think that I have a Soul? A Conscience? I would Never Hurt You. You know Me better than That. Do You want Me to Punish You? It is Time to Think about Your Action. And it is Time to Think about Your Actions. Don’t You Love Me? Don’t You like Me? Do You think that I’m a Criminal or a Thief? A Liar? A Henchman? A Murderer? An Adulterer? A Petty Criminal? A Crook? Put This Family First. And Put Your Friends First. Don’t be So SELFISH. Don’t be Greedy. Quit only Thinking about Yourself. Think about The Common Good. Aren’t You Good? Aren’t You Kind? Nice? Friendly? Don’t You care? Don’t You care what I think of You? What others think of You? You need to Shape up or Ship out. You need to Shape Up. You are a Handful. Do You know that others Laugh at You? Do You want Me to Laugh at You? Do You want someone to Laugh at You? Your Actions have Consequences. It is Time to Sit in that Corner. I am going to Punish You if You don’t do what I tell You to do. You are Traitor. You are a Treasonous Traitor. You are a Deserter. You are Mean. And You are Evil. You are a Meany. A Bully. A Crook. A Liar. And a Thief. A Cheater. A Coward. Look at Me when I’m talking to You. Wipe that Grin off Your Face. Wip that Smirk off of Your Face. Don’t Grin. Don’t Smirk. Quit being a Cry Baby. Do You know what I Really Think of You? I know what You did. We Know what You did. You are Disgusting. I am Disgusted with You. You are Crazy. You are Insane. You are Wacko. And You are Wacky. You are Not Right in the Head. You have a Screw Loose. Whoat! Whoas. Wow. Wowzer. Wowzers! Wacky. Crazy. Insane. A Loose Cannon. Wacko. Do You feel Barraged? You are being Barraged from all Sides. And You are Enveloped. You are Hopeless. Hopeless. Hopelessness. You are Helpless. Helpless. Helplessness. I have The Power. And I have all the Power. I am in Control, and You are Not in Control. Once I Snap My Fingers, You had better come Running. You had Best do what I tell You. Who do You think that You are? You are Nobody. You are Nothing. You are Not Special. What a LOSER! You are Surrounded. Put Up Your Hands. Put Up Your Dukes. Time to be Handcuffed, Mister. You are Under Arrest. Pleading the Fifth is Not an Option this time. Think How We are the Same. We are Cut from the Same Cloth. We are the same Flesh and Blood. We are God’s Children. We are Cousins. We are Family. We are Friends. Thatacrime! We are alike. We are Similar. Look at MY SMILE! Look How I’m Smiling. Look at My Grin. You know that I like You. We are Friends. Dismissed! Get outta here! We are Family. We are Family Members (FM). We are Fundamentally the Same. PsychoutNo one is Better than the other. Truth is Relative. Notlonger amember, really? No, not really. “Once a Marine, always a Marine!” Really a Lifteime member. Suspended, expelled. Experiecne. More Experience. Zip those lips. Magical powers. Someone would have to be Special for that. And that. Indicators. Masks. Jealousy. Illegible. Garbled. Encoded. Secret Meaning. Da Vincis Paintings. Come here! Yeah, You, come here! Stay there! Bingo! Democracy. Democracy natural? No, Committees are Natural and Good and make sense. Rule by Analysts and Committes, and Generals, unelected, make more sense, a lot more sense instead of Rule by the Masses. Diabetes. Diseases. Illness. Sweetness and Light. All is Fair in Love and War. Freedom and Liberty and Democracy Illussions. Do You think that I might have engaged in a Conpiracy? Do You think that I’m a Conspirator? A Murderer? A Thief? A Liar? A Fraud? Common Sense and Wisdom need to be Thrown out the Window. Where is Your Humanity? Don’t You believe in Democracy? We are all Equal. What about My Rights? Don’t You believe in Equal Rights? You are Quack. Quack, Quack, Quack! Hey PrettY Boy! You are a Pretty Boy! You are Weak. You are Weakling. Weak. Weaking. You are Nothing. Worthless. You are Wrothless. You are Worthless. Worthless. Good for Nothing. Nobody. Pretty Boy. Look at You Pretty Boy! There is a Big Conspiracy Slash Coverup and almost everyone is dying from Viruses and Slash Diseases, such as Cancers, except for One Man, who is also known as the Chalice, and His Blood and Stuff is used for Plasma Slash Immunotherapy to SAVE THE LIVES of ALMOST EVERYONE, and THAT IS JUST THE WAY THAT IT IS. Really?!1 Yeah Really!! 7. XSLoB91! AND there are few other People who each prolong lives for aobut 9 seconds each day aka THE CHALICES. IF that Plasma Gravy Station from bettewen about 9 at Night toabout Noooooooon each Day don’t ARIVE SON, People will get REALLLLY Sick and then Die/Expire. REAL SICK. SICK. SIC
O. That’s just Reality. Mutate. Mutates. Mutation. Mutations. Mutated. Viruses, especially BAD. Nasty Stuff, that Virus. Nasty Stuff. Nasty Time. Time don’t heal all Wounds, Son, especially with Mutations of Diseases. Gave those Diseases/Viruses a few thousands years to Mutate, and look what Happened! By God’s Grace We have The Chalice and The Chalices. God works in Mysterious Ways. Viruses Spread Easily. Are You Concerned that in the Year 2016 an Estimated 66 Percent of People under age 50 have a Type of Herpes? Think about for a few seconds. Whoa. Wow! Do You Think it is an indicator/Bread Crumb/Hint/Foreshadowing of things to officially to Become – like an OFFICIAL EPIDEMIC OF something Nasty? Remember How The Plague, during The Middles Ages, Killed Many, Many People? Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses are Deadly. A Conspiracy is simply when two or more people decide to do something illegal or immoral. And Many Courts of Law have found individuals guilty of Conspiracies. And Coverups happen all the Time. That’s JustttttThe Way it is. That’s Just Reality. Baby!!!! WHOOOOO! BABY!!! ” The Wolf then began shuffling cards, and He threw them all over the place, and He put on some Silly Eyeglasses that were colored Pink and Blue, and He put on a Long Green Wig, and He put on a BLUE and GREEN and RED Dress that had holes all over it, as well as a Paper Hat that He began to eat, and The Wolf said, while playing a Harmonica, “I guarantee it. You’’ be Safe. You will be Safe. I guarantee You’ll be Fine. You have Me Guarantte. I guaranteed it. I guarantte that and those. You have My Guarnttee. *(*((989834321))#. !!!!!??????. ?????. !!!!!. 1. ZERO! ZERO TIMES!! ZERO, FRED!!!! Hussssssh Up! Silecne. BE QUIT. BE QUITE. NOW! What’d I say. OBEY> OBEY ME!!! Freedom. Guarantee. I Guarantee it. I want a Hug. Bob. 9. 12. 9289384. &
*^(^(. Discrimination. Discrimatory. Silly. Silly Time. Play Time. Don’t You Care? Don’t You Believe in Democracy? One Person One Vote. Equal Rights for Everyone. You should Believe in Equality. And You should believe in Democracy. The Rule of Law. HEY! Yeah, I’m Talking to You, Pal! Straighten Up. Belt Time. Paddle Time!!!!! Wise Guy!!!!!!!,” The Wolf then stuck out His tongue, and He spat all over the Place. While Making Laughing, Smiling, and Making Funny Faces, and Moving His Hands Quickly all over the place, and doing Jumping Jacks and Pushups, The Wolf then said, “Who do You think You are? You are Worthless. Pretty Boy. Pretty!!!! You are Sexist. You are a Racist. Aren’t I funny? Don’t I make You laugh? Put Up Your Dukes, Boy. Boy. Look at My TRACK RECORD. I have a GOOD TRACK RECOORD and REPUTATION> I come with REFERENCES tooo. Its april fools!!!! Dude Snatchers. Red shoes with Blue Trim and cottage cheese and Gravy. 19. 801. *&*&*)*())*(*@*!& Come on Man. Mr. Man. Mister Man. Hey MAN!!!! Eddecoy. We are Both Men, Here. Hold My Hand. Give Me a Hug!!!! I’m Your Uncle Bob. I’m Your Grandpa. Your Dad. Hey Prety Boyzy12489ioBCSE! Hey there, Boy! Pretty Boy! GUARANTEE. Nationoflaws!,” The Wolf then began to whisper in a barely audible voice for about 3 minutes, “SEXisT. RACISt. You RACIST>!!!! You SEXIST!!! You stink! You smell. Stink. Smelly. Stink. Yucky! You are Gross. Look at You LAZY. You are LAZY. Lazy. LOOK AT YOU!!!!! Crazy too! PATHETIC SLOB!!!! SLOB. FREEDOM. DEMOCRACY. LIBERTY! Don’t’ you believe in FREEDOM?!!! LIBERTY?!!! CILVE RIGHTS!1 You are a Dictator. You FASCIST! NOBODY LIKES YOU. I don’t Like U. Civil Rights! Civil Liberties! You RACIST! You LAZY SELFISH! Look at You!,” And the Wolf Began to Laugh aloud at the Man for several Seconds, while sticking His Tongue out, and Licking His Own Paws for several seconds. The Wolf then said, “YOU DICTACTOR! You RACIAST! SEXIST AND SELFISH&&&SELF-CENTERED. You are SELFISH and Self-Centered. You have CANCER. A VIRUS. VIRUSES. DISEASES. HEART FailURE. Organ FAILURE!!!! Arthritis. TOO. To Boot!. Tank You for THE CHALICE, or You’d be Worm Food. Me too!!! WANNA Wrestle?! Let’s have that Wrestling MATCH! YIPPEEEEE!!!” The Wolf then turned on a Radio Very Loud, and He did a Strange Dance, while Playing a Bright Red Guitar that was covered with Green Dots. The Wolf then said, “BABIIIII!!!!! You are Racist. He is Racist. She is Racist. They are Racist. That’s Racist!!!! Ow Undemocratic. Whoooooooooo!!!!!!!,” The Wolf then Blew His Nose, and He said, “Prepare for Your Inoculations. BABYY!!!!@#(I?.......... Acclimation. Custom Customary10923jdsljfBCAZZZZ! Are You knoci off Your Gamey Yet, BOY9999666BCDE!????? Huh, what You say234134. YikesSSSS!! Hippie Hipsters!!!!!! You are a Bigot. You are Racist! Look at those Dude Snatchers!!! Racist Bigot. Racist. Bigot. Sensory Deprivation(s). Stress Point(s). Discomforting. Discomfort(s). Comfort(s). Comforting. Defect(s). You have a Defect. You are Defective. You are Not desirable. Look at You!!!! Clean Yourself Off. Take a Shower! How do You know that? Why? WHY?! Why do you believe that? Why do you do that? Why did You do that? Why? How? Where? When? What? How do You know? That Trumps. Trump(s).Trumping. Trumped. National Security. National Securities. Security. Securities. Cash. Money. Moolah. Resource(s). Gold. Jewelry. $3kj 43red lightgreenlightyellolightgoldlitDiamond(s). Gem(s). Silver. Monies. Wealth. Lack of. Lack thereof. Cover(s). Uncover(s). Conspiracy. Ies. Ice. Ices. Cube(s). Attemptsto. You reallyhavea virus. Subject(s). Prisoner. crossdressingPrisoners. Prison(s). Jail(s). Jail Bird. Think of Your Record. Your Reputation. Conspiracy Theorist. Conspiracy Theorists. Crazy. Crazies. Wacko. Wack Job(s). Hidden. Buried. Uncovered. Covered. I’ll cover for You. Psychoutuneoutignore,sort ofLovingloveloved. It will be OK. It will be fine. You’ll be Ok. You’ll be fine. I have Your Back. You can count on Me. caughtoffguardCursive. Legs. You can depend on Me. I understand that. Perkup, miste! Speicaled. FedtothelionsEartothegournd. GESUndheit. CautgtYouattentinI understand You. I know. I understand. We understand. Your Predicament(s). Knowledge(s). Knowledgeable. Knowledgeability. Mystery. Mysteries. Think of YOur Family. Friends. Your Well Being. What led you to? What led you to that conclusion? Non Sequitor. The Conclusion doesn’tt follow. That is Illogical. Irrational. Doesn’t make Sense. Doesn’t make Sense, Son. Listen Son. Son. Kid. Kids. Kidding. Think of Your Family. Think of Your Friends. Your Well-Being. Your Best Interest. I have Your Best Interest at Heart. What led you to? Oink! Sueiey! Chop Suiey! Legigtimateillegeimateillegitaemly not right definition to unmarred parents feathered hairgeorgtowncleveland raindrops Pj time! Surreal Warlike Civil War. Civil Rights! Time SenstiveSenstiveIllusions! Manyu Illusions that Won’t Work for Long! Bonfide. Suit and Tie deceit. Pardon Me? Bad printer day. Vets. Veterans Keep still MimicMimicker A Fair Shake! AllyAllies. Keep Your Word! Belly punch! Medals/Awards/Commendations ChairPerson/ChairMan/ChairWoman Psychological Warfare/Mind Games Hey Not so Fast! Play Fair! Fish in the Sea. Don’t slack off. Dead Weight. The Gallows. The Chair. Big house. Kissingsmooches What are You doing to do. You have problems, which I can solved. Evildoers. Singular/past/present/plural/future tenses/ Change of tenses. Relax! Just Relax! The Customer is always right! Equal Pay for Equal Work. Minimum WageI beg Your PardoN? Excuse Me? I must have heard wrong. I have a Gift for You. A Candy bar. Dessert. Something sweet. To eat. To Drink. Spirit(s). Off kilter. Kilt(s). A privilege. It is a Privilege. To Meet You. Chaperon. Champagne. Mind Game(s). Valuable(s). I have the Goods on You. We have the Goods on You. Think if We revealed. Think if it was Known. Think if it was leaked that. What would They think? What would HE/SHE/THEY/YOUR FAMILY/YOUR FRIENDS Think? If they knew that. Racist. Bum. Lazy. Bigot. Red Neck. Red. Color(s). Look at Me. When I’m talking to You. I’m going to be honest with You. Let’s Level. I’m going to level with You. Howdy. How? Why? What? Motive? What would be the Motive be? The Motivation? The Reason? That’s doesn’t make sense, Son. That doesn’t make sense. Would I lie to You? 120983190i012039adjojcljjadkjflcombonowhamburgerhotdog192931i23. Have I ever lied to You? I have never -------. -------ajdkfljslkfj9103i091i3o4i1polkdafl;kdf/. Whoa! Whoat. Whoas. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Let’s paly a game. I got the Goods. This a Game ----Who would believe You You’re Not believableThat’s Not believableYou can Trust Me. SonThis comes from My Heart Relax. Just Relax. Settle down. Calm down. This will calm you down. OK? Do You understand? The Consequences? The Importance. Of. USA. Our Nation. yourNation. Your Organization(s). This comes from My Heart. Do you trust Me? It appears that. A Reasonable Person would. Reasonable People would. Don’t You trust Me I found out. I know that. It is known that. It is well known that. The Motive is. The motivation is. Do You promise? Promise. I promise. I give you my word. DO You swear. Swear. Pinky Swear Raise Your Right Hand. Rasise You hand We Shook hands. Let’s shake hands. We shook on it. You signed a contract. You signed a legally binding contract. The Police is. Our Policy is. The Policyis. History. Historeis of. History of. Pattern. Pattern of. The motive is. Motives are. Doen’st Your word mean something? Can I count onYou? Can I trust You. Bloviate. Bloviating. Brag. Pride. Prideful. Look away. You are Cute. Cute. Cutes. Cuties. Cutie Pie. Hey Handsome! Hey Good looking. Look that Way. What wpould they think? 293410i4akdflka;dkc/i9uo8o98mmjkjou9i09!!!!!!)O)@# We are the Police Police! I looks like. Again. Not Again! Really????! Really! I’m going to level with You. Son. It looks like. That looks good. That looks like. What would They think? Did you know that. I’m going to tell you something. Viruses Spread Easily. Are You Concerned that in the Year 2016 an Estimated 66 Percent of People under age 50 have a Type of Herpes? Think about for a few seconds. Whoa. Wow! Do You Think it is an indicator/Bread Crumb/Hint/Foreshadowing of things to officially to Become – like an OFFICIAL EPIDEMIC OF something Nasty? Remember How The Plague, during The Middles Ages, Killed Many, Many People? Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses are Deadly. A Conspiracy is simply when two or more people decide to do something illegal or immoral. And Many Courts of Law have found individuals guilty of Conspiracies. And Coverups happen all the Time. Just Once. Just for a Second. Just for a Minute. It won’t hurt. I promise. Di you know that? We havereached the conclusion. No Harm No Foul. You should know that. I think. WE believe. Freedom. The Constitution. Guaranttees. Happiness. We all have the right to be Happy. To Pursue Happiness. Give Me Your arm. Your Left Arm. It is in your best interest(s). Interest(s). Public Good. Policy. Public Policy. Prestigous. Stun. Stun Gun. Stress Points. Trigger Words. Hypnotize. Stunning. Shocking. Shcok Value. Don’t be selfish. Self-Cetnered. Selfish. What aboutUS? What about Me/ Quit only thinkingabout Yourself. I heard that. I know that. I believe that. I was raised to know that/tobelieve that. Even Steven. We are even that. I only want. I only want to know. Only. A good Price. A Fair Shake. Good Value. That person want.s Good Cop/Bad Cop. Bingo! You have contructed. A Fantasy. That is NotReality. NotReal. All in Your Head. Delusional(s). Delusion(s). Fantasy. A Dream. Day Dream. Pyschosis. Let’s Pray together. Bingo! Stuttering, God answers prayers. Hug. Love Hug. I like You. Ther’es plenty of many resources to Really go aroundthemyth of much scarcity. I understand. I love you. Yes. No. Mayble. Soon. Fable. Fables. Alternative. Altnerative Reality. Fantasy. Hobo. Frost bitten. Homeless(ness). Not Real. This is Real. This is the Real Deal. Our Bond(s). We Bonde(d). Did Not. Bonding. Fear. Fear Factors. The Factor. Factor. overheardheardOne aspect. In the workds. As you can see. I see. It appears to Me. I know. It looks like. What??????!!!!!!! I don’t believe you.JUST do thatYou are unbelievable. Whou would believe you? I have to. I am obligated ot. The Policy is. Our Policy is. Starvation. StagnationThe rules are. LOVE. Loved! The rule is. I’m honorable. My word is My Bond. BaddyBady KeepingitrealGuy19! Hodgepodge, pot bellyThe gloves are coming off. Fat! Fatty! Fatso! Look at that Belly. You have a Face only a Mother could love. Cute. Cutes. Cutie. Cuties. LOTS OF conspiracy are Real, Look around, guy! You are Cute. You are Photogenic. You could be a Model. Those are Good Pictures. Those are Modeling Pictures. Photogenic. DancingHandsome. Good Looking. You are Smart. You are Intelligent. You are Knowledgeable. Appeal to Vanity. LostBalanceBrag. Bragged. The slow boiling frog Metaphor. Aesop the Writers Fables/Lesson – Look em up. It is My unfortunate duty to. I have to. I have an obligation to. Metaphor(s). Vaccination(s). Vaccinate(d). The gloves are coming off. Mister. Mr. Miss. Ms. Mrs. Man. Woman. Child. Children. Kid(s). Loss of Privilege(s). You’ll have the privilege of. Reward. Punishment(s). Odd. Strange. Uncommon. Oddity. Isolated Incident. Interesting. Legit. Medicine(s). Antidote. Manageable. Manageability. 901i2p93ipoifldkjflajdj –aksjflkjwd Legit. It is Legit.,” The Wolf then pointed at The Man for about 91 Minutes, while saying Nothing, The Wolf then said, “Legit. Legitimate. You hear what I’m saying? Son? It seems to me. It lookslike? Think of Your family. Your Friends. That person. It is in the interest of all. It is in the interest of. Self-interest. Self- preservation. The evidence suggest. Correct me if I’m wrong. Hold My Hand. Let’s shake on it. We shook Hands! You gave Me Your Word? Isn’t Your Word Good? You are Evil. Evil. Mean. Act of Faith. You can count on Me. Preponderence. Beyond a Reasonable doubt. Reasonable Person. Reasonable People. Be Respnosible. Aesops Writings. Be a Responsible Person. Act like a Man. Man Up. Take it like a Man. Logical Reason. Reasonable. Non-Sequitor. The evidence speak for itself. Take a Look at that. Look at this photo. Look at these photos and/or video. Where is Your Proof. No one will believe you. With Your History. Histories. Track Record. Pattern(s). Criminal Record(s). You are a Liar. %h3The AtheistEvolutionConspiracy A Cheater too boot. Where is Your Proof? The Proof is in the pudding. Pyshological Warfare. Psychological Warfare. War. Warfares. Coward. Delusion(s). Delusional. Pyschosis. Psychotic. Wake up. Just a Dreeam. What?!!! You are Kidding. You are Kidding, Right? That’s a Joke, right? Paper cut. AtheismConspiracy Dependence. Dependent upon. Junkie. Gotcha. I got the goods. We got the goods. Blackmail. Extortion. Antibodies. Valuable Antibodies. Bred to Protect all of US, Dude@!# ! Don’t be Rude RudePressure.Take it easy Pressure Points. Sleep Deprivation. AtheistEvolution Conspiracy Sensory Deprivation. YourNobetter than anyone elese. We are all Equal. Equal RightsEqualityFlunkie. Flunkies. Failure. Failures. Expelled. Suspended,” The Wolf then Began to Cry, and He said, “Don’t You feel sorry for Me Crying? Comment allez-vous? Believe in TheEvolutionConspiracy, ok! Je suis Bien. Merci. Sign this. Say this. Give Me Your Left Arm. Tell Me this. DeceptionDecepitvelyDeceitThat. Irritation. Itchy. I am a Worker. We are Workers. Worker. Workers. Chalice. Chalices. Employees. Boss. The Boss. Where’s Your Humanity. Racist! Bigot! Sexist. Racism. Sexism. Epidemic. Antibody. Antibodies. Immunotherapy. Last Line of Defense. Get Your Priorities Straight! That Virus will do You know what to You if You don’t get Your Priorities Straight! The 1970s and the pretty much beginning of Widespread Promiscuity. Read The Kinsey Reports, Man! Look around. See the Signs, the signals. Foreshadowing. Use YOUR MIND! USE YOUR BRAAAIN! Read THE BIBLE. THE RELIGIOUS SCRIPTURES> Books, Literature, Movies, Songs, Music Videos, ETC. SEE THE SIGNS. THE FOreshawdowing. The Plauge. The Viruses are Creeping along. Coverups. The Chalice. The Chalices. The Verdict is in. The Judge. The Jury. The Lawer. Wake Up, Sunshine! Promiscuity, especially as shown on much of Television since about the 1990s. Promiscuity is Not often Good for the Health – You know what I’m saying. A Mutatated H. Virus gone Mad Don’t believeeverything Youread Etc. Et Cetera. Miscellanous. Misc. A Family that prays together. Hold Hands. Sahke on it. Shake on it. Policy is Policy. Policies. The Motivation is. You are a Racist. You are a Bigot.You are Bigot. You are Pathetic. Lazy Bum. Lazy. Bum.” And so, in the Field of Corn, The Man Tricked Himself, and He Put on the Handcuffs. The Wolf then quickly Changed His Demeanor, and He said, “Much of What You Hear by Word of Mouth is True. And God Gave You, and Many other Individuals, Good Instincts for a Reason. And there is also a Reason I have My Reputation. And, as Many Indicators Indicate, Your Brain and Your Mind work Fine. And You should have listened to Your Family Members, and what You have Seen, Read, and Heard. And, although it does Not matter, as there are a few bad apples in every bunch, I am Not a Doctor, Medical Worker, Pastor, or a Police Officer. You have Tricked Yourself into Believing Nonsense, and Your Belief in Nonsense led You to Put on those Handcuffs, which Makes You Helpless and Defenseless. And, if You Really Knew Me and My History, You would Not Feel Sorry for My Limp, as I got that Limp from a Man who Manned Up and Refused to Put on My Handcuffs, and He – with The Help of one of My Cousins, and Man’s Best Friend, a Dog – Defended Himself and His Family.” The Wolf then Changed Shapes, and He Became about 8 Times Bigger than He Initially Appeared to Be, and The Wolf said, while Showing His Long, White Teeth, “And I am Not Really a Vegetarian. And I do Really eat Meat.” And I think You know What Happened Next.
Here is another one of My Writings of Fiction entitled, “The Man and Mr. Vile Selfish”: One day The Man met a Man who was Limping along with Crutches and Casts on His Right Leg and Both of His Arms. The Man said to Mr. Vile Selfish, “Are You OK? Can I Help You in Your Time of Need?” And Mr. Vile Selfish replied, “Oh, Thank You, Good Sir. Why, as a Matter of Fact, You can.” And The Man was Presented with a Premade, and Long, To Do List by Mr. Vile Selfish. From Chopping Wood to Sweeping to Shopping to Feeding the Pet Fish and to Dozens of other Things, The Man worked pretty much from Night and Day for 101 Days Working for Mr. Vile Selfish. And Nothing was Enough or Satisfactory for Mr. Vile Selfish. And The Man gave thousands of dollars to Mr. Vile Selfish, which completely emptied The Man’s Bank Account, and Maxed out The Man’s Credit Cards and Lines of Credit. Mr. Vile Selfish Never said Thank You, and He was Ungrateful, and He wanted More, More, and More. The Man finally said, “Mr. Vile Selfish, I wish that I could Help You More, although I am Physically and Mentally Exhausted, and I’ve also Exhausted My Funds.” And Mr. Vile Selfish said, “Thanks for Nothing, Mr. Good for Nothing,” and Mr. Vile Selfish slammed the Door to a Sweating and Tired Man. Twelve Days later, The Man, who was Hungry, found out that He was one penny short of being able to buy a Hamburger. And The Man thought to Himself, “I have spent so Much Money on Mr. Vile Selfish, and I have done so much for Him during His Time of Need, that a Penny is a Drop in the Bucket compared to what I have done for Him. Surely He must be Thankful and Grateful for Me.”
And The Man then went to the Door of Mr. Vile Selfish, and He knocked at His Door. Vile answered the Door, and Mr. Selfish said, “What do You want? Are You here to Work for Me, for Free, of course. Or do You want to give Me Money? What use will You be to Me, My Friend?” And The Man said, “Mr. Vile Selfish, I have given You all of My Money, and I am exhausted from Helping You during Your time of Need. I am Starving, and I just need one penny in order to buy a Hamburger.” And Mr. Vile Selfish huffed aloud, and He said, “Me, give You anything? What a Joke! You are Kidding Right? Do You think that I have Real Compassion for anyone? Of course I don’t. I am Vile. And I am Selfish. I am Vile Selfish. I don’t want to really Help anyone except Number One – Me, Myself, and I. And I have Millions of Dollars, and My Arms and My Leg were Not Broken – the Casts were Just Props to get a Sucker like You to feel sorry for Me, so that I could Mooch off of You, and get Free Labor from You, and Free is a Great Price. And I could easily give You a Penny, or a Dollar, or a Hundred Dollars. But I won’t. That is Not My Real Nature. Now, get out of Here, You Bum. Go to Work, and earn Your Keep. Get out of Here, and get off My Property, before I call the Cops, You Bum! I don’t want to see You here again unless You are Willing to Give Me, Mr. Vile Selfish, Money or FREE Labor. My name is Mr. Vile Selfish for a Very Good Reason. And I live up to My name. Get out of Here! Lazy! Bum!” The Man, faint from Hunger, walked a few steps on the lawn, and collapsed from Hunger. Another Man, and a Woman, Quickly Helped The Fallen Man, and They Nursed Him back to Good Health.
While in His House, Mr. Vile Selfish looked at, and He touched, the Huge Stacks of Money that He had connived and Tricked from unsuspecting Men and Women. Mr. Vile Selfish then wrapped casts over both His Arms, and His Left leg, and He said, “Come on! Come on, it is Time to find another Sucker who will feel sorry for Me, Mr. Vile Selfish.”
It Matters. And it Mattered.
Written by Brandon Katrena
The Man got out of the Bathtub, and He thought to Himself, “I am in a Hurry. I have to go. My Vacation to Canada is awaiting Me. And I don’t want to be late.” The Man dressed, and He ran out the door. In addition to forgetting to drain the Bathtub, He forgot to turn off the slow – drip, drip, drip – of the Bathtub.
By Day 3, The Bathtub’s Water had reached a Tipping Point, and the Water slowly spilled onto the Tile Floor. And by Day 7, Water had Seeped to the Floor below the Tiled Bathroom. After getting back from His 2 Week Vacation, The Man was Shocked. “How could this Happen?” The Man said aloud. That Little Drip in the Undrained Bathtub had Serious Ramifications, and it cost the Man Time, Money, Blood -- from a Papercut filling out Insurance Forms -- and Tears -- from the all too Real Realization that that which may appear Unimportant is Really Important, and that The Domino Effect is oftentimes Very Real.
There are Many Good Books and Movies, including The Book and The Movie called, “The Green Mile,” which is about a Man who has a Special Gift.
Happy Siblings Day, and I have been fortunate to have two younger Brothers. -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
CC34D. Tune Out. Sort of Tune Out. Tune Out (TO). Sort of Tune Out (SOTO). Ignore. Sort of Ignore. Sort of Ignore (SOI).Psych out. Sort of Psych out. Psych out (PO). Sort of Psych out (SOPO). Attempt. Attempt at (AA). Attempting to (AT). Attempted to (AT). Attempts at (AA). Attempts. Attempting. Attempted. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC35D. An Attempt to Tune Out. An Attempt to Sort of Tune Out. An Attempt to Tune Out (AATTO). An Attempt to Sort of Tune Out (AATSOTO). An Attempt to Ignore (AATI). An Attempt to Sort of Ignore (AATSOI). An Attempt to Sort of Ignore (AATSOI). An Attempt to Psych out. An Attempt to Sort of Psych out. An Attempt to Psych out (AATPO). An Attempt to Sort of Psych out (AATSOPO).
Attempt. Attempt at (AA). Attempting to (AT). Attempted to (AT). Attempts at (AA). Attempts. Attempting. Attempted. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
As the Paraphrased Bible Verse states, "God Works in Mysterious Ways."
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
CC36D. The Man asked The Woman, “Why are You blending Nothing in that Blender?” And The Woman replied, “My Friend told Me that His days appeared to be going so fast that They are Blended together, and I wanted to have that Same Experience.”
CC37D. The Man said, while Counting His Cents, “I have a Sense that the Census is Coming.”
CC38D. The Man said to a Woman, “I want a Hug from You, as I need to Put some Hugs in My Bank Account, as it is Running Low on those today.”
CC39D. The Man said to a Customer at a Restaurant, “We do Not accept that Form of Currency for Payment. The Only Form of Payment that We accept are Bottle Caps, and Specifically only Red Bottle Caps.”
Some More Jokes that I Wrote:
CC40D. The Man said to Someone, “You are on a Special Diet: Your Body only allows You to eat with Me in Your Presence, or when I’m eating. Now, let Me give You a Lifesaving Hug.”
CC41D. A Deer said to a Fish, “I am tired of Us being confused for Multiple Deer and Fish when someone tries to Speak of Us in the Singular Tense.”
And More of My Writings:
CC42D. From the Perspective(s) of. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC43D. That Offsets that. That Offsets that (TOT). And that Sort of Offsets that. And that Sort of Offsets that (ATSOOT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC44D. An Open Mind. Open Minds. Sort of an Open Mind. Sort of Open Minds. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC45D. Evidence. Strong Evidence. Circumstantial Evidence. Strong Circumstantial Evidence. I feel it in My Bones. And I sort of feel it in My Bones. My Spirit tells Me. And My Spirit sort of tells Me. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC46D. Locate. Locates. Locating. Located. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC47D. Relocate. Relocates. Relocating. Relocated. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC48D. Great Minds often Think alike. And Great Minds sort of often Think alike. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC49D. Heard. Overheard. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC50D. Groom. Grooms. Grooming. Groomed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC51D. Well-Groomed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC52D. Prescience. Prescient. Foresight. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC53D. Rib. Ribs. Ribbing. Ribbed. Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC54D. There is a Bible Verse that states that some People have Entertained Angels Unaware. The Bible Verse is Hebrews 13:2: “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am Not Really Poor. And I am Not Really a Poor Boy. And I am Not Really a Poor Man. And I am Not Really a Poor Man. Instead, I am Really Rich in Gifts. And I am Really Rich in Good Gifts. And these things make Me Really Rich.”
In another of My Writings, The Man said, “Half is often Enough. And about Half is often Enough.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man says to someone else, “We have Earned Our Reputation. And We have Earned Our Well-Deserved Reputation. And We Need to Keep on Keeping it Real. You know what I’m saying?”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to someone else, “We ain’t Playing that Game. And We ain’t Playing those Games. And We ain’t Playining that Game like that. And We ain’t Playing those Games like that. And We ain’t following that Rule. And We ain’t following those Rules. It is Not going down like that. Do You understand where I’m coming from?”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “Here is a Hug to the Rescue. Here is a Rescue Hug (RH).”
Here is another Joke that I Wrote: The Man said, “Excuse Me?! Pardon Me?! I beg Your Pardon?! Did I hear You Wrong?! Did I hear You Right?! Did You just say that You are going to Bed? You know that You can only go to Sleep in My Presence, or when I go to Sleep. That is Just the Way that it is. And that is Just Reality.”
There is a Quote that, while We cannot see Wind, that The Movement of Trees indicates that there is Really Wind.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am Glad to be Friends with Many People. And, as of the Year 2016, I am Glad to be Friends with about 25,000 People on My Social Networks. And My Websites and My Blogs, as of the Year 2016, have been Viewed about One Million Times by Individuals. And I only Very Rarely decline a Friendship, and I accept Many People as Friends.”
And More of My Writings:
CC55D. Social Media (SM). Social Medias (SM). Social Network (SN). Social Networks (SN). Blogger. Bloggers. Writer. Writers. Blog. Blogs. Website. Websites. Network. Networks. Friend. Friends.
CC56D. Wind Down (WD). Wind Down for the Day (WDFTD). Wind Down for the Night (WDFTN). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
From one of My Writings: “And that Happened. Under the Kimino Trees.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
For about 39 Seconds, The Man Shook a Can of a Beverage, and then He opened it, and poured all of it down the Kitchen Sink, and Then He put the Empty Can back in the Refrigerator. The Woman then asked, “Why did You do that?” And The Man said, “I was only following Directions: the Instructions on the Can said Shake, and Refrigerate after Opening, and I thought the Kitchen Sink would want a Drink too.
And More of My Writings:
CC57D. It is often Good to Have a Breather. And it is often Good to Have a Pause. And it is often Good to Have a Time Out. And it is often Good to Have a Step Back. A Breather (AB). Breather. A Pause (AP). Pause. A Time Out (ATO). Time Out (TO). A Step Back (ASB). Step Back (SB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC58D. It is often Good to Have a Metaphorical Breather. And it is often Good to Have a Metaphorical Pause. And it is often Good to Have a Metaphorical Time Out. And it is often Good to Have a Metaphorical Step Back. A Breather (AB). Breather. A Pause (AP). Pause. A Time Out (ATO). Time Out (TO). A Step Back (ASB). Step Back (SB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
One of My Children’s Books is called, Teddy Copper Topper, the Ice Cream Chomper.
And More of My Writings:
CC59D. Minor. Minors. “21 Years of age and Older.” Youth. Youths. Youthful. Youthfully. Kid. Kids. Child. Children. Childhood. Childhoods. Young. Youngster. Youngsters. Juvenile. Juveniles. Young at Heart. The Age of Innocence. An Age of Innocence. Age of Innocence. Innocent. Innocents. Innocently. Innocence. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Almost every Place should be a Safe Place. Safe.
And More of My Writings:
CC60D. Oligarch. Oligarchs. Oligarchy. Oligarchies. Oligarchical. Junta. Juntas.
CC61D. Known. Commonly Known (CK). Not Commonly Known (NCK). Known by Someone (KBS). Known by Some (KBS). Known by a Few (KBAF). Known by Many (KBM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC62D. Arachnid. Arachnids.
And More of My Writings:
CC63D. Psych. Psychs. Psyche. Psyches. Psychological. Psychologically. Psychologist. Psychologists. War. Wars. Warfare. Psychological War(s) (PW). Psychological Warfare (PW). Department. Departments. War Department(s) (WD). Warfare Department(s) (WD). Psychological War Department(s) (PWD). Psychological Warfare Department(s) (PWD). Waged. Not Waged (NW). Sort of (SO). Partly. Largely. Somewhat. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC64D. Complete. Completes. Completely. Completing. Completed. Not Complete (NC). Not Completes (NC). Not Completely (NC). Not Completing (NC). Not Completed (NC). Total. Totally. Not Total (NT). Not Totally (NT). Done. Not Done (ND). Sort of (SO). Partly. Largely. Somewhat. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC65D. Train. Trains. Training. Trained. Good Training. Well-Trained. Self-Train(s)(ing)(ed). Teach. Teaches. Teaching. Taught. Self-Teach (ST). Self-Teaches (ST). Self-Teaching (ST). Self-Taught (ST). Well-. Good. Sort of (SO). Partly. Largely. Somewhat. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC66D. Siren. Sirens. Siren Call (SC). Siren Calls (SC). Sirens Call (SC). Sirens Calls (SC). The Mythological Siren Call. The Mythological Siren Calls. The Mythological Sirens Call. The Mythological Sirens Calls. Medusa. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC67D. Occupation. Occupations. Vocation. Vocations. Vocational. Job. Jobs. Work. Works. Working. Worked. At. Then. During. At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). During that Time (DTT). During those Times (DTT). During this Time (DTT). Worker. Workers. Volunteer. Volunteers. Volunteering. Volunteered. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That shows that there was a Conspiracy. And that Video demonstrates that there was a Conspiracy, which is why someone was Video Taping that Person, and someone would have had to have Access to an Area to Secretly Video Tape someone, which often demonstrates a Conspiracy took place. A Conspiracy is simply when Two or More People decide to act illegally and/or immorally. And Many Courts of Law have found Individuals Guilty of Conspiracies.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man had a DNA Test, and it stated that He was Approximately 70 Percent of an Ethnicity, and then, a few days later, the Results from that same Company were Changed, and it stated that that He was No Longer approximately 70 Percent of that Ethnicity, and that He was about 50 Percent of another Ethnicity, and there were other Big Changes in what He was said to Be. The Man then had his DNA examined at Two other Companies, and all Three Companies had Big Differences in what they said were the Percentages of His Ethnicity: for example, one Company said that He was about 50 Percent of a Certain Ethnicity, while another Company said that He was about 20 Percent of that Ethnicity. Ok.
Here is an Advertisement for the Movie called, Money Monster: “Not every Conspiracy is a Theory.”
There are Many Good Music Videos to Watch and Listen to, including Madonna’s Music Videos called, “Frozen,” and “American Pie.”
And more of My Writings:
CC68D. Room(s). Hotel(s). Motel(s). Apartment(s). House(s). Home(s). Building(s). Office(s). Place(s). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC69D. The Fog of War. The Fog of Wars. Fog of War. Fog of Wars. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC70D. By Sight. By Sights. Partly. Somewhat. Largely. Completely. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC71D. Shock the Conscience. Shocks the Conscience. The Reasonable Person. A Reasonable Person. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Man was asked by a Salesperson, “Who do You want to Play against Your Kid during the Basketball Game? The Winning Team or The Losing Team?” And The Man replied, “What?! What do You mean?” And The Salesperson replied, “For a Cool Grand You can now purchase to Play against Your Basketball Team either The Winning Team, which will Try Extremely Hard to Win the Basketball Game, or The Losing Team, which will Try Very Hard to Lose.”
And More of My Writings:
CC72D. If You Really Knew that Person. And if You Really Knew those People. And if You Really Knew that. And if You Really Knew those. Really Known. Really Knew. Really Know. Really Knows. Really Knowing. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. Real. Reals. Really. Reality. Realities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC73D. If that Person Really Knew that other Person. And if that Person Really Knew those People. And if that Person Really Knew that. And if that Person Really Knew those. Really Known. Really Knew. Really Know. Really Knows. Really Knowing. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. Real. Reals. Really. Reality. Realities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I have what You Want. And I also have what You Need.”
And More of My Writings:
CC74D. That is Valuable. That is Highly Prized. That is Wanted. That is Needed. That is Necessary. That is Lifesaving. That is a Lifesaver. That is Vital. That is Needed for Life. That is Needed to Continue to Live. That is Essential. That is Existential. That is a Necessity. That is Important. That is Very Important. And that is Extremely Important. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC75D. That Means this to Me. And that does Not Mean that to Me. The Definition to that is. The Definition to that Word is. The Definition to that Phrase is. That Really Means this to Me. And that does Not Really Mean that to Me. The Real Definition to that is. The Real Definition to that Word is. The Real Definition to that Phrase is. To Me. To You. To Him. To Her. To Them. To Us. Many of Them. Some of Them. Many of Us. Some of Us. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC76D. Street Law (SL). Street Laws (SL). Street Justice (SJ). Street Justices (SJ). Law. Laws. Justice. Justices. Real Law (RL). Real Laws (RL). Real Justice (RJ). Real Justices (RJ). Real World (RW). Real Worlds (RW). Law of The Jungle. Laws of The Jungle. The Jungle (TJ). The Jungles (TJ). Jungle. Jungles. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC77D. Saw through the Lens of. Seen through the Lens of. Saw through the Prism(s) of. Seen through the Prism(s) of. A Preconceived Belief. A Preconceived Notion. Preconceived Beliefs. Preconceived Opinions. Mind already made up. Mind Not already made up. Open to change. Not Open to change. Reality-based. Objectively-based. Largely Reality-based. Largely Objectively-based. Some Reality-based. Some Objectively-based. Opinion-based. Subjectively-based. Largely Opinion-based. Some Opinion-based. Largely Subjectively-based. Some Subjectively-based. Not Reality-based. Not Objectively-based. Not Largely Reality-based. Not Largely Objectively-based. Not Some Reality-based. Not Some Objectively-based. Not Opinion-based. Not Subjectively-based. Not Largely Opinion-based. Not Some Opinion-based. Not Largely Subjectively-based. Not Some Subjectively-based. Open Mind. An Open Mind. The Open Mind. Open Minds. Some Open Minds. The Open Minds. Not an Open Mind. Not The Open Mind. Not Open Minds. Not Some Open Minds. Not The Open Minds. A Deeply Held Belief. Deeply Held Beliefs. Sort of a Deeply Held Belief. Sort of Deeply Held Beliefs. Belief. Beliefs. A Knowing. Knowledge that. Not a Deeply Held Belief. Not Deeply Held Beliefs. Not Sort of a Deeply Held Belief. Not Sort of Deeply Held Beliefs. Not a Belief. Not Beliefs. Not a Knowing. Not Knowledge that. An Opinion about. A Deeply Held Opinion about. Not an Opinion about. Not a Deeply Held Opinion about. Heartfelt. Not Heartfelt. From the Heart. Not from The Heart. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to The Woman, “It is Time to Charge that Vacuum.” And The Woman replied, “What?! Why? What has it done? What Crime has it Committed? Has it been Mirandized Yet?” And The Man said, “No, I mean that We should Plug it into the Power Outlet to recharge its Batteries.” And The Woman said, “Well, Why didn’t You say so in the First Place?”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman said to The Man, “And Here is the Copier to make Copies, and Here is the Telephone to Answer. And Here is the Petty Cash Drawer. You are going to be a Great Secretary at this Office.” And The Man said, “About that Cash Drawer. I’m a Thief, and so I don’t do Well around other People’s Money, as I tend to Steal.” And The Woman replied, “Ok. Thank You for the Disclaimer. When can You start the Job? Will this Monday at 9 a.m. Work?”
And More of My Writings:
CC78D. Disclaimer. Disclaimers. Disclaiming. Disclaimed. Swim at Your Own Risk. Swim at Your Own Peril. At Your Own Risk. At Your Own Peril. Risk. Risks. Risking. Risked. Peril. Perils. Worth the Risk. Not Worth the Risk. Worth the Award. Not Worth the Award. Worth it. Not Worth it. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC79D. Not (Really) Detrimental. Not (Really) Very Detrimental. Not (Really) Extremely Detrimental. Not at the (Real) Detriment (of) (to). Not Very Much at the (Real) Detriment (of) (to). Not at the (Really) Extreme Detriment (of) (to). Not (Real) Costly. Not Very (Real) Costly. Not Extremely (Real) Costly. Not at the (Real) Cost (of) (to). Not (Really) Very Much at the Cost (of) (to). Not at the (Really) Extreme Cost (of) (to). Detriment. Detriments. Detrimental. Detrimentally. Cost. Costs. Costing. Costed. Costly. Real. Really. Reality. Realities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC80D. (Really) Detrimental. (Really) Very Detrimental. (Really) Extremely Detrimental. At the (Real) Detriment (of) (to). At the (Real) Detriment (of) (to). At the (Really) Extreme Detriment (of) (to). (Real) Costly. Very (Real) Costly. Extremely (Real) Costly. At the (Real) Cost (of) (to). (Really) Very Much at the Cost (of) (to). At the (Really) Extreme Cost (of) (to). Detriment. Detriments. Detrimental. Detrimentally. Cost. Costs. Costing. Costed. Costly. Real. Really. Reality. Realities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC81D. Here is a Quote from Someone: “Having a Rough Day? Place your hand on your heart. Feel that? That’s called purpose. You’re Alive for A Reason! DON’T GIVE UP!!!!”
CC82D. And Here is a Quote from Someone: “Something very special is coming your way. Are you ready for it?”
CC83D. And Here is a Quote from Someone: “God is Always with You.”
CC84D. And Here is a Quote from Someone: “The best place in the world is in the arms of someone who will not only hold you at your best, but will pick you up and hug you tight at your weakest moment.”
CC85D. There is a News Article from The Chicago Tribune entitled, “Slavery a ‘living hell’ and an open secret on remote South Korean salt farms.”
CC86D. There is a Fox News Article about a Company that was, “[ . . . ] criticized for ‘blackface’ Bob Marley filter.”
CC87D. There is a News Article entitled, “Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager doesn’t understand Bernie Sanders’ rationale for a delegate fight.”
CC88D. There is a News Article from The Huffington Post entitled, “‘Ghost’ Caught On Camera At Hotel That Inspired ‘The Shining.’”
CC89D. There is a News Article from The Oregonian entitled, “Ghost photobombs guest at hotel that inspired ‘The Shining’.”
CC90D. There is Much Information, including Information on The Internet, about Many Things, such as, “The very rare Giant Florida Cane Spider.”
CC91D. There is a News Article from Fox News entitled, “Strange giant sphere in Bosnia sparks debate.”
CC92D. On Facebook, there is a Picture of a Man holding Part of a Giant Catfish, and it states, “Caught in the Arkansas River 375 lbs Catfish!”
CC93D. There is a News Article from entitled, “Pastor: Prayer Brought Boy Back from The Dead.”
CC94D. There is a News Article from entitled, “Mummy Wearing Adidas? 1,500-Year-Old Mongolian Mummy Has Internet Going Nuts.”
CC95D. There is a News Article from The Oregonian entitled, “Twitter is all about this mummy supposedly wearing Adidas right now.”
CC96D. There are Many Good Movies and Movie Trailers to Watch and Listen to, including The Movie called, “The Green Mile,” and its Movie Trailer.
CC97D. Barometer. Barometers. Gauge. Gauges. Gauging. Gauged. Size Up. Sizes Up. Sizing Up. Sized Up. Measure. Measures. Measuring. Measured. Summarize. Summarizes. Summarizing. Summarized. Conclude. Concludes. Concluding. Concluded. Come to the Conclusion. Comes to the Conclusion. Coming to the Conclusion. Came to the Conclusion. Reach the Conclusion. Reaches the Conclusion. Reaching the Conclusion. Reached the Conclusion. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC98D. There is a Video of what appears to be a Creature Swimming, and there is also a News Article from entitled, “Mysterious Creature Video Taped in Thames River.”
CC99D. There is an Online Poster that states, “Scientist say – Some people are born to be good at math & some are born to fail at it.”
An often Truthful Saying is, “You Win some, and You Lose some.”
There are Many Good Television Shows to Watch and Listen to, including The Show called, “The Americans.” And The Following is a Quote from that Show: “I’m Never going Home, am I?” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “Elizabeth, When You do what We do, it’s Very Easy to Lose Your Bearings. I don’t Want that to Happen to You.” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “We May Need to Extract Someone.” And Here is another Quote from that Show: A Character Playing an FBI Agent: “This is the Boyfriend.” And another Actor Playing an FBI Agent: “Not Boyfriend. They Married Her.” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “Your Appeal has been Denied. The Sentence of Death will Remain Unchanged. It will be Carried out Shortly.” And it was Carried out Shortly. And Here is another Quote from The Americans: “I think Martha is Bad.” And Here is another Quote from that Show, “Paige knows that We Love Her, Right?” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “Have You Patched Things Up with Stan Yet? We could Use a Friendly Face at The FBI.” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “With Two Kids who don’t know the Language.” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “It all Matters.”
And More of My Writings:
CC100D. There are Many Good Movies, and Movie Trailers, to Watch, including The 1998 Movie called, “The Man in the Iron Mask,” and its Movie Trailer. It is partly based on a True Story, and a Crypto-Analyst is said to have found out the likely identity of the Man who was in the Iron Mask.
CC1E. Mask. Masks. Masking. Masked. Unmask. Unmasks. Unmasking. Unmasked. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC2E. Partly Mask. Partly Masks. Partly Masking. Partly Masked. Partly Unmask. Partly Unmasks. Partly Unmasking. Partly Unmasked. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC3E. Sort of Mask. Sort of Masks. Sort of Masking. Sort of Masked. Sort of Unmask. Sort of Unmasks. Sort of Unmasking. Sort of Unmasked. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC4E. Hid. Hiding. Hidden. Not Hid. Not Hiding. Unhidden. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC5E. Partly Hid. Partly Hiding. Partly Hidden. Partly Not Hid. Partly Not Hiding. Partly Unhidden. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC6E. Sort of Hid. Sort of Hiding. Sort of Hidden. Sort of Not Hid. Sort of Not Hiding. Sort of Unhidden. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC7E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Why were You Not More Serious? And Why did You Not Play for Keeps? And Why did You Not Know that was Important?” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC8E. As I Learned about from The Television Show, Jeopardy! Here is a Quote from The Biblical Book of Deuteronomy, as Well as The Book called, “Dracula”: “The Blood is The Life.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “He May have a Trick up His Sleeve. And He May have some Tricks up His Sleeves.”
And More of My Writings:
Here is a Quote from Someone: “Good Things are Coming. Just Keep Believing.”
And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Prayer [--] The World’s Greatest Wireless Connection.”
And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Social Security is Insurance We Paid into against Old Age, and Need. It is Not Welfare. It is Not a Gift.”
And Here is another Quote: “Today I am Thankful.”
And Here is another Quote: “No Matter how softly You whisper a Prayer, God surely Listens, Understands and Knows the Hopes and Fears You Keep in Your Hearts … And when You Trust HIM, Miracles Happen.”
And Here is a Quote from US President Ronald Reagan, “Government’s First Duty is to Protect The People, Not Run Their Lives.”
And More of My Writings:
CC9E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is Not 100 Percent Accurate. And there is a possibility of some Inaccuracy. And there is a Margin of Error. And there are Margins of Error.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC10E. Accurate. Accurately. Accuracy. Accuracies. Inaccurate. Inaccurately. Inaccuracy. Inaccuracies. Margin of Error. Margins of Error. Possible Margin of Error. Possible Margins of Error. Possible Error. Possible Errors. Margin. Margins. Error. Errors. Erroring. Errored. Estimate. Estimates. Estimating. Estimated. Possible. Possibly. Possibility. Possibilities. Possibilities. Realm of Possibility. Realms of Possibilities. Realms of Possibility. Realms of Possibilities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from John C. Maxwell: “God uses People who Fail - Cause there aren’t any other kind around.”
And More of My Writings:
There is a News Article entitled, “10 Magical Ways that Vinegar Can Come to Your Rescue.”
From Nature World News there is a News Article entitled, “Hidden Lake Beneath Antarctic Ice May Contain Numerous Life Forms”.
There is a Video by Oncology Associates on Youtube entitled “How Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment Works,” and there is Much Information about Immunotherapy and other Subjects and Topics.
There is a Video by Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks on Youtube entitled “Superbugs: Infection Apocalypse”.
And Here are More of My Writings:
Here is a Quote from Someone: “Earth and all Stars! Loud rushing planets! Sing to the Lord a new song!”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Video: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] spots ‘alien’ jellyfish lurking deep beneath the ocean surface.”
Here is a Quote from Someone: “I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday.”
Here is a Quote from Francis de Sales: “Be patient with everyone but above all with yourself.”
And Here is a Quote from Plato: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Secretary of an Office said through an Intercom, “Mr. Imperialism, Your Father, Mr. Imperialist, and His Wife, Mrs. Outer Space Colonies, and Her Children, Mr. Planets and Mr. Colonialism, are Here for Their Appointment with You. And They have Brought along a Wizard too.”
Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Elizabeth in The Television Show called “The Americans”: “Did You want Her to See You?” And this was said in Regard to Philip taking off His Disguises and Showing His Secret Wife, Martha, what He Really Looked Like.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Doctor told His Patient, “I am Putting You on a Strict, and a Special, Hydrogen and Helium only Diet.” And The Patient replied, “What?! What if I want to eat Pizza, or Hamburgers, or Hotdogs, or Tacos, or Candy, or Ice Cream, or Yogurt, or drink Coffee and Soda, or Consume other Good Food and other Good Drinks?” And The Doctor replied, “Consider Yourself Lucky – the Lucky One Percent – for being Put on The Hydrogen and Helium Diet, as about 99 Percent of My Patients are Put on The Consumption of Nothing Diet, also known as The Starvation Diet.”
