Superstore Season 5 Episode 2 Review: Testimonials

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Amy is determined to get Mateo out on bond on Superstore Season 5 Episode 2.

But when it comes to the detention process, Superstore isn't cutting any corners and it's clear that the writers are trying to make the situation as realistic as possible.

Related: Superstore Season 5 Episode 1 Review: Cloud 9.0

Mateo's "employee of the month" status isn't going to be enough to get him out of his current predicament, so Amy does her best to work with Mateo's lawyer and explain that he's more than just a critical asset to the Cloud 9 team. 

Mateo's Return - Superstore Season 5 Episode 2
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Superstore's decision to take the time to explain the process behind immigration bail didn't go unnoticed. 

No matter what side you're on, Superstore always presents facts when discussing political issues, and it's up to viewers what to think about them.

Mateo's current arc isn't pushing an agenda down anyone's throats. It's simply telling a story that happens to be true for many undocumented immigrants. 

Lawyer: Wait, I'm sorry. Did you say the company called ICE because you were unionizing?
Jeff: I mostly said it was Amy's fault, but yeah.
Lawyer: ICE isn't supposed to do worksite enforcement during a labor dispute. If you guys have proof that corporate ordered the raid then we might have a better chance.

If all else failed, I was hoping that someone could come in and save the day by marrying Mateo. Jeff has proven time and time again that he still harbors feelings for his ex, so it would make sense for him to step up to the plate. 

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But unfortunatly, marriage is only an option if you were legally in the country at some point, which isn't Mateo's case. 

Marriage only works if you originally came here on a visa, which Mateo did not.


Immigration is a hot topic in the U.S. and everyone has a different opinion on it, but the circumstances surrounding Mateo's possible deportation makes it hard for viewers not to be on his side. 

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Maybe that's the point. 

Break Room Festivities  - Superstore Season 5 Episode 2
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It's easy to have a stance on something when the topic doesn't hit home, but Mateo is a character the audience knows and loves.

Following his story and witnessing his struggles could serve to offer an inside perspective to some viewers, as many of us don't have to personally deal with these issues in our every day lives. 

Lawyer: Wait, I'm sorry. Did you say the company called ICE because you were unionizing?
Jeff: I mostly said it was Amy's fault, but yeah.
Lawyer: ICE isn't supposed to do worksite enforcement during a labor dispute. If you guys have proof that corporate ordered the raid then we might have a better chance.

Being brought over as a child and unaware that he was undocumented, the United States is the only home Mateo has known. Is Mateo ready to start his life all over? It's an unfortunate possibly, but we have to acknowledge that it is one. 

Bride to Be - Superstore Season 5 Episode 2
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Mateo's last-minute arrival at the end of the episode was the breath of fresh-air Superstore Season 5 Episode 2 needed. He may be out on bond thanks to Jeff, but he's not going to be able to return to Cloud 9 as an employee anytime soon. 

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But the store is like Mateo's second home, so there's no doubt that he'll be hanging around until his hearing. What would we do without Mateo there to sass the staff?

It's not over. I'm just out on bond while I go through deportation proceedings.

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Jonah's determination to throw Sandra a bachlorette party was funny, but also adorable. 

There's no doubt that Superstore has an interesting cast of characters and everyone brings something different to the table. But Jonah's morality and desire to do the right thing is often overlooked by his co-workers. 

Party Time? - Superstore Season 5 Episode 2
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Jonah is either the butt of the joke, or the straight man trying to keep everyone else in line. Viewers don't get to see Jonah in all his awkward glory very often, which is why Superstore Season 4 Episode 17 was such a treat. 

Garrett: Dude, what are you doing? You know Dina's not gonna give her a party.
Jonah: Yeah, I know. But I figured I'd just throw something together. I mean, look how happy Sandra looks. She little.
Garrett: Yeah, exactly. She doesn't expect much. You don't tell a fish about land, you just leave it. You're not gonna leave it are you?
Jonah: Nah, I'm already too excited about it.

We didn't expect Dina to throw Sandra a bachelorette party, but we're happy someone did. Jonah deserves a round of applause for indulging in the festivities.

We can only assume that eating an entire sheet cake in eight minutes is going to have dire consequences. 

Caught in the Act - Superstore Season 5 Episode 2
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Is anyone else interested to see how far Dina will go as Amy's maid of honor versus the effort she put in with Sandra?

Sandra: I thought Dina was throwing me a little engagement party, as like a maid of honor thing.
Jonah: Dina's your maid of honor?
Dina: Who else was she gonna ask? The old lady who spits at her on the bus?

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Jonah and Amy need to tie the knot so we can witness this in all its glory. 

Bachelorette Party - Superstore Season 5 Episode 2
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Speaking of Jonah and Amy, their scenes seem to be lacking in a way they never were before they became an official couple. 

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There may be more important things at hand, but Superstore Season 4 didn't provide a very good payoff for a pairing viewers waited years for. 

It's understandable that Amy and Jonah are working and want to keep things professional, but Superstore needs to give viewers something to keep them aware that the two are in a relationship.

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There are a countless number of successful comedies that took place in a workplace in which the audience got to witness the characters featured in full-blown romances. Take The Office for example, which the creator of Superstore even wrote for. 

Jim and Pam's romance wasn't over the top at work, but it was still written in a satisfying way that gave the audience a proper payoff.  

Related: How Superstore Season 4 Is Neglecting Amy and Jonah's Relationship

At the end of the day, it would be nice for Jonah and Amy to have more than just a thirty-second scene in each episode. 

Superstore has done every other storyline justice, so we have hope that they'll do the same when it comes to Amy and Jonah in the future.

Sandra, Jonah, & Garrett - Superstore Season 5 Episode 2
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But it's your turn Superstore fans! What did you think of Superstore Season 5 Episode 2? What do you think of Mateo being out on bond? Are you hoping for more Jonah and Amy scenes this season?

Hit the comments section down below and let us know!

And don't forget that if you missed the episode, you can watch Superstore online right here at TV Fanatic!

Superstore airs Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC. 

Testimonials Review

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Rachel Foertsch is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Superstore Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Marriage only works if you originally came here on a visa, which Mateo did not.


Sandra: I thought Dina was throwing me a little engagement party, as like a maid of honor thing.
Jonah: Dina's your maid of honor?
Dina: Who else was she gonna ask? The old lady who spits at her on the bus?

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