Diane Lockyer


Multilateralism for a world in turmoil Stability for NW Syria La Syrie pour les syriens

Corsica France
Joined September 2011


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    6 hours ago

    TNT Video Hamaad Adoub was forcibly displaced from Hassakeh when took control in 2015 He's now in nthn Aleppo 100% with Turkey and SNA hoping it will enable him to return to his hometown Arisa and live in peace and security via

  2. Retweeted
    6 minutes ago
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  3. 13 minutes ago

    So much for brave Assad regime soldiers speeding away in infamous as they escape from the area they had advanced to in the Western countryside of via

  4. 22 minutes ago

    BREAKING Syrian National Forces have taken control of 2 villages - Al Yashel and Dandliya - in northern countryside of Battles ongoing for Gat village via

  5. 26 minutes ago

    BREAKING Thousands of Syrian National Army forces and Turkish soldiers launched their military operation on Manbij an hour ago advancing on four axes along Sajur River nth of City via

  6. 56 minutes ago

    Paris va annoncer des mesures pour assurer la protection des forces spéciales françaises dans le nord de la Syrie via @

  7. Retweeted
    5 hours ago

    The 's long history of working with by and through the Assad regime

  8. Retweeted
    5 hours ago

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has signaled that Turkish troops and their Syrian opposition allies are ready to launch an assault on the Syrian-Kurdish held city of Manbij.

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  9. Retweeted
    5 hours ago
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  10. Retweeted
    21 hours ago

    To be clear: I am 100% in favor of complete equality for Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Armenians, Christians, Alawites, Sunnis etc ... But the SDF/YPG/PKK heroes was a fiction! And now the roosters r coming home ... I support 1 Syrian Free state that disregards ethnic heritage

  11. Retweeted
    19 hours ago
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    Here's a response to you from a Syrian. I'd also add that since Obama found Putin a "constructive partner" on Syria & threw its people under the bus, I hope he & you are suitably grateful for Putin's "constructive partnership" with Trump on the USA & the rest of the world.

  12. Retweeted
    19 hours ago

    I can. Building up the PKK along NATO's So. perimeter -- for starters. Then there's allying w/IRGC militias in Iraq. Working w/Russia & the Assad regime to pacify the Syrian opposition. Making a deal w/Iran that did not achieve its stated aims while vastly increasing its power.

  13. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    Turkey is a NATO ally Assad is a war criminal Russia is a rogue state Iran is a terrorist state PKK/SDF/YPG is a terror group

  14. Retweeted

    I really dont understand this. While Mr. Failed Lawrence of Arabia and Obama diplomats were the very reason why the situation in the Northern Syria came to this level, he is still applauded by the same people he actually deceived and lied to. Can't get it!

  15. Retweeted

    Well NYT journo , since you’ve got 5k retweets, would you mind telling us name of a single journalist killed in the strike? Image of a wounded journo would do too.

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  16. Retweeted
    12 hours ago

    I really don’t want to hear Democrats talk about national security for a long time.

  17. Retweeted
    13 hours ago

    Well look at that!! Arabs are ready for democracy after all! The most democratic country in the Middle East turns out to be Tunisia! Congratulations to Tunisians!!

  18. Retweeted

    Many Syrians are terrified of the incoming regime forces. Can be assured once the regime is back in town the arrest campaigns will begin. Thousands will disappear in torture prisons like Sadnaya, only to be confirmed dead years later.

  19. 8 hours ago

    Pourquoi les médias français n'admettent pas au nord est de la cible pas les kurdes Mon ami de a combattu Daech et le régime a Alep Il ne peut pas rentrer chez lui depuis 6 ans sa vie est en danger à cause du PYD comme d'autres

  20. 9 hours ago

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