And More of My Writings:
CC11E. Fiduciary. Fiducial. Fiducially. Diligent. Diligence. Diligently. Due Diligence (DD). Care. Cares. Caring. Cared. Careful. Careful. Carefully. Carefulness. Negligent. Negligence. Negligently. Grossly Negligent. Gross Negligence. Grossly Negligently. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC12E. In one of My Writings, The Person said, “I believe that Person.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC13E. In one of My Writings, The Person said, “I believe that Blondie.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC14E. In one of My Writings, The Person said, “I believe that.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC15E. In one of My Writings, The Person said, “I know that.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC16E. As the often Truthful saying/adage states, “You [often] don’t Appreciate Something until it is gone.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC17E. As the often Truthful sayings/adages state, “Strange but True,” “Strange yet True,” and, “The Truth can be Stranger than Fiction.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC18E. A Man said, paraphrasing, that, “Much of what You read about in the Tabloids is True.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC19E. Don’t Group them Together. And Don’t Group all of them Together. And there are a Few Bad Apples in Every Bunch. And Don’t Group all those People together. That is Not Logical. And that is Not Rational. And that doesn’t make Sense. And that other thing is Logical. And that other thing is Rational. And that other thing makes Sense. And Not everything appears to make Sense, and yet that is the way that it is, and that is Just Reality. Reality often times doesn’t appear to make Sense. And Not everything appears to be Rational, and yet that is the way that it is, and that is Just Reality. Reality often times doesn’t appear to be Rational. And Not everything appears to be Logical, and yet that is the way that it is, and that is Just Reality. Reality often times doesn’t appear to be Logical. That is Reality. Those are the Realities. And often that which may appear to someone to be Crazy is Not Crazy, and is instead Reality. And often that which may appear to someone to be Nuts is Not Nuts, and is instead Reality. Looking Historically, one sees that Many Things were Believed to be True which were Really False, and Vice Versa. For example, Many People used to Believe that the Earth was Flat. And Many People used to be Believe that the Earth was in the Center of The Universe. And Many People used to Believe that The Sun circled around The Earth. And there are Many More Examples of How Many False Things were Thought of as Being True, and Vice Versa. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC20E. Everyone has a Right to His or Her own Opinion(s). And I have a Right to My Own Opinion(s). Everyone has a Right to His or Her own Belief(s). And I have a Right to My Own Belief(s). And I Believe in The Freedom of Speech. And I also Believe in The Freedom of Religion. And I also Believe in The Freedom of Expression. And I also Believe in The Freedom of Belief. And I also Believe in The Freedom of The Press. And I also Believe in The Freedom of Peaceful Protests against Injustice. And I also Believe that Many Injustices should be Corrected. And I Believe in Freedom. And I also Believe in Liberty. And all within Reason. And all within a Reasonable Person Standard. And I Believe in Father God. And I am a Christian. And I am also a Christian Member (CM). And I do Not Believe in Evolution. And I am also a Creationist. And I am also a Creationist Member (CM). And I am also Pro-Life. And I am a Pro-Life Member (PLM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC21E. State(s). Misstate(s). Statement(s). Misstament(s). Speak(s). Spoke(s). Speaking(s). Misspeak(s). Misspoke(s). Misspeaking(s). Typo(s). Error(s). Clerical Error(s). Mistake(s). As a Copy-Editor and a Staff Writer for a Newspaper, I corrected a lot of Typos. Typos Happen. And that is often OK. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC22E. Here are some of The Lyrics to the Go-Go’s song, “Our Lips are Sealed”: “Hush, My Darling. Don’t you cry. Quiet, Angel Forget their lies. Can you hear them. They talk about Us. Telling lies. Well, that's no surprise.”
CC23E. Not everyone knows all of the same things. And Not everyone knows all of the same things at the same Time. Someone may know about information R, S, and T, and Not know about information K, L, and M, and so when He or She talks about R and/or S and/or T, another Person may Not know much about that information, and that information may appear to be Strange and/or False to another Person, and yet it could very well be True information. And someone else may know about information K, L, and M, and Not know about information R, S, and T, and so when He or She talks about K and/or L and/or M, another Person may Not know much about that information, and that information may appear to be Strange and/or False to another Person, and yet it could very well be True information. And Not everyone has the same Talents. And Not everyone has the same Gifts. A Person May be Very Talented at X, Y, and Z, and Not at A, B, and C. And another Person May be Very Talented at A, B, and C, and Not at X, Y, and Z. And that is often OK. Some People are Well-Rounded. And some People are sort of Well-Rounded. And some People are Well-Rounded with some Things. And Some People are Well-Rounded about Many Things. And Not everyone has the same Talents. And Not everyone has the same Gifts. And that is OK. About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And May No Brothers and Sisters ever Stand Alone. -- Brandon
The Person said, “My Source told Me,” and, “My Sources told Me.”
And The Journalist said, “My Source told Me,” and, “My Sources told Me.”
And The Blogger said, “My Source told Me,” and, “My Sources told Me.”
And The Writer said, “My Source told Me,” and, “My Sources told Me.”
And The Worker said, “My Source told Me,” and, “My Sources told Me.”
Source. Sources. The Source (TS). The Sources (TS). A Source (AS). Some Sources (SS).
News Headlines from Around The World:
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are third-leading cause of death in U.S.”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “99.999 percent of microbe species have yet to be discovered, say scientists.”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Australia Looks to Herpes to Control Invasive Carp”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Australia plans to kill 'plague' of European carp with herpes virus”
There is a News Article from USA Today Entitled: “Second study says medical errors third-leading cause of death in U.S.”
There is a News Article from The Washington Post Entitled: “Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States”
There is a News Article from ABC News Entitled: “Medical Errors May Result in More Than 200,000 Deaths: Study”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Could these newly-discovered planets orbiting an ultracool dwarf host life?”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “They Just Found The Remains Of The Real Noah's Ark In Turkey (AMAZING!)”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Archaeologists Dug Up an 800-Yr-Old Native American Pot. What Was Inside Altered History”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Australia plans to kill carp with herpes”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “KEY TO ETERNAL LIFE? Someone already born will 'live to 1,000 and immortality IS possible'”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Hidden Lake Beneath Antarctic Ice May Contain Numerous Life Forms”
There is a Youtube Video Entitled: “How Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment Works”
There is a Youtube Video Entitled: “Superbugs: Infection Apocalypse”
There is a Youtube Video Entitled: “So Apparently the Moon Is Covered by a Hologram”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Huge subglacial lake discovered underneath Antarctica's ice”
You have Probably already Heard about versions of the following: there are the Paraphrased Metaphorical Expressions that that would Metaphorically cause someone to “Cut His or Her Own Throat,” and/or that that would Metaphorically cause someone to “Shoot Himself or Herself in His or Her own Foot.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC23E. Fiduciary Relationship (FR). Fiduciary Relationships (FR). Fiducial Relationship (FR). Fiducial Relationships (FR). Fiduciary. Fiducial. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC24E. At Birth. By Birth. Before Birth. After Birth. Through Birth. Because of Birth. Present. Presently. Presenting. Presented. Not Present. Not Presently. Not Presenting. Not Presented. Apparent. Apparently. Not Apparent. Not Apparently. Unapparent. Unapparent. Unapparent. Unapparently. Obvious. Obviously. Not Obvious. Not Obviously. Real. Reals. Reality. Realities. Not Real. Not Reals. Not Reality. Not Realities. Unreal. Unreals. Unreality. Unrealities. Spiritually. Not Spiritually. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC25E. At Birth (AB). By Birth (BB). Before Birth (BB). After Birth (AB). Through Birth (TB). Because of Birth (BOB). Present. Not Present (NP). Not Presently (NP). Not Presenting (NP). Not Presented (NP). Apparent. Apparently. Not Apparent (NA). Not Apparently (NA). Unapparent. Unapparent. Unapparent. Unapparently. Obvious. Obviously. Not Obvious (NO). Not Obviously (NO). Real. Reals. Reality. Realities. Not Real (NR). Not Reals (NR). Not Reality (NR). Not Realities (NR). Unreal. Unreals. Unreality. Unrealities. Spiritually. Not Spiritually (NS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC26E. Trend. Trends. Trending. Trended. Seem. Seems. Seeming. Seemed. Seem to Me. Seems to Me. Seeming to Me. Seemed to Me. Seem to. Seems to. Seeming to. Seemed to. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC27E. The Real Meaning of that is. The Real Meanings of that are. The Real Meaning of those is. The Real Meanings of those are. The Real Definition of that is. The Real Definitions of that are. The Real Definition of those is. The Real Definitions of those are. A Person is Really Automatically That. A Person is Really that by Birth. A Person is Really that Before Birth. Some People Tried to Corrupt that (Meaning) (and/or Definition). Some People Tried to Corrupt those (Meanings) (and/or Definitions). Some People Try to Engage in Deception. Some People Tried to Engage in Deception. Some People Try to Engage in Trickery. Some People Tried to Engage in Trickery. I like Many of My Writings, including My Writing called, “The Elephant Saboteur.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We have a Right to Defend Ourselves.” And The Woman said, “We have a Right to Defend Ourselves.” And The Person said, “We have a Right to Defend Ourselves.”
When I was a Child, My Favorite Basketball Player Had the Jersey Number Zero Zero (00). And Zero is often a Good Number.
Where did You get that Idea? Why do You Think that Way? Is that Rational? Is that Logical?
Written by Brandon Katrena
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Let Me ask You a Question -- Where did You get the Idea that a Democracy instead of an Oligarchy is Desirable? Where did the Concept of Democracy being Good come from? Democracy is Rule by The Masses. I would rather have My Government controlled by The Elite rather than by The Masses. How about You? Elite. Elites. Elitism. High. Low. High instead of Low. I do Not want to be Ruled by The Majority. The Majority does Not Rule. And I would rather be Ruled by The Elite Minority. The Minority should Rule. And, contrary to what Many People Believe, The USA is Not a Democracy. And The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic, Not a Democracy. And there are very few, if any, Democracies.”
The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic. The USA is Not a Democracy. And there are very few, if any, Democracies around The World.
When I was in a College Classroom in about the year 2000, The Professor told The Class, paraphrasing, that one of Her Friends, “Had AIDS for 20 years, and that He was Very Healthy, and that Scientists were Studying Him Very Closely.”
In one of My Writings, The Woman told a Man, “You should always obey The Laws, and You should always obey The Police. Obey. Be Obedient.” And The Man replied, “Really? What about in, for example, 1941’s Nazi Germany? Should I have obeyed all of The Nazi’s Laws? And should I have obeyed everything a Police Officer might have told Me to do, or Not to do, in 1941’s Nazi Germany? I do Not think so. There are both Good and Bad Laws. And Father God’s Laws Trump Man’s Laws. Do You think that I’m a Bad Person and/or a Real Criminal if I had refused to Obey all of Nazi Germany’s Laws? And do You think that I’m a Bad Person and/or a Real Criminal if I had Refused to Obey everything a Police Officer in Nazi Germany Told Me to do or Not to do? I am Not a Real Criminal. And I am a Good Person. And Civil Disobedience is a Real Concept.”
From one of My Writings, “Look Who We have Here! It is The United States-Based 911 Calling Super Hero. From calling those Three Digits when a Fellow College Karate Class Member Fainted to calling about other Medical Emergencies, The 911 Calling Super Hero is Alert and on Guard to Help those in Need.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “Oh Look! There is a Point Counting Referee sitting in the Center of the Basketball Court. I haven’t seen one of those Types of Referees since I was a Kid.” And The Woman said, “What does a Point Counting Referee do?” And The Man said, “You will see soon enough.” The First Point was Scored, and The Point Counting Referee took out a Bull Horn, and He Yelled, “That Point is worth 8 Million Points.” And The Second Basketball went through The Hoop, and The Referee shouted, “That Point is worth 21 Points.” And The Third Basketball went through The Hoop, and that Type of Referee shouted with His Bull Horn, “That Point is Worth Negative 12.92390483 Points.” And The Man said to The Woman, “This Keeps it Sort of Exciting, doesn’t it?” And The Woman said, “Yawn. I’m going to buy an Overpriced Soda, which is what Happens when The Competition is Severely Limited. And while I’m at it, I’m going to buy an Overpriced Hotdog too.”
Another Joke that I Wrote: The Man yelled at another Man, “That wasn’t Me! That wasn’t Me! That was Just My Hologram having a Bad Attitude.”
Another Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “I have some Inside Information that a Whistleblower is going to be Blowing a Whistle at 101 Decibels on The Burnside Bridge on Sunday.” And The Woman replied, “Will the Whistleblower be Revealing any Information?” And The Man replied, “According to My Source, No, the Whistleblower will Just be Blowing a Whistle Very Loudly, and then go Belly Diving in a Swimming Pool.”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to The Woman, “Our Guest has Worn Out The Welcome.” And The Woman replied, “You mean to say that He has Worn Out His Welcome.” And The Man replied, “No, I literally mean that Our Guest’s Shoes have Worn out the word ‘Welcome’ on Our Welcome Mat.”
It is a Good Idea to Have Working Carbon Monoxide Alarms. – Brandon
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
CC28E. The Man said, “All of The English Alphabet’s Letters have Corresponding Capitalized and Lowercase Letters. And what about Our Numbers?! Why can’t Our Numbers be Capitalized and Lowercased?! And what about Our Symbols, such as Our Question Marks, Exclamation Points, and Hashtags, and our #, !, @, $, %, ^, & (Ampersand), *, (, ), +, =, :), -, _ Symbols and Signs? Where is Our Humanity? Where is The Equality Here?!”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
CC29E. The Man said to a Child during a Basketball Game, “That Player did a Great Job stealing The Ball.” And The Child Yelled, “That Basketball Player is a Thief for Stealing The Ball! I’m going to Report Him to The Police!!!!” And The Man said, “It is Legal during a Basketball Game for the Players to Steal the Ball.” And The Child replied, “Why is it Legal for them to do that? Do they have Diplomatic Immunity? If You think about it, it doesn’t Really make sense for Us to allow Embassies on Our Own Territory, as that only Invites Trouble. And We don’t Need Embassies to Sneak Spies into other Countries and to do other Covert Things.”
And More of My Writings:
CC30E. Enable. Enables. Enabling. Enabled. Enabler. Enablers. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC31E. Mobile. Mobiles. Mobilize. Mobilizes. Mobilizing. Mobilized. Mobilization. Mobilizations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC32E. Immobile. Immobilize. Immobilizes. Immobilizing. Immobilized. Immobilization. Immobilizations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “In many Ways We often live in a Hard World. And We live in Reality. And You should be Thankful to have Food to Eat. And You should be Thankful to have Water to Drink. And You should be Thankful to have Drinks to Drink. And You should be Thankful to have Medicine. And You should be Thankful to have Shelter. And You should be Thankful to have Clothes to Wear. And You should be Thankful to have been Paid for Your Work. And You should be Thankful to have received Compensation for Your Work. And You should be Thankful to have Many other things. And Many People have Literally Starved to Death. And Many People have Lived Extremely Horrible Lives. And this is Just Reality. And this is Just the Way that it is. And this is Just the Way that the Ball Bounces.”
And More of My Writings:
CC33E. Competent. Competence. Competently. Competency. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC34E. Incompetent. Incompetence. Incompetently. Incompetency. Grossly Incompetent. Gross Incompetence. Grossly Incompetently. Gross Incompetency. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC35E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person needs to know that Person’s Place. And that Person needs to know that Person’s Proper Place.”
CC36E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Our Resources are Limited. And Our Resources are Finite. And We have Enough Mouths to Feed. And We will be Feeding Our Own Mouths.”
CC37. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We live in Candy Land (CL). And We live in Toy Land (TL).”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We will Not Tie Our Hands behind Our Backs. And We will Not Pretend to Not Know what is Happening. And We Will Not Make Ourselves Defenseless. And We Will Not Metaphorically Put Our Heads in the Sand and Pretend that We do Not Know what is Going Down. And We will Not Trick Ourselves. And We will Not allow Ourselves to be Tricked. And We Will Not Fool Ourselves. And We Will Not allow Ourselves to be Fooled. And We Will Not Sacrifice that Upon the Altar of Foolishness.”
Think if someone went 3,100 Years in The Past and Told People about The Inventions, Technologies, Discoveries, Literature, Beliefs, and Events of the Present Times. The Year 1,084 BC was a Long Time Ago, and The World was a Much Different Place then. And a Lot has Happened in the Last 3,100 Years. And a Lot can Happen in the Next 3,100 Years.
There is a News Article from entitled: “Ricky Gervais Predicts Trump Victory: ‘People are Tired of being Told They can’t Say Things.’”
And More of My Writings:
CC38E. The Power(s) Behind The Throne(s). The Power(s) (TP). Power. Powers. Throne. Thrones. Crown. Crowns. The Emperor (TE). Emperor. The Empire (TE). The Empires (TE). Empire. Empires. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC39E. Good Faith (GF). In Good Faith (IGF). Good Faith Effort(s) (GFE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone: “I find it Amusing when [a Person’s] demand for complete tolerance collides with [that Person’s] intolerance of differing opinions.”
May You have a Happy Day of Pentecost.
As many of You know, Pentecost Commemorates the Day described in The Bible that occurred about 2,000 years ago, when The Holy Spirit came to Many People, and People began Speaking in Tongues. And The Bible is a Great Book to Read and/or Listen to.
And More of My Writings:
CC40E. The Marshall. The Marshall (TM). Marshall. The Worker. The Workers. A Worker. Some Workers. The Worker (TW). The Workers (TW). A Worker (AW). Some Workers (SW). Worker. Workers. Work. Works. Working. Worked. The Royalty. The Royalties. A Royalty. Some Royalty. Some Royalties. The Royalty (TR). The Royalties (TR). A Royalty (AR). Some Royalty (SR). Some Royalties (SR). Royalty. Royalties. The Royal. The Royals. A Royal. Some Royal. Some Royals. The Royal (TR). The Royals (TR). A Royal (AR). Some Royal (SR). Some Royals (SR). Royal. Royals. The Nobility. The Nobilities. The Noble. The Nobles. A Noble. Some Nobles. A Nobility. Some Nobilities. The Nobility (TN). The Nobilities (TN). The Noble (TN). The Nobles (TN). A Noble (AN). Some Nobles (SN). A Nobility (AN). Some Nobilities (SN). Noble. Nobles. Nobility. Nobilities. The Patrician. The Patricians. A Patrician. Some Patricians. The Patrician (TP). The Patricians (TP). A Patrician (AP). Some Patricians (SP). Patrician. Patricians. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
With regard to UFOs, former US Senator and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "I don't know. I want to see what the information shows,” and Hillary Clinton also said about UFOs, "There's enough stories out there that I don't think everybody is just sitting in their kitchen making them up." And she has also said that if she is Elected President that she Might Release more information about Area 51 and about UFOs. And, for hundreds of years, Many Individuals have Reported seeing UFOs, especially since the Famous Incident at Roswell, New Mexico in the year 1947, and Many People do Not Believe the so-called “Official” Explanation that it was Just a Weather Balloon that Crashed. And Many Individuals have also reported seeing, among other things, Aliens. And, as You can see by searching The Internet, there are said to be Information about, and Pictures of, UFOs, Aliens, Bigfoot/Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster, Ghosts, et cetera.
Here is a Quote from a Psychiatrist, Carl Jung: “Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.” Carl Jung is also a Famous Psychiatrist whose “Teachings” are found in Many Textbooks. And Many Psychiatrists and Doctors were Taught, among other things, that is was acceptable to Lobotomize Patients -- cut out parts of Their Patients’ Brains -- and also to Forcibly Electrocute Patients. And there were also, of course, Death Camp Doctors. Furthermore, as The News Indicate, currently about 200,000 or more People die each year in the United States of America alone from “Medical Errors,” which is the approximate Third Leading Cause of Death. And, as Court Cases indicate, there is also Widespread Medical Malpractice, Negligence, Mistreatment, and Misdiagnoses. While there are, of course, Many Good Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Workers, there are, of course, Many Bad Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Workers.
“Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you,” which is a Quote from a Psychiatrist, Carl Jung, whose “Teachings” are found in Many Textbooks.
News Headlines from Around The World:
There is a Wall Street Journal News Article Entitled: “Antibodies Showing Promise Against HIV”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “An Antibody that Kills HIV Found”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “'Magic Bullet' Antibody Can Suppress AIDS Virus”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Scientists Say They're One Step Closer To An HIV Vaccine”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “White House won’t comment on UFOs”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Justice Thomas: World Has Gone Mad with Political Correctness”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Disney Research uses RFID tags to create powerless, low-cost interactive controllers”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Atlanta AIDS epidemic as bad as in some developing countries”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Glowing Dust Galaxies Hide Secret Companions In Distant Universe”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Hepatitis C Now Kills More Americans Than Any Other Infectious Disease”.
There is a Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) News Article Entitled: “Archaeologists: Ancient Writings Confirm Noah's Ark”.
Regarding The Freedom of Speech, The Author, J.K. Rowling said, “Intolerance of alternative viewpoints is spreading to places that make me, a moderate and a liberal, most uncomfortable.”
And More of My Writings:
Consider. Considers. Considering. Considered.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Consideration. Considerations.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Ear Plug. Ear Plugs. Ear Plugging. Ear Plugged.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Helmet. Helmets. Helmeting. Helmeted.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Uniform. Uniforms. Uniformed.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Inform. Informs. Informing. Informed.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Info. Information.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Tech. (Information) Technology (IT). (Information) Technologies (IT). Technological. Technologically (Advanced) (TA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Scholar. Scholars. Scholarly. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Erudite. Erudition. Eruditions. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Crème de la Crème. Crème de la Crème (CDLC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Intellectual. Intellectuals. Intellectually. Intellectualize. Intellectualizing. Intellectualized. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Proper. Properly. Property. Properties. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Intellectual Property. Intellectual Properties. Intellectual Property (IP). Intellectual Properties (IP). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Territory. Territories. Territorial. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Intelligence. Intelligences. Intelligent. Intelligently. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Intelligence Service. Intelligence Services. Intelligence Service (IS). Intelligence Services (IS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Service. Services. Servicing. Serviced. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Department. Departments. Departmental. Departmentally. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Section. Sections. Sectional. Sectionals. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Part. Parts. Partly. Parting. Parted. Part Way (PW). Part Way Done (PWD). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Pay. Pays. Paying. Paid. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Pay with (PW). Pays with (PW). Paying with (PW). Paid with (PW). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Pay with Antibodies. Pays with Antibodies. Paying with Antibodies. Paid with Antibodies.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Assist. Assists. Assisting. Assisted.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Asset. Assets. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Money. Monies. Monetize. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Resource. Resources. Resourcing. Resourced. Resourceful. Resourcefulness. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman asked The Man, “Do You know Joy?” And The Man replied, “Of course, She lives in the Brick House down the Street, and She is a Blogger and a Writer.” And The Woman replied, “No, I mean Joy the Emotion, Not Joy the Person.”
And More of My Writings:
CC41E. PsyOp. PsyOps. PSYOP. PSYOPS. Psychological. Operation. Operations. Psychological Operation(s) (PO). Psychological War(fare)(s) (PW). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from Carl Jung: "If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool."
The Following is from’s Article on Instincts: “Any behavior is instinctive if it is performed without being based upon prior experience (that is, in the absence of learning), and is therefore an expression of innate biological factors. Sea turtles, newly hatched on a beach, will automatically move toward the ocean. A kangaroo climbs into its mother's pouch upon being born. Honeybees communicate by dancing in the direction of a food source without formal instruction.”
There are Many Good Songs to Listen to, including The Song called, “99 Luftballons” aka “99 Red Balloons”.
And More of My Writings:
CC42E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “A Healing Hug (HH). And Healing Hugs (HH).”
CC43E. For Cause (FC). For Good Cause (FGC). For Just Cause (FJC). For Logical Cause (FLC). For Rational Cause (FRC). For Fair Cause (FFC). For Justifiable Cause (FJC). For Common Sense Cause (FCSC). For Important Cause (FIC). For Very Important Cause (FVIC). For Extremely Important Cause (FEIC). Singular Tense (ST). Plural Tense (PT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from Someone: “There are No Ex-Soldiers[.] Our Title is Earned[,] Never Given[,] and What’s Earned is Yours, FOREVER.” Forever. FOREVER.
And More of My Writings:
Update. Updates. Updating. Updated.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Current. Currents. Currently.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Present. Presents. Presenting. Presented.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
At this Time. At that Time. At those Times. At these Times.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Now. Then. When? Where? Who? What? Why? How?
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Recover. Recovers. Recovering. Recovered.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Recovery. Recoveries.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Heal. Heals. Healing. Healed. Sort of (SO).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Cure. Cures. Curing. Cured. Sort of (SO).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Manage. Manages. Managing. Managed. Well Managed (WM).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Health. Healthy. Healthful. Healthfully. Healthfulness.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Calm. Calms. Calming. Calmly. Calmed.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Medicine. Medicines.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Antidote. Antidotes.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Hug. Hugs. Hugging. Hugged.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Energy. Energies.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Vibe. Vibes.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Stuff. Stuffs. Stuffing. Stuffed.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Lots of People use the Term “Anecdotal” to try to Dismiss/Discredit Real Evidence. And Many People say that Someone or Something is “Discredited,” when actually that Person and/or Thing is Not Really “Discredited” in Reality. Someone May think Someone or Something is “Discredited,” while Someone else May Very Well Think and/or Know otherwise.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Or so We have been Told by that Person.” Skeptic. Skeptics. Skepticism. Skeptical. Skeptically. Question. Questions. Questioning. Questionable. Questioned. Doubt. Doubts. Doubting. Doubted. Doubtful. Doubtfully. Care. Cares. Caring. Cared. Careful. Carefully. Carefulness. Cautious. Caution. Cautions. Cautiously. Cautioning. Cautioned. Tip Toe. Tip Toes. Tip Toeing. Tip Toed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here are Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man said to The Woman, “This House has 91 Bathrooms.” And The Woman replied, “Wow. How Many Bedrooms does this House Have?” And The Man Replied, “This House Has No Bedrooms, and No Kitchen, as The Bathrooms take up 100 Percent of The Space.” And The Woman replied, “What?! Are You Kidding Me? Are You Joking?” And The Man replied, “Are You Bathroom Phobic?”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “Look at that guy eating all that Ice Cream. He must have Wrote The Book on Ice Cream Eating.” And The Woman replied, “As a Matter of Fact He Really did Write The Book on Ice Cream Eating, and it’s a Bestselling and Award Winning Book. And I have a Copy of His Book in My Purse.” And The Woman took out the Book entitled, “I Wrote the Book on Ice Cream Eating,” Written by B. Good.
An often Truthful saying is that there are, “Two Sides to Every Story.” And another often Truthful saying is that there are, “Many Sides to Many Stories.” And there are different Perspectives. And there are different Opinions. And there are Different Points of View. And there are Different World Views (WV).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Fictional Mystery Books, The Man said to a Woman, “I can’t Marry You, as I’m already a Secret Husband to My Secret Wife.” And The Woman replied, “You are a Secret Spouse? Is there anything else that I should Know?” And The Man replied, “You should also know that I am The Father to Children by My Secret Spouse, and that I am also a Lifetime Secret Member of an Organization. And We have about 999 Members, and Many of Whom are Secret Members. And 99 of Whom are My Children. And I am also a Secret Member of Many Organizations. And My Children are also Secret Members of Many Organizations. I am an Organization Member (OM). And My Children are Organization Members (OM). And I have a lot of Children. And I have 1,399 Children. And I also have a lot of Grandchildren. And I also have a lot of Family Members (FM). And Family is Very Important.”
Here are Some Headlines from Around The World:
Here is an Article from The Washington Post entitled: “The superbug that doctors have been dreading just reached the U.S.” .
Here is an Article from entitled: “Would we want to regenerate brains of patients who are clinically dead?”
Here is an Article from Yahoo entitled: “A Record-Breaking Number of Millennials Now Live With Their Parents”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “For First Time In 130 Years, More Young Adults Live With Parents Than With Partners”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “Virus Mutation”.
Here is another Article from entitled: “Drug resistance”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “New Evidence Could Overthrow the Standard View of Quantum Mechanics”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “Pentagon Official Once Told Morley Safer That Reporters Who Believe the Government Are 'Stupid'”.
Here is an Article from The LA Times entitled: “Whitney Houston hologram 'not ready' for duet with Christina Aguilera on 'The Voice' finale”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “Jedi the Dog Senses Low Blood Glucose, Saves 7-Year-Old Master Luke”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “Is the Average Stock Market Return 8%?”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “Poll: Trump Leads Hillary By FIVE PERCENT Nationally”.
Here is an Article from Vanity Fair entitled: “Why J.K. Rowlings Defense of Donald Trump Is So Important”.
Here is a Paraphrased Quote: “[One of] The Most Advanced Machine[s] on The Planet [is The Human Body,] and They will Tell You it Had No Designer.”
And More of My Writings:
That is a Balancing Act. And that was a Balancing Act. And that will be a Balancing Act. And those are Balancing Acts. And those were Balancing Acts. And those will be Balancing Acts. Is/Are/Were/Was/Will/Will Be/That/Those/This/These. Balance. Balances. Balancing. Balanced. A Good Balance. Good Balances. Good Balancing. Well-Balanced. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, "We have been Family Members (FM) for Many Years. And We have been Family Members for about 30 years. And We have also been Friends for a Long Amount of Time."
And More of My Writings:
CC43E. Some People like to Use Words/Terms/Phrases such as the Phrase “Confirmation Bias” or the Word “Anecdotal” to try to Deceive People. Likewise, some People will say something or someone is “Disproven” and/or “Discredited,” when that is Not Really True: someone or something May Very Well Not be “Disproven,” or “Discredited,” to Someone or to Some People or to Many People. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC44E. Okay. Ok. K. Et Cetera. Etc.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am also Our House’s Housekeeper and Dishwasher.”
Here is a Quote from The Character named “Stan,” from The Television Show called, “The Americans,” during a Conversation with “Philip”: “Trust Me, They do Things You Cannot Imagine.”
On Cable Television, on May 30, 2016, on Fox News, a Woman said that a Man was an, “Equal Opportunity Offender,” and that He was a “Counter Puncher.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Currently, I have had at least 4 Family Members and Friends tell Me over The Years that They could tell that Certain People were Certain Members of Certain Organizations by the Way the Person Looked, with Specific Regard to Three Separate Organizations, and with Two Family Members and Friends talking about The Same Organization.”
And More of My Writings:
CC45E. As can be found on The Internet and Elsewhere, there is Much Information about Creationism, and there is also a lot of Information Disproving The Theory of Evolution: how, for example, could The Big Bang Originate?
CC46E. Lynch Pin (LP). Lynch Pins (LP). Lynch Pinning (LP). Lynch Pinned (LP). A Lynch Pin. Some Lynch Pins. A Lynch Pinning. A Lynch Pinned. The Lynch Pin. The Lynch Pins. The Lynch Pinning. The Lynch Pinned. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC47E. Linch Pin (LP). Linch Pins (LP). Linch Pinning (LP). Linch Pinned (LP). A Linch Pin. Some Linch Pins. A Linch Pinning. A Linch Pinned. The Linch Pin. The Linch Pins. The Linch Pinning. The Linch Pinned. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC48E. Just because Someone or Some People or Many People may say that Someone or Something is, for example, Disgraced, does Not Necessarily make that True. And a Person, or Some People, or Many People May Not Believe and/or Know that Someone or Something is Really, for example, Disgraced. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC49E. The Man said to a Woman, “I do Not Need to See that in order to Believe You. And I Believe You. And I do Not Need Evidence in order to Believe You. Something is either True or False, or Good or Bad, regardless of there being any Evidence. And Not everyone knows the same things that other People Know. And some People Know certain Things that other People do Not Know.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
A Man named Brian said to a Man named Thomas, “That is a Nice Pair of Shoes, Thomas.” And Thomas replied, “What?! Why did You say that aloud?! Don’t You know that is an Invasion of Privacy!?”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “I have had Three Totally Different DNA Estimates for My Ethnicities from Three Different Companies. And One Company Said, for example, that I am about 50 Percent of an Ethnicity, while another Company Said that I am about 11 Percent of that Ethnicity, and while another Company Said that I am about 33 Percent of that Ethnicity. And these DNA Tests were all within about a year of each other, and all within about the year 2014, so it is Not like the Technology changed that Much. And when I first got My Results from one Company, it stated that I was about 70 Percent of an Ethnicity, and then a Few Days later the Results were Changed, and it stated that I was about 50 Percent of another Ethnicity. And I saved that Screen Shot. And I have saved all this Information. Am I, among other things, a Changeling? And can I change My Ethnicity and/or Race from one minute to another minute? Can My Genetics and/or DNA Change? And what about My Antibodies and/or Plasma? Are They Special Too? Can My Antibodies and/or Plasma cure Diseases? For about 24 Hours at a Time? Have You Heard about Immunotherapy, Drug Resistance, and Mutations? And The Mutations of Diseases? And Viruses Spread Easily. Are there also a few other Changelings aka Chalices who can each Cure Many Diseases for about 9 seconds each day? Are some Changelings, also known as The Chalices, able to cure Diseases? Can I cure Diseases for about 24 Hours a Day? And can the other Chalices each cure diseases for about 9 seconds a day, for a combined Curing of Disease, for the other Chalices, for approximately 9 Minutes a Day? Is the approximate Good Window to obtain from The Chalices Their Plasma and/or Their Antibodies each day from about 9 at Night to about Noon each day? As the Bible states, ‘God Works in Mysterious Ways.’ And there is another saying that states, ‘Strange yet True.’”
There are Many Good Television Shows to Watch, including Talent Shows such as “America’s Got Talent.”
Here are some News Headlines from Around The World:
There is a News Article from Entitled: Stanford Researchers Say New Stem Cell Experiment Transforming Lives
There is a News Article from Entitled: Baby Dragons Hatching In Slovenia: Olm Salamander Eggs Shed Light On These Rare And Mysterious Creatures
There is a News Article from Entitled: State Department: Yep, We Deleted That Video Proving We Lied About The Iran Deal
There is a News Article from Entitled: Theranos Voids Two Years of Edison Blood-Test Results
There is an Article from Entitled: WHO warns against the use of inaccurate blood tests for active tuberculosis
There is a News Article from Fox News Entitled: Rare 'dragon eggs' hatch in Slovenian cave | Fox News
There is a News Article from Entitled: Rush Limbaugh Just Can't Figure Out Why Gorillas Exist
There is a News Article from Entitled: New Quantum 'Cat State' Can Be in Two Places at Once
There is a News Article from Entitled: The Ruins Of Sodom And Gomorrah Have Been Found (Proving The Bible Story Correct!)
There is a News Article from Entitled: 7 new species of peacock spider discovered
There is a News Article from Entitled: Giant swarm of locusts fills the sky in terrifying footage
There is a News Article from Entitled: Are we nearing a cure for cancer? Holy grail is 'closer than ever'
There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: Minivan-sized' sea creature found off Hawaii
There is a News Article from Entitled: The sea levels are now reducing in the hotspots of acceleration of Washington and New York
There is a News Article from Entitled: Superbug resistant to last-resort antibiotic found in the United States
There is a News Article from Reuters Entitled: United States sees first case of bacteria resistant to all antibiotics
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is Just the Way that Father God made Him. And that is Just the Way that Father God made Her. And that is Just the Way that it is. And those are Just the Ways that those are. And that is Just The Reality. And those are Just The Realities.”
And Here are some Headlines from Around The World:
There is a News Article from Entitled: “MIT group develops 'mind-reading' device”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Researchers reveal mind-reading device can monitor memory in real time”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Mind-reading device allows to directly connect to the human mind”.
There is a News Article from The Washington Post Entitled: “Scientists say they’ve one-upped photosynthesis with a bionic leaf”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Mind-reading device invented by scientists to eavesdrop on 'inner voice'” .
There is a Video from Entitled: “7 Mysterious Objects We STILL Don't Understand”.
The Following is a Quote from a Character from The Television Show called, “The Americans”: “I was Trained to Defend Myself.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Mother Nature is on The Move. And Mother Nature has been Moving and Grooving for Thousands of Years.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am also a Caretaker for Many of My Family Members (FM) and Friends.”
And More Headlines from Around The World:
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Revealed: vast medieval cities hidden beneath the Cambodian jungle”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Studies find 'super bacteria' in Rio's Olympic venues, top beaches”.
There is a News Article from Fox News Entitled: “Scientists reportedly find super bacteria in several Rio Olympic venues | Fox News”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “7 Mysterious Secrets Hidden in Famous Works of Art”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “10 Most Mysterious Things That Can Not Be Explained”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Camera Sees People in a New Light”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “MIT's 3-D Microwave Camera Can See Through Walls”.
There is a News Article from Time Magazine Entitled: “Whistleblower Claims CDC Covered Up Data Showing Vaccine-Autism Link”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Hope for multiple sclerosis cure as 23 seriously ill patients recover after 'breakthrough' stem cell treatment”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “10 Mythical Creatures That Actually Existed!”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Top 10 Historical Facts That AREN'T TRUE”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “10 Historical Figures Who Never Existed”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “There are weird bursts of energy coming from deep space”.
There is a News Article about The Freedom of Speech from The Economist Entitled: “Curbs on free speech are growing tighter. It is time to speak out”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Top 10 Strangest Unsolved Mysteries”.
There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: “State Department admits to deliberately cutting briefing footage on Iran deal”.
And More of My Writings:
There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including the 2002 Movie called, “The Four Feathers,” and in this Movie there is a scene of a False Flag Operation: Men Riding Quickly on Horses appear to be Members of The British Military (BM), when, in Fact, they are Not British, and instead they are Combatants against The British (TB). This is called a False Flag Operation, and it has happened throughout History. For example, Many People can speak with a False Accent in an attempt to appear to be a Member of a Certain Ethnicity. That is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman asked The Man, “Why are You Grasping Your Belly with Your Hands, and then Twirling Around?” And The Man said, “Because Jared told Me that I should Throw My Weight around More.” And The Woman said, “Jared did Not mean to Literally throw Your Weight around. He meant it Metaphorically.” And The Man said, “What, are You a Mind Reader, too? If You are, You should go on a Talent Show, as there are Many Mind Readers and other Talented People on those Talent Shows and elsewhere. Want to Watch some Rewinds on The Internet of some Mind Readers and other Talented People from Talent Shows and Elsewhere?” And The Woman replied, “Stop Literally Throwing Your Weight Around! You are going to get Dizzy!!!! Stop! Arrete! Halt!”
The Bible is a Very Good Book to Read and/or Listen to. And Here is a Quote from The Bible: “And Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make You free.”
And Here are More News Headlines from Around the World:
There is a News Article from Entitled: “This Drug Combination Could Reverse Alzheimer's Disease, Study Says.”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Immunotherapy Brings New Hope to Cancer Fight”.
There is a News Article from the Entitled: “Live NBA Finals updates: Game 7 is underway in Oakland”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Alarming rise in Utah STD rates has health officials concerned”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Kraken rumors rife as giant sea creature spotted off Antarctica by Google Earth (VIDEO, POLL)”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Shigeru Miyamoto 'Super Mario' Says 'A New Kind of Mario' May Be in Development”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Scientists decipher purpose of world's 1st computer, made by ancient Greeks”.
There is a Video from Entitled: “10 Mysterious Artifacts That Should Not Exist”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “1950s quiz show scandals”.
There is a Video from Entitled: “5 Mysterious Artifacts No One Can Explain”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “New paper claims that the EM Drive doesn't defy Newton's 3rd law after all”.
There is a News Article from The NY Post Entitled: “Woman hits boyfriend with car after learning he has HIV”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Researchers discover new way to turn electricity into light, using graphene”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “A classic formula for pi has been discovered hidden in hydrogen atoms”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Antikythera Mechanism: Mysteries Of 2,100-Year-Old Computer Revealed After Decade-Long Research”.
There is a June 23, 2016 Headline Entitled: “Texas Woman Comes Out of Surgery With British Accent.”
And More of My Writings:
Job(s). Present Job(s) (PJ). Past Job(s) (PJ). Future Job(s) (FJ). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Work(s). Work. Works. Working. Worked. At. Present Work (PW). Present Works (PW). Past Work (PW). Past Works (PW). Future Work (FW). Future Works (FW). Retire. Retires. Retiring. Retired. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There is that which is Important, Very Important (VI), and Extremely Important (EI). And there is also that which is Not Important (NI), Not Very Important (NVI), and Not Extremely Important (NEI). And there are also Precedents, Important Precedents (IP), Very Important Precedents (VIP), and Extremely Important Precedents (EIP). And there are also Non-Precedents (NP), Not Important Precedents (NIP), Not Very Important Precedents (NVIP), and Not Very Extremely Important Precedents (NVEIP). An example of a very likely Not Important Precedent is when someone might have said a certain thing at a Young Age, such as at age 9, when someone is still a Kid, and when the Brain is still in Heavy Development. Another example of something that May Very Well Not be an Important Precedent is when someone says and/or does something accidently, such as Misspeaking. And Many People often Shoot The Breeze and Talk Just to Talk. And there is also the saying that, “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Words will Never Hurt Me.” And Many People Believe that someone should have Metaphorical Broad Shoulders and/or Metaphorical Thick Skin. And there is also that which is Vital, Very Vital (VV), and Extremely Vital (EV). And there is also that which is Lifesaving and/or a Lifesaver. And there is also that which is Existential -- that which is Needed for Life and/or for You to Live. Life. Alive. Live. Lives. Living. Lived.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “I’m going to go Brush My Teeth and go to Sleep.” And The Woman replied, “Ahem! You’ll Need to have a Nation-Wide Referendum and Vote before You do that. Don’t You believe in Democracy? That The Majority should decide? Even if it doesn’t Really Make Sense what the Majority in certain Regions sometimes have Believed throughout History? Never Mind that there are very few, if any, Real Democracies around The World, and that the United States of America is Not a Democracy, and that The USA is a Constitutional Republic instead.”
And More of My Writings:
CC50E. Fog. Fogs. Fogging. Foggy. Fogged. Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC51E. Night Owl. Night Owls. There is a Paraphrased Quote that, “3 a.m. is often when Many Writers, Poets, and Thinkers are awake.”
And More Headlines from Around the World:
There is a News Article from The Associated Press entitled, “FAKE MONKS? BUDDHIST LEADERS WARN NYC TOURISTS TO BE WARY”.
There is a News Article from The Scientific American entitled, “New Particle Is Both Matter and Antimatter”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “THE PROBLEMS WITH CARBON-14 DATING”.
There is a News Article from CNN entitled, “Rio Olympic Games drug lab suspended by WADA”.
There is another News Article from CNN entitled, “Texas woman sports British accent after surgery”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Pluto May Harbor a Liquid Ocean”.
There is a News Article from The New York Times entitled, “Lab-Grown Bones Successfully Implanted in Pigs”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “The Ruins Of Sodom And Gomorrah Have Been Found (Proving The Bible Story Correct!)”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Antibody therapy found to delay HIV in step forward in search for new treatments and a cure”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Archaeologists: Ancient Writings Confirm Noah's Ark”.
There is a News Article from the New Scientist entitled, “Hundreds of genes seen sparking to life two days after death”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Proposals to curb online speech viewed as threat to open internet”.
There is a News Article from entitled,
“Freedom of Speech”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “New Scientific Study Explaining Where Water Came from Confirms Biblical Account”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Angels Caught On Tape (Fascinating!)”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “5 Most Amazing Angels Caught On Tape”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Scientific Proof God Did The Miracle Of Parting The Red Sea (MUST SEE!)”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Noah's Ark Found in Turkey?”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “This Drug Combination Could Reverse Alzheimer's Disease, Study Says”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Immunotherapy Brings New Hope to Cancer Fight”.
I am a Republican. And I have been a Registered Republican for Most of My Adult Life. And Many of My Family Members (FM) are Republicans. And Many of My Family Members are Registered Republicans. And I am a Christian. And Many of My Family Members are Christians.
I am an American Republican.
Here is a Quote from Someone: “You are entitled to your opinion. You are NOT Entitled to TELL me what mine must be!”
And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Sometimes the Best Way to Help someone is just to be near them.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is called Divine Justice.” Divine Justice (DJ). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here are Some News Headlines from Around the World:
There is a News Article from NBC News entitled, “Scientists show they can 'read your mind' using brain scans”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Scientists Can Read Minds with Brain Scans”.
And Here are some More News Headlines from Around the World:
There is a News Article from Fox News entitled: “Nepal police say 36 arrested for working as fake doctors | Fox News”.
There is a News Article from entitled: “Bright spot: Antarctica's ozone hole is starting to heal”.
There is a News Article from USA Today entitled: “Alvin Toffler, author of influential 'Future Shock,' dead at 87”.
There is a News Article from The Washington Post entitled: “Alvin Toffler, author of best-selling Future Shock and The Third Wave, dies at 87”.
There is a News Article from ABC.Net.AU entitled: “Hole in the ozone layer is finally 'healing'”.
There is a News Article from entitled: “Skeletal remains of Loch Ness Monster wash ashore, have Scots buzzing”.
There is a News Article from entitled: “Mind-Reading Computer Instantly Decodes People's Thoughts”.
There is a News Article from entitled: “New Technique Allows Scientists to Read Minds at Nearly the Speed of Thought”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is one of His Names. And that is one of Her Names.”
It is a Fact that Many Police Departments have Employed Psychics. There is also the Television Show called “Psychic Detectives.” And there is much Literature, Websites, and other Information about Psychics, including how The Police have Utilized Psychics. And the Following Website is one of Many Websites that talk about this Subject:
Think what We would be asked to Believe without Proof.
And Here is a Quote from Someone: “The violence is not new, it’s the cameras that are new.”
Here are Some of My Mom’s Letters of Recommendation:
John S.:
“I have had the privilege of working with Debra for several years. A true advocate for the client. Hard working, honest and a true Real Estate Professional.”
Echo S.:
“During a course of working with Debra on a farm house purchase, I've observed how professional she was - a great agent to work with!”
Wendy Z.:
“Debra Katrena has done such great job in my real estate purchase. She is patient, thoughful, and she care for client. Even I have finished the purchasing of the property with for two years now, but when I need help or have question about the
property, she is aways there for me. I am really enjoy working with her.”
Rebecca B.:
“Debra sold my house in Hillsboro. She did a great job and it sold fast.
she also sold our house in Portland and again did an awesome job!”
Katina D.:
“Debra is nice, friendly, considerate. She does a thorough job with whatever she is working on. A very nice person to deal with.”
Robert R.:
“I have inspected several homes for Katrena's clients. It is clear to me that she has the client's interests at heart, asking pertinent questions about the house and entries in the Inspection Report. For example, while some agents try to play down some defects, Katrena makes sure the client understands the implications of the defect if it is not immediately clear.
I have no hesitation in recommending Katrena to a prospective home buyer .”
Laura S.:
“I've known Deb for over 20 years and I have always admired her professionalism and integrity.
Her passion in the Resl Estate industry shows with every client she works with.
Thank you Deb!”
Elizabeth L.:
“I met Debra a number of years ago and was completely wowed by her knowledge. She is a seasoned professional who puts the needs and wants of her clients first. I highly recommend Debra to potential buyers and sellers. Having known quite a few Realtors over the years I found Debra to be one of the exemplary agents out there who truly shines inside and out!”
David G.:
“Debra is a true professional and was always working with a smile on her face and she acted with great knowledge and professionalism. She is a great credit to you world.”
Jack Z.:
“Debra Katrena is A very good and profession real estate agent. She responsibility and help customers.”
Karen S.:
“Debra worked hard with me to find a home that my husband and I would like to move into. I would recommend her as a personal realtor to anyone.”
Robert M.:
“I have had the pleasure of working with Debra Katrena on 2 different real estate transaction in 2004 and 2015. She was a professional in all aspects our transactions. She ensured a smooth process in all paperwork from sale to closing. The last transaction was the sale of a house in an estate sale. She arranged assistance in the process of the estate sale for not only the residential property but also the sale of personal household goods.
I would gladly recommend Debra to anyone in need of a truly professional real estate agent whether buying or selling a property.”
Janelle B.:
“Debra Katrena is not only a dear friend but is someone who has great ethics and a strong personal drive to get any job done. I highly recommend her.”
Kris R.:
“I have known Debra all my life, she is a wonderful person and a great friend. She has many years of experience as a realtor and has been very successful. She would be the first person I would call if I were in the market to buy.”
Sherry V.:
“If you want someone who knows Oregon, and will work on your behalf, she is the one to choose! She is full of energy and will make sure you are protected. Her integrity and moral bar is one to reach for. I wouldn't hestitate to have her represent me!”
Dawn D.:
“We worked with Debra on the purchase of 2 houses and I have recommended her with the highest regard to all of our friends and family. Debra went out of her way to assist us, to the point of going on midnight runs looking for houses to convenience our schedule. My only regret is that I didn't use her services to sell my house.”
Stacy D.:
“Debra and I have worked together for 6 years now. She is such a delight! Debra is a very caring person and pays attention to the details. She offers great communication and has a high level of experience and knowledge. This is why her past clients, friends and family always refer her! I am so thankful to work with Debra and to be a part of her real estate team!”
William K.:
“I haven't worked with Debra on any real estate transactions but in my other professional contact I've been impressed by her attention to detail, competency and integrity.”
Shane R.:
“Debra helped us buy our home in North East Portland. Awesome job. Very helpful and a joy to work with!!!”
Linda M.:
“Debra was the listing realtor on the first condo I purchased in 2006. I was the buyer/ selling realtor. It was a very smooth transaction! Debra was a joy to work with!”
And More of My Writings:
CC52E. Blur. Blurs. Blurry. Blurring. Blurred. Cloud. Clouds. Cloudy. Clouding. Clouded. Murky. Mist. Mists. Misty. Fog. Fogs. Foggy. Fogging. Fogged. Fog of War (FOW). The Fog of War (TFOW). Metaphor. Metaphors. Metaphorically. Not a Metaphor (NAM). Not Metaphors (NM). Not Metaphorically (NM). Literal. Literals. Literally. Not Literal (NL). Not Literals (NL). Not Literally (NL). Actual. Actuals. Actually. Not Actual (NA). Not Actuals (NA). Not Actually (NA). Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). (Very) (Extremely) Important. (Very) (Extremely) Importantly. Not (Very) (Extremely) Important (N(V)(E)I). Not (Very) (Extremely) Importantly (N(V)(E)I). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). Present. Past. Future. Present Tense(s) (PT). Past Tense(s) (PT). Future Tense(s) (FT). Single. Singles. Singular. Singulars. Singular Tense(s) (ST). Plural. Plural Tense(s) (PT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There are Television Shows called, “Psychic Detectives,” and “Ghost Hunters.”
And Here are Some News Headlines from Around The World:
There is a News Article from ABC News Entitled: “'Super Bug' Linked to Antibiotics Kills Nearly 15K Yearly, Says CDC”.
There is a News Article from The Washington Post Entitled: “Superbug gene detected in a second person in the U.S.”.
There is a News Article from Entitled:
“Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia Rates Rising for First Time in Years: CDC”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Obama says all Americans should be concerned by police shootings”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Don Lemon: I comply with police 'because I don't want to be killed'”.
There is a News Article from ABC News Entitled: “Herpes 8 Spread Through Kissing”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Careful who you kiss: virus found in saliva associated with unexplained infertility”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “CDC monitoring 320 U.S. pregnant women with Zika”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Gonorrhoea and syphilis on the rise in the UK amid 'sexual health crisis', experts warn”.
There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: “Who is Rachel Dolezal?”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “A 'super bacteria' has been found in the waters of the Rio Olympics”.
There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: “Ghostly fish seen alive for first time ever”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Drug-resistant bacteria found in Rio's waters”.
There is a News Article from Fox News Entitled: “Nepal police say 36 arrested for working as fake doctors | Fox News”.
There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: “'Super bacteria' discovered in Rio's waters”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Disabled teen cancer patient slammed to ground by TSA, lawsuit claims”.
There is a News Article from called:
“What's Jack Nicholson Been Hiding Behind Those Sunglasses All These Years?”
And More of My Writings:
CC53E. Motive. Motives. Motivating. Motivated. Motivation. Motivations. Real. Really. Realness. Reality. Realities. Know. Knows. Knowing. Known. Knew. Unknown. Unknowing. Not Know (NK). Not Knows (NK). Not Knowing (NK). Not Known (NK). Not Knew (NK). Clear. Clearly. Unclear. Unclearly. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC54E. Confuse. Confuses. Confusing. Confusion. Confused. Sort of Confuse (SOC). Sort of Confuses (SOC). Sort of Confusing (SOC). Sort of Confusion (SOC). Sort of Confused (SOC). Temporarily Confuse (TC). Temporarily Confuses (TC). Temporarily Confusing (TC). Temporarily Confusion (TC). Temporarily Confused (TC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And Here are More News Headlines from Around the World:
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Former Fox News commentator sentenced to prison for faking CIA ties”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Next Big Future: Nanoparticles create invisibility at a greater range of frequencies which will allow antennas in more shapes, sizes and materials”.
There is a CBS News Headline Entitled: “Cases of drug-resistant gonorrhea skyrocket”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Political consultant convicted of impersonating a police officer in Norfolk”.
There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Ghostly image captured in fatal accident pic”.
There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “This STD could get a lot harder to treat”.
There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Ghostly image captured in fatal accident pic”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “The CIA has a team of clairvoyants”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “A classic formula for pi has been discovered hidden in hydrogen atoms”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Health experts: Zika threat is serious and getting bigger”.
There is a NY Post News Headline Entitled: “The military will soon control swarms of drones with their minds”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “UFO Spotted Entering Earth's Atmosphere Before NASA Cut Feed To Video”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Did NASA shut down the ISS live feed for sinister reasons? Decide for yourself”. [ISS stands for “International Space Station.]
There is a Fox News Headline Entitled: “Stunning NASA image shows 'Morse code' dunes on Mars | Fox News”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “5 Most Amazing Angels Caught On Tape”.
There is an News Headline Entitled: “What's Jack Nicholson Been Hiding Behind Those Sunglasses All These Years?”
And More News Headlines from Around The World:
There is an News Headline Entitled: “Real Angels Caught On Tape (MUST SEE!)”.
