Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵


Professor of Religion and Global Security, RCAST Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. Islam & the Middle East studies.

Joined May 2015


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    Aug 17

    Description of my 2015 book on ISIS, which made an accidental and unfortunate blockbuster in Japan, caught in the middle of the political controversy surrounding the hostage crisis in Syria.

  2. 12 minutes ago

    i agree with Soner. Perhaps add 1 more point. 5- Assad keeps YPG in the game in the long run to unsettle Turkey. i dont shaking hands will allow Erdogan and Assad to return to status quo ante bellum.

  3. How I see Ankara-Damascus deal in Syria shaping up: 1. Assad turns the YPG off 2. Turkey agrees to eventually vacate Syria 3. Assad agress to take some refugees from Turkey (into Turkish-controlled regions eventually to come under his control) 4. Ankara shakes Damascus’ hand

  4. UAE moving towards settling differences with Iran: official

  5. Turkish broadcasters say meeting between Erdogan and Pence is over. Lasted 1 hour and 40 minutes. Outcome unclear

  6. 中東の論理で米国の政治外交をやる人が現れるとは、想定の範囲外でした…

  7. 3 hours ago

    U.S. wants the Saudi Arabia to connect its air-defense arsenal to U.S. system in the region

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  9. 3 hours ago

    In Iraq, concern that Syria chaos would bring back IS

  10. Trump has pulled troops out of Syria and added forces to Saudi Arabia, drastically shifting U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, Bilal Y. Saab writes.

  11. If graduates from these classrooms think that Jihadists are yogists, Ikhwan are reformers, Khomeinists are progressives, or if they don't know who the Kurds, Persians, Arabs or Turks are, then of course our public and Gov would believe anything they are told by interest groups.

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  12. Most of the students who attended MidEast studies in the US over the past 30 years were indoctrinated or disoriented by Ikhwan and Iran lobbies. And those who didn't attend such classes have no idea who's who in that region nor what to do about it. The classroom is the genesis

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  13. The US armed and funded extremists in Syria to overthrow the Syrian government and the media cheered. Those same extremists then attacked the Kurds on Turkey’s behalf to the horror of the same media. Now what?

  14. 6 hours ago


  15. Turkey's Erdogan plays Trump and Putin as he tries to remake the Middle East, writes . The Turkish president was able to end the U.S. partnership with his arch enemy, the Kurds, by leveraging Trump and Putin against each other in Syria.

  16. Oct 16

    Region’s President Barzani meets with the leadership of all political parties to discuss the current situation in northern Syria. All parties have come to an agreement to pursue a policy that protects the entity of KRG and interests of its people.

  17. 11 hours ago


  18. Oct 15

    The Halkbank indictment claims, in essence, that Erdogan and his son-in-law ran the biggest money laundering operation of Turkish history. But Turkey’s press can’t report this or pursue the facts itself—for now.

  19. The fate of national identities in the Middle East: A failed imitation - by Mehmet Fahri Danış | DS Opinion

  20. 13 hours ago


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