Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵


Professor of Religion and Global Security, RCAST Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. Islam & the Middle East studies.

Joined May 2015


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Aug 17

    Description of my 2015 book on ISIS, which made an accidental and unfortunate blockbuster in Japan, caught in the middle of the political controversy surrounding the hostage crisis in Syria.

  2. Oct 12

    Excellent new report on the Islamic State portrays a weak group whose remnants struggle to overcome structural impediments in Iraq, but may find space to rebound in a Syria torn up by resurgent conflict. via

  3. 3 minutes ago

    Daesh is clearly struggling to come back, but recruiting due to desperation and unresolved political issues in the region. The Turkish incursion adds uncertainty and doesn’t improve the situation. Important new report on the situation.

  4. Why is Turkey attacking Kurds in Syria? Who are the YPG, the SDF and the PKK? All your questions answered here:

  5. “Whatever happens in the near future, there can be no going back to the status quo that obtained only a few decades ago, before the United States’ interventions in the region set the Kurds on a fundamentally new path.”

  6. Undo
  7. Syrian government troops already moving north to Kobane, according to reports

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  8. 1 hour ago

    Hearing it’s a much, *much* wider deal than just those two cities. Not sure when it will be announced though

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  9. 1 hour ago

    Coalition contact confirms SDF have made a deal with the Syrian government. The last few days have been brutal. Mazloum met with the Russians. It is unclear at this stage whether it's just for Manbij and Kobane or a much-wider deal.

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  10. After the harm done to civilians this is increasingly their only option; forced into this by a US policy that borders on nonsensical and has opened the door to massive harm in just a few days ; destruction of an area that was peaceful for years

  11. US troop pullout from northern Syria doesn’t mean they’re exiting completely. A coalition source says: “Key word is 'northern'. We're getting troops out of the way of the Turks, not evacuating Syria as a whole” (But - as this is a Trump decision - I guess no one really knows)

  12. The United States under President Trump: our foreign policy for sale, our allies betrayed, our military ordered to retreat, and our nation humiliated.

  13. Although protesters have the support of much of the younger generation, they are largely disorganized with no central leadership.

  14. 1 hour ago


  15. Vital we withdraw nuclear weapons from Turkey. NATO should administratively cut links to their armed forces. Erdogan an authoritarian threat to his own people and his NATO allies.

  16. 3 hours ago
    Replying to

    Here is the problem: Turkey received the blessing of the president of the United States of America before it started its onslaught. So what's this "US" that should now take anti-Turkey steps? Our problem starts at the top here at home.

  17. Long overdue to give up fiction that Erdogan’s Turkey is an ally in practice. US should withdraw all nuclear weapons, reduce reliance on Turkey’s bases, and restrict intelligence sharing and arms sales. Should also articulate red lines in Syria.

  18. LATEST on Syria: • SDF/YPG made a deal with Assad regime - • Assad to take control of Manbij, Kobane within 48 hours (Multiple sources) • Regime is already on the move towards Manbij (Sputnik) • Erdogan doesn’t take Trump’s sanctions threats seriously

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  19. 3 hours ago

    BREAKING: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has asked Turkish President Erdogan in a phone call to bring an immediate halt to military operations in northern Syria, according to a German government spokeswoman.

  20. 2 hours ago


  21. 4 hours ago

    Tangible economic benefits as a result of the - bromance are wishful thinking now or in the foreseeable future. They are not inconceivable in the long term should the reassess its national security objectives, particularly vis-à-vis the .


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