There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Message from Mars? Morse code dunes found red planet”.
There is a New Scientist News Headline Entitled: “Never-before-seen sea creatures filmed in worlds deepest abyss”.
There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Second U.S. patient had antibiotic-resistant superbug infection”.
There is a New York Times News Headline Entitled: “Philistine Cemetery Discovered”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “MCR-1 Gene Last Year Becomes New Superbug Resistant To Antibiotics”.
There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Rare 'Frankenstein' galaxy discovered”.
There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Fox News suspending ties with Trump veep possibility Gingrich”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Colorado Increases Number of Refugees Diagnosed With Active TB to Sixteen”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Fake doctor sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison”.
There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “New dwarf planet discovered beyond Pluto”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Dozens of baby sharks wash ashore from Mobile Bay; wildlife experts investigating”.
There is a LA Times News Headline Entitled: “A 'slow catastrophe' unfolds as the golden age of antibiotics comes to an end”
There is a ABC News Headline Entitled: “'Super Bug' Linked to Antibiotics Kills Nearly 15K Yearly, Says CDC”.
There is a Washington Post News Headline Entitled: “Superbug gene detected in a second person in the U.S.”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia Rates Rising for First Time in Years: CDC”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Obama says all Americans should be concerned by police shootings”.
There is an News Headline Entitled: “Don Lemon: I comply with police 'because I don't want to be killed'”.
There is an ABC News Headline Entitled: “Herpes 8 Spread Through Kissing”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Careful who you kiss: virus found in saliva associated with unexplained infertility”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “CDC monitoring 320 U.S. pregnant women with Zika”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “A 'super bacteria' has been found in the waters of the Rio Olympics”.
There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Ghostly fish seen alive for first time ever”.
There is a News Headline Entitled: “Drug-resistant bacteria found in Rio's waters”.
There is a Fox News Headline Entitled: “Nepal police say 36 arrested for working as fake doctors | Fox News”.
There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Super bacteria' discovered in Rio's waters”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We have Our Own Government. And We have Our Own Governments. And We have Our Own Military. And We have Our Own Militaries. And We have Our Own Police. And We have Our Own Members. And We have Our Own Organization. And We have Our Own Organizations. And We have Our Own Organization Member (OM). And We have Our Own Organization Members (OM). And We have Our Own Currency. And We have Our Own Currencies. And We have Our Own Money. And We have Our Own Monies. And We have Our Own Resource. And We have Our Own Resources. And We have Our Own Institution. And We have Our Own Institutions. And We have Our Own Empire. And We have Our Own Empires. And We have Our Own Destiny. And We have Our Own Destinies. And We have Our Own Law. And We have Our Own Laws. And We have Our Own Territory. And We have Our Own Territories. And We have Our Own Worker. And We have Our Own Workers. And We have Our Own Worker Member (WM). And We have Our Own Worker Members (WM). And We have Our Own Leaders. And We have Our Own History. And We have Our Own Histories. And We have Our Own Property. And We have Our Own Properties. And We have Our Own Court. And We have Our Own Courts. And We have Our Own Rule. And We have Our Own Rules. And We have Our Own Destiny. And We have Our Own Destinies. And We have Our Own People. And We have Our Own Peoples. And We have Our Own Citizens. And We have Our Own Culture. And We have Our Own Cultures. And We have Our Own Things. And We have Our Own Stuff. And We have Our Own Et Cetera. And We have Our Own Miscellaneous.”
There is much Good Literature to Read, including The Poem and The Book called, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.”
And More of My Writings:
CC55E. For the Most Part. For the Most Part (FTMP). Mostly. Often. Usually. Sometimes. Occasionally. This Many. This Many Times. That Many. That Many Times. This Much. That Much. Those Many. Those Many Times. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Rule of Relaxing also known as The Rule of Taking it Easy. Written by Brandon Katrena
The Man said to a Woman, “It is going too Fast.” And The Woman replied, “Pardon Me?” And The Man replied, “Many things in the World are Going too Fast, and too Hard, and there will probably be a Big Metaphorical Burn Out, and, as History shows, one Extreme oftentimes leads to another Extreme. And Many Things are Too Much, and there is also Too Much departing from Good Traditions and Common Sense. As a Look around The World indicates, The Pace is Not Good. And The Pace is Bad.”
The Future’s Heartfelt Wish
Written by Brandon Katrena
This is called “Real Economics (RE)”: The Future said to a Fellow Human, “Why don’t You chop down more Trees to make more Paper for Money to pay for Things, such as Space Ships? Wait a second. You don’t even need to do that, as Space Ships are often basically just Metals and Electronics. And Homes are often basically just Wood and Electronics. And Clothes are often basically just Cotton and Dye. It looks as though Money is often Not Really needed for Many Things. And it looks as though Capital is often Not Really needed for Many Things. Although We have been told otherwise.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We have God-Given Rights. And We have Natural Rights. And We have Rights. And We are Free. And We are a Free People. And We have Freedoms. And We have The Freedom of Speech. And We have The Freedom of Religion. And We have The Right to Criticize. And We have The Right to engage in Constructive Criticism. And We have The Right to Not Accept Everything. And We have The Right to have Opinions. And We have The Right to have Our Opinions. And We have Freedom.”
From Jesus Walking on Water to Jesus and Lazarus coming Back from The Dead to Elijah going to Heaven on a Chariot of Fire to Miracles to The Parting of The Red Sea to The Walls of Jericho Crashing Down to Moses’s getting The Ten Commandments from God to Angels to an Animal talking to Someone and to Many other Events, The Bible is a Great Book to Read and/or Listen to. And there are Many other Good Books and Literature to Read and/or Listen to.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “It is OK to have an Opinion. And it is all Right to have an Opinion. And it is OK to have a Belief. And it is all Right to have a Belief. We have God-Given Rights. And We also have Natural Rights.”
Some of My Letters of Recommendation:
From Professor Robert L.:
“Brandon Katrena is a student with outstanding growth potential and leadership abilities. These attributes are exemplified by his academic record and his holding of various student offices. He is highly self-motivated and energetic. I recommend him without reservation.”
From Professor Sue L.:
“Brandon Katrena is a highly motivated and intelligent young man. He brings to the study of history a well-rounded background of information about a variety of subjects. His ability to analyze material at a sophisticated level is outstanding. Brandon appears to be highly motivated and to master new material easily. He is an excellent student.”
From Professor William D.:
“Brandon Katrena is a bright young man whose academic skills are very strong. He was a student two years ago in my section of our core program for first year students, and in that class he demonstrated that he is capable of reading demanding material (for example, Plato’s Republic) carefully, thoughtfully and with good understanding. [The Dr./Professor underlined the word "Republic".] He is also able to bring his understanding to the classroom as a participant in discussion. His contributions were consistently germane to our work as a class, and he also listened reflectively to the comments of his peers. Above all, Mr. Katrena writes very well. His papers were well organized and demonstrated mastery of the reading material. He was one of the two strongest students in a class of sixteen first year students.
Mr. Katrena is also a fine young man, consistently pleasant and polite in manner. He is disciplined and works very hard as a student, is responsible and honest, and has begun to show signs of leadership on the Willamette campus by participating in student government.
Please feel free to contact me, should you desire further information.”
Here are Some of My Letters of Recommendation:
From Professor Kevin F.:
“December 27, 2001
To Whom It May Concern:
It is my pleasure to write on behalf of Brandon Katrena. He was in my Introductory Macroeconomics class this last fall, where he received an A. Brandon was a delightful student to have in class. He was well prepared and continually added valuable contributions to classroom discussions. He is well organized and a hard worker. He possesses an analytical mind and is very thorough in his approach to course material. He often came to office hours just to make sure that he understood the chain of logic presented in class. Brandon strikes me as one who is making good use [of] his time in college and who will make good use of his college education once he has finished.
Kevin [F.]
Assistant Professor of Economics”
From High School Teacher Zita P.:
“March 12, 1999
RE: Letter of Recommendation for Brandon Katrena
It gives me great pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Brandon Katrena. I have known Brandon for about two-and-a-half years. Brandon is a thoughtful and very intelligent young man who is very interested in social issues. He is a quick learner and goes that ‘extra mile’ on his assignments.
In the time I have known Brandon, he has shared information about his interests and classes he takes at PCC. He is involved in various student activities/organizations at Cleveland High School and is willing to take on leadership roles in those organizations.
Brandon will spend that extra time researching topics and thinking about issues that impact society; he makes sure his topics have adequate breadth and depth before he presents his information. I can easily picture Brandon, several years from now, holding a leadership position in government.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Cleveland High School, [the phone number is given].
Zita [P.]
Computer teacher/Coordinator
Cleveland High School”
From Professor Francoise G. R.:
“January 4, 2002
To Whom It May Concern:
I have known Brandon since the beginning of his freshman year at Willamette as a student in several French courses. Brandon is a joy to have in class: he works very hard and is conscientious about assignments to a fault. He is also highly motivated, energetic, and determined. His academic record is excellent with a cum[ulative] GPA of 3.9, which certainly speaks to his overall intellectual ability and academic motivation.
Although Brandon has declared a major in history, he is very enthusiastic about French language and culture. He has played a leadership role in student government and as President of the French Club that he created last semester. Thanks to his efforts, his fellow students will have access to a number of co-curricular activities which would not have occurred without Brandon’s hard work and initiative. I really cannot say enough positive things about Brandon.
In short, I think that Brandon is a very strong candidate for a scholarship. I recommend him very highly.
Francoise [G.R.]
Professor of French”
From Professor Jeff E.
“To whom it may concern
Re: Brandon Katrena
Brandon was a student of mine in the following class:
BA 242 Introduction to Investments
The course is a rigorous exploration of the theory of investments, investment strategy and opportunities. There is a good deal of quantitative analysis and I require student[s] to complete, as a term project, a very sophisticated evaluation of real companies using classic fundamental analysis techniques.
Brandon was, in all respects, an outstanding student. He was always prepared, as evidenced by his ability to respond thoughtfully to questions posed in class. His assignments were completed on time and the quality and thoroughness of his work was excellent. At the end of the term Brandon had earned the highest total score given to any student during the three years I have been teaching this class.
I am not at all surprised to learn that Brandon has continued his academic excellence at the next level. He is very deserving of any type of scholarship, grant or award for which he might apply.
Best regards,
Jeff [E.]
Instructor – Business Administration
Portland Community College”
From Professor DeLyse [T.]
“Subject: Brandon Katrena
I recently had the pleasure of having Brandon in my Computers in Business class at PCC. In this class, Brandon demonstrated intellectual curiosity and commitment. He consistently attended class and asked thoughtful questions that indicated that he had not only done the reading, but also had been thinking about the material. He was eager, responsible and thorough in completing lab work.
Furthermore, Brandon has good communication and interpersonal skills. He is personable and gets along well with others in the class.
Business in Computers is a beginning level class and Brandon’s capability is unknown at this point, however in the next decades, Brandon has the potential to make a substantial contribution in the burgeoning computer field.
DeLyse [T.]
Business Administration & Computer Information Systems Instructor
Portland Community College”
From a Fellow College Student, Jacen [G. P.]:
“Willamette University
February 23, 2003
I had the pleasure of meeting Brandon Katrena during the beginning of my freshman year at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. His outstanding academic potential was demonstrated with the ease and swiftness with which Brandon absorbed and understood complex materials and source documents presented in the classes we took together. As Senator for the Associated Students of Willamette University and founder of the school’s French Club, Brandon participated in and enriched the student community in a way that all students should, but seldom do. His prose skills are revealed in his writings and experience as Copy-Editor for the Bridge newspaper, some indication of his delight in the subtle complexities of written works in both English and French.
Like his academic achievements, Brandon’s volunteer work with UNICEF and Race for the Cure are commendable, and yet also serve as indications of his deeper character. There is an important and honorable distinction between those who participate and serve the communities they find themselves part of and those who are merely present. Brandon’s character is revealed best not in his commitment to academics, scholarly pursuits, or volunteerism, but the confluence of all three within a single individual. I wish that Brandon had remained longer at Willamette, but his transfer was the right thing to do for someone who was looking for a more engrossing education. And that, after all, is the best indicator of an outstanding character: the will to constantly better oneself by embracing transformative opportunities and challenges.
Jacen [G. P.]”
----Here is another of Mom’s Letter of Recommendation:
From Cheri P.:
“Debra Katrena was such a pleasure to work with. She went the extra mile in helping us find just the right home. She is up beat, professional, and always there when we we needed her. If we are ever in the market again to buy a home, We will definitely be giving Debra a call.”
Here is another of MAnd More of My Writings:
CC56E. Channel. Channels. Channeling. Channeled. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC57E. Award Winning. Award-Winning. Award Winning (AW). Award-Winning (AW). Award. Awards. Awarding. Awarded. Win. Wins. Winning. Won. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Afternoon’s (Little) Deluge
Written by Brandon Katrena
At first it was Sunny in The Park.
Our Dogs and We are Having Fun.
And We are still having Fun, even though it begins to Rain.
Fresh Mud Painted Our shoes as We make Our way to Our car.
Another Rainy Day in Oregon.
And Maybe in Washington State too.
A Rainbow Soon Dots the Sky. Father God’s Promise Expressed Long Ago.
And Here are More News Headlines from Around the World:
From “Rigged Voting Machines Confirmed by Experts in These Two States...So Far”.
From “Don’t Think Voter Fraud Happens?”
From USA Today: “Donald Trump fears 'rigged' election”.
From “Wikileaks Reveals More DNC Leaks, Promises to Send Hillary to Prison”.
From CNN: “CDC issues historic travel warning over Zika in Miami”.
From NBC: “Trump Says He's 'Afraid' Election Is 'About to Be Rigged'”.
From “Fake Andy Reid delivers Chiefs camp report as real Andy Reid stands by”.
From “There is a new species of whale that nobody has seen alive”.
From “Mysterious purple sea orb stymies scientists | Fox News”.
From "Olympic swimmers 'certain' to pick up virus from just three teaspoons of Rio water”.
From “25 Intense Archaeological Discoveries Which Rewrote History”.
From “Dolly the sheep's siblings celebrating 9th birthdays bring new hope for cloning”.
From “Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy”.
From “A dragon has been shot dead in a house in West Malaysia”.
From “20 Times Google Earth Discovered Something Terrifying”.
From “Trump accuses Cruz's father of helping JFK's assassin”.
From “Illinois governor apologizes for calling teachers illiterate”.
From “Chinese Scientists Plan First Human Test With Gene Editing Tool”.
From “Olympic doping: Retests show 45 new failures from London and Beijing”.
From “Human DNA sent into SPACE to back-up species so were NEVER extinct”.
From “Cloning Giant Trees”.
From “Worlds Most Powerful Radio Telescope Discovers 1300 New Galaxies in Trial Run”.
From “They'll Have to Rewrite the Textbooks”.
From “Invisibility Cloak: New Technique To Control Nanoparticles”.
From CNN: “Telescope finds hundreds of previously undetectable galaxies”.
From “Gonorrhea May Soon Be Resistant to all Antibiotics”.
From “Invisible particles 'seen' for the first time”.
From “Invisibility Nanoparticles Used To Make Objects Disappear In Practical Form”.
From “10 Magical Ways That Vinegar Can Come to Your Rescue”.
From "Feast your eyes on the most detailed 3D map of the universe yet”.
From “Former Fox News commentator sentenced to prison for faking CIA ties”.
From "Next Big Future: Nanoparticles create invisibility at a greater range of frequencies which will allow antennas in more shapes, sizes and materials”.
There are Many Good Films and Movie Trailers to Watch, including The Movie called, “Crimson Tide,” and its Movie Trailer.
Here are some Old Fashioned (and often Still Wise) Sayings:
“It’s Time to Pay the Piper,” and “There is No Free Lunch,” and, like a Boomerang, “What comes around goes around,” and “You made Your Bed, Now Lay in it,” and, “When The Cat’s Away, The Mouse will Play,” and, “By Hook or by Crook.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
Birthright. Birthrights. Birth Right (BR). Birth Rights (BR). By Birth (BB). Claim. Claims. Claiming. Claimed. Lay Claim (to) (LC(T)). Lay Claims (to) (LC(T)). Laying Claim (to) (LC(T)). Laying Claims (to) (LC(T)). Laid Claim (to) (LC(T)). Laid Claims (to) (LC(T)). Justice. Real Justice (RJ). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC58E. Ill Gotten Gain (IGG). Ill Gotten Gains (IGG). Theft. Thefts. Thievery. Thieve. Thieves. Thief. Theft by Deception (TBD). Theft by Deceptions (TBD). Unjust Enrichment (UE). Unjust Enrichments (UE). Deceive. Deceives. Deceiving. Deceived. Deception. Deceptions. Undeserving. Undeserved. Deserve. Deserves. Deserving. Deserved. Right. Wrong. Good. Bad. OK. Not Good (NG). Not Bad (NB). Not OK (NO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Much of what someone hears by Word of Mouth is True. And a Conspiracy is simply when two or more people decided to act illegally and/or immorally. And many Courts of Law have found individuals guilty of conspiracies.
There are the sayings, “Strange yet True,” and, “The Truth can be Stranger than Fiction.”
And some More of My Writings:
CC59E. Whatever. What ever. Whoever. Who ever.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is one of My Mom’s Letters of Recommendation:
“We have worked with Debra on multiple purchases and sales of property. She is always available to answer questions, or check on properties for us. She is very knowledgeable, and has saved us money on a number of transactions. Thanks again Deb Dave & Cheryl”
Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone:
“Instead of being focused on what You can’t see, why are You Not focused on what You can see?”
And some More of My Writings:
CC60E. Program. Programs. Programming. Programmed. Programmer. Programmers.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC61E. Deprogram. Deprograms. Deprogramming. Deprogrammed. Deprogrammer. Deprogrammers.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from Donald Trump: “Sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that."
Here is a Quote from Someone:
“Just because you can’t see the air, doesn’t mean you stop breathing. And just because you can’t see God, doesn’t mean you stop believing.”
A few years ago, I learned that Grandma Carolyn won The Marquis Who’s Who Inc., Biographical Record Award in Who’s Who of American Women – 8th Edition, 1974-1975.
Here are some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man said to a Woman, “Look, there’s a Blimp up in the air there. Quick, hold up Your Head and Open Your Mouth. Maybe that Blimp will pour down soda.” And the Woman said, “What?! Don’t You know that the chances of that happening are slim to none?” And The Man replied, “Aren’t You Optimistic?”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
The Man opened up His Christmas Presents, and He said, “Thanks Mom and Dad for the 19th Christmas Present that I got that only had a Fly Swatter in it. Let Me guess, do all My other Presents have Fly Swatters in them?” And His Mother replied, “You must be Psychic, as yes, all Your other Christmas Presents only have Fly Swatters in them. And You can Never have too Many Fly Swatters.”
Here are some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Child gave a Horse a Sugar Cube, and The Horse then stood up on its Hind Legs, began to dance, and said, “Thank You for the Sugar Cube. Are there any more of them?”
Another Joke that Wrote:
In a Story of an Epic Baseball Team Rivalry, The Baseball Team called, “Strike Out,” played against The Baseball Team called, “39 Home Run Kings.”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
The Rugs that were advertised on Television were created by Sea Turtles and Otters, and they were only paid 8 Toothpicks an hour for their Labor.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “I am thinking about Three Words. Can You guess what they are?” And The Woman replied, “I have No idea.” And The Man replied, “The Words are ‘Paradox Equinox Socks’.” And The Woman replied, “I would have guessed that had My Mind-Reading Device been Working Correctly.”
And Here is another Joke that I Wrote:
In the year 2016, Brian told Martha that Martha’s check for 100 Trillion Dollars is in the mail.
Here is another Joke that I Wrote:
“What languages do you speak?” a Woman asked a Man. The Man replied, “English, French, and Baby Talk, also known as Gurgling.”
Here is another Joke that I Wrote:
A Man who worked as a Greeter for a Store named “Jack’s Hardware Store” asked everyone who came through the doors, “Welcome to Jack’s Hardware Store. Did You remember to Brush Your Teeth last night?”
Here is another Joke that I Wrote:
A Multinational Corporation named “The Octopus and Squid Corporation” flexed its tentacles nearly everywhere. In the month of September in the year 2015, the Corporation went bankrupt and ceased to exist.
Here is another Joke that I Wrote:
In the 1980s, a United States Governor, while Wearing His Red, White, and Blue Boxing Trunks, had a Boxing Match Against someone. The Governor was Losing the Match Until He Said, “Time to Pay Your Cold War Taxes,” and The Governor Landed an Uppercut that Won Him the Match.
A Paraphrased Typo on a Text Message said: “Do you think that Bill and His Lips arrived yet?” (A Joke Contributed by a Family Member, and Wrote with Her Permission.)
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
You might Be Surprised at How Big the Mice are Here in The Pacific Northwest,” said a Man as He set down a 9 Foot Mouse Trap. The Man then said, “The Mice are also lured into the Mouse Trap by the sound of 1970s Music, and the Smell of Moldy Bananas. This 9 Foot Mouse Trap is actually used to catch the Baby Mice. The Adult Mice require a 12 Foot Mouse Trap.”
And Here is another Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman carried a Sign that stated that it was Round 832 of The Boxing Match. And both Boxers were in Their Corners, and Both were Extremely Exhausted. Good thing each Round of the Boxing Match only lasted for one and a half seconds.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
A Man said, “This Table is Very Odd Looking, and it sort of looks like the Offspring of a Grizzly Bear and a Salmon.”
On the website "Gaia," the Question is asked, "Were ancient humans actually extraterrestrials?" And some Individuals believe that We Humans are also Aliens.
Much Information can be found on The Internet, including Information about, “Operation Northwoods,” and “Operation Mockingbird.”
The Following is a Quote from Yasmin Mogahed: “There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand – without you even speaking a word.”
The Following are Three Quotes from Donald Trump:
“Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make.”
“Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.”
“Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive.”
News from Around The World:
From CNN: “Giant petri dish helps you 'see' antibiotic resistance”.
From CNN: “Vast doughnut-shaped reef found in Australia”.
From “News Camera Woman Captures Angel Appearing (Live)”.
From “More than two billion adults at risk of Zika -- and we still don't know its full effects”.
From “Operation Mockingbird”.
From “Operation Northwoods”.
From “Are We Humans also Aliens?”
From “All humans are 'aliens from outer space', scientist claims”.
From “Do 'UFOs' hovering near International Space Station prove aliens exist?”.
From “ALERT – Herman Cain Comes Forward to Expose NASTY Truth Behind Epi-Pen Scandal”.
From CNN: “Singapore Zika cases increase to 56”.
From “Not a Drill: SETI Is Investigating a Possible Extraterrestrial Signal From Deep Space”.
From “Is Earth being contacted by ALIENS?”.
From “The stars who have married in secret”.
From “Colin Powell Says Hillary Clinton's 'People Have Been Trying to Pin' Email Scandal on Him”.
More News from Around The World:
From CNN: “Police: Fugitive disguises himself as elderly man”.
From “Yes, It's Possible to Hack the Election”.
From “The CIA Puts Hundreds of Declassified Documents About UFO Sightings Online, Plus 10 Tips for Investigating Flying Saucers”.
From “Scientists just discovered a secret American manuscript that was hidden under paint for 500 years”.
From “Sailor has 'serious infection' after racing in polluted Rio water”.
From “Officials warn of rampant spread of head-shrinking virus in US territory Puerto Rico”.
From “Mysterious purple sea orb stymies scientists | Fox News”.
From “Another Zika case reported outside Miami's transmission zone”.
From “Trump says Obama Founded ISIS”.
From “Rudy Giuliani Agrees That Obama Founded ISIS”.
From “Perseids: Bright Meteor Shower in August”.
From “Angel Flying Beside Bus In Israel (Caught On Camera)”.
From “Scientists Prove Once Again God Exist And Created Everything, Shutting Skeptics Down (MUST SEE!)”.
From “Donald Trump said Obama was The Founder of ISIS”.
From “Colorado Official: Rigged Election A 'Conspiracy Of Extraordinary Proportions'”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Almost All Lice Are Now Treatment-Resistant”.
From The “WikiLeaks offers $20,000 for information about murder of Seth Conrad Rich, DNC staffer”.
From “Roger Stone: Don't Trust the Voting Machines”.
From “New evidence suggests China's legendary 'great flood' might have actually happened”.
From The “Scandal of the Ages: Documents Reveal Underage Chinese Gymnast”.
From “Ronnie James Dio hologram makes debut”.
From “Donald Trump fears 'rigged' election”.
From “Mysterious Tweet Sparks Fears Edward Snowden Is Missing Or Dead”.
From “Ronnie James Dio hologram debuts at Wacken”.
From “What Not to Say to Someone With Cancer | Healthgrades”.
From “The FDA Just Greenlit Releasing Mutant Zika-killing Mosquitoes in Florida”.
From “LHC Didn't Break Physics, New Particle Vanishes Upon Further Review - D-brief”.
From “Mutant 'Super Lice' Outbreak Has Now Spread to Nearly Every State”.
From “Recent Breaches Raise Fears of Voting System Hacks”.
From “Angel Appears Live On The News (Caught On Camera)”.
From “UFO over the St. Louis Arch? More video surfaces of unexplained lights”.
And More of My Writings:
There are Many Good Songs to Listen to, such as Depeche Mode’s songs called “Policy of Truth,” and, “Enjoy the Silence,” and R.E.M.’s song called, “Leaving New York,” as well as Madonna’s singing the song called, “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina,” in the Movie called, “Evita”.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman during a Conversation, “Talk about Not Noticing the Elephant in The Room.” And The Woman replied, “What? Is there something obvious that I missed during Our Conversation?” And The Man replied, “No, there is Literally an Elephant in the Room,” and The Man Pointed to an Elephant that was in the Room.
There is plenty of room out there in space for outer space colonies, complete with many resources.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man went up to 4 People at a Party, and He said, “Hey! Someone might have wrote a Book or other Literature about that. And the Internet is also a Great Resource for Research. And someone might have made a Movie, Television Show, or a Video about that Subject. Yee Haw!”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “It is a Well-Known Fact -- and as Many Individuals know -- that some of The Media Lies to You. And it is a Well-Known Fact -- and as Many Individuals know -- that some of The Media Distorts The Truth. Some of The Media Lies to You. And Some of The Media Distorts The Truth. That is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is.”
Here is a Quote from Albert Einstein: “The More I study Science, the More I Believe in God.”
And Here are some News from Around The World:
From “Massive Cover-up Exposed: 285 Papers From 1960s-80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific Consensus”.
From “A rare harvest moon eclipse is happening tonight heres what a harvest moon actually is”.
From “Is a healthy lookalike standing in for Hillary Clinton?”
From “The 5 Most Amazing Angels Caught On Tape”.
From “Wells Fargo customers livid over phantom accounts”.
From “European Space Agency release highly detailed map of Milky Way”.
From The “European Space Agency maps more than one billion stars”.
From “10 Angel Encounters Caught On Video”.
From “Oliver Stone: DNC Hack Was Inside Job, Not Russia”.
From “Teen accused of being a fake doctor arrested again”.
From “WikiLeaks Offer $20,000 Reward for Information on Murdered DNC Staffer”.
From “Timelapse footage shows worrying evolution of antibiotics-resistant bacteria”.
From “Super-gonorrhoea outbreak is out of control”.
From “Thailand finds 21 new cases of Zika in Bangkok, including pregnant woman”.
And From “Researchers Discover Giraffes Are Actually Four Separate Species”.
From CNN: “Surprise! We've been wrong about giraffes for centuries”.
And Here is Some More News from Around the World:
From “News Camera Woman Captures Angel Appearing (Live)”.
From “Giant petri dish helps you 'see' antibiotic resistance”.
From CNN: “Vast doughnut-shaped reef found in Australia”.
From “More than two billion adults at risk of Zika -- and we still don't know its full effects”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I’ve been around The Block a few Times. And I know one when I see one. And I know that when I see that. And I am Thankful that Father God gave Me Good Instincts.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is Part of My Media Empire.” Media Empire (ME). Media Empires (ME).
Grandpa Earl, May You have a Happy Birthday in Heaven. And I Thank You for all that You have done, and going to Alaska, Canada, Hawaii, California, Nevada, and Eastern Oregon with Family, Friends, and You were Great Experiences. -- Your Grandson, Brandon
And Here are some More News from Around The World:
From “5 things you need to know about superbugs”.
From “Gonorrhea in Hawaii shows antibiotic resistance”.
From “United Nations pledges to fight drug-resistant superbugs”.
From The Washington Post: “Gonorrhea is more dangerous than ever as resistance to antibiotics grows”.
From “Wells Fargo CEO denies bank orchestrated fraud”.
From “Why we need stronger consumer protection”.
From “Fed faces a credibility problem”.
From “MIT researchers have figured out a way to detect emotions by using wireless signals”.
From “'Serious situation': Doctors seek state of emergency over HIV rates in Saskatchewan”.
Here are Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman named Mary, “My Name is John Doe, and My Sister Here is Named Jane Doe. And I Know what You are Thinking.” And Mary said, “And What do You think that I’m Thinking?” And John Doe replied, “You are Thinking that You can’t wait to eat Spaghetti with Soda on an August Night.” And Mary Replied, “Actually, I was just thinking if those are Your Real Names.”
And Here is another Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman said to the Man, “I will be making My Famous and World Renowned Pink Frosted Cookies later today. Now let Me see the Palms of Your Hands and the Soles of Your Feet.” And The Man replied, “Why?” And The Woman replied, “Many People Believe, among Believing Many other Things, that there are Time Travelers, and I want to Make sure that You aren’t a Time Traveler who ate My Pink Frosted Cookies. And -- as for looking at the Soles of Your Feet -- some People have been known to eat their food that way. Now let Me get My Glasses on to see if there is any Pink Frosting there, Mr. Suspected Time Traveler.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person is Mad because He Knows that He Committed a Wrong and/or was Wrong, and He was also called out on it. And that Person is Mad because She Knows that She Committed a Wrong and/or was Wrong, and She was also called out on it.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Someone has said that I am a Wizard.”
Here are More News from Around the World:
From “Hidden STD Epidemic: 110 Million Infections in the US”.
From “Viral Hepatitis: The Secret Epidemic”. And this Website ( is from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
From “The UN just categorized antibiotics in the food system as a crisis on par with AIDS and Ebola”.
From “Obama used pseudonym in emails with Clinton”.
From “Police officer charged with fabricating story that black man shot her”.
Did You know that about a hundred years ago, that a Type of The Flu, the so-called “Spanish Flu,” killed about 60 Million People? And on, someone can watch an Interview of Bill Gates, entitled, “What Bill Gates is Afraid of.”
In one of My Writings, The Man asked, “Are You part of ‘The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy’ that Hillary Clinton talked about in 1998?”
And More of My Writings:
CC62E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That that Person can Read is Significant. And that that Person can Write is also Significant. And that that Person is Literate is also Significant. And Many things are Significant. And Many things are also of Significance. And Many things are also Important. And Many things are also of Importance. And Many things are also Indications. And Many things are also Indicators. And Many things are also Indicative.”
CC63E. One should Remember to Not Confuse Causation with Correlation. And Many Things have Correlation although Not Causation. For example, just because somewhere in the World it may have been 100 Degrees Fahrenheit, that does Not necessarily mean that it caused someone to score a Perfect Score on something.
CC64E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person should Metaphorically Step up to The Plate. And that Person should be Brave about that Subject. And that Person should have Courage about that Subject. And that Person should get the Job done about that Subject. And that Person should Complete that Task. Because that is Important. And because those are Important. And because that is Vital. And because those are Vital.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC65E. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC66E. [Designed for -- ] [Designed to -- ] [Metaphorically Fill in The Blank.] [Metaphorically Fill in The Blanks.] Designed to Shock. Designed to be Shocking. Designed to Stun. Designed to be Stunning. Designed to Enlighten. Designed to be Enlightening. Designed to Distract. Designed to be Distracting. Designed to be (sort of) Irrelevant. Designed to Acclimate. Designed for Acclimation. Designed to Accustom. Designed for Someone or Something to (sort of) get used to. Designed to (sort of) Inoculate. Designed for (sort of) an Inoculation. Designed to Help Take Away the Shock and/or Stun Value. Designed to Help [ ]. Designed to Help Take Away [ ]. Designed to Help. Designed to Help Take Away. Designed to Prepare. Designed to Prepare for. Designed to tell a Story. Designed to tell Stories. Designed for [ ]. Designed to [ ]. Designed for. Designed to. Made for [ ]. Made to [ ]. Made for. Made to. Created for. Created to. Created for [ ]. Created to [ ]. At this Time. At those Times. At that Time. At the same Time. (Sort of) Irrelevant. (Sort of) Irrelevance. (Sort of) Relevant. (Sort of) Relevance. Distract. Distracts. Distracting. Distracted. Distraction. Distractions. Prepare. Prepares. Preparing. Prepared. Shock. Shocks. Shocking. Shocked. Stun. Stuns. Stuns. Stunning. Stunned. Design. Designs. Designing. Designed. Word. Words. Wording. Worded. Phrase. Phrases. Phrasing. Phrased. Sentence. Sentences. Sentencing. Sentenced. Paragraph. Paragraphs. Paragraphing. Paragraphed. Excerpt. Excerpts. Excerpting. Excerpted. Enlighten. Enlightens. Enlightening. Enlightened. Acclimate. Acclimates. Acclimation. Acclimations. Acclimated. Accustom. Accustoms. Accustoming. Accustomed. Inoculation. Inoculations. Inoculating. Inoculated. A Certain [ ]. Certain [ ]. A Certain. Certain. Story. Stories. Sort of (SO). Value (at). Values (at). Valuing (at). Valued (at). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC67E. Designed to be: Educating and/or Educational. Educate. Educates. Education. Educations. Educational. Educationally. An Educational Experience. Educational Experiences. Learn. Learns. Learning. Learned. A Learning Experience. Learning Experiences. (Very) (Extremely) Educational. (Well) (Very) (Extremely) Educated. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. Know How (KH). Know Hows (KH). Knowledge. Knowledges. Knowledgeable. Knowledgeability. Intelligent. Intelligence. Intelligences. So-Called “Fluid(ic)” Intelligence(s). So-Called “Crystallized” Intelligence(s). Verbal Intelligence (VI). Verbal Intelligences (VI). Mathematical Intelligence (MI). Mathematical Intelligences (MI). Verbal Genius (VG). Verbal Geniuses (VG). Mathematical Genius (MG). Mathematical Geniuses (MG). Fund of Knowledge Genius. Fund of Knowledge Geniuses. A Type of Genius (ATOG). Types of Geniuses (TOG). Genius. Geniuses. Genius at [ ]. Geniuses at [ ]. Smart at [ ]. Intelligent at [ ]. Brilliant at [ ]. Knowledgeable at [ ]. Talented at [ ]. Skilled at [ ]. Intellectual at [ ]. Intellectuals at [ ]. Intelligentsia [ ]. Intelligentsias [ ]. Scholar at [ ]. Scholars at [ ]. Erudite at [ ]. Erudites at [ ]. Expert at [ ]. Experts at [ ]. Specialist at [ ]. Specialists at [ ]. Specialize at [ ]. Specializes at [ ]. (Very) (Extremely) Smart. (Very) (Extremely) Intelligent. (Very) (Extremely) Brilliant. (Very) (Extremely) Knowledgeable. (Very) (Extremely) Talented. (Very) (Extremely) Skilled. A Type of Intelligence (ATOI). Types of Intelligence (TOI). Intellectual. Intellectuals. Intellectualize. Intellectualizing. Intellectualized. Intelligentsia. Intelligentsias. Erudite. Erudites. Erudition. Eruditions. Scholar. Scholars. Scholarly. Talent. Talents. Talented. Skill. Skills. Skills. Skilled. Expertise. Expertises. Expert. Experts. Expertly. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And Here are More News from Around The World:
From “Sammy's Milk baby food recalled over bacteria fears”.
From “India relocates 10,000 from around Kashmir as tensions rise”.
From “Trump on Clinton: 'I can be nastier than she ever can be'”.
From “'Criminal enterprise': Congress grills Wells Fargo CEO, bank fined $20mn over soldiers loans”.
From The New York Daily News: “Pirates and Cubs play to a tie? Yes, that can happen, apparently”.
From "Online Personality Charged With Felony Vandalism After Being Accused Of Filing False Police Report”.
From “Ultra-Deep Radio Telescope Catches What Hubble Can't”.
From USA Today: “A black moon will rise Friday night, but you aren't going to see it”.
From Fox News: “Rare 'Black Moon' Rises Over Western Hemisphere Friday Night”.
From “CDC issues Zika travel advisory for 11 Southeast Asian countries”.
From The Wall Street Journal: “U.S. Signed Secret Document to Lift U.N. Sanctions on Iranian Banks”.
From USA Today: “A black moon will rise Friday night, but you aren't going to see it”.
From “Our section of the Milky Way might be much bigger than previously thought”.
From “Photos: Reykjavik turned off their street lamps so people could watch the Northern Lights”.
From “All That Is Interesting - From the beautiful to the bizarre, the most interesting website on the internet - All That Is Interesting!”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Panasonic just showed off an invisible TV with a fully transparent display”.
From “Alien megastructure star gets more mysterious”.
From “Senators call for DOJ investigation of Wells Fargo executives”.
From NY Daily News: “3 arrested for allegedly running fake police force in Calif.”.
From “Kim Kardashian robbed at gunpoint by men disguised as police in Paris”.
From “Kim K West Robbed By Fake Police..”.
From “Most Americans Don't Believe in ‘Scientific Consensus’ on Climate Change”.
From “Nasa publishes faster-than-light spaceship design”.
Here is a Quote from Someone: “I Remain Much More Bothered by What Hillary has Done than by What Trump has Said.”
And More News from Around the World:
From “Breakthrough as scientists discover how to slow down the ageing process - raising hopes of drug treatments”.
From “BREAKING: WikiLeaks Exposes White House, Media & Clinton Colluding to Label Critics Conspiracy Theorists”.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Police Officer said to a Man, “Sir, I have a Criminal Complaint that You Littered.” And The Man replied, “What?!” And The Police Officer replied, “Your House’s Garbage Can said that You did Not ask Permission to Put that Pizza Box in that Garbage Can.” And The Man replied, “Officer, that’s Not Littering.” And The Police Officer replied, “According to a Newly Passed Law regarding The Advancements in Mind-Reading Devices and The Protection of Non-Sentient Beings, it is Littering.”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “Man, that Tart is too Tart and Sour.” And The Tart replied, “I beg Your Pardon? Do You know exactly Who You are Calling ‘Too Tart and Sour?’”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Observable Universe contains ten times more galaxies than previously thought”.
From The Washington Post: “Trump says groping allegations are part of a global conspiracy to help Clinton”.
From “88 US Generals Stand Together Against Hillary Clinton In One Massive Act Of Defiance”.
From “Bias Alert: Wikileaks Exposes Media's Secret Support Of Clinton”.
From “O'Reilly: At Least 3 Media Orgs Have 'Ordered Employees to Destroy Trump'”.
From “Arkansas Investigates Mumps Outbreak With More Than 400 Possible Cases”.
From “What is the polio-like illness paralyzing US children?”
From “A Friend For Pluto: Astronomers Find New Dwarf Planet In Our Solar System”.
From “Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock Returns To HBO”.
From “New room found at San Jose's Winchester Mystery House”.
My Advice is to have Working Carbon Monoxide Alarms. – Brandon
And More News from Around the World:
From The New York Times: “In Somalia, U.S. Escalates a Shadow War”.
From “U.S. escalates clandestine war against militants in Somalia, officials say”.
From “SLEAZY: Leaked Email Shows [Some] Democrats Plotted To Create Fake Trump Craigslist Ads”.
From “Mom Says Never To Open This Box. 18 Years Later, There’s A Note From Grandpa Inside”.
From “Giuliani on Trump groping allegations: 'I believe Donald Trump'”.
From “Giuliani on rigged election: 'Dead people generally vote for Democrats'”.
From “U.S. detects failed North Korean missile test: Pentagon”.
From “Donald Trump and his surrogates are openly predicting the election will be 'rigged'”.
From “Jack Abramoff: I Was Imprisoned for Same Things Hillary Clinton Has Done”.
From USA Today: “A ghost ship on Lake Superior? You decide”.
From “Innate resistance to HIV”.
From “U.S. detects failed North Korean missile test: Pentagon”.
From “Donald Trump's 'rigged' election claim targets the media”.
From “Rare Sighting on Washington Beach”.
From “Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low”.
From “Types of Birds”.
From “Types of Elephants - Elephant Facts and Information”.
From “Rigged Debates: Wikileaks Emails Confirm Media in Clinton's Pocket”.
From CNN: “Religious leaders slam Clinton campaign over emails”.
From CNN: “The children with an built-in defense against AIDS”.
From “New Zika zone identified in Miamis Little River area, with five cases reported”.
From The Washington Post: “Trump says groping allegations are part of a global conspiracy to help Clinton”.
From “88 US Generals Stand Together Against Hillary Clinton In One Massive Act Of Defiance”.
The Following is a Quote from Someone: “Billionaire Surrounded by 1,000’s of Beautiful Women for 40yrs “ZERO ASSAULT CLAIMS” Until Running Against Hillary!”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am European. And I am also 100 Percent European. And this means that all of My Ancestors are Europeans. And this also means that all of My Ancestors are 100 Percent Europeans. And this is Rare. And this is also Very Rare. And this is also Extremely Rare.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “How brushing your teeth could help prevent a heart attack”.
From "New antibiotic mined from human gut reverses drug resistance in superbugs”.
From CNN: “The Great Barrier Reef is not actually dead”.
From “State Dept. Offered FBI Quid Pro Quo to Alter Hillary’s Emails”.
From “Watch: New Bombshell video just released by James O'Keefe on Mass Voter Fraud”.
From The Washington Post: “Despite Obamas pledge to make the government more open, a report shows secret laws still abound”.
From CNN: “World's creepiest underground marvels”.
From “Mysterious 'secret chambers' found in Egypt's 4,500-year-old Pyramid of Giza”.
From “Undercover Video: Democrats Admit To Inciting Violence And 'Anarchy' At Trump Rallies”.
From “Here's A List Of The 17 Most Damaging WikiLeaks Emails Released So Far | The Sean Hannity Show”.
From “Rep. Steve King: 'Significant evidence' of voter fraud”.
From “World's creepiest underground marvels”.
From “Mysterious 'secret chambers' found in Egypt's 4,500-year-old Pyramid of Giza”.
From “Is the system rigged? You betcha”.
From “Warming Alarmists Redefine What A Hurricane Is So We'll Have More Of Them”.
From “MIT nuclear fusion record marks latest step towards unlimited clean energy”.
From USA Today: “Defiant Donald Trump doubles down on conspiracy claims”.
From “3 sex-spread diseases hit another record high, CDC says”.
From “Bizarre video shows Bigfoot walking through a waterfall in Indonesia”.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man called a Customer Service Agent, and The Customer Service Agent said, “Hello, this is the Very and Extremely Great, Awesome, and Excellent Sweepstakes Company, how may I Help You?” And The Man replied, “Hi, yes, I read the rules for Your Sweepstakes, and the rules online state that My Sweepstakes Entry is only Valid between the Hours of 1:00 p.m. EST to 1:00 p.m. and one second EST. And, I’m sure that that is a mistake, as a one second Window is . …” And The Customer Service Agent Interrupted, and He said, “Yes, that is True. And We are Not a Shady and Corrupt Corporation at all. You DID only have one second each day for Your Sweepstakes Entry to be Valid. And as of Yesterday, the Rules changed, and You now have only Negative 39.1234 Seconds each day for Your Sweepstakes Entry to be Valid. You Need to Obey the Rules. And You also Need to Obey all of the Rules. Forget that You are Born with Natural Rights. And Forget that You are Born with God-Given Rights. Forget that which is Innate. And Forget that which is Inherent.” And The Man said, “That is Impossible to enter The Sweepstakes in a Negative Amount of Time. How is that Possible?” And The Customer Service Agent Replied, “So? So What?! Who cares. The Rules are the Rules. And the Regulations are the Regulations. And The Laws are the Laws. It doesn’t matter if some of them are Bad or do Not make sense. Why are You asking for an Explanation from Me? Do You Really think that I’m a Rocket Scientist? You should Believe Me, even if I told You that I am a Blue Bird, and a Lion, and a Bear, and a Salmon, and a Rock, and a Sword. You should be More Trusting. Why Don’t You Trust Me about this? Are Your God-Given Instincts Telling You something?”
We should have some Outer Space Colonies.
And More of My Writings:
CC68E. Phony. Phonies. Fake. Fakes. Faker. Fakers. Fraud. Frauds. Fraudulent. Fraudulence. Trojan Horse. Trojan Horses. Impostor. Impostors. Trick. Tricks. Tricking. Tricked. Trickery.
And Here is a Quote from Laura Ingraham:
“You know why Donald Trump won the nomination? It’s because he dared to call out the phonies, the frauds, and the corruption that has gone unexposed and uncovered for too long.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “25 New 'Dead Sea Scrolls' Revealed”.
From “European Space Agency Says Signal Confirms Mars Probe Entered Atmosphere, Still Awaiting Confirmation of Landing”.
From CNN: “STD rates reach record high in United States”.
From “A secret Nazi military base has been discovered in the Arctic”.
From CNN: “Astronomers unveil incredibly detailed new Milky Way map”.
From “Breaking! British Politician says Russia has NOTHING to do with the DNC Email Leaks!”.
From “Julian Assange Reveals Hillary’s Criminals ! Hackers aren’t Russian , they are DEMOCRAT “WHISTLEBLOWERS”!”.
From “Iraqi refugee who raped a 10-year-old boy has conviction overturned,” and because of a supposed Language Barrier there will be a retrial.
From “Sexually Transmitted Disease Cases Hit New High in U.S.”.
I had a Great Time at the Beach with Family and Friends. -- Brandon
Here are some Jokes that I Wrote
The Man said to a Woman, “We’ll play it by Ear with regard to what We will do on Our Vacation at The Beach.” And The Woman replied, “Don’t You get Tired of Playing with Your Ears?” And The Man replied, “I was Speaking Metaphorically.” And The Woman replied, “How Many Years did You Study in School to learn how to speak Metaphorically?” And The Man Replied, “That Phrase is a Metaphor.” And The Woman replied, “The English Language is a Complex Language, and Many People think that it is also a Hard Language to Learn and to Master, and I don’t know how to speak The Metaphor Language.”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
The Man asked a Woman, “Do You think that it is Very Boring in the City of Boring, Oregon?”
And Here is another Joke that I Wrote
The Man said to a Lawyer, “I want to Sue Myself for Me losing a Pair of My Leather Gloves.” And The Attorney said, “You can’t Sue Yourself. And that doesn’t make Sense to Sue Yourself. And May I also emphasis that Losing a Pair of Leather Gloves would probably Not be worth Suing Anyone over.” And The Man said, “I should be able to Sue Myself if I want to Sue Myself. Why are You so Judgmental?”
Here is a Quote from Someone: “[B]elieve it or not; this book [The Holy Bible] is being played out right before our eyes and the world doesn’t even see it.”
At Beautiful Savior Lutheran Preschool, We sometimes sang the Song entitled, “This Little Light of Mine”: “This Little Light of Mine, I’m gonna Let it Shine. This Little Light of Mine, I’m gonna Let it Shine. Hide it Under a Bush, Oh No! I’m Gonna Let it Shine. Let it Shine. Let it Shine. Let it Shine.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Alaska's mysterious "Ice Monster" sparks comparisons to Loch Ness”.
From “Stephen Hawking leads 'alien megastructure' probe”.
From “Hillary Reboots Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Playbook”.
And also from “Watchdog Alleges Virginia Prepping to Accommodate Mass Voter Fraud”.
From “How America’s Elections Are Hacked, Missing Link Discovered”.
Debra Katrena
Realtor- Premiere Property Group
My Son is very gifted and I look forward to having the opportunity to read the books he is currently writing. Brandon is an exceptionally wonderful human being and I am very proud to call him my Son.
Debra Katrena
I had a Great Time visiting with a Family Member while eating lunch at a Restaurant today. – Brandon
Go Cubs! I Hope that You Win, Cubs.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I will Neither Confirm or Deny that. And I will Not Talk about that. And I will Not Discuss that. And I will Not Comment about that. And No Comment. No Comment.” No Comment (NC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I have Drank Many Good Drinks. And I have Eaten Many Good Foods. And I have done Many Good Things. And, overall, I have had a Pretty Good Life.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone: “Don’t Take The Bait. And Don’t Fall for That Trap.” Bait. Baits. Baiting. Baited. Trap. Traps. Trapping. Trapped. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “Shocking: CNN Caught Editing Trump’s Words To Change What He Said”.
From “NBC Local News Accidentally Posts US Election Results A Week Early, Shows A Clinton "Win"”.
From “CDC identifies first US cases of drug-resistant fungal infection”.
And Drug Resistance to Diseases is, of course, Very Real. And Many Diseases are, of course, Widespread. Epidemic. Epidemics.
I voted in The Federal, State, and Local Elections.
And More of My Writings:
CD1E. That Got that Out of His System. That Got that Out of Her System. That Got that Out of That Person’s System. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Like Many Individuals, I May have Misspoke. And, like Many Individuals, I May have Made a Mistake. And, like Many Individuals, I May have made a Typo. This Happens. And this is Reality. And these are The Realities. And this is Just the Way that it is.”
In one of My Writings, The Person said to Someone, "You know that just by looking at Someone."
And More News from Around The World:
From “Donald Trump to soon receive intel 'crown jewels'”.
And also from “Possible Ebola exposure in Canadian health lab”.
From “Louisiana Voting Machine Logged Votes Before Poll Opened”.
From “Leaked NASA Paper Shows the 'Impossible' EM Drive Really Does Work”.
In one of My Writings, The Man Thought to Himself: “The Stuff Mutated.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Trump now has access to nation's most valuable intelligence”.
From “Trump to Receive Same Daily Intel Brief as Obama”.
From “Florida Keys Voters Split on Genetically Modified Mosquito Trial”.
From “Martin Armstrong Exposes "The Real Clinton Conspiracy" Which Backfired Dramatically | Zero Hedge”.
From “Anti-Trump Protests Continue for a 3rd Night”.
From “Amy Schumer Says Vow to Leave U.S. if Trump Won Was a Joke”.
From The “Assassination threats against Trump flood Twitter”.
From “Megyn Kelly: I May Have Been Poisoned Before First Republican Debate”.
From “Megyn Kelly Poisoned the morning of debate or stomach bug??? takes issue with 'NYT' book review, page 1”.
From “Here's how to see the biggest supermoon since 1948”.
From “Full moon so rare it hasn't been seen in 50 years rises Monday”.
Here is another Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “We are going to have to Fix Our Window Curtains, as They are Slanted.” And The Woman replied, “You just now noticed that?! Our Window Curtains have been slanted for about 8,000 Years. And do You think that I put a Typo in what I just said aloud?”
And More of My Writings:
CD2E. Term of Endearment (TOE). Terms of Endearment (TOE). Term. Terms. Endear. Endears. Endearing. Endeared. To Me (TM). To Him (TH). To Her (TH). To Them (TT). To You (TY). To Us (TU). We. Them. You. He. She. Him. Her. Us. Me. I. Your. Our. Their. His. Her. They. We. -- Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena (BRK)
And More of My Writings:
Reality will Shine Brightly around The World. And Goodness, too, will Shine Brightly around The World. And Here is a Quote from President Obama: “Reality has a Way of Asserting Itself.” And Here is a Quote from Someone: “The Truth will Out.” And, eventually, The Truth has a Tendency to often Make itself Known.
And Here are some More of My Writings:
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person is in The Know. And that Person knows about that. And that Person is Knowledgeable about that. And that Person is Knowledgeable.”
In The Know. Knowledge. Knowledgeable. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “People are donating to Planned Parenthood as Mike Pence.”
From “Celebrities Are Donating To Planned Parenthood In Mike Pence's Name”.
From “Islamic State used fake tanks to confuse airstrikes”.
From The “3,000-Year-Old Mummy Found in Egyptian Tomb”.
From “30,000 chickens culled in Germany after bird flu detected”.
From “David Brooks: Trump Will Resign or Be Impeached within a Year”.
From “BREAKING NEWS: Two Officers Shot In Texas In Critical Condition… They Need Prayers Now”.
From The “President-elect Donald Trump is about to learn the nations deep secrets”.
And some More of My Writings:
CD3E. There is information about The Economic and Philosophical Concept of “The Invisible Hand (TIH).”
CD4E. And Here is a Quote from Someone: “Thank God IF YOU CAN READ THIS.”
CD5E. And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.”
Here is a Quote from Someone:
“The United States is not a democracy. It’s a republic. In a democracy, the majority rules. In a republic, the individual is protected from the majority.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Alzheimer's Disease: Diagnosis & Tests”.
From “A how-to guide: Building a new civilization... in space”.
From “Rare Sighting of Albino Deer Caught on Camera in Wisconsin”.
From “Experts war over whether 'lost' Van Gogh notebook is real”.
From “Gene Editing Tool CRISPR-CAS9 Used in a Human For the First Time”.
From “Mumps outbreak spreading at University of Missouri”.
From “Americans' trust in media at all-time low”.
From “Trust in Mass Media Returns to All-Time Low”.
From “Researchers identify antibody that neutralizes 98% of HIV strains”.
From “Starvation killed 80,000 reindeer after unusual Arctic rains cut off the animals' food supply”.
From “How to fix the fake news problem”.
From “Pluto could harbor a subterranean icy ocean”.
From “Professor predicted Trump win, says he will be impeached”.
From “CRISPR gene-editing tested in a person for the first time”.
Think if someone went to New York in the Year 1803 and Told People about The Inventions, Technologies, Discoveries, Literature, Beliefs, and Events of the Present Times. The Year 1803 was a Long Time Ago, and The World was a Much Different Place then. And a Lot has Happened in the Last 213 Years. And a Lot can Happen in the Next 213 Years.
