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I usually try to play BoxVR 4 to 5 times a week with a day break in between workouts. I generally try to do the 20 min workouts, and for me, this can burn anywhere between 300 to 700 calories at a time. With my new lifestyle, I’ve noticed I have much more energy than before and I also feel much better overall. Read more: Tyler Loses 65 Pounds With BOX VR
Thank you for a really great product. I’ve been playing BoxVR for the past 2 weeks with a 30 weight vest and the results have been amazing. One of my favorite ways to keep my heart rate over 150 for long periods of time. Just an outstanding way to work up a sweat... thank you!
Nothing has motivated me more to do cardio consistently than this game! 🤩Within 5 days I played BoxVR for an average of 30 minutes a day and burned close to 1000 calories. 🔥🔥🔥
I can confirm this 'game' will make you sweat. @weareFitXR have done a brilliant job.
So, I’ve started working out in VR lately. Who would have guessed it?. . BoxVR on the @oculus Quest is such a fun way to sweat it out!
I used to be the complete opposite of someone into fitness. I wouldn’t even go out for walks, and my last intense exercise was maybe at school - over 10 years ago. However, when I finished my first short workout on BoxVR, I felt fresh and my body was fired up. At first, I found it tough to complete a 30 min workout, but now I can finish a 60 min workout easily. My cardio fitness has definitely got a lot better and, in the process, BoxVR has become my most favourite VR title.
Bought #boxvr by @weareFitXR on a whim because I wanted something different. Holy moly is that a work out! One hour done and I'm a dripping mess. More of that tomorrow please!
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