Implement dark mode styles for the /upgrades page
- Designs (@michaelfbradley)
Dev Tasks (- Per-theme non-interchangeable color rules
- Per-theme decoration files
changed milestone to %/Upgrades #mvp
added Priority::1 - High Product::Pro Sprint::10/09 - Pink Panther Status::Design Type::Feature scoped labels
changed weight to 2
changed time estimate to 3h
- Developer
Hey @edgebal - you can see below my first pass for dark mode stylings.
marked the task Designs (@michaelfbradley) as completed
added Status::Backlog scoped label and automatically removed Status::Design label
unassigned @michaelfbradley
changed the description
added Status::InProgress scoped label and automatically removed Status::Backlog label
added 45m of time spent at 2019-10-09
added Status::Review scoped label and automatically removed Status::InProgress label
added 2h of time spent at 2019-10-10
removed time spent
added 2h of time spent at 2019-10-10