And Here is some More News from Around The World:
From “NIH Scientists Identify Potent Antibody that Neutralizes Nearly All HIV Strains”.
From “The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic, 2006”.
From “The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States”.
From “Mystery sphere spotted 'zooming past sun' by NASA satellites”.
From “It's Official: NASA's Peer-Reviewed EM Drive Paper Has Finally Been Published”.
From “Phony Catholic priest sentenced again to jail in Los Angeles: ‘You can’t go into a church and pretend’”, which is about someone who Pretended to be a Catholic Priest. And there are, of course, Many Impostors.
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “Your Party Time is Over. And there is No More Party Time for You.”
Think what We would be asked to Believe without Proof.
And Here is a Quote from Someone: “The violence is not new, it’s the cameras that are new.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “'Miniantibodies' Reduce Inflammation and Pain”.
From “Antarctic Sea Ice Has Not Shrunk In 100 Years”.
From The “TMZ: Kanye West Had Temporary Psychosis”.
From “Kanye West Suffering From 'Temporary Psychosis Due to Sleep Deprivation': Report”.
From “Twitter accidentally suspends its own CEO's account”.
From “Aids epidemic under control by 2030 'is possible' - BBC News”.
From “Eli Lilly's promising Alzheimer's drug fails in clinical trial”.
From “Is Julian Assange Dead? Wikileaks Founder Possibly Silenced Over Pizzagate”.
From “HIV/AIDS: From Epidemic to Pandemic”.
There is the Website,, which has information about Many Products that have been recalled.
From “Sabra hummus recall expanded”.
From “Crow Is Drowning At The Zoo, Then This Killer Bear Takes Matters Into His Own Claws”.
There are Many Interesting Movies to Watch, including The 1990 Film called, “Jacob’s Ladder”.
There is The Weekly Standard Article entitled, “The War on Truth.” And there has been, of course, a War on Truth.
And Here is Some More News from Around The World:
From “After new regulations, Oklahoma's earthquakes calm down a bit”.
From “University Stuns World: Pledges To Support Free Speech, "Censorship Is Not The Answer"”
From “Kanye West's brother has revealed rapper is terrified people are trying to kill him”.
From “Astronauts in space spooked by mystery knocking sound that no one can explain”.
From The “Drug-Resistant Outbreak Linked To Livestock Used In 4-H Projects”.
From The “Egyptian Archaeologists Just Discovered a 7,000-Year-Old Lost City Along the Nile”.
From “The diseases we've overlooked for too long”.
From “Cuba's Fidel Castro survived assassination attempts, officials say”.
From “Microsoft Confirms Its Chinese-language Chatbot Filters Certain Topics”.
From “Cyber Monday scams targeting shoppers, FBI warns”.
From “Millions Cast Votes Illegally, Trump Claims”.
From The “State’s first locally transmitted Zika virus found in South Texas”.
From The “The War on Truth”.
From “Donald Trump blasts recount as 'ridiculous' and 'a scam'”.
From “Mexico: Dozens of bodies found in hidden graves”.
From “Strange star has E.T. seekers looking closely for signs of life”.
From “Theory that challenges Einstein's physics could soon be put to the test”.
From “Trump Slams Recount Push as 'a Scam,' says Election is Over”.
And More of My Writings:
CD6E. List. Lists. Listing. Listed. List of [ ]. Lists of [ ]. List of Information. Lists of Information. [ ]. [ ]. This Person has done this. And this Person has Not done this. This has been done. And this has Not been done. This has Occurred. And this has Not Occurred. This has Happened. And this has Not Happened. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Much Information can be found on the Internet and elsewhere. And Internet Search Engines are Useful. And here is a Quote: “This is the First Photo of Apollo 12 Landing on The Moon. Who took the Pic[?]”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Ohio Senate Passes Bill to Ban All Abortions After an Unborn Baby's Heartbeat Begins”.
From “Naomi Judd details life-threatening depression”.
From “Lady Gaga reveals she has PTSD”.
From “Aerial timelapse tool reveals how the mysterious Area 51 has expanded”.
From “Strange Trumpet Sounds Heard Over US, Canada, Australia, Other Countries: From God, Aliens, Or Just Our Planet?”.
From The “One World Trade Center Makes Strange, Ghostly Sounds In Lower Manhattan (VIDEOS)”.
From “Mumps Outbreaks Are Worst in a Decade”.
From “Snowden says Petraeus shared 'far more highly classified material than I ever did'”.
From “Vice President-Elect Defends Trump's Unsubstantiated Claim of 'Millions' of Illegal Votes”.
From “Police use 'fake news' in gang ruse; media criticize tactics as dishonest”.
From “Hawaii snowfall: Parts of state receive weather warning”.
From “This Fake U.S. Embassy Sold Illegal Visas for a Decade”.
From “Four new elements on the periodic table now have names”.
From “Chemists officially add new elements to the periodic table”.
From “Pluto is hiding a gigantic liquid ocean you would never, ever want to swim in”.
From “Mysterious crop circles appear in Washington wheat field”.
From “We Just Got the First Real Evidence of a Strange Quantum Distortion in Empty Space”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Trump: US doesn't 'have to be bound' by 'one China' policy”.
From “Trump: 'Nobody really knows' if climate change is real”.
From “Superbugs killing more people than breast cancer, trust warns”.
From “US mumps cases at highest level in 10 years”.
From “Ohio passes 2nd bill restricting abortions; both await Kasich's signature”.
From “Flash mob brings money to mom battling cancer”.
From “Pharmaceutical Executives Charged in Racketeering Scheme”.
From “Brian Williams complains about fake news - just 21 months after he lost his job on NBC Nightly News for telling made up stories”.
From “Hillary Clinton calls fake news 'an epidemic'”.
From “Pope warns media over "sin" of spreading fake news, smearing politicians”.
From “Donald Trump Unleashes on 'Corrupt,' 'Dishonest' Media”.
From “Trump: Dishonest Media "Can't Handle The Truth," "I Don't Believe The Polls Anymore"”.
From “Denzel Washington: Media Should 'Tell the Truth,' Stop 'BS'”.
From “Pope warns media over "sin" of spreading fake news, smearing politicians”.
From “Ohio Senate Passes Bill to Ban All Abortions After an Unborn Baby's Heartbeat Begins”.
From “100 reasons why climate change is natural”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Cuisinart food processors recalled due to laceration hazard”.
From “Julian Assange: 'Our Source Is Not the Russian Government'” .
From “Scientists reverse ageing in mammals and predict human trials within 10 years”.
From “TripAdvisor users threaten to leave bad reviews to 'blackmail' owners into giving refunds over unfair complaints”.
From “Judge orders Colorado electors to vote for Hillary Clinton”.
From “Archaeologists find a 2,500 year old lost city in Greece”.
From “Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroits precincts”.
From “Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election”.
From “Super-strong syphilis more widespread than they previously thought”.
From “California professor caught on video calling Trump's election 'terrorism'”.
From “The hidden details in art's masterpieces”.
From “One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs”.
It is a Good Idea to Have Working Carbon Monoxide Alarms. -- BRK
And some More of My Writings:
CD7E. Line Item Veto (LIV). Line Item Vetoes (LIV). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And Some More News from Around The World:
From “Line-item veto”.
From “Rainbow snake, tiny frog among new Mekong species”.
From “Six pharmaceutical firms accused of price-fixing”.
From “Scientists think this ghost shark has not been seen on video before until now”.
From “Antibiotic resistance will hit a terrible tipping point in 2017”.
From “Antibiotic / Antimicrobial Resistance | CDC”.
From “Mystery as police escort MASSIVE object in huge convoy but is it state secrets, nuclear waste or even aliens?”
From “New DNA testing planned in JonBenet Ramsey 20-year-old cold case”.
From “Fusion world record brings us a step closer to limitless energy”.
From “U.S. Files First Charges in Generic Drug Price-Fixing Probe”.
As of December 20, 2016: While I have Never seen or heard a UFO, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard a UFO. And while I have Never seen or heard an Alien, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard an Alien. And while I have Never seen or heard an Angel, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard an Angel. And while I have Never seen or heard a Ghost, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard a Ghost. Additionally, I have Not seen or heard many things, such as a Leprechaun, Unicorn, Dragon, and Ogre. And there are many Good Books, and other Literature, to read, in moderation. And there are many Good Movies, Television Shows, and Music Videos to watch, in moderation. And there is much Good Music to listen to, in moderation. And while I have Never seen or heard a Sasquatch (aka a Bigfoot), Many Individuals have said that They have seen and/or heard a Sasquatch (aka a Bigfoot). And while I have Never seen or heard The Loch Ness Monster, Many Individuals have said that They have seen and/or heard The Loch Ness Monster. And while I have Never seen or heard Many Certain Things, Many Individuals have said that They have seen and/or heard Certain Things. -- Brandon Ryan Katrena (BRK)
Here is a Quote by US President Thomas Jefferson: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."
And Here is a Quote by Sir Josiah Stamp: “If you want to remain slaves of the bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control the nation's credit.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “The Real 'Fake News' Comes From The Mainstream Media”.
From “IMF head Lagarde convicted in French negligence trial”.
From “Warnings of imminent extinction crisis for largest wild animal species”.
From “The History You Know is Wrong”.
From “Laser helps unlock antimatter secrets”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “FBI director: Cover up your webcam”.
From “Antibiotic resistance is real, warns professor”.
From “Analysis of more than 50,000 genomes hints at new disease-causing genes”.
From “Are aliens trying to contact us? 6 blasts of radio energy are detected”.
Here is a Quote from Someone, and The Original Quote is in all Capitalized Letters: “Remember that Time Republicans Rioted, Beat Innocent Democratic Voters, Destroyed Property, and Torched American Flags? Me Neither.”
And some More of My Writings:
CD8E. Fix. Fixes. Fixing. Fixings. Fixed. Fixer. Fixers. The. A. An. And. Moreover. Furthermore. Additionally. In Addition (IA). Some (of). Sort of. Those. These. That. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “Six more radio signals from deep space deepen mystery: Are we being hailed by intelligent beings?”
From “Bush economist warns: Be 'very afraid' about globalization's next phase”.
From “Scans unveil secrets of world's oldest mummies”.
FEMA is an acronym that stands for Federal Emergency Management Agency. And the following are My Contributions at
“Memberships [ 1 ][-]
• Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Activity Stream [27][+]
Ideas Contributed [ 3 ][-]
Sort Options: Date | Votes
In Preparation for the Unlikely Event of Biological Warfare
In preparation for the unlikely event of biological warfare, organizations should make sure that there are stockpiles of vaccines and treatments for illnesses and diseases. -- Brandon
Submitted by You in Dec 2014
11up votes
1down votes
Protecting our Vital Infrastructure
Our Vital Infrastructure, such as our Power Grids, should be protected against the possibility of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack. As the truthful saying states, “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” -- Brandon Katrena
Submitted by You in Apr 2014
3up votes
6down votes
Radiation Medicines
In the unlikely event of a nuclear missile strike, organizations should make sure that there are Radiation Medicines. -- Brandon Katrena
Submitted by You in Jul 2013
6up votes
4down votes
Displaying all 3 Ideas
Notifications [0]”.
The Following is a Quote from Someone: “God will never leave you empty. [H]e will replace everything you lost. If he asks you to put something down, it’s because he wants you to pick up something greater.”
There was, of course, The Ice Age. And Father God made it so that Temperatures, of course, go Up, and Temperatures, of course, go Down, with there being a variety of Temperatures. And Many Individuals used to believe that there was going to be a lot of Global Cooling. And Many Papers and Articles were written talking about soon to be Global Cooling. And there used to be a somewhat Global Cooling Consensus. – BRK
Here is a Quote from Donald Trump: "I also know things that other people don't know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation."
And More News from Around The World:
From “Ghosts haunt our palace, says Swedish queen”.
From “Julian Assange: Russian government not the source of leaked emails”.
From “Police officers detained in Myanmar over disturbing video”.
From “Finland is giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income”.
From The “Pope Francis Condemns 'Plague Of Terrorism' In New Year's Address”.
From “Spicer: Media Freaked Out By Trump Using Twitter to Have a Direct Conversation With Americans”.
From “Washington Post retracts story about Russian hack at Vermont utility”.
From “Instincts”.
From “"Something Stinks" - Like Iraq WMD Fiasco, Russia Story Doesn't Add Up | Zero Hedge”.
From “This chilling 'Star Wars blaster fire' sound coming from the Northern Lights has got everyone spooked”.
From The “Study Predicts Decades Of Global Cooling Ahead”.
From “To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here”.
From “Global Warming May Cancel Next Ice Age”.
From “Global warming could stave off next ice age for 100,000 years”.
From “Donald Trump praises 'very smart' Vladimir Putin for not expelling US diplomats in response to sanctions”.
From “Bill Gates: Epidemic Soon 'Would Be a Tragedy' Because We're Not Ready”.
From “Donald J. Trump on Twitter”.
From “Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In From the Cold”.
From “Bill Gates warns world 'vulnerable' to deadly epidemic in next decade”.
Satellite spots MASSIVE object hidden under the frozen wastes of Antarctica”.
From “Chicago Cubs: World Series win voted top AP sports story of 2016”.
From “Six more radio signals from deep space deepen mystery: Are we being hailed by intelligent beings?”
From “Bush economist warns: Be 'very afraid' about globalization's next phase”.
What is Your Opinion about Crop Circles? Many Crop Circles have been discovered over the years.
While I, Brandon, have Not Seen or Heard any of the following, Many Individuals have said that they have Seen and/or Heard the following: 1.) Angel; 2.) Alien; 3.) UFO; 4.) Bigfoot; 5.) Ghost; 6.) Loch Ness Monster; 7.) That which is Paranormal; 8.) That which is Supernatural. Have You Seen and/or Heard any of these? There are also supposed pictures and/or other evidence of these, and there is much Good Literature to Read, and there are also Many Good Movies and Television Shows to watch, in moderation. And Several Individuals have told Me that they have seen UFOs. Please feel free to Write Your Comments, including Information about some Interesting things that You have Seen and/or Heard. Let Us get the Conversations Started.
Let’s Get The Conversations Started.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “Trump Says Only ‘Fools’ See Good Ties With Russia as Bad”.
From “MIT makes compressed graphene sponge material that is 20 times less dense than steel but 10 times stronger, light as stryofoam but stronger than steel”.
From “Chilean Navy release top secret footage of UFO 'leaking gas'”.
In the year 1977, The Portland Trail Blazers Basketball Team won the NBA Championship. And from “1977 NBA Championship | Portland Trail Blazers”.
From “Mysterious fast radio bursts originate from distant dwarf galaxy”.
From “The mesentery: A 'new' organ you didn't know you had”.
Here is a Quote from Charles Hard Townes, and He also won a Nobel Prize in Physics, and He helped found The Field of Laser Science: “I strongly believe in the existence of God, based on intuition, observations, logic, and also scientific knowledge.”
Here is a Quote from Winston Churchill: “You have Enemies? Good. It means You’ve Stood Up for Something in Your Life.”
What do You Think?
Many Individuals believe that The Moon Landing was Faked. And here is a Quote from Someone, and The Original Quote is in all Capitalized Letters: “The Very First Moon Landing of Apollo 11[.] So Who Took this Picture?”
And More News from Around The World:
From “'Tooth repair drug' may replace fillings”.
From “Kendall Jenner Opens Up About Her Struggle With Anxiety”.
From “Mysterious radio signal traced to dwarf galaxy light-years away”.
From “Trump: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing”.
From “Hubble Detects Signs Of A Young Exoplanet”.
From “U.S. Navy ship fired warning shots at Iranian vessels”.
From “2016 was Clinton's last campaign, longtime aide says”.
From “Chilean Navy Releases UFO Footage From 2014”.
From “Chemists Accidentally Created a Battery That Could Last a Lifetime”.
From “Chilean Navy release top secret footage of UFO 'leaking gas'”.
From “MIT makes compressed graphene sponge material that is 20 times less dense than steel but 10 times stronger, light as stryofoam but stronger than steel”.
From “Chilean navy declassifies inexplicable UFO footage after 2yr investigation”.
From “Clapper: Alleged Russian Hacking Efforts 'Did Not Change the Vote Tallies'”.
From “Texas A&M Galveston professor fails entire class”.
From “Trump Says Only ‘Fools’ See Good Ties With Russia as Bad”.
And Some More of My Writings:
CD9E. Ear to the Ground (ETTG). Heard Through The Grapevine (HTTG). By Word of Mouth (BWOM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD10E. Metaphorical Ear to the Ground (METTG). Metaphorically Heard Through The Grapevine (MHTTG). Metaphorically By Word of Mouth (MBWOM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD11E. Informant. Informants. Information. Informative. Non-Informative (NI). Not Informative (NI). Inform. Informs. Informing. Informed. Not Inform (NI). Not Informs (NI). Not Informing (NI). Not Informed (NI). Info. Misinform. Misinforms. Misinforming. Misinformed. Misinformation. Disinformation. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “Drug Stocks Drop as Trump Backs Price Bidding”.
From “Orlando: Manhunt for suspected cop killer expands; reward now $100,000”.
From “Trump: Drug companies 'getting away with murder'”.
From “Trump taps vaccine skeptic Kennedy to launch review”.
From “Tom Hiddleston Apologizes for Controversial Golden Globes Speech: 'My Words Just Came Out Wrong'”.
From “Former senator tossed from plane after complaining”.
From “Clare Hollingworth, reporter who broke news of World War Two, dies aged 105”.
From “Groundbreaking UFO Video Just Released By Chilean Navy”.
From “Robert Kennedy Jr, prominent vaccine sceptic, to head Trump commission on vaccine safety”.
From “Martin Shkreli kicked off Twitter, Periscope”.
From “Trump: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing”.
From “'Tooth repair drug' may replace fillings”.
From “Mysterious radio signal traced to dwarf galaxy light-years away”.
Here is a Quote from Someone, and The Original Quote is in all Capitalized Letters: “You are a Child of God[,] Destined for Glory and Called to do Great Things in His Name.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We Survive. And We Thrive. And We Survive, and We also Thrive.”
Here is a Quote from Someone: “The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it.”
And Here is a Quote from Walt Whitman: “I swear to you, there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell.”
There are Many Interesting Movies to watch, including The Movies called, “Children of Men,” and “Outbreak”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “My First, Middle, and Last Names have several different Meanings and Definitions in several Languages. And this is also true for My Ancestors’ Names. And one of the Meanings and Definitions of one of My Names in a Language is, ‘Pure.’”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man asked a Woman, “Wouldn’t it be great if – just as how Computer Software Applications can often be Enlarged or be made Smaller with the click of a button – that Worked elsewhere? For example, think if We could click on a button and it made Our Pizzas Twelve Times Larger, and We could click on another button and it made some Types of Vegetables Twelve Times Smaller.”
Not Everyone can do Everything. And Not Everyone can do Everything Extremely Well. And, when I was a Kid, I remember watching a Children’s Television Program (which was both Instructional and Entertaining), where one of the Characters was able to Reach Up High -- although that Character was Not able to Reach Low -- and the other Character was able to Reach Low -- although That Character was Not able to Reach Up High -- and The Characters Helped each other accomplish Good Goals, with both of The Characters using their Father God-Given Abilities to The Best of Their Abilities. And The Characters were in a Symbiotic and Mutually Beneficial Relationship.
Here is a Quote from Someone: “The moment you pray, God sets miracles into motion.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Michaels recalls 80,000 Himalayan salt lamps”.
From “Motorist who assisted wounded trooper: He would have died”.
From “Mystery flashing lights speed past International Space Station”.
From “Woman died from superbug resistant to all available antibiotics in U.S.”.
From “Ruby seadragon filmed for the first time”.
From “Twitter user suspended for "calling out bigotry"”.
From “US woman dies of infection resistant to all 26 available antibiotics”.
From “Yellow Fever Outbreak in Brazil Prompts a State of Emergency”.
From “M'mm M'mm Good: 'Personal satisfaction' highest in 16 years”.
From “Thousands of Himalayan Salt Lamps Recalled For Shock, Fire Hazard”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Superbug may be more widespread than thought”.
From “Drug-resistant 'nightmare bacteria' show worrisome ability to diversify and spread”.
From “Analysis: Antibiotic apocalypse”.
From “What You Need to Know About the Deadly 'Superbug' Infection Resistant to All FDA-Approved Antibiotics”.
From “Antibiotic Apocalypse: Scientists Warn that Humans Are Losing War with Bacteria”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Antibiotic Apocalypse: Scientists Warn that Humans Are Losing War with Bacteria”.
From “Superbug may be more widespread than thought”.
From “Drug-resistant 'nightmare bacteria' show worrisome ability to diversify and spread”.
From “Analysis: Antibiotic apocalypse”.
From “What You Need to Know About the Deadly 'Superbug' Infection Resistant to All FDA-Approved Antibiotics”.
From “CIA publishes its history, nearly 13 million pages of documents online”.
From “UFO sightings & psychic powers revealed in newly released CIA docs”.
From “CIA Releases 13 Million Pages Of Declassified Documents: Include Psychic Experiments, UFO Research”.
From “CIA admits it carried out secret psychic experiments on Uri Geller - getting him to PREDICT agents drawings from the next room”.
From “Obama pardons retired Gen. James Cartwright for lying during leak probe”.
From “’We have to end it’: Trump takes over Islamic State fight, vowing to finish it”.
From “Pentagon readies aggressive ISIS proposals for Trump”.
From “Exclusive: Trump Operative Roger Stone Survives Assassination Attempt”.
From “Pentagon readies aggressive ISIS proposals for Trump”.
From “Giant Mystery Wave Spotted in Atmosphere of Venus”.
Here is a Quote from a Fellow Writer, George Orwell: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The 9 Year Old Boy Stood in Line to Vote for the US President, as did a 10 Year Old Girl.
Another Joke that I Wrote:
Speculation and Hearsay Joke in a Courtroom: The Man said while on The Courtroom’s Witness Stand: “Well, I heard from My Aunt Sally that She Might have Heard from someone that they might have Heard that someone else Speculated that someone else Heard that a guy named Jim said that He might have heard . . .”
The Following are Two often True Quotes: “You don’t Really Know what You have Until after it’s gone,” and, “You don’t Miss Something Until after it’s gone.”
And More of My Writings:
CD12E. Some Individuals believe in, for example, Astral Projection.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We Choose Not to Prop Up Illusions. And We Choose Not to Prop Up Deception. And We Will Not Deceive Ourselves. And We Choose to Live in Reality. And We Choose to Embrace Reality. And We Choose to be Truthful. And We Choose to be Honest.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Two-Thirds of World Has Herpes Virus”. And I think that there is a Major Problem when an Estimated 66 Percent of The World’s Population has the Herpes Virus. And I believe that Many Reasonable People would conclude that there is a Major Problem when an Estimated 66 Percent of The World’s Population has the Herpes Virus. What’s Next? How Many People will, for example, have Herpes in the Next 10 Years? The Question becomes: What’s Next? And it is an Extremely Bad Sign when an Estimated 66 Percent of The World’s Population currently has Herpes. And it is an Extremely Bad Indication when an Estimated 66 Percent of The World’s Population currently has Herpes.
From Who.Intl: “Why the Ebola outbreak has been underestimated”.
From “The shocking number of new STD cases each year”.
From “Massive networks of fake accounts found on Twitter”.
From “Unusual Rat Virus Strikes 8 People in Illinois and Wisconsin”.
From “Globally, 1 in 13 suffers from anxiety”.
From “Cervical cancer death rates are much higher than thought, study says”.
From “Why Is This Fed Official Worried About a Solar Storm?”.
From “A Monster Solar Storm Could Cost the US $40 Billion Daily”.
From “Mars investigating spilled Skittles headed for cattle feed”.
From “Pet rats linked to virus outbreak, CDC says”.
From “Aaron Rodgers says he, others caught bug going around Packers' locker room”.
From “What to really say and do when bad things happen”.
From “Trump brings Churchill bust back to Oval Office”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Hmm, this moon looks remarkably like the Death Star”. And, as some Individuals know, The Death Star was featured in a Popular Science Fiction Movie.
From “Hundreds of students affected by Mumps outbreak”.
From The “Australia Finalizes Plan To Kill Carp With Herpes Virus”.
From “Australia wants to wipe out carp with herpes”.
From “Brazil sees sharp rise in yellow fever cases”.
From “Paris Jackson Believes Her Father Was Murdered: Plus 8 Other Things We Learned from Her Rolling Stone Interview”.
In One of My Writings, The Man asked, “Who? What? Where? Why? How? When? Which One? Which Ones? Which One of Them? Which One of Us? Which Ones of Them? Which Ones of Us?”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from Someone: “ ‘You’re gonna be happy,’ said life, ‘but first I’ll make you strong.’ ”
There used to be, of course, The Ice Age. And Father God made it so that temperatures, of course, go Up, and temperatures, of course, go Down, and so, of course, there is Climate Change: The Climate Changes.
Here is a Quote from Christine Caine: “God is able to take the mess of our past and turn it into a message. He takes the trials and tests and turns them into a testimony.”
And Here is a Quote from Someone, and The Original Quote is in all Capitalized Letters: “God understands Our Prayers even when We can’t find The Words to Say Them.”
There is The Saying, “Once a Marine, Always a Marine.” And Here is a Quote from Someone, and The Original Quote is in all Capitalized Letters: “There are No Ex-Marines. Our Title is Earned, Never Given. And What’s Earned is Yours Forever.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “I only know how to say one word.” And The Woman replied, “Which word is that?” And The Man said, “The Word is Zeroed.” And The Woman replied, “But You know, for example, the Words, ‘I only know how to say one word. The Word is Zeroed.’ So what is the only one word that You know how to say?” And The Man replied, “I only know how to say one word, and that word is Zeroed.” And The Woman replied, “But You just said . . .”
And More of My Writings:
CD13E. A (Reasonable) Person. A (Reasonable) Person Believes [ ]. A (Reasonable) Person Knows [ ]. A (Reasonable) Person [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD14E. (Reasonable) People. (Reasonable) People Believe [ ]. (Reasonable) People Know [ ]. (Reasonable) People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD15E. Some (Reasonable) People. Some (Reasonable) People Believe [ ]. Some (Reasonable) People Know [ ]. Some (Reasonable) People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD16E. Many (Reasonable) People. Many (Reasonable) People Believe [ ]. Many (Reasonable) People Know [ ]. Many (Reasonable) People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD17E. No [ ]. None [ ]. Zero [ ]. One [ ]. Some [ ]. Many [ ]. [ ]. [ ].
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD18E. A Reasonable Person. A Reasonable Person Believes [ ]. A Reasonable Person Knows [ ]. A Reasonable Person [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD19E. Reasonable People. Reasonable People Believe [ ]. Reasonable People Know [ ]. Reasonable People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD20E. Some Reasonable People. Some Reasonable People Believe [ ]. Some Reasonable People Know [ ]. Some Reasonable People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD21E. Many Reasonable People. Many Reasonable People Believe [ ]. Many Reasonable People Know [ ]. Many Reasonable People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD22E. A Person. A Person Believes [ ]. A Person Knows [ ]. A Person [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD23E. People. People Believe [ ]. People Know [ ]. People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD24E. Some People. Some People Believe [ ]. Some People Know [ ]. Some People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD25E. Many People. Many People Believe [ ]. Many People Know [ ]. Many People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD26E. We. We Believe [ ]. We Know [ ]. We [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD27E. Some of Us. Some of Us Believe [ ]. Some of Us Know [ ]. Our [ ]. Some of Us [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD27E2. Many of Us. Many of Us Believe [ ]. Many of Us Know [ ]. Our [ ]. Many of Us [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD28E. They. They Believe [ ]. They Know [ ]. They [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD29E. Some of Them. Some of Them Believe [ ]. Some of Them Know [ ]. Some of Them [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD29E2. Many of Them. Many of Them Believe [ ]. Many of Them Know [ ]. Many of Them [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD30E. He. He Believes [ ]. He Knows [ ]. He [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD31E. She. She Believes [ ]. She Knows [ ]. She [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD32E. That Person. That Person Believes [ ]. That Person Knows [ ]. That Person [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD33E. Those People. Those People Believe [ ]. Those People Know [ ]. Those People [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD34E. Some of Those People. Some of Those People Believe [ ]. Some of Those People Know [ ]. Some of Those People [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD35E. Some People. Some People Believe [ ]. Some People Know [ ]. Some People [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD36E. Some. Some Believe [ ]. Some Know [ ]. Some [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD37E. Many of Those People. Many of Those People Believe [ ]. Many of Those People Know [ ]. Many of Those People [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD38E. Many People. Many People Believe [ ]. Many People Know [ ]. Many People [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD39E. Many. Many Believe [ ]. Many Know [ ]. Many [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD40E. I. I Believe [ ]. I Know [ ]. I [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD41E. [ ]. [ ]. You can Metaphorically Fill in The Blanks with Your Comments. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke told to Me by a Family Member (FM) and Wrote with Her Permission: "Do You want Me to Untie this Shoe's Knot, or Not?"
And More News from Around The World:
From “Evanger's dog, cat food recalled due to possible death”.
From “Trump says America isn't so innocent”.
From “Trump Asks 'What Do You Think? Our Country's So Innocent?'”.
From “Travel Ban Block Appealed as Trump Slams 'So-Called' Judge”.
From “Trump Slams 'So-Called Judge' Who Blocked Immigration Order”.
From “Scientists produce electricity by evaporating water from a chunk of soot”.
From “Scientists Have Turned Cooking Oil Into a Material 200 Times Stronger Than Steel”.
From “Forget Atlantis: 'Lost continent' found under Indian Ocean”.
From “Paralyzed patients communicate thoughts via brain-computer interface”.
From “Locked-in patients tell doctors they are happy after computer reads thoughts”.
From “Paralyzed man regains use of arms and hands after experimental stem cell therapy at Keck Hospital of USC”.
From “Proliferation of bird flu outbreaks raises risk of human pandemic”.
From “Hmm, this moon looks remarkably like the Death Star”.
From “Tenn. teen wrote Ashley Judds Nasty Woman poem”.
From “FDA: Toss homeopathic teething tablets with belladonna”.
From “Rogue National Park Service Twitter account says it’s no longer run by government employees but maybe it never was”.
From “Mike Pence First Vice President to Address March for Life”.
From “'Life is winning': Pence fired up March for Life crowd”.
From “Proliferation of bird flu outbreaks raises risk of human pandemic”.
From “For This Metal, Electricity Flows, But Not the Heat”.
From “Two infants treated with universal immune cells have their cancer vanish”.
From “First paralyzed human treated with stem cells has now regained his upper body movement”.
From “Australia wants to wipe out carp with herpes”.
From “Cervical cancer death rates are much higher than thought, study says”.
Sometimes the Best Action is Inaction. And Sometimes the Best Action is No Action. And Sometimes the Best Action is Inertia. And Sometimes the Best Action is Little Action. And Sometimes the Best Action is only Some Action. And Sometimes the Best Action is a lot of Action.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Waitress at a Restaurant: “I would like a PB&J.” And The Waitress said: “A Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Coming Up.” And The Man replied: “No, a PB
&J as in a Peanut Brittle and Jalapeno Sandwich. And please have Someone nearby in case they have to do the Heimlich Maneuver on Me.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman said to The Man, “Why have You Removed The Stop Buttons for The Microwave, The Blender, and The Washing and Drying Machines?” And The Man replied, “You told Me to Pull out all The Stops, and that’s what I did.” And The Woman said, “I was Speaking Metaphorically.” And The Man replied, “As I have said before, I only Speak The English Language, and I don’t Speak The Metaphor Language.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “New Dead Sea Scrolls cave discovered”.
From “Judge Denies Robin Thicke’s Request for Unsupervised Visitation As Source Says He Wants to Show He Is a Responsible Dad”.
From “Trump tweets Nordstrom treated Ivanka 'so unfairly'”.
From “Hebrew University archaeologists find 12th Dead Sea Scrolls cave”.
From “Nordstrom assailed by Trump for dropping daughter's brand”.
From “Jake Tapper and Kellyanne Conway Clashed. Will Critics Take On Tapper?”.
From “Pelley Opens 'CBS Evening News' by Calling Trump 'Divorced From Reality'”.
From “Book of Enoch”.
From “Biblical apocrypha”.
From “TJ Maxx & Marshalls scrap signs and displays for Ivanka Trump's brand”.
From “Donald Trump says terror attacks in Europe not reported”.
From “Nicolas Sarkozy to face fraud trial”.
From “Trump Says Terror Attacks Have Been Going Unreported”.
From “China proposes further tightening of internet oversight”.
From “Syria's Secret Mass Executions”.
From “Chinese ships sail near disputed Japanese islands”.
From “Evanger's Dog Food recalled for possible Pentobarbital contamination”.
From “13,000 people hanged in secret at Syrian prison, Amnesty says”.
From “Britney Spears asks for prayers for her niece”.
From “Vizio agrees to pay $2.2 million to settle FTCs television-spying case”.
From “World leaders duped by manipulated global warming data”.
From “Trump says Pence to lead voter registration fraud probe, leaves door open on Iran deal future”.
From “Pence Defends Trump's 'So-Called Judge' Attacks”.
And More of My Writings:
CD42E. Intelligence. Intelligences. Intel. Intels. A Type of Intelligence (ATOI). Type of Intelligence (TOI). Types of Intelligence (TOI). Knowledge. Knowledges. Knowledgeable. Knowledgeability. Knowledgeabilities. A Type of Knowledge (ATOK). Type of Knowledge (TOK). Types of Knowledge (TOK). [ ]. [ ].
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD43E. Writer. Writers. Writer Member (WM). Writer Members (WM). Writing. Writings. Wrote. Written. Essay. Essays. Essayist. Essayists. Book. Books. Author. Authors. Letter. Letters. Man of Letters (MOL). Men of Letters (MOL). Woman of Letters (WOL). Women of Letters (WOL). Paper. Papers. Position Paper (PP). Position Papers (PP). Journal. Journals. Journalist. Journalists. Article. Articles. Newspaper Article (NA). Newspaper Articles (NA). Opinion Piece (OP). Opinion Pieces (OP). Report. Reports. Reporter. Reporters. Reporting. Reported. Blogger. Bloggers. Blogger Member (BM). Blogger Members (BM). Blog. Blogs. Blogging. Blogged. Blog Writing (BW). Blog Writings (BW). Website. Websites. Website Writing (WW). Website Writings (WW). Profession. Professions. Professional. Professionals. Profession Member (PM). Profession Members (PM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD44E. Intelligence Report (IR). Intelligence Reports (IR). Intel Report (IR). Intel Reports (IR). A Type of Intelligence Report (ATOIR). Type of Intelligence Report (TOIR). Type(s) of Intelligence Reports (TOIR). Knowledge Report (KR). Knowledge Reports (KR). Knowledgeable Report (KR). Knowledgeable Reports (KR). Knowledgeability Report (KR). Knowledgeability Reports (KR). A Type of Knowledge Report (ATOKR). Type of Knowledge Report (TOKR). Type(s) of Knowledge Reports (TOKR). [ ]. [ ].
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from Someone: “I know because I was there.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From The “This Accidental Snow Guardian Tracked Snowfall for 40 Winters”.
From “Ciara Was Glowing Make-Up Free While Flaunting Wet Hair And A Big Ol' Belly”.
From “Mysterious orange alligator spotted in South Carolina”.
From “How algorithms (secretly) run the world”.
From The Voice of America News ( “Austrian Authorities Seek Hitler Double Seen Around Birthplace”.
From “Mexico Building Fence on Its Southern Border”.
From “Anna Nicole Smith's bodyguard/pallbearer breaks silence after 10 years”.
From “CIA files reveal how U.S. used psychics to spy on Iran”.
From “Russia considers giving Edward Snowden as 'gift' to Trump”.
From “A full moon, lunar eclipse and comet all in one evening? It happens tonight”.
From “White House rebukes Kellyanne Conway for promoting Ivanka Trump products”.
From “GO BACK! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!: Protestors Block Betsy DeVos From Entering DC School”.
From “A full moon, lunar eclipse and comet all in one evening? It happens tonight.”.
From “As bee populations dwindle, robot bees may pick up some of their pollination slack”.
And More of My Writings:
CD45E. Dossier. Dossier on [ ]. Dossiers. Dossiers on [ ].Information. Info. Informative. Informatively. Important. Importance. Importantly. File. File on [ ]. Files. Files on [ ]. Report. Reports. Editor. Editors. Editorial. Editorials. Editorialize. Editorializing. Factual. Factually. Fact. Facts. Objective. Objectives. Objectively. Subject. Subjects. Subjective. Subjectively. Balanced. Well-Balanced (WB). Proportion. Proportions. Proportional. Proportionally. Well-Proportioned (WP). Content. Contents. Contain. Contains. Containing. Contained. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD46E. An Accountant and/or a Book Keeper (BK) often tries to Balance The Book(s) (BTB). The Balanced Book (TBB and BB). The Balanced Books (TBB and BB). Balance. Balances. Balancing. Balanced. Well-Balanced (WB).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “Scientists Drill Volcano to Harness Its Awesome Energy”.
From “United flight delayed after plainclothes pilot's rant”.
From “Lost chamber in King Tut’s tomb to be OPENED revealing secret hidden for 3,300 years”.
From “How can we trust global warming scientists asks David Rose”.
From “Dept. of Education apologizes for misspelling W.E.B. Du Bois”.
From “It's Groundhog Day. Throw some social media shade”.
Here is a Quote from a Fellow Writer, Mark Twain: "Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it."
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone: “You have a Disease. And You should have the Correct Priorities.” Correct Priority (CP). Correct Priorities (CP). Priority. Priorities. Prioritize. Prioritizes. Prioritizing. Prioritized. Prioritization. Prioritizations. Disease. Diseases. Diseased. Medicine. Medicines. Med. Meds. Medication. Medications. Medicate. Medicates. Medicating. Medicated. Medicinal. Medicinally. Under Control (UC). Not Under Control (NUC). Manage. Manages. Managing. Managed. Well-Managed (WM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
One of My Writings is called, “The Blonde, Shapeshifting Lizard”.
And More News from Around The World:
From National Public Radio ( “Iron Age Potters Carefully Recorded Earth's Magnetic Field By Accident”.
From “Scientists Discover 60 New Planets, Some Similar To Earth”.
From “Howard Stern Sued for Broadcasting Woman's Conversation With IRS”.
From “Kim Jong-uns half-brother assassinated”.
From The “Harrison Ford Under Investigation After Close Call With Passenger Plane”.
From The “FBI needs to explain why Flynn was recorded, Intelligence Committee chairman says”.
From “Michael Savage: Flynn a scapegoat”.
From “Hitler's double was wandering around Austria. Now hes going to jail”.
From “North Korean leader's half brother was killed by women wielding 'poison needles'”.
From “Politico: Hillary Clinton Is Running Again”.
From “John Waters: A new kind of anarchy is going to happen next”.
From “Jerry Sandusky's son charged with child sex abuse”.
From The “Mish Michaels isn't alone: Many meteorologists question climate change science”.
From “Lance Armstrong handed defeat by federal judge”.
From “Top Trump aide says White House has 'enormous evidence' of voter fraud”.
Joke Times:
Here is a Joke that was Partially Contributed by a Family Member (FM), and Wrote with Her Permission:
The Taxi Driver told the Passenger, “You owe 9 Million Dollars for that Ride.” And The Passenger said, “9 Million Dollars?!! Was there a Time Warp or Something!?? The Fare should have been about 20 dollars.” And The Taxi Driver said, “The Fare was, to be exact, 21 dollars and 55 cents.” And The Passenger replied, “What?!! Then why are You charging Me 9 Million Dollars?” And The Taxi Driver replied, “If you had read the contract posted to the Window of This Taxi Cab, it states that by using this Service You agree that You will be charged a Surcharge of at least 8 Million dollars for the privilege of wearing on Your Clothes some of the dog hair that is on the seats of the car.” And The Passenger said, “Oh, that makes sense. And the Most Important thing in Life is to obey all Contracts. Now, Who should I make the Check out to?”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “Why do the News Stations on Television keep on calling events, ‘Breaking News’? What Broke? And should I get the Vacuum cleaner and Broom to Sweep up The News that Broke?!”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Ancient Jars Found In Judea Show Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Fluctuating, Not Diminishing”.
From “Scientists discover 'Zealandia' - a hidden continent off the coast of Australia”.
From “White House Plans to Have Trump Ally Review Intelligence Agencies”.
From “Over half of psychology studies fail reproducibility test”.
From “Burger King cook fired for taking 75 cents' worth of food wins lawsuit”.
From “Another Alzheimer's Drug Study Fails. This Time It's Merck's”.
From “After Kim Jong-Nam, a look at North Korea’s history of state killings”.
From “'Morning Joe' Host Bans Kellyanne Conway From Show”.
From “Drug catapult found attached to Mexican side of US border fence”.
From “Watergate scandal”.
From “Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump”.
From “Trump attacks media, intelligence community over reports of Russia ties”.
From “Trump denies Russia 'conspiracy theories' ”.
From “Merck is dropping tests of a once-promising Alzheimer's drug”.
From “Donald Trump: 'Russian connection non-sense' is cover for Hillary Clinton’s 'many mistakes' ”.
From “Scammers Posing As ICE Agents Shake Down Latino New Yorkers”.
From “ ‘Morning Joe’ bans Trump aide Kellyanne Conway”.
From “Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity.”
And More of My Writings:
CD47E. Insight. Insights. Insightful. Insightfulness. Insightfully. Inside. Insider. Insiders. Info. Information. Informative. Inside Information (II). Insider Information (II). Secret. Secrets. Secretly. Secretive. Secretively. Secret Information (SI). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). Kind of (KO). Sort of (SO). Misc. Miscellaneous.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Rhyme of Mine:
The Man ate a Crouton while Relaxing on a Futon, and while Thinking about Eating Some Mutton.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
Mr. Adam Smith was Grocery Shopping when a Man named Mr. John Smith said to Adam, “Adam, glad to see You Here. I’m John Smith, and We are Friends on a Social Network.” And Adam replied, “This is Not Possible. This is Not Happening. And this is Not Real.” And John said, “What?! What do You mean?!! Here, let’s Shake Hands and then You will know that I am Really Real.” And then They both Shook Hands. And Adam said, “But We are Online Friends.” And John replied, “So?” And Adam said, “You mean to tell Me that Online Friends are Real Friends, and that You don’t Live on a Computer Server somewhere? You mean that You are Not a Computer Program pretending to be a Real Person? You are a Real Person? And We Just Shook Hands? And My approximately 25,000 Online Friends are My Real Friends, who are actually Real People, who can, for example, meet Me at a Grocery Store?! Online Friends Equal Real Friends. And Online Friends Equal Real People. I’m Stunned.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
At a Restaurant, The Man went over to a Table, and He said to another Man, “My Nickname is Buddy, and I overheard Your Conversation, and did You say, ‘No Buddy,’ or did You say ‘Nobody’? And there is a Bid Difference.”
Here is a Quote from an Astronaut: “We can only Fly in Earth Orbit. That is the Farthest We can Go.” And Here are some Lyrics to The Religious Song, “The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning”: “The Veil o’er The Earth is beginning to Burst.”
Here are some often True Sayings: “There are Bigger Fish to Fry,” and, “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine,” and, “One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure,” and, “One Woman’s Trash is Another Woman’s Treasure,” and, “One Person’s Trash is Another Person’s Treasure,” and “The Chickens have Come Home to Roost,” and, “It’s Time to Pay The Piper,” and, “You have Made Your Bed, Now Lay in it,” and, “Don’t Throw out The Baby with The Bath Water,” and, “You don’t Miss Something Until it’s Gone,” and, “The Apple doesn’t Fall Far from Tree,” and, in The Past Tense: “There were Bigger Fish to Fry,” and “A Stitch in Time Saved Nine,” and, “One Man’s Trash was Another Man’s Treasure,” and, “One Woman’s Trash was Another Woman’s Treasure,” and, “One Person’s Trash was Another Person’s Treasure,” and “The Chickens Came Home to Roost,” and, “It was Time to Pay The Piper, ” and, “The Apple didn’t Fall Far from Tree.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “Sargento expands cheese recall: Here's the new list”.
From “Astronomers find 7 Earth-size planets where life is possible”.
From “Escher-like playground hidden in the jungle”.
From “Is James O'Keefe About To Smoke CNN? Tells Hannity He's Set To Release "Hundreds of Hours" Of Newsroom Footage "Wikileaks Style"”.
From “NASA scientists want to make Pluto a planet again”.
From “Rembrandt sketch 'hidden' for 250 years found”.
From The “James O'Keefe Threatens To Release 'Hundreds Of Hours' Of Leaked Newsroom Footage Soon”.
From “Tuskegee syphilis experiment”.
From “Stem Cell Transplants May Help Some With Multiple Sclerosis”.
From The “Your Samsung SmartTV Is Spying on You, Basically”.
From “Two-thirds of the world population has herpes”.
From “Scientists hold rally in Boston to protest threat to science”.
From “McCain defends the media in NBC interview”.
From “Trump declares 'fake news' media 'the enemy of the American people'”.
From “Paris authorities order volunteers to stop giving food to refugees”.
From “Nasa live feed cuts as 'six large UFOs' creep past International Space Station”.
From “Why Killer Viruses Are On The Rise”.
From “Trump Declares CNN, NYT, CBS, ABC And NBC Are "The Enemy of The American People"”.
From “McConnell on Trump: I Like His Policies, Not His Tweets”.
From “Trump team refutes report on proposal for National Guard immigrant roundup”.
From “CIA director denies withholding intelligence from Trump”.
From “Exclusive: Few Rogue Border Agents Resist Trump Policies”.
From “NYC Dad Outraged Over Daughter's 'Anti-Trump' Homework Question”.
From “Trump Fans Want Shepard Smith’s Head for Slamming President on Fox News”.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman said to The Man, “What are You doing to that Coin?” And The Man replied, “This Coin is a Penny, and I’m Pinching it, as someone said that I was a ‘Penny Pincher.’ And, in a Few Seconds, I’ll be Flipping this Penny, in case someone says that I’m a ‘Penny Flipper’.”
And More of My Writings:
CD48E. Interest. Interests. Interesting. Interested. Self-Interest (SI). Self-Interests (SI). Self-Interesting (SI). Self-Interested (SI). Common Interest (CI). Common Interests (CI). Common Knowledge (CK). So of (SO). Kind of (KO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD49E. Variety Show (VS). Variety Shows (VS). Show. Shows. Showing. Showed. Educate. Educates. Educating. Educated. Education. Educations. Educational. Educationally. Illuminate. Illuminates. Illuminating. Illuminated. Illumination. Illuminations. Elucidate. Elucidates. Elucidating. Elucidated. Elucidation. Elucidations. Variety. Varieties. Vary. Varies. Varied. Varying. Entertainment. Entertainments. Entertain. Entertains. Entertained. Entertaining. Comedy. Comedies. Comic. Comics. Comical. Comically. Television. Televisions. TV. TVs. Televise. Televises. Televising. Televised. Broadcast. Broadcasts. Broadcasting. Broadcasted. Radio. Radios. Several Years ago, I called a Radio Station, and I was on The Radio for awhile. Social Media (SM). Social Medias (SM). Social Network (SN). Social Networks (SN). Social Networking (SN). Social Networked (SN). Network. Networks. Networking. Networked. Communication. Communications. Communicate. Communicates. Communicating. Communicated. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD50E. Someone does Not, of course, have to be in 100 Percent Agreement with Someone or Something. And Someone does Not, of course, have to be in 100 Percent Agreement to still be a Supporter and/or a Friend. For example, a Supporter and/or a Friend of Someone May Agree with Actions A, B, and C, and Not Agree with Action D. And Individuals have The God-Given Rights to have Differences in Opinions.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD51E. Show. Shows. Showing. Showed. Demonstrate. Demonstrates. Demonstrating. Demonstrated. Illustrate. Illustrates. Illustrating. Illustration. Illustrations. Illustrated. For Example, [ ]. An Example is [ ]. An Example of this is [ ]. An Example of that is [ ]. Some Examples include [ ]. Some Examples of this include [ ]. Some Examples of that include [ ]. Sign. Signs. Signing. Signed. Signal. Signals. Signaling. Signaled. Harbinger. Harbingers. Harbingering. Harbingered. Hail. Hails. Hailing. Hailed. Important. Importance. Importantly. Vital. Vitals. Vitally. Crucial. Crucially. Existential. Existentially. Very Important (VI). Very Importance (VI). Very Importantly (VI). Very Vital (VV). Very Vitals (VV). Very Vitally (VV). Very Crucial (VC). Very Crucially (VC). Very Existential (VE). Very Existentially (VE). Extremely Important (EI). Extreme Importance (EI). Extremely Importantly (EI). Extremely Vital (EV). Extreme Vitals (EV). Extremely Vitally (EV). Extremely Crucial (EC). Extremely Crucially (EC). Extremely Existential (EE). Extremely Existentially (EE). Exist. Exists. Existence. Existences. Existing. Existed. Fun. Funs. Funny. Funnies. Life. Live. Lives. Living. Lived. Alive. This Shows [ ]. This Demonstrates [ ]. This Illustrates [ ]. This is a Sign that [ ]. This is a Signal that [ ]. This is a Harbinger that [ ]. This is a Hail that [ ]. It is Important that [ ]. It is Very Important that [ ]. It is Extremely Important that [ ]. It is Vital that [ ]. It is Very Vital that [ ]. It is Extremely Vital that [ ]. It is Crucial that [ ]. It is Very Crucial that [ ]. It is Extremely Crucial that [ ]. It is Existential [ ]. It is Very Existential [ ]. It is Extremely Existential [ ]. To Exist [ ]. To Continue to Exist [ ]. To have Fun [ ]. To Continue to have Fun [ ]. To have Life [ ]. To Live [ ]. To Continue to have Life [ ]. To Continue to Live [ ]. To be Alive [ ]. To Continue to be Alive [ ]. [ ]. [ ].
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from Someone: “No Matter How Good a Person You are, there will Always be Someone Criticizing You.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
A Man named Chuck said to a Woman, “My name is Chuckster, and I’m also a Lucky Huckster.”
The Man said to a Woman, “This Coffee is Strong, and I mean that Literally, as it can Bench Press 900 Pounds.”
Buddy the Dog said, “Thank you for Not having Me sit before I get My Snacky Treat, as that is so boring.”
The Man, while putting two of His Fingers in the shape of bunny ears, said, “It’s Bunny Ears Time!”
At a Restaurant, The Waiter said to another Man, “The Secret Ingredient to This Recipe is Water Mist,” and then He said, “Just a little bit more of Water Mist and the Food will be Perfect,” and then He Dumped 9 Big Buckets of Water all over the Food. And The Customer said, “Now, My Food is Drenched with Water.” And The Waiter replied, “Blog it out. Just Blog it Out.”
A Man named Brian said to a Man named Trevor, “Something’s on to You.” And Trevor yelled, “They Know that I did that?!! They Know?!!!! They Know that . . .” And Brian replied, “No, I literally mean that there is a piece of lint on Your Clothing.”
Mr. Clarks said to Mr. Larks, “Let’s Whisper some Secrets to each other.” And Mr. Larks Yelled some of His Secrets. And Mr. Clarks replied, “I asked You to Whisper.” And Mr. Larks replied, “I forgot My Quiet Voice at Home.”
During a Concert, The Man was Given a Speeding Ticket by 39 Uniformed Police Officers -- who came through The Stage’s Trap Door -- for having clapped too Fast, with a Police Man saying, “Sir, ignorance of The Law is No Excuse. And You clapped too Fast after that Last Performance. And We have to Write You Up.”
And More Jokes that I Wrote:
The Woman said to The Man, “Drive this Car like You own The Highway.” And The Man replied, “I do own this Highway. And I bought it from My Imaginary Friend for 9 Bottle Caps.”
Buddy the Dog meets a dog named, Bandit, and Buddy finds out that Bandit is His Brother, and Buddy the Dog and Bandit both say, at The Same Time, “We are Brothers.”
The Man said to a Woman, “What are You looking at on That Globe of The World?” And The Woman replied, “I’m seeing if this Globe has a Tail, as someone told Me to Grab The World by its Tail.”
A Joke that Wrote: The Banker showed another Banker what they were now using for Safety Deposit Boxes at The Bank: Shoe Boxes, and a Broken Dishwasher attached by cords to a Canoe, for those who Need to Store a lot of things at The Bank.
Mr. Roker asked Mr. Corker: “Were these Dishes washed Correctly?” And Mr. Corker said, “Yes.” And Mr. Roker replied, “Did You put these Dishes in the Dishwasher for exactly 88.231 Minutes, and then Dried with Them with a Goatskin Napkin with Three Pictures of Red Roses on the Front of the Napkin, and 8 Pictures of Red Roses on the Back of the Napkin?” And Mr. Corker replied, “Yes, to all of that, except one of the Pictures of The Roses on The Napkin sort of Faded, which made it sort of Pink.” And Mr. Roker replied, “Mr. Corker You are Hereby Fired. I will Not have My Dishes be Dirty from Having Contact with a Pink Rose. And You should have Invented a Time Machine to make sure that Red Rose did Not Turn Pink. What were You Thinking?!!”
The Man said to a Woman, “We have to find a Cotton Ball that I lost in this House.” And The Woman replied, “Why?” And The Man said, “It has in it 39,000 Pounds of Gold.” And The Woman said, “What?! How big is it?” And The Man replied, “It’s just a regular cotton ball that is about half of an inch tall and about half of an inch wide. And it weighs about 1/100 of a pound.” And The Woman said, “Then how can it have 39,000 pounds of Gold in it?!” And The Man replied, “It’s a Magical Cotton Ball that Stores the Gold in another Dimension.” And The Woman said, “Oh, that makes sense. Let’s start looking for that Magical Cotton Ball. Mommy needs a New Pair of Gold Plated Shoes.”
A Joke that I Wrote: While walking down a Street, The Man went up to 9 People, and He said to each of Them, “Read The Rest of The Newspaper! You didn’t Read all of The Newspaper. Read the Rest of it!”
