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Incorporating feedback in your pull request

If reviewers give you feedback on a pull request, you can incorporate it manually and accept suggested changes automatically.

Applying suggested changes

Other people can suggest specific changes to your pull request. You can apply these suggested changes directly in a pull request if you have write access to the repository. If the pull request was created from a fork and the author allowed edits from maintainers, you can also apply suggested changes if you have write access to the upstream repository. For more information, see "Commenting on a pull request" and "Allowing changes to a pull request branch created from a fork."

To quickly incorporate more than one suggested change into a single commit, you can also apply suggested changes as a batch. Applying one suggested change or a batch of suggested changes creates a single commit on the compare branch of the pull request.

Each person who suggested a change included in the commit will be a co-author of the commit. The person who applies the suggested changes will be a co-author and the committer of the commit. For more information about the term committer in Git, see "Git Basics - Viewing the Commit History" from the Pro Git book site.

  1. Under your repository name, click Pull requests.

    Issues and pull requests tab selection

  2. In the list of pull requests, click the pull request you'd like to apply a suggested change to.

  3. Navigate to the first suggested change you'd like to apply.

    • To apply the change in its own commit, click Commit suggestion.
      Commit suggestion button
    • To add the suggestion to a batch of changes, click Add suggestion to batch. Continue to add the suggested changes you want to include in a single commit. When you've finished adding suggested changes, click Commit suggestions.
      Add suggestion to batch button
  4. In the commit message field, type a short, meaningful commit message that describes the change you made to the file or files.

    Commit message field

  5. Click Commit changes.

    Commit changes button

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