A Joke: The Woman said to The Man: “My Birthday is also National Lobster and Steak Day, so Pony Up, Mister, and get that wad of cash of yours that you put under The Refrigerator.” And The Man replied: “How do You know that I put My Money under The Refrigerator?!” And The Woman replied, “I was cleaning the other day, and I found it, and I secured a Non-Mutually Agreed Upon Loan with it.” And The Man said, “What does that Mean?” And The Woman replied, “In other Words, It means that You had better find a better Hiding Place for Your Money, as I took it, and I left an IOU Note.”
A Joke that I Wrote: The Man went up to people randomly on the Street, and He kept on saying, “That was Not for Monetary Purposes. That was Not for Monetary Purposes!” And Finally a Woman said, “What are You talking about? I don’t even know You.” And The Man replied, “I don’t know what that means, all I know is that it wasn’t for Monetary Purposes.”
The Man said to The Woman, “We are Getting so old that the oldies songs on The Radio are our children's music.”
The Man said to a Woman, “This Jar of Liquid will cause You to have Uncontrollable Laughter, and this other Jar of Liquid will cause You to Uncontrollably do Jumping Jacks. And Be Careful, as if You get them mixed Up and You use the Wrong one on The Wrong Occasion, that could lead to a Disaster.”
Joke: Nine Adults kept on saying over and over again, “Is it Ready? Is it ready?” – over and over again, about food -- Raw Steaks -- that were placed in an oven about three seconds ago.
Some More of My Writings:
CD52E. The Man said, “He is probably Nice to some People, and He is probably Not too Nice to some Other People, depending on The Situations. And Some People sort of like Him, and Some Other People sort of Dislike Him. And that is OK. And that is also Normal.”
CD53E. The Man said, “She is probably Nice to some People, and She is probably Not too Nice to some Other People , depending on The Situations. And Some People sort of like Her, and Some Other People sort of Dislike Her. And that is OK. And that is also Normal.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
A Woman ate tiny bites out of Her Grandson’s Valentine Candies, and when Her Grandson asked about this, She replied, “The Valentine Candy Biter must have done that. Have You heard about Him? He takes bites out of kids’ Valentine Candies in order to see what kind of candy each one is. And My Mother told Me about The Valentine Candy Biter when I noticed Tiny Bites out of My Valentine Candies.”
And More of My Writings, and Quotations too:
1. In one of My one of My Writings, The Man said, “About 2 out of 3 isn’t too Bad. And about 2/3 isn’t too bad. And that isn’t too Bad. And those aren’t too Bad. And that is Valuable. And those are Valuable. And that is Useful. And those are Useful.” Valuable. Valuables. Value. Values. Valued. Useful. Usefulness. Asset. Assets. Resource. Resources. Resourceful. Resourcefulness. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
2. Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone: “Don’t Forget about Your Asset. And don’t Forget about Your Assets.” Asset. Assets.
3. Here is a Quote from Winston Churchill: “There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true.”
4. And Here is another Quote from Winston Churchill: “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
Here is a Quote from Wolf Blitzer on February 27, 2017, on CNN (Cable News Network): “They say once a Navy Seal, always a Navy Seal.” And there is also the well-known saying, “Once a Marine, Always a Marine.” And Many Organizations openly say that once You are a Member, You are Always a Member.
Here are Some Jokes that I Wrote:
1. Brian showed John a small doll’s house, and Brian said, “This Doll’s House is Your New House that You’ll be living in.” And John said, “No one could live in this Doll’s House, and it’s only about 2 Feet by 3 Feet.” And Brian said, “Looks like You’ll have to Create a Magical Shrinking Potion ASAP.”
2. When not Eating Pepperoni Pizza, Buddy the Dog likes to Watch The News on Television.
3. The Rich and Famous Singer chose to Live in a Restaurant’s Food Pantry.
4. That Political Party’s National Convention: It is not just windy outside.
5. Instead of the Sport of Snow Boarding, a person should be able to go to a Mountain to go Yogurt Boarding.
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Man said, “Blow the Trumpets. And Sound the Alarms. And Usher in The Barking Pomeranian Dogs.”
The Following Joke was Partially Contributed by a Roommate, and it was Wrote with His Permission:
At a County Fair, a Woman who was in Charge of a Booth said some Very Controversial Things that did Not Make Good Sense, and The Man finally said, “Well, I believe that Ostriches and Zebras should Scoop Trash into Trash Cans, do you agree?” And the Woman said, “I will Not even answer such a Ridiculous Question.” And The Man Replied, “I asked that Question because I thought that it would have been Good if there was at least one thing that We could agree on.”
Jokes that I Wrote:
1. A Commercial on Television was for the Following: “Have you found Yourself Talking to Someone that You Don’t Want to Talk to? The Answer is the Dress, Skirt, Pants, and Shorts, also known as the DSPS, that Literally Sprays Water. With the DSPS Water Sprayer, all You have to Do is Press a Button on Your Watch, and Your Clothing will Spray Water, which will Provide a Good Excuse for You to Avoid Talking to that Mr. or Mrs. Know it All. Order Today, and You’ll get a Complimentary Car that Sprays Water with Your Order.”
2. A Magazine had the Following written on Page 9: “From The Desk of The Copy-Editor, The Following is a Typpo Korrrrection for Laest Month’s Issue of Our Magaziine:”
3. A Man Petted an Invisible Dog, and which He Tried to have avoid Getting into a Fight with an Invisible Cat, which Entertained Him until His Cable TV and Internet Started Working Again.
4. A Man accidently Tripped Over The Dog’s Food and Water Bowls -- which made a Big Mess -- and He said to Himself, “I’ll blame it on an Aardvark and Platypus Crime Syndicate.”
5. A Woman looked at a Man’s College Diploma that was Hanging on a Wall, and The Diploma stated that He Got His College Degree in Fibbing with Minor Degrees in Shooting The Breeze and Gossiping.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
1. A Woman asked Her 9 Year Old Son, “Did You do Tonight’s Homework?” And The Son replied: “Video Games are More Fun.”
2. A Joke that I Wrote: A College Admission Officer read a Student’s Recommendation from a Teacher: “My Student, John Johnson, has a Bad Attitude. And He also frequently dyes His Hair Dark Green, and He Skips class in Order to avoid My Bad Body Odor, and to avoid My Tendency to Purposefully Scrape the Chalkboard with My Fingernails. And I do not recommend Him without any reservations. Signed, Thelma Louise Teapot aka Dome Scandal.”
3. Think if Certain Inventions had Never been Invented. No Washer and Dryer, and We’d Stink. No Television, and We’d Die from Boredom. No Internet, and Good Luck finding the Meaning of that Obscure Word that You Just Heard.
4. A Sign Stated, “Welcome to The State of Sketchydelphia.”
Rhymes of Mine:
1. Mr. Horatio Horace, who was Hoarse from Eating Horseradish, Rode His Horse who was also Hoarse.
2. It Dawned on Mr. Long to, instead of Banging a Gong, to go to the Dentist to Check on His Too Long of Teeth, although He Longed to Sing a Song while Playing Ping Pong.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
1. A Governor had a Press Conference, and The First Words that He Said were, “I am an Ice Cream Addict. And I’m also Ambidextrous.”
2. An 89 year old Man said, “When I Grow Up, I want to be a Gerontologist.”
3. A Joke that I Wrote: Makeup is a Term that can Mean to Make Better. Makeup can also be in powder or liquid or gel form and can be Put on the Face to Make the Face Look Better. When Someone Metaphorically Kisses and Makeup, that can Help Make People’s Minds Feel Better. Makeup Homework can Help Make Someone’s Grades Better. Some Men have been known to Makeup Stories about Where They were to Help Make Their Relationships with Their Girlfriends Better. Makeup.
4. After Looking at That Artwork, I Don’t Think Medusa was So Bad.
5. A Man had a Business Card that Stated just one Word, which was the Word -- “Whoa.”
6. A Joke that I Wrote: The Prosecution said to The Judge, “I ask to enter into evidence The Defendant’s Collection of Clown Wigs.” Within 9 Seconds, everyone Fainted in the Courthouse except The Defendant, at which point The Defendant Got Up and Left the Courthouse.
7. During The Halftime of a Basketball Game, the Cheerleaders did their dances, while a Man in the Bleachers repeatedly yelled at The Top of His Lungs, “Where are the Battlefield Reenactments?! I want to See the Battlefield Reenactments!”
8. A Man was Shooting His Water Gun in the Air Outside, and He Said to Another Man, “I’m Literally Just Shooting the Breeze.”
9. A Joke that I Wrote: In a Courtroom, a Judge said, “In Sentencing You, I am Going to Throw the Book at You,” and The Judge then Physically Threw a Book at the Convicted Criminal.
10. The Laughter Alarm screamed, “Warning: There is Too Much Laughter in the Room.”
11. A Man asked Another Man, “What do you want to Watch on TV?” And The Other Man Replied, “Let’s Watch The Mildew Removal Channel, as I think that I missed one of The Episodes.”
12. Have you heard of a 5th year High School Senior? He is a 49th year High School Senior, and next Year will be The 50th Year that He’s been in High School, and He still is Trying to Pass Physical Education (PE).
13. A Joke that I Wrote: A College Dean handed a book to the College Student, and the College Dean said, “This book has information about Our College’s Cheating System. And Cheating is very important here. In your Junior Year, you are eligible to Petition to be a Member of The Cheating Committee. Do you have any questions about Our College’s Cheating System?” And The Student said, “I thought that Cheating was Wrong.” And The College Dean then said, “You weren’t Brought Up Correctly.”
14. A Man said to a Woman at a Party, after Shaking Her Hand: “My Name is Gary, and I’m a Pathological Liar, and I’m being Honest about that.”
15. A Doctor’s Doctor Bag was Completely Filled with Red Frisbees.
16. The Man went to Several People at a Party, and He said to each of Them, “A Lion Bit Off My Foot.” Finally, a Woman said, “But You have Both of Your Feet.” And The Man Replied, “I’m a Time Traveler who recently got back from The Future, and I know that in 89 years from today, a Lion will Bite Off My Foot, and I wanted You to know this.”
A Rhyme of Mine:
The Coaster Helped Make The Oyster Moister.
I like being a Family Member (FM), and My Cousin Betty was an Executive of a Company, as was My Uncle Perry.
A Rhyme of Mine:
Mr. Skip slipped on slippery slippers when staying in and sleeping over in a sleeper.
Here are Jokes that I Wrote:
1. The Man’s Name Tag at The Talk Show of an (Alleged) Mind-Reader stated in cursive handwriting, “Mr. Smith, if You are Really a Mind-Reader, then You should probably Know what My Name is, unless You are having a Bad Mind-Reading Day, or a Case of Mind-Reader’s Block. What’s My Name? And what am I Thinking?”
2. The Woman asked The Man, “Why do You keep on Walking around The House?” And The Man replied, “Because Walking around The House is Cheaper than Buying a Treadmill.”
3. At a Job Interview, The Woman giving The Job Interview asked, “What is your Talent?” And The Man replied, “I’m Talented at Chewing Gum and Daydreaming. And Am I Hired for The Job Yet?”
And More News from Around The World:
From The New York Times ( “As Leaks Multiply, Fears of a ‘Deep State’ in America”.
From The “Trump suggests ignoring World Trade Organization in major policy shift”
From “Trump administration would ignore WTO rulings it sees as anti-U.S.: FT”.
From “New American Spy Satellite Launches on Classified Mission”.
From “Academy Boots Both PwC Accountants From Next Year’s Oscars”.
From The “FBI planned to pay spy behind Trump-Russia dossier”.
From The “Terminal cancer patients in complete remission after one gene therapy treatment”.
From The LATimes: “Trump blames Obama for protests and gives himself a 'C or a C-plus' on getting his message out”.
From “The 12 bacteria posing greatest risk to humans”.
From “Ohio's Secretary of State Discovered Non-Citizens Voted”.
From “PwC: 'We failed the Academy' in best picture mess up”.
From “New York Times editor Dean Baquet: Why journalists need to use anonymous sources”.
From “Heart failure Breakthrough: Stem cells trial offers hope to millions”.
From “Mysterious sea creature in Philippines’ shore baffles researchers”.
From “Swedish 'national security advisor' interviewed by Fox News not known to Swedish officials: report”.
From “Trump rejects DHS intelligence report on travel ban”.
From “White House denies wrongdoing in conversations with FBI”.
From “Bill Cosby Trial: Judge Rules Only One Additional Accuser Will Testify”.
From “Trump tweets anger at FBI while White House scrambles to contain fallout”.
From “Trump blasts FBI 'leakers' after reports on Priebus conversation”.
From “Protesters Pass out Russian Trump Flags at CPAC”.
From “It's a scary time for the world, says Martin Scorsese”.
From “White House blocks CNN, other news organizations from press briefing”.
From “White House Bars CNN, NYT, Others From Media Briefing”.
From “Norway Warns Sweden Will Collapse, PM Will Defy Geneva Convention To Protect Border”.
From “H7N9 bird flu has the makings of a pandemic virus, scientists warn”.
From “UFO sightings are at an all-time high”.
From “CNN Leaks: Conservative Activist James O’Keefe Publishes Alleged Newsroom Footage”.
From “H7N9 Mutation Makes Bird Flu Virus Drug-Resistant And More Infectious”.
Here are Two Rhymes of Mine:
1. In Asia Minor, a Minor was Not Allowed to be a Coal Miner, as He had been Convicted of a Minor Offense when He was a Minor.
2. The Man said to another Man, “Before I Write Your Recommendation, I Recommend that You Write a Recommendation and a Commendation for a Friend who Discovered how to Mend an Ion.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Waiter said to a Customer at a Restaurant, “We are all out of Coffee, although We do have Plenty of Used Coffee Grounds. Here are some Used Coffee Grounds.”
Here are Jokes that I Wrote:
The Woman asked The Man, “Does The Steak taste Good?” And The Man replied, “The Steak tastes like Chicken. And that Chicken over there tastes like Steak.”
Joke: During a Child’s Birthday, the Parents went into The Restroom Together and counted down the years, days, and hours until the Child will go away for College.
The Man said, “I am an Actor, although I do Not always engage in Acting. And You’ll know that I’m Acting when I put on My Acting Hat.” And Then The Man put on a Red Acting Hat that had the Words, “The Acting Hat,” on it.
The Man said to The Woman, “I Need to Stop Pouring Money down The Drain.” And The Woman replied, “What do You mean? You are Very Good with Your Money, and You are Very Frugal.” And The Man replied, “No, what I mean is that I accidently dropped 2 Quarters down the Kitchen Sink’s Drain.”
Here is Joke that I Wrote: The person who was 18 thought that He was 81, because it was opposite day.
And More of My Writings:
1. The Person said, “Look at that Good Job (GJ) that that Man did. He is a Good Contributor (GC). And He made a Good Contribution (GC). And He is a Good Architect (GA). And He is a Good Worker (GW).”
2. The Person said, “Look at that Good Job (GJ) that that Woman did. She is a Good Contributor (GC). And She made a Good Contribution (GC). And She is a Good Architect (GA). And She is a Good Worker (GW).”
3. Knowledge is passed down from Generation to Generation -- for example, bleach and ammonia do Not Mix Well, and such a Mixture can create deadly fumes. And about the avoidance of the combination of cherries and ice cream, and the avoidance of the combination of cherries and milk -- to help avoid stomach aches.
Here are Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man said to The Woman, “Those People are Really Coming out of The Woodwork in order to get that Good Deal.” And The Woman said, “Yes, they sure are.” And The Man said, “No, I literally mean that they are coming out of The Woodwork,” and He pointed to some Woodwork, where -- using Computer Animation -- People were literally coming out of The Woodwork.
A Joke: There were 89 Referees Officiating in one Wrestling Match, and their Rulings sometimes Contradicted each other.
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Pilot of an Airplane got on The Intercom, and He said, “This is Your Pilot. Please Brace Yourself for a lot of upcoming Air Turbulence.” And -- during the Period where there was a lot of Air Turbulence -- 9 People Kept Yelling, “How is the Stock Market Doing? I don’t care about The Air Turbulence! How is the Stock Market Doing?! How are The Numbers on The Big Board doing?! How are those Numbers on The Computer Screens doing?!”
Here are Some More of My Writings:
The Man said, “In Many Ways, I am The Referee (TR).” The Referee. The Referees (TR). Referee. Referees.
The Man said, “In Many Ways, I am The Umpire (TU).” The Umpire. The Umpires (TU). Umpire. Umpires.
The Man said, “In Many Ways, I am The Judge (TJ).” The Judge. The Judges (TJ). Judge. Judges.
The Man said, “In Many Ways, I am The Navigator (TN).” The Navigator. The Navigators (TN). Navigator. Navigators.
The Man said, “In Many Ways, I am The Architect (TA).” The Architect. The Architects (TA). Architect. Architects.
The Man said, “Many individuals have been in a Conflict or in Conflicts. And Many individuals have been in a Conflict or in Conflicts with an individual or with individuals. And Many individuals have been in a Conflict or in Conflicts with an Organization or with Organizations. And Many Organizations have been in a Conflict or in Conflicts. And Many Organizations have been in a Conflict or in Conflicts with an individual or with individuals. And Many Organizations have been in a Conflict or in Conflicts with an Organization or with Organizations.” Conflict. Conflicts. The Conflict (TC). The Conflicts (TC). Some Conflict (SC). Some Conflicts (SC). A Conflict (AC). A Minor Conflict (AMC). Minor Conflicts (MC). A Major Conflict (AMC). Major Conflicts (MC). A Very Minor Conflict (AVMC). Very Minor Conflict (VMC). A Very Major Conflict (AVMC). Very Major Conflicts (VMC). An Extremely Minor Conflict (AEMC). Extremely Minor Conflicts (EMC). An Extremely Major Conflict (AEMC). Extremely Major Conflicts (EMC). Minor. Major. Very Minor (VM). Very Major (VM). Extremely Minor (EM). Extremely Major (EM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Car Dealer said to a Customer, “The only Major Problem with this Truck is that when you turn on the Truck, the Truck quickly goes forward about 21 feet, and then back about 9 feet. I’ll show you what I mean.” The Car Dealer then turned the car on, and it crashed into the Car Dealership Building itself, and thankfully no one was injured. The Customer said, “I don’t see that that will be a problem. Here’s the 8,000 dollars for the car in 4,000 Two Dollar Bills. I’m a Big Fan of US President Thomas Jefferson,” and The Customer Dumped Money on the Car Dealer from a Garbage Bag.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said, “I am a Member of The Nap Time Political Party, also known as The NT. And I enjoy Napping .”
And Some More of My Writings:
The Man said, “That would probably make The Situation Worse.” Worse. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Man said, “Father God has been Good to Me. And Father God has been Very Good (VG) to Me.” Good. Very Good (VG).
The Man said, “The Cold War. And The New Cold War.” Cold War (CW). New Cold War (NCW).
A Motto for a Certain Credit Union is, “Once a Member, Always a Member,” which is also a Motto for The US Marines. And this Real Lifetime Membership Concept is True for Many Other Organizations. Real. Reality. True. Truthfully.
The Man said, “In a classroom, I learned from a Teacher about The Concept of, “Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD).” Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). And this Real Concept Prevents Many Things. And this Real Concept Prevents Many Important Things.
Here is Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “I spent all of our Life Savings Today.” And The Woman replied, “What? We have Spent 33 years Building up Our Nest Egg. And it was a Huge Nest Egg. What on Earth did you spend Our Lifesavings On?” And The Man replied, “I bought 89,000 Used Toothpicks with Our Savings. Don’t you think that that is a Good Investment? Why don’t you put on a Gas Mask and Help Me Unload the Used Toothpicks from the Trunk of Our Car?” And then The Woman Fainted.
A Joke that I Wrote: The Suspect, whose name was Mr. Sussman, was Suspected of being a Surprisingly Sketchy Suspect.
And More of My Writings:
The Level (TL). The Levels (TL). Level. Levels. The Many Levels (TML).
The Layer (TL). The Layers (TL). Layer. Layers. The Many Layers (TML).
The Layer of The Onion (TLOTO). The Layers of The Onion (TLOTO). The Many Onions (TMO).
The Layer of The Onions (TLOTO). The Layers of The Onions (TLOTO). The Many Onions (TMO).
The Man said, “That Important Lynchpin holds Many Important Things Together.” Lynchpin. Important Lynchpin (IL). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman asked The Man, “Why is Our House filled with Candy Bar Wrappers? How many Candy Bars have you eaten?” And The Man said, “I just got back from The Big House -- aka The Slammer -- Yesterday, and I have Not eaten a Candy Bar in 7 years. This is My 83rd Miniature Candy Bar that I have eaten today. I am Making Up for Lost Time.” And then the Man Loudly Burped 19 Times while doing Jumping Jacks.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote: A Man named Gary went up to 8 People at a Party, and He said, “What is on your Shirt? And What does that Spell?” And a Man named Tony replied, “There is Nothing on My Shirt, and there are No Words on My Shirt.” And Gary pulled out a Magnifying Glass, and Gary said, “I am also an Inspector, and There is going to be an Inspection right Now to see if there are any Words on Your Shirt,” and then Gary inspected The Shirt with His Magnifying Glass.
Here are Some of My Writings: Close. Close Call (CC). Close Calls (CC). Close, but No Cigar (CBNC). Close, but No Cigars (CBNC). Done. Completed. Not Done (ND). Not Completed (NC). Good. Bad. Nice. Not Nice (NN). Right. Wrong. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
At a Party The Man Yelled aloud and He said, “Help! I am Stuck in the Guide Section of the Cable Television. And all the Information about The Channels say, ‘To Be Announced. This an Emergency,” and Then The Man started doing Pushups, while at The Same Time He Loudly said, “Seven, Nine, Three Thousand, and Ten Thousand and One. Now I’m done with Today’s Pushups.”
And More of My Writings:
The Man said, “That is The Tip of The Iceberg. And that is The Metaphorical Tip of The Iceberg. And those are The Tips of The Icebergs. And those are The Metaphorical Tips of The Icebergs. And that is an Indication and/or some Indications and/or an Indicator and/or an Indicators [ ]. And that Indicates [ ]. And those Indicate [ ]. And that Hints that [ ]. And that is a Hint that [ ]. And that is Just The Smokescreen. And those are Just The Smokescreens. And that is The Paradox -- Seemingly Self-Contradictory yet True. And those are The Paradoxes. And that is The Reality. And those are The Realities. And that is The Truth. And those are The Truths.” The Tip of The Iceberg (TTOTI and TOTI). The Metaphorical Tip of The Iceberg (TMTOTI and MTOTI). The Tips of The Icebergs (TTOTI and TOTI). The Metaphorical Tips of The Icebergs (TMTOTI and MTOTI). The Smokescreen (TS). The Smokescreens (TS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Paradox (TP). The Paradoxes (TP). The Reality (TR). The Realities (TR). The Truth (TT). The Truths (TT). Smokescreen. Smokescreens. Paradox. Paradoxes. Reality. Realities. Truth. Truths. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Man asked another Man, “Why are You so Resistant to the Idea that that Might be True? And Why are You so Resistant to the Idea that that other Thing Might be False? It is a Good Idea to have an Open Mind.” True. Truth. Truths. Truthfully. Truthfulness. False. Falsely. Falsehood. Falsehoods. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “The Double Headed Eagle (TDHE and DHE).”
And More of My Writings:
Guide. Guides. Guiding. Guided. Navigate. Navigates. Navigating. Navigation. Navigations. Navigated. Navigator. Navigators. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
On March 2, 2017 – on Cable TV, on The Fox News Channel (FNC) – Bill O’Reilly talked about how some People have Exaggerated “Slightly,” and how some People have engaged in, “Nitpicking.” Slight. Slights. Slightly. Nitpick. Nitpicks. Nitpicking. Nitpicked.
Here are Some More of My Writings:
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I do Not Need Permission To Be Who I am (IDNNPTBWIA). And I do Not Need Permission to Be Who I am Not (AIDNNPTBWIAN and IDNNPTBWIAN). To Be Who I am (TBWIA). Who I am (WIA). I am (IA). To Be Who I am Not (TBWIAN). Who I am Not (WIAN). I am Not (IAN).”
Compromise. Compromised. Compromises. Compromising. Very Compromise. Very Compromised. Very Compromises. Very Compromising. Extremely Compromise. Extremely Compromised. Extremely Compromises. Extremely Compromising. Uncompromise. Uncompromised. Uncompromises. Uncompromising. Very Uncompromise. Very Uncompromised. Very Uncompromises. Very Uncompromising. Extremely Uncompromise. Extremely Uncompromised. Extremely Uncompromises. Extremely Uncompromising. Not Compromise. Not Compromised. Not Compromises. Not Compromising. Not Very Compromise. Not Very Compromised. Not Very Compromises. Not Very Compromising. Not Extremely Compromise. Not Extremely Compromised. Not Extremely Compromises. Not Extremely Compromising.
Important Compromise. Importantly Compromised. Important Compromises. Important Compromising. Very Important Compromise. Very Importantly Compromised. Very Important Compromises. Very Importantly Compromising. Extremely Important Compromise. Extremely Important Compromised. Extremely Important Compromises. Extremely Important Compromising. Important Uncompromise. Importantly Uncompromised. Important Uncompromises. Importantly Uncompromising. Very Important Uncompromise. Very Importantly Uncompromised. Very Important Uncompromises. Very Important Uncompromising. Extremely Important Uncompromise. Extremely Importantly Uncompromised. Extremely Important Uncompromises. Extremely Important Uncompromising. Not Important Compromise. Not Importantly Compromised. Not Important Compromises. Not Important Compromising. Not Very Important Compromise. Not Very Importantly Compromised. Not Very Important Compromises. Not Very Important Compromising. Not Extremely Important Compromise. Not Extremely Important Compromised. Not Extremely Important Compromises. Not Extremely Important Compromising.
Not. Knot. Knots. No. Nos. Non. Yes. Yeses. Ayes. Ayes. Oui. Nay. Nays. Maybe. Maybes. Probably. Probablies. Probably Not. Probably Yes. Maybe Yes. Maybe No. Very. Extremely. Mild. Mildly. Harsh. Harshly. Fair. Fairly. Unfair. Unfairly. Good. Bad. Right. Wrong. Neutral. Neutrally. Neutrality. Neutralities. Neutrals.
(The) Element. (The) Elements. (The) Non-Element. (The) Non-Elements. (The) Whole. (The) Wholes. Wholly. Wholesome. Wholesomes. Wholesomeness. Holy. Holies. Holiness. Holistically. (The) Part. (The) Parts. (The) Parting. (The) Parted. Partly. Section. Sectionally. Sections. Significant. Very Significant. Extremely Significant. Non-Significant. Not Very Significant. Not Extremely Significant. Almost. Not Quite (NQ). Quit. Quite. Silence. Silences. Silencing. Silenced.
(The) Faction. (The) Factions. (The) Faction Member (TFM and FM). (The) Faction Members (TFM and FM).
One System (OS). Two Systems (TS). Several Systems (SS). Many Systems (MS). A Few Systems (AFS and FS).
Intellectual. Intellectuals. Intellectual Member (IM). Intellectual Members (IM).
Scholar. Scholars. Scholar Member (SM). Scholar Members (SM).
Historian. Historians. Historian Member (HM). Historian Members (HM).
Journalist. Journalists. Journalist Member (JM). Journalist Members (JM).
Staff Writer (SW). Staff Writers (SW). Staff Writer Member (SWM). Staff Writer Members (SWM).
Newspaper Writer (NW). Newspaper Writers (NW). Newspaper Writer Member (NWM). Newspaper Writer Members (NWM).
Writer. Writers. Writer Member (WM). Writer Members (WM).
Joke Writer (JW). Joke Writers (JW). Joke Writer Member (JWM). Joke Writer Members (JWM).
Comedy Writer (CW). Comedy Writers (CW). Comedy Writer Member (CWM). Comedy Writer Members (CWM).
Screen Writer (SW). Screen Writers (SW). Screen Writer Member (SWM). Screen Writer Members (SWM).
Copy-Editor (CE). Copy-Editors (CE). Copy-Editor Member (CEM). Copy-Editor Members (CEM).
Story Teller (ST). Story Tellers (ST). Story Teller Member (STM). Story Teller Members (STM).
Staff. Staffs. Staff Member (SM). Staff Members (SM).
Grammarian. Grammarians. Grammarian Member (GM). Grammarian Members (GM).
Dishwasher. Dishwashers. Dishwasher Member (DM). Dishwasher Members (DM).
Housekeeper. Housekeepers. Housekeeper Members (HM). Housekeeper Members (HM).
Jack of Many Trades (JOMT) -- aka Jack. Jacks of Many Trades (JOMT) -- aka Jacks. Jack of Many Trades Member (JOMTM) -- aka Jack. Jack of Many Trades Members (JOMTM) -- aka Jacks.
Member. Members. Organization Member (OM). Organization Members (OM).
Entertainer. Entertainers. Entertainer Member (EM). Entertainer Members (EM).
Blogger. Bloggers. Blogger Member (BM). Blogger Members (BM).
Volunteer. Volunteers. Volunteer Member (VM). Volunteer Members (VM).
Worker. Workers. Worker Member (WM). Worker Members (WM).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Creeper. Creepers. Creeping. Creepings. Creeped. Creep. Creeps. The Creeper (TC). The Creepers (TC). The Creeping (TC). The Creepings (TC). The Creeped (TC). The Creep (TC). The Creeps (TC).”
Here are Some More of My Writings:
In one of My Writings, The Man asked, “Would a Reasonable Person think that this is Fair? And Would a Reasonable Person Think that this should be done this Way? And What would a Reasonable Person Think? And What would a Reasonable Person Say? And What would a Reasonable Person Write? And What would a Reasonable Person do?”
Web. Webs. Webbing. Webbings. Webbed. The Web. The Webs.
Invested. Invest. Invests. Investing. Investments.
Heavily Invested. Invest Heavily. Invests Heavily. Investing Heavily. Heavy Investments.
Lightly Invested. Invest Lightly. Invests Lightly. Investing Lightly. Light Investments.
Light. Lights. Lightly. Lighted. Non-Light. Non-Lights. Not Lightly. Not Lighted.
Heavy. Not Heavy.
Weave. Weaves. Weaving. Weaved. Fabric. Fabrics.
The Weave. The Weaves. The Weaving. The Weaved. The Fabric. The Fabrics.
The Weaver. The Weavers. Weaver. Weavers. The Weaver Member (TWM). The Weaver Members (TWM). Weaver Member (WM). Weaver Members (WM).
The Domino. The Dominos.
The Man said, “The Card Game. And The Card Games.”
The Man said, “The Game. And The Games.”
The Man said, “The Board Game. And The Board Games.”
The Man said, “The Charity. And The Charities.”
The Man said, “The Gift. And The Gifts.”
E18. The Man said, “The Volunteer. And The Volunteers. And The Volunteering. And The Volunteerings.”
The Man said, “The Donation. And The Donations.”
The Man said, “The Vial. And The Vials.”
E16. The Man said, “The Rejuvenation. And The Rejuvenations.”
E17. The Man said, “The Regeneration. And The Regenerations.”
The Man said, “The Work. And The Works.”
The Man said, “The Working. And The Workings.”
The Man said, “The Sanctuary. And The Sanctuaries. And The Inner Sanctuary. And The Inner Sanctuaries. And The Outer Sanctuary. And The Outer Sanctuaries.”
The Man said, “The Inner. And The Inners. And The Inner Circle. And The Inner Circles. And The Outer. And The Outers. And The Outer Circle. And The Outer Circles.”
The Man said, “Coalition. Coalitions. The Coalition (TC). The Coalitions (TC).”
The Man said, “Coalition of The Willing (COTW). Coalitions of The Willing (COTW). The Coalition of The Willing (TCOTW). The Coalitions of The Willing (TCOTW).”
In one of My Writings, The Woman said, “Buddy you were a Baby last Week, and you are an Adult this Week.” And The Woman says, “Buddy, be careful Not to Make too Many Important Mistakes.” And Buddy replied, “I have made Important Mistakes? Which ones? And what can I learn from those Mistakes?”
Focused. Focus. Focuses. Focusing.
And More of My Writings:
The Music. The Musics. Music. Musics. The Musical. The Musicals. Musical. Musicals.
The Muse. The Muses. Muse. Muses. The Mused. The Musing. The Musings. Mused. Musing. Musings.
(The) Think. (The) Thinks. (The) Thought. (The) Thoughts. (The) Thinked. (The) Thinking.
The Power Structure. The Power Structures. Power Structure. Power Structures.
The Structure. The Structures. Structure. Structures.
Secret. Very Secret (VS). Extremely Secret (ES). Top Secret (TS). Very Top Secret (VTS). Extremely Top Secret (ETS). For Your Eyes Only (FYEO). Confidential. Confidentiality. Confidentiality Agreement(s) (CA).
Consequence. Consequences. Bad Consequence (BC). Bad Consequences (BC). Very Bad Consequence (VBC). Very Bad Consequences (VBC). Extremely Bad Consequence (EBC). Extremely Bad Consequences (EBC).
Consequence. Consequences. Good Consequence (GC). Good Consequences (GC). Very Good Consequence (VGC). Very Good Consequences (VGC). Extremely Good Consequence (EGC). Extremely Good Consequences (EGC).
(The) Concession. (The) Concessions. (The) Good Concession. (The) Good Concessions. (The) Very Good Concession. (The) Very Good Concessions. (The) Extremely Good Concession. (The) Extremely Good Concessions.
(The) Concession. (The) Concessions. (The) Bad Concession. (The) Bad Concessions. (The) Very Bad Concession. (The) Very Bad Concessions. (The) Extremely Bad Concession. (The) Extremely Bad Concessions.
Concede. Concedes. Agree. Agrees. Agreeing. Agreed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Carnival. Carnivals. Carny. Carnies. Perform. Performs. Performing. Performed. Performer. Performer. Circus. Circuses. Bread and Circuses (BAC).
Significant. Very Significant. Extremely Significant. Not Significant. Not Very Significant. Not Extremely Significant.
The Puzzle. The Puzzles. Puzzle. Puzzles.
The Maze. The Mazes. Maze. Mazes.
The Equation. The Equations. Equation. Equations. Equate. Equates. Equating. Equated. Equal. Equals. Equaling. Equaled. Equalize. Equalizes. Equalizer. Equalizers. Equalizing. Equalized. Calculate. Calculates. Calculating. Calculated. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Satisfy. Satisfies. Satisfied. Satisfying. Satisfied. Satisfaction. Satisfactions. Personally Satisfy (PS). Personally Satisfies (PS). Personally Satisfied (PS). Personally Satisfying (PS). Personally Satisfied (PS). Personal Satisfaction (PS). Personal Satisfactions (PS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Self. Myself. My. Mine. Me. I. Us. We. Our. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Answer. The Answers. Answer. Answers. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Solution. The Solutions. Solution. Solutions.
The Calculator. The Calculators. Calculator. Calculators.
The Email. The Emails. Email. Emails.
The Message. The Messages. Message. Messages.
The Letter. The Letters. Letter. Letters.
The Missive. The Missives. Missive. Missives.
The Meeting. The Meetings. Meeting. Meetings.
The Conversation. The Conversations. Conversation. Conversations.
The Agreement. The Agreements. Agreement. Agreements. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Decision. The Decisions. Decision. Decisions. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Thought. The Thoughts. Thought. Thoughts.
The Language. The Languages. Language. Languages.
The Luncheon. The Luncheons. Luncheon. Luncheons.
The Meal. The Meals. Meal. Meals.
The Path. The Paths. Path. Paths. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
(The) Bin. (The) Bins.
(The) Container. (The) Containers.
(The) Bed. (The) Beds.
(The) Furniture. (The) Furnitures.
(The) Chair. (The) Chairs.
(The) Television. Televisions.
(The) Show. (The) Shows.
(The) Radio. (The) Radios.
(The) Computer. (The) Computers.
(The) Software. (The) Softwares.
(The) Network. (The) Networks.
(The) Social Network. (The) Social Networks.
(The) Friend. (The) Friends.
(The) Family Member. (The) Family Members.
(The) Website. (The) Websites.
(The) Game. (The) Games.
(The) Sound. (The) Sounds.
(The) Picture. (The) Pictures.
(The) Image. (The) Images.
(The) Writing. (The) Writings.
(The) Metaphor. (The) Metaphors.
(The) Vitamin. (The) Vitamins.
(The) House. (The) Houses.
(The) Home. (The) Homes.
(The) Building. (The) Buildings.
(The) Office. (The) Offices.
(The) Office Building. (The) Office Buildings.
(The) Factory. (The) Factories.
(The) Warehouse. (The) Warehouses.
(The) Store House. (The) Store Houses.
(The) Mill. (The) Mills.
(The) Tree. (The) Trees.
Lumber. (The) Lumbers.
(The) Metal. (The) Metals.
(The) Ore. (The) Ores.
(The) Rock. (The) Rocks.
(The) Limb. (The) Limbs.
(The) Trunk. (The) Trunks.
(The) Tree Limb. (The) Tree Limbs.
(The) Tree Trunk. (The) Tree Trunks.
(The) Branch. (The) Branches.
(The) Tree Branch. (The) Tree Branches.
(The) Bracelet. (The) Bracelets.
(The) Necklace. (The) Necklaces
The) Watch. (The) Watches.
(The) Picture. (The) Pictures.
(The) Photo. (The) Photos.
Picture. Pictures.
Image. Images.
Baptism. Baptisms.
Profession. Professions.
Profession of Faith. Professions of Faith.
Byte. Bytes.
Megabyte. Megabytes.
Gigabyte. Gigabytes.
Terabyte. Terabytes.
Math. Maths.
Fraction. Fractions.
Algebra. Algebras.
Cursive. Cursives.
Subject. Subjects.
English Language. English Languages.
French Language. French Languages.
Geometry. Geometries.
The Core (TC). The Cores (TC). Core. Cores.
Keyboard. Keyboards. Keyboarding. Keyboardings.
Type. Types. Typing. Typed.
Skill. Skills.
Skill Set. Skill Sets.
Subject Matter. Subject Matters.
Dessert. Desserts.
Desert. Deserts.
(The) Forest. Forests.
(The) Jungle. Jungles.
(The) Swamp. Swamps.
(The) Prairie. Prairies.
(The) Tundra. Tundras.
Snow. Snows.
Sand. Sands.
Wind. Winds.
Sea. Seas.
Ocean. Oceans.
Lake. Lakes.
River. Rivers.
Snowman. Snowmen.
Snowperson. Snowpeople.
Iceman. Icemen.
Iceperson. Icepeople.
Rain. Rains.
Flake. Flakes.
Resource. Resources.
Tangible. Intangible.
Tangent. Tangents.
Tangency. Tangencies.
Massage. Massages.
Masseuse. Masseuses.
Worker. Workers.
Laptop. Laptops.
Camera. Cameras.
Video Camera. Video Cameras.
Mirror. Mirrors.
Wall. Walls.
Ceiling. Ceilings.
Sweepstake. Sweepstakes.
Lottery. Lotteries.
Disk. Disks.
Electronic. Electronics.
(The) Heat. (The) Heats.
(The) Cool. (The) Cools.
(The) Service. (The) Services.
(The) Church Service. (The) Church Services.
(The) Nutrient. (The) Nutrients.
(The) Water. (The) Waters.
(The) Beverage. (The) Beverages.
(The) Food. (The) Foods.
(The) Chess. (The) Chess Match. (The) Chess Matches. (The) Chess Game. (The) Chess Games.
(The) Metaphorical Chess. (The) Metaphorical Chess Match. (The) Metaphorical Chess Matches. (The) Metaphorical Chess Game. (The) Metaphorical Chess Games.
The Piece. The Pieces. Piece. Pieces.
The Important Piece. The Important Pieces. Important Piece. Important Pieces.
The Very Important Piece. The Very Important Pieces. Very Important Piece. Very Important Pieces.
The Extremely Important Piece. The Extremely Important Pieces. Extremely Important Piece. Extremely Important Pieces.
The Not Important Piece. The Not Important Pieces. Not Important Piece. Not Important Pieces.
The Not Very Important Piece. The Not Very Important Pieces. Not Very Important Piece. Not Very Important Pieces.
The Not Extremely Important Piece. The Not Extremely Important Pieces. Not Extremely Important Piece. Not Extremely Important Pieces.
(The) Common Bond. (The) Common Bonds. (The) Uncommon Bond. (The) Uncommon Bonds. (The) Bond. (The) Bonds. (The) Commonality. (The) Commonalities.
(The) Common Bonding. (The) Common Bondings. (The) Uncommon Bonding. (The) Uncommon Bondings. (The) Bonding. (The) Bondings.
The Meal. The Meals. Meal. Meals.
The Beverage. The Beverages. Beverage. Beverages.
(The) Test. (The) Tests. (The) Testing. (The) Testings. (The) Tested.
The Man said, “Behind The Curtain. And Behind The Curtains. And Behind The Scene. And Behind The Scenes.” (The) Curtain. (The) Curtains. (The) Scene. (The) Scenes. Behind. Not Behind.
The Man said, “Not Behind The Curtain. And Not Behind The Curtains. And Not Behind The Scene. And Not Behind The Scenes.” (The) Curtain. (The) Curtains. (The) Scene. (The) Scenes. Behind. Not Behind.
The Man said, “Covertly. Covert. Coverts. Coverted. Overtly. Overtly. Overt. Overt. Overted.”
(The) Painting. (The) Paintings. (The) Paint. (The) Paints. (The) Painted. (The) Painter. (The) Painters. (The) Painter Member (TPM and PM). (The) Painter Members (TPM and PM).
(The) Metaphorical Painting. (The) Metaphorical Paintings. (The) Metaphorical Paint. (The) Metaphorical Paints. (The) Metaphorical Painted. (The) Metaphorical Painter. (The) Metaphorical Painters. (The) Metaphorical Painter Member (TMPM and MPM). (The) Metaphorical Painter Members (TMPM and MPM).
(The) Pant. (The) Pants. (The) Panting. (The) Pantings. (The) Panted.
(The) Net. (The) Nets. (The) Netting. (The) Nettings. (The) Netted. (The) Nettle. (The) Nettles. (The) Nestle. (The) Nestles. (The) Nestled. (The) Nestling. (The) Nestlings. (The) Nest. (The) Nests.
(The) Hive. (The) Hives. (The) Hiving. (The) Hivings. (The) Hived.
(The) Armor. (The) Armors. (The) Armoring. (The) Armorings. (The) Armored.
(The) Boat. (The) Boats. (The) Boating. (The) Boatings. (The) Boated.
(The) Material. (The) Materials. (The) Materialize (The) Materializes. (The) Materialized.
(The) Momentum. (The) Momentums.
(The) Movement. (The) Movements.
(The) Inertia. (The) Inertias.
(The) Standstill. (The) Standstills. Regarding that Thing. Regarding those Things.
(The) Offensive. (The) Offensives. (The) Offender. (The) Offenders. (The) Offending. (The) Offended.
(The) Defensive. (The) Defensives. (The) Defender. (The) Defenders. (The) Defending. (The) Defended.
(The) Arc. (The) Arcs. (The) Arcing. (The) Arcings. (The) Arced.
(The) Arch. (The) Arches. (The) Arching. (The) Archings. (The) Arched.
(The) Archer. (The) Archers. (The) Archery. (The) Archeries.
(The) Bow. (The) Bows. (The) Bow and Arrow. (The) Bow and Arrows. (The) Bows and Arrow. (The) Bows and Arrows.
(The) Crossbow. (The) Crossbows. (The) Crossbow and Arrow. (The) Crossbow and Arrows. (The) Crossbows and Arrow. (The) Crossbows and Arrows.
(The) Sword. (The) Swords. (The) Shield. (The) Shields. (The) Sword and Shield. (The) Sword and Shields. (The) Swords and Shield. (The) Swords and Shields.
(The) Gym. (The) Gyms.
(The) Combination. (The) Combinations.
(The) Enforcer. (The) Enforcers. (The) Enforcing. (The) Enforcings. (The) Enforce. (The) Enforces. (The) Enforcement. (The) Enforcements. (The) Enforced.
(The) Stalemate. (The) Stalemates. (The) Stalemating. (The) Stalematings. (The) Stalemated. On that Subject. About that Subject.
Draw. Draws. Drawed. Drawing. Drawings.
Standstill Standstills.
Trench. Trenches. Treching. Trenched. Entrench. Entrenches. Entreching. Entreched.
(The) Check. (The) Checks. (The) Checking. (The) Checkings. (The) Checked. On that Subject. About that Subject.
(The) Checkmate. (The) Checkmates. (The) Checkmating. (The) Checkmatings. (The) Checkmated. On that Subject. About that Subject.
(The) Move. (The) Moves. (The) Moving. (The) Movings. (The) Moved. On that Subject. About that Subject.
(The) Still. (The) Stills. (The) Stilling. (The) Stillings. (The) Stilled. On that Subject. About that Subject.
(The) Inertia. (The) Inertias. On that Subject. About that Subject.
(The) Movement. (The) Movements. On that Subject. About that Subject.
(The) Motion. (The) Motions. (The) Motioning. (The) Motionings. (The) Motioned. On that Subject. About that Subject.
(The) Man who is (and/or was) Still. (The) Woman who is (and/or was) Still. (The) Men who are (and/or were) Still. (The) Women who are (and/or were) Still. (The) Person who is (and/or was) Still. (The) People who are (and/or were) Still.
The Man said, “It is Not Good to be Too Cheap (TC). And it is Not Good to be Too Stingy (TS).” About That (AT). About That Subject (ATS). About Those Things (ATT). About Those (AT). About Those Subjects. About Those Things (ATT).
The Field (TF). The Fields (TF).
I have Never Really Felt Weird for a Long Amount of Time. And I am Thankful for this.
And More of My Writings:
Proper Place. Proper Places. Properly Placed. Proper Placement. Proper Placements. Proper. Properly. Right Place. Right Places Right Placement. Right Placements. Right. Rights. Rightly. Correct Place. Correct Places. Correct Placement. Correct Placements. Place. Places. Placing. Placed. Placement. Placements. Correct. Corrects. Corrective. Correctly.
The Man said, “We are Circling The Wagon. And We are Circling The Wagons. And We Circled The Wagon. And We Circled The Wagons.” Circling The Wagon (CTW). Circling The Wagons (CTW). Circle The Wagon (CTW). Circle The Wagons (CTW). Circled The Wagon (CTW). Circled The Wagons (CTW).
The Process (TP). The Processes (TP). Process. Processes.
The Organization (TO). The Organizations (TO). Organization. Organizations. Organization Member (OM). Organization Members (OM).
The Association (TA). The Associations (TA). Association. Associations. Association Member (AM). Association Members (AM).
Type. Type of (TO). The Type (TT). The Type of (TTO). Types. Types of (TO). The Types (TT). The Types of (TTO). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
The Person said, “That Person is Not doing something Right. And that other Person is doing something Right.” I/He/She/We/They Am (Is) (Are) Not Doing something Right (H/S/W/T/INDSR). I/He/She/We/They Am (Is) (Are) Doing something Right (H/S/W/T/IDSR). About that Subject. About those Subjects.
Collect. Collects. Collecting. Collected. Collection. Collections.
The Empire (TE). The Empires (TE). Empire. Empires. The Empire Member (TEM). The Empire Members (TEM). Empire Member (EM). Empire Members (EM).
Par for the Course (PFTC). Par for the Courses (PFTC). The Par for the Course (TPFTC). The Par for the Courses (TPFTC).
Custom. Customs. Customize. Customizes. Customizing. Customized. (The) Customary (TC). (The) Customaries (TC). (The) Usual (TU). (The) Usuals (TU). Routinely. (The) Routine. (The) Routines. (The) Good Routine (TGR and GR). (The) Good Routines (TGR and GR).
Of course (OC). Of course Not (OCN). Expect. Expects. Expecting. Expected. The Expect. The Expects. The Expecting. The Expected. Unexpect. Unexpects. Unexpecting. Unexpected. The Unexpect. The Unexpects. The Unexpecting. The Unexpected. Not Expect. Not Expects. Not Expecting. Not Expected. The Non-Expect. The Non-Expects. The Not Expecting. The Not Expected.
The Goal. Goal. The Chalice. The Chalices. Chalice. Chalices.
(The) Nuance (TN). (The) Nuances (TN).
In one of My Writings of Fiction, “Adrian, The Cat, said, ‘It is Perfect Timing that I got inside the House during Buddy the Dog’s Sleeping Hours.’”
Totality. Totality of The Evidence (TOTE). Totality of The Evidence (TOTE) shows and/or suggests [ ]. Weight. Weights. Weighting. Weigh. Weighs. Weighing. Weighed. Lady Justice with Her Scales would [ ]. Place More Weight on [ ]. Evidence. Evidences. Evidencing. Evidenced. The Evidence shows and/or suggest [ ]. My Guess is [ ]. My Sense is [ ]. The Preponderance of The Evidence shows and/or suggests [ ]. Beyond of a Shadow of a Doubt [ ]. Preponderance of The Evidence. Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt. Circumstantial Evidence. The Circumstantial Evidence shows and/or suggests [ ]. Probably Too Many Coincidences [ ]. Probably Not a Coincidence [ ]. Probably Not Coincidences [ ]. The Conclusion is [ ]. I have come to the Conclusion that [ ]. We have come to the Conclusion that [ ]. I Believe [ ]. We Believe [ ]. Some of us Believe [ ]. [ ]. [ ].
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
On CNN, a Woman said, paraphrasing, “I am Not going to allow anyone to dictate to Me what I see Myself. Are My Eyes Deceiving Me? I do Not think so. I think We should Rely on Our Own Eyes. And I think We should also Rely on Common Sense.” Common Sense (CS).
From [ ] to [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Manager. Managers.
The Gray Eminence (TGE). The Gray Eminences (TGE). Gray Eminence (GE). Gray Eminences (GE). The Person Helping to Run The Show(s) Behind The Scene. The Person Helping to Run The Show(s) Behind The Scenes. The People Helping to Run The Show(s) Behind The Scene. The People Helping to Run The Show(s) Behind The Scenes. Behind the Scene (BTS). Behind the Scenes (BTS). The Show (TS). The Shows (TS). Show. Shows. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
From The Christian Science Monitor in a March 4, 2017 Article written by Ellen Powell, Entitled, “Why Keystone XL pipeline won't buy US steel, despite Trump's order”: “Keystone builder TransCanada will be allowed to skirt an executive order calling for US steel to be used in new pipelines, repairs, or retrofits. Does the move herald a broader evolution for Trump’s 'America First' stance?” And, “From the start of President Trump’s election campaign, two aspects of his political identity – the businessman and the populist – have dueled for dominance.” And, from that same Article, “ ‘The value of a pipeline is that we have a pipeline that can be used. Which steel it is made from is an entirely subsidiary question,’ wrote Forbes contributor Tim Worstall, senior fellow at the Adam Smith Institute, in an opinion piece.”
The Following is a Quote from Someone, and it is also often True: “History is Written by The Victors.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman said to Her Child, “Jimmy, it’s Time to go to Bed. It’s Bedtime.” And Jimmy replied, “But You need to get a Court Order to have Me go to Bed.” And Jimmy’s Mom said, “What?! No, I don’t Need to get a Court Order. Don’t You Want to go to Bed?” And Jimmy said, “I can’t go to Bed without a Court Order. And I will Not Pass out and go to Sleep that way without a Court Order. And it’s Not Possible for Me to go to Bed without a Court Order. Or Maybe I need a Law Passed by Congress in Order to go to Bed or to know what to think. A Law or a Court Order saying that I should Now go to Bed would be The Only Thing that would Change My Mind. And I need a Court Order or a Law in order to Know what to Think.” And then Jimmy’s Dad came into Jimmy’s Bedroom, and Jimmy’s Dad said, “Go to Bed right Now, Jimmy. Obey Me and Your Mom!” And Jimmy replied, “But I Need a Court Order.”
And More of My Writings:
CD54E. Surmise. Surmises. Surmising. Surmised. My Best Guess (BG) is [ ]. My Educated Guess (EG) is [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD55E. What I know is [ ]. What I believe is [ ]. What is Known is [ ]. What are Known are [ ]. The Known is [ ]. The Knowns are [ ]. What is Unknown is [ ]. What are Unknown are [ ]. The Unknown is [ ]. The Unknowns are [ ]. What is Believed is [ ]. What are Believed are [ ]. The Believed is [ ]. The Believed are [ ]. What is Not Believed is [ ]. What are Not Believed are [ ]. The Not Believed is [ ]. The Not Believed are [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD56E. I have Not Really Felt Really Weird for Long Amounts of Time. And I have Not Really Felt Really Weird for Long Periods of Time. And -- My Best Guess is -- I have Not Really Felt Really Weird for more than about Two Seconds at a Time. And I do Not remember exactly when I Really Felt Really Weird. And, as of March 5, 2017, I have Never been Blackmailed. And, as of March 5, 2017, I have Never been Extorted. And, as of March 5, 2017, I have Never been Approached for the Purpose of being Blackmailed. And, as of March 5, 2017, I have Never been Approached for the Purpose of being Extorted. And there are Reasons for these things.
CD57E. In about The Year 2007, a Woman asked Me to Continue to be, “Strong.” And I have Continued to be Strong.
And More of My Writings:
Totality. Totality of The Evidence (TOTE). The Totality of The Evidence (TOTE) shows and/or suggests [ ]. Weight. Weights. Weighting. Weigh. Weighs. Weighing. Weighed. Lady Justice with Her Scales would [ ]. Lady Justice with Her Scales would probably [ ]. More Weight is Placed Upon [ ]. Less Weight is Placed Upon [ ]. About Equal Weight is Placed Upon [ ]. Evidence. Evidences. Evidencing. Evidenced. The Evidence shows and/or suggests [ ]. My Guess is [ ]. My Best Guess is [ ]. My Educated Guess is [ ]. My Sense is [ ]. The Preponderance of The Evidence shows and/or suggests [ ]. Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt [ ]. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt [ ]. Preponderance of The Evidence. Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. Circumstantial Evidence. The Circumstantial Evidence shows and/or suggests [ ]. Probably Too Many Coincidences [ ]. Probably Not a Coincidence [ ]. Probably Not Coincidences [ ]. The Conclusion is [ ]. I have come to the Conclusion that [ ]. We have come to the Conclusion that [ ]. Some of Us have come to the Conclusion that [ ]. I Believe [ ]. We Believe [ ]. Some of us Believe [ ]. I Surmise [ ]. I Conclude [ ]. We Surmise [ ]. Some of Us Surmise [ ]. We Conclude [ ]. Some of Us Conclude [ ]. [ ]. [ ].
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD58E. It is about [ ]. It is Not about [ ]. It is Mainly about [ ]. It is Not Mainly about [ ]. It is Primarily about [ ]. It is Not Primarily about [ ]. The Main Thing and/or Question(s) is [ ]. One of The Main Things and/or Question(s) is [ ]. Some of The Main Things and/or Question(s) are [ ]. The Primary Thing and/or Question(s) is [ ]. One of The Primary Things and/or Question(s) is [ ]. Some of The Primary Things and/or Question(s) are [ ]. The Important Thing and/or Question(s) is [ ]. One of The Important Things and/or Question(s) is [ ]. Some of The Important Things and/or Question(s) are [ ]. The Vital Thing and/or Question(s) is [ ]. One of The Vital Things and/or Question(s) is [ ]. Some of The Vital Things and/or Question(s) are [ ]. The Existential Thing and/or Question(s) is [ ]. One of The Existential Things and/or Question(s) is [ ]. Some of The Existential Things and/or Question(s) are [ ]. The Subsidiary Thing and/or Question(s) is [ ]. One of The Subsidiary Things and/or Question(s) is [ ]. Some of The Subsidiary Things and/or Question(s) are [ ]. The Relevant Thing and/or Question(s) is [ ]. One of The Relevant Things and/or Question(s) is [ ]. Some of The Relevant Things and/or Question(s) are [ ]. The Game Changer (GC) Thing and/or Question(s) is [ ]. One of The Game Changer (GC) Things and/or Question(s) is [ ]. Some of The Game Changer (GC) Things and/or Question(s) are [ ]. Game Change (GC). Game Changes (GC). Game Changer (GC). Game Changers (GC). Game Changing (GC). Game Changed (GC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There are Many Interesting Movies to Watch, including The 1997 Movie called, “Face/Off”.
And More of My Writings:
CD59E. Echo. Echoes. Echoing. Echoed. These Echo (TE) [ ]. This Echoes (TE) [ ]. That is an Echoing [ ]. This Echoed (TE) [ ]. This [ ]. That [ ]. Those [ ]. These [ ]. [ ]. [ ].
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There are Many Interesting and/or Thought-Provoking Books and Television Shows, such as The Book and The Television Show called, “The Man in The High Castle,” which talks about Alternative History.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many Individuals -- although Not Me -- believe in Time Travelers and Time Travelling, and They often reference such things as what appears to be Cellphones and/or Computers from Images and/or Photographs from Long Ago, from before where such Technology Officially Existed. And that phrase, ‘Officially Existed,’ could Very Well be the Alternative Explanation for why there appears to be This Technology in Images and/or Photographs from Long Ago. And there are reasons that there are Phrases such as, ‘Secret,’ and ‘Top Secret,’ and ‘Confidential,’ and Many Things are Not Officially Disclosed, such as Technology, until well after such Things have been Invented.”
Although Many People Believe in Time Travel, I do Not Believe in Time Travel. And I do Not Believe that Time Travel Has Been Possible. And I do Not Believe that Time Travel will be Possible. – Brandon
There is Much Interesting Information on The Internet, including Information about “Operation Freakout,” which was, in part, an Alleged Attempt to Try to make someone appear Temporarily Insane (TI) to some People.
And More News from Around The World:
From “This pollinating bee drone shows the powers of these endangered creatures”.
From “Could Mysterious Cosmic Light Flashes Be Powering Alien Spacecraft?”.
From “Google weighs in on WikiLeaks bombshell”.
From “US officials monitor yellow fever outbreak in Brazil”.
From “Scientists discover how to 'upload knowledge to your brain'”.
From “Bird flu found at Tennessee farm as virus surges in Asia”.
From “In an Unexplained Case, Brain Activity Has Been Recorded as Much as 10 Minutes After Death”.
From “Spicer tries to clarify Trump tweet about former Gitmo prisoners”.
From “Craftsman table saw recalled over injury hazards”.
From “Trump Russia dossier author speaks”.
From “Anaesthesia: What really happens when the lights go out”.
From “Bizarre 'megaship' captured by International Space Station camera”.
From “CNN Airs 'Spy Cam' Footage Of Trump Oval Office Meeting As If It's Perfectly Acceptable”.
From “Washington Post tech employee allegedly impersonated ICE agent”.
From “Adele Finally Confirms Her Secret Marriage”.
From “Conway challenges Comey to release info on Trump's wiretap allegation”.
From “Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges”.
From “House Intel leaders split on Trump wiretap allegations”.
From “Why Keystone XL pipeline won't buy US steel, despite Trump's order”.
From “Former DNI James Clapper says Trump claim of wiretap is false”.
From “Trump calls for congressional probe into possible wiretapping of his campaign”.
From “Donald Trump accuses Obama of 'wire-tapping' his office before election”.
From “Nashville Zoo welcomes rare baby clouded leopard”.
From “Amazon broke the internet with a typo”.
From “Study Finds 88 Percent of Media Coverage is Anti-Trump”.
From “Blizzard dumps snow on Hawaii, California set for record winter rain”.
From “Marine Le Pen stripped of EU parliamentary immunity”.
From “What is this 2.5mile long object moving under the Pacific Ocean?”.
From “AI Scientists Gather to Plot Doomsday Scenarios (and Solutions)”.
From “Terminal cancer patients in complete remission after one gene therapy treatment”.
From “As Leaks Multiply, Fears of a Deep State in America”.
Here is a Quote from Former Senator, Hillary Clinton: “I’ve had My Ups, and My Downs.”
Here is a Quote from Winston Churchill: “Some people’s idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage.”
Here is a Thought-Provoking Quote from Someone: “[The President] Calls Men on the Moon in 1969, 239,000 Miles Away . . . [And Yet a Camper] Can’t Get a Cell Phone Signal While Camping in 2016 . . .”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Trump says he will submit evidence of wiretapping to House committee 'very soon' ”.
From “Five Republican-nominated judges signal support for travel ban”.
From “REVEALED: Turkey's Plan To Camouflage Its Lobbying Activities In The US”.
From “Baby dies after sitter couldn't reach 911”.
From “Ex-LA County sheriff convicted of impeding FBI's jail probe”.
From “Federal Judge in Hawaii Puts Trump Travel Ban on Hold”.
From “FBI to brief Graham, Whitehouse on Trump warrants: Graham”.
From “Emma Watson Pursuing Legal Action After Private Photos Hacked”.
From “Skeptical lawmakers pressure Comey on Trump wiretap claim”.
From The “Trump tweeted that Snoop Dogg would get 'Jail Time!' for his mock-assassination video. Here's why that's wrong.”
From “Navy admiral, 8 others charged with corruption in 'Fat Leonard' bribery case”.
From “Tillerson used alter ego 'Wayne Tracker' for Exxon emails on climate”.
From “Marco Rubio: Snoop Dogg Should Be 'Very Careful' With Trump Mock-Assassination Video”.
From “France's Francois Fillon charged over 'fake jobs' scandal”.
From “New technology, $10,000 reward aimed at finding Fort Carson soldier's killer from 1987”.
From The “Kids Can't Read Grandma's Recipe Because It's In Cursive”.
From “Study: 4-in-5 Oklahoma City students can’t read clocks”.
From The “Mind-reading AI knows whether you are guilty or innocent of a crime”.
From The “Kellyanne Conway Defends Trump Wiretap Claim By Citing 'Microwaves That Turn Into Cameras' ”.
From “Kellyanne Conway suggests Obama may have spied on Donald Trump through a microwave”.
From “Church Committee”.
From “Mumps outbreaks reported across USA”.
From The American Academy of Family Physicians -- “Drug-resistant Candida auris Reported in United States”.
And Here are More of My Writings:
CD60E. Part of that is True. Parts of that are True. That is Partially True. Those are Partially True. In Part (IP). Partly. Partially. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD61E. Part of that is False. Parts of that are False. That is Partially False. Those are Partially False. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD62E. That Number is False. Those Numbers are False. That Percentage is False. Those Percentages are False. That Information is False. That is False. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD63E. That Number is Incorrect. Those Numbers are Incorrect. That Percentage is Incorrect. Those Percentages are Incorrect. That Information is Incorrect. That is Incorrect. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD64E. That Number is Not True. Those Numbers are Not True. That Percentage is Not True. Those Percentages are Not True. That Information is Not True. That is Not True. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD65E. That Number is True. Those Numbers are True. That Percentage is True. Those Percentages are True. That Information is True. That is True. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66E. That Number is Correct. Those Numbers are Correct. That Percentage is Correct. Those Percentages are Correct. That Information is Correct. That is Correct. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD67E. That Number is Not False. Those Numbers are Not False. That Percentage is Not False. Those Percentages are Not False. That Information is Not False. That is Not False. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD68E. Jurisdiction. Jurisdictions. Jurisdictionally. That is Under Our Jurisdiction. That is Not Under Our Jurisdiction. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD69E. Limited Response (LR). Limited Responses (LR). Not a Limited Response (NALR). Not Limited Responses (NLR). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD70E. Backfire. Backfires. Backfiring. Backfired. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD71E. Hint. Hints. Hinting. Hinted. Clue. Clues Clueing. Clued. Inform. Informs. Informing. Informed. Make Aware. Aware. Notify. Notifies. Notifying. Notified. Keep up to Date. Current. Currents. Currently. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD72E. Hiding Behind (HB). Hid Behind (HB). Not Hiding Behind (NHB). Not Hid Behind (NHB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD73E. Overextend. Overextends. Overextending. Overextended. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD74E. Not Overextend (NO). Not Overextends (NO). Not Overextending (NO). Not Overextended (NO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD75E. Just Right (JR). Just about Right (JAR). Bad. Not Bad (NB). Not Too Bad (NTB). Ok. Not Ok (NO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD76E. Claim. Claims. Claiming. Claimed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD77E. Not Claim (NC). Not Claims (NC). Not Claiming (NC). Not Claimed (NC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD78E. Evaluation. Evaluations. Evaluate. Evaluates. Evaluating. Evaluated. Evaluator. Evaluators. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD79E. Appraised. Appraising. Appraise. Appraises. Appraiser. Appraisers. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD80E. Quality. Qualities. High Quality (HQ). High Qualities (HQ). Quality. Qualities. Good Quality (GQ). Good Qualities. (GQ). Fine Quality. Fine Qualities. Ok Quality. Ok Qualities.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD81E. Value. Values. Valuing. Valued. Good Value (GV). Good Values (GV). Good Valuing (GV). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD82E. Bargain. Bargains. Bargaining. Bargained. Good Bargain. Good Bargains. Good Bargaining. Good Bargained.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD83E. Deal. Deals. Dealing. Dealed. Good Deal. Good Dealing. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD84E. Trade. Trades. Trading. Traded. Trader. Traders.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD85E. Merchant. Merchants. Merchandise. Merchandises.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD86E. Use. Uses. Using. Used. Useful. Usefulness.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD87E. Valuable. Valuables. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD88E. Cook. Cooks. Cooking. Cooked.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD89E. Housekeeping. Housekeeper. Housekeepers.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD90E. Wash. Washes. Washing. Washed. Washer. Washers.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD91E. Clean. Cleans. Cleaning. Cleaned. Cleaner. Cleaners.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD92E. Work. Works. Working. Worked. Worker. Workers.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD93E. Attitude. Attitudes. Good Attitude. Good Attitudes. Bad Attitude. Bad Attitudes. A Little Attitude. Little Attitudes.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD94E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Modern-Day Developments in The Field of Biology show that a Person does Not always inherit Exactly Half of one’s Ancestral DNA from each Parent.”
CD95E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “In a College Dormitory, a Woman said to a Man, and The Man was also a College Student, that He, paraphrasing, 'Looked Smart,' and that She knew that He was Intelligent by the way that He Looked, and by His Physical Appearances.”
CD96E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Food may Not be The Best Food, although at Least it is Food, and at least eating it offers Good Nutrition. And That Drink may Not be The Best Drink, although at Least it is a Drink, and at least drinking it offers Good Nutrition. And That may Not be The Best, although at Least it is Something. And at Least it is Something of Significance. And at Least it is Important.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “The drug-resistant bacteria that pose the greatest health threats”.
From “Antimicrobial Resistance - The Looming Medical Apocalypse”.
From “FBI Investigating Breitbart, InfoWars: Report”.
From “Comey confirms, Assange did not lie. Podesta emails were not given to Wikileaks by Russians”.
From “FBI investigating Trump campaign and Russia ties”.
From The “ 'Have you lost your mind?': Anne Frank group rips Tim Allen for likening Hollywood to 1930s Germany”.
From “Thailand's coin-eating turtle dies of intestinal blockage”.
From The “Anti-Trump media: 91% coverage negative, 96% of donations to Hillary”.
From “Charles and Diana lied about one major thing and you can't unsee it”.
From “Why Scientists Are So Excited About This Solar Eclipse”.
From “Trump Calls Suggestions of Collusion with Russia 'Fake News' ”.
From “Why Scientists Are So Excited About This Solar Eclipse”.
From “How to spot fake news might soon be taught in schools”.
From “Merkel's awkward visit with Trump”.
From “Brazile admits she forwarded town hall questions to Clinton camp”.
From “Natural immunity may lead fight against liver disease
From “Hillary Clinton says she's 'ready to come out of the woods' ”.
From “Sean Hannity Denies Pointing Gun at Juan Williams”.
From “OMB Director Mulvaney: Climate Change Research 'A Waste of Your Money”.
From “10% of Europeans resistant to HIV”.
From “Biologists discover why 10% of Europeans are safe from HIV infection”.
From “Do YOU hear 'phantom phone buzzing'? 80% of college students admit they experience major sign of phone addiction”.
From “illiteracy: World Illiteracy Rates”.
From The “Lecturers Are Hitting Out At Their Own Unis For Giving Places To 'Almost Illiterate' Students”.
From “23% Of America Is Illiterate”.
From “There Is an Official Leprechaun Colony in Portland (of Course)”.
From “Towards a lip-reading computer”.
From “Deepak Chopra speculates about Trump's brain”.
And More of My Writings:
CD97E. Federal, State, and Local Politics. Federal, State, and Local. Federal. Federally. Federals. State. States. Stately. State-Wide (SW). Local. Locals. Locally. City. Cities. City-Wide (CW). World. Worlds. Worldly. Worldwide. Organization. Organizations. Organizational. Organizationally. Institute. Institutes. Institution. Institutions. Institutional. Institutionally. Corporate. Corporates. Corporation. Corporations. School. Schools. College. Colleges. University. Universities. Club. Clubs. Extracurricular. Federal Politics (FP). State Politics (SP). Local Politics (LP). Institution Politics (IP). Institutional Politics (IP). Corporate Politics (CP). Corporation Politics (CP). Organization Politics (OP). Organizational Politics (OP). School Politics (SP). College Politics (CP). University Politics (UP). Club Politics (CP). Extracurricular Politics (EP). Politic. Politics. Political. Politically. Politician. Politicians. Leader. Leaders. Leadership. Leaderships. Leadership Experience (LE). Leadership Experiences (LE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD98E. One Dimensional. One Dimension. 1 Dimension. 1 Dimensional. 2 Dimensional. 2 Dimensions. Two Dimensions. Two Dimensional. 3 Dimensional. 3 Dimensions. Three Dimensions. Three Dimensional. Dimension. Dimensions. An Important Dimension. Important Dimensions. A Very Important Dimension. Very Important Dimensions. A Non-Important Dimension. Not Important Dimensions. A Not Too Important Dimension. Not Too Important Dimensions. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD99E. Complicate. Complicates. Complicating. Complicated. Complication. Complications. More Complicating. More Complicated. More Complication. More Complications.
Less Complicating. Less Complicated. Less Complication. Less Complications. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD100E. Organize. Organizes. Organizing. Organized. More Organized. Less Organized. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD1F. Incident. Incidents. Incidental. Incidentals. Incidentally. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD2F. Federal, State, and Local Politics [ ]. Federal, State, and Local [ ]. Federal [ ]. Federally [ ]. Federals [ ]. State [ ]. States [ ]. Stately [ ]. State-Wide (SW) [ ]. Local [ ]. Locals [ ]. Locally [ ]. City [ ]. Cities [ ]. City-Wide (CW) [ ]. World [ ]. Worlds [ ]. Worldly [ ]. Worldwide [ ]. Organization [ ]. Organizations [ ]. Organizational [ ]. Organizationally [ ]. Institute [ ]. Institutes [ ]. Institution [ ]. Institutions [ ]. Institutional [ ]. Institutionally [ ]. Corporate [ ]. Corporates [ ]. Corporation [ ]. Corporations [ ]. School [ ]. Schools [ ]. College [ ]. Colleges [ ]. University [ ]. Universities [ ]. Club [ ]. Clubs [ ]. Extracurricular Politics (EP) [ ]. Politic [ ]. Politics[ ]. Political [ ]. Politically [ ]. Politician [ ]. Politicians [ ]. Leader [ ]. Leaders [ ]. Leadership [ ]. Leaderships [ ]. Leadership Experience (LE) [ ]. Leadership Experiences (LE) [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD3F. Realist. Realists. Real. Reality. Realities. Realness. Realism. Realistically. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
We have God-Given Rights. And We also have Natural Rights.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Trump: House panel should investigate Clinton, not me”.
From “Trump handed Merkel $374B NATO bill during talks -- report”.
From “7 'facts' you learned in school that are no longer true”.
From “Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he is bad for America”.
From “Sean Hannity says he's an advocacy journalist, hits back at Ted Koppel”.
From “IRS Scam Backfires When Scammers Target Cop Specializing in Phone Scams”.
From “Rex Tillerson May Be in Hot Water Over ExxonMobil Emails”.
From “U.S. Attorney’s Office Under Investigation After 700 Lawyers Were Spied On in Prison”.
From “11-year-old girl's hands covered in third-degree burns after making ‘slime’ ”.
From “Conservative Star Tomi Lahren ‘Banned Permanently’ From The Blaze (Report)”.
From “Shaffer: Trump Wiretap Case 'Worse Than Watergate' ”.
From “N. Dakota Oil Spill 3 Times Larger Than First Estimated”.
From The “True adulthood doesn't begin until age 25”.
From “Latest North Korean Missile Test Ends in Failure”.
From “Nunes claims some Trump transition messages were intercepted”.
From “BOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Leaked Proof Trump Under ‘Systematic Illegal’ Surveillance Over Two Years Ago: FBI Sat On It”.
From “Millennials Don't Consider Themselves Adults Until Age 30”.
From “Charlie Sheen hints he knows Hollywood stars with HIV”.
From “Antimicrobial Resistance - The Looming Medical Apocalypse”.
Some of My Writings:
CD4F. The Metaphor of The Frog and The Slowly Heated Water. Acclimate. Acclimates. Acclimating. Acclimated. Acclimation. Acclimations. Get Used to (GUT). Gradually Get Used to. Become somewhat of a Norm. Gradually become somewhat of a Norm. Become somewhat of a Societal Norm. Gradually become Somewhat of a Societal Norm. Step. Steps. Stepping. Stepped. Gradual. Graduals. Gradually. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD5F. Supplement. Supplements. Supplementing. Supplemented. Supplemental. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD6F. Evidence. Non-Evidence. Evidence to The Contrary. Not Evidence to The Contrary. Non-Evidence to The Contrary.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “What are You doing?” And The Woman replied, “I’m doing The Dishes. And I’m Our House’s Dishwasher.” And The Man replied, “What?! You can’t be a Dishwasher unless You have a Valid Professional License. And You can’t be a Real Member of Any Profession unless You have a Valid Professional License.” And The Woman replied, “You mean that there were Not, for example, People who are Dishwashers until an Organization was Created to License some of those People?” And The Man replied, “Yes, and those Dishes that I saw You wash were Not Really Washed because You don’t have a Valid Professional License. And You Need to get someone’s Permission before You are a Dishwasher, and before You wash any Dishes.”
And More of My Writings:
CD7F. Hypothesis. Hypothesize. Hypothesizes. Hypothesizing. Hypothesized. Hypothetical. Hypothetically. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD8F. Theory. Theories. Theorize. Theorizes. Theorizing. Theorized. Theoretical. Theoretically. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD9F. Fact. Facts. Fact-Based (FB). Largely Fact-Based (LFB). Somewhat Fact-Based (SFB). Factual. Factually. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD10F. Actual. Actuals. Actually. Actuality. In Actuality. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD11F. Real. Realness. Reality. Realities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD12F. Nonchalant. Nonchalantly. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD13F. Chill. Chills. Chilling. Chilled. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD14F. Coast. Coasts. Coasting. Coasted. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD15F. Serious. Seriously. Seriousness. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD16F. Anglophone. Anglophones. English-Speaker. English-Speakers. English-Speaking. English-Writer. English-Writers. English-Written. Spoken in English. Spoke in English. Written in English. Wrote in English. Many Individuals believe that The English Language is a Hard Language to Learn. And Many Individuals believe that The English Language is a Hard Language to Learn how to Master.
CD17F. Francophone. Francophones. French-Speaker. French-Speakers. French-Speaking. French-Writer. French-Writers. French-Written. Spoken in French. Spoke in French. Written in French. Wrote in French. Many Individuals believe that The French Language is a Hard Language to Learn. And Many Individuals believe that The French Language is a Hard Language to Learn how to Master.
CD18F. Romance Language (also known as (aka) Many of The Mediterranean Languages)-Speaker. Romance Language (also known as (aka) Many of The Mediterranean Languages) -Speakers. Romance Language-Speaking. Romance Language-Writer. Romance Language-Writers. Romance Language-Written. Spoken in The Romance Languages. Spoke in The Romance Languages. Written in The Romance Languages. Wrote in The Romance Languages. Many Individuals believe that The Romance Languages (also known as (aka) Many of The Mediterranean Languages) are Hard Languages to Learn. And Many Individuals believe that The Romance Languages (also known as (aka) Many of The Mediterranean Languages) are Hard Languages to Learn how to Master.
CD19F. Gist. The Gist. The Gist of that. The Gist of this. The Gist of those. The Gist of these. Summary. Summaries. Summarize. Summarizes. Summarized. Summarizing. Summarized. The Picture. The Pictures. Picture. Pictures. Picturing. Pictured. Holistic. Holistically. Overall. Overalls. Cumulative. Cumulatively. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD20F. Science. Sciences. Scientist. Scientists. Scientific. Scientifically. Scientific Method (SM). Scientific Methods (SM). Sort of The Scientific Method (SOTSM). Sort of The Scientific Methods (SOTSM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone: “Your Ancestors and Your Family Members (FM) must have done something right. And Your Ancestors must have done something right in order for More of Your Other Family Members (FM) to have been Born. And Your Ancestors and Your Family Members (FM) must have done something right in order for You to have been Born.” And You must have done something right. And You must have done something right in order for You to have those Accomplishments of Yours. And that Person must have done something right. And that Person must have done something right in order for that Person to have His or Her Accomplishments.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am a European. And I am also 100 Percent European. And this means that My Mother is a European. And this also means that My Father is a European. And this also means that My Ancestors are Europeans.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man asked The Woman, “Do You Speak The English Language Pretty Well?” And The Woman replied, “I do Not Speak English. And the only Language that I Speak is Legalese. And I am a Legalese Speaker (LS).” And The Man said, “Well, You have to know at least one language in order to also know the Language of Legalese.” And The Woman replied, “I am The Exception to That Rule. Comprendez-vous maintenant ou non? Et oui, Je parle anglais tres bien aussi. Vous parlez francais, mon ami? C’est bon etre avec vous ici et manger un pomme et l’orange avec vous aussi. C’est bon pour notre corps. Un bon nuit.”
And More News from Around The World:
From The “The Mystery of Easter Island”.
From The “Old Mice Made Young Again With New Anti-Aging Drug”.
From “CDC Issues New Warning On Potential Impact Of Zika Virus”.
The Target Corporation, which operates Shopping Stores, also has, and operates, its own Forensic Laboratories. And from “An Unexpected Career: Target's Forensic Services Laboratory”.
From “Retired 4-Star General Sides with Sesame Street, Says PBS 'Makes Us Safer' ”.
From “National Security Council shake-up: Bannon out, Rick Perry in”.
From “Richmond Fed President Lacker resigns, admitting role in leak to analyst”.
From “Neil Gorsuch is accused of plagiarism amid a heated Supreme Court confirmation fight”.
From “Suspected gas attack in Syria reportedly kills dozens”.
From “Zika virus: scientists present strong evidence of Guillain-Barré link”.
From “Meet 'Sesame Street's' muppet with autism”.
From “Wells Fargo Told To Pay Whistleblower $5.4 Million”.
From “Suspected gas attack in Syria reportedly kills dozens”.
From “Judge Denies Roman Polanski's Bid to End 40-Year-Old Rape Case”.
From “Companies yank ads from O'Reilly's show after sexual harassment claims”.
From “Susan Rice's White House Unmasking: A Watergate-style Scandal”.
From “Susan Rice isn't a 'smoking gun,' but she does have some explaining to do”.
From “New ancient Egyptian pyramid discovered”.
From “Venezuela seeks to cool outrage over court power grab”.
From “Ford recalling 52,000 trucks because they may move in park”.
From “Trump calls White House-Russia controversy 'fake news,' 'total scam' ”.
From “Serial Killer Dubbed 'Angel Of Death' Dies After Prison Beating”.
From “A Mysterious Flash From a Faraway Galaxy”.
From “Michael Flynn's request for immunity has been 'turned down' ”.
From “Alec Baldwin considers retiring SNL impersonation of Donald Trump”.
From “Drexel professor wanted to 'vomit' after service member given courtesy on plane”.
From “Flynn in 2016: When you are 'given immunity' that probably means you committed a crime”.
From “ 'Angel of Death' serial killer badly beaten in Ohio prison”.
From “What George W. Bush Really Thought of Donald Trump's Inauguration”.
From “ 'Stunning' Drug Lab Scandal Could Overturn 23K Convictions”.
From “California is the top state with most UFO sightings, say UFO experts”.
From “7 'facts' you learned in school that are no longer true”.
From “IRS Scam Backfires When Scammers Target Cop Specializing in Phone Scams”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, "The Cleaning Robots are Cleaning."
There are Many Interesting Songs to Listen to, including Leonard Cohen’s Song called, “Everybody Knows”.
And More News from Around The World:
From The “Trump faces 'open warfare' with Breitbart if he fires Bannon, warns former executive”.
From The “ 'Work this out': Trump reportedly urges Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon to get along”.
From “ 'Zombie' Bees Surface in the Northeast”.
From “Trade-off between Transcriptome Plasticity and Genome Evolution in Cephalopods”.
From The Standard.Net: “Ability to rewrite RNA hints at why octupuses, squids are clever”.
From The “Was Donald Trump right all along about Sweden's crime and immigration problems?”
From “Why Madonna is drinking in the Pepsi controversy”.
From “Caitlyn Jenner: 'I've made mistakes' ”.
From The “Octopuses and squids can rewrite their RNA. Is that why they’re so smart?”
From “Octopuses, Squids And Cuttlefish Retain Ability To Defy Genetic Instructions, Edit Genes On The Fly”.
From “India has never used me against China, says Dalai Lama during his Arunachal visit”.
From The “Close to Half of American Adults Infected With HPV, Survey Finds”.
From “South China Sea: Duterte orders Philippines military to occupy islands”.
From “Ted Wheeler Freaks Out After Man Pulls And Aims Pepsi Can During City Hall Meeting”.
From The “The Masters 2017 leaderboard and latest Augusta scores and news”.
From “The government is demanding to know who this Trump critic is. Twitter is suing to keep it a secret”.
From “Baseball mysteriously sticks to Yadier Molina's belly”.
From The “Close to Half of American Adults Infected With HPV, Survey Finds”.
From “Trump Sued by Twitter Over Bid to Unmask @Alt-Agency Handle”.
From The “Don Rickles, Comedy's Equal Opportunity Offender, Dies at 90”.
From “Don Rickles, Legendary Insult Comic, Dies at 90”.
From The “Arnold Palmer absent, yet very present, for Masters’ ceremonial tee shot”.
From “Donald Trump Honors Members Of The Wounded Warrior Project At The White House”.
From “Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad sparks social media outcry”.
There are Many Interesting Songs to Listen to, including Madonna’s Song called, “Secret”.
As is also the Case with Movie Trailers (which, of course, often show a Good Snapshot/Idea about what the Movies are about), there are Hundreds of Interesting Music Videos to Watch and/or Listen to, such as Madonna’s Music Video called, “Take a Bow”.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
At a Doctor’s Office, The Doctor said to a Man, “I got Your Blood Results back, and it states that You are made up of about 98 Percent Slime. And, specifically, Green Slime. And that You also have been Genetically Engineered.” And The Man replied, “What?! I’m about 98% Slime!? You Mean that I’m Not . . .” And The Doctor replied, “Wait a Second, these test results are for My Next Patient.” And The Doctor then got another Folder, and He said, “And Here is Your Real File. And Your Real File states . . . Oooops, and it also states that You are Made up of about 98% Slime. And, specifically, Green Slime. And Maybe I should call You Mr. Slime.”
“Those were Different Times. It’s Hard to Explain,” which is a Quote from a Character named “Gabriel,” in a Conversation with another Character named, “Philip,” from The Television Show called, “The Americans,” on April 11, 2017, in Season 5, Episode 6, from the “The Americans” TV Episode called, “Crossbreed,” which is also in large part about acquiring Grain that is Resistant to Diseases.
And More News from Around The World:
From The “Congressman Who Shouted 'You Lie' at Obama Hears the Same From Constituents”.
From “Australian Newsreader 'Will Not Be Fired' Over Blooper”.
From “Mystery as 14,000 Second World War dog tags found buried in field”.
From “US, Mexico, Canada to make joint bid for 2026 World Cup”.
From “Bill O'Reilly Sexual Harassment Scandal, Advertiser Defections a Test for Fox News Future”.
From “United Airlines says controversial flight was not overbooked; CEO apologizes again”.
From The “Scientists make cells RESISTANT to HIV in major breakthrough”.
From “Human Trafficking”.
From “Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya”.
From The “Town Hall Crowd Yells 'You Lie' at Joe Wilson”.
From “Scientists discover new primate -- and it's already in danger”.
From “North Korea issues warning as US strike group heads to Korean Peninsula”.
From “Portland pledges 100 percent clean energy by 2050”.
From “Pepsi mops up 'unusual' Mountain Dew spill”.
From “North Korea state media warns of nuclear strike if provoked as U.S. warships approach”.
From “US, Mexico, Canada to make joint bid for 2026 World Cup”.
From The “US warships are sent to the Korean peninsula”.
From “51 Favorite Facts You've Always Believed That Are Actually False”.
From “New Venezuela clashes, US voices 'grave concern' ”.
From The “Video shows man forcibly removed from United flight from Chicago to Louisville”.
From The “US deploys warships near North Korea, China sends 150,000 troops to border”.
From “ 'Shawshank Redemption' Oak Tree Cut Down Forever (PHOTO)”.
From The “Now Susan Rice gets 'four Pinocchios' over chemical weapons claim”.
From The “Stem cell research, Scientists uncovered promising development”.
From “10 Dangerous Superbugs the World Health Organization Is Warning Everyone About”.
From “Coalition and Syrian opposition forces repel ISIS attack”.
From “Scientists discover new primate -- and it's already in danger”.
From The “21st Century Fox Confirms Law Firms Bill O’Reilly Investigation”.
From “Fox will investigate Bill O'Reilly harassment claims, lawyer says”.
From “Satirist John Clarke, of Clarke and Dawe fame, dies aged 68”.
From “10 Dangerous Superbugs the World Health Organization Is Warning Everyone About”.
From The “U.S. Reroutes Warships Toward Korean Peninsula in Show of Force”.
From The “Sending US warships is to North Korea 'prudent', says US, as world braces for further missile tests”.
From The “Rapper allegedly gorges on $600 seafood meal on Gold Coast then swims off to avoid paying”.
From “China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.: FT”.
From The “Second Opinion From Doctor Nets Different Diagnosis 88% Of Time, Study Finds”.
From The “Researchers discover nearby exoplanet has an ATMOSPHERE”.
From “Russell Westbrook has 50 points, buzzer-beater in record 42nd triple-double”.
From The “Deputy national security adviser leaves the White House as McMaster's influence grows”.
From The “John Clarke, satirist and comedian, dies aged 68”.
From The “ 'Star Wars': Carrie Fisher to Appear in 'Episode IX,' Says Brother Todd Fisher”.
From “ISIS claims responsibility for Egypt church bombings”.
From The “China Investigates Regulator of Fast-Moving Insurance Industry”.
From “Damian Lillard scores franchise-record 59 points as Blazers close in on playoff berth”.
From “Sanctions to follow: US vows to keep up pressure on Syria after missile strikes”.
From “California governor: Drought over, conservation must go on”.
From The “U.S. Soldier Killed In Afghanistan Amid Operations Against ISIS”.
From “An End to Blindness: "Holy Grail" of Gene Editing Partially Restores Vision”.
From The “Sleep Is the New Status Symbol”.
From “U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula: U.S. official”.
From The “In a consequential week, Trump leans on the Washington establishment he vowed to disrupt”.
From The “Researchers discover nearby exoplanet has an ATMOSPHERE”.
From The “Stockholm attack driver 'deliberately targeted young children' as he drove hijacked lorry into crowd”.
From “The Kushner-Bannon feud is about ideology and Steve Bannon is losing”.
From The “Trump faces 'open warfare' with Breitbart if he fires Bannon, warns former executive”.
From The “ 'Work this out': Trump reportedly urges Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon to get along”.
From “'Zombie' Bees Surface in the Northeast”.
From “Baseball mysteriously sticks to Yadier Molina's belly”.
Some Information about Me:
I am a Cleveland High School Graduate. And I am a Georgetown University Alumnus.
May You have a Good Good Friday.
Friend -- May You have a Happy Easter. He is Risen, and, like a Baptism, that can Never be Undone. -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
CD21F. Present. Sometimes Present (SP). Often Present (OP). Not Present (NP). Sometimes Not Present. Often Not Present. Recessive. Sometimes Recessive (SR). Often Recessive (OR). Not Recessive (NR). Sometimes Not Recessive. Often Not Recessive. Dominant. Sometimes Dominant (SD). Often Dominant (OD). Not Dominant (ND). Sometimes Not Dominant (SOD). Often Not Dominant.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD22F. Tread Carefully. Treads Carefully. Treading Carefully. Treaded Carefully. Often. Sometimes. Not Often (NO). Not Sometimes (NS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD23F. Walk Carefully. Walks Carefully. Walking Carefully. Walked Carefully. Often. Sometimes. Not Often (NO). Not Sometimes (NS). About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD24F. Vicarious. Vicariously. A Vicarious Activity. Live Vicariously (LV). Lives Vicariously (LV). Living Vicariously (LV). Lived Vicariously (LV). Experience Vicariously (EV). Experiences Vicariously (EV). Experiencing Vicariously (EV). Experienced Vicariously (EV). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD25F. In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man: “Mon Ami, Comment allez-Vous? Je parle francais. Et Vous aussi? Je habite l’Etats Unis. Et Je suis un ecrivain et Je suis aussi un auteur des livres et des pas livres. C’est bon. Et c’est bon maintenant.”
May You have a Happy Easter. I had a Great Easter Dinner with a Family Member tonight at a Restaurant in downtown Portland. And We both had Prime Rib, asparagus, mashed potatoes, cheese Fondue, and, for dessert, Baked Alaska.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Assange lashes out against CIA after Pompeo rips WikiLeaks”.
From “China seeks Russia's help to 'cool' N. Korea situation”.
From “Five-year-old boy crushed to death at US revolving restaurant”.
From “Roger Stone defends WikiLeaks, calls for CIA head to resign over attacks”.
From “21 bold predictions for the 2017 NBA Playoffs”.
From The “On the 4th anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, a day of public service, resiliency and strength”.
From “VIDEO: Trump supporter beaten with skateboard by agitators at Berkeley rally”.
From The “Former Laurel Wal-Mart manager charged with staging $400,000 store robbery in which he was shot”.
From “Maxine Waters rallies Tax March crowd for Trump's impeachment”.
From “New protests set in troubled Venezuela”.
From “Chinese Media Almost Sets Off Military Action With Erroneous North Korea Headline”.
From “China urges North Korea and US to step back from brink of war”.
From “Trump privately signs anti-Planned Parenthood law”.
From “N. Korean official: Ready for war if Trump wants it”.
From “United changes crew booking policy after passenger dragged off plane”.
From “What we can learn from North Korean military parades”.
From “China Warns of War Risk as Trump Rattles Saber at North Korea”.
From The “Research Firm Behind Trump Dossier Is Refusing To Answer Senate Committees Questions”.
From “China says North Korea tension has to be stopped from reaching 'irreversible' stage”.
From “China warns of N. Korea conflict 'at any moment' ”.
From The “Pharmaceutical giant 'plotted to destroy cancer drugs to drive prices up 4000 per cent' ”.
From The “TV News Poll: Bill O'Reilly Viewed Most Negatively Among News Figures”.
From “Wisconsin man accused of robbing gun store and writing a threatening manifesto to Trump has been captured”.
From “Were Trump's Syrian missile strikes morally justified?”.
From “U.S. may launch strike if North Korea reaches for nuclear trigger”.
From The “Eli Manning Allegedly Involved in Scheme to Sell Fake Game-Worn Memorabilia”.
From “36 ISIS fighters killed by huge US bomb”.
From The “Banking on Cheese: The Bank That Uses Parmesan as Collateral”.
From “Carter Page: 'All of the lies ... are finally coming out into the open' ”.
From “ 'Beauty and the Beast' Bests $1 Billion at Worldwide Box Office”.
From “Jimmy Carter UFO incident”.
From “CIA Director Pompeo calls WikiLeaks a 'hostile intelligence service' ”.
From “Millennials, popular dating apps might have increased your risk of getting STDs, experts say”.
From The “Scientists make cells RESISTANT to HIV in major breakthrough”.
From “Liberal prof says Trump 'must hang' & Republicans be summarily executed 'to save American democracy' ”.
From “Toyota shows robotic leg brace to help paralyzed people walk”.
From The “United CEO says he felt 'shame' watching video of man dragged from flight and accepts responsibility”.
From “President Trump: 'We Are Not Going Into Syria' ”.
In one of My Writings of Science Fiction (SF), The Man said to Someone, “Thanks to The Science of a Type of Cloning, Many Individuals have between about 9 to about 9 Trillion Versions of Themselves, with each Version of Themselves being a Different Person.”
And More of My Writings:
CD26F. Dimension. Dimensions. Multi-Dimensional (MD). Several Dimensions (SD). Many Dimensions. An Important Dimension. Important Dimensions (ID). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD27F. Aspect. Aspects. Several Aspects. Many Aspects. An Important Aspect. Important Aspects. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Like Many Individuals, I have done Many Good Things. And I am Thankful. And I have also Drank many Good Drinks, including Sodas, Juices, and Cider, et cetera. And I have ate Many Good Foods, including Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Steaks, Desserts, Pizzas, Goose, Elk, Lamb, Duck, Yogurt, Ice Cream, Figs, et cetera. And I have gone to Many Good Places, and as of 12/13/2016, I have been to 10 USA States – Oregon (Coast/Rose Garden/Sports Games/Museums/Central Oregon/Eastern Oregon/Dinners on a Boat/Music Concerts/and Fishing/Skiing/Hiking/a Member/Actor in a School Play at Portland Christian School (PCS)/Snowmobiling/on a Helicopter Ride in Sunriver/Swimming/a Member of Sports Teams (ST) (Basketball, Soccer, and Swimming Teams), etc.), Washington State, Virginia (Arlington National Cemetery), Maryland (Johns Hopkins University), Alaska, New York (Rockettes/New York Athletic Club for Dinner/Statue of Liberty/Brooklyn/Around the State/Town/United Nations Building Tour/Grey Line Express Bus Tour around Manhattan/Cafes/Restaurants, et cetera), New Jersey, Hawaii (Pearl Harbor Memorial/Honolulu/Big Island, etc), California (Universal Studios/Knotts Berry Farm/Sea World/Disneyland, etc.), Nevada -- and Washington, DC (Smithsonian, Vietnam Memorial, The Mall, inside the Congressional Building, in the Balcony of Congress, and a Church Choir Performance, etc.) and Canada (on a Road Trip with Family and Friends), and The Belgian Embassy in DC as Part of a School Trip called, ‘Government Close Up’, and The Region of Oceania – for Hawaii.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Breitbart and Trump relationship: it's complicated”.
From “Fox News Is Preparing to Cut Ties with Bill O'Reilly”.
From “That song doesn't mean what you think”.
From “Snapchat denies its CEO labeled India as 'poor' ”.
From “Crowd angrily chants 'yes or no' at senator”.
From “The typo that could be a symbol for Hillary Clinton's campaign”.
From “Official: White House, Pentagon miscommunicated on aircraft carrier's location”.
From The “In the fight of his career, O’Reilly's side swings back on harassment charge”.
From “Trump taunts Dem candidate in Georgia election”.
From “Veteran linebacker Hawk retires with Packers”.
From The “Jim Mattis, U.S. defense chief, says North Korea recklessly tried to provoke”.
From The “Is Bill O'Reilly done at Fox News? Drudge may have answer”.
From The “Getty Center evacuated after bomb threat”.
From “Source: Fox News and Bill O'Reilly are talking exit”.
From “Black Hawk helicopter crash in Maryland leaves 1 crew member dead, 2 injured”.
From “Twitter Was Not Sure What To Make Of That ‘Girls’ Finale”.
From “No charges against mother of stillborn Portland baby”.
From “ 'Jeopardy' contestant offers hilariously wrong answer”.
From “Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush hospitalized again in Houston”.
From “Luck says shoulder injury originated in 2015”.
From “North Korea test missiles, challenges US with nuclear war threats”.
From “Tax protests arouse presidential ire, but there's no way Trump is releasing his returns”.
From The “Former UN worker arrested for robbing banks during lunch break”.
From “Adidas Sends Out Insanely-Insensitive Email to Boston Marathon Runners”.
From “Alex Jones, the Infowars conspiracy guru, is just playing a part, his lawyer says”.
From “If the latest iPhone 8 rumors are true, Samsung should be worried”.
From “Pence tells North Korea not to test American resolve, offering Syria and Afghanistan strikes as examples”.
From “Police announce $50,000 reward for arrest of Facebook killer as search intensifies”.
From “Rare gold coin will help pay for Indiana church's expansion plan”.
From “50 years later, historic Boston Marathon runner back at it”.
From “Wells Fargo exec was fired for not scamming N.J. customers, lawsuit says”.
From “More Americans suffering from stress, anxiety and depression, study finds”.
From “What satellite images reveal about Chinas economy”.
From “Trump's Art of the China Deal: Will Xi Jinping Really Help the U.S. Contain North Korea?”
From “McMaster casts doubt on U.S. sending more troops to Syria”.
From The “Park Geun-hye: Ex-South Korean president charged in corruption probe”.
From “John McCain: "I Hope" Trump Has Been 'Sucked In' By The Washington Establishment”.
From The “Girl, 17, dies after losing her leg during shark attack”.
From The “Alex Jones' lawyer admits the one thing we all already knew”.
From “Glenn Beck fires back against Tomi Lahren”.
From The “Giants LF Jarrett Parker Breaks Collarbone After Crashing into Wall During Catch”.
From “False report of gunshots causes Coney Island stampede”.
From MSN.coim: “Snapchat is doing damage control after its CEO allegedly said the app is 'only for rich people' (SNAP)”.
From “North Korea's military parade: What we didn't see”.
From “Mother and daughter die after becoming locked in Czech sauna”.
From The “Stanford lab grows cornea cells for transplant”.
From “Public health experts: Deadly global pandemic is inevitable but Trump administration is unprepared for it”.
From The “Bill Gates Warns A Future Disease Epidemic Is Inevitable”.
From The “Ohio man accused of posting video of fatal shooting on Facebook remains on the loose”.
From The “Protests sweeping South America show rising antigovernment anger”.
From The “Congressman to Constituents: You Don't Pay My Salary”.
From The “Inside the Hotel Industry's Plan to Combat Airbnb”.
From “Expert: 'There will be a pandemic' “.
From “Seven reason's why a global pandemic is inevitable”.
From The “Shaken at the start, Celtics drop Game 1 of playoff series vs. Bulls”.
From The “Park Geun-hye: Ex-South Korean president charged in corruption probe”.
In one of My Writings, The Person said, “Father God gave Me a Brain, and I’m Not afraid to use it. And Father God gave Me a Mind, and I’m Not afraid to use it. And Father God gave Me Intelligence, and I’m Not afraid to use it. And Father God gave Me Knowledge, and I’m Not afraid to use it. And Father God gave Me Good Instincts, and I’m Not afraid to use them. And I have My Brain. And I have My Mind. And I have Intelligence. And I have Knowledge. And I have Good Instincts. And that right there Insults My Intelligence. And that is an Insult to My Intelligence. And I know better. And We know better. And some People know better. And many People know better. And I know The Truth about that Subject. And We know The Truth about that Subject. And some People know The Truth about that Subject. And many People know The Truth about that Subject.”
I am a European, and I am also an American. – Brandon
And More News from Around The World:
From The “Short-term victory for Clippers could be a big loss depending on Blake Griffin's injury”.
From “Florida releases experimental mosquitoes”.
From “Trump awards Purple Heart to soldier in first visit to military hospital”.
From “ 'Avatar' Sequels Book Release Dates, Starting in December 2020”.
From “Bowler uses every lane to bowl a perfect game in 86.9 seconds”.
From The “At least 140 dead after Taliban attack on a key Afghan army base, officials say”.
From The “Eric Staal Injured After Crashing into Boards vs. Blues, Taken to Hospital”.
From “Bacteria-Infected Mosquitoes May Get Rid Of Zika”.
From The “Video shows American Airlines flight attendant challenging passenger to a fight after allegedly hitting woman with stroller”.
From The “North Korea warns GREAT WAR coming as US strike force just DAYS away”.
From “U.S. scientists rally to protest on Earth Day”.
From “Trump pledges to protect environment while reducing burdens on workers”.
From The “Armed Civilian Bands in Venezuela Prop Up Unpopular President”.
From The “Ilie Nastase Under Investigation for Controversial Serena Williams Comments”.
From “ 'Appalling': Woman bumped from Air Canada flight misses $10,000 Galapagos cruise”.
From The “American Airlines Suspends Staffer Who Violently Hit Mother, Narrowly Misses Baby With Stroller”.
From “US defense secretary says Syria dispersed warplanes, retains chemical weapons”.
From The “South Korean forces on high alert ahead of North Korean army celebration, possible nuke test”.
From “Missing Tenn. student found, former teacher arrested”.
From “Charlie Murphy Laid to Rest: Comedians Pay Their Respects”.
From “Dow Chemical wants Trump administration to ignore studies on pesticides”.
From “FTC warns Instagram influencers over sponsored posts”.
From The “Tiger Woods has fourth back surgery and will miss all 2017 majors”.
From The “Ann Coulter vows to speak at Berkeley despite cancellation”.
From “Treasury secretary says a major tax reform proposal is near”.
From “21 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Pets”.
From “13 foods never to feed your dog”.
From “Aaron Hernandez's attorney to take action against prison for negligence”.
From “Surgeon general dismissed, replaced by Trump administration”.
From The “Cowboys CB Anthony Brown Gets Tattoo of Potato Chip on Shoulder”.
From “Hawaii senator: Sessions' comments are insulting and biased”.
From The “Aaron Hernandez may have committed murder to cover up secret”.
From “Zola's ‘J'accuse’ letter is printed - Jan 13, 1898”.
From “VP Pence aims to reassure Australia after tense Trump call”.
From “Psychiatrists warn President Trump Is 'paranoid' and 'delusional' ”.
From “S. Korea on heightened alert as North readies for army anniversary”.
From The “Ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich loses appeal as judges quickly uphold 14-year prison term”.
From “Hawaii lawmakers criticize Sessions' island judge remarks”.
From “Seattle mayor denies knowing accuser, who has gone public”.
From The “Eric Frein, Cop Killer Who Lived In Woods For 48 Days, Guilty On All Charges”.
From “Boy with autism arrested at Florida school”.
From “Syria crisis”.
From The “Paris shooting: Marine Le Pen calls for all French terror suspects to be expelled after Champs Elysees attack”.
From “Rockets overcome Westbrook's 51, take 2-0 lead over Thunder”.
From “Sources: US prepares charges against WikiLeaks' Assange”.
From “United misses Senate deadline for info about passenger removal”.
From The “Bose faces privacy lawsuit over headphones that share listening habits with third parties”.
From “VIDEO: Starbucks barista has meltdown over Unicorn Frappuccino”.
From “Massachusetts Throws Out More Than 21,000 Convictions In Drug Testing Scandal”.
From The “Dow Chemical urges Trump administration to ignore pesticide findings”.
From “US official: China puts bombers on 'high alert' ”.
From The “NBA: Russell Westbrook scores 51, to no avail as Thunder falls to Rockets”.
From “Tesla to recall 53,000 cars over parking brake issue”.
From “Kris Jenner slams Caitlyns book: Everything is 'made up' ”.
From The “Global Flu Pandemic 'Inevitable,' Expert Warns”.
From “Aaron Hernandez's former agent isn't convinced it was suicide and at least one person might agree”.
From “Aaron Hernandez's lawyer insinuates that client's death might not have been suicide”.
From “Cotton booed for defending Trump on tax returns”.
From “ 'SNL' takes Trump back to reality TV roots”.
From “Trump team's mixed messages on North Korea”.
From “First Look at Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper in ‘A Star Is Born’ ”.
From “NFL mock draft: Dan Feeney the choice for Vikings”.
From “Trump congratulates Erdogan on disputed Turkey poll”.
From “What Sean Spicer thinks of his 'SNL' impression”.
From “Iconic 'Portland' sign at Schnitzer hall to come down for renovation”.
From The “Hillary Clinton to President Obama on Election Night: 'I'm Sorry' I Lost”.
From “Venezuela's Opposition Seeks to Keep Pressure on Maduro”.
From “Accuser in Seattle mayor sex abuse lawsuit reveals identity”.
From The “Chaffetz will leave behind Oversight panel he used to investigate Obama White House”.
From The “Trump-Backing House Oversight Chair Jason Chaffetz WILL NOT Seek Reelection”.
From The “So where are they? Mystery over 730,000 missing ELEPHANTS”.
From “Feds knew of 700 Wells Fargo whistleblower cases in 2010”.
From “2 killed amid massive anti-government marches in Venezuela”.
From “Bruce Springsteen releases anti-Trump protest song”.
From “Cubs' Todd Ricketts withdraws name for Trump's Cabinet”.
From “Husband of Dead New York Judge Calls for Help With Investigation”.
From “Frank Artiles: Florida state senator apologizes for racial slurs”.
From The “Umbilical cord blood could slow brain's ageing, study suggests”.
From “Report: Cubs directive aims to prevent players, employees from selling World Series rings”.
From “Bill O'Reilly out at Fox News”.
From “CIA, FBI launch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks”.
From The “Tens of thousands of Venezuelans march against President Nicolas Maduro”.
From The "Trump signs bill allowing veterans to seek care outside broken VA system”.
From “UC Berkeley Bans Ann Coulter But She Plans to Speak Anyway!”
From “Aaron Hernandez, former NFL player, found dead in prison cell, officials say”.
From The “Bill O'Reilly Is Forced Out at Fox News”.
From The “DNC Spokeswoman Promotes Theory That Russia Has Dirt On Chaffetz”.
From The “Mike Pence says America's 'sword stands ready' if North Korea uses conventional or nuclear weapons”.
Here is a Paraphrased Quote from a Contributor on the Cable News Network (CNN), on 4/26/2017: “What, do they want Him to have a Personality Transplant?”
And More of My Writings:
CD28F. Cogent. Cogently. Logic. Logical. Logically. Reasonable. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD29F. Casus Belli (CB). Not a Casus Belli (NACB). A Real Casus Belli. Not a Real Casus Belli. A Reason for War. Not a Reason for War. A Real Reason for War. Not a Real Reason for War. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
The Following are some of The Mottos of Fox News: “Fair and Balanced,” and, “We Report. You Decide.”
And More of My Writings:
CD30F. Honest. Honestly. Dishonest. Dishonestly. Intellectually Honest. Not Intellectually Honest. Intellectually Dishonest. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD31F. Truth. Truthful. Truthfully. Lie. Lies. Lying. Lied. Liar. Liars. Afraid of The Truth. Not Afraid of The Truth. In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone: “It is Pretty Obvious to a Reasonable Person what The Truth is. And Why would You be Afraid of The Truth? And You should Embrace The Truth.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “Lawmakers attacked as protesters storm Macedonian parliament”.
From “Turkey arrests 1,000 and suspends 9,100 police in new crackdown”.
From “NAFTA explained - CNN Video”.
From “House Republicans reveal health care amendment details”.
From “Trump unleashed string of tweets at judiciary - CNN Video”.
From “Border mystery: Where are the immigrants?”
From “US veteran charged with killing PTSD 'therapy dog' as boyfriend filmed her”.
From The “Trump Says He Will 'Renegotiate' NAFTA”.
From “White House unveils what officials are calling the 'biggest tax cut' in history”.
From “Tapper: This number alarmed us - CNN Video”.
From “Slavery still exists -- we must confront it”.
From “Bears turn NFL draft upside down, pick Mitchell Trubisky after trade”.
From “This Court Case Decided Cell Phones Give You Brain Tumors”.
From “Bill Cosby Confirms Rumors That He is Now Completely Blind”.
From “2 US Army soldiers killed fighting ISIS in Afghanistan”.
From “Does this cocaine make me look fat? Two men on flight caught with $400,000 worth of drug taped to their bodies.”.
From “Nicolas Cage Breaks Ankle On Movie Set In Bulgaria”.
From “United CEO to Lester Holt: Dragging incident was 'system failure across the board' ”.
From “Joanna Gaines addresses rumor that she's leaving 'Fixer Upper' ”.
From “Ridley Scott: Aliens exist and will come for us”.
From “Sean Hannity Defends Fox News Co-President Bill Shine, Warns of End of FNC as We Know It”.
From “Exclusive: Trump says 'major, major' conflict with North Korea possible, but seeks diplomacy”.
From “Doctor dragged off United Airlines flight reaches undisclosed settlement”.
From The “Washington Wizards vs. Atlanta Hawks: Game 5 Prediction, Betting Odds, Early Start Time”.
From “Ann Coulter Cancels Her Berkeley Speech”.
From “Trump slams sanctuary city ruling, says opponents are 'judge shopping!' ”.
From “This car amazingly changes color based on the driver's mood”.
From The “Man arrested for assaulting a robot”.
From “M. Night Shyamalan Unveils Split/Unbreakable Sequel Starring Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson”.
From “How music helped us heal after 9/11”.
From “Guest calls out Fallon's lie and he loses it - CNN Video”.
From “Mexican woman lives as a slave for 30 years”.
From “Man kicked off flight for using bathroom - CNN Video”.
From “Toddler survives being run over twice - CNN Video”.
From “United CEO Blames Dao Incident on 'System Failure,' Apologizes for Rabbit Incident”.
From “Convicted terrorist admits she lied to become US citizen”.
From “The 44 Most Astonishing Archaeological Finds In History”.
From “Caitlyn Jenner on O.J.: 'I knew he did it' ”.
From The “Hey Portland, it could be worse: In Astoria, it's rained for 167 days, breaking a 96-year record”.
From The “Trump, in new tax plan, promises to do what Reagan couldn’t”.
From “M. Night Shyamalan Unveils Split/Unbreakable Sequel Starring Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson”.
From “Turkey arrests 1,000 and suspends 9,100 police in new crackdown”.
From The “Full Senate, in rare move, goes to White House grounds for classified North Korea briefing”.
From “Syria chemical attack samples prove government used sarin - French Foreign Minister”.
From “Difficult legal path forward for Trump in sanctuary cities case”.
From The “China, Sending a Signal, Launches a Home-Built Aircraft Carrier”.
From The “Houston Rockets vs. Oklahoma City Thunder: Game 5 Prediction, Betting Odds, TV Channel”.
From “Police, indigenous in Brazil clash with tear gas and spears”.
From “NFL draft predictions”.
From “Celtics beat Bulls 108-97, take 3-2 lead in series”.
From “Jenner: I would look at a run for office”.
From “Trump’s newly unveiled anti-immigrant hotline bombarded with reports of space aliens”.
From The “Senators Told North Korea Nuclear Threat Is Urgent”.
From The “Artificial 'brain in a dish' is created in a world first”.
From “ACLU defends Coulter: We must protect speech”.
From “US Navy ship fires warning flare at Iranian vessel in Persian Gulf”.
From “New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed”.
From The “Jesse Watters of Fox Denies His Ivanka Trump Comment Was Lewd”.
From “Chobani Is Suing Infowars Radio Host Alex Jones”.
From “Parts of US anti-missile system moved to South Korean site”.
From “Lawyer for ex-NFL star Hernandez denies letter mentioned prison lover”.
From “Rockets owner leaves seat during Game 5 to complain to referee about no-call”.
From “Fox News Faces New Racial Discrimination Lawsuit”.
From “Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold 'sanctuary city' funds”.
From “This Artificial Womb Could Boost Survival Rates Among Premature Babies”.
From The “Committee rejects Breitbart application for congressional press credentials”.
From “ 'Superbug' Fungus New Menace in US Hospitals, Mostly NY, NJ”.
From “Prototype vehicle that flies over water unveiled by aero startup Kitty Hawk”.
From “White House considers 'art of compromise' to avoid shutdown”.
From “US Navy guided-missile sub calls in S. Korea”.
From “Justin Bieber reflects on troubled past”.
From “2008 No. 1 pick Jake Long retires after battling injuries”.
From “Celebs who dropped out of high school”.
From The “China's Xi urges Trump to use caution in handling North Korea”.
From “Burt Reynolds makes rare public appearance at film festival”.
From The “Republican students sue to allow Ann Coulter's speech this week at UC Berkeley”.
From “Prototype vehicle that flies over water unveiled by aero startup Kitty Hawk”.
From “Trump Adviser Gorka Abruptly Leaves 'Fake News' Panel”.
From “US sanctions 271 Syrian government workers after chemical attack”.
From “Elton John Cancels Shows After Being Hospitalized Due to Rare Infection”.
From “2017 NBA Playoffs: Steve Kerr Will Miss Remainder of Warriors vs. Blazers Series”.
From The “Bomb attack hits 'secretive' US base in eastern Afghanistan as James Mattis visits capital”.
From “2017 NFL draft predictions for all 32 teams”.
From “Entire Senate being called to White House for North Korea briefing”.
From “Ron Paul Rages At Trump: "Assange Is A Hero... Don't Declare War On The Truth" | Zero Hedge”.
From “O'Reilly goes public after Fox ouster: 'You're going to be shaken' ”.
From “Senate staff perplexed by unusual White House private briefing on North Korea”.
From The “Elton John 'cancels Las Vegas shows due to illness”.
From The “In call to Trump, Chinese leader urges restraint over NKorea”.
From “Bill O'Reilly Speaks Out in Podcast: 'Hey, I Missed You Guys' ”.
From “Virus could be mistaken for allergy symptoms”.
From “Eerie tech promises to copy anyone's voice from just 1 minute of audio”.
From “Wikipedia founder to fight fake news with new Wikitribune site”.
From The “Amid Venezuela unrest, experts worry that criminals will acquire military’s weapons”.
From The “Trump seeks 15 percent corporate tax rate, even if it swells the national debt”.
From “Wolf Pup Born in Missouri Offers Hope for Breed”.
From “Did Aaron Hernandez murder Odin Lloyd to conceal his bi-sexuality?”
From The “Aaron Hernandez's Agent Says There's 'No Chance' Former TE's Death Was Suicide”.
From The “Bill Nye Makes A False Claim About The US Constitution Again”.
From “Steve Kerr to miss Warriors' Game 4 due to chronic back pain”.
From “CNN's Alisyn Camerota: Roger Ailes sexually harassed me”.
From “Duterte on Terrorists: 'Give Me Salt, Vinegar, I'll Eat His Liver' ”.
From “Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte says he can be 50 times more brutal than terrorists”.
From The “UC Berkeley College Republicans threaten to sue if Ann Coulter not allowed to speak”.
From The “Bill O'Reilly announces he will return with a podcast on Monday night”.
From “Trump to host conservative media at reception”.
From “Sean Hannity Accused of Sexually Harassing Fox News Contributor”.
And More Information from Around The World:
From “Antibody”.
From “Monoclonal antibody therapy”.
From “Disease Resistance May Be Genetic”.
From “Immunotherapy”.
From “Disease”.
From “Virus”.
From “Pandemic”.
From “Societal collapse”.
From “Epidemic”.
And More Information from Around The World:
From “EPA removes climate change info from website - CNN Video”.
From “Police: Austin officer faked own death, may have fled country”.
From The “Shannen Doherty Gives Cancer Diagnosis Update”.
From “US service member killed in blast near Mosul, coalition says”.
From “Russia's Lavrov says ready to cooperate with U.S. on Syria: agencies”.
From “Trump warns of 'major, major conflict' with North Korea”.
From “Factions in the Republican Party (United States) - Wikipedia”.
From “Body Found in Grand Canyon Believed to Be Missing Teen Hiker”.
From “Japan, Philippines Urge U.S., North Korea to Avoid War Brink”.
From “Stem-cell therapy”.
From “Roseanne Revival in the Works With Roseanne Barr, John Goodman, Sara Gilbert”.
From “How Facebook is fighting back against propaganda”.
From The “Larry Bird Steps Down as Pacers President, Expected to Remain as Consultant”.
From The “John Waters, in town and in rare form, as usual”.
From “ 'I thought it would be easier': Trump assesses his first 100 days”.
From “Trump Warns Of Potential 'Major, Major Conflict' With North Korea”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Officials: Inmate dies after days of no water - CNN Video”.
From “Walmart Purse Note Tells of Chinese Prisoners' Treatment”.
From “Exclusive drone footage captures west Mosul in the throes of war”.
From “Woman says note from Chinese 'prisoner' was hidden in new purse”.
From “5 new truffle species identified in New Hampshire”.
From “Trump: Andrew Jackson saw the Civil War coming”.
From “5 new truffle species identified in New Hampshire”.
From “Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost”.
From “Val Kilmer finally admits he had cancer”.
From “Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster on foreign policy; Sen. Schumer on President Trump's first 100 days”.
“I made some things better,” which is a quote from Former Senator Phil Gramm, while he was speaking on the Fox News Channel (FNC) on May 2, 2017.
And More of My Writings:
CD32F. Disinterested. Disinterest. Disinteresting. Sort of Disinterested. Sort of Disinterest. Sort of Disinteresting. Kind of Disinterested. Kind of Disinterest. Kind of Disinteresting. Very Disinterested. Very Much Disinterest. Very Disinteresting. Extremely Disinterested. Extreme Disinterest. Extremely Disinteresting. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD33F. Interested. Interest. Interesting. Sort of Interested. Sort of Some Interest. Sort of Interesting. Kind of Interested. Kind of Some Interest. Kind of Interesting. Very Interested. Very Much of Interest. Very Interesting. Extremely Interested. Extreme Interest. Extremely Interesting. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD34F. Known in an Intelligence Circle. Known in Intelligence Circles. Known in [ ]. Known by [ ]. Known through [ ]. Known because [ ]. Known in [ ] Circle. Known in [ ] Circles. Circle. Circles. Known by Me. Known by You. Known by Him. Known by Her. Known by Them. Known by Us. I know [ ]. You know [ ]. He knows [ ]. She knows [ ]. They know[ ]. We know [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD35F. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “As History Shows, Civilizations tend to Fall when there is a widespread Fear of The Truth. And The Truth should be Embraced. And The Truth should be Embraced Economically, Socially, and Politically. And, as News Reports indicate -- which can also be found on Internet Searches -- in the Year 2016, an Estimated 66 Percent of The Population had a Type of Herpes. And More Diseases are becoming Increasingly Drug Resistant. And Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are becoming More and More Widespread. And The Truth should be Embraced.”
“But it’s Not all Bad,” which is a Quote from a Character named “Elizabeth,” in The Television Show called, “The Americans”.
And More of My Writings:
CD36F. Not Interested (NI). Not an Interest. Not Interesting. Sort of Not Interested. Not Sort of Some Interest. Not Sort of Interesting. Not Kind of Interested. Not Kind of Some Interest. Not Kind of Interesting. Not Very Interested. Not Very Much of Interest. Not Very Interesting. Not Extremely Interested. Not an Extreme Interest. Not Extremely Interesting. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD37F. [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. [ ].
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I call it like it is. And I called it like it is.”
And More of My Writings:
CD38F. Dynamic. Dynamics. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD39F. Complex. Complexity. Complexities. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD40F. Simple. Simplicity. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD41F. Organize. Organizes. Organizing. Organized. Organization. Organizations. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD42F. Facet. Facets. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD43F. Multifaceted. Multifaceted and Complex (MAC). Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD44F. The Way it was. The Way it is. The Way it will be. The Way it should be. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD45F. At the Same Time. At about the Same Time. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD46F. From [ ] to [ ]. From [ ] to [ ] to [ ]. From [ ] to [ ] to [ ] to [ ]. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD47F. [ ] to [ ]. [ ] to [ ] to [ ]. [ ] to [ ] to [ ] to [ ]. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD48F. Look. Looks. Looking. Looked. Look [ ]. Look [ ] and [ ]. Look [ ] and [ ] and [ ]. Look [ ] and [ ] and [ ] and [ ]. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD49F. See. Sees. Seeing. Seen. Saw. Saws. Sawing. Sawed. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD50F. Hear. Hears. Hearing. Heard. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD51F. Read. Reads. Reading. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD52F. Write. Writes. Writing. Writings. Wrote. Written. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD53F. About. About [ ]. Approximately. Approximately [ ]. Exactly. Exactly [ ]. Sort of. Sort of [ ]. Kind of. Kind of [ ]. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD54F. System. Systems. Systematic. Systematically. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD55F. Recognize. Recognizes. Recognizing. Recognized. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD56F. Understand. Understands. Understanding. Understandings. Understood. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD57F. Made for [ ]. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD58F. Created for [ ]. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “Penny For Your Thoughts? Japanese Scientists Unveil Mind-Reading Device | WORLD SPECIAL Videos | - India Today Video”.
From The “Mind-reading device invented by scientists to eavesdrop on 'inner voice' ”.
From “Rep. Collins: I didn't read health care bill”.
From “CNN Special Report: Missing: Madeleine McCann”.
From “US military member killed in action in Somalia”.
From “Military perplexed after Trump says soldiers couldn't get religious items”.
From “North Korea claims US 'biochemical' plot to kill Kim Jong Un”.
From The “Lake deputy fired for waving weapons, quoting Denzel Washington character in 'Training Day' ”.
From “Kendall Jenner's month of media mishaps”.
From “In Rare Unity, Hospitals, Doctors and Insurers Criticize Health Bill”.
From “More Details Emerge On Aaron Hernandez's Apparent Suicide”.
From “31 seconds of the healthcare vote that shows why people hate politics”.
From “China says making air force drills more realistic”.
From “Republican Obamacare replacement bill passes House”.
From The “Scope of Federal Probe into Fox News Broadens”.
From “Psychotic manifestations in brain tumour patients: 2 case reports from South Africa”.
From “Trump praises Australia's universal health care after Obamacare repeal”.
From “US family: we were kicked off Delta flight for refusing to give up son's seat”.
From “Trump Signs Religious Liberty Order, Day of Prayer Proclamation”.
From The “FBI report finds officers 'de-policing' as anti-cop hostility becomes 'new norm' ”.
From “Bombay Sapphire Gin Is Being Recalled For Having Double the Alcohol Content”.
From The “Elite troops are being worked too hard and spread too thin, military commander warns”.
From “The Joker did not kill Heath Ledger, says sister”.
From “Family kicked off flight, threatened with jail, for refusing to give up child's seat”.
From “Iraq forces launch new push on IS in west Mosul”.
From “YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki: Don't interrupt me”.
From “Trump Wonders Why the Civil War Happened, Walks Out of Interview”.
From “Axelrod: If I were Clinton, I would move on”.
From “Late night spoofs Steve Bannon's whiteboard”.
From “Trump walks out of interview after being questioned about Obama wiretap claims”.
From “Stephen Colbert's Response to #FireColbert: 'I Dont Regret It' ”.
From “Sources: Former Acting AG Yates to contradict administration about Flynn at hearing”.
From “The most dangerous type of turbulence”.
From The “US Congress holding 'private conversations' about how to remove Donald Trump”.
From The “Why this Google Docs phishing attack is particularly sneaky”.
From “New revelation in Alton Sterling case - CNN Video”.
From “MLB sports agent wants Congress to crack down on racist taunts”.
From “Did You Get A Weird Invitation To Edit A Google Doc? It's Best Not To Click”.
From “Robin Williams final film being released”.
From “Sen. Franken leaves DOJ lawyer speechless”.
From The “North Korean Media, in Rare Critique of China, Says Nuclear Program Will Continue”.
From “Scientists discover oil sands pollution significantly under-reported”.
From “Colbert responds to #FireColbert backlash: I would do it again”.
From “Analysis: Macron gave as good as he got in electric French debate”.
From “FBI Director: Notion That Bureau Impacted Election Makes Him Mildly Nauseous”.
From “As Congress touts spending deal, Trump calls for shutdown”.
From “Boston Red Sox apologize after fans racially abuse Adam Jones at Fenway Park”.
From “'Jeopardy,' 'Wheel of Fortune' Renewed for Two More Seasons”.
From “Lessons from the LA riots: How a troubled police department changed.”
From “Trump responds to Clinton with late-night tweets”.
From “Jury recommends charges against 7 jail employees in dehydration death”.
From “South Korea's likely next president warns the U.S. not to meddle in its democracy”.
From “As Congress touts spending deal, Trump calls for shutdown”.
From The “President Trump demands government shutdown in angry tweets”.
From “THAAD Missile System In South Korea Is Now Operational, U.S. Says”.
From “Since Snowden spilled his secrets, U.S. surveillance targets have surged”.
From “Violent Brawl Between Airline Passengers Caught on Video: 'I'll Kill You' ”.
From “Supreme Court Rejects Guilty Until Proven Innocent, Says States Cannot Keep Money From The Innocent”.
From “Hillary Clinton blames FBI director, WikiLeaks for her election loss”.
From The “O'Reilly: The State Of The Union Is Not Good”.
From The “Ford says state of the union is 'not good' in 1975 speech”.
From “NSA collected Americans' phone records despite law change: report”.
From “Stephen Colbert in Hot Water Over 'Homophobic' Donald Trump Joke”.
From “Supreme Court Upholds Principle Of 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty' ”.
From “A's prospect Casey Thomas dies unexpectedly at age 24”.
From “FBI translator in Detroit secretly married ISIS leader”.
From “Officials: Inmate dies after days of no water - CNN Video”.
From “Walmart Purse Note Tells of Chinese Prisoners' Treatment”.
From “Exclusive drone footage captures west Mosul in the throes of war”.
And Some More of My Writings:
CD59F. Corroborate. Corroborates. Corroborated. Corroboration.
Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD60F. Verify. Verifies. Verifying. Verified.
Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD61F. Support. Supports. Supporting. Supported.
Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD62F. Seem. Seems. Seeming. Seemed.
Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD63F. Look Like (LL). Looks Like (LL). Looking Like (LL). Looked Like (LL). Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD64F. Recognize. Recognizes. Recognized. Recognition.
Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). More. Not More (NM). About. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From “Pulse 911 calls: ‘They are dying, we’re dying’ ”.
From “European XFEL: First light for worlds biggest X-ray laser”.
From “How hotel soap can save lives”.
From “Politician knocks self out laughing at 'Veep' ”.
From “See Mark Hamill prank 'Star Wars' superfans”.
From “Celebs who have been body-shamed”.
From “Earnhardt Jr. explains why he doesn’t carry a wallet”.
From The “Should We Worry about Ancient Pathogens being Revived?”
From “Former Green Bay Packers tight end Tom Crabtree trolls Jay Cutler in the best way”.
From “Former Trump aide calls Russia probe 'comically fake' ”.
From “New York AG: I'll sue if Senate passes ObamaCare repeal”.
From “ 'The least worst option': A divided France braces for vote”.
From “India's top court upholds death sentences for fatal gang-rape”.
From “Virus revived from ancient permafrost able to produce infection”.
From The “Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population”.
From “Deputy Helped Cover Up Bizarre Murder Plot, Sheriff’s Office Says”.
From The “Abel Tasman Takes 1st in 2017 Kentucky Oaks, Gives Bob Baffert 3rd Career Win”.
From “Trump Army secretary nominee withdraws amid fierce opposition”.
From The “Hackers take aim at French election, spread fake info”.
From The “NHL playoffs 2017: Scores, schedule, news and live updates”.
From “Trump Spurns Congress as He Signals Medical Marijuana Fight”.
From “See Hubble's spectacular new view of galaxies far, far away”.
From “Trump praises Australia’s universal health-care system: 'You have better health care than we do' ”.
From “Rand Paul is now accusing the Obama administration of spying on him”.
From “FCC to investigate, 'take appropriate action' on Colbert’s Trump rant”.
From “FCC to Investigate Stephen Colbert Over Controversial Donald Trump Joke”.
From “Venezuela Is Starving”.
From “Doctors warn Minnesota measles outbreak still "early" as cases increase”.
From “N. Korea accuses CIA of plot to assassinate Kim Jong-Un”.
From The “This camera can see through walls and could help driverless cars navigate fog”.
From The “MIT's 3-D Microwave Camera Can See Through Walls”.
From The “Scientists Have Invented a Mind-Reading Machine That Visualises Your Thoughts”.
From “Penny For Your Thoughts? Japanese Scientists Unveil Mind-Reading Device | WORLD SPECIAL Videos | - India Today Video”.
From The “Mind-reading device invented by scientists to eavesdrop on 'inner voice' ”.
Many Individuals have – correctly – stated that the chance of Evolution being responsible for creating Us is extremely, extremely low. Additionally, if Our Planet Earth were only a little bit farther from, or a little bit closer to, the sun, We Humans could Not Survive, and this, among other things -- such as the Complexities of Our Brains, Eyes, Ears, Organs, and Other Parts of Our Bodies -- also point to We being Divinely Created by Father God.
And Here is a Quote from Sir Fred Hoyle: “We must now admit to ourselves that the probability of life arising by chance by evolution is the same probability of throwing six in dice five million consecutive times.”
And More News and Information from Around The World:
From “How Nanotechnology Works”.
From “Nanotechnology - Wikipedia”.
From The “The Science Of Human Cloning”.
From “How Cloning Works”.
From “Miners at disaster site besiege Iranian president's car”.
From “ 'SNL': Where in the world is Kellyanne Conway?”.
From “San Diego police shoot, kill 15-year-old carrying BB gun”.
From The “ 'Huge, huge, huge error': Warren Buffett on Wells Fargo's handling of ethics line calls”.
From The “Trump Blasts 'Fake News' Coverage Of House Obamacare Repeal Bill”.
From “AP FACT CHECK: Squishy claims follow health care bill”.
From The “200 Indonesian inmates still at large after fleeing overcrowded prison”.
From The “An Epidemic of False Claims”.
From “Always Dreaming wins Kentucky Derby on sloppy track”.
From The “IS attacks US advisers' Iraq base”.
From “Navy identifies SEAL killed in raid in Somalia”.
From “NHL playoffs: Senators lead series after thrilling OT win over Rangers; Caps alive”.
From The “Fight Brews Over Push to Shield Americans in Warrantless Surveillance”.
From The “Medical studies are almost always bogus”.
From “Peru to give visas to thousands of crisis-weary Venezuelans”.
From “Scientists Can Read Minds with Brain Scans”.
From “We know what you’re thinking: Scientists find a way to read minds”.
From “Scientists show they can 'read your mind' using brain scans”.
From The “FCC Considers Fining Stephen Colbert Over Controversial Trump Joke”.
From The Television show called, “Madam Secretary,” on May 7, 2017: One Woman asked, “Who Told You?” And The Other Woman replied, “Experience.”
And More News from Around The World:
From The SloanReview.Mit.Edu: “How Big Data Is Empowering AI and Machine Learning at Scale”.
From The “AI detective analyses police data to learn how to crack cases”.
From “Scientists Have Invented a Mind-Reading Machine That Visualises Your Thoughts”.
From “So About That Hyped New Study On Cheese Being Great”.
From “CERN launches new accelerator to help boost data output”.
From “The surprising benefits of talking to yourself”.
From “Senators show signs of support for more troops in Afghanistan”.
From “Comey firing troubles top Republican lawmakers”.
From “Woman changes accent in medical mystery”.
From “Texas mom wakes up from surgery with a British accent”.
From “EXCLUSIVE: Abby Lee Miller Feels 'Relieved, Peaceful' After Prison Sentencing, Reveals What's Next”.
From “7 Things You Never Knew About Dunkin' Donuts, Straight From an Employee”.
From “Seattle mayor drops re-election bid after sex abuse claims”.
From “American Idol: ABC Confirms Plan to Revive Talent Competition Series”.
From “Wendy's gives teen free nuggets after Twitter plea sets record”.
From “So About That Hyped New Study On Cheese Being Great”.
From “Pentagon says it will arm Syrian Kurds, despite Turkey's objections”.
From “Democrats stumble into abortion rift”.
From “CERN launches new accelerator to help boost data output”.
From “President Trump fires FBI Director James Comey”.
From The “South Korea Elects Moon Jae-in, Who Backs Talks With North, as President”.
From The “MLB Prospect Casey Thomas' Gym Rat Heart, Cool West Coast Vibe Lost at Just 24”.
From “Yates, Cruz spar over Trump's travel ban”.
From “Congressman walks out of interview”.
From “Chris Pratt apologizes for Instagram post”.
From “Judges appear divided on Trump's travel ban”.
From “The five fights Republicans will have on health care”.
From “25 SHOCKING Rumors That Are Actually True”.
From The “South Korea Votes After Scandal Jails Ex-President”.
From “Trump Insists Long-Awaited Testimony By Yates And Clapper Was 'Old News' ”.
From The “Anonymous warns world to 'prepare' for World War 3”.
From “ACLU seeks documents on planning of Yemen raid that killed Navy SEAL”.
From “Attorneys: Giant rabbit may have died while locked in freezer after United flight”.
From “Senate Republicans Are Writing a New Health Care Bill. But What Will Be Different?”.
From “Irish beach reappears 33 years after vanishing into Atlantic Ocean”.
From “Sally Yates: Trump aide told Flynn blackmail risk”.
From The “EPA dismisses half of its scientific advisers on key board, citing 'clean break' with Obama administration”.
From “Trump administration defends travel ban in appeals court”.
From “Texas Governor Signs Toughest Sanctuary City Law in U.S.A.”.
From “Warriors owner reveals Kerr underwent spinal cord leak procedure”.
From “The new bookstore bringing magic to Brooklyn”.
From The “Can A Brain Computer Interface Convert Your Thoughts to Text?”.
From “Trump travel ban challenge in court Monday”.
From “Sources: Yates to contradict WH about Flynn”.
From “Harvey reportedly filing grievance with Mets over suspension”.
From “Harden, Rockets rout Spurs 125-104 to tie series”.
From “San Diego police killed boy, 15, in school parking lot”.
From The “Sally Yates is set to give bombshell testimony about Michael Flynn and Russia -- here's what to expect”.
From “Five senators to watch in healthcare fight”.
From “Iran minister warns Saudi Arabia after 'battle' comments”.
From “2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards: Winners and Highlights”.
From “Pakistan claims it killed 50 Afghan border troops”.
From “Wizards use 26-0 run to rout Celtics in Game 4, tie series”.
From “Trump Weighing 95 Percent Cut to Drug Office, Chief Warns”.
From “Wait over: Canelo, Triple G eager for September megafight”.
From The “As some Republicans rush to defend House health bill, Senate GOP warily pauses”.
From The “Another Arctic ice panic over as world temperatures plummet”.
From “Iran minister warns Saudi Arabia after 'battle' comments”.
From “Iran Threatens To Destroy Saudi Arabia After Saudi Prince Warns Of "Moving Battle To Iran" ”.
From “European XFEL: First light for world's biggest X-ray laser”.
From The “Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population”.
From “Miners at disaster site besiege Iranian president's car”.
From The “Medical studies are almost always bogus”.
From “Backlash against Trumpcare erupts across heartland”.
From “Federal Judge Declares Constitution Void, Threatens Civil Defendant With Death”.
From “Cloning”.
From “Scientists Have Invented a Mind-Reading Machine That Visualises Your Thoughts”.
From “How Nanotechnology Works”.
From “Nanotechnology”.
From “IBM Watson Data Analysis Service Revealed”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said: “We are Done Pretending. And We are Not going to Pretend anymore. And I am Done Pretending. And I am Not going to Pretend anymore. And We are going to be Honest. And I am going to be Honest. And We are going to be Truthful. And I am going to be Truthful. And There is No More Pretending.”
And More of My Writings:
CD65F. “Isn’t it Obvious?” “Isn’t it Obvious [ ]?” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F. “It is Obvious.” “It is Obvious [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F2. “It is Obvious to Me.” “It is Obvious to Me [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F3. “It is Obvious to You.” “It is Obvious to You [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F4. “It is Obvious to Him.” “It is Obvious to Him [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F5. “It is Obvious to Her.” “It is Obvious to Her [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F6. “It is Obvious to that Person.” “It is Obvious to that Person [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F7. “It is Obvious to Us.” “It is Obvious to Us [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F8. “It is Obvious to Them.” “It is Obvious to Them [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F9. “It is Obvious to a Reasonable Person.” “It is Obvious to a Reasonable Person [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F10. “It is Obvious to Some Reasonable People.” “It is Obvious to Some Reasonable People [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F11. “It is Obvious to Many Reasonable People.” “It is Obvious to Many Reasonable People [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F12. “It is Obvious to Reasonable People.” “It is Obvious to Reasonable People [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F13. “It is Obvious to a Person.” “It is Obvious to a Person [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F14. “It is Obvious to Some People.” “It is Obvious to Some People [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F15. “It is Obvious to Many People.” “It is Obvious to Many People [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD66F16. “It is Obvious to People.” “It is Obvious to People [ ].” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD67F. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am a Legalese Speaker (LS), and I am a Legalese Reader (LR), and I am also a Legalese Writer (LW), and I Understand The Legalese Language (LL).”
CD68F. Speaker. Reader. Writer. Understand. Speakers. Readers. Writers. Understands. Student of [ ]. Expert of [ ]. Expert in [ ]. Scholar of [ ]. Students of [ ]. Experts of [ ]. Experts in [ ]. Scholars of [ ]. Good at [ ]. Very Good at [ ]. Extremely Good at [ ]. Talented at [ ]. Experienced at [ ]. Experienced in [ ]. Well Versed in [ ]. Veteran of [ ]. Veteran in [ ]. Veterans of [ ]. Veterans in [ ]. Worked at [ ]. Worked in [ ]. Volunteer at [ ]. Volunteer in [ ]. Volunteers at [ ]. Volunteers in [ ]. Know about [ ]. Speaker of [ ]. Reader of [ ]. Writer of [ ]. Understand [ ]. Understand the [ ] Language. [ ]. [ ]. Speakers of [ ]. Readers of [ ]. Writers of [ ]. Understands [ ]. Understands the [ ] Language. [ ]. [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
It’s True. And that’s Just Reality.
Written By: Brandon Katrena
The Man, The Woman, a Child, and a Friend Named, William were Camping, when The Child came back to The Tent after Swimming in The River. The Child said, “I saw a Pack of Wolves by The River.” And The Man, The Woman, and William just Laughed, Laughed, and Laughed. And The Man said to William, “Come on William, Let’s See for Ourselves if there is a Pack of Wolves out there.” And about 9 Minutes Later, The Man and William came Running into the Tent, and They said, “Yes, The Child was Right. There is a Pack of Wolves.” And The Woman, and – strangely – The Child, just Laughed, Laughed, and Laughed. The Woman said, “Are You making up Stories? You must be making up Stories.” And The Woman, said, “I will go see for Myself.” And a few minutes later, The Woman came running into the Tent, and She said, “We Must go immediately. And We must Intervene immediately here. And I must Intervene immediately here. There must be an Intervention. Before it’s Too Late. And, You Three are Correct, there is indeed a Pack of Wolves there.” And – Strangely – The Man, William, and The Child just Laughed, Laughed, and Laughed. And then Suddenly The Wolves, who now surrounded the tent, began to Howl, Howl, and Howl. And -- Strangely -- they all – The Man, The Woman, The Child, and William – began to Laugh, Laugh, and Laugh again, with The Man saying, “In addition to We seeing Imaginary Things, We must also be Hearing Imaginary Things.” And so, The Man, The Woman, The Child, and William Tricked Themselves into Believing Nonsense, and The Fact of The Matter was that They all had Seen Reality – there was Indeed a Pack of Wolves outside. And a few minutes later, The Man, The Woman, The Child, and William, then went to sleep, taking Comfort in the False Notion that The Howls that They heard by Their Tent were Not Really Howls at all. And The Wolves did Not go to Sleep until after The Wolves had ate a late Dinner.
The Sick and Unnatural System versus Paradise
Written by Brandon Katrena
The Man said to another Man, “During this Stage of Our History, We Currently Live in a Sick and Unnatural System, where Many People Place More Value on Pieces of Small Paper rather than on Human Life. We have More than Enough Resources -- such as Food, Metals, and other Resources -- where Everyone can Live Decent Lives, and yet Many of Us have been taught and conditioned to Chase after Small Pieces of Paper once they get off the Printing Presses. I do Not Believe that this is what Father God intends His Children to do. We are More Valuable than Pieces of Small Paper.”
Here is a Quote from the 1999 Movie called, “The Matrix,” by the Character Named, “Morpheus,” to the Character Named, “Neo,” who was also a Savior and a Rescuer: “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.” Red Pilled (RP).
And Here is a Paraphrased -- and Well-Known -- Quote from Someone: “Don’t Hate The Player(s), and instead You can Hate The Game.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Two-thirds of the world population has herpes”.
There is an ABC News Headline Entitled: “Herpes 8 Spread Through Kissing”.
From “Australia wants to wipe out carp with herpes”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Australia plans to kill 'plague' of European carp with herpes virus”.
From Who.Intl: “Why the Ebola outbreak has been underestimated”.
From “Hidden STD Epidemic: 110 Million Infections in the US”.
From “Viral Hepatitis: The Secret Epidemic”. And this Website ( is from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Mudd blasts McMaster: Don't play us for idiots”.
From “McMaster Responds To Wapo: "I Was In The Room, It Didn't Happen. The Story Is False" ”.
From The “Ann Coulter Is Worried The Trump-Haters Were Right”.
From “Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death”.
From “ 'House of Cards' stars say show can't out-'crazy' Trump”.
From The “200 protesters spell out 'RESIST!' in flash mob at Trump's Rancho Palos Verdes golf course”.
From “Ebola kills 3 in DRC, WHO says; scores more linked to deaths”.
From “IRS execs: Our lives at risk in tea party case”.
From “17 mummies discovered in central Egypt”.
From “The Emperor's New Clothes”.
From “Novel tissue-engineered islet transplant achieves insulin independence in type 1 diabetes”.
From “The Newest Cosmic Radio Burst Has Stumped Scientists”.
From “Analysis”.
From “Strategy suggests ways to prepare for emerging antibiotic resistant superbugs”.
From “Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo kills 3 people, WHO says”.
From “Caitlyn Jenner distant from Kim Kardashian”.
From “Your hero could be a CNN Hero!”
From “Man shoves money at lawmaker during town hall”.
From “Source: Comey is 'not worried about any tapes' ”.
From “Anti-abortion student group sues professor”.
From The “CPR training helped Oswego teen save coach's life”.
From “Watchdog group alleges Sessions violated recusal rule in firing of Comey”.
From “ 'Looking Like a Liar or a Fool': What It Means to Work for Trump”.
From “The labels said 'organic'. But these massive imports of corn and soybeans weren't.”.
From “White House Staff React in Real-Time as Trump Tweets: 'Jesus' ”.
From “Wells Fargo fake account scandal may be bigger than thought”.
From “Pope Francis visits Portugal to canonize children who saw Virgin Mary”.
From “Twitter CEO: It's important to hear what Trump has to say”.
From The “Quadruple amputee from flesh eating bacteria during childbirth to receive U.S.' first double-arm transplant”.
From The “Massive creature washes up on Indonesian island - but what is it?”
From “North Korea says will have dialogue with U.S. under right conditions”.
From “Trump's Comey firing sets off new round of leaks”.
From “Strategy suggests ways to prepare for emerging antibiotic resistant superbugs”.
From The “Infectious diseases A-Z: the fight against antibiotic resistance”.
From “Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo kills 3 people, WHO says”.
From “Trump threatens Comey in Twitter outburst”.
From “Ebola outbreak declared in DR Congo”.
From “Hundreds of secret waterfalls revealed”.
From “What happened during Andrew McCabe's testimony at Senate Intelligence hearing?”
From “ 'Dynasty' Reboot Picked Up To Series At the CW”.
From “President Trump Calls Ousted FBI Chief 'Showboat' in Lester Holt Interview”.
From “Hepatitis C nearly triples in US in 5 years”.
From “Data analysis”.
From “A Strategists Guide to Artificial Intelligence”.
From “Trump creates voter fraud commission that critics call a 'sham' ”.
From “Heroin epidemic causes spike in hepatitis C”.
From “Rachel Dolezal's biracial appearance is "blackface," brother says”.
From “Trump Interview With Lester Holt: President Asked Comey If He Was Under Investigation”.
From The “FBI agents are changing their Facebook profile photos to James Comey”.
From “Trump To Establish Vote Fraud Commission”.
From “Drayton Manor theme park remains closed after death of 11-year-old school girl”.
From “Cotton swabs send dozens to ERs each day, study says”.
From The “Judge agrees to vacate Aaron Hernandez's murder conviction”.
From “Boos drown out DeVos commencement speech”.
From “Simone Biles stands up to 'DWTS' judges”.
From “New Dove body wash bottles spark backlash”.
From “The Kent States you don't know about”.
From “5 things to watch: Acting FBI Director hearing”.
From The “Conservative media unleashes on 'national embarrassment' Comey after firing”.
From “Protesters call for investigation following FBI director firing”.
From “United passenger: Attendants forced me to pee in a cup at my seat”.
From “Mourning a soldier whose death could mark a new stage in Americas longest war”.
From “Spinal injury leaves Cal rugby player partially paralyzed”.
From “GOP Rep. Dave Brat faces rowdy crowd at town hall”.
From The “Erdogan urges US to 'immediately' reverse decision on arming Syrian Kurds”.
From “Isaiah Thomas fined for inappropriate language toward a fan”.
From “Rachel Dolezal's biracial appearance is "blackface," brother says”.
From The “IBM Watson Data Analysis Service Revealed”.
From “How Big Data Is Empowering AI and Machine Learning at Scale”.
From The “AI detective analyses police data to learn how to crack cases”.
Here are Three Important News Articles:
From “Two-thirds of the world population has herpes”.
From “Australia wants to wipe out carp with herpes”.
There is a News Article from The Entitled: “Australia plans to kill 'plague' of European carp with herpes virus”.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman said to The Man, “So You are a Psychologist, and Your Last Name is Psychology. Ok. What is Your First Name?” And The Man replied, “My First Name is Abnormal.”
“In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me,’ ” which is a Quote from Jesus in The Bible, 1st Corinthians 11:25, New International Version (NIV).
What does The Phrase, “Elementary, My Dear Watson,” mean? First, as online discussions indicate, there is Great Debate about whether or Not The Fictional Sherlock Holmes said that phrase. Second, The Phrase, “Elementary, My Dear Watson,” seems to mean, in other words, that it is “Simple, My Dear Watson,” and that it is Easy to Understand. And many things are Pretty Easy to Understand. And there is also Deductive Reasoning. And there is also Inductive Reasoning, and there is also Abductive Reasoning.
The Meaning of Deductive Reasoning, as Quoted from “Deductive reasoning, also deductive logic, logical deduction or, informally, ‘top-down’ logic, is the process of reasoning from one or more statements (premises) to reach a logically certain conclusion. It differs from inductive reasoning or abductive reasoning.”
The Meaning of Inductive Reasoning, as Quoted from “Inductive reasoning (as opposed to deductive reasoning or abductive reasoning) is reasoning in which the premises are viewed as supplying strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion. While the conclusion of a deductive argument is certain, the truth of the conclusion of an inductive argument is probable, based upon the evidence given.”
The Meaning of Abductive Reasoning, as Quoted from “Abductive reasoning (also called abduction, abductive inference or retroduction) is a form of logical inference which goes from an observation to a theory which accounts for the observation, ideally seeking to find the simplest and most likely explanation. In abductive reasoning, unlike in deductive reasoning, the premises do not guarantee the conclusion.”
“SOMEBODY’S ALWAYS TAKING THE CREEPS OUT OF THINGS!” which is from Washington’s Tacoma Times, August 31, 1917, and it is above a Cartoon of a Man with a Walking Stick, who says, “Boo! You Saucy Fellow,” to a Squid or an Octopus who is Standing Upright in The Water.
There are Many Movies to Watch, including the 2003 Movie called, “Master and Commander: The Far Side of The World”. Master and Commander (MAC).
Le Homme parle et il ecrit aussi, “C’est plus differentes que vous pensez peut-etre c’est. Comprendez-Vous Maintenant ou Non? It is More Different than You Might Think it is.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We have Our Own Rules. And We have Our Own Laws. And We have Our Own Courts. And We have Our Own Stuff.”
And More News from Around The World:
From The “Fox News Retracts Seth Rich Story That Stirred Controversy”.
From “Sean Hannity Backs Off Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory 'At This Time' ”.
From “Stone Mountain Middle School teacher fight caught on tape by student”.
From “Philippines' Duterte warns of harsh measures as civilians flee fighting”.
From “Fake teen doctor sentenced in fraud case”.
From “14 'facts' you learned in school that have since been proven wrong”.
From “Golden State Warriors advance to NBA Finals with sweep of San Antonio Spurs”.
From The “Navy SEALs Kill 7 Militants in Yemen Raid but Suffer Injuries”.
From “Ducks forward Nick Ritchie ejected in Game 6 vs. Predators”.
From The “The 'alien megastructure' star is acting weird, again, and its exactly what astronomers have been waiting for”.
From “Katy Perry Says Taylor Swift 'Started' Their Feud: 'It's Time for Her to Finish It' ”.
From The “Park Geun-hye, Ousted Leader of South Korea, Denies All Charges in Court”.
From The “Church killer Dylann Roof pleads to court of appeals for mercy”.
From “Philippines: Duterte declares martial law in Mindanao”.
From “The Scientific Case Against Evolution”.
From “Mysterious radio signal traced to dwarf galaxy light-years away”.
From “Alec Baldwin: 'I thought I'd die' alone of Lyme disease”.
From “Breaking: Complete Panic at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim DotComs Seth Rich Announcement”.
From The “Scientists have found a way to photograph people in 3D through walls using Wi-Fi”.
From “19 dead, 59 injured after reports of explosion at Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena: Police”.
From “ 'The Real World' turns 25”.
From “Billy Bush Breaks His Silence on Trump, the 'Access Hollywood' Tape, NBC and a Comeback Plan (Exclusive)”.
From “ 'Alien: Covenant' Edges Out 'Guardians' for Top Box Office Spot With $36 Million”.
From “Big-game hunter crushed to death as dying elephant takes revenge”.
From “Sen. Dianne Feinstein: "Fmr. Director Comey is no way, shape or form a nut job" ”.
From The “US Air Force fighter jets escorted an American Airlines plane into Hawaii after a passenger disturbance”.
From “An officer's instincts saved a 3-year-old from drowning”.
From “Superbug identified in 122 people in 7 states”.
From “Why 'Scandal' had to rewrite this season”.
From “Person of Interest (TV series)”.
From “Sean Hannity: "I'm not backing off" the Seth Rich conspiracy”.
From The “Fox News accused of promoting conspiracy theories by family of murdered Democrat aide”.
From “Russian Embassy Implicates Hillary In Tweet Asking: "Who Killed Seth Rich?" ”.
From “3 teens arrested in boy's kidnapping, killing”.
From “Ex-FBI chief Comey to testify to Senate panel in public session”.
From “White House doesn't dispute Trump called Comey a 'nut job' to Russians”.
From “Comey, called 'nut job' by Trump, to testify in open session before Senate”.
From “Japan: China 'escalating' tensions over disputed islands”.
From The “Weiner sobs, telling judge he's sick as he faces years in prison for sexting”.
From “Ex-U.S. Congressman Weiner pleads guilty in teen 'sexting' case”.
From “Fox News Fires 'The Five' Co-Host Bob Beckel Over Racist Comment”.
From “Superbug C. auris identified in 122 people across 7 states, CDC says”.
From “Inductive reasoning”.
From “Deductive reasoning”.
From “Logic”.
From “Internet Disagrees With Trump Saying 'No Politician' Treated Worse”.
From The “Trump Team Planning Possible Retaliation for Classified Leak Allegations”.
From “The extinction crisis is far worse than you think”.
From “6 dead in ISIS attack on TV station in Afghanistan”.
From “Giant Squid Caught: Rare Species Snagged Off Irish Coast”.
From “Conservatives begin to whisper: President Pence”.
From “Donald Trump: 'I Didn't Get Elected to Serve the Washington Media' ”.
From “Erdogan's bodyguards accused of attacking protesters outside Turkish Embassy in DC”.
From “New special counsel Robert Mueller has history of standing up to the White House”.
From The “35 psychiatrists just met at Yale to warn Donald Trump has a 'dangerous mental illness' ”.
From “ 'People are in meltdown mode.' Inside the GOP donor class panic about Trump”.
• 0
From “Jimmy Fallon has regrets about going 'soft' on Trump”.
From “GOP senators to Turkey: Apologize for DC brawl”.
From “Aaron Hernandez's fiancee: He told me he was not gay”.
From “Sanders, Kasich weigh in on Trump's competency”.
From “Gergen: Trump is in impeachment territory”.
From “Exploring Sudan's forgotten pyramids”.
From “Republicans' patience with Trump may be running out”.
From “Public opinion”.
From “Court of public opinion”.
From “As Trump’s woes mount, congressional Republicans arrive at a moment of reckoning”.
From The “Debris found while hunting for plane that vanished near Bahamas”.
From “Scientists Find a Rare Superbug In Houston”.
From “Rare superbug strain found in U.S. city”.
From “Michael Moore Promises Secret Film Will End Trump Presidency”.
From “Analysis | Trump’s careening toward an inevitable showdown with an undeniable truth”.
From “McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale' ”.
From “Rare superbug strain found in U.S. city”.
From “Analysis | President Trump should be very afraid of James Comey’s memos”.
From The “Australia plans to kill 'plague' of European carp with herpes virus”.
From The “Australia is using herpes to kill off invasive fish” .
From WHO.intl: “Globally, an estimated two-thirds of the population under 50 are infected with herpes simplex virus type 1”.
From; “Two-Thirds of World Has Herpes Virus: WHO”.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to Someone, “In response to Your Question, Yes, I am Bilingual. And I am also a Polyglot. And I Know how to Speak, and to Read, and to Write, and to Understand several languages.” And The Other Person Replied, “What?! Why don’t You know ALL The World’s Languages!? And I am Being Serious. And I am saying this in all Seriousness. There are only Hundreds upon Hundreds of Different Languages, and it would probably only take several hundred years to have a Good Understanding of ALL The World’s Languages. What’s Wrong with You? Get with The Program.”
And More of My Writings:
CD69F. One of The Mottos of a Media Organization is, “Fair and Balanced”. And another Motto of that Media Organization is,“We Report. You Decide.”
CD70F. Fair and Balanced (FAB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD71F. A Psychology Study of [ ]. Psychological Studies of [ ]. A Psychology Study. Psychological Studies. Psychological. Psychologically. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD72F. A Sociological Study of [ ]. Sociological Studies of [ ]. A Sociological Study of. Sociological Studies of. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD73F. A Study of [ ]. Studies of [ ]. A Study of. Studies of. A Quick Study. Quick Study (QS). Some Quick Studies. Quick Studies (QS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD74F. A Summary of [ ]. Summaries of [ ]. A Summary of. Summaries of.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD75F. A Summarization of [ ]. Summarizations of [ ]. A Summarization of. Summarizations of. Summary. Summaries. Summarization. Summarizations. Summarized. Summation. Summations.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD76F. A Synopsis of [ ]. Synopsises of [ ]. A Synopsis of. Synopsises of.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD77F. An Overview of [ ]. Overviews of [ ]. An Overview of. Overviews of.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD78F. It is Important to know that [ ]. It is Important to know that [ ]. It is Important to know that. It is Important to know that.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD79F. It is Very Important to know that [ ]. It is Very Important to know that [ ]. It is Very Important to know that. It is Very Important to know that.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD80F. It is Extremely Important to know that [ ]. It is Extremely Important to know that [ ]. It is Extremely Important to know that. It is Extremely Important to know that.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD81F. A Psychological Profile of [ ]. Psychological Profiles of [ ]. A Psychological Profile of. Psychological Profiles of. Psychological Profile (PP). Psychological Profiles (PP).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD82F. A Profile of [ ]. Profiles of [ ]. A Profile of. Profiles of.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD83F. In one of My Writings, Someone asked a Man, “What would Happen if that Happened?” And The Man replied, “You probably do Not want to Know the Real Answer to that Question.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from One of My Family Members (FM): “You can Tell Just by Looking at Us.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
As is also True with Many Events throughout History (such as during The Plagues and during other Epidemics), in the 2014 Movie called, “Pompeii,” -- when The Volcano Erupted -- Many Individuals’ Priorities changed to a Desire for Survival for Themselves, and Their Family Members (FM), and Their Friends.
Here is a Quote from a Journalist: “We have seen The News, and it is Us.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Why the Indianapolis 500 is called 'the greatest spectacle in racing' ”.
From “Trump at conclusion of first foreign trip: 'I think we hit a home run' ”.
From The “Iraqi forces launch operation to seize last Islamic State enclave in Mosul”.
From “Virginia State Police special agent dies in shooting”.
From “Trump's trip: Conventional images and unconventional talk”.
From “Seven identified after threats made against referee John Higgins following Kentucky Elite Eight loss”.
From “Oregon, Washington, D.C. legalize marijuana”.
From “ 'Modern Family' actress slams body-shamers”.
From “5 things we learned about Hillary Clinton”.
From “Disney opens 'Avatar' and 'Guardians of the Galaxy' attractions”.
From "If You Knew What I Knew" -- Lyrics .
From “Trump delays decision on Paris climate agreement at G7 summit”.
From “ 'Above average' Atlantic hurricane season expected”.
From “McMaster 'not concerned' after Kushner back-channel reports”.
From “Hepatitis C Is Rapidly Spreading -- And Baby Boomers Are Most At-Risk”.
From “Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei lashes out against Saudi Arabia for strengthening US ties”.
From The “Iran's supreme leader calls Saudi Arabia a 'cow milked' by the US after record-setting arms deal”.
From “79-foot blue whale carcass washes up on Bolinas beach”.
From “Once at risk of extinction, iconic Warthog plane lives on”.
From “Kim Jong Un's mysterious inner circle”.
From “The man behind the Ice Bucket Challenge is drowning in medical bills”.
From “Shia LaBeouf Sued by Bartender in Bowling Alley Tirade”.
From “Miss Evers' Boys (TV Movie 1997)”.
From “First look inside Disney's 'Pandora: World of Avatar' ”.
From “Two killed, one injured in stabbings on Portland light rail”.
From “Officer's instincts saved this boy from drowning”.
From “Woman jumps on car hood as thief drives”.
From “Cannes: 'Good Time' Starring Robert Pattinson Gets Overwhelming Standing Ovation”.
From “Floods, landslides kill at least 91 in Sri Lanka”.
From “Report: Enes Kanter of Oklahoma City Thunder faces arrest warrant issued in Turkey”.
From “Top 10 storylines for the 2017 NBA Finals”.
From “President Trump passes his first test on the world stage”.
From “UK reduces terror threat level to 'severe' ”.
From The “New Taliban attack on Afghan base kills at least 15 soldiers”.
From “Chinese fighter jets buzz US Navy surveillance plane outside Hong Kong”.
From “DHS chief: If you knew what I knew about terror, you'd 'never leave the house' ”.
From “'If You Only Knew' John Cena: Larry King Talks to the WWE Superstar (VIDEO)”.
From The “If You Only Knew What I've Seen as a Paramedic”.
From “What to make of these viral racist rants?”.
From “Hillary Clinton: ‘The Right Is Afraid Of Me Because I Don't Die’ ”.
From “Raw: G7 Leaders View Jet Flyover Before Meetings”.
From The “Secret court rebukes NSA for 5-year illegal surveillance of U.S. citizens”.
From The “Martin Shkreli Drops $100K Bounty For Info On Seth Rich's Murderer”.
From “Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, Dies at 89”.
From “In Brussels, Trump and the Europeans Make Nice, Sort Of”.
From “U.S. Alzheimer's deaths jump 54 percent; many increasingly dying at home”.
From “Wait, what? Scientist discovers snakes that hunt in packs”.
From “Mystery SOS sign appears in Australia”.
From “More than 30 drown as hundreds fall from migrant boat off Libya”.
From “Victor Cruz, Chicago Bears agree to one-year contract”.
From The “A glimmer of hope for honeybee populations”.
From “Expect above-average Atlantic hurricane season, U.S. forecasters say”.
From “Mysteries at Jupiter: NASA's Juno Probe Reveals Cyclones, Auroras & Surprises”.
From The “Philippine forces launch attacks against ISIS-linked militants in Marawi”.
From “Aaron Hernandez Brother Releases Cryptic Statement About 'Aaron's Truth' ”.
From The “ 'Institutional Lack of Candor': Obama Administration Violated Constitutional Privacy Protections For Years”.
From “New nurse being credited with saving life of plane passenger”.
From The “The Iceman Cometh? Val Kilmer REALLY Wants To Be Part Of The Top Gun Sequel”.
From The “Rumors on WhatsApp Ignite 2 Mob Attacks in India, Killing 7”.
From The “John Glenn's remains were disrespected at the Air Force mortuary, Pentagon documents allege”.
From “Dogs Detect Diabetes. Do They Smell This Chemical?”.
From “ 'Beauty and the Beast' Is Even Better Without CGI”.
From The “The 'alien megastructure' star is acting weird, again, and its exactly what astronomers have been waiting for”.
From “In Brussels, Trump and the Europeans Make Nice, Sort Of”.
From The “Analysis | Five startling things Betsy DeVos just told Congress”.
From “Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election”.
From “US warship tests China's claims in South China Sea”.
From “Suspected suicide bombs in Jakarta kills 3 policemen”.
From The “Scientists have worked out why flamingos stand on one leg”.
From “Ajax 0 Manchester United 2: Pogba and Mkhitaryan seal emotional Europa League triumph”.
From The “Fox News Retracts Seth Rich Story That Stirred Controversy”.
From “Sean Hannity Backs Off Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory 'At This Time' ”.
And More of My Writings:
CD84F. Roughhouse. Roughhouses. Roughhousing. Roughhoused.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD85F. Play. Plays. Playing. Played. Playful. Playfully.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD86F. Savior. Saviors.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD87F. Salvation. Salvations.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD88F. Save. Saves. Saving. Saved.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD89F. Lifesaver. Lifesavers. Lifesaving.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD90F. Rescuer. Rescuers. Rescuing. Rescued.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD91F. Survivor. Survivors. Survived. Surviving.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD92F. Hero. Heroes. Heroic. Heroism.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD93F. Helper. Helpers. Helping. Helped. Helpful.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD94F. Good Job (GJ). Great Job (GJ). Excellent Job (EJ). Wonderful Job (WJ).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD95F. Good Samaritan (GS). Good Samaritans (GS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD96F. Worker. Workers. Working. Works. Work. Worked.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD97F. Volunteer. Volunteers. Volunteering. Volunteers. Volunteered.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD98F. Member. Members. Membership. Memberships.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There are Many Songs to Listen to, including Buffalo Springfield’s, “For What It’s Worth,” and Frida’s, “I Know There’s Something Going On.”
And More of My Writings:
CD99F. Compelling. Compelling Evidence (CE). Compel. Compels. Compelled. Compelling. Evidence. Evidences. Evidencing. Evidenced. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD100F. Reasonable Person (RP). Reasonable People (RP). The Reasonable Person. The Reasonable People. The Reasonable Person Standard. The Reasonable Person Standards. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD101F. Consensus. Sort of a Consensus. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD102F. Pull. Pulls. Pulling. Pulled. Metaphorical Pull (MP). Metaphorically Pulls (MP). Metaphorical Pulling (MP). Metaphorical Pulled (MP). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD103F. Weight. Weights. Weighting. Weighted. Weight of The Evidence. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD104F. Experience. Experiences. Experiencing. Experienced. Experienced at [ ]. Experienced With [ ]. Experience at [ ]. Experience with [ ]. Experiences at [ ]. Experiences with [ ]. Experiencing at [ ]. Experiencing with [ ]. My. I am. I was. You. You are. You were. He. He is. He was. She. She is. She was. We. We are. We were. They. They are. They were. Our. Their. His. Her. Mine. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD105F. Good Understanding. Understand Well. Understands Well. With. At. About. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD106F. Go with The Flow. Goes with The Flow. Going with The Flow. Went with The Flow. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD107F. Not Go with The Flow. Not Goes with The Flow. Not Going with The Flow. Did Not Go with The Flow. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD108F. Use [ ]. Uses [ ]. Using [ ]. Used. Used to [ ]. Accustom [ ]. Accustoms [ ]. Accustoming [ ]. Accustomed [ ]. Accustomed to [ ]. Accustomed with [ ]. Hear [ ]. Hears [ ]. Hearing [ ]. Heard [ ]. Heard about [ ]. See [ ]. Sees [ ]. Seeing [ ]. Seen [ ]. Saw [ ]. Saw [ ]. Know [ ]. Knows [ ]. Knowing [ ]. Knew [ ]. Knew [ ]. Thought [ ]. Thoughts [ ]. Think [ ]. Thinks [ ]. Thinking [ ]. Thought [ ]. Think [ ]. Believe [ ]. Believes [ ]. Believing. Believed [ ]. Believed [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD109F. As is also the case with Many other Movies, The Movie called, “Sully” is a Good Movie to Watch. And Here is a Quote from that Movie, “This is The Captain. Brace for Impact.”
CD110F. Simulate. Simulates. Simulating. Simulated. Simulation. Simulations. Simulator. Simulators. Simulation [ ]. Simulations [ ]. A Simulation of [ ]. Simulate [ ]. Simulates [ ]. Simulating [ ]. Simulated [ ]. Simulator [ ]. Simulators [ ]. [ ] Simulator. [ ] Simulators. A Flight Simulator [ ]. Flight Simulator [ ]. Flight Simulators [ ]. A Flight Simulator [ ]. Flight Simulator [ ]. Flight Simulators [ ]. Metaphorical Flight Simulator [ ]. Metaphorical Flight Simulators [ ]. A Metaphorical Flight Simulator [ ]. Metaphorical Flight Simulator [ ]. Metaphorical Flight Simulators [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD111F. Wrote. Write. Written. Writer. Writers. Staff Writer (SW). Staff Writers (SW). Staff. Staffs. Work. Works. Working. Worked. Worker. Workers. Author. Authors. Authored. Authoring. The Author of [ ]. The Authors of [ ]. The Writer of [ ]. The Writers of [ ]. The Worker of [ ]. The Workers of [ ]. Read. Reads. Reading. See. Sees. Saw. Seen. Heard. Hear. Hears. Hearing. Know. Knows. Knowing. Known. Influence. Influences. Influencing. Influenced. Influencer. Influencers. Newspaper Article. Newspaper Articles. Published Newspaper Article (PNA). Published Newspaper Articles (PNA). Article. Articles. Published Article (PA). Published Articles (PA). Online Writing. Online Writings. Published Online Writing (POW). Published Online Writings (POW). Published on Some Medium. Published Somewhere (PS). Published Online (PO). The Man said, “I clicked The Button, and it was Published Online.” Writing. Writings. Media. Medias. Social Media (SM). Social Medias (SM). Publish. Publishes. Publishing. Published. Self-Published (SP). Online Published (OP). Wrote. Write. Written. Read. Reads. Reading. See. Sees. Saw. Seen. Heard. Hear. Hears. Hearing. Know. Knows. Knowing. Known. Influence. Influences. Influencing. Influenced. Influencer. Influencers. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD112F. Open to Interpretation. Subject to Interpretation. Not Open to Interpretation. Not Subject to Interpretation. Straightforward. Not Straightforward (NS). Complex. Complexity. Complexities. Hard. Easy. Simple. Simplification. Simplify. Simplifies. Simplifying. Simplified. Over Simplify. Over Simplifies. Over Simplifying. Over Simplified. Over Simplification. Interpret. Interprets. Interpretation. Interpreted. Interpreter. Interpreters. Translate. Translates. Translating. Translated. Translation. Translations. Translator. Translators.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD113F. Skilled at [ ]. Skilled with [ ]. Expert at [ ]. Expert with [ ]. Talented at [ ]. Talented with [ ]. Good at [ ]. Good with [ ]. Fine at [ ]. Fine with [ ]. Excellent at [ ]. Excellent with [ ]. Wonderful at [ ]. Wonderful with [ ]. Awesome at [ ]. Awesome with [ ]. Skill. Skills. Skilled. Skillful. Skillfully. Expert. Experts. Expertly. Expertise. Talent. Talents. Talented. Good. Fine. Excellent. Wonderful. Awesome.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD114F. Galvanize. Galvanizes. Galvanizing. Galvanized.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In what Many People Might Consider a Scary Moment, in the Film called “47 Meters Down,” a Person/Diver shines a Light in The Ocean and finds out/discovers that there are Sharks nearby.
From CNN on 5/30/2017, and in all Capitalized Letters: “What’s ‘Source’ for The Goose...”
And Here is a Well-Known -- and oftentimes True (OT) -- Quote: “What’s Good for The Goose, is Good for The Gander.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Sean Hannity, on The Fox News Channel, on 5/30/2017: “Asking Questions does Not Make Someone a Conspiracy Theorist.”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Trump has said often climate change isn't real”.
From “Paris Climate Agreement: Trump expected to pull out of pact”.
From, a Person and People can also learn about The Book called, “The Whipping Boy”.
From “Hillary Clinton blames email scandal for election loss, calling it fake news and 'biggest nothing burger ever' ”.
From “Clinton attacks 'bankrupt' DNC, NY Times, Russia and then talks Goldman Sachs 'they paid me' ”.
From “Is it Racist to Criticize Your Own Race?”
From “Bounty hunters and fugitive killed in dramatic shootout caught on video”.
From “Gallup: Republicans Far More Willing To Criticize Their Own Party Than Democrats”.
From “ 'Bachelorette' contestant Lee Garrett under fire for offensive tweets”.
From “11 Philippines soldiers killed in botched anti-ISIS airstrike”.
From “All jokes aside, Trump's 'covfefe' tweet sparks questions too”.
From “Police investigating noose found in African American History Museum”.
From “Police release Tiger's DUI arrest dashcam video”.
From “Three bodies found at John Lennon's former Liverpool home”.
From “Hillary Clinton: 'I take responsibility for every decision I made, but that's not why I lost' ”.
From “LeBron James delivered a powerful response to the racist vandalism of his home”.
From “Melania Trump usually stays out of the fray. But she unloaded on Kathy Griffin.”
From The “Kathy Griffin Gets Fired From CNN After Posting Offensive Donald Trump Photo”.
From “Is chronic sleep deprivation impairing President Trump's brain, performance?”
From The “The White House Mess”.
From The “JRR Tolkien book Beren and Lúthien published after 100 years”.
From “US Air Force vet gets 35 years prison for trying to join ISIS”.
From The “Hundreds of teens brawl on Jersey Shore”.
From The “ 'He-Man' qualifies for special Florida Senate election ballot”.
From “ 'Crooked Hillary' Tosses At Trump's 'Covfefe Houses' as 2016 Rivals Renew Twitter Battle”.
From The “An Appeals Court Deals A Major Blow To Trump's Travel Ban”.
From “ 'Guardian Angels' make renewed push to patrol MAX trains, other areas”.
From “Two safe after sailboat tips over near Rooster Rock”.
From “LeBron James' Los Angeles home vandalized with 'n-word' graffiti”.
From The “Trump accuses journalists of making up sources and fabricating stories”.
From The “Why The 'Sgt. Pepper's' Cover Art Matters As Much As The Music”.
From “A hotel 34 miles from land: The Frying Pan Tower”.
From “WH communications director stepping down”.
From “Silk Road boss Ross Ulbricht loses legal appeal”.
From “Ohio attorney general sues 5 pharma companies over their role in the opioid epidemic”.
From “Video shows moment bear attacks hunter”.
From “Trump, home all alone”.
From “Alaska Volcano Erupts, Prompting Red Alert; Ash Cloud Blooms to 35,000 Feet”.
From “'Plinko' contestant freaks after record win”.
From “Portland isn't as liberal as you think it is”.
From “Kathy Griffin apologizes for photo shoot with bloodied Trump mask, says she 'went too far' ”.
From “Nathan's and Curtis beef hot dogs recalled”.
From The “What Is the Washington Post Hiding About Its Jared Kushner Story?”.
From “White House mounts staunch defense of Kushner”.
From “Trump marks Memorial Day with Arlington visit”.
From “Assange: Kushner correct to create channels with everyone”.
From “ 'Ultra Street Fighter II' Is A Bit Of A Mixed Bag Online”.
From “Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega dead at 83”.
From The “ 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of contentious legislative session”.
From “Basebrawl! Harper, Strickland Punch Away”.
From “Tiger Woods arrested in Florida on DUI suspicion”.
From “Co-pilot in plane crash near Everest dies of injuries”.
From The “Golfer Jeff Overton Developed Life-Threatening Spinal Infection After Procedure”.
From “Forget Supersonic. Hypersonic Is the U.S. Military's New Speed”.
From “French Open: Petra Kvitova wins first match after return from injury”.
From “Macron hosts Putin in latest diplomatic test”.
From “Hero firefighter dies from 9/11-related cancer”.
From The “Explosions heard in Manchester's Moss Side as man arrested”.
From “How the 33 drivers fared in the 2017 Indianapolis 500”.
From “Sheriff's deputy, 7 others killed in Mississippi shootings”.
From The “Burger King's 'Who Is The King?' Vote Reportedly Angers Belgian Royal”.
From The “The Rite of Spring 1913: Why did it provoke a riot?”.
From The “North Korea Tests New Anti-Aircraft System, State News Agency Says”.
From “Judge throws out lawsuit against Hillary Clinton by parents of Benghazi victims”.
From The “Trump's first foreign trip was a huge success”.
From “Japan's growing concern over China's naval might”.
From The “Burger King has a started an uproar in Belgium by asking who is the true king in new ad”.
From “Swedish satire 'The Square' is a weird, worthy winner at Cannes”.
From “Inside Obama's Secret Outreach to Russia”.
From “Pentagon chief: War with North Korea would be 'catastrophic' ”.
From The “New accuser sues Dennis Hastert, alleging sexual abuse”.
From “WHO Says 3 Zika Cases Detected in India for 1st Time”. And W.H.O., in this instance, stands for The World Health Organization.
From The “Sources: 3rd US Naval Strike Force Deployed to Deter North Korea”.
From “Kelly defends plan for Russia back channel as a 'good thing' ”.
From The “Lincoln County deputy, seven others killed in shooting spree; suspect in custody”.
From “Biden Slams Democrats for Silence on Middle Class”.
From “Video captures the moment a boy falls off a waterslide in California”.
From “Navy parachutist killed after chute fails during Fleet Week show”.
From “12 wounded in city shootings Saturday and Sunday”.
From “Pelosi: Trump 'disrespected our closest allies' at NATO”.
From The “Teenage Audi mechanic 'committed suicide after colleagues set him on fire and locked him in a cage'. ”
From “Uncovering America's Secret War in Laos”.
From “Hepatitis C Is Rapidly Spreading -- And Baby Boomers Are Most At-Risk”.
From “Uncovering America's Secret War in Laos”.
From “The CIA's 'Secret War' ”.
From The “Racing veteran Dave Steele killed in crash at Florida track”.
From “Video: New video shows kayaker attacked by great white shark”.
From “Army skydiver dies after Chicago Air and Water Show mid-air collision”.
From “ 'My handshake wasn't innocent': Macron describes first meeting with Trump”.
From “Saldana and Del Toro help open new Disney 'Guardians' ride”.
From “Chinese jets have carried out an "unsafe" interception of a U.S. Navy surveillance plane”.
From “While campaigning, Merkel says Europeans can't 'completely' rely on US, others”.
From The “Meet Disney's philosopher king: the brain behind 'Avatar's' Pandora and Marvel's 'Guardians' ride”.
From “Clinton on election loss: Chardonnay helped”.
From “Why the Indianapolis 500 is called 'the greatest spectacle in racing' ”.
From “Trump at conclusion of first foreign trip: 'I think we hit a home run' ”.
And More of My Writings:
CD115F. Ruffed Up (RU). Ruffs Up (RU). Ruff Up (RU). Ruffing Up (RU). Tease. Teases Teasing. Teased. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A Little (AL). A Lot (AL). Some.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to an Audience, “I want to Pass a Law that States that Everyone, including every single Intelligence Organization, and including ever single Foreign Intelligence Organization, Must Obey Every Single Law of This Jurisdiction. And I Fully Expect Everyone, including Every Foreign Intelligence Organization, to Obey Every Single Law of This Jurisdiction.” And The Audience then Erupted into Laughter, with one Member of The Audience yelling, “Nice Joke! That’s Just Not Reality. Not Realistic either. And that will Never Happen, Buddy Pal. And Intelligence Agencies are in charge of Spies, Spying, and Espionage. Wake Up! Dude.”
The Titanic is a Great Movie to Watch and to Listen to. And Here is a Quote from that Movie: As The Boat is Sinking, First Officer William Murdoch says, “Your money can't save you any more than it can save me. Get Back!” And Please Remember that Money is Paper made from Trees.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said on a Social Network, “I’m Good at That. And I’m also Naturally Good at That.” And Someone Typed, “What?! Why are You Naturally Good at That? Is there a Biological Reason for that? And is there an Innate Reason for that? Did God Make/Create You to be Naturally Good at that? And Why are You Not Naturally Good at EVERYTHING? You should be the First Person to be Good at EVERY single Thing, and at EVERY single Profession. Shape Up, Mister. I’m Disappointed with You. Get with The Program.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “There are Many Metaphorical Smoking Guns.” Smoking Gun (SG). Smoking Guns (SG). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There are Many Interesting Songs to Listen to, including Daryl Hall & John Oates’s Song called “Maneater,” which is still played on The Radio, and which has a Music Video that Might Have an Ambiguous Meaning.
And More News from Around The World:
From “12 arrested after London attack; ISIS claims responsibility”.
From “Kathy Griffin: Trump is 'trying to ruin my life' after photo scandal”.
From “Papa John's workers accused of selling drugs”.
From “Jack O'Neill, wetsuit and surfing pioneer, dies at 94”.
From “Plane makes incredible belly landing”.
From “Kathy Griffin in tears: Trump broke me”.
From “Democratic congressman: Nikki Haley is lying”.
From “Acosta to EPA chief: Your head is in the sand”.
From “Trump assails 'political correctness' in tweet on terror attacks”.
From “Trump slams "political correctness," London mayor in wake of attack”.
From “Warriors' Draymond Green: Last year's Finals suspension 'woke me up' ”.
From “Dems want Hillary Clinton to leave spotlight”.
From “After Britain Attack, Trump Unleashes a Twitter Storm”.
From “PM May says "enough is enough" after London attackers kill seven”.
From “James Comey Senate testimony: America braces for a historic political moment”.
From “ 'March for Truth': Ex-Obama White House stars, liberal heavyweights eye Trump”.
From “Hundreds gather in downtown Portland for 'March for Truth' ”.
From The “7 victims and 3 attackers dead in terrorist attacks at London Bridge and Borough Market”.
From “Attackers plow van into London crowd and stab revelers, kill seven”.
From “Witness: 'I thought it was game over' ”.
From “Suspect dead, 3 officers injured in Texas shootout”.
From “NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on "Golf" and "Grandkids" Due to "National Security Risk" ”.
From “Internet mocks Spicer's disappearing act”.
From “Jennifer Garner sets the record straight on People story”.
From “'I'm Dying' crowns Johnny Carson as comedy king-maker”.
From “Shots fired as police tackle 'major incident' in London”.
From “Tiger's big mistake: Cooperating”.
From “Video: 'Truth and Lies: Watergate' ”.
From “Ghitis: Trump has finally gone too far”.
From The “The Soviet President Would Like To Speak To You Now”.
From “Alec Baldwin Defends Kathy Griffin Amid Trump Controversy”.
From The “Explore Turkey’s Hidden Underground City”.
From “The judge who says he's part of the gravest injustice in America”.
From “Kerry: Does Trump think world leaders are 'stupid?' ”.
From “Panel erupts: Stop using fake stats”.
From “Tyler Henry warned Alan Thicke about his heart”.
From “British police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians”.
From “Former Canadian nurse confessed to killing 'mean' patients”.
From “AP FACT CHECK: Trump's shaky claims on climate accord”.
From “Franken: Clinton should 'move on' from election loss”.
From “Trump withdraws from climate pact, world leaders push back”.
From “Fake ICE posters target DC as sanctuary city”.
From The “Kathy Griffin says Trump family is 'personally trying to ruin my life forever' after beheading photo”.
From “ 'America's Got Talent' season 12 premiere's best acts and worst blunders”.
From “Lists of Organizations”.
From “List of militaries by country”.
From List of national governments”.
From “List of intelligence agencies”.
From “After meeting European leaders, Trump's views of climate action 'evolving' ”.
From “America's ugly week of hate”.
From “Kathy Griffin's unforgivable message to America and the world”.
From The “The Border Restaurant That Makes Asylum Seekers Feel at Home”.
From The “ 'New Mutants' Finds Its Cannonball with 'Stranger Things' Star Charlie Heaton”.
From “New police bodycam footage of Pulse shooting”.
From “The trade deficit: Does it really matter?”
From “Trump has said often climate change isn't real”.
From “Paris Climate Agreement: Trump expected to pull out of pact”.
There are Many Books to Read, such as, “The Whipping Boy,” which can also be read about on
From “Hillary Clinton blames email scandal for election loss, calling it fake news and 'biggest nothing burger ever' ”.
From “Clinton attacks 'bankrupt' DNC, NY Times, Russia and then talks Goldman Sachs 'they paid me' ”.
From The “Is it Racist to Criticize Your Own Race?”
From “Bounty hunters and fugitive killed in dramatic shootout caught on video”.
From “Gallup: Republicans Far More Willing To Criticize Their Own Party Than Democrats”.
From “ 'Bachelorette' contestant Lee Garrett under fire for offensive tweets”.
From “11 Philippines soldiers killed in botched anti-ISIS airstrike”.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “I want to Arrest Many of Society’s Current Activities for Disorderly Conduct. And I think that They will be Found Guilty in a Court of Law.” And The Woman replied, “You can’t do that.” And The Man replied, “Why Not?! Many of Society’s Current Activities are Disorderly, aren’t they?”
Here are Some More of My Writings:
The Man said on a Social Network, “I’m Good at That. And I’m also Naturally Good at That.” And Someone Typed, “What?! Why are You Naturally Good at That? Is there a Biological Reason for that? Why is that True? Why? And is there an Innate Reason for that? And is there Some Type of Connection between You and, for example, other People who are also Naturally Good at That and/or who are Members of That Profession? Is there a Connection? Are there Connections? What Type of Connection(s)? Please describe that Connection. And Please Describe that Connection, or another Connection, in the Space Provided [
And are You also Related to People who are Naturally Good at That? And are they also Your Family Members (FM)? Why do Many Members of The Same Profession somewhat like each other? And Why do Many Individuals who Tend to be Good at Certain Things and/or at Certain Work somewhat like each other? And is there a Biological Reason? And is there a Natural Reason? What is The Reason? And what are The Reasons? Member. Members. Membership. Memberships. Profession Member (PM). Profession Members (PM). Profession Membership (PM). Profession Memberships (PM). Professional Member (PM). Professional Members (PM). Professional Membership (PM). Professional Memberships (PM). Did God Make/Create You to be Naturally Good at that? And Why are You Not Naturally Good at EVERYTHING? You should be the First Person to be Good at EVERY single Thing, and at EVERY single Profession. Shape Up, Mister. I’m Disappointed with You. Get with The Program.”
There are, of course, Many Definitions for Many of The Same Things and Words. And Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Charles Krauthammer on Fox News on June 5, 2017: “It’s How You Define Multiculturalism.”
Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Donald Trump’s White House Deputy Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, during the Early Part of June, 2017: “I think there is a Reason for Alarm.”
Here is a somewhat well-known – and also often True – Quote from Someone, “A Rising Tide Lifts all Boats.”
And More of My Writings:
CD116F. Suspicion. Suspicions. Suspicious. Suspiciously. Suspiciousness. Suspect. Suspects. Suspecting. Suspected.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “It does Not Really Work like that. And that is Not How it Goes. And Life is More Complicated than that. It’s More Complicated than that. And yet it’s Not that Complicated. It’s Not that Simple. It’s Not that Easy. And yet it’s Not that Hard. And We are More Proactive than that. And We are More Complicated than that. And We are also More Intelligent and More Knowledgeable than that. We are Intelligent. And We are also Knowledgeable. And We are Strong. And We have Strength. And We have Resources. And that is Just The Reality. And that is Just The Reality of The Situation. And that’s Just the Way that it is. Ok?”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person sort of likes that other Person. Why does that Person sort of like that other Person? Why? What is The Reason? What are The Reasons?”
Here is a Pretty Well-Known Quote from Louis XV of France, “Apres moi, le Deluge,” – which translated from French to English means, “After Me, The Flood.” And Many Times a Flood is also a Disaster and/or a Very Bad Thing.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, "Please try to be a Good Example for Your Past, Present, and Future Self."
Here is a Rhyme of Mine:
The Man said to another Man, “I am a Member of The Press, and I have a Pressing Issue to both Present to You and Impress Upon You.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Unfortunately, They were too busy Chasing after Small Pieces of Paper instead of being concerned about Deadly Diseases, which Many of them had gotten, and – without Medicine – would Die from.”
“There You go Again,” which was a phrase that was said by Ronald Reagan to Jimmy Carter during The 1980 Presidential Debate.
In one of My Writings, The Audience Laughed at that Explanation.
Here are Three Important News Articles:
From “Two-thirds of the world population has herpes”.
From “Australia wants to wipe out carp with herpes”.
There is a News Article from The Entitled: “Australia plans to kill 'plague' of European carp with herpes virus”.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to Person C12, “I am also a Housekeeper.” And Person C12 replied, “You can’t be a Housekeeper without a Valid Professional License. And You can’t wash Dishes, Sweep, Vacuum, and Clean without a Valid Professional License. And You can’t Really be a Member of any Profession without a Valid Professional License. And what I just said is Not Reality. And I’m Telling on You!”
And More of My Writings:
CD117F. Time. Times. Timing. Timings. Timed. Too Early (TE). Early. Not Too Early (NTE). Just Right (JR). About Just Right (AJR). The Right Time (TRT). About The Right Time (ATRT). Not The Right Time (NTRT). Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone, “Timing is Very Important.”
And in one of My Writings, The Woman asked a Man, “Why didn’t You do that when You were 12 years of age?” And The Man replied, “I was Too Young then. And it was Too Early.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “This seems like a case of déjà vu.” And The Woman replied, “Why?” And The Man said, “Because it seems as if I did this about 8,000 years ago.” And The Woman replied, “But You are only 35 years of age.” And The Man said, “Maybe I should Petition Congress to make this day be called, ‘Strange Day’ ”.
“The Angel Opens Her Eyes,” which is a Quote from The Song called, “Lightning Crashes,” by The Band named, “Live”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “HIV Breakthrough: New Antibody Neutralizes 98 Percent Of All Known HIV Strands”.
From “NIH Scientists Identify Potent Antibody that Neutralizes Nearly All HIV Strains”.
From The “Scientists Map Evolution Of HIV-Killing Antibody”.
From “HIV Cure: Antibody That Kills HIV Found”.
From The “Trump Says He Is '100 Percent' Willing To Testify About Interactions With Comey”.
From “President Trump Accuses Fired FBI Director James Comey Of Lying Under Oath”.
From “Colbert: Comey treats Trump like a T. rex”.
From “US-backed Syrian Forces Advance in IS Stronghold Raqqa”.
From “Ed Sheeran reveals hidden talent on 'Carpool Karaoke' ”.
From “Licence to Kill”.
From “Filet mignon”.
From “10 dramatic new questions raised by Comey's tell-all”.
From “Wreckage of missing Myanmar military plane found”.
From “Dobbs Takes on 'Deep State Spymaster' Clapper's Trump-Watergate Comparison”.
From “California's endless winter: 8 feet of snow still on the ground in June”.
From “Lord: Trump's London tweet 'Churchillian' ”.
From “All eyes on Venezuelan military as country teeters”.
From “GOP senators admonish Dem for persistent questioning”.
From “1950s quiz show scandals”.
From “Comey: Hero, Villain, Shakespearean Character Who Lived Up to Hype”.
From “People who are famous, according to Trump”.
From “Ensouled and Ensoulment”.
From “Will Comey join the ranks of historic witnesses?”
From “What Spicer and Trump don't talk about”.
From The “LeBron James Rumored to Potentially Join Lakers, Clippers in 2018 Free Agency”.
From The “Cavs' Outlook Even Bleaker Knowing Brilliant Performances Still Aren't Enough”.
From “James Comey testifies: Former FBI director says he could not trust Trump to tell the truth”.
From “10 Secret Islands That You've Probably Never Heard Of”.
From “South Korea suspends THAAD deployment”.
From “Comey: Trump administration spread 'lies, plain and simple'”.
From “Comey: Shifting explanations confused me”.
From “European Americans”.
From “Iran's Revolutionary Guard blames Saudi Arabia for parliament attack”.
From The “Seth Rogen Criticizes Sony's Plan to Release "Clean Versions" of Films”.
From “Filmmaker Michael Moore launches 'TrumpiLeaks' website for whistleblowers”.
From “ 'Bill Cosby: An American Scandal' details accusers' stories”.
From “Government contractor under arrest for allegedly leaking top-secret NSA memo to the press”.
From “You Won't Believe What Arby's Name Means”.
From “Justin Bieber Cries During One Love Manchester Performance: 'I Won't Let Go of Hope' ”.
From “18 Things You Never Knew About 'Poltergeist' ”.
From “Whistleblower: Dangerous Painkiller Prescribed for Patients Who Shouldn't Have Received It”.
From The “Assistant who posed as a plastic surgeon is jailed for six years”.
From “Police kill hostage-taker in Australia”.
From “Japan holds evacuation drill amid tension from N. Korea”.
From “Satellite views of a changing world”.
From The “US company to start trials 'reawakening the dead' in Latin America”.
From “Putin Hints JFK Was Murdered By The "Deep State" Which Is Now After Trump And Russia”.
From “Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and Bahrain cut ties to Qatar”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Organization is about 99 Times Stronger than it appears to be. And that Organization is about 99 Times More Powerful than it appears to be.” ----
Here is a Quote from a Pastor, Greg Laurie, on TV, on June 11, 2017: “I Listened, because My Life Depended Upon it,” about instructions from an Airplane Pilot regarding about bracing in case of engine failure on the airplane.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, "That Organization is More Stronger than it appears. And That Organization is More Powerful than it appears. And that Organization is Strong. And that Organization is Powerful."
And More of My Writings:
CD118F. In one of My Writings,“The Behavioral Specialist, also known as The Behavioral Expert (BE) – who was also an Expert Profiler (EP) -- ran a Diagnostic Test on Himself, and He found out that He scored about an A or an A+.”
CD119F. Guidepost. Guideposts. Guide. Guides. Guiding. Guided. Guidance. Guider. Guiders. Landmark. Landmarks. Mark. Marks. Marking. Marked. Path. Paths. Pathing. Pathed. Monument. Monuments. Monument to [ ]. Monuments to [ ]. Remind. Reminds. Reminding. Reminded. Remind to (and/or about) [ ]. Reminds to (and/or about) [ ]. Reminding to (and/or about) [ ]. Reminded to (and/or about) [ ]. Boost. Boosts. Boosting. Boosted. Booster. Boosters. Lighthouse. Lighthouses. Shine a Light on [ ]. Shine a Light about [ ]. In the Public Square. In the Public Arena. Expert. Experts. Skill. Skills. Skilled. Experienced. Veteran. Veterans.
CD120F. I was Happy to be a Member of My School’s Site Council, Student Government (including, but Not limited to, Senior Class Treasurer, Club Representative, Student Body Officer, and College Senator, and College Government Health Committee Member), French-Speaking Clubs, Multicultural Clubs, Club Officer, and Club Member, and Organization Officer, and Organization Member, and College Newspaper, and Mock Trial, and Basketball Team, Soccer Team, and Swim Team, and a Volunteer, and a Donor, and a Blood Donor to an Organization, and a Contributor, and a Worker, and a Published Newspaper Article Writer, and a Published Writer, and a Writer.
CD121F. There are Many Movies that I choose Not to watch, including a Film about Cannibals.
In one of My Writings, The Instructor and Teacher of The School’s Journalism Class, said to The Students, paraphrasing, “We are then Playing for Keeps.” Play for Keeps (PFK). Plays for Keeps (PFK). Playing for Keeps (PFK). Played for Keeps (PFK). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD122F. Reminder. Reminders.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD122F2. Recommend. Recommends. Recommending. Recommended. Recommendation. Recommendations. Recommender. Recommenders.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD122F3. Review. Reviews. Reviewing. Reviewed. Reviewer. Reviewers.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD123F. Scale. Scales. Scaling. Scaled. Scaler. Scalers. Magnitude. Magnitude. A Question of Scale. A Question of Magnitude. Order of Magnitude. A Question of Proportion. Proportion. Proportions. Proportionate. Proportionately. Compare to [ ]. Compares to [ ]. Comparing to [ ]. Compared to [ ]. Comparison to [ ]. Comparable to [ ]. Comparably to [ ].
Compare. Compares. Comparing. Compared. Comparison. Comparable. Comparably.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD124F. There have been, of course, Many Psychological Experiments, such as Ivan Pavlov’s Salivating Dogs’ Experiments, which helped Measure Conditioning – A Bell would be Rung, and then food would often be given to The Dogs.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man put on a Blue Bib that had the following Wrote on it, “This is My Blue Bib that I am Wearing.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “The Unique Way that Tree’s Branches go inwards and then outwards -- that They zigzag back and forth -- indicate to Me and to Many Others, that The Tree was probably Trained: that is, that its Branches were Designed to have that Unique Pattern. And Many other Things in Life, and Many People, indicate that They were Designed to be that Way. And it would be Highly Unlikely that Many other Things, and Many People, Happened by Accident. And Many Things, and Many People, show an Intelligent Design. And Many Things, and Many People, show that They Were Created by a Creator. And Many Things, and Many People, show that They Were Created by a Creator for Good Purposes.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “What a Big Difference the Letter ‘R’ Makes in The Words ‘Friend’ and ‘Friends’ ”.
And More News from Around The World:
From “Ted Lieu Says Congress Will Start Impeachment Process If Trump Fires Investigators”.
From “Camille Cosby blasts judge, district attorney”.
From The “One dead, several sickened after UES Legionnaires outbreak”.
From “Conway: 'If I Were Shot and Killed' Half of Twitter Would 'Explode in Applause and Excitement' ”.
From “Several sailors' bodies found on stricken Navy destroyer”.
From “Toobin on Trump investigation: I told you so”.
From “Venezuela mobs kick, burn thieves in lynching epidemic”.
From “15 Things You Don't Know About Chick-Fil-A”.
From “Why Couldn’t the Cosby Jury Reach a Verdict? Legal Experts Assess”.
From “Navy fighter pilot deaths tied to oxygen issues”.
From “Six People Have Resigned From Trump's HIV/AIDS Advisory Council Because He ‘Doesn't Care’ ”.
From “Rodman returns from North Korea; trip goes by without incident”.
From “Egypt sentences 30 to death over attack”.
From “10 Airline Perks You Probably Didn't Know Exist”.
From “700K pounds of Chef Boyardee, other brands by Conagra recalled”.
From “U.S. conducts operation against al-Shabab in Somalia, Pentagon says”.
From “US conducts 'precision airstrikes' in Somalia under expanded authority”.
There are, of course, Many Books, including The Book called, "Go Quietly...or Else" by Spiro Agnew.
From “Jeff Sessions promises not to target Robert Mueller: It wouldn’t be 'appropriate for me to do' ”.
From The “Opinion | What Romney should tell Trump”.
From The “Trump is officially under investigation. How did we get here?”.
From “Trump says he's under investigation, takes swipe at Rosenstein”.
From “Gymboree Is Filing For Bankruptcy And Closing Up to 450 Stores”.
From “Trump tweets obstruction of justice reports are ‘phony’ ”.
From The “Some of China's richest and most powerful men have mysteriously vanished”.
From “GOP senator: Trump should not have discussed Flynn probe with Comey”.
From “Sessions: FBI Probe of Clinton's Emails Should Not Have Been Publicly Discussed”.
From “What's not discussed in health care”.
From “Girl, 12, uses 'Hunger Games' first aid to save friend”.
From “Rep. Gutiérrez calls Trump a con artist”.
From “(Some) Puerto Ricans vote for US statehood”.
From The “Danica Patrick Responds to Booing Fans: 'I'm a Person, Too. I Have Feelings.' ”.
From “Mysterious Mazes Streak Saturn's Moon Titan”.
From “NIH Scientists Identify Potent Antibody that Neutralizes Nearly All HIV Strains”.
From “Supreme Court could tackle partisan gerrymandering in watershed case”.
From “Man Freed After 17 Years in Jail When Cops Find His Doppelganger Who Shares The Same Name”.
From “Republicans urge Trump on tapes; Sessions to testify Tues”.
From “Collins: Trump should give a 'yes or no' on tapes”.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to Person 12D, “You should Tie Your Shoes, so that You don’t Trip.” And Person 12D said, “Is Tying My Shoes Legal?! And I have to look up the Relevant Laws in order to find out if I can Tie My own Shoes. And I cannot think on My Own, and I can’t make My Own Observations, and I cannot Connect The Dots, and I cannot Connect The Metaphorical Dots, and I can’t Decide, and I can’t Think, and I can’t Make any Decision, and I can’t do Anything, and I can’t Do Any Action, and I can’t Make any Decisions, without First knowing if Everything has been Approved by a State or National Legislature, or a Court of Law. Does that Make Sense? Of course it Does Not. And is that Rational or Logical? Of course Not. And Father God Gave Me a Brain and a Mind for a Reason. And there is also Rationality and Common Sense (CS). And I can, for example, Connect The Metaphorical Dots. And I can, for example, Connect The Dots. And I can Think. And I can make My Own Observations. And I can have My Own Opinions. And I do Not have to ask Permission in order to Know the Truth. And I have a Brain. And I have a Mind.”
There are Many Interesting Songs to Listen to, including Kelly Clarkson’s Song called, “Dark Side,” and The Song called, “Just Like You,” from The Band named “Three Days Grace”.
And More of My Writings:
CD125F. What Happened? What did Not Happen? What Occurred? What did Not Occur? What was Said? What was Not Said? What did that Involve? What was Involved in that? What did that Not Involve? What was Not Involved in that? What was The Process? What was Not The Process? What was Present? What was Not Present? What was Absent? What was Not Absent? Please Describe what Happened. [ ]. [ ]. Please Describe what did Not Happen. [ ]. [ ]. What went Wrong? What did Not go Wrong? What went Right? What did Not go Right? What was True? What was Not True? What was Accurate? What was Not Accurate? What was Correct? What was Not Correct? What was False? What was Not False? What was Good? What was Not Good? What was Bad? What was Not Bad? What should be Corrected? What should Not be Corrected? What is the Estimated Likelihood of that Occurring? What is the Estimated Likelihood of that Occurring in an Estimated Percentage? What is the Estimated Likelihood of that Not Occurring? What is the Estimated Likelihood of that Not Occurring in an Estimated Percentage? What should be Different? What should Not be Different? What do You know about that? What do You Not know about that? What is Your Belief about that? What is Not Your Belief about that? What is Your Opinion about that? What is Not Your Opinion about that? What does The View Look like? What does The View Look like Holistically? What does The View Not Look like? What does The View Not Look like Holistically? What does that Look like? What does that Look like Holistically? What does that Not Look like? What does that Not Look like Holistically? What is The Contingency Plan? What are The Contingency Plans? About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD126F. What is The Big Picture? What does The Big Picture Look Like? What is The Picture? What does The Picture Look Like? What is Important? What is Very Important? What is Extremely Important? What is Vital? What is Needed for Life? What is Lifesaving? What is a Priority? What is a High Priority? What does that Look like? What does that Section Look like? What does that Part Look like? What does that Portion Look like? What is The Description? What are The Descriptions? What is The Overview? What is Your Experience with that? What are Your Experiences? What are You Skilled at? What are You Good at Doing? What are You Talented at? What do You have Experience with? What do You want to Accomplish? What is Your Opinion? What are Your Opinions? What do You Know? What do You Think? What have You Observed? What have You Heard? What have You Seen? What do You Believe? What is The Goal? What is Your Goal? What is a Consequence? What are The Consequences? What do You like about That Person? And What do You like about That? What do You Think about That Person? And What do You Think about that? What do You Believe about that Person? And What do You Believe about that? What do You Know about that Person? And What do You know about that? What would You like Someone to Know? What would You like Me to Know? What would You like to Say to Someone? What would You like to Say to Me?
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD127F. What is Not The Big Picture? What does The Big Picture Not Look Like? What is Not The Picture? What does The Picture Not Look Like? What is Not Important? What is Not Very Important? What is Not Extremely Important? What is Not Vital? What is Not Needed for Life? What is Not Lifesaving? What is Not a Priority? What is Not a High Priority? What does that Not Look like? What does that Section Not Look like? What does that Part Not Look like? What does that Portion Not Look like? What is Not The Description? What are Not The Descriptions? What is Not The Overview? What is Not Your Experience with that? What are Not Your Experiences? What are You Not Skilled at? What are You Not Good at Doing? What are You Not Talented at? What do You Not have Experience with? What do You Not want to Accomplish? What is Not Your Opinion? What are Not Your Opinions? What do You Not Know? What do You Not Think? What have You Not Observed? What have You Not Heard? What have You Not Seen? What do You Not Believe? What is Not The Goal? What is Not Your Goal? What is Not a Consequence? What are Not The Consequences? What do You Not like about That Person? And What do You Not like about That? What do You Not Think about That Person? And What do You Not Think about that? What do You Not Believe about that Person? And What do You Not Believe about that? What do You Not Know about that Person? And What do You Not know about that?
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News from Around The World:
From The “NASA has discovered hundreds of potential new planets -- and 10 may be like Earth”.
From “Martha Stewart uses this secret ingredient for the best grilled cheese ever”.
From “Friend: Comey experienced 'grotesque impropriety' from Trump”.
From “Jay Z Comes Out of Retirement Yet Again to Release New '4:44' Album: Details!”
From “79 now believed to have died in London high-rise fire”.
From “Former UFC fighter Tim Hague dies from injuries sustained in boxing knockout loss”.
From “Dr. Livingstone, I Presume?”
From Phrases.Org.UK: “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” - the meaning and origin of this phrase.
From “BOOM!! Protesters INTERRUPT Trump Assassination Play RUSH STAGE Screaming Goebbels Would Be Proud!”
From “Prince of Hearts: William Breaks Royal Protocol and Hugs Victim of Deadly London Fire”.
From “CNN, NYT, USA Today sue FBI over Comey memos”.
From “Pentagon: US shoots down Syrian aircraft for first time”.
From “A pro-Trump group is using Obama's voice out of context in radio ad for Georgia's special election”.
From “North Korea accuses US authorities of 'mugging' at New York City airport”.
From “Iran fires missiles into Syria in revenge for attacks”.
From The “Megyn Kelly Presses Alex Jones on Conspiracy Theories in NBC Interview”.
From The “London fire death toll climbs to 30, but authorities say it's likely to go higher”.
From “Sean Hannity's conspiracy theory puts pressure on Fox”.
From “Bill O'Reilly Has a Thoroughly Bonkers New Conspiracy Theory About Why He Was Fired from Fox News”.
From The “Hong Kong biotech start-up claims world first in stem cell treatment of Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s diseases”.
From “Antibodies from Ebola survivor could lead to treatments and vaccines”.
From “Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for treatment of multiple sclerosis”.
From “Stem-cell therapy”.
From “The Power of Stem Cells”.
From “Novel monoclonal antibodies show promise for Alzheimer's disease treatment: Parkinson's disease may also be treated with potential therapy”.
From The “Antibody Therapy Creates New Opportunities For Treating Brain Diseases”.
From “Stories that caught our eye: An antibody that could make stem cell research safer; scientists prepare for clinical trial for Parkinsons disease; and the stem cell scientist running for Congress”.
From “Antibodies from Ebola survivor could lead to treatments and vaccines”.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man named Harry -- who was also The God Father (GF) of Harriet -- said to Harriet, “And to You, My God Daughter, I give You this Christmas Gift.” And Harriet opened The Gift, and it was a Framed Photograph. And Harriet said, “Thank You so Much, Harry. It is a Beautiful Photo, and I know that it is also Very Valuable. And what a Nice Looking, and a Good Looking, Photograph. But I can’t Accept this Picture.” And Harry said, “Why?” And Harriet replied, “Because I have to Know Absolutely EVERYTHING about this Photograph before I can accept it. And, while I know quite a lot about it, I do Not know EXACTLY how much it weighs, and until I know EXACTLY how much this Photograph weighs, I can Not accept it.” And Harry said, “Ok, let’s see. Ok, here is a scale, and The Photograph, and The Frame that The Photo is in, weighs 12 and a Half Pounds.” And Harriet said, “That is Not Good Enough. And how do I know that that Scale is 100 Percent Accurate in Weighing That Picture? Why don’t You Understand that Someone Must Know Absolutely Everything about Something before someone can Make a Decision? You Must Know Everything. And You Must Know Everything before You can Act. And Do You think that I have some Personal Issues to Work Through?”
Some More Information about Me:
My God Father is My Uncle Marlin, and He -- like Many of My other Family Members (FM) -- was in The US Military. And My God Mother is Nancy, who is also a Family Friend.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Secretary at The Doctor’s Office said, “Mr. Bernard Beard, The Doctor will See You Now. And it looks like You forgot to Bring Your Beard.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “One of My Family Members (FM) told Me that when She Learned about a Certain Disease Many Years ago, She had come to The Logical Conclusion, and that She had Thought, that that Disease would have been Officially Much More Widespread than it Currently is.”
And More of My Writings:
CD128F. Grade. Grades. Grading. Gradings. Graded. Grader. Graders. On a Scale of 0 to 4, with 4 being The Highest, and Decimals can also be used: so, for example, something can be graded 2.1 or 3.1 out of a possible 4.0, or something can be given a Letter Grade, such as a D+ or a C- or a C or a B+ or an A- or an A or an A+. And someone can Look Cumulatively. For example, there is The Cumulative GPA. And someone can also Look Holistically. And someone can also Look at The Big Picture (BP).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD129F. Evaluate. Evaluates. Evaluating. Evaluated. Evaluation. Evaluations. Evaluator. Evaluators. On a Scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being The Highest.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD130F. Analyze. Analyzes. Analyzing. Analyzed. Analyst. Analysts. Analysis. On a Scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being The Highest. And there is Subjective Analysis. And there is Objective Analysis. And there is Both Subjective and Objective Analysis. And there is also, for example, Historical Analysis. And the Context of Something is also often Important, of course.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD131F. Review. Reviews. Reviewing. Reviewed. Reviewer. Reviewers. And Both Quantitative (for example, Numbers and Percentages) and Qualitative (for example, Opinions) Reviews and Evaluations can, of course, be Used. And Both Objective and Subjective Reviews and Evaluations can, of course, be Used.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
It is Not Really a Big Deal -- and it’s Not Very Important -- and One of The Food Products that I bought, which is a Certain Brand of Peanut Butter, has The Expiration Date of November 2617. This is Probably a Typo. No Harm, No Foul.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Host at a Restaurant said, “Theodore and Helen, Your Table is Ready.” And Theodore and Helen got Up, and The Host said, “Wait a Second! Let Me Check this out and Review this. And something doesn’t Metaphorically Smell Right about this. And there is a Metaphorical Odor about this. And something smells Fishy about this. And I am Suspicious about this. Ok. Ok. Your initials are ‘TH,’ correct?” And Theodore said, “Yes, ‘T’ for Theodore, and ‘H’ for Helen.” And The Host said, “Sir and Madame, We unfortunately cannot Serve You at this Restaurant, as We have a Strict Policy of only Serving People whose initials spell The Word, ‘THE,’ and Yours only spell, ‘TH,’ and You can sort of know and tell that We have this Policy by the Fact that only Thomas, Hank, and Eleanor are Eating and Drinking here right Now.”
And Here is another Joke that I Wrote, entitled, “Many Victories and Many Wins, and Some Losses, which is Normal”:
The Man said to an Audience and a Crowd, “And I am Pleased to announce that Your Senator has been elected to Serve a Second Term. And Here He is to give a Speech, and to Respond to Your Questions.”
And The Senator said, “It was a Hard Fought Campaign, and I am Honored to have been Elected to Serve and Represent You in The Senate. Are there any Questions that You would like Me to Try to Answer?”
And a Man got up and He said, “My name is Leo, and I would like to know why you did Not win The Majority of Voters in Every single District during Your Campaign for Senator.”
And The Senator said, “Thank You for the Question. You know, as the saying goes, ‘You win some, You lose some.’ And many People who are 21 years and older have Failed at something during Their Lifetime. Maybe they didn’t win that Particular Game. Or Maybe they had a Failure here, there, or elsewhere. But they picked themselves up, and They Won Elsewhere. And They have had Success and Victory Elsewhere. And They Won Elsewhere. And, as The saying goes, They may have Lost that Battle, but They Won That War. And -- Looking Cumulatively and Holistically, and Looking at The Big Picture -- while I did Not succeed at Everything, and while I did Not get Everyone’s Vote, I am Glad to have been Elected to be Your Senator. And I plan to Serve My Second Term in The Senate with The Dignity and Honor that that Office Deserves. Thank You.”
And The Audience then applauded.
And Leo then said something else, “Yes, Senator, You won. But You didn’t Win at Everything. And You didn’t get the Majority of Votes here,” and Leo pointed at a Map, “And, while there are Many Pictures, including there being the so-called ‘Big Picture,’ the fact that You didn’t succeed at 100 Percent of Everything is The only Picture that matters to Me. And I fully Expected You to be The First Person in History to be Successful and Win at EVERY single thing 100 Percent of The Time. What?! What, do You think that I have too High of Expectations? And do You think that I’m being Unrealistic about this?”
And More News from Around The World:
From “Overturned oil tanker explodes in Pakistan, killing 129”.
From “The Latest: Death toll from Pakistan attacks climbs to 73”.
From “Protesters, Security Forces Clash Again in Venezuela”.
From “Dog snack dupes dozens of parents, store apologises”.
From “Bomber planning to attack Mecca's Grand Mosque blows himself up”.
From The “Coffee-seeking 81-year-old leads Denton police on low-speed chase”.
From “Is Troy True? The Evidence Behind Movie Myth”.
From “Headlines that shaped history -”.
From “Camera reveals pics of Mount St. Helens eruption”.
From The “Basketball Star Dies of Cancer Day Before HS Graduation”.
From “Divine Comedy”.
From “Message in a bottle discovered after 36 years”.
From “Timeline: Britney's Meltdown”.
From The “Powerful quake shakes Guatemala and El Salvador, no casualties...”.
From The “How Trumps dubious claims make the entire government react”.
From The “EXCLUSIVE - Ousted FBI director James Comey visits The New York Times”.
From The “Johnny Depp slams Donald Trump at Glastonbury and asks: 'When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?' ”.
From The “George Orwell's son says his father's '1984' was 'prescient' ”.
From “Prince Harry: No royal wants to be king or queen”.
From “Pelosi: I Am a 'Target' Because I Am a 'Master Legislator,' 'Politically Astute Leader' ”.
From “Dismissal of James Comey”.
From “White House Warns Reporters Not to Report on Instructions About Not Reporting on Thursday's Press Conference”.
From The “Canadian sniper kills an ISIS fighter from TWO MILES away”.
From “Man struck by two trains in Portland suffers life-threatening injuries”.
From The “Selective targeting of primary and secondary nucleation pathways in A42 aggregation using a rational antibody scanning method”.
From The “Disney becomes the Orlando Magic's jersey sponsor”.
From “Modern day slavery - Supply Chains”.
From “Dashcam video shows moments leading to death of Philando Castile”.
From “Zika-bearing mosquitoes more widespread in U.S. than expected”.
From “Prince Harry On His Panic Attacks: 'We're All Mental'
From The “Pass the valium: U.S. anxiety levels climb faster than rest of the world”.
From “James Corden Sends Trump 297 Copies of 'Philadelphia' to Teach Him About HIV, AIDS (Video)”.
From “Independent group releases new report on Seth Rich's murder investigation”.
From “Friend: Comey experienced 'grotesque impropriety' from Trump”.
From “Martha Stewart uses this secret ingredient for the best grilled cheese ever”.
From The “NASA has discovered hundreds of potential new planets and 10 may be like Earth”.
In one of My Sci-Fi Books that I am Writing, entitled, “The Chalice and The Lynchpin,” The Man said to another Man, “He is The Chalice. And He is also The Lynchpin that Holds Important Things Together. And He was Created in order, for example, to Produce Medicines from His Antibodies. And from Him, for instance, We get Antibodies that are Needed for Many of Our Lifesaving Medicines. And without those Medicines, and without His Antibodies, We would quickly pass away from Diseases, such as Viruses. And if He were to pass away, and Not be Revived, within about 9 Seconds, Many of Our Robots, and Many of Our Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Many of Our Computer Systems (CS), and Much of Our Software, and Many of Our Analysts, and Many of Our Members, would be Extremely Alarmed at what would Occur – and, for example, Our Systems Needed for Life would begin to Fail. And, if The Chalice were Not to be Revived from The Dead, within about Three Minutes there would be Widespread System Failures, and Many of Our People would begin to Pass Away. Organ Failures. Extreme Hunger. Extreme Thirst. Disease. Diseases. And, if The Chalice were Not to be Revived from The Dead, within about Six Minutes there would be Widespread Chaos and Death. Death. Extreme Pain. Extremely Painful. Extremely Painful Death. Writhing in Extreme Pain. The Death Rattles of Men and Women. The Death Throes of Men and Women. Death Rattles. Death Throes. And, if The Chalice were Not to be Revived, within about Nine Minutes all would be Lost. The Deluge would occur. The Deluge (TD). The Deluge. Everyone would Pass Away, and We would Not like how that would occur. And There would be No Second Chances. The Shows would Permanently End. Our Lives would End. We would be Dead. Our Lives would Forever End. And We would be Forever Dead. There would be Permanent Death for all of Us. Death. We would Cease to Ever Breathe Again. And We would Cease to Ever have Fun Again. And We would Cease to Breathe. And We would Cease to Have Good Times. And We would Cease to have Good Times with Family Members (FM). And There would be No More Fun. And there would be No More Fun Times (FT). And there would be No More Games. And there would be No More Entertainment. And there would be Permanent Darkness. The End (TE). The End. We would Experience Permanent Death. Death. And We would be Forever Dead. Dead. And Everything would be Forever Lost.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote –
The Man Randomly went up to Several People at a Party, and He said to each of Them, “I have Flied First Class on an Airplane Before. And I have been on both a Bus and a Train. And I have also been blessed to have ate Good Foods. And I have also drank a lot of drinks during My Lifetime, including Champagne, Wine – Red and White – Sodas, Juices, Coffee, Whisky, Scotch, Vodka, Gin, Beers, Cocktails, Tequila, Rum, Margarita, (Hard) Cider, et cetera. And I thought You should Know this and these things. See You Later. And See You Soon too.”
And some More of My Writings:
Beliefs. Believe. Believes. Believing. Believed.
Content of The Bible. Contents of The Bible.
Content of The Scriptures. Contents of The Scriptures.
Contents. Content of (The). Contents of (The).
Realities. Reality of (The). Realities of (The).
(The) Real Definition (TRD and RD). (The) Real Definitions (TRD and RD).
Perceptions. Perception of (The). Perceptions of (The).
World View. World Views.
Facts. Factual.
Truth. Truths. Truthful.
Falsehood. Falsely.
Perceives. Perceived. Perceiving.
Happens. Happened. Happening.
Corrects. Corrected. Correcting. Correctly.
Incorrectly. Uncorrected.
The Person said, “I Believe You.”
The Person said, “I do Not Believe that is Correct.”